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Flesherton Advance, 19 May 1921, p. 2

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Addre., communication, t. A C ronoml.t. 73 Ad.lald. St. We.t. Tcronta Here's Father's Chance to Do Mother a Mighty Good Turn By F. W. Ives It was raining. The mud was deep, tion o the water passing through the ' when ()f ; n8talin ,, The While (Jrub ii> Eastern Canada ' 5 received meat, eggs, milk, and the top of the ridgo vas reached, thej pump >mplete should not exceed $15 ! greens resipeetively, and the mortal- radiator of my car had bo: led dry. A i ities were 2G, 18, 28 and 24. while the dim light through the misty dusk The Dominion Entomologist reports average pain wr bird was 3.32, 3.44, showed a farmhouse. I walked up to L. * --- :_, --- .: --- n. --- 1 ~o,_ _. ----- the door, where my knock was answer- Methods of Control in addition to the cost of the sink. The Gravity Tank. Another successful scheme is to mount a tank just above th.-nk.Thi. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL MAY 22. The Christian View of the Family. St. Luke 10: 38-42; 2: 51; 2 Tim. 3: 14, IS. Golden Text- Col. 3: 20, 21. Connecting Link;! There is a fine I in His h fancy, and His own early, description of the good man's home wise, and thoughtful words. The boy is described as growing up in the home in a fourfold development in Psalm 128. It is the home of a man who fears God and walks in His of healthy and strong and clean young manhood in intellectual, that from information gathered, par-; 279> an(] 2 gl oum . es . These figures taculariy by Mr. H. F. Hudson of the| cj J ti<, monstra u; the value of eirgs ed by a bent old woman who gave me, m, wun a capacity 01 irom su 10 ji y ny ]ab - , . children manhood- lectus nhv-sicaf Entomological Laboratory, Strathroy,! B8 ^ of thc ,- irst inKrK , ie nts of food two pails and said: "You wiH find thej 50 gallons, pumped full by the HO S& happy and healthy about Ms ?$K aril social character^ T^' Unt., it is expected that injury by the for young chicks. - | P ath to the spring around in back.' m the morning, and will hold enough I table, like the branches round about verse (2: 52) has been rightly taken white grub will be effected this year In Eastern Canada. This important Insect has been receiving much atten- 1 Topics in Season tion during recent years. The com-| To Pxte rr.Tin>at* thistles, plete life cycle of the insect requires ' mow them when in j,^,,,. from three to four years f In osso-, ^ ciation with r.tudies on the life-history rnn of the common kinds of white grubs,' gH [ t on close observations have l>een made on j ; t a w j,[; the crop rotations foltowed on farms ' y ou where the grubs have been decidedly ) an( f i ... .. m ft/\ "**J"T WIHI rains Hit: ILTUU ui 1119 irtjii- tank, with a capacity of from oO to ji y by i abar an( , whose chik ; ren 50 gallons, is pumped full by the men 'gather, happy and healthy, about his . 'n the morning, and will hold enough I table, like the branches round about, ,_. __, . .. .. B ...., ,.. Now, that path wound down into a for ordinary household purposes for] the olive tree. The ideal woman of as setting forth normal and healthy ravine about 80 feet below the house. ] one day. A force pump is usually! Old Testament times is described in growth. . . The sprine was fully 100 yards from necessary for this sort of work. On]" rov - : 10-31. She is a good wife, f * i _ , fl t r 'i(l/l VYls-ktVlA** nml A ,*,.. .i .,>..*--,- It suggests the need in a good mother, and a good mistress. every community and in ev-.-ry home of a fourfold training, a four-sided exterminate thistles, simply the back door. When the top w one farm the pumping is done by ajg h KWU h * * mis 3r 5 lourroio training, a ioi>r-siaea them when in bloom. '' reached, I was in about the same coc-j windmill each morning as the stock j th( f work^"^^,, 11 " She^mates' aHJ all" the' deed's "of aToy or ^ffl It^ug- barrel which has had kraut in it dition as the car wet, muddy and tank is being filled, there being ajthc work of her household a task of 'gests that socia! and physical train- be cleaned with salt. Rub dry hot. I was also filled with wonder as three-way valve installed at the pump, j honor, and "in her tongue is the law: ing should be set side by side with on the inside of the barrel, leave to why it was necessary to carry so' When turned in one direction, th..