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Flesherton Advance, 10 Mar 1921, p. 5

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It March 10 1191 THE FLESHZ3TQN AVANC f Habits CPENDING is a habit easily acquired O but difficult to relinquish. The saving habit is just as easy to acquire, and, onc formed, is not readily given up. Our Savings Dept. helps to make it easy for you to become thrifty. THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA sss Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits J8.360.537. 09. FLESHERTON BRANCH ' GCO. MITCHELL - MANAOKB CANADIAN C. P. R. Time Table. 1 rains leave Flasherton Station us ollowa : Going South Going North 7.52 a. m. 12.05 p.m. 4.27 p.m. 9.45p. m. The mails are osen at Flesherton as follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 3i40 o'clock. For morning train south mail close at 9 p. m. the previous evg. VICINITY CHIPS Sup buckets eeb your eupply at Becker's, Proton. Mtai Bertha Smith of Owen Sound Visited friends here last week. shortening 5 Ihi. for 11.00 it Becker's, Proton. Phone 44 r 21. Gordon Blakely of Toronto is visiting friends here. We still offer St, Lawrence Granulated Suuar at $10.85 per cwt. Becker'n, Proton. Bom At Iroquois Flli, Ont., on Wedui-sdiy, March 2nd, to Mr. anrt Mrs. Goltlsborough (nee Iv Milcnell) a on. Born -On Sunday, February 27, 1921, at 178 Dowliug Avenuo, Toronto, to Mr and Mre. J. F. Regan (nee Rota Buskin), of 21 M mnii Street, a Hon. (John Wesley.) Irwin Morrison will hold a crfdit auction sale of Farm Stock, implciniMiU and Household Furniture oo lot 31, con. 9, Osprey, on Tuesday, March 15th 1921. 8ale at 1 o'clock, (ico. McAllister & Son, Auctioneers. See large bills. Hector McKinnon, formerly of Prioe- ville and for the laat eight years on the agricultural paged of the Toronto Globe, has been transferred to the world of politics and i now doing the Press Gallery in the Ontario Legislature for bit paper. The High School Entrance Examina- tions thin year will be held on June 26th, 27ih, 28th, 29th and 30th. Lower School examinations for entrance into Normal Schools, Model Entrance and Senior High School Entrance commence June 1 , ill. Middle and Upper ^Schools examinations for Entrance into Model Schools, Pass Matriculation, Upper Sch <ol Entranoti into Normal Schools, Honor mill Scholarship Matriculation, tart June 10tl and faniah June 28. At the Ornngeville Presbytery on March 2nd, 1921, it was moved In Rev. J. Burkholdor and seconded by Rev. John H. Ross -"That the Presbytery of Orangeville expresses its sympathy with the coming Referendum on April Is 1> and m !.. all its congregations to do their utmost to seoure its passing." This resolution was carried unanimously. It win alao agreed to forward a copy of tho above to papers within 1 1m bounds of the Presbytery. J. A. Matheson, Clerk, Omugeville, Out. The Rink Co. held a hooker tourna- ment here oo Monday night to wind up the season, when teami representing Markdale, Dundalk, Eugenia aud Fltsh erton tuok park. In the first gam* Dundalk trimmed Flesherton by the cere of 6-0. Eugenia next took on Markdsle and were dufsated by the northern town by the iore of 5-1. Tho third qaoae wag between Markdale and Dundalk which resulted in a win for Mitrkdale by itcore of 4-2. The ice wai rather heavy which made good hockey impossible. H. Mercer, of Markditle, and R, Wilson, of Dundalk, gave general ati.sfHctiou HS refereita. Only a fit crowd was prevent. Mr. and Hra. Thos. Ovrler of Toronto were in town uo business last week. We are offering a ood price for buitet in small rolls and prints for special orders this week. BocKer'*, Proton. Mr W. W. Trimble, who hae (.pent the put mouth with her daughter at> W.