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Flesherton Advance, 12 May 1921, p. 5

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May 12 1921 THE FLESHEKTON ADVANCE Small Remittances you remit small amounts do you use the safest, most economical and most satisfactory medium ? Bank Money Orders are inexpensive, protect you against loss and relieve you of worry. These orders are obtainable at all our branches and sub-branches. THE STANDARD BANK - TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY MILLIONS Flesherton Branch: - 3 - Geo. Mitchell, Manager. ANADIAN C. P. R. Time Table. Flesherton Station Mows : doing South 7.55 a. m. 4.80 p.m. The ui.-til* are oaeo at Fleaherton as follows : For the north at 10.40 a. in. and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 3.40 o'elook. For morning train south close at 9 p. m. the previous evg. I List week -v is a good seeding week ' and numbers have completed theit work. Reduced prices on all auits and suitings H. Alexander, Fev*rham 20 1-21 Mr. J. C Scott and family motored to Elora on Saturday for a weak end visit. Mr. Jack McAuley, of Walkarton, doing North spent Sunday with his mother hare. Wanted Cookstove, with reservoir if possible, in gnod condition. Mrs. E, Morgan, Eugenia. 9 30p m' L VICINIY CHIPS Flesherton celebrates on June 3rd. Miss Irene Wilson spent the week tnd ID Toron*o. Now, get your gardens in, and hens all ut. up. Mr. T. () Guldemith is spending a few days in Lnndon. A number from here attended the 4ance ia Durham Tuesday of last week. Anglican chuich, Service as uan In Town Hall every Sunday at 7 p m. Dr Ern. Armstrong and little son, Dick, uf Cobalt, spent the week end with | friends here. Mr. and Mrs. George Patton, of Owen I Sound, vii<ed wiih relatives here on Wednesday last Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Blackburn returned home last week after a lengthy stay in ! Toronto. Baseball practise every night next I week, weal her permitting. It is l.oped I that all plsyera will make a special -it r' to attend. N. H. Wilton. Manager. '!>--,. Jnu, I ;,. i mid Ku _ .1 Fieldi and Mrs. Fred Chnrd, of Toroiito, atten- ded ihe funeral of the late Donald Luitch on TuesiUy. Dr. Will Bentham, of Darlington, Shepherd and Will nentham, of Toronto, are spending a few dayi at R. Bentham's Mr, H. G. Canington, painter and decorater, is working in Priceville. See his samples of wall paper for that room of yours. The Methodist LadieH 1 Aid Society will hold a axle of homemade cooking, 'candy, vegetables, etc., on Saturday, May 21sli in the Armstrong block. Sale commences at 2 o'clock. Died In Artemenia, on Friday, May 6, Elizabeth Snell, relict of the late John Snell, aged 72 years. The funeral took place ou Monday afternoon to Flesherton cemetery. NOTICE 1, the undersigned, will not be responsible for any debts contract- ed in my name by my wife, Mrs. John W. Wright, (nee Stella Pedlar) after thip date. Dated May 5th, 1921 . John W. Wright. BUSINESSCARDS SOCIETIES OKINCB ARTHUR LODGE, No. 3S3,A.F.A ' AM, meets in the Masonic ball. Arm s rong'B Block Floeherton, every Friday on or before the full moon. A. S. Muir. W. II H. tt. Holland, Secretary DENTISTRY MURRAY L. D. S , dental aurgeou graduate of Toronto Uuivernitv and i-ya College ol Doutal SuruooriB of Ontario, ii.n admieluietured for teeth extraction (fire atrevidenoe Toronto Street. FlMberton. |n B. C " h.noi-| LEGAL Rev. G. Black weltf Pattor. Rev. Byron StauSer, of Toronto, ia ll a while on a finding trip, guest of W. A