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Flesherton Advance, 19 May 1921, p. 5

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May 19 1921 THK FLESHEKTON ADVANCE Money in Hogs lower feed prices prevailing, the farmer who increases his hog production gets big re- turns on his outlay of money and labor. If you want to reap the benefit of this opportunity to mul- tiply your profits, discuss financing the project with our local Manager STANDARD Frtgrttt. THE STANDARD BANK Or CANADA. 357 TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY MILLIONS Flesherton Branch : i - Geo. Mitchsll, Manager. CANADIAN i PACIFIC / Flesher on celebrates on June 3rd. C. P. R. Time Table. leave Flesherton Station as Reduced prices on all suits and suitings H. Alexander, Fevertham 20 1-21 Mr. in i Mrs. A. L. Anderson, of West Toronto, visited Mrs. A. E. Bellamy over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Henning and Mr. Going North and Mnj Norm , n CUtk> of Meaford] Trains allows : Going South 7.55 a. m. 11.52 p.m. , 4.30 p.m. 9.30p. m. 8 P ent Sunday at Geo. \\hits a in town. The mails are oaen at Flesherton tt] Mr. and Mrs. C. Kennedy of Toronto follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m.aud are spending a week with tha latier'a 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail _ south at nt Mr aad Mrj w j Henry. 3.40 o clock. For morning train south Lieut. Col. G. D. Fleming ind Major J. Morrison of Owen Sound were in town ou Saturday ou regimental business and g-ive Th<> Advance a call. Mrs. G. (Cellar of Toronto ipent the mail close at 9 p. m. the previous evg. VICINIY CHIPS C. 9. Swayze, JT.P.P. far NUi?ira Fall*, hai secured a safe paaeagg for hi bill to compel stores to take a half holiday! ech week, prcTidinz 75 per cent, of those engaged in any particular line of biuineu petition f jr such closing. NOTICE Remember the Old Reliable Singer i.C Sewing Machine. You can buy on - terms to auit you al a very reasonable pnc*-. 10 yr guarantee. BUGH KXOTT, Agent, MtrkrlaJe, Ont, Of Interest to Farmers F. T. Hill* Co., Limited, are in the market fur a qnan'iry cf spring and wintorwheat for their mill for present detiv-ry. If you have any to sell call phone T, Mirkdale Ja20:f Mr. Ciiff Blakely of Toronto spent the Week end in toin. week et d with her sis'er, Mrs. Ed Best. SUe wig accompanied home on Monday by her mother. Mrs. H. C. LeGird, who will spend a couple uf weeks with friend* The Chevrolet 490 car has been reduced JQ T oron , from f 1000 to $94.'). ., Mrs. D-tvt- DJW was tha victim of a Miss E Ink.t.r spent a couple days dUtrega , n ., ^.j^t wb ich occurred in in Toronto this week. ; her home OQ Friday Ugt> when pmll t f Mrs. W. H. Thurston is spending a wa'er upset, aca'dini} her fo..t week in Toronto. badly. .She was hid ip for a few days Anglican church, Service as usna bu: is progressing favorably now. in Town Hall every Sttnday c 7 p m. ; Mr. James Genoe, a resident of Aite- Rev. G. BUckwell, Pastor. ' m MI townsLip for t:; i: y yeart, ;-.--.: Miss Mtmie McTavish is ipending a awry on Saturday Ust after an extended month with her lister, Mrs. C deridge, illness it the a^e if 70 years. He leaves at Windsor. wife, two sons and an adopted dauuh Bin. H. C. LeGard spent the pa.t ter The son* ar* Lilwood. of ToroUo, week with her daughter. Mrs. T. A. "d H.rry M b.