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Flesherton Advance, 10 Mar 1921, p. 2

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Surpassing all others in Delicacy and Fragrance HOIf Iflll! Send us a post card ?or a free sample, stating the price you now pay and if you use Black, Green or Mixed Tea. Address Salada, Toronto. OUR BOYS' AND GIRLS' CORNER By Aunt June MJ DEDICATED TO KVBHV feOT AKU> CIKL M My Dear Boye and Girls: A Httte vlsicmr -has jn-- been on my window trill. I was writing a letter WSiea I /0t ttuat someone was moving outside toe -window, and kr>ldng up wbene lh branch of a tree almost taps ;KitK;t "J:<i window pane I saw Mir. SQUirrflft wiiifi::i v : himself down from Itra tree hrendh on to the ledge. Ha did not tj very long not even Urn* enough for fn to pat out a tv*ad- ful of note whMh I always have eavdd nj> for web * rtalt. Ttiere are many treas up awl down the road in which I Ore. and U* partiouffar Httle fcleud lias a merry time ruining up and down 4h t>riK(h*w and Jumping from tree to tre. He was aoon off again, and im a very term moments away in in Sue fartfteM tre on Hie other side Of feh road. but now I have put oat a little vtoro of nute ready Cor tub return. and hopo that tomorrow lie will eome again laod find th-ni You -who live in tile country mist Bee !]*ITLV ot BucCi fhOo friends, txut Co one who to Urine In a city lite 'iv- ronto Uu gfehit of Mr. Squirro! oak a city street *s a cretut pleasure. LETTER BOX. Tirol-ton. Dear Ajnvt June: I am a little rir 1 < >: .:-.jii yer ':. ::>! I'n. been randlng your lfc>T:/ and (jlrlB* ouraor for tr-m.> ttone, 1 woM like to be one at hem loo, and roretre a Ixj/Ui". I w t>,h ttut dMint fc: ! n* -. n <tm floor sod nikirt my BlKe IT*// l.i . >* .-.- He ia gettln* awful ot. H lu a yair nd ntoo mmUtt old an* la beginning to talk. I've three brotfairB and <: tfistttr. My two brottoera and one erthool; but vr do-u't get fflwrv very refiiJlar in whiter time. We've qm'. a VVHO- to t?> I liuTf for a pet a wiiite oat. I ml kmr "imffr-v" 6h fa a * w>ii uuiei. My <dEtcr' naime is K;uUy; MtM fc Qrre >-*i:-i dM; her and I j?r tVrita rr*i Santa <v/m... JBWKJj MAIUB J1WMTBR. Dear Jewel: your letter fc most inti(riift.hif: You tiave given mo eo tfKh nwa about. your<4r. I am ure yu IOT (h toabjr brotlter. I am f\t*\ foa tMtre eom*) petH, and that Huaitn eta 114 woe *> gxxid to you. I am sending you a l>;r. ae rcm are a true Hetpw. PLEDGE FOR HELPERS. "Do a Httle kindness to someone every day, Scatter rays of 'sunshine pll a'.ong the way." I pledge myself In the service of my King and Country to do my best m my dally work, whenever it may be, to help others whenever possible, and to endeavor in every way to make myself a good citizen. Dear Aunt JHrne: W Rot flh' pa- i>er every WM*. and 1 rcutt ('h* 1 lioys' and tlkrts' xxrner. Ae flhesw! loiters are always interofiii, I '(hcmplirt 1 would ;:!-.' to j :i the club. I am thiirt/een yean) uT.d an4 uni in grad irtne. I j>a*p<l my entrunco lawt >unmw>r. I :i-n Koimg to b a .:.-. .1 tpaulier. I have ^H-HII In txnl trtnoe Tuesday with the c'ld, but 1 ut up Thursday a<tnio<m and am a>M right IMJW I hn^'c mutfli home ywir'k, so I oan't tv'ui rny mo^xr nruh on nuhool JMH I do th fnjpp^-r d'ishos. WTY bed, and tkly up nt-. rooan for Ui milk at niKilvt, alo any Titey I woruhlx'd the kitchen floor and nuy bndramt floor, clin4 flnf>o tajinjm. wont to the : rKit oftloe, dttf onva alxippinig, .-HT-..'.I thrsn pail at wwter and vni for the niiK 1 Trttl ba-re to oKw now, aia all ttie tafc U tvwi In nvy im. I hHf;d !>kr ofeer vhib nwmbeTB to write tun K ATrtl J1HTN IH'-MI'SJ-;', Dear RMhte^n: Towr lel^er te one of tit* B*feM*t ! tny box KM.