April 7 J2l THE FLESHEKTOH ADVANCE T I 1 i .' t I i i Your Seed Grain 'TO obtain maximum yields you need to sow Test- ed Seed Grain. To purchase good seed you may require financial assistance Extending accommodation for such purposes is an important phase of Standard Service. Coniult our local Mattaftr THE STANDARD BANK Or CANADA. 358 TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY MILLIONS Flesherton Branch : i Geo. Mitchell, Manager. ANADIAN it Monday C. P. R. Time Table. leave I''!.'-,,: :-.. ,| Becker, Mr. Maurice Wright left on , to take a position in Toronto. 5 nlicMi:, motor oil 34.25. Proton. Miss Lilian Lever returned to her Trains leave Flesherton Station ; hool near falmerston on Saturday, allows : Finest brand of tomatoes packed or doing South Going North ' p rnwn! (j tins for $1. Becker, Protoa- I'27 '''^ 9;45p. m. i ^- Moor started his nmter bug to the ThemaTlsare osa at Ftesherton .* i wtiD on Tuesday. The road is in follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and fine shape. 7 p.m. ; and tlie afternoon mail s<-uth at j Mani | la plow i ines 34,.. , 05 n.s. calf i.40 o'clock. Fur morning train south mail <rlose at 9 p. m. the previous -vg. VICINITY CHIPS We have r/ducud the price Becker, Proton. Mis Maud Plewes. if Kimberley, visited friends in (own lust week. Green or black bulk tea, 2 Ib. for 7oc. Becker's, Proton. Mr. Harry Tbijtlethvraita of Niagara is visiting his pareits hern. 1 i ;i , Howard, who has beta in To- ri'ir .. during the pas* winter, has return- ad hure for tha .summer. Mr. Joe Alex.mder, -.ihi> has spent the winter here, returned Ust weak to his summer job in Owen Sound. Carolina Rice, the world s finest pro- duction, *'rid,iy and Saturday per Ib. !)c Bt'cker>, Protou. Dr. Margaret Horning, O^eopathist, will be at the Munshaw lioase Tuesd-iys and F ridy from 12 .'50 to M 45 p. in. rneiil 81.49., 20 Ibs. rolled oats for 89c. Becker's, Proton. Miss Florenca Lover, who has spent the last year in Saskatchewan, is on an extended visit at her home here. R. V. Ricketts, of Markdale, district ,i Flour. ' agent for ihn Imperial Life, wag iu town I on Monday. Hs-wy overalls 81 98, work shir's | SI. 49, 6te. hce killer fos 49c. Good , prices for butter and t'gus. Becker's, ) Proton. Mr. Hnitman, the Ferarthain mail cirriur, has invested in * motor truck and now 'iiakei two or tinea trips i day a freight and necessity requires. Don't Format If you require any attention for y<mr toi-jge battery, York & Son, Btttery SpecialistB, Markdalu, are at your mrvicu. Ladies' silk phted hose, clean the balance, hlack or chocolate, 4'.)c. A few of thnse -pi 1-1 .1 I'.'.'c. pure cashmere hose left. Broker's, Proton. Mrs. A. Wilson and Mr, D Talbot attended the funeral of the formers Mrs. Frank Thoiupum of Cheilcjr eano down ln.it Saturday to viiit hr iiUr, Mrs Sanderson, who is ill. The man who knooku his homo town ig usually a flat failure. Tint Is, i'ie ftllow who nays " bum town " is likely to be the " town bum." An auction sal* of a Urge quantity f housvhold goods will b hold CD lot ti, rcnceiaion &, Osp-ey, at "1 oolock, Saturday, April 9lh, tho property of W. J. fferton, who in moving to Buffalo. Sie lulls. W. Kaittiug, uctiouer. Now is the tiu>e to choose the wall oaper for that room. I have just receiv- ed my books of samples of wall papers, oilcloth, wall coverings, burlaps, etc., and am now ready to take your order. H. Carrington, painter and decorator, Flesherton, Out. A clearing bee will be held at tlie Presbyterian cemetery, south of Mark- dle on I he T. &S. Road, on Thursday the 14th day of April, 1921, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon (please bring axes, saws and ahovels) for the purpose of finishing the clearing up of the around and re- moving the old fence ; also to elect a committee to put up a ue\v fence, sate, etc. Those interested who cannot attsiul are expected to