-me. The funeral took Magee. near Eugenia. Inspector Huff of Meaforj paid hii official visit to the schools in this distrct the pi*', week. Mr and Mrs. R. Down amended the fun. Til t an aunt at Whittield on Sun- d.y. Born At 161 Wreuson IU., Toronto, on Tuesday. May 10: h. 1921, to Mr. and Mrs. Herb T.eUard, a daughter. Mr. T. Fisher spent a few days uf the past week in London at the bedside of his*-"'", h> underwent an operation for a t Miour. Mr. \V. T. Hodgson spent the week end with his w.fe and daughter, who aie visiting at \V. \V. Trimble's. Mr. Hodgson is temporary nunager of the Union Bank in Owen Soui.d. Come to the big league hasebtll game ou the agricultural grounds on Friday Afternoon, when t'lesherton and Ceyli-n pUy the I'penm? game here. culUd at 4.00 o'clock. Mr. T. O Goldsmith, who bai been accountant in the Standard B ink her* for the past <vuple of years, has been transferred to Toronto and Itft tail week for his new posit inn. place to Fieshetton cemetery on Tuesdty afternoon . The Centre Grey Rueball Association ht-ld a meet it- 1; at the Munshaw H us < 11 S.ttu d<y ev-iiiiik! Several playing c rtificatet wtre infused on the residence rule. V H Wilton wa* appointed t Secretary in place of T. O. Goldsmith, who resigned. Prince Arthur L dse A. F. & A. M . att -iniid the Me hodist Church in a bod) on Sundiy evening, whei the pastor, R-v. C. A Belfry, preitched an appro pria'e serin m fr-m Ecclesiate, tii*t seven verrs. He was assi-ted by Rev. Jones of l'r:cevi,le. A Urae number of visiting bre'hrn from Duudalk aid M.irkdiie joined in the worship. The W I niet in the r. ,'i Sv.iool on Mty 4'h and elected officers as follows : Prea, Mrs. O. Phillips ; Is- V ce. Mr- R B<-t ; 2nd Vice, Mrs. A. itewart : Scc.-Tiens., Mrs. A. Hawken ; D. strict Director, Mrs. R. Bt>st ; Uep. to Ditrct My.'tini; Mr*. Moore ; Auditors, Mrs. Hickling, Mrs. Thurston ; Pro. Com., Mrs. Phillips. Mrs. Mitchell, MIT. Henry, Mrs. Hiwken. Receipts for the year $1035.75, expenditure ?3tiO 81, balance ou hand $074.94. East Grey Agricultural Sooioty. Flesh An accident occurred to the little two erton, are taking up the Field Crop year eld d-ius-bter of Mr. George White, Competition with out'*. All these enter Toronto Line South, thit might have ing the competition kindly call and make proved f*tal to' the little one Whil- their entry with the Secretary, >V. A. " : playing In the barn she fell through a Hawken, not later than May 25th. trap door to the basement, a distance of eight ft-et. striking her head on the cement floor. She was UBCouscious when picked up> but s ion re% ived. Fortunate. y there was soire straw on the* flour and the fall w-vs arrested eouiewh;it. It wa? : a close c*ll. HMIIIUI Oarefully Corrected Each Week * ^. o 20 to Co K *f* 22 -x> 22 Winter Wheat 1 5 to 1 So Spring Wheat 1 80 to 1 30 40 to 42 85 to 0~85 -. .... 150 to ISO Buckwhea: 1 00 to 1 05 Potatoes fo to 1 00 Apples . 