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Flesherton Advance, 28 Apr 1921, p. 3

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Canada From Coast to Coast Dawson, Y. T. A strike of a re- furnishing goods (men's), $1,147,-156. m&rkable ledg* of ailver in No. 9, Obtawa, 0-nt. A total of 6,328 im- twmel of the Rico claim, owned by the migrants entered Canada during the j Yukon Gold Company, is reported by; mor.l)h-of February, or an Increase of I arrivals from Keno Hill, the centre 16 per cent, over the correspond ing | of the rich new Mayo mining district month in 1920. Of the immigraTUs of the Yukon. The Ledjge Is nine feet' 1,380 came from tha British Isles, wide, cf which seven feet ia solid \ 1,&36 from the Unl/J State-s, and high-grade galena, it i claimed. j 2,012 from other countries. The total Vancouver, B.C. Many novel fea- ' immigration for tile first eleven tures are incorporated in the boat months of the fiscal year amounts to which has just been launched here for' 137,468 or 29 per cent, over the same the Hudson's Bay Co. for service on period of the previous year, 69,40 the Peace River. The boat i* sixty being from the Britwh Isles, 43,7471 feet over all, with a beam of eleven from the United States, and 24,301 feet and four feet depth of hull.. The from other countries. boat has a phenomenally Mght Toronto, Ont. Fifteen thousand draught for so large a craft of but men can be absorbed on the farms of nine inches, with a maximum of not. Ontario during the present season. ac- mcre than twenty inches when the cording to the Hon. Manning Doherty, beat is fully loaded. The vessel is | minister of Agriculture. He further ; capable of a speed of seventeen miles stated that out of 700 farmers and an hc-ar. f arm laborers who arrived here re- ' ... . o r* <m. i t Victoria, B.C.-The number of stu- dents enrolled in British Colum^ schools i. now placed at 79,242, an Gently from England every one bad , * ^ * The Qntario , D epar Lent of Agriculture had new SYDNCY HO BART BRITISH COAL MINERS AJIE STILL DEMANDING A NATIONAL POOL Parleys Between Owners and Workers Fail to Find Basis for Settlement Acute Distress Prevails in Coal Areas and Suffering is Widespread. A despatch from London says: A- movement developed among the trans- ccnfefence between representatives of port workers to refuse to handle Am- the mine owners and of the Miners' erican, Belgian or German coal Ship- applications for 600 farm laborers on I increase or 10 per cent, over the pre-; STT.-fc- ! tal. Thnmins. Ont. Much activity THE PERIL TO WHITE AUSTRALIA This great country hag six Stale capitals, aud a proposed Federal capi- All seven are south cf the top line. Six are south of the middle line. is Five, including the proposed Federal capital, are south of the bottom line. vious year, according to the state-- ment mode by S. J. Willis, stipenn- 1 preva j ling nere ; n t h e local mines and! This i Australia's way of telling the world that the north and centre are tendent of education, at the annual j r ... new; c Q l f -re improving rapidly in> quite unfit for a white man to live In. and are only suitable for brown or j past few days in the country among ' th mir.ars themselves, and It is evi- Federation was held in London on menta. Thursday night at which an attempt In many districts there U no coal was made to get a clearer un:ler- left for domes/tic consumption, and no stand-ing as to the questions that di-. coal is being delivered to any house vide them. It cannot be said that any where a gas cooker ia installed. In definite advance was made. Thv new some districts only 28 pounds of coal ! offer of the owners was declared not; is being distributed to each household to be sufficiently clear to enable fine per week. federation to place it before the dis-' Distress in the miniflg areas is be-' tricts. ; coming acute. Hundreds of miners