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Flesherton Advance, 12 May 1921, p. 4

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Mffft May 12 I'JiM THE FI ESHURTON ADVANCE : , .11 li. ,MAD OFFICE ' HAMILTON ESTABLISHED 1872 Instead of canning tin- proceeds from (train Tickets, Bale of Ctittlp, rYoducu, etc., in your jji'.cket, deposit thfciiv ill the li'iuk of Hamilton, where they will ho safe. Y.m c;in then issue clieqticu to I HIV accounts, and your pass book will afford you a complete record of all your transactions. BANK OF HAMILTOH DUNDALK BRANCH-A. M. Carthew, Manager SUB-BRiNCH PROTON-C. J. Forster, Sub-Manger W. A, HAWKEN dealer for MENDELSSOHN PIANOS and PLAYER PIANOS, PHONO- GRAPHS and RECORDS, and SHEET MUSIC. Call and see these high grade instruments AT Ha.vkeu'3 Photo GUllery and Music Stor FLESHERTON A Genuine Sale Having purchased the stock ot If, J. Lo( l;ir<l at Klesherton at a low r.iro on the $ we have decMed to place the Pat.ri.son & Co. and tho LeGarrl Stocks on sale ;it prices never heard of in the County of Grey. t Sale starts Thursday, March 24 Pattison's Old Stand. CEYLON CHEAP SUITS Boys' Suits, sixes from U4 to '28, for $^ ."0 Boys' Suits, sizes Ironi 28 to :i2, for $1 ().;"><) Youths' .Suits, ranging in sixes from 32 to '35, now selling for $i:>.00. Men's Suits, ;ill si/es being sold at ,Jf!S 00. DR ESS GOODS We have in stock a Iteautiful lino of Voiles, tho prices ranging from $I.L ; f> to $1.7;"). Wo have 2 wonderful pieces of Tricolette in .sand and navy blue colors, at $:{..">() pur yard. Don't take our word for; . ( all in and sec these bargains, mxmmmmmsmxmm F. G. KARSTEDT, Flesherton, - Ontario FLESHERTON BAKERY IT'S WORTRY THE IJItliAI) PUIM'OSE. WITH A Yes, our Pure Food Bread has a worthy purpose It brings health aud strength tuid a meal ti-nio satisfaction t"i llie Iblks who partake of it regular- ly. One slice calls lor a loaf, one loaf forms the habit. Bread is your best food eat more of it. PHONE c : FRED PiNDER, Flesherton Sporting News of the district LA.ORQ38H Wu understand it ia (he Owen Sound iuterniediuUn whoaru to play in Murkdale on the 24lh of May, MI-RIS. RuSHell Wilson, CUrence Hmnhickor, Hnivc-y Heiubtcker and H II Claridue have Binned up to p'^y with ihe Markdala lacrosne team Ihis teascm. Si SimonB, of Tmon'o, have signed up Mike Kelly, fuimerly <f Maikdule. He was a ant a few yeais back, and looks good for a few bright poifornmnces. His brother, Pat, is looking after 0rn[ibell- ford'8 intermtdiaies. BASEBALL The LjHguo opens itH schedule on Monday when Ceylon plays Gleneig. Rocklyn will piny Walters Falls in nn exhibition game on Thursday evening. Eugenia bill club are putting on a concert this Thursday evening to raise funds for ihe equipping of the team. Vaudeieur and Flosherton teams will meet in Maikdale on tho 24th, when a r .. . I game iti exptcted. Eugenia and Kiinberley (ilayod at Eugeni* Saturday evening, the latter wiiuiiii'' 7-3. Ceylon will go a IOHR way in the race for th championship of the LPI;U. Roy Gibson, the vetera'i pitcher, seems as i tractive m ever. Hocklyn team is holding a big diy of spjita on Wed., Muy lUth, when they open their first Lt;aj;ue game with Dundalk. C.-ylon and Fiesherton played an e*hil)iliun uame on the locals grounds on Thursday evo. las', the former coming ouh en tup (i-3 aftur four miini - of play. Cargoe ai.d Dow were tho batteries for FIft-herton, while It Ciihscm and E. Muir vrre fi-r Ceylon. Sale By Tender Of saleable property in the Village of FUslierton, and Township ot Artemesio Tenders will be receiver! by the under- signed addrotscd c<re cif W. J. Bellamy, Ks |:;uo, and mar!<ed "Tender fur Flesh-r Eatato" up to noun of the tlnriy-rirc.t diy of May, 1(121, for the (michase c.f all or ny nf thu fllowin(r propuly lipluiiKing r> the estate c,f thu lit,- William Kir-.', n Fle*her, imiiidly : I'AKCKL 1 AH thoni. parcelgof lots 148, 14!) AIH\ 1.00 as'eN-ied and in posses- ic,n ot ihe KleAlii-r Estate and nc.t here- tofore hci.d und conveyed, coi<taining nboiit ;, v. -lily-five acrcjii mc-re or less, and roughly deMribrd as all that, part of lot US Lying S.'iiih- Wes' c,f theToronio uml Sydi nh tin Itoad svo mid except the plot nciruui. cl by iho Tublic School and lotn 10, 17, 1H, 10, all llmt part c.f lot number 14* lying jjciu-h West of th Front Mill PropenjT, all that part of lot nninber l.'iti lyirji< S mth West of the Gnat Mill I'rop rty. HARCKI, 2 Mill I'lot M beii.R a part of lot 14'J South- West of Ihe Toronto and Sydimhnoi lload cmitaininx nl.out B /i PARCEL a All those pirts of lot number 151 ly 111; Smith- West of the TorpDtO und Hydeiihaui Road ud com- poed of Yilln^o Iciig 8, 9, 10, la, 14, 15, il>, 17. 