- of kindness." She is the true hcme 1 intellectual and spiritual, and so you CAn i!e aml then was }, ;t off. Or much water up hill when so much 'was' water fills the house tank, and when j maker. n u tnc (j arre i w ith salt brine falling on the roofs of th* building?. | turned in another direi-'-ion the water] t at. Luke injurious, and also on farnvs where little or no injury has occurred. As the insect spends thc greater part of| dip the twine - tt m a ( | ay or two . I shows us where, in much of our 10: 38-42. A certain vil- ' church and home life we are failing to To treat binder twine BO that grass- will not cut it, I a mixture of three 'in^, vi i i i ii_- luuin ui till. i/uiiMiiiga. ,,,,.. , I i mi_ I i i_ D The nl,l wnm ,n ,!,( dh had li VP .r S 06 * 5 to the 8t ck tank. This is merely lBge - / hls> as we know - was Bethany, do the best for our young folk. Th _ , " 2 ZT E? J2 * modification of the gravity tank as 222. fe^*^ _*" ?' ?*!& ? f ***** ^ there fifty years, that she had made that she ! --times placed in 'the attic. and loyal friends of ' Jesus is a good one to follow. -juj.if, ;^i.| . |ut>aua, LtaijATus, i>ianna. and Marv.i 2 Timothy 3: 14-15. But continue ; two buck-! ^. future is that of being mex- ; Martlla was _ .p paren ,, y> the elder ._' thou, Timothy had had u good start . 4 ....... ""J. mai sue always mum i-wo ^uctv-: , ,.. .-, appaiciiiiv. me eiun s.a- " .i......j ., t ... i.u . ,.. ou * Its life in the soil, where it is not pos- | parts cf keroselle an <] onc part of ma- cts , and that on washdays more trips P 6 ". 81 - has the disadvantage of ter, and directed the affairs of the in life. His father was a Greek, and ? j ., T** 1 , . pest| 1 " thine oil. Kerosene alone will do, but | were made 1^. , g U P. valuable space in a small household. She received Jesus with of him we know nothirvg, but his found that almost complete control , .: t u u! . tre-ited will be likely to T,, can be obtained by following a short ' ^ "2 *b running' *. ^ lng offered opportunity for crop rotation in which grass or clover < [^Lh the binder \ *, h >- d t raullc ram ., and a P^ ntlful SU P' r a mixture of the same shall * iSS s no Lest s il o for any silo ^ ly of water ' L*ewi s . there was v the land for more than two'., % , -2 barn wlth a driveway on a knol kitchen; also, if the water is irsed forjady hospitality, and busied herself! mother was a Jewess, and she in- drinking, it will get quite warm be-j ^P^u^enterteinment for Hi^mjind | st ructed him weil in the scriptures of i|T*_ . a.,U * TT* J 1 . OI,lU*,l^-\l II11J1 V>t;il 111 Li.t SUI ILi t,Ul C3 VI the - r f thc day is OVer An insul "ting I "* "n,,^ 1 * (llsc !P' cs M we f re t w 'i h ithe Old Testament, which w s re her ~* o. , ; ,, ,. . ,M. r ;H*s-ii- h -s-;--fc SSL'ST?3ir; ^^fer^JfflSSS53 s5S'5r *ftS SlSS't'S? yeai-s and preferably not more than ^ en ^ vo silo , p^^y construed, is hiW^^Tlittriffte i cis ^T' !t ma y >> ^'ed on a tower,' 8at idly at Je,u7 feet We are sorry I of h ^ faith arul of that of hLs grand- cm 1 . In mfcstet fie ds where erul **,, "vuse. yvnai a nnt place lor a cis- ._ th u; ,,. * tuW. .L!; , , . , a e so y> ! m^Hior T.i T.iuin^ in A=;<, M;^ onc. at to In infested fields where ffrnl| worM than none. i . i i r " *t*;fc. ' iV WKV 'WkCTm I . . T . , ., . - "" "'"''">* B--- worse inan none. tern , pi entv ^e wfltpr from ... rot> " < -" c att 'c or upper storey of the, however, that she lost her temper, 1 mo er , Lola - L'vmg m Asia Minor, i present measuring from one-half, i ma(lc a toy wim imill, placed it on .. ' ' ' house or an outbuilding, on a hill, in and spoke so crossly to her guest i ln the heathen city of Lystra (Acts > <me inch in length the following! a pole, set it in the garden with the !1 j^" SUPP ' y a11 the " Ceds W ' th the bank approach to the barn, or on But a