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Flesherton Advance, 28 Apr 1921, p. 6

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For better painted porcbm, for appearance, prot ec t ion mid wear, Porch Paint ' The Right Paint to Paint Right " ASK YOUR DEALER TWO WORDS OF CARGO By MICHAEL WHITE. Our Home Lighting Plant Makes and cold. Extreme" cold will freeze and render useless a weak storage battery, and extreme heat will cause separator, churn, printers, clipping machine, etc. This power is ready to use at a moment's notice. Is the individual electric plant ex- The Tonquin jv-as an ocean tramp, j blazed out of a cloudless sky, to be pens . ive? Y ee and no. The initial Chores K ><:. We equipped our home with elec- tricity because it is safer, more con- venient, more healthful, and more use- ful than any other method of lighting, j j n 'dpen'dent~as far as light" and power Besides taking care of the lighting are concerned. problem, the farm electric plant pro- vides our house and barn with power for running washing machine, ironer, vacuum cleaner, water-supply pump, rapid evaporation. Independence is the greatest thing in the world, and electricity makes us Health and Your Hair. _ an! she it. As she lay in Port reflected on the smooth surface of u Durban, there was nothing of the sea which looked as if Hooded with ' spick-ar.d-? pan smartne^ of the regu- oil. A following heavy umler-sw,>ll ! - f a . _ -:,!..,. v ! P lant wnwderablc, , u , . the Tkeep cost 19 very low, lar mail liner about her. She was alhelped the Tonquin along, but it gave J amounting to only a few cents an wvub-nosod, tub-shaped, ungainly ves-]lier an uncomfortable forward pitching eel, with ei. fires, so far aft that she; motion as if jerked now and then by rial the water in a kind of down-3',-he<el a monster unseen hand. On the day she steamed into Zanzi- fashion. Captains single glance at the loose cn<is of her ' disturbance became more ominous. running gear, or the 57) '.ashes of rust! The sky took on a leaden hue, shot where fresh paint ought to have gl is-. | through with streamers of fiery light. hour. Money put into a home light plant is an investment, not an ex- pense. It is an investment from which all members of the family will of- meji-at-war cast a bar harbor, the signs of atmospherical rec , ive benefit. Too many of us plan n t f \\ n \t\j\c s\ nn* ! n/ Vt *** ' /)ictit*Kar>/in I . nt* ') m r mnvA mninnil'j 1 . for outside the house only. Time and labor-saving machines tened. ami passed en without cxchan;?- j A breeze which shifted to all four for the shop and field are necessary, inp seafaring compliments. ! quarters bore upon it strange moaning j but is it good business to provide them In the present instance she had sounds, and tossed the black snioke | at the expends of the home, the inside shambled into Port Durban on the from the Tonquin's funnel in al] di- chance of si'Jiiny a cargo of coal. She reetions. Therefore it was with relief arrived just in time to witness throe that Bunce anchoret! off the gray up-to-date colliers briskly unloading, walls of the sultan's old fort. Seaward An unlucky ship was the Tonquin! So the ocean swell was breaking with an vowed her master, who also asserted an;?ry snarl over the outside reef, its he had been abandoned by good for- white foam gleaming savagely against tune. , |a sinister purple cloud bank. Aforethne Cr.ptain Bui>rc had worn 1 Mackenzie went ashore to fee what tlif gold braid antl brass buttons of a could be done with his American kins- regular liurr, but after losing two man, and when he returned it was ships through mrsadv(>!ilure, he- oupht through a turmoil of the harbor to have considered himself lucky to. waters. He came over the side obtain command of the Tonquin. 