-.n, returned hems on Friday last. A number from here motored to Colhngwood last Friday to witness the Gilt Collingwood hockey match! Finest aockeye salmon, wnt,li 60s. largo tin, our price 45o. Good red, 2 for 7Bc. Becker's, Proton. Mr. D. Wright, principal of Dundalk hit.' h school, was in town on Saturday and gave The Advance a pleasant call. Born At St. Joseph's Hospital, Parry Sound, on Tuesday, Feb. 22, to Mr mid Mrs. Harold Ellis, a.son. We are making a cleanup of overalls and imocka anything in stock at $1.98 a pair. Becker's, Proton. Anglican church, Service as uauni in Town Hall every Sunday at 7 p m. Rev. G. Blackwell, Pastor. Offertory Story of the Cross. An auction sale of farm stock, imple- ments, etc., will be held on lot 21, cun . 6, Osprey. on Thursday, March 10. See bills. Dannie Cameron, proprietor, W. K i ; in-, auctioneer. Mr. Pattison, whj gold his grocery ruuiness here to Mr. W. Stewart, left lust week for hia home in St. Catharines. The new proprietor is now in possession aud we wish him well. A credit auction sale of Farm Stock and Implements will be held on lot 2, 3 and 4, cou. 3 N.D R., Oaprey, on Tue day, March 15th, 1921, the property of James McClennan. See bi'ls and liet elsewhere. Win. Kaitting, Auctioneer. A couple of young men from Osprey ran into a cutter driven by Mrs. Ed. Binninetan, broke the cutter and injured her. They pleaded guilty before Jumus MoMullen. J. J., here on Friday after- noon, and put up $18 in lines, and received instructions to gee the cutter repaired and pay a doctor's bill. The Ladies' Aid of Eugsnia Presby- terian Church will hold a measuring social in the Orange Hall, Eugenia, on Friday, March 18. There will bo a short program commencing at 8 p. m , after which Barnes will be played and lunch served. The admission will be 3 cents For every foot in height rfter which 1 cent for every odd iuch. Come, tall and short, and enjoy a pleasant erening. An unsavory cise was tried here before Mmjistratt Creasor on Friday evening last behind closed doors. Two men named McBeth and Cox were charged with a serious offense by a 14 year old girl named Knnold. The parlies livn in flltnelg, between Durham and Price- ville, Both men were committed for trial ui:l taken to Owen Souud on the niht train by County Constable Mc- Caffrey to await their trial. A peculiar accident occured one morn- ing last week when Mrs. D. McTnvish, while dressing, stepped on a needle which punetrated her fuot and broke off. She went '" Owen Sound hospital and hud the X Ray applied. Three incisions had be made before the piece of needle ouuldbe extracted. It was a small thing to give so much trouble, expense and pain. The mural is never drop a netulle un the floor. Iflesherton junior hockey team took part in a tournamenu in Markdale on Tuesday evening of last week. Tnere were four teams in the tournament, as folloows : Rocklyn, Markdale, Dundalk and Fleaherton. The first game WHS played between Markdale and Dundalk, resulting in a win for the latter by a score of 7 to 5. Flesherton and Rocklyn were next and the boys from here came out on top of a 7 to 3 score. The third game was between Dundalk and Flesher- ton, and considering the fact that the Flesherton team only ten iniuutoft rest and were the only strictly junior team present, we feel that they did real well to hold Dundalk to a 7 to 4 score. The core at the end of the 2nd period was 4 to 2 in favor of Flesherton, but DuuJalk. who had a rest of iibout an hour and a htlf after their fiist game, ome kirk strung in the la? t period and scrred five goals. The Chicizo Daily Tribune of Fob. 28 has the following tu siy about an old Fleuherton boy : "Capl. John H. Caiupaighe of tire iniurHiice patrol No. 4 will send in hia resignation today to ihe Chicago bonrd of underwriters. Ae a member of patrol No. 4, Forth-third street and Racine avenue, tho pot of the I iiii-n stockyards, Capt. Campaigno has fought fire* in the ymds for twenty nine years. On Dec. 22nu, 1910. he was the first commanding