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Flesherton Advance, 21 Apr 1921, p. 5

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April 21 1991 TM FLKSHIKTON. ABVANCE The Farmer's Partner A Bank, like an individual, is known by the company it keep* in other words, every bank has a distinct character. This Bank has been so closely associated with rural develop- ment in the past half century that it is now characterized as the Farmer's Partner If you are looking for practical banking co-operation, let out local Manager demonstrate "Standard" service. THE STANDARD BANK OF TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY MILLIONS Flesherton Branch: - > Geo. Mitchell, Manager. ANADIAN PAOIFIO C. P. R. Time Table. Fleshercon Station Come to the box social Monday niitht Monday was not a "wet" day. Men's overall* and smocks at f I 98 are meeting with big sales at Becker's, Proton. ! Lost On Wednesday, April 6, black and white hound, tag no. 306. F.nder jpleue notify Dan Fawcett, Eugenia. "VwSpTiwJ Timothy, Red, Alaike and Mammoth Traina leave allows : Going South 7.53 a. m. 4.27 p.m. The mails are ogen at Flesherton ti seed, all No. I for purity at Becker's, follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and Proton. 1 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at ; numbttr {rcm h( , re Mteaied the hoi 3.40 o'clock. For morning tram south mail close at 9 p. m. the previous evg. , .ocial at.d dance at C-yloi, m Fnd.v VICINIY CHI FS night. The baseball boyg are no* for the season. fHH i \ Special prices on young men's fine boots, chocolate i>r black, any h-ip.>, and a di.c unt on men's plow boots this week , at Becker's, Proton. Flesherton celebrates on June 3rd. DVt F^rget-If y..u require any 25 Ibs. best Granulated Sugr W 90 at j >ttemion f(>r y ,, ur , torige u , lrty> Tork Becker's. Pro'on j & So|l) Battery SpecUlij, Markd^le, M:~ Ruth Proctor of Forest is visiting are at Jour service. tr sister, Mrs T. O Goldsmith. fttdtj and Saturday only, n*w corton J. C. Jones hs returned lo Elora after L fr ^ n h,^,, (4 69 f zen, Lipton'.. Red visiting with J. C. Scott snd family. , R,,se or Minto Tea 54c a Ib. H G We are paying more for e*st* and need Beckrr, Pr.'toa. a lot 10 till orders. H. G. Becker, ' Small AdsJf Reduced prices on all suits and. suiting* H Alexander, Ferershara 20 1 21 Try F .-*.-, vn Patry Clour, tha best rrour conk. ATI Onrmrio wheat Ch.ippirg done on Saturdays only Grthaoi Bros. Eugenia Oe'19 F.ra and wind Insurance in the best ,_ companies for tarrr. and town property ^ W. O. Fawcett, genr. Ceylon >> E-fg A few telling* nf R. I. R-d eggs, either comb, at $1.50 per setting of 13 At this office. Fur Sal* Pure fresh AUike need for saV, free from noiioua needs, $8 per hu. while it lasta. Albert Bad.?erow, R R. 3 Proton Station. -^ Horses For Sale Some good young work horses for sale, also some gooJ Marquis seed wheat. J. F. Collinson. Ceylon. Phone 21 r 14 Pns;ure To R*nt ICO acres good pstnre land. Lot 33, Con 10, Artemesia Aooly to Harry Genoc. Fleh.r-..o. j F r S* f One team good work horses. HrryGennc, FUsherton. ~ 17 Warred A few bushels of eed buek- \h wh-ar, a| 90 fujd os ig ^V J. Stewart A S->n. F'esherton. Proton. Born On Thursday, March 31. 