-, w<- i : Name. Age Address Daite ., k is aCm-ays n pk-aeure to receive mi<vh a orean, niciy written letter. I am i"^ '--I y<m have got a\er ycur .bod cold and weScomn you to our Ijvaigaic of H-aipcre. Your Mst <>t gaoii d<xl is a knB one, and I am ure ytru htive KIT i ml ttke Renfrew. I>oar Ainrt Jwie: I have boen ruadlnK your IJoye' and Girls' corner and think H jui pp'.endid. I have (kwiriod to Join your true llo'.'' l>*awie of Servica I am a boy of twelve rand I am pohy; to t<iool t^'cry day. 1 liave only about Uiree acres o Kf> |)ci rtrtiool, and comie Siome ovwy dnry tor atmni^r. I am In the Senrior f. -ri-ijli .-i is- and I am going to try the I teed this oatt;p awl put them in every oven inc. I 1'ave on ipt-t tuid I Biro her the b(;t of Siciy. I millk ilier In nummcr ttac 1 . We liav o. nlt-e l/f-ann. W call the liic.k one "Hwrry" imd the <bay ome. "Sajidy." I reurry in wood and wa-ter for motflinr. I :,.t--i k- ,) h'ii -i- wjien all are away. In wiurunw time I het]> JMJM to draw in -rfifi hay and maiv> r O-JWT olioros. I horve two I>WK, a <wit and a dog. I anil flic cat "Bert" wid Uw <los "Topsy." I lko <th<> dog 1>pt. T1IK FAIIMBK'S MBRRY SON. rviar Kannar Uid : - \\7\an. a lot of I>ets you liave! I tiu ,| Mke to oe every one of them eipecla!dy Harry and Sandy. lieitiK a ba>y, I suppose you wouid Iik tlie df>g best of 'Uis oHhor t\vT> |xts. I am gl'ad you do so mt*4i 1o 'ho!p im)Hh< > r and futh'rr, anxl Ji<xrx' you wiH be proud 1o wwaj your Ocutnrtoo. Aunt Jtino: !'ip milk, wo*li :md Jie!p can-y In w.iotl. I hrjvo Uio Ipttor* from oUiers and rti 011 glit I would write. CLiARA COUSINS. Dear Clara: Won't you toM nte < k.lnd of lltt:< frlrl you nro? You not tell mo your ago or about, your J son you are a truo H^rijwr, h;jwver, so I BUI sending yrei a lu<le nnd look forward to another- l<Jter Aiy. Kowor Sta. Dear Aunt June .-Just a Mn, a I i.w other boys and jji<rl writing let ters to you. I llvn on a farm and my fajUunr Is a UUlMBtttl, Somo- tlmos I go to Ui rfioip and ilvelp Ihlm to bolt tin* wfoen he la not liorsc- RhoinK. My mother ihus l At Your Service WHEREVER YOU LIVE. The woman in town, or co-untry, has the sanno advantaiKe as her nister in iK" c.ty In expert advice from thp b. ;-,!. known firm of Cleaners and l>yi-r:-i in ('.inadv- Parcels from Che country sent by mail or express receive the s.unii careful attention as work dn/.verwl person- ally. Cleaning and Dyeing Clothing or Household Fabrics. For years, the n:nno of "Parker's" has signified pcnfoetlon in tfliis work ' of nu-iJiiiig oiI thitiRs look likn new, whether porson.-ii pai-rn tints of oven thu most fragile ma-torl-a-l, or house- hold curtaJns. drapi-rioa, rup;s, ets. Write to us for further particulars or send your parcels direct to Dye Works Limited .Cleaners % Qyers. 791 Yongo St.. Toronto" ]AFFY was a Welshmaid. Taffy wore odd clothes, Taffy had a stove-pipe hat To shade her little nose. I went to Taffy's house, Taffy wasn't in, Taffy'd gone to church, instead. Which surely is no sin. Pin* 1*0 otbor Vdih penon& Mckt ride dom along tno. Rjti, as, tarn aloof ahaokke. PO 1 have luid to do most of -iho v,-:>.-k. but :ny grandmother came up a few days ago to he:<p me. I o.ui milk. baniMB a ibarse, 'boko, aud d mwt all the Siousework. Sometimes 1 go to the IKUTTI and Mxl th-o co-ws. [ have baen sick for a lory; while with blood jxxteoflJnK <uid did not ffot hot- ter very quick and u;not po tn ."cb'jol for a -long tima. I w.:.s in iho sonicr thinl clase. EVA IX)Vi;. I>wr Kva: I am voi-y parry to *!3ow ;Jiat you havo bee<n ill and iwpe you will! srion be able to KO to MbDoI apatn. YOU must be vory iisofua and Jie>:;ifi!l ind(*Hl t-> iintf:ipr tf you cm do in>3Bt irf t!be lw)ii--<; w;>rk and <-(K>k. 1 am nodiOK you a bwlse at onco. and wis-ih you th* best of giuooees und gJd health. St. Peters. ('. H. l^nn Aunt. June: I was ltA>kin over the Hop's' ;und Olr;*' ix>riMT. I like to road your loiters vory mu<-h. I would illio to Join your 1 Ie-1'por.V IjrM5iK> of Sorvioo, and I nan enclos- ing a -tihroi-<.