4 00 to 4 00 Boar For Service Pure bred Keg-stereo Yorkshire Boa for ncrvtet^ Maxwell Jriek 63903 on lot 1157. S W. T. Jfc S. R.. Arvnieaia. Terms f 1.50 Sows not returned wil! be chirged same vs those in pig. 10,4.19 T. J. STINSON For Service . O'ie pure bred Snorthorn bull on L<>t o'.i, Consi<>n 13, Arteuiesia. Terrm urmdes. Must be p*ic #150 for grades if paid inside of 9 fr-m date <.f servu-e . m nths if not 82. Pure bred* $3.00.. oct 21 House Furnishings * ut Now is the time for house cleaning, and after that is done your attention \vill naturally turn to your house furnishing needs. ^i& can help you both in house cleaning and house furnishing as our stock is more complete than ever. Brandram-Henderson Paints in 36 shades ; China Lac, a varnish stain for wood ; Fresconette, a flat finish for all surfaces ; Frescota an impro /ed wall finish ; Floor and Linoleum Varnishes ; Floor Paints; Porch Floor Paints; Crack and Seam Filler ; Stove Pipe Enamel ; Raw and Boiled Oil ; Turpentine ; Paint, Varnish and Kalsomine Brushes. Linoleum, 4 yards wide, block or floral patterns ; Linoleum and Congoleum Art Squares ; Floor Oilcloth in one and two yard widths ; Stair Oilcloth in different widths ; Grass Verandah Mats, 3 sizes ; Seamless Tapestry Carpet Squares, 3x4, 3x3 1-2, 3x3, 2 l-2x 3, Scrim Curtains, ready to hang, new designs ; Bungalow Nets, white, cream and ecru ; Cretonnes ; Chintzes ; Art Sateens ; Tapestry Coverings ; Couch Covers ; Curtain Poles ; Curtain Rods ; Window Shades, plain and combination colors ; New Wall Papers with Ready Cut Borders. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON -- ONTARIO For Service One pure ored Shor'.horn Bui! ou Ift 3o. cuu. !), Atemesi.i. Term.- $1 50 f. r 1'J.Jin ichio 9 mouths -K. o TTRSEF. ROBERT OsBOUNE. Yorkshires, Tamworths Young Stock For Sale For Breeding Purposes I Phone or write GEO. W. ROS O.-preyTel. syste m M axwell P. O Boar For Service Pure ored Yorkshire Boar for service on lot 37, con. 6, \rtetii<-*U. T-nt - jl no. JOHN MARGRAVE. Pr>p. Boar For Service Yorkshire Boar For Service L <r 39. 1*1. 4. Arcouiesia. > , -WALLACE FHHER. Prop - * * - . . * Cheapest Car Transportation on Earth THE FORD CAR A number of good second-hand cars on lunul. A full Hue of accessories for Fords aiul repairs tor I. H. C. Farm Implements. ***** .t.*.. .*...;;;;;;;; i;;;;;;;; BOOTS & .SHOES In Ladies' \X'ear we have Kid, Dongola, Gun Metal and Box Calf. For Men's \\ ear \ve have a nice assortment of Mahogany and some good lines in Black. Also very serviceable Work Boots. Repairing promptly attended to. THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO The Advance is informed by Mr. Slinson that tho stateojeut in last week's issue ro^Kiduii; hi> horse case is scarcely correct. He stys the jury awarded him flOO. Lter the judue. who did iio' Sinn the reidict, took the matter up with, Mr. Pip*r's lawyer and ihe rerdicl of the Tne Advance would like to lsrn the > jury was iiiuulK J. Mr. Stiuson says he opinion of th County Good Roads Corn- has LOW appealed :>j,*inst the judge's mi'tee after their jaunt thmu>(h the decision. c :ni'y laar w?k. Sow* of the -work A white robin is a rare SKht. Sued a done two years aito M said to have gone bird has its home i'ear this village, on fo pi<c'es tmdly and U already in need of tli-: 'iin belong'Ui; to Dr. J. Otlewell, 'renewal. Mat y f% of the opinion th<t where it. has mde ii home for the |st the h,'avy cost of construction done tSet- three years. \Vhilu the little bird is not i< al'i-gether out of proportion to d.t pure hne, there is .u entire absence of value recmvtd, and that continuous