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Flesherton Advance, 19 May 1921, p. 6

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, There's Surface Insurance In Paint and Varnish More than three-quarters of n century of scientific production 4~~l "The Right Paint and Varninh to Paint 2*1 and Varnish Right" ASK YOUR DEALER pale most of Murray's. But he had i to hold hk; tongue, lest he go too far, I Kid Kol; . u ., however, was a prod- j ding voice in the silence that Carter; was trying to keep. "Why don't you tell him some of your 'speriences?" Rollins insisted. "Gawd, you've had "em." Carter would have a moment ofj hesitation, and then the voice of Mur-l ray would go smoothly on. Carter i wcu!d fidget in his chair, but he would i listen as he had bi^n listening hour by ' hour. The drinks which Murray took ' Q/P/JQPQ Sleep. lifting tray must be made of wood or metal which is raised at least one Used Autos | > K IvAK K Y SELLS THEM: UHKD cars of all type*; all cars sold ob- ject to delivery up to 300 miles, or tMt run of same distance If you wUh, In mm got/, order as purchased, or purehon price refunded. T> RING mechanic of 7onr own choie* J> to look them over, or ak u to take any car to city representatlT* for Inspection. Very large atocW always OB hand. Breakey'* Used Car Market 409 Toa* BtzMt, Nothing i rvmrn imrm-t^nt to thp ;u '" CL <" "'" ? hin K l * "V rc lm P ortant * an d one-half inches from the bottom o f the vat to prevent the jars THE AVENGER By CHARLES WESLEY SANDER. Novel Gasoline Alarm. One of the jnoet uncomfortable containers coming in direct contact! things in the world is suddenly to dis- with the heat and to permit a free-j cover, when one is motoring far from sliXaStheSKhe^oS "'* * " than sleep. Scientific was in his brain. It was amazing, : experiment has proved that it is more even to a seasoned drinker Like Carter, 'essential to life than food. Witt ^ __ _ _ _ _ ^.^^ _ , UIUUU11U6 la . lllfm what he could get away with Once proper precaution* a starving animal, circu , ation of v . ater UTuler them . A a f , gtat , that (ho ,, ne EJrS&E&F v,M n R n n \ : reC Ver , TV , 6 ', M ' ^rd can, or something of that shape, tank is empty or nearly so. Every back an- llorth wai' inJ *for someone' *", deprived of sleep w,l : ; than ton ^ it is ! automobile driver meets with an ad DatK ami loi tn wailing lor Some one /jte and in nmrh IPPS timo than it ; ilse to lead the way to the dining ! wouW take to stawc hhii The Chinese ccsior to pl * Ce Rnd reTO Ve cftr ' tamers ven(ure of this sort at one fime or an ' ..... /_. J; _^.,_. ,.* wot, .1 take to starve him. ino unmese without lneir tipping and because of other. long ago knew that truth; one of their j favorite forms of torture tipping being able to sterilize a larger num- There ought surely to be some con- of jars over one burner of a flame trivance that would give timely ad- .... , r; . L LHTl l/i JIUB vjvci Uiii: L/uilJCl \JL .: UAUIV I Liivuiii-C Uiai vtuuiU Kl*e Lillian* aU" a man forcibly awake until he either- toyc> thereby gavii>g fue , and heat I vance warning to tne motorist of saeb PART I. The man at work on the ship looked down; the man who had ., come around the corner of the build-' ing looked up. The meeting had taken place. The man on the dock was aware of climbed the hill. room; but Murray sailed directly for the door, possibly rising a' little on the swell, but no more. On the third night they had been to supper and had come back to the bar- 1 went mad or died. , p<j(>r rubbers are at the ^^ O f! a happening, room to resume their drinking. The| Many peop le are mistaken m th ink-j much cf the Mm)W and fai , ure fa | A (lev!ce new]y patented by W!I . " home canning. Never use poor rubbers! liam Grab, of Waterville, Ohio, per- e ?