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Flesherton Advance, 24 Feb 1921, p. 6

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Into a Crockery Teapot Put a teaspoonful of the genuine for every TWO cups. Pour on freshly BOILING water and let it stand for five minutes. THE RESULT will be the most perfect flavoured tea you ever taste-1. ST.* OUR BOYS' AND GIRLS' CORNER By Aunt June k> tte Ccrjnttbt A* UCD1CATKU TO KVEXir OT AND ClU. W r- Dtindalk, Ont. Hear Aunt June: 1 have been read- ing >*>ur Bojrw' 'and Girts" page and 1 would *ilee very much to Join your Helpers*' league of Service. There are a treat i:.-*ny things I do to dry and help <tur King and Country. \vOiW;!i everybody should do. Some of the things I do ar to hetp mother with her work, s-i-h as bake, milk the cows, carry in water and wood, ge< the meals, look attmr the fowl and whi-u I bare gat all the wi; down, I crochet. I am fourteen yea/as of ace and womld Mke very much tx> re- ceive a badg . ANNIE ABBOTT. Dear Annie: Yea are one of tlve flrt hetporH for a long time who has ued the expression "to help our King and Country." I am glad you loak upon liolp in this way, that is iT-nii the view of he'.pine your coun- try. I mn ffted you like to do crodlwri work. You must have a very hapTT busy life wiUi all the many other things you do. I hope you \riil wear your badg*. R, H. No. 2. Lanark, Ont. Dear Aunt June: I have boon read- 1% the boys' and girls' letters for Borne time and thought I should like to be a Helper. \Ve are having a lovely wintor for sleigh-riding and go- ing to ooncertss here. 1 live a mile from M'iddlevnCe, which, is a small vllli^je. I go to school. 1 am Jn flic Henior tlilrd e-l>i and eleven years o'Jd. My teacher te Miss Craig. I like her fine. For pets I havo a black and white pup which will do some *r*ck, a bta<-k and white kitten and a black Iwrse caffled Roy. Ho 1 very qutet. I have two brothers but no alster* i holp my mother to do the work, wtwh the dfehes, ewecp the ftoor brine wood and wader, milk, rf neoeMM-r. aad other thin*n. I don't tree yow teda puMIA-'iJ liil- week go I oan't tflgra it. 1 wowld Wko to BCtt a badre. I will close, wlihtos your i*it-b uooe*. CARRIE. Dear Carrie: -I am anJoyinK the winter with plenty of <aeflgJi-rhl!jig. 1 see J'0it lw h^' 8 a <Jher wh<i you liko at school. That te p!endld. You seem to lovo the dolors of blacl: and vtoie in your pet*. I wrntM Mko to so e the kit- ten nn<J the horse. I am glad Indeed to welcome you u a. truo Helper anil to oend r " a badge. IMimphroy, O:rt. Do* Aunt June: I live on a farm. I do tho o1i(*res. 1 milk ono cow, feed tho pigs and lions tin :l tlieep. KBl hi tho wood and <vlar. 1 rik-ed atl the hoy Vast Xir of three farms mid drr-y in hay and oat*. 1 an cloven rears old and I am In t'no third bo-uk. awi 1 do home work at nlirhit. I clf.m <wt tho s/tab'.t-s. I wish to co- ceiv yotw badge. I think 1 will r'oso for thta time. Prom your friend, HICHAltD CHONIX. Pair lllohird: I am very Klad to wolronin another b:>y to our league of Hcfpors. You aro quite a fanuor JiK*g-!n:< l)y tho nuuiJjer of duties you Uftdertake. 