The Executive Committee of the and their wives in the Durham district Miners' Federation met on Thursday are waiting daily for the relief grant- and decided to make no reconrmenda- [ ed by the local municipal authorities tion to the full delegates' meeting, in necessitous ease*. Queues of un- This is generally interpret-ed as mean- married miners at Caerphilly, near ing that there is little hope of the ( Cardiff, who sought parish relief, were mriners Becepur.g any compromise thatj refused. Funds have been started in the employers are likely to offer. , many towns to save miners' children The leaders have been spending the from hardship. IMMIGRATION PLAN aaded - j order to bring their plants up to full Calgary, Alta. With an abundance ; capac ity. One firm, the Bellinger cf moisture in the ground and the |Go]<1 yimea, are calling for contracts , top soil in ideal condition for work-, to elirT y wt th j r $500,000 housing of Ruhr Valley dent that they have not foiwid any | marked change of attitude. The men 1 are still demanding a national pool Preliminary suggestions for relief of distress sent by a special commit- tee of the Beard of Trade to large towns include utilization of national kit/chrrs and canteens with feeding It is also irag, seeding has commenced early in| and i mprov ; n g plans. I troops, in addition to those now many parts of Southern Alberta. The! Q UQ C, Que. At one of the fox! on the Rhine are provided for in warm weather, together with the. raTCh ^ s which the firm of H olt, Ren- the plan e r a borated by the mixed f^wan^ r> nnpratPS about the !,,,,,,_ and Q^.JJ Commission, Or THE DOMINION and national regulation of wages, and centres for school children. | discussions about various otlier meth- j suggested that families should com- A despatch from Paris says : ', Canada is Ahead of Other otte of correcting inequalities of earn- ; bine in the cooking of Their meals. One hundred thousand French I Countries Regarding Medical j ' ngs ^ ave * la( ' no en * ect on c * ve m i ners j I" many instances the strike pay A :_ ,i,i:*.;,, T , t- n ko^. nsvnr i ' * --"'-- 'position. | of miners is exhausted, and to provide heavy bring snowfall, about an have combined to f rew an< ; Convpany operates about the! excellent situation ' Examination. dt-jpatch from London says: There can be no doubt that the failure of the railroad and transport _ "... i :, , ., i iriiiiLary aiiu n\ii \_-uim city, thirteen families of blacks, s>H armrrlinir tn I a Liberte whicn augurs a successful season forj ver ^ ^ crcss ,.,,. xr, *JAoA ; rt! accl Cana<ia na3 taken a step in advance of ; workers to come to their aid has had for barest necessities of life loans and paper credit are being increasing- ly resorted to. othtr countries by the institution of a a good deal to do with the hardening Great distress is reported from 1921. Lethbridge, Alta. A movement is on foot in the neighborhood of Coal- dale, the centre of the alfalfa region, to bring from CO to 80 cows from On- tario by an association of farmers and entering into the selling of milk locally as well as the manufacture of butter. Regina, Sask. A marked increase in the work thrust upon the Saskat- chewan government employment ser- vice by the spring demand for farm help is shown by tile very large num- ber of applications received by the various employment offices in the past mor'.h. It is some years There now [J.trrt ZHUIi .11. lv !;> 3UIIIC j?c*ix aiir.c . , fox breeding started here, and it has! troops in the grown to an extensive and) very profitable industry. Quebec, Que. Plans are now prac- tically completed for the provincial 80 000 Fr -h i sjrstem ^ Preventive medical exam- of feeling found irt mining localities. South Wales, where women are pawn- :'~! ir.ation of immigrants at continental Meanwhile, each day numbers of in-' ing wedding rings for food. In some 3 occupied