donate. Kindly send donations to W. K. Burnett, MWkdalu. or Fred Brown, Klesher'on. The list of subscribers will appear next week. ; mother, Mrs. CheeHman. a very old Udy, Mrs. Geo. Mitchell of Toronto spent! t g u last week with her sister, Mrs. Frank I usna, p.m. Cairns. Anglican church, Service an in Town Hall every Sunday at. 7 Ruv. G. Black well, Pastor. Mrs. James Menzies anil little daugh- ter of Warehan spent tho past week with|har bist>-r , .Mrs. \Vm. Inkster. Friday mid Saturday Special*-- liflc. oranges and chocolates f, r 4!to. Koasted pea nu's '21c Ib. Becker', Prrt'm. VVilliiuy town or community in'oresfed iu a liasi'ball l^aguu (iNiuso wrilu to T ( >. Goldsmith or N. H. Wilton, Klusheiion. lirsl1 l)f - M "y- The Musical W. G. Thomas is prepared to clean and repair liny make of suwin*; machines and orpins ISatisfuc'ion gu>ir.inteed. Drop me a line r cull and sei- inn .'it my residence, iho V<n Dusen Block, Flesh- arton, For several years only omi train :i day IMS been run on the Walkcrtmi branch uf 'he C. I'. K., which f:ict has been H c'tUHo of conliiui'vl "i 11.1 ii '.,), with the bfavelling public. The annoiiin'c ment ix ii". v in in,, lii i I lie second I; tin will be rein-ttteit on this hlub liht) about the Small Ads. Lost- In Klesherton, on Friday last, a I blaok purae containing a small SUIT of: mmiey . Kinder pit-use leave at this nfflce. i I If 1 Now for House Furnishings Carpet Squares, new assortment ; Gold Seal Congoleum Hugs, special prices ; Floor Oilcloths, new patterns, all widths ; Curtain Nets and Scrims, new selec- tions ; Cretons, Tapestries, Chintzes, all colors ; Window Shades, interesting prices ; Wall Papers, new assortment. Remnant lots of Wall Papers at less than Halt Price. Brandram-Henderson " English " Paints, Floor Finishes, Elat Colors, Varnishes, Kalsomiaes, Linseed Oil, Turps., and Paint Brushes of all 4 kinds. LINOLEUH SPECIAL Four yard wide Printed Linoleum, first quality goods, good designs in block and Moral patterns. A good selection at $4.75 per yard. FLANNELETTE BLANKET SPECIAL 29 pairs Flannelette Blankets, first quality, heavy weight, your choice of white or grey, pink or blue borders, single bed size yOx72, regular price $-.75, special $1.90. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON - ONTARIO tteduoed prices on all suits mid suitinirs H. Alexander. Feversham 2n I 21 ; 'Fry FV-venihii.il Pastry Flour, the best or your conk. All Onturin wheat ChopplBR clone on Saturdays only Graham Bros. Kum-nta Ocll!) Firs and wind inmr.-inee in tho best companies for tarn, and town properly W. (). Fawci<tt, agenr, Ceylon I'L'^i H'nr S'tle. White Rock eggs for hutching, 1 DO per suiting.- Mrs. Sol . Turner, Hugentl For b*le Ten tons of go.>d timothy bay and liv tons of good clover hay. T.rms oath. Cl.ude Akin*, R. R. No. J, Pro' on. Phone 41 r 1-2. :: f l.'5 At this ofhVo. Bm-AfbwNltlDfp nf R. I. R.,i; KoKSALE _ X Vvclu,ffiidGuild ! ,tniiii PEEI, either anmb, at 81.50 per Betting fs(' I f h t hi a | Gies Shephurd's train -f S.C. AIICMIIHH old, Fur S-ile Diirhxiu cow, li vears due to fri'slH-n May 11. W. .(. Sti Flesherton. Phono t 81. 50 per sett in Ivustrdi, Pricuvillt*. 13 H 10 mlOif For Sulo Youni; sow weeks "Id :!lst uf March. Fevernhiim. F'hmic and 7 \V. II. For Sale Good bicycle in first ls reimir. Freshly painted. Apply to .Inhn Wn'uht, Flo^horton. For S.iio Pure fri-t-h Alsilii- -.ril I'm- lf. fri'i- fmiii noxii.us s. ivls, SS p,.p l.n. Mr Haviland, h -h school principal, cooduotad servic* in tlie Baptint > 'h i| . 1 on Suiuliiy in the alismicc? of tho regular The Kunlierley Women's Institute intund holdiiiK a necktie social social on Friday, April 15th, al 8 o'clock, in the in A n hull. Mn. S. K. duCudoiore and daughter. Helen, are visiting in Toronto, the latter beiug under the care of Dr. Brown, the baby specialise. Mrs. F.H.W. Hickling accompanied them. Mr. Thomas Niooll of Pricavillo hus been appointed nmn*i(er of the roid Eckhiirdt*, Swiss I", II KUI_;>'I-H. gave a.i uiiierUinment in the (own hull on Wednesday ,-vi-niii ; of IKS' week to :i capacity audience.. The hull w.i.