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Flesherton Advance, 31 Mar 1921, p. 2

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CURRENT COMMENT GERMANS IN SOUTH AMERICA feature of railway management. Without it there could have been no railway travel and no railroading. In A totranK<> development resulting pioneer times there was sufficient ex- froin the war is taking place in South I . n-.. for the grade cronfiinge, but aa lAnn n i Tti? Argentine withdrew the country is settled up, and more from the League of Nations and it is | particularly on main lines Buoli as the now vtM-y clear what was behind this i scene of this latest wwck, there HKIVO ;ind why. One of the pet should be co-operation on the .part of fcrhrini* of William Uolienzollc-rn was , both the public and the railways grad- <o Oolonize South America with hi* j ually to put such hazards beyond pos- IVui..--'. n . and turn the southern con- i sibility. tim-:it Into a Teutonic counterweight i --_ to the KnKlish-speaklng north. The ( gjjOW. LIVE STOCK AND 'FARM HELP A snowfall after two months of winter passing without any Is cer- tiilnly a novelty for Ontario, but was w-lcome none the less, both as a cov- ering for winter wheat and clover, and ius a guarantee of moisture when the spring growth begins. The value of snow as a too-dreeing is well known, and some farmers in the ab- .- fin t- of the usual while blanket have top-ilr^sed lightly with manure. The pr.ow did not last Ion;, the high sun and rising temperature giving iprom- l-f of an early and unusual season. A good deal of perplexity is felt over the live sl/'.ck situation. The fact that the United States is talking hos- tile tariff and that Britain remains obdurate in the matter oft.he cattle Monroe d<H:trine *t;>od in the. way. lint tin- Monroe doctrine could be circumvented by the method of im- iniRrrUiim. ocrubine-d with the Ger- man theory that whatever the na- tionalization oath or compact a Ger- man citizen ri'inalns always a Ger- man c.ilizi-i. \Vhat tlir Argentine with its to.rj?f> supply of German-born citizens wants is de- ihrcib'.e from the !an.-t M|"abble over <lu> iti'.rchase of Or 111:111 shipping in coiH-Jvcilio:i of ill'- terms of the Vi-i: ;.r.le* tresty. Another straw in- dicatirif; the din-rtion of thu wind in Am.-rira the concessions wad lo the Kriipp " mpany by Chil- Vast waterpowcrs with :!4,OOO acres of th-- rk-hest t'.mbcrlan-i* are cov- rr*l by thte conc.o-tsiim whlcji is lo- r4rd round the <>f Mount Cal- tMK-o and on the herder* of the river embargo, does not dispose the cattle Petrohue. The advent of the Krupps | breeder to- a sanguine vle<w of the sit- la S.iuth America wiili the cj-opera- | uation. Prices are steadily falling <lon <>( the Teutonic s-1 tiers there for tin.- farmer but the consumer finds are i-nougn to stimulate the defen- | no relief and lie Is reducing Ills meat derw of the Monroe doctrine, and H 1 consumption. in .- :m- quartern con- fs staled that the HaruinK admlnls- \ sinners are arranging to buy beef di- tratlon will make the extension of ' red and combine to do their own linlted States inte-est and Influence J butchery, and buying in quarter lots iu that re&i^n one of UK very first is popular in good cold "keeping" coiisWerattouB. A PESSIMISTIC HYDRO CRITIC weather. The whole problem of butchers' meat will have to be recon- sidered in the, light of hygienic as well as economic and agricultural seletw". The duiry cow may yet prove to be the more profitable ani- mal. A movement for co-oporative dairies such as lias made Ireland so would probably do more Mr. Artliur Hawki-i. who has been in various journalistic adventures, anil undertaken numerous uollticnl exyditVms. is now .px-siti* ;- the sav- iour of Ontario from the Hydro- , {or |1)(i fanllers tnan any ot | ler Sy8 . Wec.tric <V)ininirHion of Ontario and . , ( . m Th|H it) |)(>i|1(? stead | ly recog . Sir Adam Beck H wants to pr- IIMTO thn public, he say^. from tlic-orl-s und promts which past teadily recng nrzed by the fruit interests and the pp'm-Iplo is widely applicable. it is . reported from Middlesex that fartu- .perlenco and pr^- in truth prove j pr& &fg calHng f()r nlarr j e (i help and In he extravagantly tlfr.-ptivtv" -Mr. llawkcs a-fter much unsuccessful ex- perience of public life, has hecom- IMjSKlmfctlc H- supported the Bor- den rAmiiuign against r.