territory, ' ^ r i a _ rj r Jeffs, uf the Dominion De- dustries are feeling the blight as the house* the bed is the only piece of the average cost for the main- partmtnt of Public Healtl tenance of which is 44,000,000 rived here and U working i h, has ar- coal shortavre grows. j furniture lefL K some districts in eonjunc- ' German coal was on offer on Thurs- many thousands of children would tion with the Immigration Depart- day at the Swansea dock for half the starve if they were not fed in the francs monthly. La Liberte adds that the plan 'ment st Havre, Rotterdam. Antwerp price of the best Wel;h coal, but a schools. foret protection scheme. It is under- j calls for the Occupation of two- | and other European ports from which; stood that four planes will be used in the Lake St. John district and all will be ready for the early spring, to watch for fires which often break out in the months of May and June. Montreal, Que. As indication of how strictly Canada's policy of select- ed immigration is beang carried out may be cited the fact that in the first thirds of the Ruhr industrial | "^ citizens sail for valley, and also Elberfeld and Barmen, in Westphalia. the Dominion I COMPEL THE CLOSING OF BURTONPORT RY. province. During the past week a j ^^ monlha of the vear one steam- total of 783 persons found employ- ship COTnpttny had a t^j of i 69 fe. ment through these offices a com- pared; with 595 for the previous week. A shortage of farm labor is claimed an eome districts. Yorkton, Sask. One of the largest land doaJs ever recordied in this dis- trict was recently made by Mike pot-tee's. Fredrk-ton, X_B. Karakul sheep are being raised in New Brunswick by W. Harvey Allen. President of the I New Brunswick Guides Association, who resides at Peniac. Mr. Allen re- cently brought in 46 of these sheep of $26 per acre, and 160 acres at $25 Pachal, an oUL-time settler, when he : from N Y ew Mexico, ami he has had 1,400 acres of his land at a prke | considerable success with this herd so far. St. John, N.B. The St. John Mem- orial Workshop for disabled soldiers will be officially opened here this month. The idea of the Memorial is to tlhe land unbroken per acre. All and prairie. Winnipeg, Man. The total popula- tion in Manitoba in 1920 was 541.466, according to the annual report of the afford an opportunity to disabled men vital statistics branch of the piwin- ! to supplement their pensions. Furni- cial government. The death rate* repairing will be taken up as the province lust year was 12.2 per thousand, a reduction of .2 per thou- sand over 1919. BirUbs in 1920 to- talled 18,536 a.9 against 15.019 durmg the previous year. well as the turning out of new work. The project will be supervise'.! by a committee of citizens. Halifax, N.S. Considerable Rpring plowing was effected in the Annapolis Winnipeg, Marr. With an invested j Valley in the second week in March, capital of $96,698,825. an estimated ; Which 1 said to be a record for early annual payroll of $24,308,982, the out- plowing in the valley. St. John's, Nfld. Newfoundland- ers are elated over the prospects of a The Crown Prince of Japan Who Is due to arrive at Spitliead, England, on May 7th. It Is probable The Burtonport Railway has besn closed because of repeated train hold- upa along the line. During the course over ar.d tho steamship companies are advised if they are unlikely to pass c . . A . . /- ' of Wednesday night e<-cry station of the examination at the port of arrival r reah Irish Atrocities in L.Otm- the road waa nided aud al! goods in Canada. The Dcmiuion has no ty Cork and Elsewhere. I found were carried away or burned, legal right of rejection of immigrants: ^ despatch from Dublin says: A ! An attempt was made Wednesday in any European port, but if the f orrner aoldier, John Reilly, was taken night to burn the residence of the steams-hip companies disregard the f rom