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Flesherton Advance, 7 Apr 1921, p. 1

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7 Vol 41, No. 43 Fleshier-ton, Ont., April 7 1921 fwt ,'ii' m m \\ t. FEVERSHAM Col. Crawford, Toronto, organizer fur the C.O.F , has bean recruiti-ip for Court Fevershim Xo. 504 for the past week, and is mention with fair success. We * equine Mr and Mrs Thomis Thorubury to our village. Mir=s B'ruc'3 Alexander h is one on a vi.sit to her sister, Mrs Will Colquet'fe, in Port McNichol. Mrs Jas Pelch and niece, E'iisb Otte well, of Colliogwund. are visiting with the former's sister, Mrs 'jeu Eilib. Mrs 11 Henderson went to Owen Sound on a busines* trip last: week. Mrs Lani; has returned to her hcine ia Owea S' unii after spending the winter with her daughter, Mrs R Uenddisoa. Miss Rosie VcGirr spent a few days last week wi'.h friends ia Fleshertoo. Mr W II BdweU has leturned Lome from Toronto, where he attended the Trustees' Convention lasc week. Mr Mort S<iyurs attended the assizes in Owen Sound last week as juryman Mr and Mrs Jas Leggett, of Gibralter, spent Sunday witn the Uttei's parents Mr and Mrs J A Kernahan. Our teachers returned from their holi- days and have resumed their dutiva. Mr Andrew McKein, of Gibralter, hud the great mixfortune to h&vo his sawmil, burned to the ground on Wednesday night last. This will be a itreaC loss to Mr IVl'cKean as he had cue of the best equipped mills in the country. The cause of the tire is unknown, the mil' being burned about 11 o'clock p m. Mr McKean h:id been down to the mil! n houi before his loss looking around. The IORS will lie between ten or twelve luou- and dollars. The whole countryside sympathizes with Mr. McKean. ROCK MILLS The Durham Furniture Co have cum menced to saw again and have a large stock of legs in. It is nice to hear the old whistle once more. Mr Jag Park of Owen Souud is back again to his uld position as sawyer. Mis.s Aunie Allen visited recently with Mr and Mrs Levi Betts and family Mrs Sam Pliillips spent a week wuh her parents to Owon Sojtfid. Harold Bowers vixired recently with fudi.i . near Portlaw. Messrs Hoary and W J Radley of Thornbury visited recently with their sister, Mrs Jas Milne. Our tachei, Miss Cameron, spent ike Kaster holidays at her home at Tryon. Delia Fisher spent a few days with friends ID M*rkdle. ' Mr and Airs J H Holley of Vaii'leleur spent a day the psst week, with the Utter'a sister, Mrs Croft. Messrs Thus Whitmcire and Will and Louia Newell of Durham visited over Sunday with the latier's brother, Mr C Nowell. Mis* Alice Mclntyre returned to her home uoar Tiyi'ii, after spendim; the past six weeks with Mr and Mis Wm Mrs B Field was taken to the Colling- wood Hospital last week lo undergo u operation. We hope she may soou re- turn home much improved in health. Misa Wilkinson visitid recently with her stater, Mis Em Uusstll. Quite a numhei from here sttended a party at T Gilliland't, Kugenia, and report a good tiire. Here is a judgement with a lot of burse sense to it. A Kincardine lad stole some scrap metal and aold it to a junk dealer. Be pleaded guilty before the court. Thereupon an uncle gave a bond tur the boy's good behavior, good for one yenr. Tacked to it by Judge Klein was nn agreement that the boy was to cub out the movies, vieit the public library rend- ing roam at leant, twice a week, go to Sunday School regularly, and at the end of the uvulvo months report back t the judge. ^ELLIOTT Yonge and Charles Streets, Toronto AccuuuUuoy, stenography, typewriting and general improvement courses ; super- ior instruction only ; students assiatnd to positions. -Upen all year. Write lor pionpec'usi {Kuter now. W. J. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL CEYLON Mrs (Dr.) Patterson and little son, who hava ben visiting her parents here, returned lo her home in Toronto on Saturday. Mr Whalen and wife, who have bean vifi'mg friends hre. returned Saturday to l heir hume in Sault 3te. Marie ftodxie Stewart has been laid up with an acute attack of bronchitis. Mrs (Dr.) Holme* and daughter, Jean, of Owen Sound, ipout a few days last week with her parent! here. Misses Irene and Viola McDonald are v - ^ their aunt at Protoa. M'sg Helen Gibson returned Monday from visiting friends in Toronto. The many friends of Mrs H Piper will leirn with regret that she suffered with a slight stroke un Saturday, hut ia graatly improved at time of writing aud able ( be up again. Mr Havilaud, of FU-shertoo, very acceptably tilled the pulpit here Sunday last in the absence of the supply who was to have been here. The Women's Institute meets this Thursday .ifthrnoon at D D McLaughiau's from 2 to 4 p.m. Mrs F-iwcetr, of Wodohouse, spetii the week end with hr son her*. \\'<i are sorry to report Herb Uaney on the sick lint. Will Stewart is taking his place in tha 1-nnk hare. Martin Murphy has taken a position at R Stewart'i for seeding. A youn< man in (his vicinity last week, Monday and Tuesd-iy. giving his name an Ryin, aud posing a? agut for the Mil & Empire, Globe. Star and neveial mngaiineg. The pricu ( f th* papers wa* |4 cash. A number aub- xcrilied, psyioft him the cash. H claimed lh lutaraational Printing Co., Toronto, was the firm whicn did ths wirk for all iheia pipers. Getting inlo ei>miounication with the Mail v K, they said they htd no such agcnc author- ized to do business forlhsm and they alia mad* a funhcr investigation and could tind no trace of any Intsmalioaal Print- ing Co. in Toronto.doing buiiossa. M* 4>nbt be will visit othur tawns and villages doinc; the same work, and wa behm e thia untter should be nivsn wide pub'ieity. PROTON Miss Winnie Wodehouse was the guest of her friend, Mrs Bates. Mis Blaktly, af Corbotton, visited with her brother iii-Uw, Mr (ieo BUktily. Everyone present enjoyed Ihe Angli- cn pie aocial held in the orange ball on Wednesday. A goi.d program was pro- vided. Tho proceeds amounted to abou 849. Master John Hrmphill aud sister, o. Duudalk. spent the holidays with their aunt, Mrs Bates. Mr Hugh Copt-land and daughters, Alma and Addie, \i-i ,d with friends at Markdale. Hisses Xundlo and Mc\Villini, of I Li :..:.. were , is at Robl AC|IMOD'S Lloyd Wauchob and Mr Bstes visited at Puceville. Mr W Sadler, i.f Miller Like, who doe some trapping every winter, found a l.irgs lynx iu one of Ins traps recently. It measured five feet from the forepawa to the hind paws. Pievinu to the capture of this animal a i: umber of sheep had been killed io the neighborhood. "THE ELDRIDGE" Dependable Sewing Machines at Moderate Prices. SOLD BY W. A. ARMSTRONG FLESHKUTON, ONT. PORT LAW Mr. Liwrenee Lyons h-n lakttu unto himself a life partner in lhn person of Miss Florence Parliament of Eugenia. They will make their home on their farm on the Centra Line. Msy a long and hvppy wedded life be meted <>u: to them in good measure is the wish of their many frieuda. MUs Entile of Holland Ceutre is visit- ing with friendl in thic part. Mrs M.-Kenzie received the sad news of th sudden death of her ui cie, Mr James Waddel!, f Orono. llis Ifesbitt is at hr home in O.iled.m on aecouut of the illness of her :a<>tiie aad sistsr Mr Watson visited during Eaatertide with his sister an'l brothers m Toronto. Mill Violet McNally was home for Easter holidays. Misi Duckett of Eugenia visited with friends here last week. Mr R T White spent the Eister week viuitinit his daughters in Toronto. . T R McKcuzie attended the OnUrin Bi'.u :. *i Asscciation's Couventinn ia Toronto last week. Osprey Council The Osprey Council met at Singhanip- I in on Siturduy, March 26th, t':e moetiug .vii'a been postponed from UIH l!)lh vingtotne severe stcrm on that Jnle. The members all prestnt, the Rnuve in the ehaii. I After reading and si ;nine of the min- u'es uf last meeting the tV.lluwu>i< orders were passed : H W Keiimhan. stamp* 8>. Municipal World afcitionory >>nd Dplics $10 53. J V Koniah.