Armstrong while on a I fishing tour. LOST - Between Dundalk an.l Flenherton on Saturday night, April I'Oth. Died In Artamoia, on Thursday the ; Finder please cmumunicate or leave with 6th iust., the inftnt and only sou of Mr. tod Mrs. Alex. McMullin, agud two days. The Methodist Young Peoples Sociery entertained the Vandeleur League on M-Mi liy evening. Mrs J. Runstadler airived last . k lo spend tha summer here. Her mother, Mrs. K^ HI, is with her. A moving picture show wax in town Friday evening last. There was not a W. H Tlmrston, Flesherton. Mr. Mark Leijjhton, of Truro, N.S., who (us heen attending Toronto L'niver- sity. spent the week end with hi 8 comrades-in-arms Em. and Bob BulUiuy ' If you are planning to buy a sewing machine buy the old reliable Sini<er. You may as well have the heBt at reasonable price. Call and see these m.chines at W. A. Hawken's photo ller y ami mU8 ' 8tore - The Advance had a pleasunt . CCAH, A HKNRY-BarriutHra. riollcitors. " JC.-I. B. UioaB, K. C. ; W. D. Henry, B. A. Offices, Mm kilnlu Luc'is Block, PUoue IA. much otlicts at Oundalk aud Durua . . 17 BIOHT, * TELFOHD, Hammer, fiolici. torn, Ac. ' ifliri-H, Grey \ hruce Hlnck, Owun Souiul. Standard Bank ."Fletbor- ton.iSaturdayi). W. H. Wriijut, Tf. P". Taltord Jr. husiNE-ss CARDS * i ATM. K.UTTINO, icenned Auctioneer foi ' the coutnu'8 of i.ri'v and Simcoe. irn> aud Stock aaies a apecialtv. Termn M. i miu. xaUxfaotioD guaranttixi Arrant<- nents for dales may be made at the Advance 'luce, or Central teler-houe oflice revorHham i by addroBeinit me at Fevei uam, 'in. NEW SPRING FOOTWEAR AT NEW SPRING PRICES We can offer you a wide selection in Ladies' Oxfords, Pumps and Fancy Strap Slippers in black kid, black patent, black calf, brown kid and brown calf leathars. All sizes from 3 to 7. Different widths and your choice of French, Cuban or Sport Heels. Our prices are reasonable throughout and are based on today's leather values and show a decided reduction from values previously offered. Our Special $5.00 Work Boot For Hen A well shaped boot, roomy and' comfortable, blucher style, small eyelets, heavy lining, made up in a pliable grain leather, as nearly waterproof as a boot can be, solid leather insoles and counters, smoothly finished inside, solid oak tanned soles, nailed and slugged. Sixes 6 to iO. Honestly worth $0.00 today, special $5.00. Specials in Fancy Dress Voiles Another new assortment of Individual Dress Lengths expected this week. Prices from 95c. to $1.50 u yard. flillinery Department Busy in this department as usual but Miss Collver can find time to give your order prompt attention. Novelties in early summer styles arriving every lew days, New Patterns in Gold Seal Congoleum Squares. Novelties in Grass Verandah Squares. O'cedar Mops $2.00 each, Liquid Veneer Mops $1 "> each, for your Hardwood Floors. i , \ F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON - ONTARIO 0. .-i-M ui , Licensed Auctionue fo> t)M County of Grey. Terms moderMo and >ati action guaranteed. The m-muucni"": . tin! im. . of ealettcau fo uiailont TliK \li\\\ >ltije. IteHideucuaud P.O.I ('Hylon. Telephone For Sale A Puro Bred Registered Shoriliorn Bull, "Youny Hero" ]3 nios old, fit for service, bred by F. J. Curry, breeder nnd imonrter of Shorlhoins, Markdalo. Apply to W. J. Meadp, Priceviile P. O. Yorkshires, Tamworths Young Stock For Sale For Breeding Purposes Phone or write GEO. W. HOS OspreyTel. system llaxwell P. O Fertilizer I am aia-ut fur (iunn's Sure Gtiiii Fertilizer, the best on the nurkct