Vol 41, No. 48 Flestierton, Ont., May I J 1921 TRYON Owing to the wet weather seeding is progressing very slowly. Miss Ethel Morrison is spending a few w.v.-Us at the parental home. Fiehing is the order of the day. One of out young men had the pood fortune to ensnare over three hundred at once. Mi o.i Kate Cameron and friend of Rock Mills spent Sunday at A Mclnnis'. Miaa_M8 retta Cameron is spendins? a few weeks with relatives oo the 10th. Misa Sarah White is visiting with Mr Wilbert Foole at present. A pleasant evening wan spent at the home of Mr and Mis N Thomson, one evening list weulc, when a number of friends and neighbors gathered and presented them with many useful gifts. The evening was spent in music and dancing, and all report a good time. Mr and Mrs Dan Cameron, of Flesher- ten, spent Sunday with friends here. Quite a number from here attended the moving picsure show in Maxwell and Veveraham, and report a good time. EUGENIA The memorial committee of Eugenia will ceUbrate on May 24, holding a garden party. A good time is guaranteed. The program for the day will consist of base- ball match, tug of war bet wet n manied and single men and field spoits of all kinds. The evening will re taken up by a concert, which will consist of a play given by the Vandeleur people called 'i Ths Spinster's Convention ; " also a dialogue. Come and be'p ( ut the gotd cause. Mf and Mrs Emerson JSimons of Diay- l-)n were viti'ing friends in ton. Mrs A Tuohy and Harold were visitors 'with* the former's parents, Mr and Mrs J Parliament, ovei the week end. Mr and Mrs J Jamieson and fami'y and Messrs Clatancu and Wesley Meric, all of Toronto, are visiting Mr Leonard Latiiiar. Mils D Wilson and frie'id visited tho (liter's home here. ; Wesley Cioey dropped in on the girls over the week end. Messrs Fred Shepherd, Dr Wilson and Will Benthom are guests at the Munshaw House. Ilarry Fcester >a certainly kicking up .the dust with big new Mao. We are glad to pee H Haney out and around again. Ha will return to work next week. . Miss Ii'.i Haney is in the Collingwood hospital tnkii'g tiea'.rnent which we hope wilt greatly improve her health. 'Mri Duulop of Meaford is visiting her brother, Mr J Latimer. Plebisite Vote the official count of prohibition for Svuth 'The following is the recent vote on K ist Grey : Municipality Yes No Maj Rlesherton 177 37 140 Artemesia 7U1 153 638 0prey 582 103 419 Sullivan 4J4 255 179 Normanby 455 469 x!4 Bentiock D74 189 385 qhatswoith 148 51 97 Durham 499 140 359 Kgremont 868 91 777 Olenelg 381 131' 260 Hanover 558 413 145 Holland 684 159 525 Proton C95 178 517 Dundallc 266 70 196 Maikdale 345 92 253 Neustadt 13 97 x84 7470 2688 4782 x denotes a " No " nmjority. CEYLON Mis E R Newburn of Oanton, Ohio, and brother, Bert Whittaker, are visit- ing their patents, Mr and Mrs Richard Wh'ttaker. Mrs R Gibson and daughtjr, Helen, i'nt part of lass week visiting Owen Sound friends. Mr Wilfred Fawcett ljft on Monday for Oahawa to bring home a new car. Mrs Hollingshead, Mrs Irving, Mri Blackstock, Mr Snell. Mr and Mrs McKechnie, Mrs D M i.iill and son, Iv. . iv! , all of Miikdale, came down to attend the funeral of Mr* J Snell, which took place on Monday. Q Whittaker oi West Toronto visited bis father here last week. A. Kuox of Owen Sound spent the week end with his mother here. There passed awav at her homt here 90 Friday, May 6, Mrs J-ihn Snell at the age of 72 years. While not feeling in thu best cf health for some lime, she hud only been confined to her room the past week. She was born at King and ime to this part when only a lilUe girl i three years old. Her maiden name was Elizabeth C-tmeron and wag married 03 years ago to her husband, who pre- ceded her twelve years ago. To them were born tbree sons and three daughters. One son, I n-. and three daughter?, Martha, Mary Sebeuia, Annie Alice hiving passed