19'21. I at Winnipeg General Hoi-pital to Mr Mal~l H. Coxon, of Oranton, Is visiting with and Vpl Htny M c CaMum (nee J. C. Scott ind family, of the Merchant : StrKC h n ) of XVynyard, Sk ., a daugi Bank. ter Maurtne. 75 Manilla flo* Lines to clear at 2c. . [b p ^ ( gyMjp .^ _ McC , r ,,, Hok 100 pairs Children's Boots laid asida to ^^ ^^ l)OX 2 fo- 3.V Corn 2 can* ell at SI W Becker's, Proton. ^ .^ ^ c , Mn>wt , for 2 5c H t. Mrs bewster. who hai b*en visiting Becker, Proton. her daughter. Mr. G. E Henry, leturn- 1 T) d to her home in Gran'on last week. j ^^ ^ ^ At Ust vi-lagi* council John H.l s w is %|,, n d,,y ppoinud to tha position of village con. 1 table and poundkeeper. Dr Margaret Horning, O-<te<>p*th>st, will be at tre Mun*haw House Tuesdays SI 00, go 'd Stlni'.n 5 tins f ami Fridays from 12 30 to 3 45 p ui. ; Pure Le-f Lrd 2 Ib* for 55c., Anglican chinch, Service as usna in Town Hai! every Sunday a: 7 p m Rn G Black *ell, Pa'tor. For Sale AUike Clover Seed, govern- ment test, fit) per 1m.. at lot 141. con. 2, Ar'etuesia Geo. Snell, Ceylon. Fi>r Sale Rubber-tired buggy in tint c v condition. Rer. F. G. Fowler, K r Sale or Rent The egg wart-house a< d premises in Flesherton. Thu is a I'-.; *o storey building, hence ci>u>d le n- J f>r various purposes. A: [> y to K. J .V iou!e, rHeshert 'n K..r Silf Ten ton* of good timothy: h.y *nd* five tons if good clover bay. T r - cath. Cl.ude Akina, K. K. N ... J. Pro' on. Phoi-e 41 r 1 2 Now for House Furnishings Carpet Squares, new asjortment ; Gold Seal Coagoleum Bugs, special prices ; .h r< t ^-v* i.* 11-1. t .* .. Floor Oilcloth*, new patterns, all widths ; Curtain Vets aad Scrims, new selec- tions : Cretons, Tapestries, Chintzes, all colora ; Window Shades, interesting pricea ; Wall Papers, new assortment. Remnant lets of Wall Papers at less than Halt Price. Brandram Henderson " tnglish " Paints, Floor Fiuishes, Flat i olors, Varnishes, Kalsoniine*, Linseed Oil, Turps., and Paint Brushes of all kinds. LINOLEUn SPECIAL Four yard wide Printed Linoleum, first quality goods, good designs in block and floral patterns. A good selection at $4.7.> per yard. FLANNELETTE BLANKET SPECIAL 24 pairs Flannelette Blankets. rst quality, heavy weight, perfect goods, grev only, your choice of pink or blue borders. Size 64 x 72 suitable for doable beds Regular price $300, Special per pair $2.39 F. H. W. HICKLING ! FLESHERTON * - ONTARIO TTTTTT ^.^^C^ff^S^J^HSIB^ Treat Grain For Smut .Jp ??:iisiJi:ii:H:i:::::ii:i^i:iiiii:iUii::i:i^ Mi.-< Ptnt : *n<l, who spent the winter Fle-herton B-fe'ail Cluh wi 1 I. \ Scial in the town hall ' xt veiling. April 25th A g"'d pn'gr'.ui is beinrf prepared. A^riii-*i"n 23 ami 36 ct*. Lt i e* with boxes f Finos' Tomat .es pxckfd 6 tin* f -r S or .-ning 6 Ib* fjr f 1 00. Becker-, IV t n If y' u are planning to buy a *>**ing machine l>uy 'he old rehxble Sing-r KM ... xiiu may as w.ll have the he* with h r sisier. Mrs W. I H.nry, T-V .i _ , r<a*i>i abl) price. Call nu se h.