'drenched, wringing the spray from his As to her two mates and the rest garments bearer of scant hope that of the crew, speaking nautically, (hero the Tonquin could dispose of her cargo was no salvation in them. They came of coal in Zanzibar, out of sailor boarding . at di-| "I had a talk with yon Mackenzie, verso ports, and they went back to | and he was real friendly, recognizing what thet means whenever they could i that wo were kind o' related. But lay hands on a few pounds, dollars, ' they've just contracted for all the coal rapees, or such medeum of currency aa] needed for their railroad. He said, might survive advances of pay or; though, if we waited awhile, he would , I try and <!o something for us with the down-and-out French line. By the look of things, other deduction!!. In all that unlucky . , crew, only James Mackenzie, the! I'm thinking we'll have no choice about Scotch engineer, was a man who could j waiting, and find a use for a good (To ashore and walk with his head | part of our cargo. Do ye note that erect along the waterfront. Why hej tood by the Tonquin was a mystery. It was believed he had a share in her, but in any case, engineer* are prone to become attached to a particular *ct of pitpn, rods, etc., and will ex- t-rt all their in?t-rv!ty to keep worn- out machinery going. Thus it was with huge delight Mackenzie drove the ol.l Tonquin ten knots an hour under the most favorable conditions, and was lighting down on the horizon? It's got a blue tone to it. The wind and sen outside are getting up every minute." Captain Bunce nvvept his eyes sea- ward and gravely nodded. "We're in for dirty weather," he responded. "If the wind shifts a few points and brings a hurricane sea over the reef, well follow our usual luck and be caught in a trap. Anyway, you'd better keep steam up, while I proud of six with a bit of a head sea 1 have the anchor cable ready to slip." on. It was Mackenzie who greeted i Mackenzie went below to dry hiin- the captain when he climbed aboard [self off, and see to it that his beloved ftcr a vain trip to dispose of his pistons and rods were in easy running cargo of coal. order. Meanwhile Bunco /rot into We can't do anything here," an- rough weather togs, and hustle;! the noun.'H the captain. "There'll be an- 'crew around making loose obj..ts fast. other collier in at noon, with contracts ' Things generally wore secured none ' oil i-losed for three months.' 1 | too soon before the first blast of the "Have ye got any cable orders ?"oarush'lng hurricane struck the islanl questioned Mackenzie. I It came up on the wings of a bombard- "Use your own judgment, " replied ing fury, hurling <larkness upon the the enritiiin gloomily. "We'd have to I scene, which seemed blacker in con- dig into our cargo to cross the Indian ( ic'i'fiii. nnd I'm told the supply is ample at Bombay and Oolombo. Next port north, Delagou Buy, is full up. Don't nee where to go. Mackenzie rubbed his chin thought- fully. c-i : .t "We'll just have to walk up the eit," he aid at last. "There's no- before Xan/.ibur, hut the nyesit of the American firm building the rail- road there is a MfiL-ken/.ie a rouwn of onir kind, I MI thinking- It's likely he'll recognize the kinship. So we mi(.'M ''tiioatl or pick up somethiiiK yx>n<!er." * * "llie.v hrinif out a!H their own <-onl from NV.v York." liunce uhook his head at thi- .siiKifosiion. "Lu<-k is (lend (Tiiinst us. I doubt " "Man," put in Mackenzie austerely, "ye've fo\. to (ro loinewhere, and it may ju.t as well he /tan/.mur ax any other port. Ye'rc always talking of the Tonquin's bud luck, but worse luck always follows the Raying of it. If he's no millionaire's yacht, she has u broad ben and other KOCH! points, as yp might have noticed when we cross- ed the Atlantic in yon storm last win- ter. She'B no' fast, I'll admit, but ahe quares her shoulders well to a head en. She just wants a man with a iijht of faith in her.'' n ni. i did* not reprove hi* engineer's tra*t to the violent eh'ctrical dis- charges. For sound, all the elements crashed together in mad explosions, or rioted in long-nustuined volumes of wind and thunder. Three feet frimi the Toni|iiin's side there was nothing, for the hunwn world had suddenly gone out, nnd she was alone upon the waters. And such waters! What Bunco had feared came to pasa. The gale shifted to the danger point, and brought the tempest over the reef right into the harlmr. Bunce