March 10 1921 THE FI KSH1RTON ADVANCE Do We Take Small Accounts? We do more than that. We invite them welcome them and take good care of them. If you wish to open a Savings Account for any particular purpose or wish to teach the children to save by having an account in each child's name do not hesitate to do BO because the amounts to lie / deposited will be email. $1. is sufficient to open B Savings Account, and deposits of $1. are always welcome. TH MERCHANTS BANK Head Office: Montreal. OF CANADA Established 1864, FLESHERTON AND CEYLON BRANCHES, J. C. SCOTT, Manager. WE SELL FARM IMPLEMENTS WAGONS, HARROWS PLOWS ** SPECIAL PRICES IN New Tubular Slvu-ples Separators JOHN HEARD, IM PLEMENT AGENT. FLESHERTON. Flesherton Tin Shop- -^ I have just placed on the shelves a full line or Tinware, Nickelware and Agateware for domestic use. Call on me and get yonr supplies. Eavetronghing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipofitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Bros. Furnaces. D. WcKILLOP CHR15TOE BLOCK j FLESHERTON & ONTARIO, [j I 1 JHJ jigparfSZ 'SSSKSfSSSjJZ^SZ Z ?^J3It)StStZ3KSSt^tSSSSi Specials for Week of Feb. 14 to 21 FURS ! FURS ! FURS ! Ladle*' BUck F..X "et. of Furs Regular 8!!5 for '_'0 Ladies Natural Wolf set, of Kins Regular 8:t<) f-ir 820 L.idies PHrsian Lin' HI)' of Furs Renular $, r >0 f ir S.i5 Also odd Mud's and Stoles sold sL Ruduced Prices COMFORTERS ! COMFORTERS ! A Large As<n linent ol Ait Siiteen Omiiforli'is, cf every ohaili-, in medium and Urge gift's ranping in price from (.'! 25 to $5 50 FLANNELETTE BLANKETS FUmirletre H alike!* with p nk ami blu burdrrs in lir^e twelve (|iiarti'r sin Re $ij 50 for 4 50 Flannelette blanket* in i I. -. i, (|iiartci- size I;. - J-150 f n $.'! 50 mmmmmummtsmmmmmmmmm F. G. KARSTEDT, Flesherton, - Ontario THE Flesherton Advance An independent newspoper pul>lisld every Thimdny at the oftiep, Collingood Street, Flusherton. Subscription piice Jl.50 per annum when paid in advaHce ; $2.00 when not so paid. $2.00 to United States. Advertising rates on application. Circulation over 1100 weekly. W. H. THUK8TON EDITOR Allison Winters A quiet but | ii .-i iv weduing WHS lolenui'ze J on Wednesday, March 2nd, I'.'lJl, at 1 o'clock, at the home of Mr. nii'1 Mrs. Chiis. Winters, Maxwell, when thoir tuuond daughter, Mary, wns married to Mr. T- I'.JM! Allison, eldest son of Mr. Joa. \i!i- .-, Tn ! nuiiij was per- f'limeclby Rv Shannon, Presbyterian Mi!i -I . at Mclntyre. Tha bride, who was givi-ii --wny by her father, entered the room to thw strains of the wedding march played t,y Mm. (Rev.) Shannon. She iv: attired in , lnvi'ly gonn of navy liltia one piece silk dress. Shu wore the gift of the groom, a handsome wrist watch. The bride and groom were unattended. After dinner 'lu-y lft to vinit lh groom's sister, Joy, and other friends in Toronto. After their return the happy coupl will reside on the Allison farm, Fourth Line, Osprey. Small Ads. Standing Hardwood for Sale Will sell acre lots i.i the Valley W A Armstrong. Ri duced pneea on all suits and suiting* H. Alexander, Fevt>rsham. 