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Flesherton Advance, 31 Mar 1921, p. 6

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** ci **' i csaBggfi Economical | % its - B574 Used in Millions of Tea-Pots Daily OUR BOYS' AND GIRLS' CORNER By Aunt June t. fb OvnUW ** DSD1CATZD TO EVJOCf BOY AND CUU. IN CANADA I do not think tfiere wate ever a time | v.-hen 1 Injoyed opening my mail so : much as now when there are always ] to many interesting loiters to read | from my many nephews and nieces. How 1 love to read about your p?ts ami the work you do, and about your home and friends! For several weeks now I have been going to tell you of some new games end other things but if I take up mud. time with my letters to you there will be very little room for your letters, eo the games must wait for a time. By the time you read this holidays will toe here again, the Raster season with its thoughts of woe fluffy chicks and baby rabbits, and gardening time, tho time when we begin to think how we will plan out those summer gardens which brings me to (he questiou How Many of You Will Have a Garden This Summer? 1 should like to hear all about tt what you intend to plan!. 1 have not forgotten the splendid war service some of our Helpers did with their gardens. I hope every one of my Helpers will have a very happy holiday and go back to school, and to work ready for a useful and happy season. PLEDGE FOR HELPERS. "Do a little kindness to someone every day. Scatter ravs of sunshine all along the way." I pledge myself In the service of my King and Country to do my best in ray daily work, whenever it may bo. to help others whenever possible, .itid to endeavor in every way to make myself a good citizen. Name Ageg .... Address Date Our Letter Box. Uundalk. Dear Aunt June- I am enclosing the Pledge idgned. which was in the pa- per this -week. I endos*>d a Mxmp (or a badge a few weeks ago and am hoping to get it soon. -Mildred War- ner. Dear Mildred I am afraid there are one or two of my little friends w9io taave not received their badges aa soon as I would liked them i<> taave trad them tout Aunt Juno has bad a very toad cold and Has upent a few days in bed so could not look after your letter right awny. 1 will cer- tainly send you a badge if one has not already been sent off to you. Thank you for tho plc-dge. Let me know If you get your badgo alright this time. 1'aisiey. T)ear Aunt June 1 wish to Join your League. I enjoy reading the boys' and girls' letters very much. I am ten years old and am in the Junior third class at school. 1 go to school, every day until a fw weeks ago when 1 toad an operation for appendicitis. I liked diu nurses very much. 1 was In hopltal for ten days. Before I was operated on I used to help theai milk the cows, feed t .< cattle and get in the ooal and wood, but now when I can't do anything 1 put the baby to si. "p and read books. I have five ifltura and two brothers. For pete I have a calf named Daisy, a dog named Tiddy and a Banty rooster. ! live on a farm of two hundred acres. We have sixty-nine cattle, ten pigs <tnd eleven horses. 1 guess I wiii close. I'lease ecnd me a badge. . J. McKenzle. Dear Llttl Helper You did not sign your <.'!hrlstlaii name to the let- ter so I do not know your name and am wondering If IV Is Dorothy or Doris or some other pretty nan.c 'like that, I know all tho other Helpers will be vory sorry to read of your 111- IHS and hope, with inn, that yon will siHiii bn quite well again. I am send- ing you a 1>:idge as 1 think you will b a splendid lltt'.e lie!)jr. Wrlto to inn again and tell mo whan you are bet- ter and nblo to go to school a^ain. 1 shall be anxious to bear. enclosing a ctauip and the pledge for which I hope to receive a badge. Fred Harrison. I>ear Fred I enjoyed your letter vory much and would like to send you a badge but you forgot to tell me of the many things I know you do to help mother and father every day, Write and tell me some of them and thn 1 will fiend you a badge right away. I am keeping your stump un- til 1 hear again from you. N. K. Margaree. C.B., N.S., Rossville P. O. Dear Aunt June As 1 saw the boys and girls writing tD you I tliougibt I would write too. 1 enjoy raiding fvie boys' and girls' letters. I have four brothers and four sisters. My oldest brother and eister are mar- ried. I go to school nearly every day and urn in gnado ten. 1 would like 10 receive a badge. I guess I will close now as my brother and sister are going to write. -Oertrudc Crowdis. I/ill rel. Dear Aunt June- 1 am 12 on tho 25th of -May, IfllM. 