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Flesherton Advance, 31 Mar 1921, p. 1

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Vol4l, No. 42 Flestierton, Out, March 31 1921 4 V EUGENIA The ecenery in and around Eugeuia is most beautiful at present, there being sueh an amount of oveiHow at the big dam. The Falls is quite n pretty ac it evr was The r'ver too ie very pictur- esque, beine very high. The maple syrup season promises to he very short this year. Tuere has been very little tyrup uide compared with other years. Mrs A Smith is visiti-P her dacuhter in Toronto at presuut. Miss Mirjone Pa*k, Miss Ellis and Miss Kate Jomiescn are spending th* Kaater holidays wilh friends in Toronto Mr Arthur Batten, of Owen Sound, is helidayiog with his friend, Geiald Large, during Easter week. Those who are at home for the holt. day are : Misses Etta Latimer from Dundalk. Millie McMulku from her school at Mimicoe, Florence Parliament from East Mountain, Wesley Latimer from Cocbrane, and P*arl Latimer, Ken and Gerald Large and Arthur Pedlar from Flesberton Hirh School. Mr Jas Walker had uccesful wood be here on Tuesday of last week. Don't forget the Box Social and concert at Eugenia on April Sth in .he Orange Hall in aid of the tremoriil. Ladies with boxes f:ee. A big time is expected. Mrs Leonard Latimar received the sad news of the death of her mothfra t Meford on Thursdsy,|Mtch 24th. The funeral took place on Saturday, Mrs Latimer attended. The sympathy '^f ihe community goes oat to Mrs l.-tiin-r in her hour of bereavoueat. Mrs M McMnllpn. who has been spend- ing thewmtar mouths wilh her daughter in Kimberley, has returned to her home here. Mr Munthaw is having the interior of his house all freshly painted and decora- ted for the coming season. Mr Alber' Sproule, of Mirkdale, is doing the work. The memorial committee has secured tue Vandcleur Dramatic Society to give their play entitled, "The Spinsters' Convention" on May 24th. There are anangemenis undtr way for a monster garden party. Mr and Mrs Elwood Purvis and family are holidaying with frieudx at Toronto and Guelph at present. EAST MOUNTAIN School closed Thursday for the Easter holidays. Miss Parliament, our vsacher, is holidaying at her parental home at Eugenia. Miss Lury Walton visited for % few days with her brother at Markdale Mils Eva Alien, accompanied by Miits Winetta McMalUu, viaited a few days with her cousini, Mi&ses Olga and Oru.a Clarke, ftocklyn. Mr Alex Carruthers received word of the death of his cousin, Mr William Carruthers, of W t8 t Monckton. Will waa a highly respected young man of thirty years, the cause of death being Acuta Bright 1 ! Disease, caused by x- posure to wet and cold. Owing to train connections Mr Carrurhers WHS unable to attend the funeral. We extend our sympathy to the friends here. Miss Alma Huuiberstone, toacher at Killarney, is holidaying at her parental hotre. Born On March 23rd, 1921, to Mi and Mre C U Martin, twin girls. Died O Mareh23id, 1921. WinnifrH Renata, infant daughter of Mr and 8rs H Martin. As * feather is wafted downwards In the silence ef the night. So did darling Winnifrid's spirit To Heaven take ire fight. Her life n earth was a moment's stay, Then eh* quietly and peacefully passed way, To that beautiful land whsre we'll meet again. Where there's no sorrow, grief nor pain. For Sale The property koo* ! as the Ashdown residence at 0eyloo, an ejght reoned dwelling, good cellar, stable, etc ; about an acre *f land ; would make a geod keme for a retired gaDtlevan. For erao.8 and fiirth* r particular apuly lo W. J. BELLAMY Fieeherton So 242 CEYLON Mr Logan of Kindersley, Sask., spent he past week vising at Mr T Cbmlett's. Mr F Purdy paid a business trip to Dundalk last week. Misa Myitle Hemphill of Toronto spent Kjster m. i . the parental roof. Mr Stanley Whits and Mr Griffon of Toionto were weekend visitors at Mr Win White's. Mr and Mrs Jackson and Dr nd Mrs Patterson and little son, of Toronto, were Easter visitors at Mr D McLeod's. Miss Helen Gibson And friend of To- ronto spent i he weekend at Mr John Gibson's. Mr and Mrs Whalen