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Flesherton Advance, 7 Apr 1921, p. 2

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-WOT- The Finest and Purest Tea Sold There is genuine and unmi stake able pleasure in its daily use. Black - Green 1 Try a packet from your grocer, Or Mixed . j but be sure it's "Salada" BMt OUR BOYS' AND GIRLS' CORNER By Aunt June DEDICATED TO KVKKT mul 4MB CUU. II* IB- Sly Dear Boys and Girls: 1 am look- Ing forward very much to my next nwtJ-t^at will brine me news of your holldayfi. Wi> hate bad such lovely weather In this part of Ontario 1 feel sure those of yfcu who live near will toave had a happy Ume. Iving greetings to all our npwVembers this week. liook out for a "brg list of names next week. '*-^. OUR UflTTKR BOX. > Dogla8. Dear Annt June -I am a little boy nine years old. 1 have been reading your Boys' and Girls column for some time and would like to tie a member too- 1 go to bchool every day and 1 am in the second book. On Saturdays 1 help my mother to wash the dishes and sweep the floor and bring In the wood and other chores. I was vaccinated last week and was at home from Bchool. UOO DtJSTBH. Dear l<eo What a splendid little Helper you are for just nln* years old. I am sure mother is glvi to have you help her every Saturday! as you do and 1 am sending you a badge to show you tliat I am very glad too. PLEDGE FOR HELPERS. 'Do a Uttle kinoness to someone every day, Scatter rays of <inahln nil along tb way." I ptedge myself In tho service of my King and Country to do my best m my dally work, whenever It may be, to help others whenever possible, and to endeavor in every way to make myself a good clttien. ' i Name. St. Anns. Dear An'jt June I am eight years old an<l In the senior first class. My brother in in the primer class and we go to school when we can. I help my mother get meals, u.i.h ih.-li --. carry In wood, sweep the floor and make- the bt-ds. I havo two sisters and two brothers. Wo havo had the whooping-cough this winter. We havo two pet kittens, their names are Peter and Pearl. Best wishes to you and the club. BTHKI, MOTT. Dear Bthel - I am glad to be able to send you a badge for being tmch a good Slatper. I am o sorry you have had whooping-cough and 1 hope that with the nice ttpring weatlicr we should have at KaRlor you will get all better. Thank, you fur your good wishes for tho club. Jarvis. Dear Aunt Juno -I would like (o Join your c!ti4>. I wash the dishes, sweep the flour, dust the room. fee-d the 1> il". and put him to sleep, prac- tice my music, lesson nnd go to ttch'iol. I am e'.even yours old and 11 m in tho ( lurth cla^s. ix>ius !:. IONSON. I>e:ir l>or;s What a, busy little Helper Yfii are. I am glad to send you H badge as you are such :t splen- did HI;||IIM- :! ml will lie a good mern- 1)T rif tin* league of .Servire. I^e! UJP hear from you again sometimes. Age Address Date . Six Nations. Dear Aunt June I saw HO many b-jys' and girls' letters on your page I thought 1 would write. I am twelve years of age and aim in the fourth biM)k. 1 scrub, bukc, darn, sew, help wash the dishes and mind in A chil- dren, help K'U meals and K<I to school Wishing you a happy New Year, if it IK not too late. OAIINBTTW ATKINS. Dear (Jaryelte Tlvank you very much for your good wishes for the new year. I hope you havo a very liappy ywar yourself. I am sending you a badge* and am plad to welcome you as a member of the League of Service. West Montrose. Dear Aunt June I go to school every day I can. 1 am in the junior second class and 1 am 12 years of age. 1 have three miles to KO to school. 1 have two younger broth- ers named John, age S years; James, age 6 years. They both KO to school. When I come home I <-arry in wood, help to set the table and wa.sli dish e. I help to -work on Saturday when my mother has Rone to (luelph Sometimes I go over to uiy neighbor, to mind the babies. They havo three babies. Yours truly, SARAH. Dear Sarah 1 am sending you a badge and am (dud you are now a nu'inbor of tho 'Helpers I^eagiio of Service as you are a. really such it splendid little Helper. I am turf your neighbor must b very glad for you to go over and mind th babies and I expect you manage to have good tun with them whim they are good. I hope when John nnd .lame- are older they will toin tho League too C-ayuga. Dear Aunt June I am a sirl of fif- teen yeers and kern hmi'-e for my father and brother. 