little reflection will convince' 16: 1-2). they had kept their home any other convenient elevation within'" 8 that Jesus read the character of P u ,^'. and . the11 : h f* T *;* fixed in the !tu - *"- sisters rightly. Martha was! re ' l 10 5 . thelr , ffthers. And so, and troubled about many' when Paul Preached the gospel there so much so that she had not ! th y ., wer amoI1 K the first to believe, think or to leam. Jews was ^ hen Pall! WTOte this letter from cri,;> rotation hns been found to t?ivu almost complete control: ab(>ut a foot (leepi The vibration*! ,f. p " ' , , When 1 reached home that evening, First year: plant the infested field! to oats and seed to clover. ' ! and noise keep the moles out. Never set young plants immediately some calculations showed the follow- _,, j in fac ts: In carrying the water from after a heavy rain. The sun will scald the 8pring> thjs woman had wa , ked a a reasonable disunce of both the sup-! ply and the house. ,_ ,, , m t. '""*'"fr'6tmio*>wiiifii i ..T.' J vr > i rvc^ i a Second year: clover hay crop. Plow ami wilt them. Wait a few hours. distance equal to that from Mont- _1 A\ _1 i ml TT*_ . .1 _ 1 1 _ _f_ _. __4U ^9 1 , ,, ' on local The gravity ways, I. ~.n WK w .cut u. tfoauB waa , . . . ,^ . _ have teaching, speaking unforgettable Jl 1 . 8 t ris ' lrl Rome ne nad known ,, . .... ... , VW1 ""6> oj'^-iMu^ uiiiuri^T-'Liauie .. r , r seen these tanks filled by force pump, i words, but Martha had not time to Tlmot "- v for a . KOOfi man y years. He by hydraulic ram, from a spring lo-' listen. There was so much to be done' 3 *' 11 re S ar<! n'" 1 as h .' own son in under the clover sod in the spring of, For every dollar's worth of honey. rea , to Vancouver and return, or one- the third year, and plant the land to' 1 which boes bring to their owners, it f our (j, t ne distance around th world - r - - -- i -.' - ~ -" * "<= o.iv . corn or potato?;. ! is safe to say that they bring $15 in In 4^ " u a -cend J Ind ""^ n a hl11 above the tank - from [ r the househo ' d <* her guests. The the S (^pel. and admonishes him with Fourth year: plant the land to oats incre^ed apple crops to the owners of descendc( , . mountain ^ time3 ^^^^ ^^yjg. ftSSUf'TS.??^ S iuSg SSS S^&VSttt '. Mnnp1^/>* r"i* I and re-seed to clover. From the alwve rotation it is seen that the hay crop only occupies the land one year, ami that with every four years two crops of clover are i-T'.wn. This plan, beside* giving prac- tical control, will maintain the land orchards. ch-irds ..t. u- u . . ,r : irom a nowing well. Ihe possibility ""*~' ""':. ainry was not usually r -T Wh^Ups of .hoots on pear trees ^ &*'?# ?" w ^^ ? ^.? T^ *& ^lX!^ ^^J?^ ^f^Sfl 1 ""> vl ' " , fn] v <.(>n-siHpr<v h^fnro mcrfo in/ ^ c tfvur, wui jusi, now ^ne was so,. , ,^__ . turn black and leaves wither, blight is the cause. of those holy books from his child- For they are indeed able to unto '* CU ' out in a high state of fertility. ing up an eld pasture, except that thc sod should be fall plowed and worked , k as frequently as possible. ; of chlkiren . and and leaves wither, blight j ^ (hstance ' * installing an ; wrapped up in what lesu" was saying' ^ood. For they are indeed able t* B. The disease is carriedj All this vast amount of work was ' ^ P f" S ' Ve mochamcal water-supply . that she forRot everything els . she ' n-.ake wise unto salvation through -anches to the tree by the useless. A small expenditure of money i [^ P , ut her Mast er's words first. Other fa 'th which is in Christ Jesus. , the way to check trouble woukl h , wa ,e r in th^" ! " posslble - the gravity ! things could wait. And the Lord said .9 u u r ] ** f ' ortl ! three things t the tips as soon as pos- ^ th no work on the frt nf tho W e , s ystem may not be the cheapest in ; to her, "She hath chosen that good ?><* *hou Id ^aractenze the Chns- , witn no work on the part of thc house- \f, r ,.t ,. n ,t- h,,t if n,*. ,., ;-.! nart whiMi h n )l n t K toir.-, !