of Sault Ste MarieTare visiting the latter'* aunts, Mrs A McLeod and Mrs D Muir. Miss Williams of Eugenia is visiting her cousin, Mr- Thos Genoe. Mrs Bryant of Toronto, who hns been visiting her brother, Mr N Archibald, returned to her home on Monday. MISS Helen Gibson i- spending a week with her grand mother in Toronto. Mr W'm While had ihu phone installed io his residence on Monday. So it in hello ! lino 2. ring 33. Mr Snowden McLeod happened with an accident while working with a uasnline engine at Mr J McKeu's. Cranking tin- machine he unfortunately broke the little bone in his nub' arru. Kisti-r Sunday the church was very prettily necorated with plants and flow- ers. The choir rendered special music and Rev Mr I'pham gave a splendid E>idter ttermon to a full house. Thin was i .-I' Mr I pham's last Sunday on the Held, xl Sabbath Rev Cii"tcu, of Tillson- burg will preach for a call. Mr Martin Murphy has returned from Htrriston. Mrs U Bailey, of Shriglry, spent the week end with her parents. PRICEVILLE Some farmers have commenced to turn the sod before the month of March passes away. Signs of -priii ; : A |ire:it many of out spring feathered friends have re- turned to us again ; also we notice our lectric lighted cement aidewtlks so gty iu iho evenings with the youth and beauty of town and countryside, that a pieucher uiiuht easily wear a knowing smile, and when a clergyman prays on Wedneccly nirrniug, " Give us this day nir daily bread," xhould a ciisp ten suot murringo fee be any surprise lo him later on iu ths day ' Several farmers and others have been wishing to buy a home in our Ngu, but houses aru xctice at present. e think the remodelling and building to the old chuich on Pricevilln street will make a modern ho-ue for some family. The hom coining of no many teachers, scholars and many others in various positions elsewhere, aid in making many homes here pleasant during Easter wut'k' We were pleased to nee Mrs. M. II. McLean so improved in health as to be able to drive into town at nd of last ween. Mr John McKenzie, Preaque Isle, lias had remarkable luck with hix ewes limb ir.g this From IS ewes he had 36 Iambs, an average of two to eiieh ewe. But three of the ewes nave birth to only only one lamb each. But to keep the average up, one ewe gave birth to four lambs (three of which are living) and one other gave binh to three. One of the triplets is be'nx raised on a bottle, and one of the ewes that had only one lamb is looking after the third surviver of the quadruplets. Mr McKenzie has three more ewes still to hear from. This is a remarkable record and it is iloubtful if it can be beaten in Ontario. It should help reduce th 11. C. of L if ewes throughout the country would all aake the same average O S Sun-Times. Farm For Sale Lot 1, eon. 5, Arlemeiia, 2i miles from Priceville aad 4 mites from Ceylon, con- taining 100 acres, about 90 acres eleared and in eood state of cultivation, about 22 acree in sweet clover aad 10 acres hardwood hush. Roomy and centait- able house with |oo\ oellar ; also driving ahtd and barn 60x65 en stone fouada- tioa. VVmor ins rta and out, aln good prings t'er watarin puipesea. This is thi old Patterson farm and will be sold at ono*. Apply 10 D. llcTAVlSti, FUshertea, Out. VANDELEUR Mrs Will Burrell of Sligo spent a week with her niother, Mrs R Genoe. Miss Lillian Buchanan of Owen Sound is spending Baiter holidays at her home here. .M.s* Kdtia Burritt of Niagara visited with her sister, Mi.sD Graham, recently. Mug Julia Davis has rtturneii home afier upending a month with friend.s iu Toronto. Mrs Hare and two children of Mark- dale ar spending the tuliany, with tlia former's mother, Mrs Johnaton. Mr Wru Buchanan, sr., has gone to Toronto to naide with his son, Beii, and daughter, Tillie. Mr Sam BuchanHU ha.s taken over the farm. Mr and Mrs D Graham nnd lube visited with friends in Kimberlry recent- iy- Mr Grant Blair spent a few days wi'h friends in Markdale. The Women's Institute he'd their March meeting at the huie of Mrs Divis on Thursday of lust week. Mr anu Mrs Henry McLi.ughry of the K.nt Bick Line entertained ihe young people of Vandeleur to a social evening on Fi 14 >y of last week. The evening wa< spent in ruuvic, aaines. etc. Term Report F.H.S. Hiijh School Ea<tliT Exam*. 