Grey Highlands Public Library Digital Collections

Flesherton Advance, 28 Apr 1921, p. 8

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April 28 1921 THE F L E S a Att I N A D V AN G E The Crusade for Good Health - <t /The Canadian Red Cross Society is one of thirty-one National Red ^Cross Societies engaged in a world-wide Crusade for . The improvement of health The prevention of disease The mitigation of suffering. <This movement is endorsed by The Governments of Thirty-one Nations; The League of Nations; Medical and Public Health Experts Meet- ing in International Conference at Cannes, France, April, 1919. The Crusade is being inaugurated by a World-Wide Enrollment of Members ONTARIO ENROLLMENT May 22-28 ENROLL! As the outward and visible sign of your personal share in the movement for good health; To help create public opinion in favour of sound health measures. you may enroll with your Local Red Cross Branch or Enrollment Com- mittee or, if there is no organization in your community with THE ONTARIO PROVINCIAL DIVISION, 410 SHERBOURNE ST., TORONTO. Canadian Red Cross Society Ontario Division. K^PAINT & VARNISHES MARTIN-SENOUR PAINTS AND VARNISHES Touch up Your Furniture and Floors Furniture that is scratched and scarred is an eyesore. If the surface is spoiled, the article is considered use- less. This is not so. Save the surface and you save all. Use WOOD LAC STAIN Floors anil furniture that arc shabby can be inailo to look like new by using WOOD-LAC STAIN a .tumble, beautiful finish for woodwork of all kinds n combination of high grailc varnish and permanent stains. It impart a to common wood surfaces the rich ap|\irance of more expensive woods such as mahogany, rot., wood, cherry, etc. Twelve beautiful tth.idi-s. Get A Sample Bring the attached coupon and secure a trial can sufficient to do over n chair or small tnble. We will give you full HP. i in. 1 1..,. how to use it. We want every householder to try WOOD-LAt^STAIN. 1 'v F. G. KARSTE.DT, > Flesherton, Ont. ,' %V .'' ./ X * vfl .' .' * .&' jf # v v Bull For Service P.II i i..i Duilinm bull, No 143013 fur -ri ioa on lot 102, 8 W T .t U U, A,I uBiu T|un $2 for Rradei. Qb i. > O, AKtNH, J'mp For Sorvlue pin K uriiil islinrilinrii Bull on lot | M, ooa, '>, ArUiuuiNui. 'IWakA Il.tiO >.* JkLiiC l IIMI.' wit Inn U mi. i. .I. H -K. O.TURVER. BOAR for SERVICE 1 1. .HI dlkt* (if ll'.Unii fcir utrviot' nil lot 1W, 8 W T an* S K., Ail*ii.u.s.,. Trm> tl.tO. Suwi nut r.'liirinH! will be dim (rrt in\e *i Mioie in pi|. < Fob 16 -T. J. STltiSUN, Frop Shipping Wool for Sale During th pant three yean the Ontario Sheep Brecdera' As*ociation ban been oiling wool co-operatively. They kava always paid the farmers more than they could hav rrceireii from other sources. This year they are buyinx again and will accept wool lent to them at Guelph afur April 16th. The wool sacks aod paper twine fur fastening the fleecs ars obtain- ed frea of charge from ,T. S Cooper, Department of Agriculture, Markdale, who hai several sacks and other necessary cuppliea "U hand 11 jw. Grey County is especially well adapted fcr sheep husban- dry, climatically and topograuhieally. The industry should be encouraged and every possible assistaneu will be given to any one who may Jesiro to engage in the work by this branch of tho Department of Agriculture. Cun't we do somethinK for j .in ' Any aesiutance will be rendered free of charga. BUSINESSCARDS SOCIETIES OBINCK ARTHUB LODGE, No. 3S3.A.F.4 ' AM. mtieta in the Masonic hall. Arm B iouq' Hlc.fR KlHuhortnu. every Friday <wi or tfoi ttre fun orocn. A. 8. Muir. W. M h. a. Hollaud, Snivel my LTKWISTRY \yt B. C MUltU A Y I .. . ). s . dental rargenu f tu.'nor Km-dWta of Toroucu Uoiveiuty aad ft^yh Uulje^a al IfeptaJ l -^i . u: of Ontiirto, i; v wfeAMuigteren for t, 1 :!. extraction trice &t i -Mifc' ToroDto btri LEGAL UCAH, A liKNKY-Uarritere. dolicitors, B. A. W\.L U. . , U. Lucas, K. C.; Vf. D. Henry, , XTlU klllLti LuCiB Mock. . 