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Flesherton Advance, 7 Apr 1921, p. 4

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April 7 1921 THE FIESH1BTON ADVANCE In. Do You Use This Bank to deposit your money where it will be safe from fire and theft, and earn interest ? to cash Cheese Cheques? to collect Sales Notes? to issue Bank Money Orders instead of sending actual cash in a letter ? to help you increase your acreage and improve your Live i Stock ? to obtain sound advice on invest- ments in Stocks, Bonds and Farm Lands ? TH MRCHANT5 BANK Head Office : Montreal. OF CANADA Established 1 864. FLESHERTON AND CEYLON BRANCHES, J. C SCOTT, Manager. Flesherton Tin Shop 1 have just placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Nickel w:ire and Agateware for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. Bkiretronguing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. Repairing >rvj kinds promptly attended to. - Pipcfitting, including pump work. Furnaces installcil. Agent, for (Marc IJros. Furnaces. THE Flesherton Advance An independent, newnpapi-r pnMisled every Thursday at the ottiee, Collingwood Street, Fltuhortnn. Kulucripiion |irit:e $1.50 per inn uni when |> H 1 in mlvHiioe ; 2.00 when not KU paid. 82.00 to I'nited Sinti's. Advurtisiug rles on i Circulation over liuo EDITOR VV. II. THITKST03 Mr. JOH. Gain, C P. R. operator a' Durli mi. :nni Hun of Mr. Juhn Cain of Walki'Tton. is {"ii. dri'l in H nillitHiy hnipit <' in, Toronto iii i diidly run down stale frtnii tru- iiftur niiicU, it in said, of lieing f;ast'd in 'h war. Cement Mixing Having purch<>ed a ceroeut mixing outfit 1 am prepared to do ihia class of work l/y iho day or hour. lm<il.ip T. IJKNTHAM, Fl-'sher'on D. YkKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON & ONTARIO. 1 <ii$i KS5'^.*5*^i?.'^'5 '^Ti .^. "'S^SS^^S^S^^^f^'^SS^ ' W' ^ r*i*\ f*^\.S'&\*^r-^S^\s'1r-* ^"P^./V^..^V> 7l^../v^ f^f^. "*,S^^.s*^ s^r-\ /ir** s*9** sjgK^sjfX. STJ** ^^%^^\^W^ ^V> 1\ A Genuine Sale II;iviii}, r piirdiasrd die stork <if If. J. Lcdai'd at H lc-li<Mion at a low rate on the $ we h.-ivn decidoil to place the Pattison & Co. Minhlic !,!( laivl Si icksiui sale at (nice-- never hi'ard of in llie ( 'uiiiit v of ( ii rv. J El II I Ell Jarcfully Corrected Ecii Week Brtttcu 40 tj 42 R W * o ;w -M i) _':; Wintrr \\lu-Ht i 8."i to 1 ,S.) Spring n 1 80 to 1 80 OtUi 40 to 42 Barley H. r i to 85 |)H ] .00 In 1 Till BuiUwliiM-. 1 00 In 1 !.' I'cjlMtom 7-") In 1 00 Apples 4 00 to 4 00 BUSINESSCAKDS SOCIETIES 3IUNCK AllTHUK I-ODCtE, No. ITO.A.K.A A M. meets in tin Maaotiic ball. Arm R ronq'8 HIccK Kl'wljnrtoii. uvery Friday on or In-fore the lull morn. A. S. Mnir. W. M i\.(i. Holland, Hnratftry DENTISTRY Sale starts Thursday, March 24 l\tr b. C MUHKAY li. D. B , dental lurgl u * ll _ 1,1,1 |,TKiiUlll'' Of 1'OIOUIU L'lliVITHir V anil *\^y Ccliuyu ol lii'i.tal SiirKi-oiii- or Ontario. e at* jM<u-uct Toronto Street. LEGAL , lit AN * liKNKY Harrlster*. riolinitorn, '' .1 . 1. li. l.licmi. K. C.; \V. D. Ili-:r>, II. A. <JUiuv. MmkilHli' I.IICM Uluck. I'lior.t! j.i. .ikucli uliiL'tK at, Uundalk uu-l Duma L. j KKillT. * tiini, *o. TKLKOKD, Ban-liter, BoMol. DlliceH. liii'V n liruci' Illnck. tlwt."i Miiind. Ktmiiiniil l',i.nk .'Kli'-lmr- luii. ,Stiir.:y8). W. II. V i :i:lit. W. P. I'ulforJ Jr. BUSINESS -M. K MTTINH, in 'i'" i luctii Hi cnnn'Jcj* nf lin-y runt M in i-. lUr. haU.^fliCtl . fll Al"! ltli.:i iii'Mtn lor 'ItklvH JH.VV . ttiii Aitviin<*f *lfirii, in C*.iti 1 *i-!< i ' '"'""<'' i 1 , vt i Hlui.ii )r tty ad'lrtihHiiih! mi) at ( . i ' .'