1, To"' and over ; 2, CO to 74 ' ; 3, 40 to u!l FORM 1 Writing 1, P Latimer, A Dow ; 2, P Dow, F Mathewson, E Monre : 3, R J Turner and E Watters equal, O Fisher iiul C Loucks equal, K LUL:" and \V Martin equal, L Cargoe and M Hacking and A Pedlar equal, E Sprott. Heading 1, K Sprott and F Mathe*- son equol, P Latimer, M Hacking and W Martin equal, L Cargoe and A Dow and A Pedlar equal ; 2, R Turner, E Walters, O l-'i-h i and K Large equal, P Dow and Loucks and E Moore equal History 1, E Sprott. P Laiimer, A Dow ; '.', M Hackinu, E Watters ; J, F Miitheweon, E Moore, R Turner, A Pedlar and W Martin tqna'. C Loucks. Grammar E Sprott, P Latimcr, W Martin, A Dow, E M< ore ; 2, E Walters, F Mathewson, L Cargoe ; 3, U Turner, P Dow, K Large, M Hacking and C Li.ucks i ij'iil. O Fishei. Geography 1, P Liiimer, K Largp, E Sprott, A Pedlar ;'-', Moore, E Walters, W Martin and R Turner equal, A Uow, O Fisher ; 3, L Cargne, C Loucks and K Mathewson equal, P Dow, M Hacking Art 1. M Hacking and P L-itimer equal, P Dow, K Lirge. F Mathuwnoii and E Moore equal ; 2, W Maitin, L Oirgne und E Vkatlera equal, A Dow, 1, : . and A '.'..:... and E Sprott eqiril, 3. U Turnvr, O Fisher. Spalliiut 1. W MurilD. A Dow, P Litiruer ; 2, E Suro't, A Pedlar ; 3, K Large, O Fisher, C Loucks and E Wat- lets equal, P Dow, R Turner. Literature 1, E Sprott, P Litim-r I 'J. A l>ow, F Mathevson, M Hut-king, A Pi-dler, U Turm-r ; I!, K La'n, O Filler E Moore, C Louck", E Walters. L Carno. Composition 1. P Latimer, E Waiters, A Dow and K Large and F Maihwwsmi . qiial ; 2, P Do* and M Hacking equal, E Sprott, L Cargw and W Martm equal, A Pediar, O Fisher am) C Loucks and H Turner tqun 1 , E Moore. Arithmetic 1, P Latimer, E Walters ; 2, E M< ore, E Sprott ; a, I 1 Mathewsi n K Turner equal, P Dow and O Kisher equal, C Loueks, K Large and W iVartin equal, L Cargo". Algebra 1, P Laiimer, W Martin mid E Sprott equal ; 2, M Hacning and A Pedlar equal, E Moore, K Larue, A Duw and E Watterx equal, F Mathewcon, C Loucks ; 3, P Dow, R Turner, L Cargo. O Fisher. Science 1, P Latimer. E Sprott, E Moore, U Turner ; 2, Watters, M Hacking and W Martin and F Mat.hew- on equal ; 3, A Pedlar aud P Dow equal, A Dow and C Loucks equal, K Large. Latin 1, E Sprott, A Dow, W Martin P Laiimer, E Walters ; 3 F Mathewson. Vrench E Sprott, M Hacking and W Martin equal, A Dow, K Watters, P Uti mer ; 2, R Turner ; 3, A IWim-, K Large, E Moore. Summary P Latimer, E Sprott, A Dow, W Martin, R Turner, E Moore, F Mathewson, E Wattem, A Pedlar, K M Hackig, P Dow, O Fisher, C Loueks, L Cargoe. A township of Flos man named James Turinian bold y peddled a bottle of whiskey at an auction sale. It cost him $1000 and he paid the doe. FEVERSHAM The farmers have commenced plowing and if the fine, weather continues they will be atedingthe fore part of April. Mrs Findlt-y, of Toronto, spent the holiday with her biolhur Will Heitman. Mr Emerson Osboru, of Toronto, visit- ed at Ins home here. Mr John Thompson, of Toronto, visiteJ with his brnthern, here, lust week. Mr and Mrs Ed Croft, of Rock Mills, spent Sunday with the iatte r s purento, Mr ud Mrs Geo Sayers. Mr Th.iina.i Conruu bus secured the contract for operating the telephone central fur the coming ye-tr. Mr J C Little, of Col'iiigwood, vmi'ed at II Alexander's recently. Our teachers, Mr Matrix and Mi-s Ji>lley, are spending the holidays t the.r ivspec.ive homes in Ccilmurgund Meaford Miss Mary Julian is viHitin^ friends in Toronto. Mr fadgeam of the Rank nf Toronto here m holidaying in B*i-iie. Mrs .lames Sayurs visited with Mis John Ottewell n the 12th line Iwst week. Mr Harry Thornbury h.-is taken possession of the garage he bought from Cunu Bro*. DURHAM Miss Kita Irwin writes to say that the Toronto L*diet>' Quartette will give their last concert for the season mi the Sth of April mi! will .start for homu from Moose Jaw on the 10th, coming by way of St.