May 19 THE FIESHBKTON ADVANCE ESTABLISHED 1872 r ,HEAD OFFICE HAMILTON Instt-ii i of carrying ilie proceeds from Grain Tickets, Sale of Cattle, Produce, etc., in your picket, deposit them in the liiink of Hamilton, where they will be safe. Yon can thon issue clieqnes to pav accounts, and your pass book will afford you a complete record of all your transactions. BANK OF HAMILTON DUNDALK BRANCH-A. M. Carthew, Manager SUB-BKNCH PROTON-C. J. Forster, Sub-Manager W. A, HAWKEN dealer for MENDELSSOHN PIANOS and PLAYER PIANOS, PHONO- GRAPHS and RECORDS, and SHEET MUSIC. Call and see those high graU? instruments Huwken'a Photo Gallery and Music Stor FLESH ERTON A Genuine Sale Having purchased the stock of IF. J. LuCiard at Mesherton ut a low rare on tho $ \ve have decided to place tho Patfison & Co. and tho LcCiard Stocks on sale at juices never heard of in the County of (Iroy. Sale starts Thursday, March 24 JAMES McLEAN, Pattison's Old Stand. CEYLON CHEAP SUITS Hoys' .Suits, siz(!S from 24 to L'S, for S^ -" f Hoys' Suits, sizes troni '2* to :f2, for $!().;")() Youtlis' .Suits, nulling in si/.us troni :V2 to :i,"), DOW sfl!iii{< for $!;").()(). Men's Suits, all sixes Injiiitf <ll Jit ^!S 00. % DR ESS GOODS We have in stock a henulifiil liiu; of Voiles, llm prices ranging from $l.i'i) to $i.7r>. Wo have 2 wonderful (litres of Tricoli-ltr in sand Mini navy hint; colors, at $:{.")(> poryanl. Don't take our word lor . ( all in and sec tlirsc bargains. :,.*,.'*< ...... -, , F. G. KARSTEDT, Flesherton, - Ontario FLKSHERION BAKERY IT'S W(JKTI1V--TMK lillKAh WITH A ITIfrosK. Yen, our I'uro i''ood Hruiid lias a worthy purpose It linn'"- health aud -n-< n ! It and a nival time satisfaction tu ilit: folks who partake of it regular- ly. One slice calls lor a loaf, ono loaf foruia tho habit Bread is your host food eat moro of it. I 'HONK 9 FRED FINDER, Small Ads. Try Kevursha.n 1'mtry Flour, the or your conk. All Ontwrio wheat f Cook etove for Hale, Fenwiok, Euguia. Chopping dn-' Graham Hn. (.11 Saturday-) only Out 1ft good linker. T. Fire and wind Insurance in the, best companies for tarrr. and town property W. O. Kawcett, agent, Oylcm EjL'N A few sui tings of H. I. [I'd ei!t!S, either coinb, at $1.50 per setting of 13 At this oflice. For Sale Two cows, one fiesh milker the other duo In freaheu in May. R WelUr, Maxwell. \ Kur Sale About three thousand feec of dry hemlock lumber, Harry Patton, Flesherton. Wanted Cookatove, with reservoir if possible, in good condition. Mrs. E. Murjjan, Eugenia. For Sale Lol 11, Alice Si., Flesher- ton, opposite ')i"h school, containing one acre. Apply to Mrs. Ellen Parker, Flc'srjerton. The Methodist Ladle*' Aid Society will hold a sale of homemade cooking, candy, vegetables, etc., on Saturday, May 21st in tin; Armstrong block. SalecjmmunccH at 2 o'olonk. Sporting News " of the district. BASEBALL LEAGUE GAMES THIS WEEK : Diiudalk l Rocklyn Wednexdty. Ceylon at Flefiherton Friday Durham h;v two trams in the N . W . Baaeliall League, junior and iu'erm^diate, the latter being grouped with Hanover, MoliltL*, Cheeley and N.u-t -nit. A L-. !!,.!