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Flesherton Advance, 31 Mar 1921, p. 5

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\ i I > _ -> t V 4W- M*rah SI 1191 THE FLESH1ETOH AVANCE Retired 'I "HE money you spend during the -L long years of toil will not help you to live comfortably in retirement, in old age. It is only the money you are saving now that will bring ultimate independence. Our Savings Department makes saving easy for you. THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA wi Capital. Surplus and Undivided Profits $3,360 ,337.0*. FLESHERTON BRANCH GCO. MITCHELL MANAOCH CANADIAN PACIFIC C. P. R. Time Table. leave Flesherton Station trains allows : Going Scuth 7.52 a. m. 4.27 p.m. The mails are Going North 12.05 p.m. 9-4i>p. osoa at Fleahertou follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south mail close at 9 p. m. the previous evg. VICINITY CHIPS Mr. Herb LeOaid is visiting friends in Toronto. Miii Mildred McCallum is home from Orangevi'.lc for the holiday*. Mm Dell Thurston -if Cooksville ia home for the holiday week. Gordon McKinnon, of Guelph, visited his mother here over the holiday. Barman Hal-, of Lucknow, spent the holiday <vrh his father here, Miss AJ'i Wright", teicherat Nobleton, is holidaying at her home here. Mrs. Thuraton was inToront* for th* Easter holidays. A private gai"g in Owen Sr.und was itruck by lightning and some $400 worth of damaire dune. Mr. uud MM. Hodgson and daughter, Barbara, nf Erin, spent Easter at, Mr. W. W. Trimble's. Alfred Rauer, of Meafjrd, won th priae for badge and crest for the new Gtey regiment. Ttio pn/.e waa 310. There will te no Spring Assizes for this county, theie being neither criminal nor oivil HUM'S to com before the Court. Dr. Margaret Horning, IMeopatkist, will be at? the Munshaw Mouse Tuesdays and Fridays from 19.30 to 3 40 p. m. Will any tou or community interested in a baseball league please writu to T. O Goldsmith or N. 11 Wilton, Flesherton Mr. E. D Beuthaou of Hamilton apau the past week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. Benlhain. Born At Bleahertou, of Friday, March L'.v u to Mr. aud Mrs. Everett Henry, a on. Mr. George White of town has pur chated a farm near Aylmer, but will no take pjsgesa'on for a year. Good ETridty was a delightful day for holiday and everybody in town enjoye it doiug nothing special. Now is i Mr t HIM- to choose the wul paper for that room. I have just receiv d u<y books of samples of wall papers oilcloth, wall coverings, burlaps, etc. aud am now ready to take your order 11. Carrington, painter aud decorator Flesherton, Ont. The Flesherton Baseball Club hel their annual meeting at the Munshaw Ifouse, on Friday, March 24th, when fair attendance wa preaoat. The follow ing ottioers were elected: Prs., J. F Mathewson ; Vice Pres., K. Down ; Sec. Treas,, T. 0. Goldsmith ; Manager, N H. Wilton ; Captain, tj bo ohosen at th first practice ; Grounds Committee, J. A Legwd, K. Down, N. H.Wilton ; Tuns- portation Committee, T. O. Goldsmith, R. Down ; Legua Committee, N. H. Willon, T. O. Goldsmith ; Mascot, Cscil McTavish. All bast-bwll tackle owned by Ihe club must b turned in to Tho Ad- Tance ofiice t ono, this to include all balls, h.'ii", nulls mid uniforms. The club will hold a, monster ceUbration this yenr on the King's biithiUy, June 3rd. The following committee ia in charge : O. W. Phillips, B. O. Welton, R. Down, J. F. Mathuvrson, T. 0. Goldsmith, N. II. Wilton, J. A. Lagatd. Mis* Teoa Heodtrson spent Eaater in Dundalk. Miss Edna Caawell, of Kitcheaer, spent Easter at her home here. Mr. Cecil Brown, uf the Oouiioioii Bank, Wmnipeu, visited lu*t week with, his