had slipped his cable at the first onset and climbed to the bridge house. He first rang for sl<> ahead, then half speed, but (diortly the Tonquin'.s en- gines were making every possiMw revolution. "Can you keep it up, Mackenzie?" he shouted down the apcakiing-tube to the engine room. ( Concluded next week.) Mlnard'* Liniment for Burnt, eta. Q No Instructions. I/lltle Willie WUH glvflii H garden of jhlH very own, and he was allowed to look after It all hlniMlf. And vary well he had done it, too! All was now ciunplete, and nvery row hart lt need envelope fastened on a stick, ptcturliiK here a radish, there on partner, and the kids? Too many expensive monuments are to be seen in country churchyards, erected to women who were denied labor-saving household equipment. Too many farm girls and boys are in the cities to-day because life in the coun- try was one eternal chore. That's one viewpoint, and here's another. Isn't it worth a whole lot to be able to go to the barn at any hour of the night and flood it with a bright, safe light? Lanterns, hay, and straw are a mighty dangerous combination. Unlss you can connect direct with a reliable municipal electric power plant, it is usually best to have your own private plant. Many of the small- town plants are entirely too small for the service their owners try to get out of them. It is far better to have too much power than not enough, for an overworked plant is a short-lived plant, and for that reason an expen- sive one. It is well to remember that the number of lights almost any plant is supposed to supply is based on 20-watt bulbs, and that in many places about the house and barn a 20-watt light is not strong enough. For halls, bed- rooms, closets, and porches the 25- wntt light is sufficient, while for the Let your hair tell you how you are, Do you know it keeps in close touch with your general health and reflects it unerringly ? If your stomach is out of order, if your liver is not working right, if your nerves are at the strain- ing point, take it from me, your hair will tell the tale. If you want to keep looking your best, watch out for your hair. It al- ways needs care, no matter what sort of hair you have healthy, dry, or oily. There is just one general rule that can be applied to all hair, no mat- ter what its condition: keep it clean. Shampoo it often and brush it more often. If your hair is normal, sham- poo it every three weeks. Oily hair needs a shampoo every ten days; starved, dry hair can get along with a washing once a month that is, if it's nourished well betweentimes. When shampooing, remember to rinse many times. Warm water is best for this purpose, as it keeps the hair soft. Cold water makes it harsh. For rhampooing the hair, there are many preparations that are decidedly worth using. The shampoo soaps are specially convenient, and those with pine tar as their principal ingredients are cleansing and have many tonic properties. Tliey will remove from the scalp all waste material and dand- ruff scales, and they will so act on the gland cells that they give a new, beautiful gloss to the hnir. Then there is the shampoo sonp with olive oil as its base, which is specially good for dry hair, and the regular standby, castile soap, the! cleansing qualities of which we all know about. As for the tonic, there seems to be one to help every head of hair, your hair is oily, if it's filled with dandruff, if it's poorly nourished; if it's faded and tired-looking, you can get a special tonic for your special need. But let me whisper that half the good result of the tonic depends upon the way it is applied. It is the massage that brings results, for this rubbing stimulates the scalp, and in A Free Picture Show. On morning little Willie was tell- ing his mother and hto Httlo sister Dora about a wonderful dream he had dreamt the night before. The dream interested his mother, but his little sister looked puzzled. "What is a dream, Willie?" she asked. "Oh, don't you know what a dream Is?" replied Willie scornfully. "Why, It's moving pictures In one's sleep!" OLD CARPET of all kinds made into NEW RUGS