1 do all the washing, ironing and baking- It Is just splendid when you keep house. I aleo throw crumbs i>ut to thy birdie-* and help LO milk tho ciw*. II1UICI) r,UM,. Deir IMrod Girl- You are the first of my Helpers to 11*0 this petm'niie! I am glad 10 b" M'bl'- ti sciul ;i badge , to sin-it a sp:e:iditl ll-'IpiT and hop 1 ' j y<iii will wrl'e to ill" asaln seme tini". I I think it Is lov< ly to be able to bake ai!l d:i housework but I have not very much time to do all liies.- thing-'. There is s,> mucli to do'all the time in ti city when one is working that you cannot get round f> do half the things ymi like best. I wonder what sort of thingti you haki; for your father nnd brother. I should like you to tell me when you havo time. Owen H mnd. Dear Aunt Juno 1 try to help m ? mother as much us I possibly can. though I take two nuiHl" lonsons a week, belong to a hockey team and a dub, t*o 1 have not much time as I would liko to help. Still, n> mat- ter whero you are there Is always a cli:\n'<: for some little dcnda of Ulnd- At Your Service WHEREVER YOU LIVE. The woman in town, or country, has MM- S.4MH advantage* as her sister in the city In expert advice from the best-known firm of Cleaners and I>yers in Canada. Parcel* from <:ho country sent by mail or express receive tho samn cnrefu! attention 03 work delivered person- aHy. Cleaning and Dyeing Clothing or Household Fabrics. For yejirs, the namo of "Parker's" has li-niiH-ci perforation in this work of making "iit thingH look Ukn new, whether personal fiarmonts of even the most fragilo material, or house- hold curtains, draperies, rugs, ets. Write to us for further particulars or end your parcels direct to Parkers Dye Works Limited Cleaners ^ Dyers 791 Yonge St/ Toronto* H ^ ERE am I, little jumping Joan, Dancing a polka all alone. Posing lightly on my toes, Just the way Pavlowa goes. ^fmdrvo oibtr djnctri. Ult tide down, ilong r. Int* rihl cornw tf\ ness. I practice an hour a day and un dressing a doll for a poor chil- dren's school out West. As much as I can I try to help mothi-r with the listu's. dusting, etc. It is only a ilock to school. 1 am eleven years old and am in the senior third class. My favorite subject at school is com- position. 1 do not like arithmetic. I unve a dear little black kitten called U.irkie. lie is very mischievous. I ike animals very much and hat: 1 to see them hurt. V-BRA. De'.ir Vera 1 am sending you a >adge as 1 feel sure you do quite a ot of little things to help mother that vou have not mentioned and you are i ulto rlsUt about being able to do lit- j !e kindneBses for others no matter ' vthero you are. If you follow this out you will be a splendid Helper and I urn glad to have you as a memebr ot lie league. I wonder how far you urn with your music. I should like v<,u t,> write nnd tell me sometime. Milton West. Dear Aunt June I Imve spent nany happy minutes reading the Helpers' lyoague and thought 1 would ike to he a member also. Kvery light after .school I have certain hores to do. I water the horses, 'eed the cows root and liny, carry wood and water. I also like to care :ir sheep. We have ten sheep, four (en pigs, twenty head of cattle and !x horses. Kor pets I have a dog, i wo cats, n rabbit and tome bantams. I go to school as many days as I 1 am 12 years old and in the .lunior 'ourtli class I would like to know f you can send drawings tn thi? eagur? risen, THOMAS. Dear Cecil I am sending you a ( ladsi: and am very g!ad to have you | .s a member m the l,e i^ne as you do o much t" help others already. I ant gla.l you like reading the c >rner and iin Hire. ;,!