red. Tiie bienst and under-win^s ar atientio'i iih a drujj on our roads woulo greyish white with primaries blick. Its be, ail that is mpjired after orduiar\ song n pure ''robin" in tone. ijr.nel'ini;. aud wou'.d b< much moie economic 1. Agents for all varieties oi / I. H C. FARM IMPLEMENTS . A complete line of everything to work the farm, Call and talk it over. H. DOWN & SONS, PHONE 36 FLESHERTON An item elsewhete in iHit issue re- curilinu hydro at Grand Valley will prove of iiiteies.1 to Kiesherton ro^ieis. N\ note th*t somebody is goins; to make KB effort to discover if ihe systiiu is ri n economically. Whoever undertakes tht investigation hfc a ^ig contract on lund. Mr J. A. Legurd at endt*d the Ilr^t niiiiuiil dinner uf Ihe new Urey Hoaiimei t ortic vs in i Wn $i<und on Friday Ut . The ie<iui"iu i< now recruiting for theii annual trijj to Nugnx C.iinp, and pros- pects re bright for one of the best but The Advaroo m'glit he ; n them cul reiiiuents that ever left Grey County, little. Eighteen thousand dollar s:Urie Uesides the uul dri 1 ! special arrsnije- and some otlur thiui;-) w could mention merits <ue un.ier wsy to make this unir do not tend to reduce the cost of opern- the ihleuc marvel of tbe urbtia sn 1 tion to any npprci,tblit dcsjree. We boxers, football players, laeiosse players, cannot help I ut thuik (he Fanners' 5-un bawlwll plyer , and trclt and fi-lil Is workuvw aloiik! Ihe riht liu in at 4 - athletes are asked to coma i! !;. Auv VO,M'II'L; the nppointmeut of a M : i- f *x-0 E K men and all others *r ftsl<i>d of l\>wr, ihus bringing the aysteui inie to sign on for tho 1921 ciuip at otee nd position where the pulilio will line he p to make thi-> vllVt tbe best in camp some control over it, and not hand ov. r Mu'ie will be plentiful, supplied hy briss, the whol bii; plant to one mtn's eonliol. i,-'y .; p p<> KtiuU. I'hifounu have The public sh"uld hav < me y in *l : be.n t. .-*iv, d and will be is.u<vt at nuv. siries th. \ can pay. and whit exp tu i %>ee -' A I..'.; >cd or W. K Carjuoe ai.d tares they are able lo uiak. i get punculai*. IT BELONGS IN EVERY HOWE Rfasic taros a h msointii a home orni.-ikosa homo more of a home. It brings to your home that metual relaxation that nothing else can bring. DIAMOND AMBEROLA THE NEW EDISON provides fur your lu>nu\', music in the greatest variety real. n\e, thrilling. Hear Edison's Amberola today at No. 82. No. 8, No. G. No. 4, nUSIC STORE NEVV5 Wo have on show tfais week the following machines and would be pleased to demonstrate them to you : VICTKOLAS The Best Known Gramophone Made Price 8160.00 Priec S90.00 Price So'0.00 Frtotj 840.00 Ft! me d Cak Fuuicd Oak Fumed Oak K -. M.i'. : '.' X '.'. Fiuued 'Ja'k. COLUMBIA GEAFONOLAS Price KtJ' to $145. to ?i'3, rt^r.Jar reirular $1S5 -. ; Frioe Reduced to $32, regutar $37.50 WINDSOB I M.i -.uiv. Price Si20.00 ti IE WART PliONLM C \PtIS Tab'.o Model Cabinet Modi 1 No. It.! Price ?!,-,. 0.1 : N2.50 Telephone No. 37 BELLAMY'S Flesherton, Ont. the latest. Song ami Pance Iv.vor-ls. Neeoles. Keeord Cleaners and Kastns Paneers W. A. ARMSTRONG. Phones 13 And 28. Flcshertou, Ont. FARM IMPLEMENTS WAGONS, HARROWS PLOWS SPEUAL PRICES IN New Tubular Sharpies Separators JOHN HEARD, |M PLEMENT AGENT. FLESHERTON.

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