~iand never, no never, use old rubbers! forms this useful duty admirably. It I ft VW " I < . i [ I i ; ' , I : ! VllJIirWlIl^> 1 ! . i W*J ff^rwjntV t C 144O MWB9H *H ! pentcr, "we're going to the hotel to continue:! excesses were particularly | ing that they suffer from complete ip's side llcker "P- Sorry for you!" | noticeable on Carter and Rollins now^somnia; for "complete insomnia," lad just Murray saw the man's hands twitch Rollins was sleepily drunk, The prog- tending over any long period can ic build- and his mouth work. nosis in his case was easy. But Carter maint .,i nw i nn i v hv ,.,.. 'i aH Hot n rum!! He" nosis in his- case was easy. But Carter was exhilarated beyond the safety point. His eyes had lost some of their be! i no matter how good they look or how, is very simple, consisting of a float that fights the was exhilarated beyond 'the safety ^SS^'SSS^SfiiSi SS P r y U *** 1 ' ^ ^""'^ vege- 1 that hangs on the end of a vertical rod T of,;,i _. ilia. oottit. Hia eves had lost, some of their , V J ' furtivcne. fe was even able to , ---------- .......... _ v ._ ........ ____ this the moment he looked into the it! 'Most had the D. T.'s one night." look Murray in the eye with a kind other's eyes; the man at work on thej Murray wanted no further testi-i of , < , icfiance 1 '.. boat had no more fear of this stranger , nlon ,. Dixon dvitiir that dav three 1 Murra y ]lt nis P'Pe, gave a cigar to ! Carr than he hail of any other stranger who had caJlehi man a -rum , ha<l caJle man a rum- ; Carter ' and l_ rr f i j * ** niKr| 111 14 i_ui t. \ came upon him suddenly. Therefore. guz/!in cowarc j." Because he he went back to his work with nol ( i y j ng icon's language had more trepidation than M ha<l display- 1 ni i]<j_ ed a hundred times at similar meet-! ,.it u If he s to talk. Rollins attcmpt to rol , a cigar . ings. Murray, the man on the dock, could ! s T a have laughed. Ii was too absurd, the! l)c ri h J m ; Vlr . D . 1 ..^;' way things happened. Here he had "If he's drinking rum and looks as you tell us a s if he was afraid of his shadow, that'll! tellin' them to be him," Dixon had said. I K,,,I^,, A;H T i n |ette and slumped down into his chair. "Say," he said, as Murray present- ly paused to refill his pipe*, "why don't Carter? You was . ........ _ ......... > when I was your I buddy. Ain't I your buddy no more?" " rst flc p. r of the satlorsj He half ro^c and attempted to put -, .,,. ,,,,,,:,. ..c.c ^ ,, , . . traveled far and near, seeking his ? otel {h * r * was a uHlln K room a P. d . m , his arm across Carter's shoulder. man, and he had failed. Now he had tnat a barroom, and adjoin- Carter shook him away, and he sank come upon him in this obscure take 15? r" a lounging room. In iinto his seat again. upon port, tinkering at the side of a bat-, tere.i old freighter. ' 1 " table "' again. " wh y don't you tell us story?" .,-> ,, K , K1 ,.. inn- dUa P" !aUHl chairs. Kid Muri ay asked, and Carter heard some- He was sure he was not mistaken' 11 , 011 " 18 ' lhe - v . oun * man ,f the cheew thing in his voice which had not been '' This man tallied exact description l)ixon had given do suffer from gravely insufficient sleep. On the other hand, many peo- ple sleep too much, either because they think they need a great deal of sleep or because they have inactive brains or undeveloped consciousness. Young and healthy children, savages and all adults of low intelligence are likely to fall asleep the minute they become quiescent. So, too, persons who have anaemia or any other dis- order that checks the flow of blood to the brain sleep too much and too easily. , Should we keep the brain quiet as the normal hour of sleep approaches? That which healthy children do auto- isuihen. , f <i \ -,, t ***** " >" vuiur wiui-ii nau Iiuv ucxrn ,,H M 1|., j i* 1.111 j.1. ;tly with the l ' lut *>'''', lat '", "- of the chairs with | there bcforc some thing pregnant with m ' ltlca!