( fihor members will en- i.iy reading your letter just us much is you have enjoy. -d re:idi:ig their-. myseif liked rending it very much. Dundalk. Dear Aunt June -I RO t;> school 'very dny nnd I like my teacher line. have to go two miles to school and I t is not very nice in stormy weather. am 13 years old and will ho tryiiiK 'or the entrance in June. When I ome from school in the summer 1 ?rt the cows up and help milk them. i help mother feed the calves and d.i <om chores. I feed tho fowl nnd nint tho eg^s. I help mother with tlie. icarcleii and pick berries. I help do llu< dishes, get the menls and many other lit tin thing*. When 1 get the work done 1 read and crochet. 1 will close and wish the club every success. MARY NIXON. Dear Mary - 1 enjoyed reading your Interesting letter nnd am sending you a b.idge which I hope will reach you safely. 1 expect you are g'.nd when the spring wonther comes so that your wlk t:> school is more pleas- ant tlrin In the winter. What sort of things do you m;vkfi wh.'ii you crochet. 1 should like you to write ami toll HIP. busy little Helper you are. I hope you will write to me again some slme and let me know how you are. At'NT JUNK. Ho.x 516, Station F. Toronto. GLAD HE TRIED THE TONIC TREATMENT Hear Aunt June I received my Imdgo soniB tlmo ago and like it very much. I will be trying for the senior third in June. I have a nice doll and I call it. Minnie Dorothy. 1 have, learned t" sew by making clothes for It. I can knit and 1 helped to knit my own stockings this winter. I still havo my iwt kitten Snowball. I wl'l close sending my love to you and all tho Helpers, OASSI10 NIXON. Dear Cassln- -Thank you very much for your let tor. 1 am glad your kittPti in still well. When you write inn ns'iln I hopn you will remember to let me know how she IB. I shall bo very glad to hear If you get intti the senior third and hope you will write and let me know how you are Betting alone. Tladjeros. Pear Aunt June I would like t join your club. Please send me a badge. I was-h dishes, sweep floors, K i', scrub, make beds and sot tin- table. VIO1.BT. Dear Violet I am Rending you n badge and am glml you are now A member of the Lieague. What a very THROUGH ITS USE STRENGTH AND VIGOR WAS RESTORED. To be tirod after cxertiou is natu- ral. Ret and food restore The body to normal after such fatigue. Hut to bo tired all the time is a iymptoni of an anaemic condition that will not be corri-cu-d until tho blood is built up. Such an anaemic condition is so gradual in its approach and generally so licking in acute pains that It is often diffkujt to persuade Lht suf- so lacking in anile pains that it is not H condition that corrects* itself. If the hliK)d is not enriched the trouble will increase. The nerves will be undernourished a.nd neuralgic pains will follow. Digestive distur- bances often rosult from Ibis blood, sleep is disturbed and a general l>rcad(iwii may occur. Mr. Wilson Johnson. Nintvc'li, N. S.. says: "A few years ago my sys- tem was in a badly run down condi- tion. My uorvcs seemed always on edge, ami I found myself so weak that I could hardly do any work. [ sufterc 1 from lieadarhes and from paiu- in the bnck and under the shoulders, and was often so sleepless at night that when morning came 1 felt as tired as when I went to bed. I tiiklne medicine all the time, but it was doinic mo no good. Then I ie;ul the testimonial of a man whosa condition lud been similar to mine, and who strongly recommendr-d Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. i decided 10 give ttii.-i medicine a fair trial, and when I had taken six lj jxos I Celt much better. I contlmu-d takitiK rli*- pills until I had takPii six mow box??, and 1 can only say I am I did KO. as I am now- enjoying the befit of heiilth, and 1 advise all men who ft 1 run down to give thi-se pills a good trial.' 