-n-t etninj) Car a bwl^o which 1 would lilco to receive. I -go to st-h<x)l every day, -miake my bod, li<-4p c,:<.in tho lamps and Or-lp waAh- inx ami iriining. I dross my gnu;i !- mother tjirttu <:ttt,n, as Qio has rheu- nwatism and <:a,nnot wai'k. CATt I.KHINB STKWAUT. D?ar f.'.tlioriiH-: I am very s.ud t<i wo>?ome you ir.'jt our Ix>34o:<'. Yir.i d:> quite n lot of helpful divds ouVdi> of you whool work. I wr.nder how yom Mkw ironing. I sliomhi tike U> hir tvomt thini; a-b'^iii tli..i p-laoe you live In, St. I'eters. Tho n -.nnu sounds am fflad y.ii'.r Krandnm ha.3 surfv a liu/pfu'j JittCo nleeo. i my letter in iwint. I will sign my 'JACK FROST." Hear Joclc tlrast: What a Miason- cb:e fc::U>w y.iu are! Yes, indeed, I hopo you wi.Jl come ag-aiin, even If it ji itppoas to bo sU'iumer tinif; you iK-.ip to ko?-p us coM. I am very gn<J you h-lp uuuiKT so mueh. 1 i.i!:'.k J a'.'i.i !:ave to lei t:ie other ilcp..'i~i iiiui ihe secret that J.!k Prost is r<Ml!y a little girl, because when you K.O! iibaut the hoTH.s ,uwl in'ipliig out of doors, soniy peotpln micrh! ill-ink Jack was a toy. 1 um my ,, ..-! ...ik.J to welcome yoju as a Tlverton. Dear Aunt June: Jowel was writ- ing ta jxru, so 1 thougillt 1 would too. 1 mil a t>jy of nine yoirs and I help w'ta Uio moras, the cattle and tho piffi and puti:.iing down hay i:ud atiuw from the mow; tihon I ( li.riau;; in wiKtd and Wd.ter for mamma. I have a pot dug. I cxll diim "Teddy." lly'll luuti the little K!ei-h far us juid we 'hi.w<* groat fun with I ducks and they are gre.-jt pot.s. I nr.n .'(>in^ to try raising a lot of duck,; next summer. M'amnm g:iva them to 'ilia thi-.i !'.:.;:, w> I ;uu lioping I'll have gcxxl hick with .liliem. CLAUKNVK T. II'UNTKR. l>:':ir I'la.-t rvco:-- Vou will b-J iiko i:i> nun i:i oiir H(!d:<; if you go in for Jturtplns d-i:-!k,-=. 1 Iwpe yjoi wil)l rx; ablo t\> Qiwve An jgjj for hr-uk^t Bveiry OMfBtaf, U>.'. SIMM! it in any &n.& you he it. I am very glad you '.ike p,th. 1 am pltxist'.l <to welcome y-u to our L.i.tgue of Heiupre. Priccvil'.p. Doar Aiuit Jun<>: I have bceai roa:l-' ing tUo Ivtitx-rst for liniK time and tiliougiht. I would like to get a fridge*. I think it is real nice to iliavo a ft-\v <-c)hinuifl in tho paiptir for the biys si.nd tflrls <to show owJi oit'hp.r (how tr> ii<>.li]) (ilwlir parcn't-s and frlraids. I vvini mention a few things 1 do to h-ei4>: I lie^ji to wwah and iron. I wawh and wlpa tlho dir'lu^s, make the beds, sweep tho floor. I 'have to po to &ohool. I am in Mio entrance class. JEAN CAMI"i:i:h[.. Dear ,Iivun:--i am vory gl.;d you lil;o our i-oriii'i 1 . You are a true Helper. I hopo yrai will be SIICCMS- fivl In pa.iHins yowc As-lie:i t.he timo comes, and t'.iait you wi 1 Ifko yuur badgu and wriar It tkftcn. NEW HKl.l'KU SHNDS A I'OHM. Drar Aunt ,I;ino:--I would Jika to j?et u 'bad^e and Kio'.iirht I v.'omkl write. I am 12 years old and In the, f.iurtli clw.f. I 4-..oi:i oat t!in ftmhloa and i.iiiiup u r am! do 'm.uiy oaher Chores. I also spCIJt the knullin;;. Willing you hu:k. PAUL ANDERSON'. Doar Pau'. : Thanik y>Mi for your gsood wi' sJi oil. 1 am Pending! you a l.uli;e.. 1 am always igOad to wtVicom.- 1/nys into tx^r corner, Perhaip^i you wli.i toiii iis nioiru a.ha-.iit your hi:u c./untry ni:xt ttino you write. ML Kgln. Hoar Aunt June: ^1 have bton reading y<,ur n:.i,-iH'r, which I enjoy v.