-i. Out. r, !r] JAMES McLEAN, Patti son's Old Stand. CEYLON (*o mty of Qrev* ' : <lii a lion i;nai V TI-I- <. i i:it HI i i t'i'l ,IH!I"( nT f.nir, i"i-i lilt 111 H i" ,\r I'll . ', I >\ \ \ *>lt\ct\ l(e*-jil'iiri'uiiii I'.f >. , ( 'm l'iii. '('<! i-)iiioiiij i ' ion. Farm For Sale SEEDS! SEEDS! Timothy, Red Clover, Mammoth Clover Alsike, Alfalfa, Garden Turnip, Mangel and Sugar Beets WIRE! Following Uim!>: <>( Fence Wiie in stock : Five strands, Six, Seven, Eight and Nine, all No. 9. 1 lard steel wire, 22-in. stays for No. 9. For No. 10, 16-in. stays. At reduced prices. FLOUR Hanover Maple Leaf Flour, Bran and Shorts. Five Roses Flour. F. G. KARSTEDT, Flesherton, - Ontario I. ' I .">!'. L'nil i !v.,., T A- S. U. All t'lllf^lH, roll! M i iiin^ IIIO 101'rH ; <4'ioil liuililii'^s .',ii(l \\t-ll iirAliired ; Htone found* lli'Ul iin.ier I "on. with Kilo ; MM til n|, Imn I. Tins is i .-,i,n f, triu 1 uiileH frmii Kleslii'itim, itnil n linrjjitiii for onie hmly fur ijiiii'k Hle. I'os.sesKion uivi'ii h'rt of Miucli. Apply to John Iteoeroft, 111), L'ud A ve., K'tKt, ('.veil S mini, or .lulin IVdljtr, Klt.-'lii-iton. NOTICE i I Remember the Did Kelialilo ^, , , 1 Sewing iM-tcliine. Yuu can buy on ti'iniH In mill yu at a very iinsniiulil pricK. 10 yeac HUnrantM. HUGH KNOTT, Ayont, .M i , i. ,> il, ( hit, Of Interest to Farmers !'. T. Ihll .V Co , r.nniti'd, urn in td niiirki't fur a i|'iniiiily nf s|ninu mid wintiirwliiiat for lln'ir mill for |ir>>si)nt d.iliviy. If you hnvii any ti sell call lilinno 7, M:.rkdal Ja20tf Boar lor Service Tin- nncli'isii'iii'il has n thorough Jrad Tnrklhirc M nrfor service on lot H, con. H, I (sproy. 'IVr ION tl.SO. FLESHERTON BAKERY IT'S WORTHY Til K IJRKAD WITH A I'Uh'l'OSF, Yes, our I'mv. Food liieul has a worrhy purpose. ti brings health and stien^th ml a meal tinio satisfactic^n to l\w folks who partnko of it regular- ly. One slice calls for a Joaf, ono loif forms Uic habit. Bread i.s your best food eat more of it. PHONE 8 FRED FINDER, Flesherton Bull For Service I' ..... IT. .1 Durham ImH, No \4'.W.\ f..r NirvioB on lot l(ii. S W T & S 1{, Aito- nn-Hi- I'Si-uiH 813 for L'l-Hili-H. i'i fur thoroughbrad*, C. AKtNS, Prop uinyl SPRINGHILL Wiird Hiirrison attended the convyn- tii'ii in Owen Sound. Mrs Orr and dauuhtpr, Stella, visited a cii.y ttiih Mis Alex C*merOn, Rugenia. Mr T"-n Orr, rif Toronto, visited with hirt uncle, Mr F Chard, recently. (.) ilia H number from here a 1 (.curled 'he meeting held *t Eugenia Friday nigh: las'. Mis Charles McKeolinie and children,' f H'll'k Mills, spent the past weott with] her fcister, Mrs Cli;in Best. Air and Mrs K,,l>ert Chard visited i with Kiuiherk-y friends. Mr C'aude AKins has returned home' lifter upending a few days in Toronto. Mies Flortlice Kee has rnturned to her duties afirr spending the holidays t ' her homu in Bianipton . Miss Stella Orr Ins retuned to her school, after upending the holidays ut her hiiinu hen-. Mr ,JDies Seeley, of Woodsiock, J8 visiting with Mr and Mrs F Chard. MORTGAGE SALE 1'iidcr ami liy viim-- of the powers c iTitaiiifd in * ivrUni ninrtgng.i which will lie produced l tha time of sale there will be offered for sale by public auction <>n 22nd Day of April, 1921 At the hour of 2 HO o'clock in lhf>fter- m.on. r the MfNSMAW HOl'-SK. in ill- VILLAGE 0V KLKSHKKTOX, by U. 11. \Vnlilrn, Huclionevr, the following property, namely : P^rt of Villai;i' Lot No, i on ihe South- w.-st hide of SyijtMiham S'reor, in . the Village of Klivsliorinn, in the County of (jr. y, t.igBthci wiihtheuse in common if H lane ten fei-t inure ur lc>8 in width running long 'ho HIM tlmvht Hide <( Lot No 'J , n the pnuthweot nide of SydeDhtm stri'i't in the IttDe ic in* rear of Raid Lot, No '_' and beinji of uriifiirin aulrh of '.!