-e mo.ored 10 h-r home at Duuganuon tlie m-chi' *s t W A. Htwken s pii-.t<. be liimi'iig of lat week. ({a lery and mu c t"re. Herbert' r Utisma 25c l*> , Oranges 39o a dozen, > re*2lwfor75c..<-l 20 Uv for An Auction S-le of 'he content* ..f -x 89o . are -oiue ot Becker's specials for . r,,me.i h., u e lC**lon on Thur-.v. thieek. H G Becker, Proti.ii. Apr I 2i. S ,>ves. beds. rui, o..nch, ,-, , .'cK.iin-, iH-drooiu <-t everything to fun. Come nd taste th Birthday Cake . ... i*h n honj^. D. McPhail, aucti"n. r, which the Ii>i.< r i.>e >omf n s JIis..>nvy . . ., . Jo Uummina, tMuprietor. Socio-y wi'l serve at the'r Conundrum Social mi Friday, April 2!)th. served W. U Thorn*.* is j..vpareU t> I > t "pm. and repair any mtke nf sewun mchn><* Fioher. who has purchased . "" "^ n * Sa ifc l-u gu^.n',- property near Aylmet, r t n,,.vrd hi* Di "P - " Ut> ' r Cltl1 ud s>! ' ' houeh,.ld go,.ds l.y iinck last we, k. r^ide, oe. ih- V,,u Du-en Bl,,ck. Fl.n- Tiuck iu> ing i the most sni'factory ert.>u. way u w-'.iy-, with railway ra'es soaring The "Beautiful Spring" got a bi Mrs Ueori!* B >d, of Nor"h B*nlef,.rd; * ooek '" '"" -> "" Saturday Iv-t wl.. n 8ask . whoe^me E*st with the r-niu two inches of line snow Wl and the mer of her mother. Mm Brady, to be mterreo : **"* ""' 1'' > Febrmry s'and.rd. ac, last wrek. K 1 >K SALE \VyclK If and Guildstnun i >.<J. L. ghorn eggs fur h<tchii g ; i *o i- Shepherd's straiu if S.C. Ai 11 5") per setting of 15 eggs H. E Priceviile. uil'M Disease caases y-ar y tiaaacul Ics* ia Ontario farmers cue to smuts it jS $ 720.000 It l 'aimed th*t at '.cut fl.8tO.lOO. i* "he 1" >n oiU aJoae. Yet <ct that be el m- f ircnticg the seed gram with r'or Sale A PureBreu R-gistrrrd Formalin. Lo.d Smut of oaU. S n king S. ,,rt horn Bull. "Young Heru' 13 m nths > mu t of wheat aid Coined Soiat .f tit fir service, tred by F. J. Curry, bailey, p.n b fievented. >* by won'l der and importer of Shorthorns, more fa-mrrs u*e 'he tieaiment? kdale. Apply to W. J. Me^a>, piy ev^ry year. Th* d t IB prct o y no'hing yet the* derived ar* worth while. Take .<u pint ol Formalin, Pnc^ville P O. * ::: F. r Sale A i^aiutity of O. A.C. Oit, o s me guoJ No. il B>r.ty. ti Orr. Pr u.n PO 41 3 ei r h^r'-n It ty . Buit, jpccnlist .u d.sraaes t the E.r, N ..e and Ttiroat will be at -..,.. Thor. ^^ oughly inn tlies.. u-i-.n. Heapth^gran .... on -.u old ">l cloth i r canvn on the d. or. .JJJ Sprinkle th^ roim*iin *o:oti. n over ih* ; ;j w-is n 17 means f watering can and 38S la- Mun-ha* House, Flesnerton, for turn the henp or>-r ithahoel. Tuin i^ visited Mrs. V. Boyd Vt course i-ve-yr>dy vxpected something of the Kind t>ir it was none the ;<.- i uaelcoine tin i hit account. l " visit JP* nd China Big hauls of cu.