May 5 THE FI ESHERTON ADVANCE ,HCAD OFFICE HAMILTON ESTABLISHED 1872 Instead of curr)iug tl'e proceeds from (Irahi Tickets, Sale of Cattle, Produce, etc., in jour picket, deposit iht-in in the Hunk of Hamilton, wljcrt they will be safe. Yon cm thon^ issue cheques to pav accounts, mid jour pass book will afford you u complete record of all your transactions. BANK OF HAMILTON DUNDALK BRANCH-A. M. Carthew, Manager SUB-BR\NCH PROTON-C. J. Forster, Sub-Manager W. A. HAWKEN dealer for MENDELSSOHN PIANOS and PLAYER PIANOS, PHONO- GRAPHS and RECORDS, and SHEET MUSIC. Call and see these high grade instruments AT Hawkan'a Photo Gallery and Music Htoi FLESH ERT ON A Genuine Sale Having purchased the stock of If. J. Le(J;ird at b leshe-rton at a low rate on the $ we have docidod to place the Pattison & Co. and the LaGarrl Stocks on sale at prices never "heard of in the County of Grey. Sale starts Thursday, March 24 JAMES Me LEAN, Pattison's Old Stand. CEYLON CHEAP SUITS Boys' Suits, sizes from '24 to 28, for $* 50 Boys' Suits, si/s trom 'J8 to :j'2, for $10.50 Youths' Suits, ranging in sizes from 32 to Uf>, DOW selling for $15.00. Men's Suits, all sizes lx;ing sold at /!8 00. DRESS GOODS We have in stock a beautiful line of Voiles, the prices raiij^iuj,' Irom $1.25 to $1.75. We have 2 wonderful pieces of Tricolette in sand and navy hint! colors, at $:> 50 per yard. Don't take our word for ir. I all in and see these bargains, aiiBBaaB3BfflBaflBffli F. G. KARSTEDT, Flesherton, - Ontario FLESHERTON BAKERY IT'S WORTHY THE liUKAl; PURPOSE. WITH A Yos, our Parti Food Bread has a won by purpose. It brings health aud strength and a meal trine satisfaction r. tho folks who partake of it regular- ly. One t>1iee calls lor a loaf, one loaf forms the Bread is your best food eat more of it. FRED FINDER, Flesherton Sporting News of the district LACROSSE Oweu Sound is bending their junior 'M'l to ii is on the 24th cf May. Harkdale jiivo entered a team in the intermediate series 'und will be grouptd with Owen Sound and Durham. \-u u\ m Zinimer aud "Chuck" Rubson. who played hockey on the champion junier O.H.A. team in Stratford ihepast winter, wJl be on the line up of the Hanover juuiora this Beaton. A steam roller with a grading machine and a gang uf men are putting Owen Soand' lacrosse field in shape for the coining season. ' BASEBALL Flesherton Ball Club will celebrate the 3rd of JUDH. Who is going to be the ' I: il.e Ruth" of the Ceulre Ur<>y Baseball League? The opening game; of the Let;ue will be played a Glenelg Centre on Munday, May 10th, whenCeyion will p'-iy Ulenelg. So far the weather nj*n has been giving us bad weather and Vt-ry little practising hits been done to get iliu team* in ilmpe. Here's hoping it will clear up soon and let us gut i work. Two weekb aj> t' 18 Flesherton team had tli-ir diimind skinned on Agricult-- ural Park arid exprc*. to have the steun roller on it this week. Ceylon will likely ply nil their home games on the Flesherton grounds, us accouiii'ooatinn cannot be secured at home. CENTRE (iREY LEAGUE BASEHALL UMl'lUKS J A Leg&rd, Klesbertou; N H Wilton, Klthhi-i ton; Nam Arrowiiiuth, 1'rici'vilie; John I ' - . Flehert*n ; Archie Sinclair, Ceylon; T A Gilray, Rocklyn; N L Curry Knuklyii; Robt ClugUon, Kocklyo ; Fred MuCollough, Koeklyn ; Ab Patterson. H nnlyr*; A A Molllhargey, Koeklyn; T () Unldnmith, Fleshitton ; J F Malhew- OD, Flesherton ; I; Ward, Hirristun; Gi> Mitchell, Flesherton ; A C Mnu, Cylon ; K Vluir, Ceylon ; D McLa*d, Ceylon ; C A Ai nutroiij,', L)umlnlk; R G Hnn'.'in Duudalk ; Chas Ridley, Dun- .i vli. J WilluiiH, t- .1 m i ; .8 Campbell, Eugenia ; W II HIM, Kunbeiley ; Peter Munthaw, KJ.;. !.