-in, draft ch u_f- remitting County Rate of l',)20, uu i the following accounts were roferreil to the Trlephcne Commisiion fur pay- ment. Bulletin c'riiitiiii; Co., advertising Registration of Bylaw N". >tU in the year 1919 $4.20 : S-mth Grey registry ottice registering bvlaw 692, f 2 ; H W ruahni), prepairing Telephone By-law and telling deheoturu*, $10. McKenzte Edwards Tht Albert Russ be uotitied tu permit Albert Arnuit '.o leiimvu the cement sold 10 by this Council arid which is tt present in Mr Haas' chrtsge, md also that Mr llosa be notitied not to proceed with the mushing of the bridge 'ii the 20th sideroad uutil au receives instruct inns to that effect from ' h, !: i.l and Bridge committee, as this council will not hold r-c r rcspoii- iiible fir -payment rf any vork d>>ue before such Auth'iri'y is given. Poole Edwards That each Com- musioner be appropriated $tXK) for worlt in his division. Application* received from the undoriueutiousd for wirn fence bonus in accordance with Bylaw ''.".' wer,. approved, .J A Armitt. C Irish, C A Edwarfis, U Fenwick, H Mclnnen, Win Kiwtrds, A Hutchiiisou, C Fenwick. Uu-is I'oole Tht the collector of t:ixi*8 fur Osprey be instructed to n>criv from A HutchuiBoo the ' i\ on lot 20, con. l:!, less the a% no<? due, delay in payment buinij caused by error in >-' s "F HliiHWAV S Ta'bot, S Leppanl, K (i Kowley, G Cuutts, McCu'chxuii. R J Tlb..t, S Woods, J Kiul ty, \V Scutt, H Gibson. W H Arnoit, U Uavidsou, R Blakry, .1 Lee, J Sewe 1, Jos Piiddle, John Tuddlt', J MoLellsn. W Fiuly, R Arn-tt, T H \V,.tl.,ril. A D .Umieson. A Priddie, J McParlane, Jos Seeley, ,1 J Boyc -, C Fen^x-k, J Bhick, W Seeley, D McDonald, Alex Mclntyie , E Arnold, FTaylci, K H F BrncltbD borough, J Moore, J Loui-heer', D McKBiizie, J Monahan, S Roheit?, H Ifenwick, S Udell, F Hawlou. W E-slns J Smith, A Maxwell, G Cooper, J buyer' D McMullen. A Hulchiiisou. D H,.lerts, L G Bristow. A Kawcett, W J Mullen' J Tuplin, A McDiftimid, J Gillis, CA Edwards, J Loueheed, A Buie, J Mc- Queen, A Mc(!.bbn. POVNII KKKI'KKS R Davidson, J Tyson M 1> "i-l is, J McKinnon, E Hai-bottle, GWhiteoik, C A Edwarrts, S Clayton, W HGuy. FENCK VIKWBBS H Mdntyre, VV H ArnoU, R Morrison, L MOOIP, A MoLod R Gibson. W Neff, Wm Mullen, T Bea^'y G McDoaalu, F II iwi.'ii. A Uutchiusou. J U Seeley, R Ed wards. Council uiijoin n.-d to meet in Fever shnm .Ktau Assesanit u& Committee on I.!K- last Sat unJay in My, and ss a C<>un of R.' vision ii Moxwell on th tint Saturday in Ju<ie an 10 a.m. EAST MOUNTAIN April shower* brine f"ith May flowers. lo syrup making i<i the order nf tl'ti dxy ; alee housecleanin^. Yoar correspondent was piaaaid to have a call from Mia r*tter !? .tours of Fuversham. who is visirinn friend* here. Al*o from Mr WiM O'Brien, who ii noi enjoying the best of liRol'h .. the present time. Wa hope Mr O'Brien oon rezain* his health. Sirs Gen Allen has returned to hi>r hoinw here from Toronto where she ha* bee'i taking trt-alinant for ium.> tim. She expec's in have to return again to to the ci'y in the coumu of a month ni o. We hope lo hear of her speedy recovery. Miss Gladys Lever, nho has been with her inter, Mrs C H Martin, has returned horn* aeain to aa.sitt !i.-r mother, who has been ailing for *om lime. We extend our heartiest conirfulation8 tn M s# Florence P<irliam*nt of Engania, who taught school here utril 'In- E>uter hninJAV", and ha* t-tlt'ii :>-< lif> p:ir nrr Mr Lawrence Ly-'iis. of the 4Lh Line, ArteaaesU Mr Stanley Smith of Cjllinewi'od lir.a taken over his fathers fnui tin the Blind Line. \\'a welrume Mr and Mrs Smith and daugh'er, Ermo, to this nci^hnnr- hood. Mis Geo Harbottle and son. Ralph, visited witn Mr and Mrs Ki Uaihottle of Lidv Bank. DAINTY SUPERB WRIST WATCHES Gold Filled Fancy .Octagon and Plain Cases. Prices $^(), *i'4, $-25 ami $:3n. Guaran- teed of course. DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT RINGS Quality and beauty unexcell- ed. Prices range from $1~> upwards. We also have in stock the new-.