on before, leaving her two sons, George and Joseph with whom she resided, to mourn the loss of a loving and kind mother. She also leaves two -; r- at Vaughan who weie unable to attend the funeral, which took place to Flrshert'Hi cemeteiy Monday afternoon, [o' lowed by a very large cortege. The casket was covered with beautiful Moral t'ilhs from fami>y and frienda. Rev. Mr. FowUr conducted ihe services at the bouse and grave. Tlioso who attrnued from a distance were : Mr and VI r Bishop, Mrs Wilson and babe, Mrs Wheeler, Mrs Hill -mi, t'.l of Vaughan. ROCK MILLS VV extend our dvepest sympathy to the relatives of Mr. Dan Leitch, who died very suddenly on Saturday last. Sam Croft, witu and family spent a day with relatives at Vanduleur. Mrs Roht Phillips and son, of Toronto are spending a fortnight with her parents. T Whinnorv, wife and sen atid Luwi a Newell, of Durham, motored ver nnd gpc.nt a dty with the latter'* brother here. Martin Phillip) of Fle^herlon visited over Sunday with Mr and Mrs Robert CUrk. Mr and Mrs Cecil MulJium and son visited with W T I'odlar and family. El wood Uunoe of Toronto is spending a few days at his home here and attend- ing thu bedside of his father who is reported very low. Mrs Uhas Uolley and HI tie daughter of Lucky Lake, Sask., visited the past week with friends here. FEVERSHAM There has been the very best weather for seeding for the last week and I he farmers are rubhing the work to a finish. R Alix'er gets (he hat again this year, aa he was the first to finish seeding in tin* part, hiving finished nearly two week 8 ago. > I wonder what has lifcoma of the road draus our Township Fathers bought two or tbree years agn, as they have not beru usd in this part of the township this spring. Some of the roads am in bad condition, great deep ruts having formed. When rain comes these ruts fill with water and then tho traveler is in fur a shower bath when driving either horse or car, then drying later into de>>p rut*. Get Ihe road drags going after rlie next rain and note the difference. Adjoining , . .n nsln|is tire using them and thvir ronds wre in far better condition wherever tlfu drags have been used. Miss Lily Winytield, of Cleveland, Ohio, IB visiting with her aunt, Mrs Geo Kills and other friends iu thin part. Miss McKenn of Duncan is VIM inc wiih her granduareuia, Mr and Mrs J J Kaitting. Will Colquette, wife and daughter, Betty, motored over from I'on McNichul las'. week. Will returned home en Sit- urdav, but Mrs Coquette is remaining for a vi.-u with her parents hure. Mins Pranciv Alexander returned with them after a few weeks' vuit. Misa Mary Spi-er vjsiled wuh her cousins, Mr 11, ad Hemphill and Maters, at Fleuherton last wi-ek. Mrs Harold CKborne vintad with her -inter, Mr. El Croft at Uock Mill* last week. Mr A Stewart and wife spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr and Mrs Ira Perigo, Ed Croft and wife visited -\.ili the latter's parents ovur Sunday. U J h is invented in a F.nd roadster. I', i.'j. !:'. pules, rocks and rail piles on the niadsidu take warning. Geo Julian, grocer man, x has them all beaten for expert chauileur work with his tin liaeie. II draws big loads i goods, takes the lulls on the fly .id i banks too) cu's the figure eight, niitmeti ttll obstructions alid comes out on top every time. Mrs. Samuel Nelson backed her hoia and buggy over an 8 foot emlmukmtnt at Allenfoi-d. She wns thrown clear o' the buggy but the horse fell on ton buguy and amaahed it up badly. Thos. Hoggard Killed On Thursday evening shortly after live o'clock while watching the blasting nt some stone on the ea.it end of Mr. Guorge Mitchell's farm, and standing wi(h Mr. A. Dinsmore and A. Mitchell about twenty rods from the place where the charge was being set off, Mr. Thos. Hoguard, an old aii'l respected citizen, w.