-ciproc.Uy and was rewarded by a nmimlxMonshlp resulted in his report on imml offerirrg from J4"' 1 ' to $525 year with house, fuel and garden. This should attract many immigrant* who would like to learn the ways of the coun- try for a few years before going into farming on their own account. It WUIMII loauivuu i shouM !' udvaiitiiRi'oiirt for both par- frraHnn. For w>m reason or other , flHB a|1(J , )( , ()f Rrea , Benefit to the .. 1. 1 ii i..i : 1 1 il \lr. ' this and Mr . ; . lt ,. )n , Tll j n j llg strangers for pigeon-holed, .._ chawed hV< allegiance. Seized will* hostilUy for Sir .Vl;un Peck and the Hydro >v.t.-m he has , been one of the chief prop* flf Hi- Sutherland Convulsion. If * lr ' judgment were as goad as _, Int^nttons he would not be so con- stantly on the wrong l.le of th.' cauKoe he is Interested in No doubt , ^ ^ ^ rn|v , irs , ty be thinks tbo Chtppewa Tuna a j a|l( , p,,.,^,,,.,,, of tlll . | 1()ari] of govern - ; failure. He says it* shadow . unieravrt insi.UntH whlrh la GOODWILL O* 1 UNITED STATES FOR BRITAIN by such, men as John Stewart. honored some year* ago with a complimentary de- gigajibic failure. He say.- MW j (jp . (rf U))i Su , grav . e i IlstUute which Is "already falls uprm the Und , ( | |>Vut( . ( , (l) ,-,^,.1,,^!,^ amlrable rein- lon time with the Canadli - was a long time with the -Railway and may have i fallen Into the aablt of expecting fall- ible estimates. The Hydro nwnBge- ment ta in a different class, however. It IB not out to exploit the country of to do anything but STV,- Ui public Harlni? the one clear ideu of lervlng the pubU-: the greatest pains are tak- en Hot to do the public Mrvlce, or In othyr words to make mtsukes. WIHi hi* dark .iiplrlons of graft, and th pwslmism engnmlered by long routemplatton of Uie *ean(ir-r Mile of political life. Mr. wkes Nnnot lint think that the Hydro Commtsakra I* out to plunder the public, forgetting that the Conimlsslon bel,)n S s to the public, Is organized by the public. In wupportud by thi- public, und that all iU acts and works r.' wide open to the public at all times. THE DEADLY GRADE CROSSING Tho pfcietly railway smash at Por- ter, Indiana, whe n two trains tried to pass over the name spot on a rail- way crossing at the t-ame time Hlwiu:<l surely do something towards waking up UK- country to th- neces- sity for doing away with level cr.-s- 1nK. H unlikely U'"' " I|H K "' oration will fco the elimination of ordinary grade crossing, but un- doubtedly where two railway lln.-s oroTO oaoh oUier on the siitne grade there ought to be ncparation. The question of expense would be slight compared with the post of wur.h m- cldoiHs thin; and they recur not in- fraque-it'.y. They are not perhaps all in the ame -place, and the same peo Vie may only have, one experience. but <in In sufficient. To take a chance of this kind aippearB lo be more the weakness of the railroad corporation than of any other. It is true that a long time sometimes clause-*, but sooner or later there ar- rive* the Inevitable blunder and among thn KnKli?(i-*p<-akine peoples, hlioiilil be widely known about. At un Kmpire Club meeting lie spike on "Twentieth (Vntury Mnnrofl I Doctrine." ond his reminder of its origin was timely and inter- esting. 'I is tic.unl to attribute the Monroe doctrine to President Mon- roe, but it really originated in the mind of George Canning in 1798 when lie sounded the United 'States on the subject <i[ Sunlli America. Presi- dent Adams wus reluctant, not be- lle.vlng Hint the republic should have any agreement with any other na- tion. In I>WW Thomas Jefferson rec- ognized the need of il united Ameri- can and British people. C.eorge (tinning never gave, up Ills Idea and a second and and again a Ililrd time pressed It. proposing a Joint an- nouncement warning Spain that her domination of Woutli America wna over. The answer lo this was the Holy Alliance of France, Austria, Russia and I'rtmslu based on the doc- trine of thi) divine rU?!its of kings. One of the brightest pugos of Kng- Ihih history, thought Dr. Stewart, was <h.i rescivi- to t;iiid by the United Status In Repudiation of Mils doctrine and In defence of tin 1 republics of South America. J'nwldnnt Munroe did not Join Great Britain In 'Pro- miilKat.ltiK KIK-II dot-trine, but made his own proclamation in December, 182?.. T'ne clulleiige f Germany In 114 brought liritaiu and the Un:ted once more together for the sake of goodwill on narlh. The l!nitc<l .Slates, he dw'.arcd, "was go- ing