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Flesherton Advance, 28 Apr 1921, p. 1

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VoUl, No. 46 Flesherton, Ont., April ^B 19-21 ROCK MILLS Mr and Mra Ed Hoy of Holstein vis- ltd recently with the former's brother' U Hoy. Mrs Cripps of Cullingwood is visiting with her sister, Mrs James Genoe. Mr and Mrs Cecil Monaglun and ba*ie spent a couple of day* last week with Mi and Urn John Porteous and family. Mr and Mrs Edwin Smith have gone to Toronto aftar an extended vitit with tha former's parents here. Mr Smith has secured a government position on tha good roads staff. The Rock Mills Ladies' Aid will hold their next meeiing at the home uf Mra W T Pedlar on Wednead.y, May 18. Wear* sorry to repoit Mrs R !!> Buffering with heart trouble. Mr Nich'il arttt his LMI..- of men have commenced work on the roads. Born ID Markdale, on Sunday. April 17, to Mr and Mrs Herb Belts, a son. Sim Croft, wife and family, visited relatives at Yandeleur recently. C Newell and wife visited over Sunday at A Morrison'*, 4th line. Born Ou Friday, April 1, to Mr aud Mra Alex Eng'ish, a daughter, Mr and Mn Cecil Mtldrum and son visited over Sunday at W T Pedler's. James Puk spenl the .week end with bia family in Owen Sound. David Williams is sporting a new Furd car. Miss Wilkinson of -pent a J.-y with her sister, Mrs Era Russell. CEYLON Mrs W K Buckley, Toronto, visited bar parents hare laat week. Mra J Kennedy and little BOB spent a day in Owen Sound last week. Miss Anna White entertained the club and friends to a party in tbe hall on Friday evening, when a most enjoyable time was spent. Mr Alex McLeod of the West is visit- ing with his mother here. Albeit Hazard apent the week end with Owen Sound friends. MeJville Kutln^Ke, who haa been viait ing his mother here for the past two months, returned Monday to Lethbridge and was accompanied by Master Geoige Jayaes. Mr J Melia left on Tuesday to visil his brother at Collingwood. We are pleased to report A Stenirt greatly improved after bis serious illness. On Monday Mr H Stone received the sad message that his daughter. Mias Maggi* Si ue, had passed nwiiy suddenly at the Revere House, Markdaie, whcie he assisted with the work. She ha4 complained the night befuie of not feeling well, so was told not to rise eaily in tic morning. Monday morning Mrs Kelly went to her door aud knocked. Getting o responae she walked in and spoke but received no reply and on investigation was found to be dead. She had dressed ready to coms down staira and apparently had felt weak so sat down en ihe (tide of the bed, in which position she WAS founfl with her head resting on her lnm! Bht was born 52 years ago on the old home- stead on Stone's Line and was the u < rd eldest of the family. Besides her aged father and stepmother bbe leaves two brothers and three siatere living. Sha was laid to rest in the Fleeherton cemetery on Tuesday afternoon . Rev Mr Belfry coniueled the services at the house and grave. G. A. WATSON & SONS - Priceville - VANDELEUR Mr Frank Davis, Mrs Davis and Julia, and Mrs L Johnston motored to Paisley and visited with friends ehere over the week end Miss Lillian Buchanan is home after taking a course in tbe N . B. C . in Owsn Sauod. Mr and Mrs Will Hutchinson visited with Mr and Mis Wm Alcox of Orange Valley recently. Mr Geo Buchanan returned home after spending the winter at the O. A. C. in Guelph. Mr Wm Buchanan of Toronto is viait- iug with his son, Sam. The Women's Institute held their April meeting at the h m.' of Mrs H Me- Loughry, Eaat Back Line, on Thursday of last week. A good number were present and some good readings were given. A dainty lunch was served by Mrs McLoughry and Mrs Snell. Last Manday ninety ~ii votes were cast ;u this polling division and only three wet voles were recorded. PORT LAW Mra J \V Bates baa returned to kr borne lu Toronto after viaitiog with -bur mother nd brothers here. Miss McGill uf ]":;!. ha* charge uf out school temporarily, in the absence of Miis N -.1'iit, who ia r her homo on account H the illneei of her mother. Mm KI-U' !