officer to reach the fire in one of the Morris plants in which Chief Jamea I l.inin and twenty one firemen lost their lives when a wall collapsed. Capt. Campaigno narrowly escaped death at the samo time. J. Ogdeti Armour and Lester Armour are among the officials of Packinutown who attended n dinner tendered Capt. Campaigne in the fire patrol quarters, when a beautiful Masonic ring was presented to the retiring chief. For gathering lap and on sloppy daya ptir of Pilgrim long rubber boot* at 15.00 a pair at Becker'*, Proton. Mrs. W. T. Poole of Osprey: visited With her parents here, Mr. and Mrs. II. wn, for a few dayi durrng the past week. The Maxwell Methodist Ludies Aid will hold a St. Patrick social on the even- ing of March 17, Lunch served and a ood program. Admission 20 and 35o. Died At Victoria Corners, Artemesia, on Saturday, March 5, Florence M , be- loved wife of Geore Ludlow, aged 46 years. Daily Paper : One of the features of this week's show at LoWn Theatre, Toronto, is moving picture showing the oil drilling operations at Flesherton. Evidently ihe movio camera man visited Flesherton and ho secured some very good pictures of ihe drilling operations. The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist Church of Flehmon will givo a play entitled " An Afternoon Tea in Friendly Village 1862" in the Assembly Hall of! th High School, on Friday. March 11, ' commencing at 8 o'clock p.m. Adtnis- j sion Reserved Heats 50n., rush seats lioc. Rev. Dr. Speer addressed a meeting in the Presbyterian church on Wednesday evening last in he interest of the Daminion Alliance, and in the afternoon attended an executive meeting in the | same church, when arrangements were j made with a view to advancing thai temperance interests for the cominK vote! in April. The Villngo and Township | will work together under one committee, I of which Mr. T. R. McKenzie is the! chairman, Mr. fl. Down, Secretary, and' Mr. R, Holland, treasurer. Dr. Speer J pointed out lint the last temperance vote ' had done nil that it was in the power of | the Provincial Government to d. Since then the Dominion Government has passed Bill 20 which requires a vote of the people to bring it into operation. If the nt-xt vote carries this bill will prohibit the importation of liquor into' the Province uf Ontario, and with the 1 Sandy Bill of the Provincial Government! make ihe Province of Ontario dry. The! Dr. quoted from a recent speech of Mr. Lloyd George ill which he said that if the ' United States continued its present; temperance law. Great Britain wonld, i for business reasons, be forod to go dry in ten years, because a wet nation could not compete in the markets of the world WIT h a dry uacion. CHlEfS darefully Corrected Esch Week Bmter . . 38 to 40 ps :55 '.<)0 35 Winter Wheat !)l)ioli)l Spring Wheat 1 70 to 1 70} Oat .. 50 to 50, Barley 75 to 80 Pens.. . 1 ((0 to 1 75 llc&ieJiij Week This week we feature "Puritan Maid" Hosiery. Tins celebrated Canadian make comes in Cotton, Lisle, Cashmere aad Silk aud in all sizes suitable for la -u lies, Bo}3, Girls and Infants. Made 'in Black, White, Brown and Coltrs, with seamless feet, re-iuforced toes and beela and strong garter tops. See our window display this week and tho different, linea specially priced on our sell- ing counters. We specially mention "Puritan Maid"ladies Art Silk hose in black, white and brown. Regular $1.25 value, this week $1.00 pair NEW DESIGNS IN CONGOLEUM RUGS JUST RECEIVED Size 9 x 10 Size 9 x 12 $17.75 $20.00 WT...,,, Grocery Department Special fLLL Seville Bitteu Oranges for Marmalade ^- extra large size 65i. per dozen F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO I^ggg^^sssa^gfl!^^ i ....... r^'Titli "i .....,.......--...--..-.....-............