-, tian home (1) thoughtful choice of and sfble. To prevent spreading the dis-i wife wilh avcr . lKe rainfa ii r < J3 tona I first cost, but if the water is obtained P art which shall not be take'i away tian home (1) thoughtful choice of and "hydraulic" ram the fr m her." j attention to the best things, (2) an Is there anvthinz like this homo of all-round education for the children, . , t - - 1 ui ' >< i a UIUH IS VCT*V small w ^wi^*i**^| i iivxr Liiiaiitfji'cvL jj\ % f i- cistern from the roof of the barn in vr or _,.. f ^ ,: f, 7 'Bethany in the home life of the pres- and < 3> a reverent regard for and a of the reach u, c course of a year or f times' p be overlook- 1 ^ d , Are fa thiTlk continued study of the Bible as the _ u., :_,:!. Because the wind does not blow ; to read> and to pray? Is ^^ th ; ; text-book of our faith. Application. times 11 Christian household in l* Jl.c.1, VI 1V/U1 Mill'- should be labeled as much as the woman j,^ carried j .. -; wuman imu curnea : _ i .." "> ~ " " K'J *= uu=mco mr, - ,. "poison" in large letters. In cutting up the hi n Thc snri , i ev ery day, many ha ve abandoned the: all-important mattei to us? Are we Application. pigs are allowed a free run of itor r.m to fnr^ nvor : winj power '" favor of I? 8 * 01 '' 16 r choosing in our homes the better part. I Somet ' cut a ljtt]e jjgtance below the enough for a witor r.m o nr^ nvor badly mfeated pasture land, they will diaoascd part, and burn all portions! 40 tons of water to the Idtr-hon i er SCne - root out many of the grubs and ma- rcmO ved A^U ,. . . , " terially h<-lp to control the pest. A , he , <>r n&l t wiu DW I e yea . r At tho tlme . t . hls ' n " d nt cheap wind power must be seriously ' ^ " With the priccs of these as Mary chof " cr are we . busy., the midst of a community is as potent i . " fuels constantly rising higher, the' bustling, hard-working materialists' as a Christian Church. Not long ago Martha ? we heard a builder say that one un- m* ^ M -ni^,-.;:";-^^^ t .l of $61 for ,^r ; "^ y J . .. W !_L .J e " Nazareth home. He was object to! around, n. tk- !, fc.nJ ,!,... . . iu^3. niu t^; \ti y UWM K^ white grubs and shoul.i le encouraged them, they will start to dry up. t follow the plow ;u much as pos^ The largest ~~' - *^ "' sihle. Black birds, crows and other grown under birds as well u wkunfos, also feed o f the Giant Gros variety on the grubs. been installed at a On the other hand there are Best Feed i n. Ka'ions i.r Young WOT;** ij.0iuLvu au u *.o&i. ui ^oi lor t ...__,. .: .1. -f . ^ t ll&^u^^L.. i.uiiie. r.e was suojeci TOJ** XUUIIU - uw nir uii.ri uni.ii t..ert? r t grapes in the world are materials. A cistern might have been ' i tne gravity tank of a them That is to say. He was a loy il | households which give dignity and glass in Kngland. Grapes constructed in the approach to the P'^ , G cnoul?n * Ver 2? and ohedient son. taking His part aY.d ' re^peetability to the whole neighbor- Gros variety often mea-' barn nnd connected with a sink for ' Improved windmills, with share in all the life of the home, work- ; hood. In an Ontario village where we | sure between four and five inches' a to i a i cost i nc i u ,iinr labor nf ' lr- or roller bearin - large oil ing and learning His trade at the . were visiting not loig ago, one house I around and clusters weigh twenty or than S*00 B | reservoirs, and scientifically designed ! carpenter's bench, helping, after the was pointed out to us by a resident, thirtv Dounds each nt tvnn vanes and blades take advantage of (l th of Joseph, in the bringing up who said. "The family living in that trill LV IMJU.1U3 Wll.fl. f)f rolirsi- S^Od iq milln *in nvnnnco , -t TT:_ . _ i _ j r .* 1 . t *.!.:_ :u of His younger brothers and sisters. . house has done more for this village Anii Him constantly was the. than we shall ever be able to estimate. tnitty pounds ul tuulatr> ^m, is quue an expense. ' .u,, I had a neighbor who put a little 1 But does a farmer hesitate to pur- 1 r hre(?zcs . A . salt in every hole where she set a cab-; c ha S e a binder costing $200? The' ^,; ? t,, . T.