and will till orders at Flesherton Station at any time, preferably Tuesdays. Phone 21 r 23, W. J. y<mdn, Pricevillo P. O. j Money Lost A twenty dollar bill in Down's uaraue, Flesherton, on Thursday, April 21. Finder please lem-o at The Advance otiice. BOOTS & SHOES In Ladies' Wear we have Kid, Dongola, Gun Metal and Box Calf. For Men's Wear we have a nice assortment of Mahogany and some good lines in Black. Also very serviceable Work Boots. a * > bme Rtt,.iiilnce, the pictures bein only , ieconil ra'.e. The Advance had a pleasunt call on A c cert will be given by the Eugenia Monday from Warden Sing, of Menford, BaseUil Club in the Orangn Hnll (in who was no an inspection tour with fee Thursday ev. of thi week, My 12. A County Goodruads Committee, going as good program will he given. j far as Ilnnovsr and reluming Tuesday. A pl-iy mid dance will be given by the A horse case wag trie* 1 in Owen Sound Ceyluu Amusement Club in the Orange last fall, when J. S inson sued H. Piper Hall thiH Friday evi-ning. A good plsy f,, r the price of a horse and won his suit. entitled "Molly's Way" will be given. , An appeal was entered and this wa* See bills. heard last week when the appeal wai Mr. Waller Louoks returned hone sustained and Mr. Stinsun loses hii from the West ou Saturday after an cae. absence of nearly nine yei. Wa't-er Mr. Will Colquette, of Port McNicho', w;i- prospecting and tiapprng in ntAern .and his f.uber, R. Colquette, of Fever- Mauitoba for n an, her of years ata was j sham, were callers one day last week. The latter has fully recovered from his vary suucegsful iu hn work there. ! i : ' wan in Siberia' with tbe Expaditionary Force and with a friend spent an extra year tnppinK there, returning last year. All his old friends were glad to se e Walter back 141111. l.i'-- nervous trouble and has regained hi" o'd timu slrenifth. The Grey Regiment will leave here fr i-niiji.r. Niagara on June 13>h and will be away for about 'J days, returning on June 27'h Thm Regiment is eoddbTour- jim to rae a platoon in Flasherion Matk dale and Dundalk each and officers are Work is proceeding on the cleaning up and fencing of Memorial Park, nud after completion it 's expected that FIcNherton will have one of tha most picturesque now busy signinc up men for thu various and handsomely appointed parks in seven pUtoon. The rate of pay is 81.26 per counties. The work is still in initial day for new men, and 91.50 per day for lUges, but the park will soon be feuced returned soldiers with everything found, and otlmr work be proceeded with with- ; This is a good chance for some military out deUy. The drive-way through the training and vacation combined. Anyone pttrk lii- been partially unJerbiuslicd Desirous of signing p will please tee | and olJ timber is beinn removed. '; J. A. Leg'ird or W. Cargoe, Flesheiton A number of citizens were in Toronto Mr. George Latimer, an old resident of last week its witnvnues in the Uxmn n Ko -ii/i. dild on Monday n> lh rare old Rudluy insurance c*e. Last fill aa ago uf 08 years. The deceased genlle- uiioci.'ir.i <i resi'ittMtn in town bek>n){ii'g mm win born at Niagara and cume to to Mi. iirlpy was buruud HIH! llie ArtemeHia 62 years aao. settliiiu nn a Company n-fustd paymcut. The case firm at S^leni. He leaves a f iinily of was heurU in tli Ci'y Hull, Toronto, | four sons and three daughters Jctmthan on Fmliiy morning !