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Flesherton Advance, 28 Apr 1921, p. 5

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April 28 1IBI THE FLESHEKTON ADVANCE . r ' \ Deposit Your Coupons you cut the coupons from your Victory Bonds or other securities, the logical place to put them is into your savings account. At any branch of this Bank, you can open a savings account with your coupon*, or we will cash them for you witheut making any charge. Let the interest from your investment earn more interest in the "Standard". THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. 178 TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY MILLIONS I Flesherton Branch : > - Geo. Mitchell, Manager. ANADIAN Mrs. W. Sharp is spending a fort- night with her daughter iu Gollingwoed. THE Hesherlon | NEW SPR | NQ FOOTWEAR AT NEW SPRING PRICES publiaked ' An independent newspopt-r avacy Thursday at the ottiee, Street, FUfiherton. Sulucriptiou 91. BO per annum when paid in 82.1)0 when not BO paid. $2.00 I "uitetl States. Advertising rates application. Circulation ovar prict to >n W. H. THURSTON Eixo Small Ads. or your oonfc. Patfejr Klmr. the '..- Ail OHHrio whsst C. P. R. Time Table. leave Flsherton Station Chopping done on Saturdays only Reduced prices on all sails and suiting* I Graham Bros. Euganta Octin 20.1211 I H. AliuJ<jr, F*erharu. Mr. .< . McCo*ell of Toronto ii flatting ~J 4 m! Trains ollows : Going South 7.'-'.. m. 4.9! p.m. The ruailfi are oaun ai Flesherton ) follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and , of his out. 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south atj jj r d,| 3,40 o'clock. For morning train south mail close at 9 p. in. the previous evg. wi-h Mr. and MM H. LeGarde. Mils Leila Pedlar of Durham is visit- Gouij|__North i ng friends here. Harriot) are plentiful ac Colliigwood. One fisherman ciplured 3000 in cue h-iul VICINIYCHI PS much Flesher'on celelirales on Juae 3.d. Miss Mildred McCallum was home from Orangeville over the wei-k end. ^Phe trout fishing season opens on Monilay of next week. Wirb~to rain the prospects are not good. Dr. Margarat Uuruiug, ( ' will ba at the Munsha House Tuesdays and I- 1 : MVS from 12.30 to 3 45 p ui. Anglican chuicb, Service f Blakaly of Toronto expects to open A tailer shop iu Flvaherton in 1 the near futuie. Born At 59 Wright Ave , Toronto I on Thursday, April 14th, to Mr. and j Mrs. Cliff. Blakviy. a ton. Kenneth ; Clifford. Owing co a three days' rain, last week seeding operations were Jftought to a | suddin stop. It .) progressing again this week, however. A Colliagwood young mtu was caught carrying a still n hi* back $290 ai'd j costs or six months in the coop. He 1 decided to be a cooper. Basebill priclM.t every ir^li* next 1 week, wtaihar p--rinitting. It is hoped usus ' that all phyers will make a special tforl Fira nni wind Insurance in tbu best companies for farrr. and town property W. O. Fawcett, agenc, Ceylon Bugs A few sailings uf R. I. Ri-d CK, either comb, at fl.50 per setting of 13 A* this office. We can offer yon a wide selection in Ladies' Oxfords, Pumps and Fancy .Strap Slippers in blak kid, black patent, black calf, brown kid and brown calf leathsrs. All sixes from 3 to 7. Dift'areat widths and your cboioe of French, Cuban or Sport Heela. Our prices are reasonable Throughout and are based on today's leather valu89.a*d showa.dci<te<t rad^cfcion irm values previously tvtfered. ]J* A O 10*. J ^m A ^f (M ^ s * Our Special $5.00 Work Boot For Hen A wall shaped boot, roomy and comfortable, b!cher style, small yelets, heavy lining, made up in a pliable grain leather, aa nearly waterproof as a boos can ho, solid leather insoles and counters, smoothly finished inside, solid oak tanned sol, nailed and slugged. Sizes 6 to 10. Umnuutly Tvcrth $>i Ofl tadtiy, gpecial $5.00. Specials in Fanc}^ Dress VoHe s this week. For Sale or Rent The egg warehouse and premises in Flesherton. This is a lar^e two storey building, hence could he used f >r various purposes. Apply to R. J Sproule, Cleahurtn 7 p.m. in Town Hall every Sunday ac Re. G. BUckvell, Paitor. Frank Tliursioa i The Acvanon stiff spent a few ilayi tha laiter part of week in Toronto . Mr. Nichul is finding difficulty io getting men and teamt* for road building operatious and was not able to start 1 i>t week as i i tended. A start was md on Monday of ttm week. " Hoacat ' J bn Oliver, Prtmler of Britinh Columbia, is now on a live week Irip to M- 'ii 'i eil, Toronto nod other Eastern cities. Before hit returu ho will p.iy a visit t<> hi* a^ed futbsr, who rus'd i near Pleaherton. A new inn* i ib!