his home by Sinn" Feiners on Mo8t Rev - M - FogaTty, Lord Bishop Department official's advice, they are Thursday night and shot deud on the of Killaloe. Ennis. The front of the liable to a fine in case an unfit immi- roa( j at Ballycar. i house was well ablaze when the fire grant has to be refused entry, in ad- j Qne civilian was killed and another i was discovered and extinguished. A dition to having to provide transpor- ! wjun< ied when the party of wlrch petrol-soaked cloth lay near the front tation back to Che pert of embarka- fl, ey were members was discovered fcion. In .instituting this new system, the Dominion Government is in ad- vance of the United States, the OofrJBoadi County Cork, on Thursday. The ground shoi'.iy before the Bishop's action taken by that country along ; military suffered no casualties. ; house was set on fire. this line the establishing of de- ; ' . T - - lousing stations at European ports for immigrants embarking for the Re- public. < * oor - Five men wert! sce " Seeing. a military in the no: of de- Two of tnem were arrested. A neigh- stro j.; n g a bridge on the Charluviile boring residence was burned to th Weekly Market Report White House in No Hurry for Peace \ Northern. $l.o'6; No. 4 wheat, $1.49. A despatch from Washington | Manitoba oats No. 2 CW, TT. j t tin ,.' ,.4-f; i o. says: President Harding satti- 39 ^ tude as reflected at the \\ hite Toronto. Maple product* Syrup, per imp. Manitoba wheat No. 1 Northern. : *! ^2.60; Pr 5 imp. gal*., $2.50. fl.77; No. 2 Northern, $1.71; No. 3 Maple sugar. Ibs., 19 to 22c. Honey 60-30-lb. tint, 20 to 21c per lb; 5-2^-lb. tins, 22 to 24c per lb.; feed, Ontario comb hcney, at 87.60 per 15- eection case. Smoked meats Hams, med., 37 to . No. 3 CW, 39*&c; extra No. 1 l fe<;<1 37Sfc No . 2 . House is that there is no haste j Manitoba barley No. 3 CW, 75*c; aboutthe adoption of thesolu-', 4Hc; reject*, ^, .. 38c; heavy, 31 to 32c; cooked, 50 to ^ , that he will visit Canada and th |t ion declaring a state of Peace ; ^ of the above CIF bay poru United State*. put cf Winnipeg's industries in 1920 was valued at $120,213,000. Of this um flour aiw) grit mills absorbed j successful sealing season. After hav- $14,487,398; slaughtering and meat: ing been caught in an ioe floe for sev- packing, $6,236,236; batter andcheeae, eral days, the sealing fleet, when last $2,905,648; bags, cotton, $2.750,623; reported, was in open water and mak- 1 WASHINGTON SAYS with Germany and Austria. American corn 67c; nominal, C.I. Chairman Porter, of the House j p. bay ports. Foreign Affairs Committee, who | Ontario ot No. 2 white, 41 - . 4 ,, "NO" TO BERUN, discussed it wtth the President ! *^ tor . owh(wt _ No2Winter$150 isaid he had not decided when it| to $1 5B p,,,. car i ot . fancy breakfast bacon, 50 W> 62c; backs, plain, bone in, 47 to 50c; bone- less, 40 to 53c. Cured meats- Long clear bacon. 2T to 28c; clear bellies, 26 to 27c. Lard Pure tierce*, 16 bo Iti^cf to 17c; pails, 16\ t ek-ctric light and power, $2,336,907; ing a good kill. lumber products, $1,818^567; bread', biscuits and confectionery, $1,816,671; printing and publishing, $1,785,001; malt Kquors, $1,663,905; coffees and $l,704,-t24; foundry and m- s.hop products, $1,493,560; Tlw first of the fleet , 9avs: _ The Unite d Slates ttevernment to return from the hun>t. the *ehoner j re j, uged on T h urs ,l a y an urgent re "Diana," arrived hen- widi 7,000 pelts t of the carman Government t:ha aboard. The commander of the p re , ide!lt Harding mediate the que "Egl" followed with about the same catch. LARGE WESTERN AREAS IN SEED wheat ia reported seeded. It is in Southern Alberta where the Spring Work is Proceeding Rapidly Some Oats Are Planted. A despatch from Winnipeg aays: Duiinig the past week weather over the whole of the Aree Western Pro- rin-eea has been generally fine, clear ik.ii .4 and Tuiijli temperatures