>( before Judge and Leonard at Eugenia, Albert at Widditi.'M, when a lar^e uuinbur of Edmou'ou, Will af MiniieapulJH ; Mrp. w.tnt'H us were heard. Judgment was JauiieKon ai<d Mrs. Sack, Toronto, and resfivcd. Jud^mt-nt was Inter i^ivoii Mis. Dunli'i 1 , noBr Meaford. Ono son and agmnsc the insui-anoo rompany with one daughter are dead, Wesley, who was costs. ' drowned a couple of years ago, and Mrs. A sudden death occurred in town on ' u - Pl "" lt - T' 10 f""" 1 '" 1 took P lace t(> Biturday afternoon lasr, when D-iinKl Sllel " V^eT y on Wednesday. (Dan) Leitch papsd :iway ut his home at' The census enumerators are to bo at tha aj^o uf 55 years. For a (uuple of work on Junol nnd to be thruugh by weks hu hud been fueling unwell but June 12, There m.iny (luos'ionn to nothing fttal was anticipated, Saturday ] be answered and anyjnn who refuses to mornimt he took .suddenly worse and | give the information may be biougbt died about 2 30, from what was diagnosed before a magifltrato and lined. Th in acutu indigestion. The dec -ased wns . en umerutotB are sworn to secrecy and are born at Priceville. He leas thre e j not to reveal any information. Th sisters and two brothers Mrs. Heniy taking <f thj census is a f rovisioii of the Clsrk, living near Markdile ; Mrs. S. | British North Anjerica Act and must be Smart, Duncan ; Mra. Jo. Field, Flash- i tiken every ten years. The populatu n erton ; Malcolm in 'own, and George, of '. of Quebec forms the baiis of represents,* Markdnle. The funeral took place to ion in the Parliament, having Flesheiton cemetery on Tuesdny fter- j a 6xe.d number of 05 raembprg, and the noon fronn tha horn* of his sister, Mrs. J. ! olher province" a membership bearing: PielJ, where service was held at 2 p m. | tha same proportion to llifir populntion, Dun wns a man who nude rniny friend?, as 65 bours to the population of the to whnm his death is a great shock. Province of Quebec. Flesherton Garage We are now agents for the International Harvester Co., Peering and McCormick Farm Implements the most complete line of Farm Implements manufactured today. Call and see us when in town. Headquarters for Columbia Dry Cells and Hot Shot Ignition Units. * H. DOWN & SONS, PHONE 36 FLESHERTON Repairing promptly attended to. THOS. CLAYTON K: FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO [f non * -V-.-V. *!> -' <k*t** * ' **** *t** . ' ' * - *** W -A. -^ *r*****ff********** IT BELONGS IN EVERY HOME Music turns a house into a home or makes a home more of a home. It mental brings to your home xation that that nothing else can bring. DIAMOND AMBEROLA THE NEW EDISON provides for your home,' music in the greatest variety real, live, thrilling. Hear Edison's Amberola today at nLJSIC 5TORE NEWS We have on show this week the following machines and would be pleased to demonstrate them to you : VICTROLAS Tbe Best Known Gramophone Made No. 82, No. 8. No. G, No. 4, Mahogany Fume dOak Fumed Oak Fumed Oalf Price $160. 00 Prico S90.00 Price $60.00 Frioe 40.00 COLUMBIA GRAFONOLAS E 2, Mahogany, X 2, Fumed .Oak. A 2, Mahogany, Typo GC, Price Reduced to$l4;5, regular 81(50 Price Reduced to S95, regular 81H5 Price Reduced to 332, regular $37.50 WINDSOR Mahogany, Price 3120.00 STEWART PHONOGRAPHS Table Model Cabinet Model N"o. 115 Price 815.00 Price S4-J.50 All the latest Song and Dance iiecords, Needles, Record Cleaners and Hastus Dancers. W. A. ARMSTRONG. Phones 13 and 28. Flcshertou, Ont. FARM IMPLEMENTS WAGONS, HARROWS PLOWS Telephone No. 37 BELLAMY'S Flesherton, Ont. SPECIAL PRICES IN New Tubular Sharpies Separators JOHN HEARD, IMPUEMENT AGENT. FLESHERTON.

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