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Flesherton Advance, 21 Apr 1921, p. 4

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April 2i l'2t THE FIKSHERTON ADVANCE Everyman's Problem "If I save the same amount during the next ten years of my life that I have saved during the past ten years, how much will I be worth?" What will be the answer in your own case ? Are you proud or ashamed of your Bank Account ? It is t better to lay "I'm glad I saved" than "I wish I bad". No man ever retired on the money he spent. TH MCRCHANTS BANK Head Office : Montreal. OF CANADA. Established 1884. FLESHERTON AND CEYLON BRANCHES, J. C SCOTT, .... Manager. \ Flesherton Tin Shop I have just placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Nickelware and Agateware for domestic use. ("all on me and get your supplies. Euvetroughing, Stuvt-pipes am! Stove Furnish- ings. liepairing of all kinds piymiptly attended t.o. I'ipefitling, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Kros. Furnaces. D. WcKILLOP CHR1STOE BLOCK FLESHERTON * ONTARIO. A Genuine Sale Having purchased the stock of II.J.LeCianl at ! le.-herroji at a low rate on the $ we have decided to place the Pattieon & Co. and the Ledurcl Stocks on sale at, juices never heard of in the County of Grey. Sale starts Thursday, March 24 JAM E S M c LEAN, Pattison's Old Stand. CEYLON JUST ARRIVED 1 Car Load of F ence 1 Car Load of Cement Two Cars of Coal to arrive shortly. F. G. KARSTEDT, S ' Flesherton, - Ontario FLESHERTON BAKERY IT'S WuKTIlY-TIlK MIKAD WITH A PUBPOS& Yoa, our Pure Kood Bread has a worthy purpose. It brings health and strength and a meal time satisfaction to the folks who partake of it regular- ly. One slice calls for a loaf, one loaf forms the habit. Broad is your best food cat more of it. PHONE 3 FRED FINDER, Flesherton THE Flesherton Advance An itidf|)flndt<nt newipp>>r puMmlad every Thurndny at the office, Collingwood Sheet, Flfcuherton. Subscription price 81 &0 per annum wliaii pai'l in iidvariCH ; $2.00 when not so paid. $2.00 to United Slates. Advertising rules on application. Circulation ovor 1100 weekly. W. H. THUKSTON EDITOR Passing of the World The patting of a pipor like the Toronto World I* worthy of ni"r* thin casual nutlet. Kv il.'nli. d by W. F. McLean in 1880 with as'atfof clever newspaper men, consisting of father and three song, the paper appeared to till a niche requir- ed in a cheap uierniug daily. W. F. w m fresh from university and was en- dowed wilh an abnormal amount cl ambition, pluck and pcrsevvrftucu. Want jf money was th sole thing lacking in the hunching f this enterprise and thii hampered its existence from begini'tLa to end, but mice the inflation of all printer rei|uiiitu the fate of the papur was doomed. In tlie e*rly d*ya of its publication the founder had H hard row to hoe aod the enemy he put into the concern wis remarkable. H had a hiniim'ck B!UI>K in a back room of the i flice and after tha l ' > ;' r h-il _ 'in. to press he would retire thereto. tak a con pi i>r three houru sleep, theu get up an 1 pats a s'tenuous d>ty (tying to dodge creditor!, look after advertising, collecting account* nnd in ikn ! asnignmenta for the atari. A brother, Jim McLean, WHI city editor and one of the bes' shorthand reporters in Canada. John McLean wa purlia- rnentary and general reporter The father, who had previounly ben a'.Ushod to other P'-IH-I , and was laid to be th ii . .:*! ! of the National Policy adopted by Sir I in] McDonald, wai the main editorial writer t this time. Ooldwiu Smith was an occasional contributor. boms three or four y. UP. after the World started th struggle became too energetic' and the paper cenied publica- tu.n for throe weekx, when a c>rpiornii was made with the credit irs and puhltca. tion