1 would lilf* to write to other mumher* ami tln-m write to me. Although wo live 24 miles from tlio placa witero the papi-r wa printud wo used to IWe in l>un dalk. I will toll you of one of our uoar towns. It is Orangevlile. TUiey cll their paper tho "IJannnr" and ati- <>lh<- IK tlie .S'hi'lburnfi (-'roe Profia. 1 bope to <><! a corner in both. I am Dear Aunt. June Aa my sister Is writing 1 though I would write too. I go \o tcliool every day that is fine. I am nine years old and urn in the second bouk. I would liko to re- celvo a badge. We have two cats and one dog. Th<; dogs name Is Si>ont. 1 will close now nnd write again Home other time.--KHzabeth Crowdis. Dear Aunt June- I saw the boys' and girls' letters in tilie paper and I thought I would write loo. My fath- er is a miller, h* in < three mills. A ttaw mill, a griiU mill and u plainer. 1 like to work in the mills. 1 go to echool and Bin in the third grade. 1 w<mld like to get a badge.- "Harold Crowdis. My dear little Helpers three, A ad little tale I hold for thee. You send me letters and did not. say What you do tor others every day. If you will write and let me know If you help In tho mill, wash sweep or sew And send a threp-eent stamp to me I'll gladly tend you badges three. Perth. Dear Aunt June 1 have signed the pli j di?o and am 8 ; )i"g to try and help my mother anil other*. The things I do for my mother are tlio following: Wash dishes, swoe>p the floor find scrub, sometimes bake breud when my mother Isn't at home. I g.> to school vriitah 1st one mile from homo and am in tlio third book. My age ib twelve yoars and I liavo four broth- ers nnd one sister. Two of tflio boys go to school and my Plster is small. We don't live on a farm so any spare tiims I skate on the ice and slou-h ride. I uu enclosing a throo-cuni rflamp hoping 1o receive a badge. Oiivc M-rTimegal. Onar Ollve~-Wha.t n splendid little llclpor you aro to he sure. I am vory gtad to bo able to send you h-arii",' ;;H 1 most, certainly think you have earned It and I know you wl! MVP up ti tlio Pledge. Write to m<- No Cake Wasted G In 2, 5, and 10-Ib. tins ives a wonderfully fresh flavor to every kind of cake, pie arid pudding the last morsel is as moist and digestible as the first. It does lower the coat of baking. By far the most popular table syrup, for cooking, baking and candy-making. THE CANADA STARCH CO., LIUITEU, UONTREAl. Crown Brand Syrup * C/ie Great -SVeefener" ITTLE Miss Donnet wears a huge bonnet, With dozens and dozens of pink roses on it; Her dress is spread wide by the hoop-skirt inside, And she looks in her mirror with evident pride. fttt thru fibm p. rw 4ti i fc Ud ttm * k 1 i' nd :- p.'*- u ! Ml much you pass your BntnanceAihin 'summer and shall look anxiously tor a letter from you telling me if you are successful. I like very much to bear of my Helpers meeting with suc- cess in the things they try to do and hope you will always find time to send me a letter about yourself. Maberley. Dear Aunt June Here I am again. I wrote you just after I got my badge but I guess t'he \V. P. B. must nave got It. I am enclosing a three-cejit stamp and please send me another badge. I was unlucky enough to lose my first and I feel lost without it. I go to school every day. It has been a lovely winter as there were no storms to keep mo at home. I am studying with all my might. I am trying for my fourth book in the sum- mer holidays. I am eleven years old. I have so many lessons that I haven't time to do chores only on Saturday. We have great sport at school sleigh- riding and skipping. There are about 50 scholars going to our school and the teacher is nearly worked to death. She has a nice book she reads to us every Friday evening if we are good. VVe always try our best for we like to hear her read. My (lady is helping to take our sand for a big iron bridge that is to be built this summer at Maberley. I see my letter is getting rather long. I'm apt to write long letters because I love writing. Best luck to the Boys' and Girls' Club. Ruby Lake. again some time and let me know how you are getting on .at M-'hool and if you go away for any hummer holi- days. West Ray. Dear Aunt June I would like to poin your happy corner. My name is Katherine MacKenzie, \Vst Buy -C.B., N.S., 1 aan going to school every day and 'like it fine. I am in Grade IV. for pots I have four cats and one pret- ty black dog. His name is Buster