20 1 21 'Fi y K.,vi..L7iU ii Piwtry Flour, the best nr ynur cook. All OMCvrio whunt Fur m For Sile 100 acres, lot 7, con. 5, Ospriy VV. J. Morrison. Kor Sale Driving rnare. Apply to Dr. H onry, FlfHhrrton. Chopping done <m Saturdays only I li.ih mi Hi "-. I MI..,.,,; , OctlS Fire and wind Iniuraoce in the best riinipanies for tarir. Hnd town property W. O Fawcett, -VIMM, Cylon. For 8ale Cow 8 years old, due April 23 ; also heavy colt rising 3. Will John'ton, Proton. Bugs A fe acltiogs of R. I. Rd I eec, either comb, at $1.15 per salting nf 13 At this office. Convictions at Dundalk In conjunction with Magistrate llc- Mullen : Ceylon, Magistrate Laidlaw of town was in Uundiilk Monday evening lilting on two <: > fur infraction of the licpjor law. It was the " old time " trial, there being four hundred or more spcctat us. One of the cases wai against Chas Montgomery, cuttle buyer, charged with I;. 1 . .; liquor in his possession other thiti in his private residence. It appear* he and a friend named Ihoinpaon hud . un their car into the ditch and when getting it ,lr--.l, Ihs bottle in the w* ., \ ,.:,!. A tine of $2CO mid COStH f* i'llpuHi'd. The hucond case WIN another inleresi- ing legal but'le between Insp. Beckett who prosecuted, and Birrmter Henry of Markdal.i wh>i acted fi^r the defendants. In thin initHiicn lloht. Johnston, a young farmer ii.-.-w Dur,<l.<lk, was charged wiib bciim iuiux'aatril jiitside of hi* reii- deuce. He, it leenm, hid consumed some lif|iinr ni>d c mm to lit Martiu for mother 6 M, prescription This ,is iriven him hut the Dr. then deciding he wis iniox'caied, <|mckly instructed the druggilt liy phone nut to fill the pre- scription. It WM brought out that the druu'^ist, would otherwise have done so. Two more infrtoMoni would then have occurn'il. It is not It'ual for a doctor to prescribe. li<|Uor without first n, ikint; an nx iiiiitnt''!", mid it would havo been illi'^nl for tha druggist to till prescritj- tioti fur >! h was intoxieated. This c-i> WN wound up liy u tine of S25 and cj:>tH being iinpuMitd upon Juhn.ston, Durhnni I ; . G. A. WATSON & SONS - Priceville - Lumber, Shingles, Planing Matching & House-finish Orders taken lor Doors, Sash and all Hoiisu Kursh. i| inch Oik or Maple Fbiiirmg. Use otlm famous Fibi'r I?(mrd on wnlln, it is \ inch thick nd uiiitl proof. Cr of B.C. XXX SliinijIeR on hand at lo*cst prices LBHVO yonr order as prinrs III-H adrnnninir. Iji-t us liguro on your next job, it will cost you nothini FLESHERTON BAKERY IT'S WuKTIIV THK IWKAI) WITH A PURPOSE, Yes, our Pure Food t>rca<l lias a worthy purpose. It brings health and .stieri^rh and a meal time satisfaction to the folks who partake of it regular- ly. One slice calls lor a loaf, one lo-if forms the ha hit. Bread is yonr best food- eat more of it. 1'IIONK s FRED FINDER, Flesherton t.^ -'>' ,- L r "T* * w ^ ^ ^* MAIL CONTRACT MKAI.KD TKNDKIW addressed to the I'lMtiiiAHtcr (ieiiuml will Iw rmwive I at Otlnwa until noon on Friday, the 1st of Apr I. llll'l, fur tho cionvvyance of llin Miijely' Mails, mi a propiiNud Contract for fn\ir yt'urs, six thin-* per week on the route KLKSHKHT.ON H. R. No. : from tho 1st of July, I'.I-M. next Printed notices contninhif; fnt ther informa- tion lit In riimlitinns of prnpum d coutravt tnay bo BBPII and bltiuk forms of IVmler may be nbtuined t tlio I'osc OfBwii "f FleHherton, mill