*s struck by a fiying stone in the chest and instantly killed. The stone weighing hfieen poumia, was not part of the blnst- ed rock, but apparently hurled from the bottom of the ditch l.y the concussion. Thornbury Review- Herald. Neil McKinnon Dead We rfgrit to learn of tho death of Mr. Neil McKinnon, who passed awiy on Sunday at his homn in Toronto iu his 77 h yuar. He was WH|| Known in tnis town and in Piiceville and vicinity, where he spent thu greater portion of his lift). He was born on the inland of Tirea on the West c-mst of Scotland. Ho C'lino to Canada when rive years cf age and settled in Egiemout, luu laier lived in Durham, and finally moved to Pricdvillv, wUera hu married Eliztbefh Blown, and to them was born a family of four sons, of whom survive : Hector, of the editorial staff of The (jlobe, Neil aud B-ibs, and two daughters, Ella and Liur'i, all maiding at huaie. Mrs. Adam Weir, of town, is a sislur, anj Mr. Hu^h McKinnon of Pricevillo is a brother. Onusim, Donald enlisted in July, was wounded overseas Sept. 10, 1917 and died Sc-pt 13. The late Mr. McKinnon was a Presby terian in religion and a Liberal in politics A funeral seavic.) was held at the bomb iu Toronto on Mom'uy night and on Tuesday morning the reuiiiiis wi brought to Pricuville, when* service wa held at the Presbyterian church ht 1 30 nnd interment, made in the cemetery there. The writer has known 'he deceased f upwards of thirty years and IUH'I every reason always to respect him for his honesty, integrity and hospitality. To the sorrowing widow aud family we ex tend our sincere sympathy. Chronicle Tonge and Charles Streets, Toronto Accountancy, stenography, typewriting and general improvement courses ; super- or instruction only ; students assisted to positions. Open all year. Write tor pioapec'us. Enter now. W. J. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL MAIL CONTRACT SEALED TBNDKJJH addNMrad to the PoatHiuiBtor t ionuwil wiU be woeKei at Ottawa until noon on li'rilny, tfae 17th oi June, 1921, for the conveyance of HU Majatty'ti Mails, on a proposed OonCrot for four yuant, six <iiine per week on the route KLESHKKTON R. R. No. 3 i from the 1st of July, 1921. 1 Printed ntiikwA containing further infnnnn- tinn an to con<ilUous of proposed oontr/iot may be noen .tntl hliM>k foriim of Tander nu*y be <>i>tJ>io(l at i In' l'".-i. Offlonii of Flenherton, ami at thu office of tho Post Offluu Innpgotor, Toronto. A. StmiKRT.AND. Pnt Oilice Infipcotor Pot Oftee Inspector'.tOIHo*, > Toronto, May 2nd, 1921. CANADA'S BEST Iu uusineea training and imurovtmeut it education is had at the Owen Sound, Out. Individual Instruction Encer any dy Business Shorthand, Farmer's n< Preparatory Courses. Catalogue Free C A FLEMING, F.|C. A., Prinoip.,1 t 0. D. FLEMING, Secrstary. Mention this paper when writing) VANDELEUR - Mrs D Biair of Toronto is spending a ew days wi:h Mr nud Mrs J I Graham nd family. Mr and Mrs Will Alcx of Orange Vulli-y visited wish Mr and Mrs Will Suu'lunson recently. Mr E Cu'lis has returned homn atter pending several months with hU son, Wilfrwl, of Uurk'a Falls. Mrs C Hulley and daut-h'er of sask , re visiting with Mr and Mrs J Holley. Mr Elmer Warling, Mrs Geo Warling ai.d MM* Leila Wailing motored to Colpoy'n Bay last week tu visit Mr and Mrs. Sid Gilbert. Mr .'ind Mrs Amos Smith tf Meaford spent a day wiih th lattur's parents, Mr and Mrs Suir. Gilbeit recently. Mrs P Munshaw of Eugenia ie visiting witli Mrs J J McGee. Mr and Mrs Sam Croft and ohildrcn of ?nrtlaw visited with Mr and Mrs Jcirt> Holley recently. BUSMU and Har, Id Gilbert i,f Cn'pry's Jay am visiting friunda n*r. Mr and Mrs F BumHtead of Meaford spent a day with Mis David and family recently. Victoria Corners (Last Week's Iteuifi) Mrs Tucker of Dronmre visitt d at Mr irl Atbinenn's and MrH .1 is Best's. Mis Mable N'uthol visited her sister, Mrs Robt Lee. Friday evening, April 2'Jth, the W. Af. 