to start on this goodwill matter at high noon on March 4th, next, when Warren Oamnlle.l Hunting will on a Masonic Bible take the oath of office as presldont of the United States." iterating had been rttlded for wrUng * letter expresang good fellowship for Britain because, it was wild, other nations would Immediate- beKln to plot a * allV8t ' "' rtendihlp ly i., B ... ------- trBedy. The co-operation of the rail- he t'.;outft was the finest thing in the wyi nd the public have been vital world and Us cultivation could do COME DO^-VTS ALMOST SOXLOCK SHOULD ^fi BEE^ w eeo LON6 AGO TO BED, EARLY TO RISE! KE5 ,AJ*AN HEALTHY, WtAltHY AND WiS6 VOU GoToB0 EA2LY.PoP ? HOME SWEET HOME ( WEU tHErV Y Yo ii CAM AFFORD To GET ME A BICYCLE, .- CANT POP? :_^ f SOCLOCK wrtt^ i WAS A no harm. They must not think any- thing of the Hearst utterancas and other IncicTenU in the United States such as the tearing down of the Vnlon Jack from the. Union Club. They had a j.>k about that in New York. How far, it was asked was the club from the Cathedral. Just a ; one's throw, was the answer, every time a bitter thing was noticed or re- plied to, it only played into the hands of those who wlhed to make trouble. They were pleased when they at- tracted attention. "No matter what you may read," he asserted, "in the newsiwpers of the United States or wha' you may bear said by citizens of the Unitod Stales, it is a certainty that the I'nltfd States Is a nation filled with goodwill towards Canada and that America and the r i i-n Kmpire will exist In association for the purpose of goodwill, no matte? what some people plot otherwise." That the Knglish-speaklng nation* should cultivate such friendliness and good feeling unfettered by any ties but ilni.s of common ideals and de- sires for universal human welfare. It; the hope of the peace of the world. The practice of judicious econ- omy is ou<; to success. Kconomy. like ii; i-'lif.i-iit and uniform work. is constructive and no one can hope to enjoy real Independence who does not keep his expendi- tures well within the limits of his Income. The reckless spending of m:>ney quickly becomes a habit, and those who allow themselves to be en- slaved by extravagance lire bur- dened under the triple load of past. prcMt-ut and fut-nre obligations wiJJiout sufficient funds to meet then*. There Is juiU pride and pleasure In kllowlni; tiiHt thrre is going to be a surplus left when the weekly bills are paid much greater pleas- ure than the temporary enjoyment of things we, cunnot afford. Copyright. Ml!t, K. S. Co. of Can- ada. A MATHEMATICAL TRICK Try This to Find Out a Person's Age and Birthday. Request anyone In the room to wrlto down the number of the month In which hfi was born. Next sk him to multiply thi by 2, add 5, and again multiply by 5. Then add his present age and .uibstract by 365, You then announce that If he will favour you with the result of *il lit- tle calculation, you will have pleasure in telling him ihis age and also the name of his birth month. Add 115 to the total, and the first two figures will give you the num- ber of the month, and thn last two will glv.< you his age. Suppose, for iimple. the person's ago is 17, and November the month in which he wan born. He writes down the number of tl.e month, 11, then multiplies this by Uv > making 2,2. Ho next odd* five, milking 27. This ho multiplies by r,0, making 1.360; he then adds his iig'e, 17, making 1,:*67, and finally. Mibstrai-ts SfWH, leaving 1.IV02. This 1 the total given you, and to it you add 115. giving a result of 1,11.7. You are now able to announce Unt the person wan born in Novem- ber and that .his age Is 17. Whenever three figures appear in the answer, only the flrnt figure re- fers to the month. Suppose the number given you should be minus 6, and you add 115, making 103, the mouth would be January and the age In 1784 the territory now known as New Brunswick wan separated from Nova Scotia and erected into o province, under its present name. The first Legislature of New Bruns- wick met on January &rd, 1786. TOPICS OF THE DAY AS THEY ARE DISCUSSED BY THE EDITORS OF CANADIAN NEWSPAPERS Various reasons are advanced as to why the 1'. S. has made Washington's birthday u perpetual one, but the most plausa.-ble is that it Is because he was the first * citizen of the U. S. A. who never told a lie. And last. Toronto Star. An Knglish investigator has dis- covered that prehistoric man. was an artist. No doubt, prehistoric woman also used to paint. Montreal Star. Chinese -medicine" shipped lo San Kr.iiici.