20, 21, 30, 30 and the Ctbinet Faotnry nd finill mill pond i p, as well us lilnckx D K O and J in aaid lot, con- bUBIItg about "0 acres, mota or less. BLOCK 4 - FIRST, 5 acres composed of the North Kt natt of lot 150 in the second I; ii' . S ulh West of the Toronto and Hydenhaiii Kond in the TowiiHhip of Aremesia, ana known as ihe Crown 1 Reserve. SErciND That part of lot U>0 in the S coud !.">,'." or CnncwHsion Sou'h-W>t f the^ Torotuo iind Hydenhani R-jnd in Ihe Tmn*hi|> .-f Arteme^ia containiiiK two and oiif, cjti-utcr acrOK purchsmd by he aul \V K. Flesher from Win. Smith Tuuiii-Ttmt part .,f lot ISO in the Snciind Ji^nye South- West of thu Toronto itud Syilniilmin lloafl in Hie Township of AilfiiifHia i-oiiluinii.i; i e u ac-res purchused liv tbomiid W. K (I'leHlinr from Matthew I! c' Hidion, SDVU that portion cuui vd for tlm pu> pope nf the Duih mi ll-.a l,Hii"out iw<iHii<l H c|ii trter aui'en, more or less. C.iNiirri NK -All thu abm-n pripuMies wilt ' e sold with and sublet, to nil the rh'o, privili'vca nnd ci^ecnc-nts ap.-r- foining tiinrot.i stiil to ivhirh thc snid n.oei^e.'l W*H en'it4ed tni-uj'iv, or w*s li'tl.'i- :o tnaintitin during hi^ lifetiTtlii in i-o fir us his I'Xc cm. r cm Small Ads. Try Fevershn.n Pastry Flour, the best or your conk, All Ontario wheat Chopping done on Saturdays only Graham Bros. Eugenia Octlfl Fire and wind Insurance in the brst cnmpHiiifS f ()r tarrr. and town property W. O. Fawcett, ngent, Ceylon EKKH A few netting* of R. I. R^d cm, either comb, at 11.60 per setting 3 At lhi r,fric-. , , of 13 At this office. Fur Sale or Rent The egg warehouse and premises in Flesherton. This is a Urge two storey building, hence could be u-ied for various purposes. Apply toll. J. Sproule, Fleiherton. FOR SALE- Wychoff and Guild strain of S.C. Leghorn et'gs fur hatching ; also Oies Shepherd's strain of S.C. Ancoims at $1.50 per setting of 15 eggs II. E Kirstedt, Priceville. mlOlf Fur Sale Cooking stove in good con- dition, will sell cheap- H. Walters, Priceville P.O. Now is the tin-e to choose the wal Dper for that room. I have just receiv- ed n-y books of samples nf wall papers, oilcloth, wall coverings, burlaps, etc., and am now ready to take your Older. H. Cvrrinxton, p'lin'er and decorator, Flesherton, Out. For Sale -Settings cf hen eggs for Hole t 81.50 per settiny, including Rhode Island RedH, Whito Rocks and <iray Kocks. Also a few settings of VVInie Duck EtfgH HI $l so per setting. Mrs. John DanJ, Purersham. For Sale About three thousand feec of dry U..H ; lumber, Harry Patton, Flesherton. For Sale Younij heifer calf, apply to Joh Wright, Fleaherlon. For Sale 4 large chandeliers contain- ing 6 lii-htH each . Apply to Pres. Ladies Aid, I- i. .':.! i. .11, or Mrs. Chiia Stewart, Secretary L. A. What is the Red Cross Doing ? The Red Cross in Ontario has: 1. Continued its war work in military hospitals. 2. Contributed to the relief of disease- stricken sufferers and undernourish- ed children in Europe. j. Co-operated with the Soldier Settle- ment Board in helping soldier sel- lers in emergencies due to sickness in the family. x A, Provided funds for three years for a course in public health nursing in 'the University of Toronto. The first class of fifty graduates in May. 5. Provided eight nurses for child hygiene demonstrations under the Provincial Board of Health. 