wa<) /i:n reiutnod. For aome yaaii i :i- paper appeared to be holdi.ig in OBB aud even pnwpuri'y neruied to be \--\ii- u ', )i. M war condition)) knockjd the p "'<|,,'i; * midway*. The World lias held an irnpoita'it place in Canaditn journaliini ami it uni with deep rrgirt that the writer learned tlml the paper had ceed to he. \\'o ', 'H i .,; with W. F. Mi'Lein, who put so much energy, ambition and St'i'li'h ^rit into hia p^per for so tinny yar, only to find it all unilTm! out in i moment. Pwhaptj our By.iijiilliy IN mor lirnniiuuRed lii-vikuia tl.u writ, r wa mtiih'i'taly cmiitictcd with (he pi)ier fn six y-'Hr-i, ami got lliorounhly to km.w the haidohips cotineoted with it* pulili- iMtinii. Tho " ghost walked '' infie quently in lUyoand piper IT ts even tiifti ihtlicult to .-t if yu hud um ll in iney t i pny fur if . Try us for your next job printing. Bull For Service 1'inv liinl Mi rthoin lin 1 of the VilUur Fiiinily seivie> nil Int 10, cmi 1<>, Ospioy. I'etnis 82.iiO for t! rides. $5 | fur jiitro lueds. .Inly 15 Mnrl. Shyers, Pi op. For Service nn piirn liri>cl ShoHltnin I ull on Lo 28 Km! I'D, Oonevminn S, ArUiin> sia. TCMIH -fl 50 for u radon if tmiil iiu'd' 1 of 9 months- if n.>i H'J. Pnro bred* $3 CO. loot -KOKKBT OSHOKNE Bull For Service Pnro l.rt.l liirhin bull. No 14MIU f,, r HBi-vict) <>n lot 1(12. S W T A S R, At tt- mi'niu TJrms JS for ^railo*. $5 fur Hi'>roii x lilired8. 0. AKtNS, Pn p A Song of the School Tlie following excellent verses were wiitlen by Miss Kate Orr, a pupil (if Flrhherton high school, for the annual ; t'l.i'.n 1 f- of the " High School Aatonisher" of current date. A wrd to the restless people, to an j eager, feverlnh ago. A pji feet manhood is better than any Health or wasjp, Some am for gold some glitter ; but ! ttll me, tell me when Will we stand for the high school and i c llogo that go for the nicking of men. Yes, what is this old school ti- fr ? The word i wisely said ; There may be handicaps many, and the building itself a hhed. But what if Macdonild or Laurier be ' here in these youths again 1 Aud what should the school be fit for if ; not for the raising of men I Tia many on hour of itudy, but there we '_" > ahead And a stout heart may grow stronger where the tiresome lesson is read. riii-n take up your book of studies aid p'y your bread winning pen For wh i should the echool be tit for, if not for the rbising of men 1 The in 1 1 ip may be darker than ever, the outdoors bright or it aeerai, Yet the hand of youth may grow strongei u, d the heart of youth has dream'. The tar or the senate tomorrow, to- morrow the swovil or pen, For what should the schjol be fit fur, if not for the raising of men 1 Just remember your lot niiuht be humb- ler, in many worse places abide ; No room fur noble living, uo realm f thought ao wide ; A mind enriched is a fortune, that ne'tr can be wattled, then Say \\ i.v should tha school be fit for, if iii t for the raising of men t Toronto Line North For Service Onn (mm nrrd Sluirihnrii Mo I' on !, t. 3ti, onn, H, Artoinnoia. Torni* $1.50 for vrnrli'ii Mnnf tw p'lir 1 within S) uiotitliH fi-'im ilnt i' of orirtv l"..Inn.n -H. O.TURNKR. BOAR for SERVICE Pnrl-oil Tikiiiwnrth Rov for 8<>rvioe 1 nu lot Kf , 8 W T nl S K ., Artf>ii) Torrn"- ! M. Hw not. returned will b rlnrcril RHine * thote in pii>. Fb \r> -T. J. STINSON, Prop Boar For Service l'->i.iid China Boar For S*rvic Lot 30, o>n, 4, ArtniMU. g,n WALLACE FISHKR. Prop. Boar For Service Pure hred K*gliitarea Ynrkxhiro lot rrviee Mnxw1l Jtk B8908 on lot 187, 8 W T * S. R., Ar'emMia. 