>.i-y inuoh. I wiunt to Join your IJiys' and Girl' carnor. I hii>;p motJicr by washing dlsiie*, weoiin:g md many other little thing. Also I too'ii) out doors. 1 jusit love 'horsBs uid lave driving bli(;iu, wiluleh I do vory ofion. I have one horso wJiicti I oaill "MoJIy" and a a>w, "Ilabe." I Wiwld ilike to roceivo on-e of ynir b irtgcss. 1 just Jove snow, don't y^u, Auwtlio, for it always means lots of fni.n for Iho hoys aiiid gh-l. If I d-cnv't aoon run away, 1 w\Ml wear my weloom out. May I come again? Mope to receive my bi'feo, also eee Aunt Juae: I have been road- ins tho lottera writtwi to you. I luousht that. 1 v.'ould .like to have a Helpers' lunlgp, FO I t'h;>UHht thia>t I WouN tell you that 1 bave beou (\.-ryir.g wutur tor my mothej for ahcut a Hert'a u pii'cu which I thought up: "i.\ly mother used to say, That I phwu'.d liwlip 'her every day, Bait I did not thiri'k I should. Hut 1 am h:upiy because I would. I (had to 1iclp her every day, , a lie p my .father make the hay. Nexi I wt/uM do the chores, And clr.i<io my si&tor out 'twe doors. Thou my a; ;iCe.; I would have t.) Irnlf, To hear iu.,- li.t.o sister's li'Ugh. N\.\i, h'ii.-'il givu mo ih.UC her. candy, Aiud 'think flint I was d^.ndy.'' Alo 1 gu after milk evea-y day. EDK.M ROWNSOX. Dear Uden: I am glad to raid in yi.'Ur LiiMhi I,',IH tiliut you gave, little winter 11:1!! me a>pip!e aifler oiiasiijig her mil <'! dojr.s. Tho (\ha-siiig w.i meant to be in fun, 1 am sure, or did you on'.y iput it in to. iiuki; the verao ihymo. I 3;ope you wi.'l u.p s>ome morn ]>oony. 1 am glad you tin.l liaiJi)i.nesi.; In -helping mother. You s/auil iliavo u badtje. New L,i?koard. Dear Aunt June: I aau very much interested in ycur ctTnevr, 1 roaid K t very week, and I W<13 wishing I cau'.d join t'ua <x>rner. I 'hoi>o 1 will ba iacl'isded 1 tHie cornar. I wali dish- es, !ean the houise and atteml to the ehiokiiUjs i.somotlTnee. Mather was iiwiy and I attended to t2vo cnw, but tv;v\v I anu taking miisic iesaojis and 1 Qi-iven't time to do tlie oavtsdde work. 1 havo two sisto.i-s And one h-as a Sir! Ribout four years old and they wbiy with \is. We have another sis ter iin'.l ehe lias a little >baiby boy :i.lx>ut eveji wot^K old. ll/s first iwune ib Francis. I like the iiaime, don't your? I cannjt writs very go-ad or very good. Hoping the corner has every KUCCOSS. "fUDGIE." P. S. I am twelve years odd. I a3i in the fou-rtth hook. Dear Pudgie: I am dellgtoted to hoar from ytnu. Oertiinly you shall 'bo included in tiho Corner and havo a bodge. I like to h*ar a.bout 'Bhfi sisters and the work you do to help, area e&pecliiUy about the 'beWes. Ye, I do Mke the jianne of Praaois very rnucb. St. Francis, you -know, weia a very b?.uU'ful ohairacter.^a maji wlio loved little children and 1 blrdte and flowers; so your baby 'boy Is named after a very fine character. Somlfcimpton. Dear Aunt June: Mamma sfoowod me the letters to you in the ipapcT. and I think it ia great fun to read them. I would like to be a mem- iber too. I a.m seven yeswa old and go to school. Our teacher esves TIB a "siUir" each week for .being good, eo I iliave got one every week so tar. I put down feed for tlie cows and carry in wood for momma, and when she ia out milking I put the separator to- gether. KARL WM. NIOKASON. Dear Karl: I am gf.tad yim find in- terest in readtag our corner. How .proud you mnist u of getting a star ic!h week! If you wtll look out for tihe little pledge, you oaai send it in next dime it appears In the piper I hope you will continue to be a true Helper and will like your budge. Toronto Dear Aunt June: I 'have .been reading your Boys' and GMrts' cosy corner for Borne time and would like to become a member. I am eleven years old and in iflie senior third class at school. We have m-a.nua.1 training every Thursday and I have made a (fifing box, match scratcher, and 1 am startling a fih 'lino winder. We have a summer cottage on L/ite Ontario. 