-kers have been uitde t the Beaver river. Car loads hve gone out and brought bncic bag* full of the attend the Birthday Party snd Conun cly of ihe deep. Pickled dru S 00 "* 1 * ni:h wil1 *> he'd . sucker will likely tie in vogue for mouth-. ' I"Htioge church 011 Friday. Ap-il 29 h. to eouie. \Vearewaiting for thergui;Te serv.d l>y Japanese and Chinese e , sun * : wauen from 7 'o 9 Program consisting 8 A start on the county road. wa. , " f "Citaiioiw and Vocal and violin music, here on Tuesdty of this week, when .1 All for Sac. Vang <>f men w-< put on at B-eerofi ' : A very interesting concsrt was given hill 2J -.nilsn eas' i.f Fleshert"n. ro com- ] 'he high school on Friday evening pleio the gp left there lastvfall. A. : '* r h y 'h* Literarv Society of the ln*h McLen of Pnceville is running the school, when a splendid program if gra.lei and Maurice Wright of Flehi*rtvju ' songc, musical selections nd recitations the big tractor. w * s fi'ji'yd by the audience present. ;,> 1" of the Canadian Qi\ | " e of h<> '""*' in ' rre8li "8 events WHS consult* ion, \\edi.pJ*), Apr: '.'7, ft. m the **cd over 'ill rv^ry grain is dmp ned. -j to 12 a m. Ey* tested mi gla* C. ver the pile wi'h a cnnvi or SHCku'g laud Uave f'-r thie >-r f. ur hours. A th^ end of tbat tun^ spread .-u- thinly to dry If the gri* 'a shovelled i.v^r two or times it wi.l dry qjick-r F T'y giilona U euou.h to tie*l 30 to 40 If No* is the tm>e to chi -cse the wai ; in|>. r for thu room. I hive jus' receiv- ei ii -y rooks of samples nf wall papers, 01 cluib, wall Covering", bur!p-, e'O , an aui now ready to take > ur o der. BOOTS & 5HOES In Ladies' Wear we have Kid, Dongola, Gun Metal and Box Calf. For Men's Wear we have a nice assortment of Mahogany and some good lines in Black. Also very serviceable Work Boots. Repairing promptly attended to. THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO 3lllllfl^SS!5?ia::^H???wsf^ of e-d less <hn till H C-trrtUtiton, ['Hirer r-'it-cher'oo. Out. and oec >r. or, amount i* required for seed us leu ' F .1 malm ami w-it^r. but b oure that it* ^ pr uior'ion n the SMUJ. ^ >' Y v ,-e and Charles Streets, Toronto , \cc unt mcy, stcni^grnpliy, tyyew: T, SKAI.ED TF.XUKttS addw-ed t. the ' P.-tu^^r Gen.rnl will b. etve i at l general improvement curses : super- MAIL CONTRACT Ottawa until Mn. I'JSl. tin Friday, the t>:b of j or instruction i-nly ; ^tuJents - for the cnn\-vnce "i Hu n a pn.p..j Contract f,.r p-sri-us. t.> ; \v r , t,, r Open all >v,r. t ur yearn, six timt-i* p^r we?k <>ti the n.ute piop.-c'u. Enter uow. W. J. ELLIOTT. Cement Mixing fild!. Limited, was " sho " wi nth nitre ' he r ' ftli ' D 8 f the school paper, "The glyceii.-e on Friday evening last with, u t Asto n' 8h er," wh ch created much amu*e dehnite re*ul- other than tiling th* hol **>*>"* with debris, which is now bi-iug removed Th hasehtll cluh have been fixing up wilh the drill. The result rl the blast the playing field at the *griculturl park will not be known until ih* hole i* nd fVyuect to hve a gooH smoo'h cleaned out. A number from a dist-nce diamond. The b-<ys are working ban! were on h*nd to take a swim in the lake for a league for this district and som- of oil when it was tapped, but returned S^ed gme* ar* in view. A far s i home, having decided to postpone the known the legue will comprise Eugen , < jjp i 'Ceylon, Pteahrr'oii, Markdale, Rocklyn Many of our -h s .,. in.luding th. Dundtlk " d Qlta ' ] S >* Torsoto Star* hv* been blowing about j The Kas*r thankoiTtring of the W. big ken eggs in thsir contlituenei*s, but iu*n's Misaiooary S.