1 Dr. Williams' I'ink Tills can be ob tiilnod from any dealer in medicine, or by mail at W cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from Tin- Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., lfrockvllU\ Ont. DOMINION WOOL MARKET REPORT. The general tone of the wool market is very dull. Tiiere is very little demand and thus little move- ment in stocks. Sheep raiser* who have been holding wool are now con- ."iKiiing for era-operative sale. 1.800,- (HK) Ibs .of graded wools sold since .l.inuary 1st of this year have aver- nged 20c per pound, as apainst an nver.ige of IlSc for sales made during PAIN IN THE LOINS DRIVEN OUT QUICKLY. That dragging, wearying sort of p:\in makes life a misery to ninny people. This pain is due to a pas- sive inflammation of the adjacent tissue. l!ecause every drop rubs in. because It penetrates so deeply. Nervlllne gives a wonderful result. More powerful because five times stronger, more p-enetrating because It strikes through soft tissue, more healing to pain, iNervillne l^iulment should bo always on hand. Sold everywhere In large S5 cent 'bottles. Mothers can easily know when their cvhlldren are troubled with worms, and they lose no tim in ap- plying a reliable remedy- Mother Oraveg 1 Worm Kxterminator. n4 Mwrolno. ( a, Chan, Ha,hy y-H they Tire, Itch. a Smart or Bum. if Sore. v.. r-*/rC Irritated - Inflamed or UR C.YtdGrmlated,uaeMurine often. iMlkWt BtttMkM. Safe for Infant or Adult. At all Druggist* and Optidana. Write forfnaBMBMlk lat Ewta^b, our MUSKRATC ..... TRAPPERS J Write for our 1921 special offer. Ship your muskrats to us and receive highest prices far them, and other raw furs. We are an old established and reliable Canadian raw fur house. We pay all your shipping expenses and charge no commission. OUR MOTTO: FAIR GRADING, HIGH PRICES,, PROMPT PAYMENT. LEVIN FUR COMPANY DEIPT. F., 172 KING STREET EAST, TORONTO, CANADA. WANTS TO MARKY FOR THREE MONTHS ONLY "1 want a marriage license for only three months," a resident of Ham- trarnck announced in the marriage license department of the Detroit county clerk's office. The clerk asked reasons for limit- ing the license to three months. "I don't want to be married for good," the man said. "I have a wife living in Europe. When she comes to America I want to live with her. But I don't lika living alone, and I thought you could fix it for me to have a wife for a short time." The man expressed disappointment when informed the Michigan law did not countenance any such proceed- ings. ISSUE NO. 13. 1& CORNS BETWEEN THE TOES PAINLESSSLY REMOVED. A real sure, dependable remedy that has been lifting out corns for the past fifty years will surely lift yours out. Putnam's Torn Extrac- tor is the old reliable corn remedy it stands the test of time and never fails, 26c everywhere. HELP WANTED MALE. WK WANT 200 MORE MEN AT once to fill positions iu tirly spring at $125 to $200 per month, operat- ing gas tractors, driving motor trucMy and cars, selling tractors, cars and farm power machinery, or as auio tractor mechancis, in city and country garages. Only a few weeks required to learn these trades In the day or evening class- es at the Hejnphill Government chartered Motor SSchool in every large city of Canada. Start now and you will be ready for spring rush. Call at near- est branch for free catalogue. Visitors always welcome. Hemp- hill Motor Schools, 209 Pacific Avenue. Winnipeg. Branches at 163 Kln-g Street West, Toronto. Re- gina. Saskatoon, Edmonton, Cal- gary, and Vancouver. 30 SALESMAN WANTED. A BIRD IN THE HAND, ETC. Aunt Don't be in too great a hurry about choosing a husband, my dear. I don't think much of tli=' young men of today. Niece Yea, but many a girl re- mains single all her life by waiting for the young man of tomorrow. HERE IS AN OPPORTUNITY POK an energetic man to be Indepen- dent and free from the worry of un- employment, representing a stronj Health and Accident Company. Lib. eral policies, good comml&sionta and opportunity for advancement to po- sion of District Manager. A. F. Stolz, Manager, Merchants Cas- ualty Company. Royal Bank ndg.. Toronto. g-22 POULTRY WANTED AND FOB SALE. Could Hardly Live for Asthma. Writes one man who after years of suffering has found complete relief through Dr. J. P. Kellogg's Asthma Hemedy. Now he knows how need- less has been his suffering. This r.'incdy gives sure help to all afflk'ted remedy gives sure help to all af- flicted with asthma. Inhaled as smoke or vapor it brings the help so lonK needed. Every dealer has it or can get it for you from his whole- saler. BOOK ON DOG DISEASES i And How to Feed Mailed free to any address by the author. America's Pioneer H. CLAY GLOVER Dog Remedies CO., INC.