and lit) is a Water spaniel and he coasts on the liitle sleigh with m*. Dsar Katherine You did not tell me of the different things you do during the day to help mother or fattier BO I cannot send you a badge, although 1 would likd very much to have you as a member of the L/eague. I am keeping the three-cent stamp until 1 get a letter from you telling me or some of th* Helping things yon do and thon 1 wiH send you a badge at once. ^ Pense, Bask. Dear Aunt June I have been read- ing Hie letters in th- Hoys' and <!irls' page-- and thought I would like to Join. I go to school every day and when 1 come home I help do the chores and got water for the house and every little job I fan. In the summer I work on the land such as plaining wtatti six or four hoursos and harrow- ing. Yours truly, RALl'il McSAREX. Dear Italph Your forgot to enclose three cunts in your letter o I cann >t send you a badge. If you send me p Ktamp I will send you a. badge vs I think Mich u splendid Helper as you would be a splendid Member for the LeiKin>. 1 am glad you like th corner. Sarnie. Dear Aunt June- This s my second letter. I have not seen my othBr on In print. 1 guess you have not got around to it yet. Our school Is not very big but we have about 32 on the roll. I like school and have great (un In winter. RUBY BU80M. Duliy r>ea-- What must you think your Aunt June for not writing to yon sooner. 1 am w> glad you wrote to me asuin. And I expect you thought your letter was not going to appear this (line so far down tbo column is it. But you see what a lot 1 have to answer. 1 am sending you a badge and hope you will like it. JoannetU-s Cre?k. Dear LltMe Helper Thutik you for writing to me again. 1 could not quite roa<l your name on your letter, and I have hardly room to print your loiter tills tiniH us I have so mnuy no'.v miMiibers to welcome. Write to m^ ngnin, will you dear, and then per- haps I can put your letter in print ni'Xt time. Tlia.nk you for sending in tho little pledge all signed. Onrnpbells Bay] Que. Dear Aunt June I am nine ye^rs old and in third book. Tho work I do is help to bring the wood and wa- ter nml ininil tho baby, and dust, wash dlsheg ami swoop the floor. 1 have four Bisters snd two brothers. 1 have a number of friends and will ak Ihoni to join. Wishing success to nil members of tlio club. SAiRAH SMITH. Dear Aunt June I am twelve yprtrs old and In Hie, fourth class. I hs te throe sisters and two brothers. J-'or pets 1 have two cats and a dog. My father travels a great* deal. i help bring Is the woo'd and water, wash the I dishes. 1 think it would bo groat I fund to correspond with someone of my iiRn. 1 am fair and five . foot one and very thin. I am very ton 1 of sports nml I am sure there are not many that are n:tt. V10RA SMITH. Sarah and Vera 1 am j;ki<l to !> iublo to sond you both ft h.ulgo and u-Hromo you as .members of the League. 1 am sure simie o'her Holp- r wii! he vnry glad to write, to y<ni Voni and I shall be HO pleased f you will wrlto and tell me if you h;r from any other members of tho heaguo. Kitchener. -Dear Aunt June I twvve been reader for some time of your corner and I am signing the pledge. I go to school every day when I am able but sometimes I am not very well. When I come home 1 help get the supper and wash all the dishes, and* when I am home I make my toed and get wood. I am twelve years old and in the senior third. ily teachers n.une is Miss Good end I like her fine. How is Unole Jim? I haven't seen his name in the paper for some time. I am enclosing a three-oent stamp for my badge and am looking forward to seeing my letter in print. \Vi-hlng the Club every success. Brown Kyes. Dear Brown Eye Thank you evw much for the good wlsiies for the Club. I am sure all the other mem- bers are glad to welcome y<m and 1 am sending yon a badge and hope you will always wear it. t'ncle JJm Is very well and thanks pou very much for enquiring after him. I am glad yon like your teacher and I hope yon will write to me again soon and let me know how yon are getting on at school. Canfield. Dear Aunt June I have signed the pledge and will try to do what it says on it. 1 am eleven years old and am in tho senior third class ia school. 