< representatives from Mark- dale were down tu ihe executive moeting Saiuiday evening lut were unable to gain adraiteion into the League. Ceylon journeyed to Dundalk Thurday afternoon for an exhibition game and waie beaten 6-0 by Dundalk. "Derby" Uuatell, catchei for Dunda k, is the best man behiud tho bat in thiH district. (Jlcnelg Centre played an exhibition game with Fleaherton on the locil field on Thursday evening, the tcore ending seven all One feature of th* game WHS I. t ;i--i\ home run hit inaidu the L-ft fcul lne. RECORD OF CEHTBE GREY LEAGUE Wjn Lost P.O. Ceylon Fur Sl or Rent The e',' wnn-house ftiid promises in Klcslierion. This is a Urge two storey liuiMini;, honce could he iHcd f'ir Viirious purpose*. Apply to K. J. Sproule, PJealivrton Now is the tin>e to choose the wl ti'ipcr forjjwi loom. I have just receiv- ed n-y books of samples r>f wall papers, oilcloth, wall coverings, burlaps, etc., mi'l am now ready lu take your order. II. Curriniitdii, painter and decorator, Klesh>.riiin, Out. 1 Fienherton ........... Ricklyn ............ Vamleleur. ......... ... ......... Centre ...... .1000 .1000 .1000 .1000 . 1000 .1000 .000 If you Hie planning to huy nuicliiiio lniy the old rflinl>lo Singer. You miiy as wrll have the best at r>'HKonl)!o price. Call rind see these nnchiiies t \V. A. IIawkon'8 photo (jnlliTy mid music more, Flet>herlon. OF Sale By Tender property in the Villain of mid Township of Arteme.sis T. n l.-i-, will liu received hy the under- Hi|neil addressed cire of W. J. Bellamy, K^|-,;m-. AIM! in u-'.ie.l "Ti-nder fur Klvxh-r Estate" up tii iionn ,,f the thiriy.tirct d-iy nf May, I'.t^'l, for tho |IUIC|I>IHO of all or any nf the following piop.-ny lielonuinK to 111.- -,t'to c.f the lute. William Kindlon I'AlfKL 1 VI those parcels of h,N US, 1 '. ,iml Kid as-i'M-dd mid in |. (ISM'S. .mil i)l i he Pitcher K.Ule nd nut h.-re- liifotH mid c Hiii-yed, contaii.iny alum! Mvunty-fi ve aorai more 01 ln.s.s, and roughly daiorihd HH nil iht, pm-i <>f lot MS <yuiK' S.uili. West of theTornniii uni Xyili nil nil Koail HHV mid except (ho |>l niYiilii' d by tlm Kulili,; School ami lots Ki 17, IS, lit, all I hut JMI-I i,f |,it niimlie 14!lly>ti|> Snti'li West of th Front Mil Pfnpar'V, all ill-it put of lot nnmlier lot lyinn S .uili WtHt of the On--! Mil I'AUrKI.'J Mill Pint. M hi,inp a part of Inl 14!1 8i>iiili.\Vest. nf I lie Toronto and Sydvnliam Road continuing alum! H/ioios. I'Altt'KI, M All those, p.rts of lot iiiiiiilier Ifil lymn Smith -Went of the Tornnro nnd Hyiieiiham Koad anil C'uu- I |.n.ed ,,f vill-iKti l.ilHS, !), 10, III, 14, l.'i I IJi, 17. '-'(I, L'l, HO. .'iO and Ihu Cihniet I Pftotory mid Minll null pond i e, UN woll | HI lllm-liN I) K (i and .1 in h aiH hit, cun- tainit.g aluiiil ,'1O HcniN, niom or IOHS. I!LO('K 4 KIKST, 5 acres cotnpoKed uf the North Kist oait of lot 150 in the N' cmiii |{iiin:e S. utli Went of the Toronto mul Svileiihiini UDHI! in the 'r.iwnshi-j of .Vi einesia, iii-ii known us the Crown HKKINMI Th.t part of lot l.'it) in (h,. S Uiiliil l!nii'je or i' I-.- ,,i. Soii'h. \\'(>x( of Ilio Topinin und Sydi>iili,tiii |{ , l( | in liie 'I'nn iiihip ,'f Arlenii'sia o 'lli-iii.ini; I >vn HI .1 ..lie i|ii-irtt>r in-rns purplnisi d |>y ihi!N;iiil \V K. J'|r.shei fi-oin Win. Smith Tiniii) Thul part of Lit 150 in. t)i S, ,,..:( I ltiiieSou|li.\VeHI ol tln> Toronto ami Syili>iilmiii It, .ml in I ha ToWOlhip Of Ailenn -in eniil.iinii.i; Inn aeivs piirelmved by tin- ud W. K Klesln-i froin Mutlhew H H I ;i'cli-nl, KIIVO tliil |io|liiin c nv, \nl for MID |'ii' puse of ; ho Pin h tin K ;i l,-il'"out, iwoiiii-l n ipmliT 'u're.s, nun t< or h-ss. r..M.rri NS \ll the :ibo\i< pl'.'