-. Shier haa been quite ill of 1 i: . but we are glad lo hear Ihat ahe is Mr i'i in n Blakvy has been very ill for gome weeks with niuritta. Although still mi iMu to U.ivo his bed he 19 s >me- hat belter. Mr Jtru?a Mi-I.iM tun visited friends ia Toronto last week. Mr and Mr* Lnwrence Lyons were treated by thvir friends receDlly to s misuellaneout ghower of household requii',es. M 'iint X-uo Sunday School baa beeo rdorg<iiiized with Mr Elboit Cornfield aa uperiuteudent and * good staff of officers nd teachers. School will commence next Sunday at ten o'clock. The 3*ra- ment of the Lord a Supper will be observed in the church cext Sunday. FEVERSHAM Fine weather has come again and seeding operations ar in full awing. Jimc-peer has gone to Parry Sound. We understand he haa secured a position with the C.P R. Mr Andrew Fawcttt is very ill and his sawmill is shut down for the present. This throws his men nut of employment f T awhile. A case of smallpox ban d<\ eloped in Collingwuod township near Gibraltar. Sorry to report that Mrs Arnold Hutchinson ia in the hospital, where she ha4 to undergo an operation laei week. We hope for her apeedy recovery. Gen Wright is agvin under tha doctor's care. We hop* he may soon rsoover, M this ia a very bud time of the year for a farmer to be laid up. It Beems to me that sorn* of tbe Indies spring gowns must be lik ihu old iime coming out into society gown aud would be very convenient for all they would hive to do winM I'u to sneez and they would be out. PROTON Lumber, Shingles, Planing Matching & Housefinish Orders token tor Doors, Sash and all House Fin'sh. ij-inch match Oak or Maple Flooring. Use ethe famous Fiber Board on walls, it is \ inch thick and. wind proof. Car of B.C. XXX Shinft'loa en hand at lowest prices. Leave your order as prices are advancing. Let us figure on your next ]ob, it will coat you nothing Boar For Service Ple*d Ohio* Boar For Service Lot I), ton. 4, Artemeaii. |j -WALLAOK FISHER, Prop. List Week's Items A large majority was polled en Monday in favor of prohibition. Mra Allen of Durham visited at the home of Mr J C Wright. Miss Christie Wodehouae of Djrharu is visiting with friends here. Miss Gertie Lyons has returned home aftur a three week's holiday in Toronto. MM H G Becker ami son, Jack, visited with friends in Toronto. Miss Loui* Ronmo of Toronto ia convalescing at her home here. Miss Ada Acheson spent the week end with friends at Vandeleur. Mrs J C Wiight viaited with friends at Toronto. The members of the Presbyterian W. M. S. were iheaueets of the Ang'ican Woman's Auxiliary at their anaua' meeting on Wednesday afternoon of last waek. Mrs W Ludlow preaided *nd the Hector, Mr BUckwell, give m apprnprt- ate talk, telling many interesting incidents from hia own experience while a Missionary in tbe Yukon. The follow- ing officers were elected : Pies., Mrs W Lud'ow ; Vice Pros. , Mis Wauchob ; See. Treai., Mrs Robt Bates. The Secretary's rcpnrt showed the receipts for tbe year to be Z190 ; balnnc. 