1 am sure >MU have earn- ed a Holyrod, Ont. Aunt June:- I wish to join your Olnb *vd 1 havo signed Ue |))(MtR^- I :U11 "' ; '" enclosing a tamp <or my baUK* which I tiojm I may rn- celve soon. I am ten yeirs of ago and 1 attnd a country school. I am in Uve *nlor coand rlas. Aft<*r 1 w>no from ttcho:)': In the eyenlivsa 1 lioli) no' nwithnr ill I <xn. I will WTit- ::ic' give you a more def- inite de*criptloB i>f my daHy work. I will now o>ce, hoping to fieo my Int- tij- in print and ai'^ \\Uhlnfi your Club < . i . fucx;e5. I'ICiiGY. Dear Pty: I shnll jook <nvt f:>r your loiters with inn ucwnmt nf your daily work. I hope yf-n will tell nu stoat, your Kchool. I a:u THIS LOVELY WHITE BRUSH AND COMB fREE TO GIRLS Jlore Is jwt what every girl wants. 'ji Bind, ua your name and address and f* w wM snnd y<ni Three 1 Mlare worth at k>aly S4. Ptrick and Batr to ell at ten oemU a pack- (4 tordly card* fa Moh paekafff). they are MM lead UB our w wUI *end ym 4M love- wM OMMl Brush and Comb. We PLEDGE FOR HELPERS. "Do a little kindness to someone every day, Scdftter rays of snnsliine ell along the way." I pJodge myself in the service of my Klag and Country to do my best in ray da-tly work, whejiever It may be, to help others whenever possible, and to endeavor ba every way to ntake myself a good citizen. Name . Age Address Date very pleased to welcome you into our lyeogue of Helpers und hop'- you will Jike your badge. Cc-ylon. Ont. Dear Afnt June: 1 would llko to join your lx.iue. Please send me a budgo. 1 am eleven years eld and go to pcVool eve-ry day, ajid when I come home at nltfht 1 get In Uie wood and water aad I sometimes wash tho ditlie.s, and sweep the floors for mother and mind the baby. 1 have three brothers and two sisters. My baby sister Is two years old. I hope I get in/ budge. 1 must close now. J1MMIK L.AUGHUN'. Dear Jlnuule: Wnat a useful boy you ure to bo able to wesli dishw for mother and look after baby sister) You did not tell me vary mut.h ubout her. 1 wonder if sho js dark or fair. 1 a*n Hiiro .- In- would love her big brother. There muet bo a lot of helping to do in your hotine with four boys ami two glris, bin It Is vi^ry love- ly to be one of a bl family. Isn't it, Jimmy? 1 hopo >x>u will wear your badRu to bhow that you are a true MtJtper. HOMBH-WAflRKN CO., 111, Toronto. g, Ont. Dear A-iint June: 1 would 'like to Join your league. Please solid me a badge. 1 am ten - .u^ old and am in til" iiinr tle'.r.i -!ji .-t I HkH our tuoolieT. Her numo Is Miss Dough- erty. For pets I have a dog. I can drivn Ivbn annuvd. I havo thre? big catM nnd n wco kitten. It will pl.iy witli a string. Ono of tho old cts wplghs twelve poundn. I am send- ing a UireA-cent ntunp for my badgf. I witsh (HshoH and sweep tho floors and otlK-r IKMISB work. I linve two slstam oldw than myself and one brother you&s-T. ISAniSI. COW1K. Dear Iittbel: What R scrappy little plcco t.T news you Rave n;o about your do#. Is hi- a b'g dog, i.< ha a (rrlcr <>r hi ami, mil wh it docs ho 5o:ik Ilk.-? I wonJcr If ht c-'.\ do my IrU'ks. I ulw.iya 1'ko to liear avct lifts and would llki* ID f<i?. the \wo kitten. 1 -am so glad you Ilk'- yixir toucher. S<'hool Is &.> nnu-li it:K])pi( r wlion tho toache.r is a 9W>d friend with tho vupl'.v 1'i-r- lini>s you will tell mo tiion* .'ilwut your s<iiool one day. T liopc you wi>l lik ymir budge. Ijonc'on, Jet., Ont. Doar Amit June: I, llk.-f others, wish to join the Club. I go to Hi-Jroril every day as my p.uvut* wi^h nie to Bvt a K(x>d educatldji. \Vhon I caina hoinn fri:n school I (-ut wvxod and fcoiiKitlincs carry water for my mother. Owing Inst suiwuer \\tf.\- d.vys 1 plowed two flolds of about five ncrcs o:w;li. I lisvn two broth- orrt mid two sisters. I do n:>t know l*nw iniu-h in Mt'.imp^ to scud ^ 1 will t-cnd fo'ir c -:ns \v irtll. I titypo ti> ro- cAvc my budge tafely. 