|,e-ll"S \\ili I e >,ild with und Niil.j, <!, to nil tin- r uh'n, p'H-ilei'es mid e i.Hoini'nls iiper. I lining theietn HIU! |,i vliieli tint .-.-.i.l ci.ei'.et \V^IN en'illeil to erjuv, OI-WHH Itaiilu in ilihiim Ins |if,'iinn> in MI fn- a h'N MII-VIVI!II> Kxei'iidT i'>n lawfully i:oii\ey Hiirh li^hLs or tran.xfnr y art- prici> TIIIMIII Tin' tinilu'r upon ilio I'.invlM No-. 1, o, .'!, 4 IHIS btn'n Hole: mul Mm (niri-liiivrr linn bi'i-ii L-rantoH ilui ri^lit and |.nvili'i'i' In n-iiiovn llu< f>amn nt any linii' within lin. yuaiN from t lu< Sixth iln of AiiuuNt, I'.M.H. Tlui N.iiil parnvU a ild HO| j,-cl i HIII'!I pin .1. i ! TI:MII:IIM 'IVii'lnr slmll bt in wilding and Blmll (.(jpuify tlm pin-, 1 and oll'uniil for tluiHiinii', n.ldri'SHi d, in loltir, mid nmrkod "IVudor rn Kltwhor Bittt* ' to tlm uadtrilgnvd in ram of W. J. Indlainy, Km\., PfM^vrton. Tin' hnjlii'Nt or niiy londnr not ncctiRinrily coi)|iti)il. If tiTiiiH on puroliasin ovt'r SodO aru di-siiml for a term of not uvor Iwn ynni-H, wilh iiiteri't a 0",, per irniMiii, KM. i!.- ..i , I -nli iiiii <i i.. fully munlioned, with socuritv, stif*ctory. I 1 or fur'hrr piriii'iilurs npply to \V. J. Ceylon and Ulenelij Centre started the ! '- 1 teason in the Ceiiiro Grey Baseball Aisociation on Monday wth a win for Ceyion by thu <>ivr>vlie!iiiii)g fOoie of 20-2. Olcnelg baiters cou d do little wilh the pitching of the vetran Gibson, while Ceylon pounded the otferinga of Kreddie McDnnuld, c'-upled with errora by i lie fielders, for l'.i runs \a the 2nd inning. Umpires, Duw and Wilton. LACROSSE Owen Sjund and II in >vei juniois open tlu-ir echedile this Thursday ou the UmiciVir tit-Id. Instead of a throu club K r " u P in this district will now be five including '' ii.:!.ni:. Hanover, Mirkdale und (Iwto Sou, id. \Vdlkiitun is in the section to the south. MrirkcUle is stili undec'ded to enter the oil, i in- -ii.-ii lncrom jr. -no, and it ia likely they will eoinbme wiih Durham \ f<<r this year, This will necessitate a -louver journey for Kieshrrton fana to net) a good i> line if laciosNe. iNTKKMKI'l ATK Si IIKIH LK June 2- Hanover at Wiogham ' 8 \Viii|j;haiii at Owen Sound " i> Dili h nu nt Ilinover ' 15 -Ourhim i Winghani " 22 Markd'ile nt Owen Snail " 30 Owi-n S und at ll<uu>ver " 30 Duihiiu at Markdale July 7 Owen Sound at Markd>tle " 14 VVin^haiii at Dui h uu " 14 Markdalo at ll.tnovvr " 2ll HniKiver at Owon iSotin.l " 21 Winghmn ' Hanover " 24 -Markdsle t Durluuii " 'JS Wiiighnni at M ink duo " 88 < >weu Suiind at Duihiiui 8 Uurhain at Owen Sound 3- Maikiiale t Wiunhiiiii 10 Owen S >uud at NVinifhiun II Hanover at Markdale 16 1 1 .11 -i n at Dm ham Red Cross Aims In Ontario 1. To act as a voluntary auxiliary to the Ontario Government in its health work. 2. To co-operate with local Boards of Health, School Boards, and volun- tary organizations working for good health. 3. To enlist the support of- Ontario citizens in helping to establish Out- post Hospitals and Nursing Service in retn.ote parts of the Province^ 4. To create and maintain a reserve of money, garments and medical sup- plies, and to enlist voluntary aid, for emergencies, such as epidemics and disasters. 5. To create public opinion in favor of sound health measures. 