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Flesherton Advance, 10 Mar 1921, p. 1

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Vd 41, No. 39 Rlesherton, Ont., March LO 1921 FEVERSHAM < Mild weather has ugain up >iled the sleighing md car! ar now lunriag. Mr and Mrs .las Henderson, Meaford, visited with the former'* sister in law, Mrs Ruht Handuriii>n, here, last week. Mr and Mrs Harold Osliorne spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Ed Croft at Harry Thornbury has purchaaad the Conn Bru's. ifawge and will ttka posies aion soon. A few of our young people sppnc a pleasant evening at Mrlrwm Morrison's last week.. The largs frma barn belonging to Mr Samuel Galloway was burned to the around on Friday morning last at a boat, 10 o'clock. A grain aspar*tor belonging to Dave Ruterls, ili.i. was stored in i h barn, i - also burued. Tha cause of the fire H unkiiewa. Mr Buff Udell is moving from the Whiteoak farm OB the gravel road to the farm he bought from John Earla on the 10th line. Mr John !;.' has moved to Glen Huron. Fires in Dundalk Ftra destroyed the new woollen mil's in Dundalk ou Friday morning. It was about four u'l-lock when the blaze was irat noticed by resident! in that locality and it was too far advintvd to check withthn meagre tire ri^hiui' apparatus af thuvillane. The tire appears tu have tar ted in the boiler room t the back anJ Mr. Heimbecker, the owner. .<v . khat ha in unable to account at all for tho onum of it. The buil-lmg was a sn!i>l brick structure erected just last . . n replacing- the premises burned about a year aro. Thu new building was larger than the old une and much more valuable, with a good equipment of j machinery all sonnected up with the hydro power and light. Tho village was interested direct- ly m the industry, having carried a bylaw la.t year after t he binning of tha old mill granting a loan of $10, 000 to assist Mr. Haimbecker in rebuilding. Tha loan is on i first morlgags oa the properly and covared by insurance The linn have some other insurance but we are uol informed of the amount. Thoy have no plans as to thu future as yet but they axpress a doubt as to rebuilding. The closing of the businesa wou'd be a distinct loss to the village. Fire starting from an unknown came oa Sunday night about eleven o'clock destroyed a framt stable i tutted on a lane at the rear of the uld livery barn and adjoining tha brick stribM of th* Grand Central !!.,( i. Fortutiately it wan aver) film ui^lit. and i lie lire lighter* were abl to confine the blaze to ihe-mia building. 1' was a part of the livery property and owned by Win. Sprott the drover. There was uo iD.surauce ou the building Herald. PROTON Last Week's Items Mr and Mrs John McKeo of Oran- villa visited at the homo nf tluqh Cope- land. MUs K,itie McCannell of Listuwel viaited with her cousin, Miss Flossie McCannl.~ Were sorry to report Clarence Brooks ill with pneumonia. Mrs Heuselwood, Corbetton, was the guest of her uncle, Geo Blakely. Jack N riilscn and Gordon Wauchopa speut th* wk end wilhUeo Hargrave, MarkdaU- Mrs Copclsnd with her dau^htei-in- law, Mr* ,'ai Copaland, of Dundalk, viaited the former's ton, H Copeland. Mr Pander, Weyburo, Saak., wm tha Kueit of Mr Chaa Lyons. Our senior boys viaited tho Dundalk boys on Thureday eveninff and wera defeated in ft me of hookey, the acora being ii 9. Nevermind, boys, better snoceu tiext tima, Farm For Sale PRICEVILLE The entrance of March w is lamb like. The roads are bare, with patches of ice and many people waiting for snow in order to Ret their buh and other leamiiii; finished. D McLichlun has been busy with gas engine and saw cutting wood in town and oountry around. A. couple of wetks so two of our y.iunu men, .^Ictfir.s James and Win, purchased a dray business in Tilbury, Out., fcad on the eve of their departure for that town, a laryo number of pi" iplii met at the hm of A D McLeod and preosoted th "boys" with a purs* and an address. It is the wish of the community that the young men will be successful in their new venture. Metsra H McLean and G Robinson bava been excavating a cellar OTt-the former Baptist church lot, for Mr Jones' rosidence. D McDonald, west of town, who was operated upon some tune ago in Owen Sound for catarac's on the nye, is at l.'