-co has been found to be 30 per cent, alcohol. For ways that arc dark, the -heathen Chinese is about up to the atandard of the rest of thb) boot-legging world. Kegina Post. L/ord Ifaldane says a great store of talent is buried iu democracy. The same can be found out by listening to the conversation of any barber. Montreal Star. A Boston laundress was found to 'have possessed $32,004J. The gener- al extravagance of the times is blam- ed for the depletion of her savings. Portage l>a Prairie Graphic. In the words we used as school beys, Germany refuses to put up or shut up. Oalgary Herald. 11 they keep on raising her pay. the school ma'utn A'ill soon be getting al- most as much money as tile cook. \Vinnipe.g Tribune. Motorist who just missed a police- man wa fined $10. Some of those motorists are altogether too care- less. T<-ranto Telegram. That German actor who died while |)l:iylng the ghost in "Hamlet" seems t:> have taken the part too seriously. Montreal Star. There doesn't seem much sense in i talking Com munis- in iu a world where you have t o chain the telephone books to keep them from being stolon. \V:nnlpeg Free Press. The hog business Is said lo have been disastrous last year. It is not to ho implied that this applies solely to th.> profiteering business. Leth- l>ri;lK" llcr.ild. Henry Kord can do most anything but It is doubtful it' he can invent a flivver Mi at will give milk. -Brock- vine Recorder Times. Wrmen't hats in the suring are to be large and drooping, it is an- nounced. Symbolic, of the bills and the spirits of those who pay thm. - Heglna Tost. If you havo ever had the exper- ience of paying for a dead horse, you know approximately how (Jerinany feels about paying for a lost war. Windsor ttonlcr Cities Star. Then- is reason for the exIMenon i if everything except a skunk and the raan who thinks ho U n hit with the ladies.- Kingston Whig. "Baboons," says a scientific item, "can tell by instinct when they are near waier." But who wants to be a baboon? Windsor border Cities Star. A St. Mary's citizen being asked v/liy he didn't run for Councillor, said: he didn't know whether his grea.t- gr.t ml father was a chicken thief or not and he did not wish to find out. Lindsay- Watchman Warden. As we understand the reformers, the two great dangers of tlie present day are concealed ar:ns and revealed leg*.- "Kingston Whig. When they are dressed for market, you can't tell a chicken from an old hen. This ts a poultry Item, not a fashion note. - -Colxilt Nugget. Some Americans who plan to visit Mont-eat are not actuated so much iiy !hiv.-t for travel aa just plain thirst. Montreal Herald. The Voliva Zionists hare barred spills from their church. But who ever heard of a cihureh that did not have spats T ^LiMidon Advertiser. i | A Kansas- paper has an article on | the "Kinship of Misery," but the ' young sroom livint? with his parvnts- , in-law would better understand on? I on the "Misery of Kinship." C llow'.d. FATE'S GRIM JESTS Performers Meet Death Though Able to do Some "Stunti" in Life. The strange tricks Fate plays with the lives of men is illustrated by the recent case of diver who met bis death through drowning In cui or- dinary bath. The incident calls to mind the case of a sword-swallower who used to pel-form outside public- houses, thrusting a formidable blade several fuel long down his throat as ofton s his admiring audience re- quired him to do so. Yet this re- doubtable, sti-el-eater tiled from uf- focatlon as a result of swallowing a small fluh-bone. There is uu sw- count of n Spanish bull-fighter who had named considerate repute in one quarter of Spain only to receive a fatal kick from a young steer on the farm of one of hU friends. A simi- larly unlucky end was that of cir- cus perform ,>r whose particular feat was to plunge Into a pond, chained and manacled, and liberate hinvself before appeal-in* on the surface. While taking a bath one evening this performer took a dive into river and, becoming entangled in some, weeds, 'lost his life. The chief city of Nova Soot la was named H:illfax. in honor of George Montague, iEar.1 of Halifax, nuder whose, immediate auspicus the settle- ment was undertaken. The British Parliament voted JC 40.000 as first aid to the enterprise. Russian railway stations are usu- ally about two' miles from thu town they serve this vs a preL-autiion against fire caused by sparks from the locomotives. MUSKRATS TRAPPERS Write, for our 1921 special offer. Ship your muskrats to us and re- iTe highest prices for them, and other raw furs. We are an old established au& re- liahle Canadian raw fur house. We pay all your chipping expenses ami charge no commission. OUR MOTTO: FAIR GRADING. HIGH PRICES, PROMPT PAYMENT. LEVDi FUR COMPANY OBPT. P., 172 KING STREET EAST. TORONTO, CANADA. 