1'nu'nu . .-1. i then i at Dtjuihiik aud Durban. IV 1GMT. * TKLFOWO.Jt^TUlar. Solltf, " torn, Ac. Oilmen, fJrtty a Uruoa l>luc>, Owen Bouml. Staii.lh; I tu^'ii 'jJFlef ton, (Saturdays. W. ft. Wright, W. P. Tel Jr. BUSINESS CARDS ic.-i. .. I Au.-ni.iii .;r fo Or iii.-y and Biiuooe. Ttnni" _J IDaV I*' 'lIL:Ul. .if U16 .... --- I olttlbl l.'li'i ji. !.r i,i:..T ' 1- ..\-l<i:M.: f aaarnsBluJ me at Fovei bam, Out. . ta Auitioiuw for the Cooaty oJ iur\>. Ttjnm ujixioiitfe nuj nctfoti fiimralitipud. xin. kaMaMMBM still f\Atefl c4 eMuH c&n to ai&ddat 1 r K AV> VAN uttii . liue eonuoctloo. N01ICE tin- Oltl Ki'luUo Smx i S-viii- Machine. You can buy in ternx tn unit fua al .: vt-ry reaionable priov. 10 year guarantee. HUGH KV>IT, Agent, Out, Bull For Service Pure lired Slinrtiiotu Hull of Ihe Villuiie Family ;rvic on lot 10, COD. 10, Osprey. IV-niis $2.5(1 for urules. $5 for pure brt'Js. July la Moil. Snyers, Prop. For Service IIH i/ura in! Mi, urn i n lull on L> nud '."-', i ..--..- ii S, .Vis i in '.-'!. 31.SU foi i. i-uiea if i u.l iuudo nf lUJiithn -if nol 8-'. Puro bra f;J.OO. loct -ROMfiRT .isv.oi;r<r Of Interest to Farmers V. T. Hill A Co, Limited, are in th ni nl.i-r !! J T' m'lty if Hpiing mid win t oi lu t fir tluu full for present il,-'i\ -i v If yu IIHVO any to soil call phi>ne' t 7, Mrakdslo -* J20tf Boar For Service Pure I'li-il Hi trsii'i >-i Yurkahira Uok fur m-i'vice-- Maxwell .luck 62'JOS on lot 1B7, W. T. & S. K.. Artemtwi*. 'I'.'i HI.S 91. NV Sow* n i returned will he I'liril .;nl SHI1M) t'h.'- i- III |.l^. 10,4. IV T. J. STIN8QN Oarofully Corrected Ewoh Week Bttor .. 40 to 42 BKjis 27 in 27 Wiuti-r V^ hi at , 1 86 to 1 86 Spring Wheat 1 80 to 1 8 Outs 40 U) 49 liuii'v 85 to 85 Pout 1 BO to 1 60 Bui.Uu hoV 1 00 to 1 08 PoUtort 7Btl M .\,,,U.M 4 00 k* 4 (W MAIL CONTRACT to lU Mi; A I. til' Tr-iNPHUS i Vi*ttiiK>kir ilfn,iri\l will l Ollnv:i un'il li. M.I, on V'vJiUv. flu- lIMi . May, l!>31. for tin' iMii\vr*niK' <>( IJk M.I IIIH' v ' M ml. nil it luvpiwxl I 'IMI truol. fcr four Y*r*, iU tiinixi iwr wfth on tint matr Kl'tJKNU H. K. Nix \ Yttt Krvcrnlmin. from thtt roHtiuiintvr Qrawnu'i I'lfii.suro. rViulttll iK'tkfH . .'i.t.uuni^ lui f K, i iiil,>vum t li'li III I . ' .-I'llltlt j.HH 1)1 1 M , .|.. ..s.'.l , , l! riU't IMHV I'o IH'\I irn.1 lUnvk foriiMi i.[ TkiwUi' may M .'|||;|J>..| Ht till- V.'-l UttlWa I'f l'':i:.-i|.. I. Vv\ m-rtlmin aiut ut tht* t'AW't 1 >>1 tlu* IVi^t O , Tunnitn. A. Sl'TlLKULANP. Pout O'1'nv NO MATTER WHAT your financial problem may be, our local Manager will be found quite ready and willing to dis- cuss it with you, and to give you the benefit of his knowledge and experience. This Bank is in your District to give YOU such banking ser- vice as may be required, and whether you desire to open an account, arrange for a. loan, remit r tO Obtain informati n BRANCHES .. FEVERSH \M or a " vlce our services are equal- ly at your disposal. ana MARKDALE "BANMOROHTO Assets over $100,000,000. 73 f ESTABLISHED 1872 lustead of carrying tbe pro coeds from Grain Tickets, Sale of Cattle, Produce, etc., in your poeket, deposit them in the Bank of Hamilton, where they will be safe. You can then issue chaqnee to pay accounts, and yonr pass book will afford you a complete record of all your transactions. BANK OF HAMILTON DUMDALK BRANCH-A. M. Cartlww, Mauger SUB-BR \NCii PROTON-C. J. Forsier, Suh-. Manager W. A, HAWKEN dealer for MENDELSSOHN PIANOS and PLAYER.PIANOS, PHONO- GRAPHS and RECORDS, and SHEET MUSIC. Call and see these high grade instruments jmm AT HBF Photo OAllory aud Music Slor FLE5HERTON if : r* Dancing at your own home any time with the best dance music and without expense ; if you have a Victrola VV. A. ARMSTRONG DEALER FLESHERTON ONT \

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