-c't-'y wa* h*ld in -he sTUshei ton ean QO them all up. Maik klathodist church on Thurada? of l**t Wilson has * hen which laid for g i . we*k. OrMtins;* w*r brought f r-m the ihe past fir* day*, *>ll of which measured Baptist Circle by Mis* Roy, aid fr. SB fron 7x8 to 7 g x8| mahos, th* last OB* the Prey<*riaa Auxiliary by Mr*. R*v b*)ing th* larger, showing th* h*a i* FowUr. A gnod of snuxic ai>4 Improving witli pra*)tic*. Th*** font read me* was giv*n and * than k*ff*r lag egg* w*igh*d 31 out e*s. Now c.-ine on of $06 was re*iv*d. Av th* tra hut you kig efg fiend*, and if you equal Mia* Myrtl* H .cin *ang "Just fot thir th* K ; *h*rti win) I* pr*par*d U Today" vry *w**tly. About 6f y w*r* do nT.a b*tt*r . 1 in *ttBdanc*. El'GKMA K. K. N... 1 X'i Kevrr>hatu. tnim th Poatuiastor !'* } leasiiro. lVi:it>ni n>uors containhitr f\uther infonua- i'tii .1.- t cvndiuuna >! prupo<<i cvoitract may be wwu and black fonui ol Temier inajr b* , ouined at tha Pt Onion* of Kuirenia, I and at the ,c* of th Piwt Otficc ! ji 4vintf purc hieJ a cement mili' Toronto. , , . . A- 3L"THHRLAXD. oii'tir I am prepared t- do VM Otfic. Insptctor ()f Wi , rk by the dli) . or hour. l\*tClUIn*pcu.-Otn, imol*p T. BENTH.vM. FUsherlon . Tjronto, Mirgh'.'Srd. l*n. "The Prince of Victrolas" NUMBER 80 Here's a machine that ha< no eqnal a.s tar as tone is concerned it is perfection itself'. The excellence of construction makes it worthy of a place in anv home. XHe Price - $16O BELLAHY'5 GROCERY Headquarters for Al Groceries, Flour and Fruits ICE CKEAM Our parlours are liow opeu. XVe handli* City D* ry products and B \-P. sofk ilrinks. Ice Cruin etc. supplied for socials and garden partios. FLOUR For good b'ead u . C.eam of the XVes* Firur. A trial wil' convince. K.ei y bag guaran- teed. For Pastry use Fever- sham Pastry flour and you will be delighted with results. SBBDS A great aa -r'm-rr of Garden Seeds, Flower Seeds, Ma.geU. Turwip*. Corn. EDISON P H< 'NOG UAFHS XVe have a<ided i> our srock th* "Xe* Edison IXam.iUc! Amberola" and a stock of Kecoriis. GRIVKRIKS A CONFECTIONERY A full line of Groceries, Cem , Curiitie Brown's Sod* and Fancy Biscuit*. Nei'son's And XX'illard'a Chocol'e<, Finder's Bread. FRKSH FRUITS lUnau 1-=. Oranges, Letuons I' ' :.i', - elC. DRY FRUITS All kinds of dried fruit Pruns, Dates. Figs, Valprit Ra-sios. Seeded and Seedless Raisin* sad Currant*. Special- CORN To . sen. assorted $1.98 BELLAMY'S DID YOU SEE The Se\vart Cabinet and Phonograph You can take the machine out if you xvitih and ftave music wherex'er you travel. It also makes an ideal instrument for the home. Mahogany ..... $44.00 complete GET THESE LATEST RECORDS " Mammy" "I. 1 rril S^a" (K.n 'Virginia Judge' (ctmic)..fl Tr-r,) .$1 "Irene" (song). .$1.65 j "I know where the dies go '. .11 i MUSIC DEPARTMENT W. A. ARMSTRONG. Phones 13 and 28. Fleshertou, Ont. WE SELL FARM IMPLEMENTS WAGONS, HARROWS PLOWS SPEOAL PRICES IN New Tabular 8barplea JOHN HEARD, IMPLEMENT AQKNT FLESHERTON.

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