1 on hand $71 The money was spent for Church improvements and Missions. At' er the meeting a delicious luncheon was nerved In tb basement and a very pleasant social hour ipent, Tho Presbyterian W. M. S. have been holding i heir meetingn aruund the open fire place in the hospitable home of Mrs Ca1e during the winter. The financial report recently printed showed a total of 9103 9" raised i"m Missions. A bale of clothing valued at J8.(>5 was shipped to Teuton Home and K I Hospital, and Children's Mite BiMes contained the aum ef $15 95. PRICEVILLE The Referendum vote on Moudny, April 18 was fairly successful at ih'ii poll, No. 6 Artemesitt, 164 "dry" end 23 "wtt" Quite a number interested in prohibition worked hard nil d*y. Some lapl the street in vicinity of the hull and kindly gave voters any information they required and the resident rlergynmn kept their earn at tbe aervice of the vutrs, aome of whom were tged and infirm but wuhrd to cast a temperance vole. Many ladies and others out a distance in th country who would find ir very difficult to come out were conveved to the poll and back li.nii- in a comfortable car. Thn temper- ancu people are m<nr very thankful for tbe result at (ii polls, which, we presume will smash the big idol in th Ontario temple of tbe " wets " and possibly i:use their h gh pries 1 . Utveraon to mourn in sack clulh anil ashes! The Prioeville U.F.O. c'ub shipped * car of live stock on Thursday last. Some Hydro men are erecting a neat painted wire fence enlosiiii; the ground where the transformer atamls. Miss Lizzie Mather is suffering ng*in with illutss. Tlie doctor rujuesta her to remain in bed for some -1 us so thai a aura may be etfectfd and * hope that g >od rtsulU will speedily toliow. "THE ELDRIDGE" Dependable Sewing Machines at Moderate Prices. SOLD BY W. A. ARMSTRONG FLE3B0ttTON, ONT. KIMBERLEY Mr Dolun of the Mere Hints Dank has purchased a or. Now the giils are smiling and everything is " like a tnoni la spring." Miss l'!i' i s and Mias Eva Htrrix are gf>ing Weal ihis *'< on a visit. 8 S Burritt in putting up a new wire fence arcund his property. Tim Metho diat parsonage lot is also being fenced. Wadding bells are ringing. Our roads are In vtry rough condition. Farmers ate getting in ihoir saed this wek. Several penp!e are ill with colds. Yorkshires, Tamworths Young Stock For Sale For Breeding Purpose* P.mne or write GEQ, W. KOS -,'n-vTc!. system MftlweB P. Centre Grey Baseball League An organization meeting to arrange a Baseball League was lieM at t'ie Men- shaw Hi u-f, Fleshtrton, cm Tuesday evening, April llHIi, when two delegates re present from Ceylon, Dundalk, Eugenia, Flehherton, G'unelg, rV>cklyn and Yancleieur. It wa decided to call the L-iigue the Centre Grey Baseball Association and th fallowing officers were elected : HJII. Pirs., I LougUeed, Rucklyn ; Pres., A A Md'hrugty. Rocklyn ; Sec. Tras., T O Goldsmith, Flesher'oii ; Hou. Vice Prnsiilen's, C Bolur.d, Vandeleur, R Oenoe, Eugenia, G Hanbury, DundalU, T Gilray, Rocklyo, A Sinclair, Ceylon, E J Burke, GK-neli;, and F Math^wb.^n, Flenherton ; 1st Vico Pres., G Armstrong, Dundalh : 2nd Vice Pies., C Mu'r, Oyloo ; 3rd Vico Pres., N Wjlton, Flekhrr'on ; Exceirive Com.. President, Secretary and one member from each club. After the election of officers the rules and regulations of I be L> ._', e LT fiusi il and dr:iwn up and tlie schedule and coniderabl liiifiiie.ia wan dealt witn. All the clubs ;i'e lining up good atronc teams and the public are avsurtd of clean and f.i-t baseball ilus summer. Considerable time haa been rpent in the formation of this League and every team entered deserves the pttronage and good will of the public. Fleshertun :lub ar putting on an all day celebration on June l!id, when a d ly cf sports will be carried out. including a leigue gime with Rocklyn aud a tirat class conc.