uncle, J. J. Brown. Miss Beatrice Thistluthvaite, who eachea nuar Durham, is visiting her uther here. Anglican church, Service as iu>... , i Town Hall every Sunday ,ir, 7 p.m. lev. G. BUckwell, Paatur. Mr. Claude Akin* is atteudiug th chool trustees' convention held in 'roii to thin weak. Mr. and Mrs. Boot. Holland left for Voodbridge on Monday, the latter huv- ng recaivtd word of tha illuua of her athar. Mr. Irwia Morrisoo, late Reeve of Usprey. moved bis houiehold effect* (o ' *jn Sound this week, wbura he will eside. Mrs. Geo. Mitchell raturned he me on, nl iy, after spending the p*at two louths with her daughter .it Iroquoia alls. The Anglicans held an Easter aervice n the town ballon Friday evening, whtn Ir. John Blackwell, a student of Wyck- ifd College, presided. A Rood sized >ni(regation was present. The regular meeting of Ceylon L T .F.O. ill be bald in Clayton'* hail, Flaahnrtnn, n Friday afternoon, April lit, at 2p.m. Ml member* ara requnntad to attend. toy Piper, Secretary. Miu Holmes of the H ;*:> School itaff a ipending E^ater holidays at her home a Winchester, Misa Bcoad l A.urara, and Mr. Haviland at Toronto. MUs Nelioo, of th public school, is at her tome at Mono Road. Sap ran well lul week and of courie aa ap ii going ,, j, t |, e j, r , oe m u8l >l(o go up. i in nianufacturera kav* been aiking 13.50 per gallon, which places it ampbab- oally in the luxury cUsa, along with hot iou* tumat<.es and muabruoma. W. G. Thomas ia prepared to cle^n and repair any make of sewing machines i organs Satisfaction guaranteed. Jrop me a line or call and see me it my residence, the V..n Duieu Bluuk, Kl >'-. rtou. The noon train on Uood Friday was wo hi>ur8 late owing to the breaking of a Mto'i rod just this aide of Mono Ruad. A freight engine wa secured from M ; Small Ads. Reduced prices on all suits and suitings H. Alexander, Fevi>rt>ham 20 1-21 Gander For Snle Apply to George I! --. Maxwell. Try hV'erBhu.n Pastry flour, tba best or your cook. All Ontario wheat Chopping done on Saturdays only i !r iii.tin Bros. Eugenia Octlfl Fov Sale 200 bu. faed barley for sale. Harry Genoe, Flehirron. Fira and wind Insurance in the beat companies for larnr. and town property W. O Fawcett, agent. Caylon Bags For Sale White Rock eggs for hatching, 100 per setting Mrs. Sol. Turner, Eusenia For Sale About 25 bushel* good Flux Seed at S2 50 per bushel. Peter Muir. Ceylon. Pure Bred Durham Bull for sale at j one* Rohr. 0*horn, Eugenia P. O. ' Wanted Girl for general housework and plain conking. Good -n -; and home. Apply to Dr. F. W. Murray 220 Carlton St., Toronto. Phons North 2963 : FOR SALE- Wychoff and Guild strain of S C. Leghorn eegs fi,r hatching ; lno fiies Shepherd's strain of S.C. Ancorms t fl.50 ppr setting of 15 nrfjs H. E. Karstedt. Priceville. mlOtf For Sale Heavy horse 7 years old,!} top bug.'y, open hussy, wagon, wneon box ar.H top nor, 2 hy racks. 2 wood rack*, 2 cutters, set new single heary harnn, et new single driving harness. I 3 logging chains, plow, set heavy hamrs and tus, 2 good horso collars. Apply after 6.00 o'clock p. tn. to S. Sample, Flesherfon . Now for House Furnishings Carpet Squares, new assortment ; Gold Seal Congolenm Rugs, special prics ; Floor Oilcloths, new patterns, all widths ; Curtain Net* and Scrims, new selec- tions ; Cretons, Tapestries, Chintzes, all colors ; Windw Shades, interesting prices ; Wall Papers, new assortment. Remnant l.ts of Wall Papers at less than Halt Price. Brandram- Henderson " English "Paints, Floor Finishes, Flat Colors, Varnishes, Kalsomices, Linseed Oil, Turps., and Paint Brushes of all kinds. LINOLEUn SPECIAL Four yard wide Printed Linoleum, first quality goods, good designs m block and floral patterns. A good selection at $4.75 per yard. FLANNELETTE BLANKET SPECIAL 29 pairs Flannelette Blankets, first quality, heavy weight, your choice of white or grey, pink or blue borders, single bed size 50x7'J, regular price $- 7f>, special $1.99. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON - ONTARIO Bags A few Belting* of R. I. R,>dj either comb, at 81.50 per setting of 13 At this office. T I For Sale Durham cow, 6 er old, I due to freshen May H. W. J. Stewart, Fleaherinn. Phone For Sale Young sow nd 7 weeks uld 3bt of March. W. H. Fererxham. Phone For Sale Bred tn lay Plymouth Rock for hatching Mated to Cockerel of *; i *. . toad, tho i rain was pulled back and the I sidled engine switched to axidt.* track, freight engine brought the pas-Hunger r LIU up. Mr. Win. Sprott <old his second etf od of cows here on Saturdny. The nni.ils did not arrivo until 5 o'clock ^ nf a Urge crowd waited for thesh ipmeiif ul they were run ulfin quick order by Auctioneer McPhail, at whnt was cuu- ulernl good prices. The April meeting of tha Women's institute will beheld in the high school m Wednesday, April Or h at 2.30 "The unking of home- made Hoap," by Mr. H. E>ovn. Lunch com., Mis. Moore, Mrs. minion-, Mrs. Hiukling, Mrs. Belfry. Tln're were many Toronto visitors in town for Eis'er, Thos. Chard, Klureuce h^mnk and Lillian Bunt, Geo. Mitchell, Shirley Murray, Ralph Belfry, Clarence Fisher, .1 is Stafford, Jick Ottewell, Ken Boyd, Jack Latimer. Ler.tie White, Will Turney . aud Mr. and Mr*. J. .M i; t .- and two children at Mrs, McKinnon's. It is announced that tha oftcij of fuel controller will be disbandod. The staff consisted of live person* and ooit the couutiy iuuiwhere around 940,000. N'jw if they vould close up tha 'lliees of a few more " controller* " thiuga >;. stand a better chance of getting baak to Dorraal. !.'. the law of supply and J maad havs an iunmg. Specials for Friday and Saturday at Becker's store, Proton : Full length m mil'* plough linas 34o. ptir, 1] inch halters for 91, 29 each, bib overalls, heavy drill pants, also suiocks , f I. .'W. big 75o oranges Saturday on.y49c. dozen, tall Sockcye salmon, Mapls Lef, Gold Medal <ind Shamrock at 49c. a tin, 25 lbs> St.Lawseuca granulated sugar $2. So, 20 ii's. best rolUU oatmeal for '.i 1 .' ., linen roller tewulling27.Vc. it yard, mail's heavy work ihirts for 91-49, special libra silk hose for women At 49c , 5 gallons best motor oil for 94 26. Get in early. In is worth II. 25 gallou. See .in slock of wall paper, paint* every- thing for spring clteii ing. Becker's' Proton. Who could imagine that th* fashion in duck eggi ci uld chauge so makemlly M it appears to have dono thii yenr ; Th color scheme appears to liv nlterad very materially. VVehava luard of three ditfdrent birds who appear to t> lead iu( the fashion of laying black duck egn instead uf th pretty blue tint thai has heen in vogue ioon time immemorial. They evidently think, like the U.F.O., that ll ii time for a change- Oil Monday Mr. John Adanii, of the weat suburbs, handed us two duck eggs- the firt laid this year by one of his birds tint, wero decidedly black in coloring. Ths u.