-.. . ', mfi-m.i i * i HiiM i { * ***#*? M*9K* ' > rtfTTTTHTTrT T T'~ Tl T" ft T~ f TT Ttirtt t > JMJCTH -J "THE ELDRIDGE" Dependable Sewing Machines at Moderate Prices. SOLD BY . A. ARMSTRONG FLESHERTON, ONT. * ^ ::: 90 to 90 Potatoes 75 to 80 Apples 4 00 to 4 00 rofServicc i t | in iin-il Shorthorn bull n Lo 28 nud 2',), CuncpRttiim 3. Art.umi'siH Turin* 31.50 for umdeu if puiii iufliclii "f ,,JJ. 9 iiuiilliH-if not, S3. Pure Invd-. Si.CO. j'."J' loot ROBKUT OSBOUNE. BOOTS & SHOES In Ladies' Wear we have Kid, Dongola, Gun Metal and Box Calf. For Men's Wear we have a nice assortment of Mahogany and some good lines in Black. Also very serviceable Work Boots. Repairing promptly attended to. THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO Farm Properties For Sale The AdininJNtnttrix of the estate of J. Buyd. late of the. Village of KleBherton, Ueuemx'd, utferii fur sale the following; f'inii prupt'i'tieH : 1 Lot 100. iHt, C.m. N K T & S R, ArceineNia towiiNlup, T>0 acres. 2 Part Lot 152. 1st rtne S W, and Lot 153, 1st ranu S W T u; S R, Arte- iiii-- i.-i townNhip, containing f?(J acruH more or li"-.s. 3 Lot 155, 1st Con. N R T it S R, Artemeaia towiiBhip, 50 Hcr8. These ure nil good farm properties and will he snld at a ri^Hfloniiblu price us the Administratrix deairus to close out the ONtate. For further purticulnrs npoly to Mra . ^ m J- Boyd, Fleshortou, or to Lucnn Jk Henry, Barristers, Etc., Markdale, Out. Bull For Service Pure l>rod Shorthorn Bull of thu Villaue Family f-">r service on lot 10, con. 10, Osprey. Fenns 32.00 for ur-idos, ,"> for pure hroda. .Inly 15 Mori. Snyers, t'rop. MARCH 2!) h OPKNS SI'RING TKKM at W' Business Shorthand, Farmer's nnd Preparatory Courses. Staff of Specialists. Ciralni>ue Free, C. A. FLEMING, F. C. A., Principal G. D. FLEMING, Secretary. Mention l.hin paper when writing) Owen Sound, Out. I BELLAHY'S GROCERY Headquarters for Al Groceries, Flour and Fruits FISH Salt Hiid Froth Fish, includini; Trout, Sfiimou and Hurring. Try our Smokud HIM ring. HONEY Kn s. Clues Clover I Imn-y in 5 and 10 Ib. pails. DRY FRUITS Currants, l\i, B'ipg and Dates. All i mil quality. GROCERIES A Full line of Groceries Ljunriiiiteed to plense. APPLES Spies, Baldwins, Rustelts and Greeniugs. All ;IHM! stock. TORONTO GLOBE and MAIL & EMPIRE for sale FLOUR Grunt natifuction is obtained liy u.siiiR i i- un of the West fur brutul. Fevcrshiiin Pastry umkes the best of Pastry . .UUIMILK Ask us about the preparation. A good substitute for milk. CEREALS Rolled Oats, Whpat, Corn Flakns, Shreddud Wheat, Wheat Kurnel, eta. CANNED GOODS Tomniocs. Corn. Poap, Pork an i Beans, Pink, Rud and Sockey Salmon, Spaghetti, Soups ar d Telephone No. 37 BELLAMY'S Flesherton, Ont. y4 V : v : K Wedding Gifts, Presentations, Etc. Our stock ot useful, fancy and ornamental goods will help you solve your problem where the above is needed. MUSIC We have it in abundance in all its varieties. Our line of Gramophones' Victrolas, ete., and Kecords cannot fail to please the most fastidious. Sheet Music and Mouth Organs. SEWING MACHINES Our line includes the world famous and aristocrat of Sewing Machines the White. Watches and Clocks Repaired. glasses fitted. Eyes tested and W. A. ARMSTRONG. Phones 13 and 28. Flestverton, Ont. For Sale NOTICE The property knoan as the Ahdown| RamemUr the Old Raliablo Singtr residence at Ceylon, *n eight roomed j Sewin* Machine. You can buy on dwelling, sjood cellar, stable, etc ; about J terms to suit y*n al a vsry reaeonable n acre of land; would maku n god home for a tjeullea'an. For erms and further particulars apply to -W. J. BELLAMY, Flasliorton |Se 282 Boar For Service Poland China Boar For Service Lot 39, con. 4, Arlsmesin. ,2n WALLACE FISHER, Prop. price. 10 year guarantee. HUGH KNOTT, Agent,, Out, tarm For Sale Lot 34, Gfen. 4, Artemema, 100 aore, 85 acres oieared, well fonoed, nod in a H 11 Hi stkte of cultivation. Apply to R D. MBLDBDM IFeb 9 Lipton A?e, Toronto

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