-i-r suffering temporary hlindnbsa at present aud must undergo another oper- ation in the near future. Miss Bertha Fletcher, teacher, well known in Uiia vicinity who has been for some time on lhe occasional -nil in Toronto, him recently been p'ced on the permanent staff and given a position in Lancdowne Public School, Toion'o. .1 In MrRae, bUcksmith, hud a evrf> v ..-, of illness Ust week, but Dr Me Farlane succdeiled in removing thn ailmenr before the end of the week. Mrs L McArthur, ea->t of town, was seriouily ill over thu week end and the Doc-tin- in attendant- least twice daily Mrs S McLean, Kinro'-s atreet, was undiT tho Doctor's care for two or three dajs list week, hut is considerably improved. Alex McLean, retumed toldier at Christie street hospital, Toronto, came up Saturday evening I i.-t no a two weeks' leave, to visit his mother and other friends. The heavy ra-u during Saturday niuhs le.t the ruads in poor condition for people to drive to church on Sunday morning. S.icramental service* were held in tha Presbyterian church Sundy uiorniiig, also preparatory services ou Friday i>f last week. Diamond Wedding Sixiy years .'ig<> l"d;iy, (5Tebru'ry 28, 1921.) Mr. and iMrs. Johu Hill were in 1:1 icil at the h in,, uf ihe bride's sist-.-r, Mrs. Win. 11 inliun. near Cornnlius, (uow M*rkda!e.) by the Rev. Mr. John- ston, Anulic'in Miuia't-r. Mr. Hill was bom in Enuliiud in the year ISI i, and cum,' to this country with his parents when but a child of eight years, he being one of a family of eight. Ou February 28'h, 1861, hrt man iod Miss Mary Cope- land, of Crosby, Leeds Couniy, There was born to them nine children, of which tivo are living, four having dud in child- hnd. There are also fourteen urand- children and four meat grandchildren. A recepti HI wiui hold >b their bom whrre a fowl dmuT >vs served and a very p'easant aflernonn was spent in inn-!. ..M i games. A very pnjnyable feature was a tep dance by litt.le four year old Milfoid C. Piper, great i(raud*ou of Mr. end Mrs. Hill, Lot 152, 2nd nne Et, T. A S. R. Arteifleain, containing 100 acres ; i(ood buildings aod well watered ; stone found- ation under good barn, with nilo ; small orchard. This ia n good farm li miles from Klenheiton, aud a harKnin for nome body for i|uick sale. Possescion niven fimt of March. Apply to John Beecroft, Itti, 2nd \ve , East. Owen Sound, or John Pedlar, Kleihrton. Of Interest to Farmers F. T. Hill* Co., Limited, are in thu markut fur a ipantit.y of spring and wintorwheat for their mill for present delivery. If you hv any to sell call phone 7, M&rkdnle Ja20tf Auction Sale The undersigned auctioneer has beau instructed to sell by public auction k McLachlan's Hotel, Ceylon on Saturday, March 1 2 A carload of choioa Durham Cows fresh calved and Springers. All young cattle. CEYLON Mrs John Irwin, who has been visiting her siater, Mrs J Lyncss, the past three months, left Friday for Ler home in Rtgina. Mr Norman Archibald spent the vreek end with Toronto friend*. Mr and MM. John Oliver are vuuing with Toronto friends. Mr and Mrs Duncan Sinclair of Toron- to culled on friends here recently. Mrs Tlios O.k -f M-trkddle visited at R Cook's here i is- week. Mis Geo Mitchell of Toronto spent the week end with friends here. Mrs F G Collineon mid 2 children returned ln>me Monday from a two weeks' visit with friends at Toronto, London and other points. EAST MOUNTAIN Last Week's Items What i mild wiiuer we have had ! March eu'ered as a lamb, will it exit as a lion ( Mina Ke'tie M.irtin of Owen Sound and Mr X t'.isweil ol Fleshrrton visited at C Martin's recently. Little Vera Genoe, intunt daughter of Mr and Mrs Lewis Ueuoe, has or M seriously ill, and we u u pleased to hcnr slid in getting quite null n^i:n. Mr Ciirl Hum'ierstone purchased about a dozen