5. ladies grtve a very cnjnyaV/1- social in the church and hall at IniMii ge. Two arge tables in the hall represonted one China mid one Japan and weru thus decorated. The waiters were boys dreMf- ed to reprohtriit Chinamen and the wait- rehses were most chaiming Japanese adit-H. The supper menu was in conun- drum form The program was splendid in the church, although, on account of the very inclement weather, some who i i'l promised to help were un Me to be present. Despite the ivoati 1-1 tho pro- ceeds were over thirty do !ars. We wro ospeciiilly thankful to Mr Wood of Corbetton for coming so far en such a night to help us by acting in the capacity of chiiiiman . The W. M. S. closed their successful year and appointed new office s at a meeting held at Mis Milton B.mnon's f Tuesday. Mis Ellon Arnold, who has l:een visit- ing her sibti-r, Mrs George Moore, fora uuuplu of inonllis. retunnd r IUT homo at Mciunt Albert, on Saturday. DR. F. C. NIXON Optumetriit and Optical Specialilt Hnron'ario Street, i>mr Ilii Stiver, Collingwood, Ontario AppointniHiits : Daily 9 a. in. to 5 p. m. Evenings and 'Holidays Arranged. Telephouu Oil W. liox 1066 1 Jly 20 Sherwin Williams Paints The old reliable, most, durable and i . n"inicnl Paint, that cosln less per job and wea v s longer. Made in one <{ualily only tho very bee'. Flat, TmiH for artistic deC'iintionH of iiiterinr wnlln, ct>iling and woodwork, BI"OM n soft., velvety flat effect. InRirie FI"Or r'ninl a npYndid paint for inside floors mndo to walk on. Slier Will-Lac 'Tifl a combination of transparent slain and v:irnihh for liiiisinn ' anil rcstorinit n. one oneration 'h surtaces of fiirnilnrp, rl'iors and all interior woodwork. Auto Enamel A varnish ^!OSH mamel especially ndarled for oul- sitle expi'suro ; and many other linisheiH M.-u i".' K'ipal and L ; (piid Granite VarnisheF. All sizes of brushes and oilier reijuisitoK for spring c'eaninp up. Call and get a color card. Any information regarding painting gladly given. Highest Prices Paid For Produce. F. W. DUNCAN Hardware and Paints Phone 30 r 1 1 Flesherton, Ontario No Man Ever Retired on the Money He Spent If you continue to spend all that you earn, what will your financial position be when you are fifty? Build a pros- perous future by saving regularly while you are young. The advancing years are viewed complacently by the man who has a comfortable sum in a Savings Account TH MRCHANT5 BANK Head Office : Montreal. OF CANADA Established 1864, FLESHERTON AND CEYLON BRANCHES, J. C SCOTT, - Manager. 108 Get Your Kodak Out Bates BurialCo. Or let us supply. you with one.! Notice the now prices : No. O Brownie S'UO, now 82.00 No. 2 Brownie 83.38, now $2. CD No. 2A Brownie 81.1)1, now S3. 50 Folding Kot'iiks ;in> all rc- liifeil. A full line of supplies 1 carried. Printing, developing and enlarging don . W. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler, FLESHERTON, - ONT. BUSINESS AS USUAL Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Road, Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R Maddocks, President. Manager Now is the time to re- new your subscription to The Advance. House of Quality Now is the time to sow your Beet and Turnip Seed. We handle Rennie's one of the best on the market. FLOUR-Royal Household. We also handle Ladies' Favorite, Hill's Sovereign, and Perfection ; also Hill's Pastry Flour. Also all kinds of Fresh Groceries, Confectionery and Ice Cream. W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flcshcrton, - Ontario - T .~"*W".,. J*". '*'. ' "*"'' - --^--.-O..,^^t. 'r , **,, f ,'.... .V .> - - ^ Prices Cut to Pieces We have reduced our entire of Ladies* Hats, Veils and Trimmings one third. Our hats are all this season's stock in the very latest styles. Don't miss getting one at away below cost. Big Reductions in all other Goods W. L. WRIGHT, Corner Store, Flesherton