Rag Rugs Woven, Carpets Cleaned Send card for catalogue. SANITARY CARPET CLEANING CO. 83 Ryerson Ave., Toronto The British flag wa* first hoisted over Kimberley, South Africa, fifty years ago. Mlnard'e Liniment Relieves Sold*, ete. 22 Holidays in Argentina. Argentina has twenty-two public holidays during the year; Germany, nineteen; Itumania, twenty-four;, and India, twenty-one. library, kitchen, or living-room the 'this way helps the hair to grow. Be 40-watt is much better, and if you careful in applying tonic to get it on wish a brilliant light you will please*! with the 100-\vatt. l:e the scalp, not on the hair. It should be put on with either a piece of ab- At the barn you will want a number | sorbent cotton, a soft tooth brush, or of 85-vntt bulbs, and one or two 75's. And by all means have a 20-foot exten- sion or "trouble" cord equipped with plug, and a guard-proU-cled 76 or 100- watt bulb kept in u place where you ' cnn easily fin.1 it in place of accident. I Attached to txny socket, it will give you an ideal light ri(?ht where you need it. Of oourse, a 40-watt light requires twice the energy of a 20-watt lijrht, and n 100-watt bulb requires five times the amount necessary for n 20- watt ; so bear this in mind when figur- ing the needs of your lighting plaivt. While the nitroge-n-gas-fllled lumps coat almost twice as much as tungsten lamps, we find that they are worth the difference, for they produce a bril- liant white !, : ght. When wiring n house already fini-sh- ed und in use, it is a go<xl idea to use metal lie-armored cable, ns it is much easier to install in difficult places, und it has the advantage of being absolute- ly rat and mouse-proof. A pood, dry basement or cellar is un ideal location for the farm light system, as it will give more protection from both heat a medicine dropper, after the l.nir has been divided. COARSE SALT LAND SALT Balk Carlote TORONTO SALT WORKS C. J. OLIFP TORONTO TORCAN FANCY GOODS CO., Ltd. 7 Wellington St. East TORONTO Importers and Wholesale Dealers In Fancy Oooda, Cut Glass, Karth- enware. Fancy China, Toys, Sport- ing (Hoods, Smiillwares, Hardware Specialties, Druggists Sundries. Travellers Exerywhere Wholesale Only Used Autos IKHAKRY SKI. 1,8 rllK.V UBKD car* ft mil type*; mil earn wild mib- t" datlvwy up to 100 mtlca, or teat of anmn dlatJinoe If you wtnh, In li". / order M purchaaiM], or frniikn<>ft. Pfrhapnit was r-co^nltion j OM JOII of Markenzie's reputed share in the, ,' R , HH , R heav , h()Wer of raln Tonquin but a likely evuk-nef. of his f , rf , , n , d h own teck of !f-est*cni !<ince his Ba- furlng downfall. He d-ppiutp<l n |ft><xl di-i.i on MJK-I' in emerge cie<i, ta\A therefore in the present out? yielded. "AM right," he ruxkled. "Then we'll nink<> for /an/.ibar. Any-wav, the miirket can't bt- worse tnre than at other IMHI.I on the coast," "Anil mifrht h better if thcB okl ninn v-..'i.i forget his liner <lyK," Macken- r.i- muttere<i n he cliinlu'd down the ln>i> iBulHer leading to the enfcfinp room. So hhe Ton<|uin flivkir<l nnH Khuffled out of Port Durban, to crawl north- ward up the Kt Afric-Hii oofl.l. It WHS the hot icasori of the year, but rvery lwent.y-foajr-lioiii--rnn sh-e had made (termed to l>riii|f her into a nmre MI!IIV and nt'lfliriK lalitudi'. The nun went out, H.S HOOD us It was dry enough In the morning for him to bo allowed out, in- found the envelopes bud been wanned away. Willie was on tlu> verge of tears. "Oh, daddy." he cried, "the little pic- tures liavo all in n wHslied awnyl How will th- tiny seeds know whut to grow up Into?" UIN(J in('.-hiilc of your own clinic* 10 lui'k them ovur, *r unk ua te Inks Hiiy ''Hi' I" ''lly represent tl fot fn*pctt(j|>. Very lam* tork I.IMCIVH oe " Brerk-y's Deed Car Market 433 To-.rr. G ref, Torote One for the Foreman. An Irluli youth WHO in snrch of a situation, K he went to the RII.S works. AH be wan proceediiiR down the yard he was met by the foreman. "What do you want?" he was usked. "Work," answered Micky. "What can you di>'.'" he was aext <le- ninmlcd. "Almost anything." "Well," nald the foreman, bent on having a joke with the youth, "you . . i in to bn n very mnitrt fellow, but rouM yon wheel a Imrrow of gniuke?" "Yen, rertiilnly! " replied Mirk. "I could <wlly do that If you would (ill Ij for me lli^t." The ii. ii in. ni wan n H"irl, mid h' tr/ok the youngster on for his funnrt- BWR This is Canada's Wireless Year! 