13 IHSUE N<>. 12. 1921 HLP Vv AN TED MALE. WK WANT 200 MORE MKN AT once to fill positions la early spring at |12 to $200 per zoaaUi operat- ing gas tractors, drivuie motor trucks and cars, selling tractor*, cars and farm power machinery, or ae auto tractor iQechaocte, in city and country garages. Only a few weeks required to theao trades in the day or evening class- es at the Hemphlll Government cnanered Motor SSchool in &rery large city of Canada. Start now and 7011 will be ready tor spring rush. Call at near- est uranoh tor free catalogue. Visitors always welcome. Hemp- alll Motor SahoolA, 209 Pacific Avenue, Winnipeg. Branches at 163 Klag Street West Toronto. Re- giua, Saskatoon, Edmonton, Oal- gary, and Vancouver. 20 SALESMAN WANTED. GRAMOPHONE MANUFACTURER wants agents. Sample gramophone and records at factory price. Cata- logue free, Voice-O-P4ioae Co., 1 Adelaide Street East, Toponto. 12 HERE IS AN OPPORTUNITY FOK an energetic man to be Indepen- dent aud fre from the worry of un- employment, representing a strong Health and Acoiceat Company. Lib- eral policies, good commissions and opportunity for advancement to po- slon of District Manager. A. F. Stolz, Manager, Merchanic Cas- ualty Company, Royal Ban* Etdg.. Toronto. 6-22 POULTRY WANTED AND FOK SALE. HENS WANTED AU.VK. M CEWiTS a pound, any size. Duck* 27 coats; roosters, 32 cents. I pay xpress within 20 Omilea of Toroato. Crates loaned. r Eggs wantud. l.ii* Jwae I paid. Mr Joseph Emersoi, of Vienna {::9.00 for 136'^ poumda of hens. For high prices ship to Albert Lewis, 666 Dundaa West. Toronto. 1- $7.00 Per Day Profit. OUR HENS PAY A PROFIT OF ($5.00) each over and above teed bills. (500 hens will pay you a profit ot ($7.00) per day. A Cock- erel of our strains will pay you many times over Iu extra eggs from your pullets next fall and winter. Our stock wins first place in the Sas- katchewan Laying Contest and second place in the Canadian Laying Con- test. Write for beautifully illus- trated catalogue. It's free. L. R. Guild, Box S, Rockwood, Ont. U. ELMGROYE FARM EGGS FOR HATCHING BRONZE Turkeys, Embden, African and Toulouse geese, Pekin and Indian Runner ducks. White and Barred Rocks, White Wyandottes, 'Rhode Island Reds, and Silver Oamnines. Write for catalogue. J. C. Ruther- ford, Albion, Ont. 13 BUSINESS PERSONALS. GET freight rate by having U.. RawUn- son, Limited, furniture warbos- men and shippers, 14) \ougo Bt.. Toronto, ship your goods in their aonsolidated cars to Manitoba. Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Co- lumbia iiuu Calttornia. ARTICLES WANTED. FALSE TEETH (OLD) ANY OON- ditlon $1 to $25 per set. Abo old gold discarded jewellery, walchea and diamonds. Ellison, 467 Clhujch. Street, Toronto. KT PAISLEY SHAWL WANTED IN good condition. Write Mrs. MoCana, 194 Jameaoa Avo, Toronto. tf MEDICAL. : STINSON;S HOME TRBAT- ment for epilepsy. Twenty years' success. Thousands of t'tu moukUa. No case should be con- sidered hopeless. Free booklet. \Vm. Stlnson Remedy Oo. of Caa- uda,. 2611 Youge street Toronto. 2? MISCELLANEOUS. KNITTING ors, pure wool, bat rery moderat* prices. Sample ehadee free, Georgetown Wollen Mlll. George- town. Ontario. It WE WILL SPIN" WOOL INTO YARN or blankets. Address Georgetown Woollen Mills. Ont 15 A DOMINION EXPRESS MONBY Orders tor five dollars costs three cents. n n 1 1 1 1 1 MONEY TO LOAN T Loans made on farms, first,, | i second mortgages. Mortgages , > purchased. 31 REYNOLDS, ; 77 Victoria St., Toronto. 62 | | .?W*..K H. M I H > >** $10 to $50 a Week at Home inYour Spare Time Increase your income at home in your spare time. You can earn $10 to $50 each week writing show c' at home or quality lor a position paying a good salary or soliciting. We teach you how land supply you steady work. Wrtte today tor full particulars. NATIONAL SHOW CARD SCHOOL, LIMITED, Room, 43, 44 Adelaide . West. Toronto, Canada. 13 J| ',. l F* I I

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