head of citilu at the Bin rut sale Harbottle Brm. shipped i lulf dozun head nf lino iMtiX- this week. Mr and Mrs Wm Humlieist >r.e visited recently with their daughtra. Mrs P Somers, iieur Ktv. This Week'* Itetux Mrs David (leiioe 1ms returned home after a *eek's visit with friends in Toronto. Mise G.adys Lever of Fle^hurton span* the past week with her sister, Mrs Chas Martiu. We henr that Mr Welsh h n purchased the Martin farm for Ins HOD. Mr Sil is Mr< 'ati'luiul h i* bt>n huldini; prayer meetings at several of the h<>ines jn thin vicinity. We wish him success in his good work. Sala at 1 o'clock Sharp TKUMS Any time up ta 10 mouths with 7% mtei et. WM. SPROTT, Praprietor. . MaPHAIL. Auolioneer. PORT LAW Mis John Winters han been <|uite ill lately hut i* appaicntly somewhat im proved. MUs Locuhart ave a very interesting report in Mount /ion Church on Sunday of the recent Alliancn Convention held in Toronto. BI>V Frod Sorey, Missionary nf S.iuth America, is exoected to take clnrvge of the service nex' Sunday. Mr and Mrs. I H Watson visitod foi some days lately with n<ptnber of their fami'y in Toronto. Mi*a Nesbitr, risitfd at her homo in Caledcin recently. Misn L'7.zie Thompson is vtsiting with her aunt, Mrs Harxrave, near Oranqe Valley.. Mr nd Mr* F H Thompson moved last w*ek to their new lnona in Chesley. Mriind Mrs Thomas Blick and family have taken possession of the faun bought from Mr Thoinj son. Mr Walter Croft, and wife h IVP re- moved to thoir firtii lately bou(jhr fr.-m Mr Cornell, while thu Inter is retirini; and moving to Dumlalk. ROCK MILLS Mr and Mis Robt Cruft attrndtdthe Williams-Howard wedding last Wed, Misses Annie and EJith Belts sra visiting this week with friends at Alliston and Slielburne. Miss Cameron visitrd with her friend, M.'.ss Alice Mclntyra. Mr Cecil Meldrum lO'tdj a business trip to Toronto. Mrs Sirr, of Durham, visited recently with her diunhie-, Mrs Ricnard Hoy. Mr and Mrs Will Margrave, of Ware- hiim, visited recently with thu former Brother, John Hargrave. Mr \Ves Stoddart vUitcd a d.iy the past week with irs sinter, Mrs Herb Belts. Mrs Elwooii P.irtridge in upending few day a with her p:iiui-ts m Toruutn. Mr and Mrs U Mcln'.yro. of Tryon, visited wiih relatives here one day thu past week. Mrs Joseph Croft visited with her d.tnuhter, Mrs G Warlmg. Mtrall BettH visited on-r tiiu weak md at the parental home licra. Williams Howard A quiet wedding tonk place at the M .11- , M .1 , ; . '. on Match 'Jnd, when Mr. Albert F. WiUininx of Eii^eum WAV united in :n UTI.IL"- to Mi.-i Julm Isabe<le Hjwarrf, 12th Lini, Arrenicnia. Mr. Charles Howard, brother uf I'M bride, acted as bt>st man, while MIFN Lena -in,i_ us bridesmaid. The bride was prettily dressed in white crop.- de chene. trimmed with silk nielul Ucr. After the ceremony the young couple returned loth* bride's home where a reception was held. Tile groom's gift to thu bride was a silver tea set, to the bridomiiai-1 a gold brooch ;ind to the yroomnnan a ti pin. The jmini; cuple will rjxida on the gloom's fnrm at Eugani*. Victoria Corners Born I'll March Till, to Air and Mis Mi't.-n Bituuon, a daughter. '*>ur burg shocked when we awakened on Saturday morning ' Inirn that Mrs George Ludlow had MiHV-red a paralit c s'roku during the ni^br aud WHH at clealh'ii door, She passed away at !).30 that evening just before hvr sister, Mrs Hicks, and Mr anil Mrs Mr! 'lure of Toronto arrived. The fuuotal i'k place on Tuesday to Klesheitou cemeiery. BHwUttillia Lock hart retuined home on Ki in iy after a cuuplt- of weli 4|'ent tuodin^ the TempRritnce tVnvuntion MI Toroiitu aud visiting friend*. Sealed Tenders The iii'Jersiuned will reieivr ^ tendeiH for opisraiinij fthe swi'cli liuhnl, fiirnishinijj f roitin, liyhr. heaT, 't-'"., for the Ospify Telfi'h ne iSystwiu at Krver- nh-ini. Kurm if avri'cint'nt nmy bi> M*en at the clfice "f the Secieiniy at ny tlin^. All ti'iiiiers to bo in tbo hands uf the. Seere'ary by 12 "'clock, noon, i>" Stur- day. March !'