-w color is Hot as pleating to the eye -IP the old, i 'lit parhapx aftar all the birat that laid theie eg| of mourning >ri only quack ducks. O.A C. hredto lay strain. $1 peis.tting. * Jos. Oliver, Priceville. ELDRIDGE For Sale Heavy Colt, rUinii 3 old. Hurt Alagee, Eugenia P. O. tVverslmrn 5 r 11. years " ' * 1 BOOTS & SHOES In Ladies' Wear we have Kid, Dongola, Gun Metal and Box Calf. For Men's Wear we have a nice assortment of Mahogany and some good lines in Black. Also very serviceable Work Boots. Dependable Sewing Machines :::: at Moderate Prices. Repairing promptly attended to. SOLD BY ForSile-Two Roistered Shorthorn \V. A.ARMSTRONG 85 BuIN, 13 and 19 months ulci, of the " Broddhooks " family. Apply to Geo. j HIM ki-, Eugenia IV o. KLKSHERT nX. O XT. Kor Sale A. Shor'horu Bull, _| Pure Bred Registered j Yuiuit! Hero'' 13ru<<uthsj For Service > i {nirtt ii"i Shurlhorn bull on Lu , and - M J, Concession S. Arleiiiesm. uld, fii for survice, Lred by F. J. Curry, i _, il'-r and inipurter of Shorthorns, rkdnle. Apply to \V. J. Mead*, | Prict>ville F. 0. THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO $1.59 fur :jrnl,' if paid inside -if not. $J. Puro breds 3.0 ROUE HI' OSBOUNK. Mr. W. H. Williamson, Priceville P. it, is agont fur the Uariiti-D*vion Ferti- lizers m this district, Fertilizers for nil gimins and roots. Get prices and litera- ture from him bffora purchasing. If For Salt) Mottled Auconns, Gies stiain, brod to lay, single, comb, ten special t-iii i -., trap u?st recorded by IM' ir G. Gie. pen headed by prize winner J.tek CVW81 P., pedigree dirsat from Oien. Eggs culled fur f ^ per setting of ID, shipped 32.50. Peter .>. Gardner, PrioBviile. Out. Bull For Service Pure bred Shorthorn Bull of the Village K.unily far service on lot 10, cou. 10, Osprey. return S3. 50 for grides, ?5 for puro breds. I .Inly 15 Mori. Sayers, Prop. Fertilizer I am agent for Oiiiin'sSur Gaiu K.U i ili;-. TS. ihe best on ihe market, and aui now takini^ orders for delivery %t Flherton Station. Send in orders by mail or phone No. 21 r 23. W. J. Meadc, MARCH 29-h OPENS SPRING TERM at P. O. 1 apr Busineat, Shorthand, Farmer's nd PreparatoryJCourses. Staff of Specialists. Catalogue Free, C. A. FLEMING. F. C. A.. Principa G. D. FLEMING, Secretary. Mention this paper when writing) Owen Sound, Ont. BELLAflY'5 GROCERY Headquarters for Al Groceries, Flour and Fruits FLOUR For good bread uau C.eam of the West Flour. A trial will convince. Kvcry bug uuurau- teed. For Pastry use Kever- ih.uii Pastry flour and you will lnMli'li:;!ih'il with results. APPLES At this time of the year apples tastnijood. We havestiil ^ood iiasutliuunt und all title stock. CEREALS Rolled Oits, VVhcat, Shredded vVht'Ht, Corn Flakes, Cream of Wht, K. 'in in Meal, Grapo Nuts. Puff-d Wheat, Puffed Rice. etc. DAILY PAPERS Mall X Umpire aud Globe for aulo. GROCERIES Try us for your Grocery needs We guarantee satisfaction. CONFECTIONERY & CANDY Wo handle a Inrijo assortment of Christie Brown'.s fancy huiitcuitt mid tiodar. VVilKrd s candies in boxes can't be btmt . Pinder's bread . FRUITS All kiiids'of driod fruit Prunes, Dates. Figs, Vulenrit Raisins, NI-, ,;,',! and Seedless R'tUina and Currants. CASNBD GOODS Tomatoes. Corn, Pea*. 2 fur S.V. Socke>u Salmon, t;ill;t, 50 ami 55o. Beat Red Salmon, 'alls 40o. Pink Sultnon, talln . , 25 C , COKN - PKAS AND TOMATOES, per d.iz , :ISM Ii i! $1.98 Telephone No. 37 BELLAMY'S Flesherton, Ont. Wedding Gifts, Presentations, Etc. Our stock ot useful, fancy and ornamental goods will help you solve your problem where the above is needed, MUSIC We have it in abundance in all its varieties. Our line of Gramophones' Victrolas, etc., aad Ksoords cannot fail to please the most fastidious. Shet Music and Mouth Organs. SEWING MACHINES Our line includes the world famous and aristocrat of Sewing Machines the White. Watches and Clocks Repaired. Eyes tested and glasses fitted. W. A. ARMSTRONG. Phones 13 and 28. Fleshertoa, Ont. jSfi^ag^igv^sg^L^^ FARM IMPLEMENTS WAGONS, HARROWS PLOWS ** SPECIAL PRICES IN New Tubular Sharpies Separators JOHN HEARD, |M PLEVENT AQBNT. FLESHERTON.

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