< cnmat into effect on till* line of railway nn M .y 1. Trains sou h are due hero at 7 85 > in. and 1 SO [i m ; g"ii'g north, 11 50 a. in. nnd 9.30 p in A second tmiu will be put on the \\iilki-rtou brnnch connecting with all tr iin at the Junation. After M. ii.'ay. May _'nd. there will be tvo train* a dy uc'n wy on the ' ' I ' U from \\alkerUn In Saujtem Jin ction. Truing from Walkvrttm will meet the down trams from Owen >;!<! and will retuin to Walkvrton afier the mrivalat ko attend. N. H Wilton, M inagtr. The 1/idie*' Guild of the church of England will holil a 15c tea at the home after- tk of Mrs. W. L. Wright Thursday Boon. Every one welcome. The Women's Institute will meet , ihe high school on Wednesday, May i !i. I at 2 30 p. a. sharp. Election of ethcers Every member is requested to ba present as this ia a very important meeting. If you are pl.-muing to buy a' sewing i iijHchino buy the old rxliable Singer. ; You may as will have the best at : reasonable price. Call and see those rnncliiiies at \V. A. Hawken's photo gi'lery and music utore, Fletherton. W. G. Thomas is prepared to clean and repair any make of sewing machines and nrx'inx Satisfaction guaranteed. Drop in.' a line call and see me it my residence, the Van Dusen Block, Flesli- Ortou. Mr. W. N. Burnside went to Fergus) oti Tunday of last week to have an <ip n: ion p M I'M: M -,1 i u his leg, which h is giveu hurt cousMerablo trouble. Thu operation <vas nucouHsful and Mr. Bura- airle is repotted as making farorable i Juno-ion of the up train from , P r "K r '. " >''" " has been laid up for Toronto. I * '""=* P cr '*> d . '" result of an ocldel ,._.,._ . ,, . ,. , : in a laaroste match last summer, when McTavish & Son insialled a liquU ill . , , , , i his leg as broken. Standard, welding I'.itSt last week and ire now prepared to weld ato -,_.:.. or any- i A eutl*man Alber* Woodruff, thloR in velal. With twe welding out- | T35 Niol Si , Kamlrops. B. C., writes flU in town the publio ounht o be well \ Th9 Advanoa asking for infermalio erved nd all the breken machinery I boul the "embers f hi* own family, or successfully repaired, making it un- i lhe Sproules. Lsnnoxes i ago . Kerrs necesiary to purchase new parts. Last week The Advance inadvertently made au error in announcing the riturns f 't the vote in ArtemesU. The word Wet was used instead of Dry, making; the result totall) wrong. The> Dry majority in Aremeaia was 044 This error wis caused by setting the type without having writtea out the copy and it was slipped iuto the " firm ' without noticing the error. A printer has his troubles, and they are manifold. It seems to us tint the coniiuj census could well have been diapenxed with. The cent of this census will mounc up to more than ono n<l a half million dollars. Witli our enormous taxitioa and moro required, i> uppeurs to us (hut the expenditure of thti money in it mere effjrt to 6ml ou6 huw many people live in the country is a foolish squandering of much ne.d.'d money. Out .govern- ment:* di nob yet. appenf tu have srrived at n pr. par C'uceptiou of the necessity for entrenchment in publio expenditures. At least they show no evidence of having discerned anything of tho kind. . A case tried at Division Court her* last week was of interest to threshers and farmers. S. lintcheler threshed fo A.. Neilson last fall. Io taking his machine oil to Neilson's premises it was found necessary for the latter to sl*t with hit team in getting the machine o FOR SALE Wychoff and Guild strain of S.C. Leghorn eags for hatching ; also Gies Shepherd's strain cf S.C. Auconas at fl.50 per setting of 15 eggs. H. E. K:rsted\ Priceville. mlOtf For Sale A Pure Bred Registered Shorthorn Bull, "Yuung Hero ' 13monthd old, fit for service, bred by F. J. Curry, breeder and importpr of Shorthorns, Markdale. Apply to W. J. Meads, Priceville P. O. For Sale A quantity of O.A.C. Oats, aUo some food No. 21 B-irey. G Orr, Proton P.O. Phone 41r5 D'leeherton ; For Sale t \..!iii>4 stove in good cun- . dition, will sell cheap R. Waiters, Pncuvilla P.O. ^ricHy from ( J5c. to $1.50 a yard. flillinery Department Busy in this department as usual but Miss (ju)fru can find tune to give your ordar prompt attention. Novelties ia t:arly summer styles arriving every lew days. Gold XT _ in (JHUJO Verandah tt vciii 1 -I'liJMI'.i. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON - ONTARIO ;::;::::::::::::;:::: ; '-.'