lit thu ullico nf tha Post Office Ini>ectiir, Tormitit. A. SUTHKHLAND. Post Office Insptctor Post O^ice Inspector's Office, Toronto, February IRth, l2l. Farm For Sale Lot 1, oon. 5, Artemetia, 2J miles from l'i ii i x ii'i' and 4 miles fmtn Uaylon, con- I ,1111111;; 1UD HCieH, Hhollt 00 HCrUH i-'i' in-il and in Bund stute of ruldvitliori, abi<nl, 22acr<in sweet clover and 10 acres liu iiiuil tiush Itoouiy and comfort- alilo hoiiAA with > "l ntillar ; also driving slu-il iiiui barn li'ixCi.i on stiiiio foundi- lion. Water ii<s d mi'l our, also ,^,,,"1 KprinitH t'nr wHlennu purposes. Thin is III i old Pal tfi'imn tarm ai.d will be sold at once. Apply 10 D. MolAVlSH, Flfsherton, Out. Notice All accounts due me must be settled by March 15, ai I purpose to remove from t'lesherlon and muit have "II iicc'iunt* squared up Dr W.,1. Henry Oolt For Sale Cinuinif 4 yean, suit- able for driver, wound, will be sold cheap for quick sale. Apply to John Wright, Flesheiton. K-jr Sale 2 Hereford Bulls, 1 year old, suitable for service ; also some Hereford Heifer.v Jos. WaUon, Price- ville P. O SATISFIED ! THAT Is what over IOC users say about 1900 Gravity washers supplied by S. HEMPHILL, Ajent or 1900 Gravity washers'and wringers rilectiic and gasoline power washers . ALSO for McCorniick Binders. Mowers, Hay Raku, 1 1 i v Loaders, Drill*, Cultivator, Flown, Steel Atolls, Harrows, Gasoline Etgines, Hrmitfurd double geared and auto oiled unmitnr Wind Mills, BeaU Bay Carriers, Hay Forks, Slings, Manure Carriers, Water Bowls, WaterTauks, Pump and Piping. SOMETHING NEW IN BUZZ SAWS One thii-n- more wood cut with same power when titt*d with my patent. S. HEMPHILL Agent, Ceylon, Oat. Mr. \V. H. Williamson, Priceville P. j ')., is ai>ont for tne Harab-Davies Ferti- lizers in this district, Fertilizers for all grains and roots. Get prices and litera- ture from him before purchasing. If For Sale Good fmiit- house and lot in Ceylou, a number of fruit trees, half, acru of land, fairly good stable. Apply to S Hempriill, Ceylou. or \Vm- Hem| hill, 54 Hainbly Are., Toronto. HOUSE FOR SALE A aix roomed brick ,--M nr-. barn and orchard on lot. Fur particulars apply to John Wright, Kleshertou. W. A. HAWKEN dealer for MENDELSSOHN PIANOS and P.^iYERTlANOS, PHONO- GRAPHS and RECORDS, and SHEET MUSIC. Call and see these high grade instruments Hawken'a Photo Gallery and Music Stor FLESHERTON FUR SALE Wychf.fTand Guild slraio of S C. Leghorn :.;* t i hutching ; Vo flies Shepherd's ntrain f S.C. Anconas t $1.60 ptr seltiiiu' of 15 eggs H. E. K*rstedt, Pricevillc. nilOtf'z^r I am n^wnl for Gunn's Sur (iiiin Furliliz-rM, the best on the market, a'id HIII now Ukiui( orders for delivery t Kl-'slierloii Station. Send in nidi'rs by in til or phone No. 21 r 23. W. J. MI-.