| y adults should do as the re- given the day , on . ta ' ( ' t '' ' as * as ' ee P- menace, j sul't of observation and reason. Per- * K * " Vll'. ii V \ \M * l. iii\;ii^.\: after the sinking of the Fairhaven :. lu {"SSFC , (l know " "l He looked at the changed man and| sons who <'ubt their power to sleep the <Jay af-.T the night the Fairhaven! limit - an<1 Kid had practiced self- 8aw a slleer on thc thin !i ps _ Hot rum through the night should scrupulously had stood out to sea with no lights <l1 "' 111 < la y- | had weakened Carter's judgment, and refrain from heated arguments, pro- rhowine- and hail not ,-nm> ImcU Thi ."urray came out ot the barroom the words of a story that would make I longed talk of anv kind excitim? ctly. sober, and going up to .the MU,-^ S R up rush^i to his lips. Butj p^s, indigestible suppers' and te! shtxjk him by the shoulder, woke up as easily and slowly us chowing and had not come back. This man had the same stoop to his boulders, the same long arms, the same. rat-colored hair, the *>ame dry moustache, the same furtive blue eyes. The furtive- ness was marked, as Dixon had said it was marked. The man had flashed , - l " e '' H look at Murray just now, und then'" 18 hrSL drmk of rurn ' had gone (>n wiih his work as if he had not tables and meats of any kind. which passes upward through the cap What is meant by good rubbers? j of the gasoline tank and with its up- Good rubber rings are not necessarily . Per end holds suspended a ball of white, red or black. One way of test- ' metal. ing a rubber is to stretch the ring all As the surface level of the fluid in round the edge and thi-n lay it on a' the tank is lowered the float, of course fres* unstretched ring. The stretched ! descends correspondingly. The rod ring should have sprung back so as to j a " ac bed to the float descends with be of exactly the size of the un-jthe latter (through a tube) until the stretched one. Another test is to fold ; metal bal1 dangling from the upper end the ring and press between thumb and finger at the fold. If the rubber cracks or if the crease remains, the rubber should be discarded if it is to be used in canning meats or vegetables. It is economy to throw away a dozen or of the rod is low enough to hang within a cup formed by an inverted bell which surmounts the tank cap. The upper end of the rod is bent 5n a curve, so that the metal ball at- tached to its extremity by a short The movement of bell, the automobile a baby. "1 fell asleep," he said. in vet ?" 'He come he choke:! them back and swallowed them. It wa's all right to tell Rollins fragments of the story of the filibust- ering expedition, but he mustn't get and coffee, especially coffee. Many people who are susceptible to the stimulus of coffee learn that, if thev "He's in the barroom now, taking Murray ans- This man was a ship's carpenter, as The Kid got to his feet with a hand on the table. starled on it when he was in a temper,! would fall asleep, they must forego else he might tell the truth. it for many hours before they go to (To be continued.) bed. When Paw Was Sick. "I got kind of drunk kind of quick," . he said, with his cheerful smile. I)r "' ><* thumped Thov inln thu liorrnrtm .mil Ulld llPatl. on bis chest They went into the barroom and .lowly chipping away the hard wood. ., '* hal s ."," :."'', hnb ! t you ^' v t % Presently he forced the timber into Ml ;. rra >' M ' d ' , "Where, you get it?" its place and drove the spikes home 'J^ter star ed as if the apparent > nuthin' ho hud In quiet." (uk the question had something back thc other had been, and he was not n especially clever ship's carpenter. He was putting a short timber for-;. , r , ~ ward In the old boat. He had driven^ 1 ? 