1 helip any mother and gnammia with tttie garden. I wash tlie difslies and look after my sifter Mary, and sometimes run errands af- ter school. JOHN W. B. MADDOOKS. Dear JcJin: You share wi:;li me the pleasure of living in thw dear old city of Toronto. I wonder If you go to Brown Fctoool, as you seem to 'live in that district. 1 should like to see the things >thut you have nude. I think one of the Oiliest things tor a bey Is to be able to make useful tliiag.-5 uch a you doscrtbe. I oaji imagine 'how you would enjoy t'ho ^ummer c<j;tage. You are a true Helper, judfrtne 1>>- the deeds you m.eintion. I am sending you a badge. Who knows, iperhaps one day 1 Shall meet you when you are weariag it. and thon we sliall 'be able to know each other right away. I have heaps and heaps iri^-re let- ters that will all be answered in their tiinu. Yours lovingly, AUNT JUNE. Dox 516, SlatUin F, Toronto. GROCERS TAKING LESS PROFIT ON MANY LINES RED ROSE TEA PEOPLE MAKE A FURTHER STATEMENT. Some of our friends among tie grocers, 'in speaking of our letter to the press on grocers' 'profits, have indicated that apparently it has been construed by some readers to mean that Hed Rose Tea was the only cr- ticle on wtiioli tlie grocer ta-kes a aJler profit, in order to give his customers a'higher quality. It was not our inten<tiou to convey such an impression, as we know that most grocers sell well known brands of other K(Kids at less -profit than they could make on some brands iqually \ve'l known, and for the same reason that diey recommend K;'d so Tea because it naturally came first to our mind and because, we knew that grocers worn selling it at i lesa profit than they make on other :as. T. II. Eastxbrooks., Limited, Toronto, Out. Mr. Herbert Osborn Tells How Ctiticura Healed Ms Wife " My wife begcn to be troubled with ilchiag and burning cf the palms of her hands end the soles of her feet. Later the skin cracked ar.d became in- flamed, making walking or ven etandir.g very pain- ful znd preventing sleep at night. Later it became nec- essary to bindajje both har'ds and feet. "She was treated but obtained no relief. She saw en advertisement for Cuticura Socp end Ointment and sent for a free sample. She bought more and after using two cakes of Cuticura Soap and two boxes of Cuticura Oir.trr.ent she was hea'^d." (Signed) Herbert Ost>orn,\135 Eherb:ooke Ave., Ottawa, O:.t., Sept. 2, 1919. CuUcura is ideal for eviry-day toi- lat uses. Soap to cleanse sr. J purify, Ointment to soothe and he&l. Soap 25' , Ointment 25 and 50c. Sold throughout theDominion. CanadianDepot: l.viuini;. Limited, St. Paul St.. Montreal. * ticur* Soapshavca without mug. CANNOI EVADE TRANFER TAX PROVISION TO BE MADE TO SECURE ACTUAL WORTH. OF PROPERTY. If there are any "astu'te" Individ- uai'.s who have already figured that Hon. Peter Smith's two mill on the doMar property transfer tax can be circumvented by the simple exped- ient of selling a property for "on* dollar" or some other sum much be- low its real value, they are due to be disappointed. "That mojj-er will ba 'taken care of in the legislation to be brought down,'' stated the Treasurer. "If the actual salo price is not set out in the papers, then the parties may be required to give an affidavit as to- the value. Provision will be made for valuing properties SK> ihat wJiere any question arises we can giet an Wea of what property is actually worth." AIM TO REORGANIZE PROVINCIAL POLICE i NEW LEGISLATION GIVES GOV- ERNMENT AUTHORITY TO APPOINT COMMISSIONER. The Ancients At Dinner. T.ho ancient Greeks and Romans i:d not sit up at tho table as we do. !