1 have threo sisters and one brother. I wash dishes and sweep the floor and I also gather the ORBS. I have a pet lutnli and a cat. The lamb's name Is Patty, and my oat's name is Grey bear. The Iamb will bunt little e/hil- tlren, especially if they tease him. My sister is going to join tJio band of Helpers the next time the pledge is In the paper. Pearl Kahn. Dear Pearl How very nice it must be to have a lamb for a pet. I think lambs are so very pretty, especially when they are very young and have siioh long Iftgfl and funny tails. I suppose It will soon be time for ttie young lambs to start frisking around once more as they usually oome about Raster time, don't they? 1 am send- ing you a badge and glad to welcome you as a Member of the J^eague of Helpers. Moorelld Dear Aunt June I have been read- Ing the r-htldren'B letters for some time. 1 am a girl thirteen years old. I go to school every day and am In the fourth <-lft8s. 1 expect to try my entrance tills summer. We aro hav- ing a carnival at Mooretield next week and I Intend to dress as* an old wltcfli. At home I wash the dishes umi milk the cows and always help papa with the chores. I 'help milk nearly all tho time. I have signed Uie little tag and would like to be- come a member. Nellie 1). 'Hofborn. Dear Nellie"-! am senclitiK you tho long looked for hadge and hop's you get It safely this time. I hope very- Dear Ruby I enjoyed reading your very interesting letter and I am sure the other members of the league will enjoy it too. I am very sorry you lost your badge but I am sendingg you another. Try and not lose this one as I do not usually send a second one I have so many Helpers wanting them that I am afraid of running short. Write to me again and let me know if you get your fourth book this summer. I hope very much you will be successful. Freeman. Dear Aunt June I have been read- in? your Boys' and Girls' corner for some time and enjoy reading them. I go to school every day and am in the junior fourtii book. I help mother do dishes and bake cakes and cook- ies. I do some outside chores be- sides. I have a pen of White I>?g- horn hens. They laid twenty-five eggs today. I took a pair to the school fair and got a prize. I would like to correspond with any girl my own age, twelve. Wishing the cor- ner success. Fudge. Dear Fudge I think If you read last week's corner you will find a Lit- tle Helper there aged thirteen who wants to write to other Helpers. Yon could write to her and perhaps when some of the other Helpers see your letter they will write to yon. But where, oh where, is the stamp for the badge. I want to fiend you a bftdge as you are such a splendid Helper for mother but I cannot until you send me a stamp. So will you send to me right away and I will post the badge off to yon. Cuticura Girls Are Sweet and Dainty Nothing o insures a healthy, clear com- plexion, soft, white huads. and glossy. luxuriant hair as Cuticura Soap, existed by Cuticura Ointment when necessary. Cuticura Talcum is delicate, delightful, distingue^ It imparts to the person a charm incomparable -:>d peculiar to itself. &p2Se. Oiafcnl25anl50c. TiltcmZSc. Sold throughout the Dominion. CanadianDepot- i. tailed. 344 St. Pad St.. W., Moctic J. :uticur Soap (haves without mac. Uagnetew&n. Dear Aunt June I am a boy twelve years okl. 1 will be thirteen in th Spring. I help to wash dishes and do chores. I go to school and am in thw third class. have a cat for u pet. I also have a twency-two, a camera aud a fountain pen. I live on a farm and 1 helped to peal bark last summer. On our farm there is a creek, a fall and a cliff about twen- ty-five feet and down the creek there is a rapids. Below our 'house there Is a pond and 1 have a raft on It. Aa my letter is getting long I will close. Fftrmetr. Dear J'Virmer What a veryy inter- esting letter from. Your fajm sounds as though it must be very pretty. I see that you have a camera and 1 should so very much like you to taka a picture of the creek and the faJte and send tp me. 1 am sending you a badge and hope you will always weir it. 'Write to me again and tell me what you do this summer. YOUR EYES AND THEIR CARE Many people put off getting glass- es even when vision becomes dim for reading or sewing, fearing 'that they will weaken therr eyes by wearing glasses. This is a mistake, because if you do not wear glasses for tt* relief of this defect, you ar imposing a severe strain on the delicate mus- cles of the eye and this, if carried too far, may develop serious disorders. When you find print 'blurring at reading distance or a tendency to hold things further away from you in order to see clearly, do not delay; visit your Optometrist or eye special- ist and have him fit you -with a prop- er pair of glasses for your