-. crowded to ihu dours with many standing, ui.i uvurybody considered that they not the worth of their money. This company is a good one. The (jlunel Centre Athletic Club held meeting at Arrowsmith's store on Kri- day, April 1st, and intend putting a baseball team in the Held for the coming seas-jo- The ullicers elected are : Frc., E. J. Burke ; Sec., F. Mcliae ; Treas.. S. J. Arrowsmith ; Manager, .1. O'Neill : Captain, Fred McDonald ; Coach, Alf building outb't here, which was in charge O'Neill ; Field Committee, of Mr. Purvis during ihe past two P, Dunhar, Bnasous. W,rk will cumtnance where it J . MoVicar wan dropped last fall, a soon as the roads are in ti condition to operate on. Mr. Nichol wag notified of his appoint- ment last A u liihi il 1'isfs Albert rutiiii Station. K I! Mr. W. H. WilliBinsoii, IVceville I'. O, m agent fur 'he II trtli-Utvii's 1'Vri- II/..T- in (hi ,i sirii-t. Fertilizers for all grains and routs. ' I, t pnei s ui,l lii-i-i- tuiu from hii:i before purchasing. If For Side .V Pure Hied U,-.;it,'r, tl Simr'Iioni Hull. "Y'liini! Ili'i-n' 1 l;-iui"ni'i.s old, lit fur si.'i-vicu, bred by K. .J. Curry, hi-i'i-iit-r ..n.l importer of Shorthorn*, Mukil.tle. -MM 1 ')' l>) ^- ' Me-tu--, I'M,- .villn 1*. H. imp. "'.I Knr Si!.' Faiiry P.-irliir Oil inoh.'M h'^h, II iwi'red ''lulu ilran^ht burner, lilie :nnv. li"s than half price Mix. Belfry, Klcshertmi. Mursi'.s B'or Halo Somo (jood younir wurk horses fur sale, lso SOMIH unoil Mui|MJH Hied wheat. J. F. Collinson, Ceylon. Phone 'Jl r li. alo He eavy horse 7 years biix :ti.d ti.-p buy, 'J hay racks, lj racks, 2 cutters, set in.-w siiii>iL< linn,.-.-, <et mnv Miiulit drivinu lu I! loK^ini; cli HUH, plow, scl heavy and lui;M, J ^iiuil hor.sn collars. BOOTS & 5HOES In Ladies' Wear we have Kid, Dongola, Gun Metal and Box Calf. For Men's Wear we have a nice assortment of Mahogany and some good lines in Black. Also very serviceable Work Boots. Repairing promptly attended to. THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO Apply For Sale Bred to lay Plymouth Rock eu{s fur hatching Milted to Cockerel of O. A C. bred to lay strain. ?1 per sotting. .Ics. Oliver, Pricevillu. after (i.OO *> cluck Kleslie.rton . to S. Seinple, For S-le Twi> Registered Shorthorn Bulls, 13 and 1!) months old, of the " Broiidhnoka " fmily. Apply to Geo. Burke, Eiiuenia P < >. Thu Ceylon Baseball Club held their aanuil meeting a, MoLachlan'a tlatel on Saturday, April 2nd, at 8 p. in , when the following officers were olocled : Hon. Pres., T. Gilchriat ; Pros , A. Sinclair ; Vics-Pres., J. C. McLaoblan ; Manager, W. Gibson ; Sec. Treas., \ C. Muir ; CipiiiiM. J. E. Muir ; Coach, tt. K. Gib- on ; Trainer, R. Piper ; Fluid Com., D. McLeod, J. MuMulhn, A. C. Muir; Muscot, IVHII McLachlan. Leo Burke, If. Dunbar, A. McCorumck, Mascot, W. Dunbr. An aulomobilly who had his car in a local uaragu one day la.st week found he could not star 1 : it and ;>' the mechanics n I ] busy helping him. The mechanism was examined nil round but no reason for its balking could be found. Half a dozen men who stood around twisted them- selves blue and out of breath on tho crank, but the dog gonnod i Inn.: wouldn't budge. Tlion after working for two full : hours over it someone suggested that ; perhaps here was no gasoline in the ] tiink. It is useless to attempt, a deacrip- : lion of what happened when the truth of th's suggestion was made manifest. Tho Eitgs For Sale Mottlud Ancnnap, Gios strain, hre.il to lay, sin^lo comti, ten spucial females, trap nsst recorded by Oscar G. Gies, pen headed by prize winner. Jack C9081 P., poil'tjreo direst from Gies. Es called f<T $'2 per sottinjj; of 16, shipped 93.60. Peter.'. 