6 Kl(l h ! }"' C f rter - SC^uT'fil' the lorvg, black spikes through the ' 5 " TM stl " furtlve - T nt '. Kl , (l lntro :, front end, but now when he MIM to Sw ' "S? 5 L***if , e " i I"" 11 ' 1 H(> drive them into the other end that ' ? I ! Jrray v , b , OU * ht ^dHnto, Carter, end would not fit. He wa. fusily and I M S% """ MuHS.* 1 lowly chinninfr w:,v th,. hr,l wn,.1 . Thais an odd habit you Ivive," P its place and drove the spik Then he glanced over his shoulder at a man who was cooking hash in the lee of a ship supply company's build- ing "That hash ready?" he called. [J h> l llo ."' t kllow -" Or mayhe you always sailed the i ^akeH," Murray went on, keeping his I'aw took to beUor "I reckon," says ; voice casual. he, But Kid Rollins was too drunk to : let that go unchallenged, n > matter 'Mini?" he asked. "Why. lie's been with clear, ha'ppy 'blue eyes, regarded !" l ' r >' pla . c I p , 5 '" u .?" fin<1 '" " K 1 '?; u. .. /_',L -, .7 graphy. He s bad upenunces, that old "AH ready." the man with tpider in his hand replied. The carpenter clambered up to the dock. Murray followed him over to the rook. An appetizing odor ro^e from the. megs in the spider. The cook, a lean young fellow of twenty, the stranger wilh an invitation in those eyes. "Hungry?" be asked. Murray had juM dined plentifully,) but he simulated hunger. "Dip in," said the cook, and handed him a spoon and a tin dish. Murray helped himself without a word from the third man. "Mighty goo.l," he raid, when be had finished a second helping. The carpenter, still not having pokcn, went back to his work. boy.'' "Let's eat," Carter mid, looking to- . V " V Made I'aw stick out bis tongue and said didn't need stock- "Just rest and peace an says Doc. "Is all he needs," and Muw twins, An' Lizzy and Sue, An' Lemuel too, An' packed them down to Aunt Hester Mc(!ly mi's. "The crops ain't half so important as me, I 'low they ain't spilin' for peace and for rest Like me, and I reckon oT knows best." I'lllbox room, sailed salt water?" Mur-' ray asked, when they had sal down. "Some," Carter answered. "Him?" the irrepressible Kid re- peated. "I tell you he's been all over. You tell him some of your Vperiences, Cap, after supper. Tell him about that filii>u.>terin' 'spedition. Some story believe me. Tell him about the But it wa'n'l more'n an hour when h list for the twins, An' Lissy and Sue, An' Lemuel too, An' MHW whispered to him, 'They're down to .McGlynn's." Ye betchn he got whnt he's lookin' for res I ! I Mwanny, the bouse was so quiet Iliul Jest joun, . ,,,,,,d a .gazette and ^&*'$*S3^"ti^.\* ** ' the dock fairly rtl handed his tol>acco to Murray. "Wtirkin 1 ?" Murray asked. "No; not yet. I'll be. sailin' as noon carpenter. Tell him - "Let's eat," Carter said, and he nVi ' ' ". fvt" I II >'v DMI9UI WU 'i i i * l_ f i 1*1 M this doggoned ice geUs out of the ' <ll ' o|)po(l l ";' ''>'? to hl \ P 1 '" 1 ' :' n<l (ll(l | B ^ e M not raise them daring the inoal. He cast his pleasant glance out be- y'i:ig ihe lueakwater where the ice iiil showed in white masses. Though it was late in March little of the ice had gone out. The river, however, was free of it. The fiyh tugs were being overhauled ami one towinir tug , , , wa* helping another downstroan, lo lia<1 " f foell11 .f thlU ^ (>UKllt V , .u-:_ .... .;.._ .I..M,. away from Murray. Murray asked too Murray left the Inble ahead of them and went into the barroom. "Don't crab the guiiio, Carter," Rol- lins implored. "Just think of the thirst I've bad for so long. a chance." Carter shoved back his chnir. (Jive me He away young BWl{*f2 'Mjestions But 'ship's car- breaking up. You a l )enU ' r wll IH "dleW to the drinking their respective docks. "It'll not be long," tlw d.led. "Sh..