-rt in tlm evening. Get i-ir and bost the boys along tt> the lihampiouship. SCHEDULE May 16 Ceylon at Glenelg May IS Dundalk at Rucklyu MAY 20 CEYLH.V AT FLEMIF.RT ..s May 27- Flesherion at Eutteuia May 128 ;>leneli{ at Vandeleur May 28- R .cklyn at Ceyloc June 2 Vandeleur at Dund ilk JfNE I? RoCKI.YN AT FLESH. 'OS June 8 Eugenia a~ Vandeleui .JfNE 9 DrMULK AT FLESHKHTON June 11 Koeklyu at Gluuelg Juno ll--Ceyh>a at Eugenia June 1<> Vandeleur at Glenelii June 17 Flet burton at Ceylon June \A Rucklyn at Eugenia June 'J:i Eundii.i at DiinJiik Jl NK 24 GLENELI; AT FLE*UERT"N June 25- V<tndeleur at Rocklyn Jur.e yU C.-ylon at Dundalk July 2 Rocklyn at Vandeleur July 2 Grrnelij at Eugenia July 4 Eug-'inaat Ceylon JfLY 8 ErcBMA AT Ft.KsHEUT"\ July !) Glcuclg at Rooklyn July 9 Ceylon at Vandeleur July 12- Flesliertun at Dundalk July 13 Dundalk it Vnndeleur July 16 Cay Ion at, Uncklfn July 19 G'mnelif at Duudalk Ju'y 23 b-'lesheiton at Vandeleur July 23 Glenelt t Coylon July 23 Flesherton at Rocklyn July ?Jf Euxenia at Glenolg Aun 1 Vandeltur at Ceylon Aug. 4 Dundilk at Ceylon Aug. ti FUnhertun at Glenela Aug. 6 Eugenia a' Rocklyn Aug. 11 Bocklyu at Dundalk Avu. 12 VASOBLKVK AT FLKSIIKKTON Aus<. 18 Dun<tlk mG'enelg Aus. 'JO Vandeleur at EuurnU Aui{. 24 Uundalk at In Memoriam * ~" Iu loving memory "f Joseph I'enwick, who died Apnl28, 1020. His memory is as fresh tody, As in the liour h passed away, O, teach UK fr> m our hearts to any, Thy will be done. Wife and Family. CANADA'S BEST Iu buaineas training and imurov. MI i- in . general education rs had at tbe Owen Sound, Oaf. Individual Instruction Enter any day. Business, Shorthand, Farmer's *ud Preparatory Cournes. Catalogue Free, C. A. FLBMIKG, K 1C, A . Principal a. D. FbEUINO, 8eoi>try. Mentton khis papar when Try us for your next job printing. War Bond Coupons Cashed Free ,The Merchants Bank will cash all War Loan coupons or interest cheques when due, on presentation, Without making any charge whatever for the service. If you have not a Savings Account, why- not use your interest money to open_j>ne with this Bank 1 TH AVCRCHANTS BANK Head Office: Montreal. OF CANADA Established 1864. FLESHERTON AND CEYLON BRANCHES, J. C SCOTT, - - n Manager. 143 The Lalest from New York and Paris The Peggy Bracelet can he worn as a Bracelet or Necklace These are real chic ami a handsome bit of jewelery Introduction Price - $1 Bates BurialCo. BUSINESS USUAL W. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler, FLESHERTON, - ONT. Funeral Directors and Embalmer* Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Road, Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R Maddocks, President. Manager Now is the time to re- new your subscription to The Advance. SEEDS SEEDS We have received our supply of Seeds and are now in a position to supply your wants in any of the following lines : Timothy No. I Special Timothy No. 2 No. 1 for purity Mammoth No. 1 Special Red Clover No. 1 Special AlsikeNo. 1 Special Sweet Clover White Blossom No. 1 Come in and let us prove to you that our Seeds are the best and our prices right. We also have a complete stock of Sugar Beet, Mangel and Turnip Seeds. Also everything in Flower and Garden Seeds. W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flcshcrton, - Ontario &&&!&*&3ttr&/?&?&Z^ -*- - -^^ Millinery We have a most up-to-date stock of Mill- inery in Paris, London, New York and Gainsborough styles. t We have them on the tables for your inspection and we respectfully invite you to call and see our display. Wo Have Hats a,t all Prices fe W. L. WRIGHT, Corner Store, Flesherton

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