6. Distributed to civil hospitals equip- ment and supplies left over from the war. ONTARIO ENROLLMENT, MAY 22-28 We have seen a Canada organized for war; now let us have a Canada organized for good health. Enroll in the Red Cross and help create public opinion in favor of found health measures. Enroll with your local Red Cross Branch or Knrolimrnt Committee, or, if there is none in your community, with the Ontario Provincial Division, 410 SHERBOURNE STREET, TORONTO. Canadian Red Cross Society Ontario Division For Sale To cows, one frenh milker the other du to freshen in May. K. WelUr, Max* til. Flesherton Tin Shop [ have just placed on the shelves a full line ot Tinware, Nickelware and Agateware for domestic ase. Call on me and get your supplies. Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- MAIL CONTRACT Sealed Tender* .vlclreuM'd to tho Piwtmactff l.i'iiiTnl, will ntOttan-n until noon mi IviJay.thu 17th of .(,. um. f,, r rf le o,,^ veyance of 1 1 > Majfaty'it MiviK cm a [*o|xw- cl Cc.utmrt for four yearn, n\ -..,,.-. per wet'k, n the route CKVLON R. If. X,,. i from the lt of October, 1(121. Printed noticm r> m nininc further infonna- tiimaci tocoiiditinMH of |>ri>]Hiseil Contract may be MO ami blank forms "f Tender m.iy be obtained at the V.wt Offices of Ceylon ami at tlieuHi x cif the Pout Office Inipsctcir. Toronto. A. SUTHERLAND, Pent Office Iiwyotor. Post Office rtuprator'* Office, Toronto, May 5th, 1911. ings. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipefitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Bros. Furnaces. D. WcKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON & ONTARIO. such transfer U*fu ! ly comey svich liabiliiics. Tii'.MRH Th lini'ior upon the s-iid I'n.vls No*. 1, 2, .'(, 4 ha-c 1-c.M-n sold and 'll,' imrrliaver has bien i>ianti!<l "hn riht and privilege to removn Ihe smnn at .any time within five yums fi.oni tho Sixth d.iy of Aui>, litia. The Mid parcels are sold Biil.ject t'i such privilege. TEKDKIJS Tender shall be in wiltina and whull specify tho purcil and price nlfrr.-d for iluisnne, ndurSMrd, in neiiled toler, mid maiked "Tender re Flesher lr!.i.i'--" to the undersigned in . irn of VV. .1 . Uelliimy, EM|., Flesherton. Tho hiiihcst or ny tender not necessarily ncowpted. If terms on purchases over 8500 are desired fur a term of not aver two years, wi'h iuterett at 0,, per niiini.'ii, ore desired siKh must bo fully mentioned, with security, mttinfactory. For further pirlicularn spi>ly to W. J. Bellamy, !';., Klesherton or J. M. ANSLEY, Executor R.R 4, St. Catharinec, Out. Dated AD Flenhertnn, My 0, 1021. CHEVROLET " FOUR-NINETY " 5ALES RECORD HORE THAN HALF A HULION. TJio Chevrolet Motor Company's plan to mke casli rffunda to tlie purchasers of 50,000 Model " Four Ninety " cars brings to Itgl.l the iact that more lhau half a milliou of these famous models have been sold. Tliia number covers a pciiod of BIX years production. In other words, an average of 88 000 - Four Nin e ti Pq " u \ear have been sold since the model was first introduced in the 191? season. This average i* one oftlie records of tho antumul.ilc iudnstry. r,ecord of continuous growth and steady IllCfl\>!(i 111 liniinlAvitv auji The 83,000 average is only half tlie story. inert';. )u in popularity. For, in the lirst season less than two hundred were sold. A year's test proved the merit of tins popular priced, economical car, however. nearly iorty thousand converts to this Chevrolet model Since its immediate success the sale of these cars has increased consistently. twe hundred thousand "Four-Ninety" cars. Four-Nineties " The second season won 1920 purchasers took nearly Boar tor Service The uiulurHiijned has H thorough. >red Yorkshire Ltonrfnr Hervico on lot 11, con, 8, Osprey. Ter in $1.60. KRKUSPOFFAUD This brings the total to more than half a million. And this record has been inado by only one In this it is unique. - Many of the first cars of this model are still running. In fact, it recently became known that one of travelled more than 1HO.OOO miles-27,000 miles a year for six years and is S ruuning, The sale of 50,000 more of tufrr. models between January Island August 1st of this year will enahl fl Chevrolet Motor Company to maintain its average qua-utity production. And if this is done in such a selling year as this, the Company will refund its profits to purcliBsero *7t1 Runabouts and Touring Cars and 8100 on Coupes and Sedans. " ' H D, McTAVlSH & SON, CHEVROLET DEALERS, - FLESHERTON, ONT

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