..................... ... Money Lust A twenty dollar bill in Down's ifaraae, Fleshnrtou, on Thursday, April 21. Kinder please leave at The Advance office. BOOTS & SHOES Now is Ihc tui'u to choose Ihe wal oaper for that room. I have just receiv- ed rr>y books of samples of wall papers, >ilcloth, wall coverings, burlaps, ate., and am now ready to take your older. H. CarrinKtim, painter and decorator, Flesherton, Out. Better Keep silent There isn't much use' jr. talking to uarvaioaable persons You can'fc argue with them, reasoning is useless, and to | convince them is wholly out of the jues- ! lion. It's foolish Co get into discussion ! with a perton who knew* too much. It ! will never bring you anywhere unless to jJ i \wr the conclusion that two fools engaged in jjii In LadieS Wear W HaVC Kid, :|: Gun Metal and Box Calf. For Men's .jjj Wear we have a nice assortment of 5y Mahogany and some good lines in Black. Also very serviceable Work Boots. a wasteful, wordy warfare. It'* hard, we'll admit, but it would be a laviig uf hlf the enemy to keep silent and lot the other tellow wear himself out in talking, and often in talking but saying nothing. It unppcns frequently that great talkers say but little. Durham Chronicle. ::: or Ixerr lived ac Maxwell aboul 50 yean He was adopted in infancy by the and appears to have lost touch with all his old friends and would like to get iu touch with some of hem again. He will ba thankftl if any of these old acquaintances ot descendants will write him a', tho above address. Thj box social in the town hall on Mond'ty niuht, given by the basebull boys, was not well patronized by the' male p ipulatiou, but the sum of $77 was realized. Tho program was put on ly local ftlent and \vis good, lasting aliuul au hour nnd a half. The baseball bojs wish to th.tuk all thot.e who assisted in the pre^raui, and also the ladies ho contributed so generously ihe many good boxes. Mr. 600. Mucholl acted as rh linn.iu mid Auctioneer D. disposed > f the boxes. Flesherton Garage We are now agents for the International Harvester Co., Deering and McCormick Farm Implements the most complete line of Farm Implements manufactured today. Call and see us when in town. Headquarters for Columbia Dry Cells and Hot Shot Ignition Units. H. DOWN & SONS, PHONE 36 FLESHERTON Repairing promptly attended to. THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO % Miner's Sanctuary It ia well worth one's time to visit " Jack " Miner s this spring. At the present Ihoro ar>.' thousands of wild geese at his park at Kingsville, Out. He has several acres devotud to n baseball park or diamond with a row of beautiful ever- greens and wonderful bird houses, and *' < h back of his beaaliful new home we hundiedi of roie arbors and two ponds. The front pond, the publio are the premises and out again. In attempt- | allowed to vUit, but the baak pond no ln settlement Neilson dedueted nine ono is allowed to visit, for the geese dollars for this serviw. Batcheler thea | lhre are wild. On Sunday there wero ud for 124, the full mount of Ins several hundreds of people, ther, and claim, and this was allowed together . om one or some thing fnghteB.d the with coits tgninsli Neilion. The ounief ! g the back pond nd several olaim f nine dollars was not allowed, < thousand eese flew in the ir. Mr. the judge holding th> it was Neilion's ' Miner came tunning to the baek pom*. duty to assist in getting the machine and what he did no one knows, but in a and out agaia moments the (eese weie sattled into his own promises without remuneration. |gi". It iaks twenty tire bushel, corn each day to feed these geese. of BELLAflY'S GROCERY Headquarters for Al Groceries, Flour and Fruits "Ed i s o n Phonographs" HHH We have placed in stock the "New Edison Diamond Amberofia ' and a stock of Records. Call and in- spect these machines. BELLAMY'S Telephone Ne-. 37 . . "The Prince of Victrolas" NUMBER 80 Here's a machine that has no equal an far as tone is concerned it is perfection itself. The excellence of sonstruction makes it worthy of a place in any home. TKe Price - $16O DID YOU SEE The Sewart Cabinet and Phonograph You can take h machine out if you wtsh and liave music wherever you travel. It also makes an ideal instrument for th home. Mahogany $44.00 complete GET THESE LATEST RECORDS "Mammy" "C.-rrnl Sea" (Kox Trot*). .11 I "Irene" (song).. 31. 05 'Virginia Judge" (cuiiii-). .31 j "[ know where tha tiiua go". .91 MUSIC DEPARTMENT W. A. ARMSTRONG. Phones 15 and 28. Flcshcrtoti, Ont. SELL 'ARM IMPLEMENTS WAGONS, HARROWS PLOWS SPECIAL PRICES IN New Tubular Sharpies Separators JOHN HEARD, IMPLBMSNT AQBNT. FLESHERTON.

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