-st in U'edtlinj? King*. Come in and let us show you how to save money. Bates BurialCo. BUSINESS AS USUAL Funeral Directors and Emb aimers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Road, Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, President. Manager VANDELEUR Mrs U Genoe anil 3on, Jiurinin, !,'. ha waekund iih Mri Will Kim-ell of E VVilton of Kii-nii, r'eu fisited with Mr aud Mrs Liindy Johnston for a f*w day,. Maude Plewes of Rimberley plt : hn weekend with friends here. Miaa Julia Daris risited with friendi in If^rkdnl* rcsBtly. r Burritk vnited with his datighitr, Urn D win', last wek. Misa barker of Toronto ia v -.1 ing with Mr and Mr* Will Buchanan. Mr and Mrs Btrt Gilbart spiti.t a day with Mr and Mr Geo Wailing icccntly. School Reports S. S. Xo. 14, Osprey Sr 4-K Findlay, G Pedler. S f'edler, Cauierun, C Fmdlny Sr 3 M FiuJlay, B Wilton, M Guy, G Thompson. M Mi-limes. Jr3-MKendnll, B Pedlar. Sr 2 R Thompson, L Cameron. W Findlay. ,lr 2-0 Sullivan. r ' r _A Findlay. N l^ttnrson, O Sulli- van, M Kiutilay. Aver*>{e attendance 1ft -22. Alice Winters, Tdhi-her. S. S. No. Ki, Euphrasi* ,lr 4_E Fawcett 07 -, H Hu'.chinson 57",,. G WJc. ck ::; . Sr 3-K Squire, K Wiiey, U l-":wcett. Sr*-_' -15 Wood. Jr 2 D Wiley. A Thoaipson, R Fsw- ci-ti. V \Viley, B Hutchinson, L) Wo L d. r Pr F Brown. S Utown. ,| r Pr-I Wiley, LMorwoud. V. A. Lewis, T, nohar. Tho hank harn of Philip Cutting, Kcppul Township, wssstruok hy lij;litiiint> and in a short time was totally i'eiroyi % d by lire. Somo neighbors ruslitd to I he scene and snma of the coiit^-iiis were saved. Moot of the impltfuiei-is were outiide and ei< from 'ho lire. Tha hi>rn was on'y intured for S200 and wiw worth $2.501). Mr. Cutting received jrOU in settlement for th burned. G. A. WATSON & SONS - PriceviUe - Lumber, Shingles, Planing Matching & Housefinish Orders taken tor Doors, Sash and nil House Fin'sh. 8-inch match Oak or Maple Flooring. Uxe athe famous Fibnr Board on walls, it is i inch thick and wind proof. Oar of B.C. XXX Shingles on hand at lowest prices. Leave your order as prices nru advancing . Let us figure on your next i"!>, it will coat you nothing ISSUER OL MARRIAGE LICENSES W. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler, FLESHERTON - ONT Yorkshires, ;TTam worths Your^rStock For Sale For Breeding Purposes Phone or write GEO. W. 1JOS OspreyTel. svstepi Maxwell P. O SEEDS SEEDS We have receiver our supply of Seeds and are now in a pos; ; ion to supply your wants in any 'of the following lines : Timothy No. I Special Timothy No. 2 No. 1 for purity Mammoth No. I Special Red Clover No. I Special Alsike No. 1 Special Sweet Clover White Blossom No. I Come in and let us prove to you that our Seeds are the best and our prices right. We also have a complete stock of Sugar Beet, Mangel and Turnip Seeds. Also everything in Flower and Garden Seeds. W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flcshcrton, - Ontario Millinery We have a most up-to-date stock of Mill- inery in Paris, London, New York and Gainsborough styles. We have them on the tables for your inspection and we respectfully invite you to call and see our display. Vtfe Hats at all Prices W. L. WRIGHT, > i Corner Store, Flesherton Farm For Sale i .' ' Fles Jne rt on l> ' -'' Tonsorial Parlors i We Aim to Give BnUrn SnlwteMoB Lot 1, con. 5 Artemefi'*, 2^ miles from Priceville and 4 mile* from Ceylon, con- taining 100 acreo, aboat 40 acres cleared and in cood stile of ru^tivatton, ahntit .'S acrrg in sweet clove,and 10 acres! I.Al.'MJUY Basket closes hardwood hush. Roonfy |nd comfort-T^igh^ delivery *a*y ev ulilo ii"u- : with sood^tellar ; atflo driving shed and barn ii"\ii.> on at^ne founda- tion. Water inside mxi %ut. sis gpod "uiings fnt watering purposes. This is the old Patterson farm aud will be sold at once. Apply to -D. McTAVISH, Flesberton, Ont. CLEANING aitd DYHNGI- W* M agents for Packet's' fry* tPok*-10lh v and dj6d. ftarfbB*. . , ' FfSflBR - .1 i

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