.. I'J-'l. The 1" ..... I or any tender not necessarily accepter! . TUOS. W. CON RON. Sec. BMX 27. Fevers'.i in-, Out. Notice toCreditors NOTICE -OF- Registration of Bylaw Notice is hereby niven Ihu a Bylnw was passed by the Miiuic-pal Council of the Township of C'spiey on the 14 h day of February, 1H21. providing for the issii.' of ili'i't nt ui'f to the amount of 8480.00 for the purpose of extending the Local Municipal TalBphone System in the Township of Osprey, and thut such Bylaw was regmteieil in the Registry Ottice of South Grey b Durham in the County of Grey, OD the sixteenth .1 iy of February, 1921. Any motion to quash or set, aside the saino or any part thereof must he made within throe months after the Brst publication of this notice and cannot bo made thereafter. Dated thia 22nd day of February, 192t. H. W. KE1JNAHAN, CU*k- In til.- matter of the vM.t *>f William Parks, Into of the Township of Proton in the I'liunty of Grey, Panm r > <taMMad Notice is hereby tfiven, piirsunnt. to "The Trustee Act" and am iidnients thnelo that all creditors ami other* havinn claiiim against too entmt- of the mid Willinm Parks, who died en or about the I4ih diiy cf October, A D. 1S)20, are required on or define the ; !0th Uay of March, A D. 1921, to send by post prepaid IT deliver to Messrs. \Vrmhi" Telfonl A Birnie. of the City -if Owen Sound, solicitors for the Executes of the Innt Will mill TeHtami'iit of tli iwid deceased, their Christian 'and Surname*, addresses aud descriptions, the full particular* of Vheir clnims, the sratLMiient of thair accouuts, and the nature of the securities, it any, held by tlu-m. And further take notice that after such last mentioned dat the said Extcutors will pioceed to distribute thu tuwets of the deceased among I he parties entitled thereto, having renard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and that the said Executon will not be liable for the s.iid assetx or auv part thereof to :>oy person or persons of whose claim notice shnll not have beeo received by them at the time of such distribution. Dated this 24 h day of February. A. D. 1921. -WRIGHT. TELFORD& BIRNIE. Solicitors for the Executors. JUST ARRIVED Bates BurialCo. ;BUSISESS AS USUAL Big Ben Alarm Clocks Funeral Directors and ' Embalmer* At last we have received Phone milcrest 268 a supply of these well- 124 Avenue Road, known alarms. Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT Uet yours now while they j w Bates> R Maddocks> last. President. Manager PRICE $6.00 , ISSUER CF MARRIAGE LICENSES Yorkshires, Tamworths Young Stock For Sale W. A. ARtWSTRONG For Brdin g Purpo... Jeweler, FLESHERTON Phone or write GEO. W. KOS ONT. OspreyTcl. system Maxwell P. O Hou*e of Quality We wish to ar.nounce to the public that we have taken over the Grocery, Flour & Feed and Seed brsiness of J. R. Pattison & Son and are prepared to supply the public with the highest grade of groceries, flour and feed, garden and field seeds. Come in and let us demonstrate to you that we carry nothing but the best in these lines. W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flcshcrton, - Ontario Millinery iTr^l Mrs. Wright attended the Spring Openings last week and selected a stock of the most up-to-date Hats shown in Paris, London, New York and Gains- borough Patrons. We have them on the tables for inspection and we respectfully invite you to call and see our display. We have Hats at all Prices W. L. WRIGHT, Corner Store, Flesherton : ^^ WASTER TERM OPENS MARCH 39 Build for Success by attending Youge and Chwles Streets, Toronto This School enjoys a great reputation for superior work and for placing graduates <|in.-kiy in good positions. Open all year. Enter any time. Circulars free. ( \V. J. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL Flesheirton Tonsoriaf Parlors We Aim to Glva Bntlro Satisfnetioft LAUNDRY Basket clrnes MMdy ni^ht, delivery Fmmy ev CLEANING d DYKING- vy e m- | agents for Phrkw's Dye Worts- Clothe ! cloaned aud dyed. feaFhenii rejuvenated T FISHER -PROPRIETOR

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