ruling trough the day. During the latter part of the period' very little frost lias! but several in ALberta expect an in- l Reports of farmers busy on the: tion of reparations between Germany arKl the allies ari fix the sum Ger- many is to p*jr- Th* Unit<l Slates agreed, however. t ^ at jf ^ German Gore-mme-nt would land have become increasingly more f ormu ]ate pr<nnptly such proposals n-ameroua from all three provinces,! re g ar( ij.ig repara t.ions "as would pre- and already quite H large acreage- of ge) , t a propev basis for discussion," it would "consider bringing tihe matter the atteirtion of tlie allied Govern- most progress has been made. Reports; nielrts i n a manner acceptable to tliem, m the Peace to tibe effect that work is proceeding rapidly, and. . Germany's appea'.. wpnwl by Ciwn- the first report of oat seeding comes | ce j llor f^hrenbadh and Foreirii Buckwheat No. 3, nominal. not believe thei-e is any rush | \ 1} g u, freights outadde. about the resolution. Collection of Levy Blocks Rhineland Traffic cattle, choice, $8.50 U> $9.50; do. good, S7.r>0 to $8.60; do, med., $6.50 to $7.50; Rye No. 2. $1.30 to $1.35, nomin- do. com.. $4 to $6; butx-herV bulls. I al, according to fre/ig-iics outside. choice, $7 to $7.50; do, good, $6 to $7; Man. flour First patent. $10.70; do. com.. $4 to $5; butchers' cows, second patent, $10.20, bulk seaboard. ' choice. $7.50 to $8.50; do, good. $ti.oO Ontario rlour $7, bulk seaboard. to $7.50; do. com., S4 to $5: feeders. despak'h from Berlin says: Millfeed Delivered. Montrtvl best, $7.75 to $8.7o; do, 900 Ibs.. $7.2t> congestion in freight and , freight., bags included: Bran, per ton. to $8.7;>; do. 800 Ibs., $5.<5 to $b.(5; reported from '$33; shcrts. per ton, $85; good feed lo. com., $5 to $0; canners and cut- passenger traffic is , customs control in connection with tile ( new^y-inrposed penalties on Germany.:'' Cheese New, large. 29 to $2 to $4.50; milkers, good to , com. and med.. ! to'Sf'O to $60; clio-ice springers, $90 to I $130; lamb?, yearlings. $10 to $11: 30c-J tl0 - prin, $12' to $13.60; calves, good Lord Montagu of Beauheu. one , . .twins, 29Mi to 304c; triplets, 30^ to 'to choice, $11 to $12.50; fheep. $9i <>f.. . *" * 1 " twins. from this point, No reports of decreaed ivave come from any part of the West, I through United States Commissioner 1 , t A 11 _ _ . England, recently stated that one of new " gtilton, 88c. the chief drawbacks of coromepcml Butter- -Fresh dairy, choice, 48 to ister Simons, was directed to Presri- acreage i f|^ n t Harding, aivd wvs traijisanitted aviation is that at present only short 49c; creamery, No. 1, 56 t 59c; fresh, at Berlin. It wa airawere.) j been experienced!, and farmers in the 'crease on occoorrt of ttoe exce-Uentj ;, secretary Huglies nfrr a iistricts w4tere seedhisr has cDmoierK:- j state of the oil and lowered costs of] id have encountered little delay. ' production. | enw with the Pre*i<lent at the White : House. re attempted, sux?h as that London and Paris, where a of only three or four hours is Air transport's greatest op- will be in to Italy. he believea, _ r trips, such i Egypt, and eventually India. 60 to 61c. Margarine 28 to 30c. Eggs New laid, 85c; new laid, in cartons. 36 to 38c. Beans- Canadian, hand-picked, bus.. to Montreal. Oats, Can. West.. No. 2. 61 to 62c; do, No. 3, 57 to 58c. Flour, Man. sprirrjr wheat pats, firsts. $10. Bran, $31.25. Shorts. $33.26. Hay, No. 2., per ton, car lots. $24 to $25. Calves, $4.50 to $(i. Sheep. $6 txv J9. Choice ewes, up to $10. Yearling' lambs. $10 to $18; spring lambs, $7 to\ $3.50 to $8.75; prime*. $2.75 to $3.25; I $12. Hogs, selects. $14; mixed lots, ' Japans, H,-. Llm.t. ' California *r, lO'-ic- 1 heavy hogs. $13 to $13.50; feeders, $l| or more above select's. REGLAR FELLERS By Gene Byrne* ME A SOP/X HE COMC.S HOMt

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