'Whether you aro resident In a large city or two or three hundred mllea away. Amitteur Wire-Una Kqulp- menl furnlshm you with emllegH Instructive entertain- ment. \\ can lupply Receiving Apparatus which will pick up signals from the tig; Wireless Btntlons and r-iuil.].. you to "llBten In" for wlrelpfH telephone con- certs rdlnte,d by the Marconi OompMjr. Secure a Ynuwmtttlm Set (operated directly oft a lamp ocket) and coniiniinlrata with your friends a hundred mllea way! Amateur Wireless brings the great world to ?our door. Cut out and mall this ad. to us with request or Pries List "C" ami ask un anythlnf you would like to know about Amateur Wireless. full line of parts and tech- nical books always Iti atock. SCIENTIFIC EXPERIMENTER, Limited 83 KINO HTREET BAST, - TOBOWTO Fully under Uu-oonl ml Canadian Uonm id Klrotrlo Patent*. Send for Book of Recipes, FREE! In 2, S, and 10-lb. tins To bring out the spicy, appealing flavor, and make them crisp, and crunchy, add a cup of Crown Brand Syrup instead of sugar, the next time you bake cookies. Chil- dren munch Crown Cookies with lively satisfaction. As they grow older the memory of Mother's Crown Cookiet remains when other things are forgotten. THE CANADA STARCH CO., LIMITED, MONTREAL Crovm Brand Syrup "CTie Great Sweetener" s Prosperity in peace, and safety in war require a generous arul unfailing supply of forest products, which can only be done by keeping out fires. At Your Service Wherever You Li?e. The woman In town, or country, ho* the came adr&ntace as her mater la th city In export adrice (ram the be*t-fcncrrn firm of Cleaners and Dyers In Cniradri Parcels from the country seat by mall or expreea receive the MUDS cireful work delivered Gleaning and Dyeing Clothing or Household Fabrics. fur years, tfce name of "Ffcrter's" n i^rUled perfection In tftta worfc at mole to s old things look Hie nir. wlNHJier personal garments of ami fl rooat fragile malarial, or fcauae- bold curtains, draperies, rags, etc_ Write u> us for further particulars or send, roar parcel* direct to Works Limited MARTIN-SENOUR HMK PORE PAINT & VARNISHES The Hard-Drying, Long-Wearing Floor Finish NotHmf ai4di n Bucti t* th* houtr of hoau H floori thcu *n ft.<m\f ant toft oa UM ther Ikftitd, tor* thtt an no! piotKtM Art uo(fJM*.il to bolt AI. *r kvd to kitp ftaa, 1.1 benMu jaturti ttinvcjN wr. fvvt n|bet t Atwx Wurtfy ilitnt ;-.( v< thra. Saw ilM lorlicd int >DU uv .ill MAKlUMrt Fli* rv.o, th< exiled iminunt Iw *i ol all l.WI. ll if 1X4 M floor Kniih thit tiu a ncMty.lj ' to every c*n. I , M lioiri M4R.Bl.e-rn J.I-. turd whli ' ' fofct ilttt .'! not th i-v bi:l " t )'y e- rsiro, II IUI Itlfh i! j.. y to ui.i'i tuiifh to it.'ij ny *:u. ,i>( 'I vcr vitbowt injurv. It oan bm vllhtJ nli Kmp x4 ittf taj U r ,]i ji ' "NtU-TONl Tk H tbto rut Oil M |t Inurioc DMT Mloa. MARTIN-SENOUR Aq Ounce of Prevention Cleanliness and Carefulness ad To be taken regularly In large doses f^HIS is the most potent prescrip- * tion for fire-itis. An epidemic that is destroying thousands of lives nnd millions of dollars' worth of pro- perty throughout the country. Care and Cleanliness are the antidote for fire as well as the antidote for disease. Eighty per cent, of the flre disease is preventable. During the first week of May the boys and girls of the Province are go- ing to inspect our homes, where two out of every three fires occur. Help this splendid army of young Cana- dians to PREVENT FIRES BY REMOVING THE CAUSE Th booklets, "Oonservntlon of Life and Pro- perty from Fire" and "Lightning, Its Origin njul Control," may be had fot the i- king. Ontario Fire Prevention League, Inc. In Affiliation with Ontario Tire Marshal'! Office 163 University Avenue - Toronto GEOUOK F. LEWIS, Secretary

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