-.. C Graham, Kuiienia. C Bolknd, Vandeleur ; Geo Buchanau, Vundi'li'ur, Frank D.ivis, Yandt'lrur; Vic Brodin, Yaudaleur ; Will lUtcliffe, Van- dulttur; K P Uollamy, Feveriham. Scrap Durham Plant The plant of the Durham Portland OtnratOo. in bi'ing scrapped. Mr. &d. Birj-o'it of (J*en Sound lus the contrac of iliBinunt'ini! llio p'nt und lie nolishii: the building i and hit left for Durhan ycstpnUy to start at ihe job. It is quit a big job ; but Ml. Sargent ban Imi xparittnut) in good many big j jbs of tin kind, ami '!. to finish it in a few weeks We tin inrstand tbat the grinding plan will uol be touched, as there i* a plan to ue it in connection with a rock proposl tiim ; but tbe rest of the mill will be nomp'eteiy wrecked. Tlie Durham Portland Cement Co. was funned SHIIIU yeim ago, when the cement Hi-iena was dve'<-ping : ..nil for some years it did well. For ionic time Mr. U. I * H. MoWilliHinu of Owen Sound wis ' umimger. It wa* a mtil proposition. But after a few years of fair succotia it full on evil dayt*, \then the business i..', in.- ri ,.-.iil. .1 aud the ruck piocusn, rboipur than marl, came into For Home lime the plant has been idlo ; and N'liiiH months H^O it WHS tnken owi by one of ihu InnkH to which Ihu Co:np:iny wm lu-avily indehlod. t). 8 Adverier. What Sulphur Did Mr Andrew McKeny/e, of the townline Mintoaml llnwick, hid quite an expi'r- ii'iica. He had pu* A f>tir siz--d p>cl of sul|iliur itit'i a at home. Tho Kiilphur, iificr igniliun, oius d danger, ons fnnip, Hint Mr. MoKftBIII drow tbe burning packugo out of the stove. The burning nulpl.iir fell on the flour and Mr. McKenx i', in picking ii up, a, sull'o- c.itid. Ho was in a Htriuus cmidit on some hnura hefii.o reviving. Card Of Thanks Mr W. A. Dinuwnll wishes to thank the uwiy friends and nei^hnorn for their many ac's (if kiiulneas aud Kyniputliy shown during the aL-kness and il.-vli of his wife. DR. F. C. NIXON Optumetriit and Optical Specialist Hnroniario Street, nea r 'Jli i Slivec Cullingwood, Ontario Appointments : Daily 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Evenings and Holidays arranged. Telephone til 1- W. Box 1066 Jlv20 Auction Sale The undersigned auctioneer has received instructions to sell by auction at FEVERSHAM ' on Saturday, May 7, 1921 15 Good Milch Cows. About 20 Young CUttle. Also sooie Calves. All Durham Bred. Sale at 1.00 o'clock. TERMS Any time up to 8 months with 7 per cent, interest. WM. SPROTT, W KAITTINO, Proprietor. Auctioueer. Yorkshires, Tamworths Young Stock For Sale For Breeding Purposes Phone or write GEO. W. HOS OspreyTcl. system Maxwell P. O The Red Cross Carries On-Why? Boar tor Service Tht; undersigned tins a thorough Jred Yorkshire Bcmrfor service on lot 11, con. 8, Onprey. Termsgl.50. FKKDSPGFFARD Sherwin Williams Paints The old reliable, most durable and rconomicil Paint, that costs less per job and wears longer. Made in one quality unly the very het. Flat Tone for artistic decorations of interior wall*, ceilings and woodwork, gives soft, velvety flat effect. Inside Floor a splendid paint for inside floors made to walk on. Sher Will-Lic-'Tis combination of tranoparent stiin sod varuioli for DOinim and restoring iu uue operation 'he surfaces of furniture, Moors and nil interior wuodwmk. Auto Enamel A varnish gloss enamel especially (uU[ ted for uut- ile expi.Hure ; uud mny other hiiLshets - Mr-i,i,t, Knpal and L'<i\iid Ciranite Vriiisliep. All size* of brushes and other n'l'm'tt 1 " f,,r >|riti c'eaning up. UI Biid gut a c->lor card. Any 1 Because of demands made upon it in dealing with the terrible after- math of disease and suffering which always follows war. 2 Because of the serious health con- ditions revealed by the war more than half of our Canadian young manhood unfit for combatant mili- tary service. 