11AI.PH CUKFOH1V Dtur ll.t'p'i You will seo you havr arrived in Hi..' vory Kf">fl romp.uiy of i .,!,. or.lior IMJ:-. A.s I h.ivo said be- furr, I am a!wiy gl-ul t> wclcamo 1> i.vs /!ito our p^jji'. Plowing two T:\ .fio'.'lu re: tulnly .'<>:i:uis UK 1 export you liko this work very niudi. Motu boys I have mot 0:1 f.irnis love lo plow. Toll mo about your brother:! and nlstors souio day \viieu you write. 1 woald Mko to know If they uro Heliiers. too. Any boy who helps hia mothor deserves a Ho'. purs' bailRe. Of course, every real b>y nhould h"lp hfs mother whotliftr ho has a <bad?o or not, but I wnnt to gii-vo u badge to overy boy In ('annda who tells ma he duos lii. 1 ' best for UI/OHO at homo. R. R. No. S, Caistof C'outre. Out. Dear Aunt June: I am going to oall you Auirty hist for fun. 1 cn:i tiHVit everybody Aunty. I am thir- teen yearn old and am g:>iaft to try my entrance exam, la cummer li.i'.i- ft:ivs. I can do mont v-ryi.liii.K on tlw farm but plow. I hve a Jlroncho pony wtiUdi I ride. I think a Tovt deft) of H. Ifere's hoiln I may re celv my badge. BUWARD MoDONNBLL. Dear Bdward: I hve been Aunty to 00 nwoy hundreda of boy a and BJrki through ihn t<eagUe of Hiprs fittrt. I am very ptoMOrt (o have yet another one call me Aunty. I have OW the north wind does blow! I think it will snow, O Drifting deep over hillside and dale; Tomorrow with Dan, I'll build a snow man. So what do I care for the gale? 5ind Din nd \\wtt othe' boys. L'pper side down, on coat ;uppCTsid oown. on toal; upper -u 1 ; down, in sky. upper side down, in skv. re.i.Hy, truly nephews and nieces c-f my own and the youngest one is only two j-ears old. The oldest one is just nine months younger than Aunt June. Now, don't you riiink that it is very funny for on Aunt to have a neph?w almost her own ase. There, 1 have given you some news about myeelf. Your letter reads as Uwjugli you are a very useful boy about the farm. 1 wou!d like to see your Broncho pony. I am sure you must love him. Wouldn't It be sp.en- c!id if every boy could tiave ji pony 10 ride. You are very fortunate to have such a pet. Out. pleasetl t') we'come >t>u Into our League of Helpers. A little girl who helpj inoiher all K!IO can must be a member of Our Helpers' I^eaprue and woar the bidge. If you will write nw another letter, tell me of the things you do at home, and enclose tliree- cents to ]K>st your badge. I wi'4 send It to >-\>u by return. Deur Aunt June: I wls'.i to your League, of Helpers with the i other boys and filrU. 1 go to school j every day. When I oome homo I ' help got t'Jie suppor, mid nftw snip- ir I help wash tho dishes, sweep the floor, and put the HMo to l/.-d. 1 isometiiues hwlp to milk, but when i> :i' : in at home he ml.ks In my -< ui. .u. 't I lie'.-p ii.:i,ii . and Amy in ilr- h<u.-:. I am going to tell you about our school. The trustees got new *vts and new blackboard. They also painted thn walls, celling, wolne- ((xtting. etc. Our teacher's nonie is M's Clements. I am eleven yews 1 end am in <he junior fourth class. I -liave two-and-a-half miles to go to 5c*iool. I'taasH find enclosed a -three- cent stamp for a bodge. Hoping to sea my letter in print. 1 will close. M. JDAN MoKEXZlE. Dear Jean: You ore a true Helper by all your deeds of kindness. I al- ways love to hear from boys cr girls who hel]) their little brothers and +ters. How very Interesting for' you to Giavo th, 1 school done up! You I must bo proud of the clean walil* and ' new fie.UH. It is just like golnff to | an entirely new school. I wish you evry success with your lessons and your s.rvlop. You shall have a ' Otter Liko. Que. Dear Aunt Juno: I am a little girl aino years ofd. I would l.ikA to Join your Club. ' I gj to school! every d ly. I sit wiDli my eoii.