*J ''mother's watchful and loving" care.! Father, mother, and all of the five oMh, /, f V !' P m , lh ^ stud y '' a *Te Pl*nt. to keep away the cut- average farm uses n binder about * MS l ? "u I JT ? T* while she treasured in her heart tfce[chilrren are Christians, and in every Of the nutrition of poultry thc Central worms. I reasoned, "Why not salt working days each year The averaee ' , n , ' T*?*"*? things which had been said about Him good cause they can be counted on." hxpenmental Farm at Ottawa made the whole garden?" The next spring,! binder lasts about six 'or seven sea- M """^ d.mensions and i "l f<>rt> - tWO before TheSC -_ seven sea the garden soil, I sons with our careless ways. This dstern - Hght, would last fifty ntnU-8 that the ration in this Scattering lx>ric acid on the green- n T ^ Cm well "Whv rations . u " nly ' t0 < * 68troy When a younK man is courting he , V "" cockroaches that are out' plants growing in the| | carry 1,100 ton of water up a Fighting the cutworm: The growers tain 050 miles high for him. asks "her" if she is willing to shnpe In the case of the large tanks ; h tQ , th<? nee<Js rf th< .! irtto the mUk ns Ae calf be ^ M to >T cisterns for storing water over long, f am Uy, the follow^ scheme has been suck the fingers. The calf in this ^eTt^y^rTrH 11 * 183 Ui" '- f th used: A ^ asin abcut 40 feet l u re,way gets a taste of the milk and i Tu' r C u 083 jJ t was made in the top of n rise above [of ten starts to drink without further ET*L^2fS \ 3 n ^ y , be . remed ! ed ;the level cf the tank. The basin was trouble. If not. the process must be ftJS^TJi^^S^firftpW^ With C0ncrcic ' einf "'-^ nth repeated. _ ofn , ",',' care of y fencing an ,i sloped to a central drain ' But sometimes the calf refuses, and careful packing of pvpes and other ex-; provided wilh ft tmp to prevent en .: force must be rworte< , to . The feedeTi trance of trash. The water was con- \ facing the same direction as the calf, ^^. . A x *" *' i the other pcn'i Iwing sup-i plemented by one or more feed., 6.*,J eTOODd 1w alwi'y ,' pape^ "bands: There are many ways of the the l, lost e !l f> protect newly it-t planto from cut- 1 wa tor"i n to the kitchen that do not and worms. It would be quite a lot of cost $200. Some cost ni ore. survi\ors nude an average gain work and useless expense to hold of c.nly 1.67 ounce.*. P.-n No. 9, fed these bamls together with cotton m -it, eggs ami grwns in addition to string. Here is a way to hold these A Sink in Necessary. In all the methods given in the fol- tn. l,asa! ration, .suffcn I the lowest bands together. Take tough paper ' lowin K discussion, a kitchen sink is 111. :tality, namely, 4 bii"' , or 10 per '. long enough to Tnake the band, and, in < >lu <le< 1 - A kitchen sink must have c<-. . and gained 0.2C per bird; al>out six or eight inches wide. Fold! a draln to Uke liway Wllsto wherc il while in Pen No. 11, which had a this together lengthwise in the middle ! wil1 not contaminate the surroun<l- nR8 or vvntt ' r "Ww- The to stick rauon similar to No. 9 but hiul milk] shove one end of this into the fold inR8 or vvntt ' r "Ww- The sink with t<. .Irink, the mortality was 7 birds, | of the other end about an inch and a drain ju!rt lonR "i* ' , but the gain of 5.87 per cent, was the there you nrc. In using, make a'littlo tllrou h tho sid<> "^ the housc is n t a highest pen . , The relative i trench around the plant with the B ' ink> Nor is tho zinc-lined box with ornamen- , (iucte( | through a filter to the tank ' straddles its neck and backs the calf tal, and a tank in a building or built into a bank is likely to be more satis- The attic tank be set in a metal pan with a drain. Leaks, condensation, or breaks from freezing will then be * taken care of automatical All M'^^feffTT should be provided with an overflow! a size larger than the inlet pipe. The amount of water that may be the annual roof, and t and gutters to handle the maximum farther down the slope, and into a corner. The pail of milk ahould from there wns piped to the house. ^ e held in one hand and the noee of This supply nets about 30,000 gallons, the calf should be grasped with the each year. The land upon which -it ; other. Place two fingers in the catf'a was built was practically valueless ! mouth. The calf's nose is then forced ! into the milk. -nu The cock of the walk w finally fall. Calculating Cistern's Capacity. value of these foin feeds can be well: finger, so to get the band about nn! a holc in the b(>tU)m that drail18 into | T he nu>an nnmial ra ^ in On- Ch,." 