- 1 MUort" For a rwwer He wag wutchiing the car- ,. . pent-i. The young mn studied the ( ,j!J % _ profllf which he presented. It was a from bed. The roosters' acrowin' would havo startled the dead. An' I'aw Kill In' worse and missing the twins, An' nagging at Maw, Twell lie dually says, "Pehaw, Now what bo they doln' down there to McGlynn's?" So May lining '<>m lioinn and law, how tbey romped Hy side of Paw's bed him and romped and battled of hot rum has not much sipare cash. " tlle eounlerpaiiu too. till Maw she moment Mi.rrav did ,.,, To bo Ihe guest of u nun, of money , WHH an event not to he profile which he presented. It was a', ' was that Curler spont An' 1'aw gllil, goo<! profile, with a thin, long now, $ v . ,"' '" Murray s comi.anv. ,,, tighliy closed lips, and an eye that Kollm^ went early lo I. e,l leaMiig the. ...,,,, h|| , looked down from u ,nr,h of wrinkle. w " m ;''' al . OIU> ' B Jf ' e ** l ""\ , ,| u , ,,. "I haven't nailed for s.-ven.l year,." f ""'"' , lh ' ^ ^ 'ving all he could I Murray said. "I u*l Ui sail on m\\' A " U> l , kl ' l> ' ) frol *$** Murray things ' ", >0 water.' 1 never ben on the lakes and which were none of Murray's business. I thought I'd t*k a look around. ^ hls W11!l difnciilt for Murray had nn Who's your sulky friend out there?" , ma/ing way of drawing a man wit. 1 The vmin* man regarded the car- He ""J" 1 " to llttvi ' W ln v \*ry land penter with H smil-. bencatb the sun, and be awoke mem-: "He's a au."ur louse." he said. "(Jot \ >rlf * , '" ' Hl ? t>r , whioh ( " rtftr perpetual grouch about something. l ' 1 J )ei1 W4>rt> ( ' t ' 1 " 1 Iways thinks he's getUng the WOWtlf*'? "S?* 1 A 1 '""' lierfessed They inado more noise than a regi- ment, she giiesvc pearler, an' say in' lie'd found hlldren," says he, nnlc for me," Hvo Ihe nexlni ornln' he's up nn' around. J. I). Wells. It was difficult to up and il- Always uminn lit: B Kvvuiiiu IIKJ w*'i"i . . .v. . , ' ~, , of it. I don't know him. Just been lummat.l.ig thiiigii best left in th cooking his hash for Mm lu* f ow frioml y <li.. k. 3J~ Wilhin three days Carter was fast "V,. A Perfect Day. When you've started tlie day wilb a biincb of pep And a rest for tho old ham and ; When you've swung to work with a springing B(IM< As Ihft tasks of tho day you planned; "You're up against, it?" '" Murray's grip, and what wan more, i WliMi you've pitched right In and "Oh I'll get along a soon as nnvi- 1 1)( ' >* >> hjt.l gone to work as nilse.d merry bob KHtion opens up." 1 , ls "" thal " ( ' < '' ) '" 1 ** " lu ! ' (l f jj, ot Wilh HIP work (lint you found lo do "Bunking with the carpenter?" l""k '" ' '"' ^J'"' .'"'. "|5 WUh H brain so do,,,- that the Yeh." (bird duy, u day of March wind and me nn to the hole! and I'll Imy ;'"'. "" -lid nut go lo work. He ua.s n driiiU" Muuay .sai.l, rising from SIllliralwl wlln ln ' "'"' '>' now - and tho Mmbei on which h.. bad been s it- ; ship (arpeiit.-niig held no inlerent for him. Murray s stock of money The young 'Hey. sjirang up. still he! Murray s SIOCK or money an 1 Carter could sit with 11 Carter," h called to the cur- Kli* of ''"> ' !'' elbow hour after TENTS The D. PIKE CO., Ltd. OPORTINQ GOODS HOUSE 12.1 Klna St. Lait No Dr.mrh Office Toronto I hour, listening to what Murray had t<> pay, MUrray toad talked uncnaNingly, telling vivid, flamboyant stories many men and many lands. of had flayed to match him once or twice. Murray listened to the lirst two or three sentences and then he broke in with n narrative of his own. 11. \vs exasperating lo the furtivu IIIAII lieoauie he km vv ho had knocked about HS much s Murray hnd; and ho l.sid had exjx-riences which would job WUH easy as pie for you ThiMi Ihe feeling you have .is you hit the hay Is a fooling of great content, And that la the end of a perfect day, Of a ilny Unit has been well spent. , , ___^V - _j__.j ._.. All Iceland po.stnuin carries hi? let- tors in boxes slung im>ss