< 118 West 31st St, New York, U.S.A. HEMS WANTED ALIVE, 26 CKNTS a pound, any size. 1 pay expres* within :JuO miles of Toronto, {'rates loaned free. Eggs wanted On February 17th I paid Mr. Joseph Howard, of Hartford, $12 for 3fc duzen eggs. For high prices ship 10 Albert L,ewis, 666 Dundas West. Toronto. 13 IJABY-CHIX. FROM OUR HEAVY producing Barred Rocks. Live de- livery guaranteed. Chicks 30c. Kggs $2.(M) per setting. Circular free. Alfriston Poultry Farms-, (nirrie's Crossing, Ont. 14 $7.00 Per Day Profit. OUR HENS PAY A PROFIT OF (15.00) each over and above fed .bills. (500 hens will pay you a profit of ($7.00) per day. A Cock- erel ot our strains will pay you many times over in extra eggs trom your pullets next fall and winter. Our stock wins first place In the Sas- katchewan Laying Contest and second place In the Canadian Laying Con- test. Write for beautifully Ultti- trated catalogue. It's free. I L. R. Guild. Box S, Rockwood, Cnt U. I Want 5,000 Spring MUSKRATS Will Pay From $3.00 to $1.00 No lew than $1.00 for every Rat you send, Huts must be well handled and Meivy Furred. Damaged Hats at value. All other Furs wanted. Ship at once while the price is high. Prices Subject to Change Without Notice. S. ROBERTS 531% MANNING AVE. TORONTO $10 to $50 a Week at Home inYour Spare Time Increase your Income it home in your spare, time. You can earn $10 to $50 each week writing show cards at homo or qualify for a position paying a good salary or soliciting. We teach you how and supply you steady work. Write today for full particulars. NATIONAL SHOW CARD SCHOOL, LIMITED, Room, 43. 44 Adelaide St West. Toronto, Canada. 13 ELMGROVE FARM. EOUS FOR HATUli.NC LSIIOXZK Turkeys, Kmbd^u, African and Tnulouse gee-ic, I'tkhi and Indian Kunuer ituck.s. \Vu:tt- tuiU iUrreJ Rocks, White WyaudoUes, Rhode Inland Reds, and Siiver Campine^' Write for catalogue. J. C. Ruther- ford, Alblou, Ont. 13 ARTICLES WANTED. OL1)) AN\CON ditlon $1 to $25 per set. Also old gold .discardeu jewellery, watches and dianunds. Ellison. 4t>7 Church Street. Toronto. 17 PAISLEY SHAWL WANTED, IN good condition. Write Mrs. UcCann, 19* Jameson Ave., Toronto. tt. MEDICAL. '^.HA r i* where Mara* and I Uy w^ecl w |o 'S^/ to Torenlo. Majn My* hr .l*v.y. likea to by tfMn bvcauM tSy give u* uch tplciuM uun- On* the My* it i* ju*t likt U'm boiM x-y -I taOW ' il . . h.nif. Oh, (Ml I l>lw it too, 'nua* e>-pyrn Mmi to OOOtt -I M.:n. uy* *Ttn if pp n < tlafl| *Nb* 9i nunt Km juM th Mino. The Little Girl is Right ... ^ Tin WALKER HOUSE M>.jt.\\ (1 IHM U*r |ymi pAios in CAUnn( to , ' '. wont* u tkiUnii witlnul Hi kom to Innllm, MouUy loaM i li Cj r ( Toronto. The WALKER HOUSE STINSON'S HOME TRKAT- meut for epilepsy. Twenty years' success. Thousands ct testi- monial*. No case should b con- sidered hopeless. free booklet. Win. Stlnson Remedy Co. of Oan- ada.. 2611 Yoyge street- Toronto. 27 HAND MADE RUOS. \VH WILL MAKK YOU RBVKK- sibie hand made rugs from any kind of old worn out carpets you may have such us Tapestry. Brussels. \Viltim. Woollen lugraiu, etc., no matter wiiat condition ^r.ey ar in, drop us a card and we will eud you all particulars. Rug Wuavert. 462 tierrard Street iUst, Toronto. 1'hoae, North 5SaO\V. \4 MISCELLANEOUS. \VB WILL SPIN WOOL. INTO YARN or blankets. Address Georgetown, Woollen Mills. Ont. 16 A DOMINION KXPRR9S MONBY Orders for five dollars cost* three- cents. ; ; MONEY TO LOAN J | Ixians made on farms, firt, _ , , second mortgages. Mortgaos J > purchased. REYNOLDS, | 77 Victoria St.. Toronto. 52 rff V ^J ; <. - : - ' - ' '. '. ' i . \ * t .< . . ' Mlnard'i Llnlmen* For Dami'wrt.

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