1.1 in ^1- "ram wMlTp' nhown by n compa. .'son of the niiulU inch in the ground. Draw a little an and( '" t cnwl y > )ail a sink ' II is ^ rw ' u for exn >l>lc, is very close to vnto jj water Jg^H t ' n t j . i*l~ when they were fetl singly in addition j loose ground around the outside to Just aa bad to havo to '' arr y water; 35 inches. Of this, it is reasonable to the basal ration. Pens 2, .'!, 4, and i hold thc band in place. where a spring has a flow of three gallons or more per minute. A watch j cooke<1 in the P ot - a second hand, a vessel of known 1 and a small dom tff flow the! A ? lHHl J oko must havc a &*** 9**-, water into the vessel are all that are ! but ll s hould never be aimed ait needed to determine the flow. There! "* in P arti <-'"lar. must also be an opportunity to get a ' fall of three feet or more below the spring for the operation of the ram. & Dairymen buy milking machines for oti of three reasons, or for all three reasons. First, because they rcalh:o M milker will .live them labor if they do the milking lhem*-lvr>), or labor hire if they have many hnnds. Second, the milking machine :IV<>M time. Third, first-das* milking machine milks th* Hm way ovt-ry day, ami the treatment which tl.r nw rtsceivc is rot deipriident upon th whim or humor of n hired man. The three motives, in short, lire time aved, labor saved, nnd the ifix.d effect on cows, or increa^l milk production. ul to lve to carry it in. All of to expect that 25 inches may be con- tho mcthotls givt-n have l>ecn in use j ducted into a cistern. The loss of on various farms long enough to tell! 10 inches comes through small show- their good and bad points. Most ofj"s that barely wet the roof f rom ' r " the th and wiH pump about one-seventh of the water furnished it. The hydraulic is not a perpetual-motion ma- chine, but it is a faithful sen-ant. for It used to take an hour and a half of securing ' I kitchen water "supply "is' from the roof, and overflow" of gutter te ." ^T* w ; tno t popping, except to milk ten cows, whereas I now milk j that of placing n rain-water barrel on! in heavy showers. -spring failed in an extrcnie- I have 1 brackets under the eaves at a height! To find the amount of water that ! ,"J y season - rt * the mechanically driven water fore installing the milker are now giving more milk than they did when them may : "be seen in'any community.! moisture a'bsorbe<l by the roofing'ina- J' h ' me - but il is a fai ' hfl I milked them by hand. The cheapest nnd simplest method i terial, from evaporation, snow blown ' . k " Wn V a " ! that , fourtet-n m about one hour. not had a caw of teat or udder trouble < that will allow the water to flow f rom J may be collected from a given roof in since putting in the milker. The 1 n tap into the sink. The total cost ! Ontario, we would first measure the su[>p ] y , s ^'* ms ( . thor ? "J e "J. 8 " milker is easy to clenn and keep sani-' of such an installation need not exceed ground area of the structure. This tary. Its upkeep hns been nothing,! $5. A kerosene Imrrel, a short length | nrea multiplied by thc total rainfall with the exception of n few rubber ! of one-lmlf-inch pipe fitted to the will give the volume of water. Thus, teat-cup liners, which expense is not barrel with lock nuts and gaskets, an " building ;)0x-10 feet has an urea of worth nientioning. I follow the- op- j ordinary bibb or faucet, and a few 1,200 square feet. Multiply this by, wilting instructions to the letter and, pieces of scantling may constitute the the equivalent of ^"i inches, or 2 feet',1 great degree of perfection has been reached by considerable number of these systems. materials. Teaching a Calf to Drink. A calf that is woane.l from find that it pays. Nine months' experience with me- chanical milking hns made me such a saving that I believe I am safe in sny-j pipe at the bottom. A screen over the ' he necessary to make the cistern to i will usually drink milk from a t.hat a good milking machine will , top will exclude dirt and leaves, and j hold the full amount. An 8,000- j much more readily than when its and we find a volume of 2.