6. TO promote better health among children by the organization of Junior Red Cross auxiliaries in the schools. ONTARIO ENROLLMENT, MAY 22-28 "In the field of Public Health, the harvest b ready and the laborers are few." Prof. Winslow. Knroll with your local Ked Cross Branch or Enrollment Committee, or, if there is none in your community, with the Ontario Provincial DivMon. 410 SHERBOL'HXE STREET. TORONTO. Canadian Red Cross Society Ontario Division I 1 1 1 Flesherton Tin Shoi I have just placed on the shelves a full line ot Tinware, Nickelware and Agateware for domestic use. Call on rue and get your supplies. Eavetroughing, Stovepipes anil Stove Furnish- ings. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipefitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Bros. Furnaces. D. McKILLOP CHRI3TOE BLOCK FLESHERTON j& ONTARIO. A iig. LUST - Between Dund ilk ond Kloshi'rtou on Saturday n'ght, April ,'iOih. Kinder p't-nao coniinunicnto or h-avo with W. H. Tl.nrHton, 1< lenhetton. Boar tor Service The ninli>rsii;iied his tlmr Yorkshire 11, con. O.iproy. Ter HIM #1.5(1. For Sale 4 large chandeliers coutain- For Sale Young heifer calf, apply to ing C lights each . Apply to Prfs. Ladies Joh Wtight, Flesheiton, Aid, Flosherton, or Mrs. Chas. Stewart, Secretary L. A. FOR SALE Wychoff and Guild strnift of S.C. Leghorn eags for hutching ; lso Gies Shepherd'^ strain of 8.0. Aucotms t $1.5') per setting of 15 tugs. II. E. K'tistedt, Priceville. mlOtf Fertilizer-! am auent for (Junu's Sur p i ,iui Fertilizer, the best on the m irket, an 1 will till oruer* at Fleshertou Station t. any time, preferably Tuesdays. 1'hooi Jl i W, \\. J. > f -ad s . Pricevillu P. 0. For Sle A Pure Bred Registered Shorthorn Bull, "Young Hero" 13 mos. old, tit for service, bred by F. J. Curry, breeder and Importer of Shorthoins, Markdale. Apply to W. J. Mends, Pi-iceville P. O. NOTICE 1, the uDderined, will not he responsible for any dbt contract- ed in my naiuo by my wife, Mrs. John W. Wright, (nee StelU Piuilar) aftfr thi? date. Dted May uth, llt'.U . John W. W light. i|. Kl. shorten or J. M. ANSLKY, Kxoi-utor Hi; 4, St. i ' nli iiiiios, Out. l ai Fli'sliciton, May ti, lOil. NOW $945.00 Chevrolet Four-Ninety WAS $1050.00 Next Year's Prices Now ! Plic Chevrolet" Four-Ninety" Touring Cur henceforth will sell mi tho 10^2 price basis. This $945 Chevrolet! i the iilrntiful 810M) Ohr vrolet not a new model nor n lessor our. Theie ia not tho slisjhtes' compromiae in |if>lity. The entire iliUVreiico is due to tho times. Tins revision lins been uiftde at the earliest opportuu- ty six n\(iiitlis sooner than anticipated. Cue rmnplete ruluctiini Las been made instead of several stops downward. Tho new price is bused on the autieipattd lowcicd production costs of the uext 18 mouths. I'ho SCI5 Chevrolet isnniplete. It inelndis ull its cxtia fnuij-mciit and accepsorifs. Nothing has heeu removed. It is the fluent Cho\rolet ever Imilt a ca tliut will give you constant pride of ownership. Tlio Chevrolet Motir Coini any had now fulfilled its ambition to bring the Chevrolet Car within reach of thousands who have longed for a de luxe oar. This C mipnuy has ftlwttt stood for honourable manufacturing, for clean, fnir dealing and for business lair play. Tho haie fciinouticement of tlm new price is snfi'tcieut to attract thousands, so to make sure of your Chevrolet. All previous purchasers ol 1M.'1 Chcvrolets will receive the bonus of $70 as tho 50,000 Chevrolets have been sold. wo recommend instant ordering already D. McTAVlSH &'"*SON, CHEVROLET DEALERS, - FLESHERTON, ONT