>ut declined round it on couolies, three and sometimes even four occu- pying one coucfh, at least this latter ivas the cust'oru among the Romans. iCaili gu?st lay flat upon his chest while eating, reaching out ihia hnd from time to time to the table for what ho might require. As soon us 10 had made a sufficient meal be turned over upon his left side, leaning ip(\n the elbow. Legislation giving the Government inority to aa>pu:nt a Commissioner jf Provincial Police char.?d wHh the ;enrsil admlnistxation of the law in he province was introduced yester- day by Hon. W. E. Riney. The h!K h:us been mooted fcr s-om? time ajid is gecptrally regarded, as a first step ti> superseding SufiMiIntMident. J. B. Rogers as the titular head of* the police, though the new office, of course, wou'.d embrae? a much !arg" Jurisdiction than that cf the present superintendemt. The bill, aiso gives authority for the extern/km of the pro- viiK-ial poiico systsm by prodiiving for the 'api>oin':meat of a chief couiaty of- ficer womld have jurisdiction over all county constables and other police .officws except in urban centres with rapulao-ly organized police forces. Sores Flee Before It. There are nany who have benn afflicted with sores and have driven them away l>r. Thomas' JOclectric Oil. All similarly trcublc;! slviuld Icsc no -time i. applying this splendid remedy, as hero is nothtoi; like it to be hud. U s che:i,p, but its power is in no way ixpresaod by its low price. "Rheumatism Routers" relieve Rheumatics. Tho timber cut last year in Narth- >rn Manitoba ha,d a value of $534,W); ho lakes yielded fish to the value of iliiS.-OOO, anth furs were taken to the of $1,867,000. Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia Since tha discovery cf sUver in the 'tbalt Country, the mines there have proclucad silver to tho value of $181,- A Corrector of Pulmonary Troubles. Many testimonials could, bo ,pre- onted shoiVlnK tho groat efficacy of Dr. Tliomus' Bcl-eotrie Oil ia curing disorders of the respiratory process- es, bui the beat tesitlmonial is ex- >crience and the Oil is recommended to all who suffevr from theae dlsordora with the certainty that they will fhid relief. It will allay Inflammation la the bronchial tubes. PER CENT. ON BUSINESS VVH'Kam J. Eynon. prp-sidemt of the United Tj-pothetae of America, ad- dressed members of the Toronto branch of the Typotheta* in connec- tion with th holding of tihe annual meeting next October of tho United Typothotae of America, said i-f, the members of the association were able to make 20 ,por cvnt. on 'their priut- iiv? -business it was about a'J they had a rlgilit to expect. He tated, however, that, even if the ro:ume of business dCTMsed, the printing firms should make 23 per eer>' IS YOUR STO-MAOH SOUR? DO YOU BELOH GAS? If you have sour risings from the Stomach, feel bloated and uncam- f,.rtabie, just try twenty da-opa of Nervilina in swo?itened watw. He- liff will come quick, Nerviliue dls- IK-ls the g-as, swec'icas t!io s.o-ms.'Ch. makes you fit c:nd fine in a few min- utes. As a gew>; :.;! household rem- ody for many of the ills that constant- ly tuirn u-p, nothing is more useful in every home- than a -;:5 ccn-t -bottle of good old "Nerviline." The nickel md copper mvn,os of the Sudbury district have yielded m-etaV to tha vaiuc of ?2DO,000,WO. ta 1!)18 the production hod a value of {S7,- 0(M),(M)0. Ninhl Md _ , . Smart or Buni. it Sore, Irritated, Inflamoii or Granulated,uac Marine

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