-100 cubic j mother should be kept without food To double the capacity, use two bar- feet, or 20,000 gallons. Now, if we f r at least twelve hours, at the end rels, connecting them with a piece of|re using water constantly, it will not f which time it will l>o hungry and Perfect galvanizing. Big wires. Full size rolls. A mechanically hinged joint. Backed by 31 years of quality fence building. ASK YOUR DEALER not 1 . I II tV, f "IIV will fcV|F Will ' !' .'III. IUU1 IWlVt-'Ef, llllU '" ' ' ! UlllUillll. A II OUUU-' I'H'CI. UU'If lt'Hl.ll\ IIIHM uneT HOt o""IL."!.~ '.1?^!!^^ And! prevent the breeding of mosi^itoes. j Ballon i-iU>rn will hold the water from i hungry. Wnrm. fresh milk from the mother should he put into u clean pail and held near the floor, in front of thu calf, which will generally start to .. .. . . 'ii i -..j rj i .in n j-rui. ;\no iiruvi'ni. mu urevinn-jf m muociuivoes. i K* 11 ! 1 "* VIBK-IU \>m nun. me waler trom thfia items were duly considered and if I hj.,1 to KO l)ack , Uu , ()!)| mcthodj Thc objl , el i on to this scheme is that one wet season to another in Ontario I made up my m, rid that It would be | of haml milkinR> , fo(>1 Iirettv ^l - economy for me to buy a milking ma- ; that dairying would soon lose 'its at- chine that would iiccomplish for me ' tmctivencss to me thono three things. At that time WHH milking only trn COWM, but with thc intention of increasing my herd, which I have Hince done. I >K>ught one of the best milker* ml do not honitnte in miying it Is veryChing the iiiainifiictiirern waid it .would be. I have been lining it twice day now for the IIUH! nine months, ! May. nil it IIHI- nlwuys given me complete | . atisfaciion. The mws ically seem to There wns once u man who had tn liki- it, and while 1 have not kopt re- drive down a stake to toll where he oonls, and havo added new COWH to '''ft off weeding tho onion row. How- my herd from time to Uime, I am firm- ever, after h<- got a farm of his own, , r ty coovioced that tho cows I h*d be- i < : ht sort of Ming came to an end. ' to tho force of gravity and the fric To forget wrong is the IK-SHI rovonge. Look out for squalls when the clothesline breaks. Tho calendar should contain a month of Will as well as n month of it wx>rks only when the rains come at The easier water is obtained the fairly regular Intervals. It Is also : more it will be used, ami that useless in winter. Hut it is gwxl while it works, nnd is far better than carry- ing all the water. The pitcher pump at one end of the sink hiis the virtue of getting water into the house without carrying, al- though it does take a little effort to work the handle. The pitcher pump in of the Diction actly what we wish to lead to. In the average family where the water is carried, the daily consumption may he as low as two gallons for c-ach person. With an unlimited supply, this quan- tity will be as high iis <H> to 80 gal- lons. This water will lie used for more frequent hathinp, for bolter laundry v:>rk, cookery, drinking, and no?e about the pail. Plni two (infers in the calf's mouth, nnd draw the hand down type, hence water may ]jf dnuxn toilet purposes. It will be safe to vertically, only nboui '.' ' fi-vt , .< le . compute the size of c'tr>r?i or daily Neither will it work satisfactorily if water supply, as the case n.ay be, on the cistern or well is locate, I more! a basis of 40 gallons each day for than f>0 feet horizontally from the pump. The above limitations are due each grown person or two children in the family. Where the roofs are not large HIDES : WOOL-FURS| \Vl!!\ tho vnmlnff i>f piliiK you will lr luo Inn wool. h!.t< skim mill hurst hair to Belt. Ship It to u or write fen- liliT.v Wo.wlll USB you ti^ht WILLIAM STONE SONS LIMITEDl WOODSTOCK ONTARIO tSTAlLISMtD 1870 TO SEE THIS FENCE Made by The Canadian Steel & Wire Co. Limited HAMILTON, ONT.

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