work. You will toe more ^h'dn, ipleassd with Hhe results. Muscular imbalance causes lack of unison in the working of the two eyes together. All of these defects show erk>us eye-utraln and cause ex- tensive waste of nerve energy and its effects, probably the most com- mon of \\ hi i'h is severs headaches. If you wih to have a question answered regarding your eyes, writ* direct to Dr. Brown, 1 Adelaide Street Kast. Toronto, and the answer will be given in this department. What is the "sight" of the eye? The pupil of the eye 10 often wiled the sight. i is the round blue, black or brow* centre of the eye through which llg-ht passes to the retina or nerve coat of sight. Freeman. Dear Aunt June I like reading the letters very much. I go to school every day. I help daddy with the chores and help mother in the house. I would like to correspond with some- one my own age, ten Bubbles. Dear Bubbles--- am afraid I must tell you tlie same as I told K*u<lge If you and Fudge will put a three- stamp in an envelope and send me I will post you a badge each. Will some cth*r Helpers aged twelve and ten please write to Fudge and Bubbles. Fudge Is. Winnifred and Bubbles is Muriel Watson, R. R. No. 1, Freeman. Ont.' Now once more a very happy holi- day to all my faithful Helpers. I shall look forward to hearing how you spent the days Yours lovingly. AUNT JUNR Box 616, Station F, Toronto. EPIDEMIC OF DYSENTRY it affects many people more in winter than in Summer in the one case it is due to improper eating In the other, to congestion exoUed toy colt!. A small dose of good old Nehrllvine repeated a eoupla of times usually removes the trouble vsry promptly. If there is pain, relial la almost immediate. For cramps, colic* stomach pains, and the Uke. Nervll- iu in sweetened water ia certainly a wonder, 35c at all dealers. CHILDHOOD CONSTIPATION Constipation is- oiie <x UM most common ullments of uhildliood and the child suffering from It cannot thrive. To keep tin- ehildrea well the bowels must be kept regular and the stomach sweet. To io tate noth- ing can equal Baby's Own Tablets. They are a mMd but thorough laxa- tive; are absolutaely saf and BVT Ball to relieve constipation and Indi- KMRtion. colds and erimple lever. Con- cerning them Mr. Julee PYtUQuereau. Nonriningue, Qua., vrit: "My bafcy wae terribly ooaetipated and suffered day aud night, I w*u advised to give him Baby's Ow Twbleto *ud from the first they hetpd him and now at tke age of thirteen months be Is a big healthy , ha4>py boy." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a -box from Ttoe Dr. Wiillams' Medicine Co.. Brock- vllle, Ont. BRITISH AND BELGIAN FORCESJUONG RHINE Great Britain's contribution to the forces of occupation along the Rhine for the present is to be confined to cavalry, tanks, and a small flotilla of boats, in addition to a small eomple- of infantry. U Is officially announced that no troops will be sent from Brit- win to the Rhine. . (Premier De Wiart of Belgium, to- day told the Chamber of Deputies that a regiment of grenadiers ws go- Irag to the Rhlneland to reinforce toe troops of occupation, and that .pos- sibly a regilinent of cavalry would poin the forces Grandfather smiles v?hile Baby tells Kim hov? nice his beard feels and how swoet it smells. The secret is the morning wash <sJitlv Baby's Own Soap the soap Mother uses for herself and for the children. Roses of France and other natural ferfumet give their aroma to a -t-at BABY'S OWN SOAP $9* The oldest city In Canada, founded wlurii its situ was in Brltisih terri- tory, is Halifax. It was founded In July, 1749, and Us first settlers were (Us.bamU'd British soldiers, who; with their wives aud children, numbered 2,600. No need to suffer with corns, or to run the risk of paring them. Re- move them surely and painlessly with HWloway's Corn Remover. Minard's Liniment for aale everywhere A Corrector of Pulmonary Troubles. Many testimonials could' be presented showing the great efficacy of Dr. Thomas' Kclectric Oil in curing disor- ders of the respiratory processes, but the best testimonial is experience and the Oil is recommended to all who suffer from these disorders with the c-ortainty that they will find relief. It ^will altey inflammation In b,e bron- chial* tubes. -Th* WAl M H HOUSE * TMMMA - an ,'tuMraiMw, I i^..i II i K lUndart for hol*l I* fcrt * tl* n to WIT, at *twr H . THE WALKER HOUSE, Minard't Liniment for Dandruff. tOtONTO CANAOA

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