3arduer. Pricaviile, Out. DR. F. C. NIXON Optometrist aiwi Optical Specialist Hnrontario Stpeiit, near Thir -Sti-rtec Ciillini>wiiod, Outario Appointments : Daily ( J a. in. to i") p. in. EvL-niugs and Holidays arranged. Tolephoue GI1-W. Box 10(i(i 1 ,Ilv 20 Boar For Service Pure bred llniristereu Yorkshire Boa for service Maxwell Jack f5:KK):i on ilk lot Ki7. S. \V. T. & S. R., Ar'umiwia. ' Terms 81.50. Sows not returned will lie jcharu'cil .saiiM} is those in pig. 10,4.19 T. J. STLNSUN The Mt. Forest dry bolt, had n narrow i curtain drops right here. escape from tragedy last week, and some, of the thirsty souls over there got a jolt that they will reim-mber for seme, time. The Canadian Oilfields, Limited, import- ed aquantiiy of nitro glycerine, and on the trip by auto had lo remain in Mt. K , - M over night. For sitfuty the high explosive was sturud iu a M ;.i outside th e town. Some of tho lynx eyed sulferers from tb{oraed prohibition got. their optics on the shipment and decided that ifc was | After running i\ hotel bill of over twenty a oase of rum running, and iu the dark- j dollars Kyan departed without faiewell uess irf ni-ir, approached the cach with j or lit]iiidntioti of his debt. What's the a view of doing a littl* running on their i use of inorrlizing over tho depravity of own account. They Investigated all j human nature ! Doaan't tha Bible say right, and in the inoruiug the ground showed evidenoea of a hasty retreat, with hoof marks deeply indenting ilio soil about every four yards apart. The ex- Suckers have baen biting freely around here recently iho human species. A slick gene registered at the Muiishiiw Uousd a couple uf weeks ago as A. K. Ryan, Ottawa, and announced himself as agent for Toronto papers, and several magazines which he sold below theagnnt's price. We havo hoArd of a uumber who lm vornciously at this bait and are now from the end of Ryin's line, plosive didn't explode, but the conveyors who went for their gouds in the morning did. "The poor suckers ye have always with you?" We have them, anyhow, and probably will until the end of timo. But fishermen liku Ryan .M-I ' h, ir deserts in the Inn ; run, too, and a warrant is now ready for thii erook's arrest when ho is run to earth. BELLAHY'S GROCERY Headquarters for Al Groceries, Flour and Fruits FLOUR For liood bread uio C.eam of the West Flour. A trUl will convince. livery bii^ ^intraii- t,-ed. For Pastry USD Fi-vur- shrtin Pastry Klunr -uul yu will bedaligbfeed with results. KRKSH FKL'ITS Oranges, Lemons, IJananas, etc. SEEDS A great assortment, of Garden Seeds, Flower Seeds, Mangols, Tiunips, Corn. CEREALS Rolled Oals, W beak, Shredded Wheat, Corn Flakes, Cream of Wheat, ROIIVUI Meal, <Trpo Nuts, Piill'.-d Wheat, Pulled RICH. etc. GROCERIES Try us for your (uvcory needs Wo guaraiiboo sutisftiulion. CONFECTIONERY A CANDY \V,j liandli! ii larije assorlment of Christie Brown's fancy huUcuits and sodar. Willard s canriu-s in boxes can't bo !>oit . Pinder's bread. FRUITS All kinds of dried fruit Prunes, Dates. Figs, Valenci t Ruisinn, Seeded and Seedless Raisins and Currants. ICE CREAM Cit> Dairy Ice Cram, Ice Cream Bricks, and all kinds of drinks. . TOMATOES, I,H. d,, KOII, assorted., $1.98 Telephone No. 37 BELLAMY'S Flesherton, Ont. MUSIC! Our selectiou of Records is the largest in the district and always up-to-date. All the nawesb hits received as soon as they appear. Tho prices of machines in our store are reasonablo and "we sell only the best;. VICTROLASP, COLUMBIA GBOFONNLAS, WINDSORS AJND STEWART PHONOGRAPHS. " Music is to the soul what meat is to tho b*dy.'' Come in and let us demonstrate to you the world wide known Gramophones, and you will then know why we have sold so in.niv. MUSIC DEPARTMENT W. A. ARMSTRONG. Phones 13 aad 28. Fleshertoiv, Ont. WE SELL FARM IMPLEMENTS WAGONS, HARROWS PLOWS SPECIAL PRICES IN New Tubular Sharpies Separators JOHN HEARD, |M PLEMENT AGENT FLESHERTON. I I