'PiTiiiH f I U) Sown not returned will b rlmriri'il Hwnif % l)ioo in (ii((. io,4.i r. j. Now is the time to re- new your subscription to The Advance. Archie McLean and wife visited at E Wickerm' before leaving for their new home in Ohio. Mri W S-ewart nud Mrs. Thru Lever are uble to be around _- nn after being laid up for some timi with severe cold*. Charles Ste rt ia \>uy reehingling hit barn. Alfked Jones and wife of Maple via, ted the Uttor's Aunt, Mri Win Burnett. Vera Lever spent tho week end in M*rkdale. Mrs Will &gi f West Torvn'o is v'sirini/ h*r sifter, M>H Will Stewart. Mm Albert Stewatt is spending a few dnyn wiih her pureiitu nt F-vernhaiu. Ed l^ever rcturnod to the West after npuiiding the winler hete. Sounds Familiar Here I'll'.' it yet nt . '..'.:;;! at tl. Ohmiibeilaiii Coal and Oil Syndicate hole on the Sf)dd.rt faun. ir>rthwr*t of town i B'.i.iii _; the nrrival f the uiu'.er rimnier. The Ciiindian OiUi<-Uii Limited (the Finch company), .it 'heir hole west of town, etiit' k ngio .1 tl<ir of w tier bu 1 i'O oil a< yei, ,<od wht>n at a d'plh of 4< f tit or over something brok and loft f e dull at the bo'toni of il.u hole Tni h'ta madr lu'ce^saty tl>e Heourms.' of it ' ti>hinn " onitil to icn-iie tl e l"ht eijirp men', in I in the m.- IIIII.M o|it'intionn are at a s f n>llill. The Indicator Sy.. ilicKtw (tho Fii-keriny coinpnnj). ut thci hole on tho Oliver farm, just we-t (>f t he j C. P. K. trackf, l.avu r^itched a di-tith of j between 400 and 50tt f^a nud th" ilrillin is boinij oiitiuund daily Sliplburne !! M I'lin- 1. Extend your farm operations N Incorporated 1855 O progressive farmer needs to be urged to produce to the limit of his facilities. His problem is to find the means the capital. Is it more stock, more housing, feed, seed grain, implements or new land to be cleared or broken? The Bank of Toronto is ready to assist responsible farmers for these, or any purpose which will enable them to increase their production and profits. "BANK'TORONTO Capital $5,000,000 Assets over $100,000,000 BRANCHES FEVERS HAM and MARKDALE SATISFIED ! THAT Is whatever IOC useis say about 1900 Gravity wnabers supplied by S. HEMPHILL, Agent For 1900 Gravity washers and wringers Elect lie and gasoline power was'hers*. ALSO for McCouuick Binders. Mowers, Hay Raka, Hay Loaders, Drill*, Cultivator, Plow*. St^l Stalls, Harrows, Gasoline Eagines, Brantfrd double eeared and auto oiled airoiotor \\ u Mi41a, Beat' Hay Carriers, Hay Forks, Slings, Manure Carriers, Water Bowls, Water Tanks. Pump and Piping. SOMETHING NEW IN BUZZ SAWS One thirii more wood cot with name powir when tiMed with my patent. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. W. A. HAWKEN dealer for MENDELSSOHN PIANOS and PLAYER PIANOS, PHONO- GRAPHS and RECORDS, and ^** SHEET MUSIC. Call and see these high grade instruments (law-keif:) I'iiiHo Gallery aud Music Stor FLESHERTON $70 Refund 51647 Cars sold in 1916 186147 in 1920 For power and economy of fuel the " Four.Ninety " Chevrolet has no equal among the light cars. Give us a chance to prove it against any car on the same road with the same load. You don't hav^ to go to low gear on every hill or in every soft place with a " Chev." Her speed of 1 to 1 2 miles on intermediate is away ahead of 4 or 5 miles snail pace on low gear with the noise thrown in. ' The " Four Ninety " for years has been the best car value in low priced cars. In appearance, performance and equip- ment it is in a class by itself at under $1400. In these days of uncertain prices, Chevrolet rnaoufaoturers point oul that they can afford to sell at a reduced price only if they dispose of 50,00 care before J uly 3 1 . If this modest volume ia reached they refund to every purchaser, dating back to Out 1, 1920, $70. Ask us for details. Chevrolet " Four Ninety," $ 1050 f. o. b. Flesherton, with full equipment. See us about Special Refund Proposition. D, McTAVlSH & SON, CHEVROLET DEALERS, - FLESHERTON, ONT.

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