3. Because an international confer- ence of medical experts, realizing that voluntary organization was necessary as an aid to Governments in solving the world's health prob- lems, decided that "no other or- ganization is so well prepared to undertake these great responsibfli* ties as tbe Red Cross," and that "no movement deserves more the hearty end enthusiastic support of all people than does this." ONTARIO ENROLLMENT, MAY 22-28 Knroll with your local Red Cross Branch or Enrollment Committee, or. it there is none in your community, with the Ontario Provincial Dl'vislon, 410 SHERBOURNE STREET. TORONTO. Canadian Red Cross Society Ontario Division Tonsorial V- Parlors We Aim to Qlve fiiitlre LAUNDRY Basket closer MontWr night, delivery Fiumy ev CLEANING and DYMNO- agents fm Parker's Dyo Works Clothe cleaner! ami dyed, feather.* lejuvemtlcd T FISHER- -PROPRIETOR Ky iven. Prices Paid For 1'roduce. F. W. DUNCAN Mardwarc'anJ Paints Phone 30 r 1 1 Flesherton, Ontario a Flesherton Tin Shoi I have just placed on the shelves a full line ot Tinware, Nickelware and Agateware for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. Eavetroughiiig, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipefitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Bros. Furnaces. D. WcKILLOP CHRISTOE' BLOCK FLESHERTON & ONTARIO. CHEVROLET " FOUR-NINETY " SALES RECORD flORE THAN HALF A HILLION. Die Clievrilct. Motor Company's plan to jnakc caHli rffutids to tlic purchasers of 50,000 Mdel " Four Niuety " cura brings to li^lit the lact tlmt more thau half a milliou of thete famous inuduls have beeu sold. Thin iiutubor covets a period of six years production. lu oilier words, an average of 88,000 " Four Nineties " a jear have been sold since the model wa first iiitrnduccd iu the 1915 season. This average is one of the recDrdsot the automobile industry. It is a record of continuous growth and steady increase iu popularity. The 88,000 average is only half the story. For, in the first season less than two hundred "Four-Nineties" ere sold. A year's test proved tho merit of this popular priced, economical car, however. nearly forty thousand converts to this Chevrolet model. The second season won 1920 pure Lasers took nearly Since its immediate success the sale ol these cars has increased consistently. twe hundred thousand " Four-Ninety " cars. This brings the total to more than half a million. Aud this record has been made by only one model. In this it is unique. \Iany of the first cars of this model are still running. lu recently bacame known that one of these baa travelled more than ItiO.OOO miles 27,000 miles a yeat for six years ami is still running, Ihe sale of 50,000 more of tl>ep<> models between January 1st and August 1st et Hiis year will enable tho Chevrolet Motor Company to maintain its average quantity production. And if this is done in such a selling year as this, the Company will refand its profits to purchasers $70 on Runabouts and Touring Cars and $100 ou Coupes and JSedans. D, McTAVlSH & SON, IHEVROLET DEALERS, - FLESHERTON, ONT