tlio backs of jxinios, and iiniunmces his arrival by blowing a born. It is estimated that Canada's tour- ist trafric is \vorlh $3tl,(H>ll,HOO a year, and it is mptidly growing. Mlnard't Liniment for Burnt, eta Heady to Can Spring Greens. For the successful performance of no piece of work is it more necessary to be prepared ahead of time than for canning. When asparagus and spinach are in the garden, all ready to can, is a poor time to hunt up cans and covers more rubber rings, as compared with ** niay^daugle Directly above the throwing away canned foods. Canned ^Jf foods represent not only money but time, fuel and precious human energy as well. When the housewife loses canned goods, she often loses courage as well and will not try again. But if boys and girls, in their clubs, can learn how to can perfectly, any woman surely can. keeps the metal ball constantly swing- Ing to and fro. But it caun'ot strike the sides of the bell until the lowering * * ( '" hasusd What Time the Boughs Are Greening. In old Ontario woods to-day The maple-boughs are greening. And all the birds that on them sway, Their feathered raiment preening. Will swell their little throats to sing And through our lovely province ring Sweet welcome to the May. In old Ontario towns to-day to descend to a certain point, which may be determined beforehand by ad- justment of the ooat. Therefore, when the driver hears the bell ringing it warns him that he has got only Just so much gasoline left. And the bell, having started, keeps on ringing and demanding atten- tion to the emergency. neath lhei " ha ""- v KTrto Mn^sr^&\***s& ^ cover that there are no good ones on hand, to decide what canning method to employ. Plan for canning ahead of The fragrant shed blossoms will lightly many kinds of glass jurs on " c And welcome in the May. few, if any, can be said to In old Ontario cities gay in uiu wuuiiiu iniw nay be not good, though one may be more The shade . tree bo h / , desirable than another Any jar which Am| lhose who ,;, , he ^ inter ' n / r ' seals perfectly used. may be successfully The type of jar that has a glass cover and an adjustable wire spring or clamp to hold it in place, is easily sealed and can be easily and thor- oughly cleansed and sterilized because there ia no hidden place for bacteria or mold to lodge. Glass covers can be used with perfect safety year after year in canning even meats and vege- tables, both of which require most careful handling. Some people prefer the screw-top type of jar. It may have a cover con- sisting of one piece or two pieces, top and rim. The one-piece cover usually consists of metal outside with a close- ly-tilted glass disk inside at the top. This cover when new and a perfect fit is good. After having once been used it is not wise to use it again with either vegetables or meats because Some golden hours are gleaming, Throughout the province each small ted And lass and flower and bird Is glad To welcome in the May. Criminals Who Died for Britain. Sir William Horwood. Commissioner of Metropolitan Police of London, has Catching Fish With Poison. A weird form of fishing is practised by certain tribes of headhunters in Central Borneo. A poison which stupefies and even kills the fish, without making it unlit for food, .'s made from the root of a species of vine. Only the bark is used, and this Is beaten to shreds with sticks before filially it is thrown into the river. Thi.5 has the eftec' of stupefyhiR h< fis-h, which are caught in rudoly con- structed traps built across the river. In a' few hours as many as a thousand fish will be caught by this means, the larger ones, on which the poison pre- sumably dees not have much effect, being speared as they rise to the sur- face. Before each fishing expedition an M . r . '' allgur >' is taken - I" the presence of