-ICIH, AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS Lot. 2, 3 & 4, Con. 3, N.D.R-, Oiprey on 1'i.i-viile 1'. O. Tuesday, March 15 ; 1921 Hoife rising 10, bay mare rising 7, cow 9 yeais dim March 11, Cow risinis 8 dun M*reh 24, He ffur 4 years March 21, 1 apri he tier rising 3 due Marcli 21, btec r rising 3, Htei-r rising 2, 3 yearling steer calvi-H, brood sow, 10 ({""d young Oxford Down ewes, f> liimbs, 1'J li.irred Uock hens. I \IPLKMENT3 Mass.y Harris bind- er (J foot rut with sheaf earner. Wood and Pasture Lots fur Sule Lots H'5, 38 and .'JO, 14th cou ., Artmiesia, and lot 7, lltli con., On|>rey, 100 actes each. gnoj h.rd and si.ft wo..d and well wat- j HemilUn hoe diill, set 12 bull ir-n hnr- eivd ; will tnako siimd yrss farms when lows nearly new, Cockshutt plow no. 21, wood is oil Apply \V A At matron;; j hay and s'ock ruck combined, si-t L',000 Now i.s Ihn tui'e to choose ihe piper for i|it roc. m. I have just receiv- ed n- s books of samples I wall papcjrs, oilcloth, wall covi'rings, burlaps, etc., and am now ready to take your order. H. CurriiiKton, | ini'.-i and decorator, FlesherioD, Out. DR. F. C. NIXON OptumetrUt and Optical Specialist lbsscal'8 nenrly now, wll ^1 sloop !.,: bs, Street, near Tlnr Stieet Colling wood, Ontario Apixiintments : Daily !t a. in. to 5 p. m. Evenings and Holidays arranged . Telephone til 1-W. B.iz 1006 1 Jly 20 (UHiitify of Imy, h,iin, liiimini; chain, set team haiui'ss, 2 goods rubes, set single harness. '2 horse blankets, hnnting stove and pipes, daiy churn no 3. 28 tram b'.?, n.'ckyokex, whiffletrees, forks, hoes, crocks, sealm and numerous; oth-r articles. TERMS Hay and all sums of $5 and! under, rash ; over that amount ID Bios.' rritlit will be given on furnishing ap- ( proved juiiit njtes, 6 per cent, off in lieu of notes. Sale at 1 o'clock sharp ; JHS. McClennnn, Proprietor. W Kaitting, Auctioneer. Try us for your next job printing. Don't Do It Don't s'ait the spring houe cleaning nnd washing without THK RED STAR WASHER. A sub- sUntial built machine made of Cypress, (the wi-od everlasting), all ineul purts galvanized to pre- vent rust, run.s easily as the mechanism runs on bicycle ball bearing a slii-ht psessure will send t ho fly wheel spinnin. runs quiet- ly as the ^firs aie spiral shaped machine cut. The lid tilstiyhl and keeps in tbo steam so that the water remains hct during the eutire washing. Come in and let us show you. \lsoPaintsand Varniihes, etc., for house cleaning. F. W. DUNCAN Hardware and Paints Phone 30 r 1 1 Flesherton, Ontario SAMSON TRACTOR It is not too early for planning time. You are at the parlin? of the ways. Next season, will it be the old-fashioned, labor- ious and nonproductive methods !>L, r iin or power farming with SAMSON the tractor that does every farm power job, in- cluding belt work, faster, cheap- er and better I nan any other source of farm power? It is tha greatest single factor in the future prosperity of Can- ada. The power farming idea jg spreading from ons end of the country to the other. The SAMSON TRACT the greatest instrument jn the development of power farming. We do mote than sell Tractors we render service. When you become Power Farmer with R Samson one of us is your right hand man, ready at your call to supply spare parts at prices fixed by the Company. We keep our repair shop fully equipped for prompt trhoient service. You know thn significance of such close attention to your requirements in busy times. Do not fail to see the SAMSON. We will ^laily explain every fea'-ir^ and plailly C"iim to your farm Hnd demonstrate SAMSON Superior ty for every kind of power farming work. D, McTAVlSH & SON, CHEVROLET DEALERS, - FLESHERTON, ONT. . < . .