- Paul and Chicago. SeTeral fan her en- e r menn-irs that have been booked hare been cancelled. Dr Jamiesou returned last week from a trip to Saskatchewan, where he owns con- siderable land in the neighborhood of Kerrobert. He expects to have a thou- sand acres of wheat this year. n<i if fuming interests control nis political life he'll soon be eligible t<> take a hand in tho ("nited Farmers movement. H.) reports very cold weather during part f his visit. Tlu- poultry house of Mi. T il Lauder was entered on WedaeHdiiy n'jjht of last week and twenty of bis be<-t pullets stolen. This is not the first cane of petty thievery around here this winter and it is hoped the thieves wi'! soon be captured. Thi-y need expect mi mercy at the liaml . i f the law if they .ir- taken. Chronicle. OWEN SOUND License Inspector Matt. C. Be.-l.eM i> now sole inspector for the (' of Grey and ihe northern part of i > ' nti- ty of VVullirigii'n, and has been * IKH u in the districts included iu these Mnce before Christinas. Previous to th it time his duties called him into Viteilim County where he worked with ihe license Inspector there. Inspeelur Beckett re ports that ho hud the lirget number of convictions under the O T. A . fur ihe space of time in his cnre< r. Cotiiictiunx hi been secured at. Paluieritoi . Mount fc'nre>t tlaimver, Dund.-ilk. anii H'lfsher ton in a short time. On Kridy last, a Hanover man, Slack by nanu, WHS lim'd 3,'ltlt) mid costs by Po'ice Magintratn Tvlfocd fur having liquor in o'li.-r than his piivnte dwelling. Dr J WyulitTd Marsh ill is thi- proud possessor of a very interesting rnlic in t he shape of a violin three hundred years old. The value of the instrument is etini*ti>d at 850(50 and it m.iy le worth a great deal more. The violin was in- herited from Dr J P Marshall, of Toron- |,i, Dr Marshall's elder brother. Thw fornjer receivtd the precious ins'rument from th Wyoliffe Estate iu E'igland. The Wyclilfes aie maternal relatives of the Doctor. Sun-Times. G. A. WATSON & SONS - Priceville - Lumber, Shingles, Planing Matching & Housefinish JUST ARRIVED Bates BurialCo. ECSIXESS USUAL Big Ben Alarm Clocks Funeral Directors and 1 Embaimers At last we have received Ph ne HiUcrest 268 a supply of these well- 124 Avenue Road, known alarms. Toronto, Ont. ~ MOTOR EQUIPMENT Get yours now while they j w Bate8> R Maddocka> last. President Manager PRICE $6.0O ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES Yorkshires, Tamworths Young Stock For Sale W. A. ARMSTRONG for Bteeflag Purpose . Jeweler, FLESHERTON Phone or writs GEO. W. KOS ONT OspreyTel. system Maxwell P. O Orders taken tor Doois, Sash and si! House Fin'sh. jj-mch match Oak or Maple Flooring. ' s '- -"hu famous Kih,>r Board OD walls, it is ,\ inch thick and wind proof. Car of B.C. XXX Shingles on hand at lowest priced. Leave your order as prices air advancing. Let us figure on your next job, it will coat you nothing Grocery Announcement Get your supply of Seeds for your spring planting. We handle all lines of Garden, Flower and Field Seeds. We have a complete stock of Groceries that cannot be beaten. Our stock of Confectionery is the very best. Fry us for your supply ofTobacco, Cigars and Pipes. Come early and often. Thank you. W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery FlcsKerton, - Ontario : .\ Millinery Mrs. Wright attended the Spring Millinery Openings last week and selected a stock of the most up-to-date Hats shown in Paris, London, New York and Gains- borough Patrons. We have them on the tables for inspection and we respectfully invite you to call and see our display. Wo H ixv e Ha.t>s at all Prices W. L. WRIGHT, Corner Store, Flesherton Send all 3 our STORAGE BATTEE- IE8 to F, A. YORK & SON BATTERY bPECIAUSTS Markda le, - Cnt. Or have them call for same. Any make of Batttry rebuilt, rei airet) or reermrnecl. Tensorial Parlors NEW BATTEIilKS FOR SALE. We Aim to Qlve flntire LAt5SH)rVSE Basket .cloees night, delivery Kumy ev . J-'JLN INil Mid DTEfNG- We ar agents for PHrkw's Dy* Woiw Oloth* ctvtmed &nd dped. ftWhcnp re;uvea(ici T RSHBII- -PROPRIETOst

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