Marie Casllda. the whole , rjbe a c , llef makeg flre by pulling a piece of rattan (palm I around a bamboo stick held to tlie ground. Should the rattan break be- fore smoke eusues, the undertaking is postponed for an hour or two. If the piece is longer than the The list Includes not only London men. but men who were convicted Jn all part* of England and whose re- ! '*"' *" '* Holland has a plant for manufac. something which might cause spoilage Order of St. George Kourth Cla<< _il *._!._ ___ 1_ 1 _' . cords were filed at Scotland Yard turi "K illuminating gas from petro- There are 283 mimes on the roll, and leum resi<lue b >' (lr V distillation, among them one man gained the Vic- toria Cross, two the Distinguished Conduct medal and one the Russian in the food may be concealed under or around the glass top within the metal cover. Therefore, buy new cov- ers of this type for meats and vege- tables. There are two-piece covers that have n glass top with metal rim. They The Roll of Honor, a copy of which has been sent to every police station In London, la prefaced by the follow- ing quotation from Pericles'* oration to the Athenians at the memorial ser- vice to those who fell in the Pelopon- uesian War: COARSE SALT LAND SALT Bulk Carlots TORONTO SALT WORKS 0. J. OLirF . TORONTO require a special rubber ring which ( "Even those ho come short in other fits between the top of the jar and i ways may redeem themselves by tight tug bravely for their country; they may blot out the evil with the gouil and heiietlt the state more by their public services than ever they injured her by their private actions." the cover. These covers lire often very difficult to remove. With the vacuum -seal type of jar, no rubber ring is required, there be- ing a rubber-like substance on the inner edge of the metal cover which, when subjected to heat, softens, and when cooled, harden 1 ?, resulting in a perfect $il provided the rubbery sub- stance is of good quality. There is a clamp to hold the cover in place w1iile the jar and content is cooling. This clamp .should le removed when jar is wild and the seal tested by lift- ting the jar, holding on to the cover only. If the sen! is imperfect Ihe cover comps off in the hand. These covers are removed by puncturing the top with some sharp utensil. As soon as the air can enter, the seal is broken and th(> cover taken off. New covers are. required each time the jar is used. The two-piece type of cover should be tested for seal in the same man- ner. Screw-top jars with one-piece cov- ers are tested for perfect seal by turn- ing the jar upside down; if it leaks, the rubber cover on jar. top is imper- fect, find must be jvtesteil. Leakage moans spoiled food. Th homomnde water S.uh canner may hr con? Inn-ted by liny woman or girl of utensils found in .uiost kitchen i, uch as \va<sh boiler, milk caivs, lard ens or pails. Tlii 1 utensils seltvU'l should have a titling cover mi. I be of a M.'.O to bold the mnr.bor of jars to IK- lllled. A false bottom <,r Sarcasm. SaJesmau "Don't talk to me that way. I take orders from no man." Sales Manager "I noticed that on the report of your lost trip." Mlnard't Liniment Relieves Cold*, ti> Merchants PHONE YOUR RUSH ORDERS For anything In Fancy i,c-ods. Cut Gloss. Toys Small w:< res. Sporting Ooods, Wire UoocU. I> 'igglst* Run- dries. Hardware Spe, Clitics etc., lo MAIN 6700 on a Reversed charge. Torc*n Fancy Goods Co., Ltd. TORONTO Major Harry Cameron. Man. Dir. Semi for Book of Recipes, FREE! In 2, S, and 10-lb. tins rhe Corn Gems you said were the best you had ever eaten, were made with a tablespoonful and a half of Crown Brand Syrup instead of sugar. To be had at all Grocers TUB CANADA STARCH CO., LIMITED, MON1REAI. Crown Brand Syrup 'Che Great Sweetener" 24

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