(! ff-t ~i inches mori> ur los fn.m front to re*r. Turin* : lM per ( nr. nf thepurchaso MI ! ,y to be rn ; iKiwn ut th time of! s>ilf, Imlancri to be paid within 30 d^yt t ni'ivifter. F->r further iiarticuUrs and conditions of hale apply to 1,1 CAS & HKSKY. Markdale. Ont . j Dn.tnii iii M-iikilili- this ;}lst day (f Don't Do It Don't K till tliu priiiL' lx>ue cl"iinin:' I wi.v'iinj without Till'! KKMSI'AK WASIIKR. A .sub- -um i il IIIILI in n-hiiiit iii-ido of a'l inr'.il jmi . <_' i. in /..-(I 'n |uv- ''in rii^', inns ciM'y ,n i he li-iinn^ a sli^lit i^i-.-sun- w.ll i-end tin! rly wheel ipiimiiig, T un-i i|uie'- 'yaslh,'.; ir>' ,i|!' spiial hliHpcil inavliini' cut. Tlio lid ti s tight and kt'c|ii i itlic steam NI> tint tho wiitrr reiniiim lict during tho entire washing. (" in mid let u.-. s'- iw ynu. \lno I' i ni -i and Virni.hen, etc , f,ir Iniuso oleaDJDg. F. W. DUNCAN Hardware and Paints Phone 30 r 1 1 Flesherton, Ontari IARMERS who are working to get ahead are invited to make free use of our banking facilities for their business affairs. A deposit Account will enable you to pay accounts by cheque, avoiding the necessity of carry- ing large sum? of money at the risk of loss or theft. The paid cheques also form valuable re- ceipts for payments made. Loans are freely made to respons- ible men to enable them to increase their production of crops and live MARKDALE stock. and Talk over your plans with our local WliHvM Manager. His experience in financial matters may be of value to you. Capital $5,000,000. Reserves $6,794,000. Flesherton Garage We are now agents for the International Harvester Co., Deering and McCormick Farm Implements the most complete line of Farm Implements manufactured today. Call and see us when in town. Headquarters for Columbia Dry Cells and Hot Shot Ignition Units. H. DOWN & SONS, PHONE 36 FLESHERTON i W. A. HAVVKEN dealer for ENDELSSOHN PIANOS and PLAYER.PIANOS, PHONO- GRAPHS and RECORDS, and SHEET MUSIC. Call and see these high grade instruments ^mm AT HKT 'd Photo Gkillary and Music Stor FLESHERTON $70 Refund For Service One jnir nn'il Short l*>rn HuU nn lot 'id, ton, II, AitonioMin. Turins $1.50 for irmiles. Must. In; j>-iit! wiHiin (t inonths from ilt f vtirvicn. !.. Inn. 9 -K. O.TURNKP. BOAR for SERVICE I'uri'liroil Tmwiirt.h Ho'ir for Hi>rvioo on lot 107, S VV T "*nd S R , ArlniHW.. 'I'ernvs $1 rVI. Sows nut returned will be charged ,si\ine a thoje in pip. Va\> 15 -T. J. STINSON, Prop 51647 Cars sold in 1916 186147 in 1920 Boar For Service Poland China Boar For Service Lot ] H9, con. 4. ArterneHta. 1 a.., --WALLAOK FISHKR. Prop. Try us for your next job printing. For power and economy of fuel the " Four Ninety " Chevrolet has no equal among the light cars. Give us a chance to prove it against any car on the same road with the same load. You don't have to go to low gear on every hill or in every soft place with a " Chev." Her speed of 1 to 12 miles on intermediate is away ahead of 4 or 5 miles snail pace on low gear with the noise thrown in. The " Four Ninety " for years has been the best car value in low priced cars. In appearance, performance and equip- ment it is in a class by itself at under $ 1400. In those days of uncertain prices, Chevrolet manufacturers point out that they can afl'onl to soil at a reduced price only if they dispose of 50,00(1 cars before July 31. If this modest volume is reached' they refund to every purchaser, dating back to Oct> 1, 1 ( J20, $70. Ask us for details. Chevrolet " Four Ninety," $1050 f. o. b. Flesherton, with full equipment. See us about Special Refund Proposition. D, McTAVlSH & SON, !, t CHEVROLET DEALERS, FLESHERTON, ONT-

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