-in in scJiool. \Vo aro l);>tli in th-o flftJi grade. I help my mo th.v all I ran. I hiv.i four f'stPM nnd ono brother. My brother ls> flvo years olil. His Is Ceorgo. Would you please tell me what. I have to do to get n bulge? I will elr>sio wislvlns Aunt Juii,> and all tho members a huppy New Year. ANNIK MAY MOORB. Dear Annie: I sh:ii!l bo very Wye vale, Ont. Dear Aunt Juno: As I saw my letter in the paper and saw wha: cythcr boys and girls told of ti:eir pets and what they are doing, I .MII going to do the some. I liuve a lov.'Iy big black ca>t, and toe is so fat ar, .1 i\vays MO shiny, 1 call him "Harkey." I w.i.h the dl*es nearly always nnd sometimes 1 mE-k scraie of thj cows. I lr.ive four sisters and one brother. 1 urn the baby of the funl'y. I wl'J close now. I ajn your every day frl?nd, llcofus. V. S. I am sending a ve* for your nice little corner: Seven HWlo lingers ahonping up e ticks, One chopped himself and then there s ) (' Rheumatic Fains i Are relieved in a few days by ( t : taking 30 drop.1 of Malhtr Sfijjtl's Syrnpaftermefilt and on rotlrin. rt It diitolvei the lime and cid '^ accumulation in thomunclrs jtjd ( joint* so theio depotit* CAn bn ) expelled, thi i rclisvii.G Pi:i and t ' torenosi. Jeiffel'i Syrup, olo known at "Extract of Root*," contain] n& dope nor.->thritrons Arugi to kill or mak the pain of rheumatitm or tumb&go, it re- move. . the cauae. 50c. R bottle at drug) it*. r) . n,,- '. l (H [....,, o. -,.. H .1 t. nl '<, m , .. ..I, tod id, uil*d *u. -i. , ..-(...-., it.., u,M a ; wi.t . !M (kMh J Uw WALKiK l.OUSt It is the Pcnonal Service that Pteucs .-^ .'.... .> ih f WALKIR HOL'Sh(Tta HMM W PbMf > I* M f '.M I', .-.,^,1 , n |K Ml** Irf M .-T Irm-IW, *~4 -m -- Mr "-t* *. .,.,-:., ,,. h it ^IUM .,, ll( r ,.,., i . ktv^W^ - * wovfen ( ww., . -, i CAAVM i,.,. k*^ . House .y PLENTY Six little ntgrsers at n Boe*ive. A bum.b'.'o be stung one, and tkan there were five-. Fve HtJIe nlgy'trs walking on tlhe shore, One tumbled in. and tlifn there \ver four. KVtir lltt> iiia?Srs eittinR on a tree. A branch, fe^l on cue and then there were three. Three llttlo nixgors out to the Zoo, A bear cuddled one, and then there wero two. Two little alg.cers sitting in tho sun, Ono frizzled up and then Wiero was but ono. Ouo little nteKer llvins iril alone, IU> >7ot marrlod and raised seven o lils own. I am s'.;ul tn he:ir from you a^ain, lloofu;!, with so much news. I think by irnv you must knxjw that 1 am par- tir.ilariy fond cf a bl.ick pussy <M(. A black oat Is supposed to bring luck. Is it no'.? You see ! have published yo-ur llt- tlo vers;>. The amo you sent in I Birill jirinf. In our corner nt'Xt I am slad t-. hoar you nit- ono of a MS fxmi'.y, as 1 am sure you will not be lonely. Ixx>k for more letters next week. Yours Ijoviugly, AUNT JUNK. Box 516, Station F, Toronto. UNAUTHOiai'.FD USE 0V NAME OF DOMINION EX- PREPS COMPANY. Persons unknown arc reported to be *'oUrltluK 8iul)f.crl4>tlons for advir- tisinR spaco In a m-.wizine represent- ii' -c t as be!iv issiud by oa- in tilie in- tr.v:-t <:f Uio IXjiuinton Kxprets I'uni- p uvy cr Its employ os. Up:wi belli;; interviev.'ea ths man- age<m:vt of Wio c-oininity ft.Unl tiiry Ivad no km>w>dK of the niagazinw o:- lt:i i .(:!: itera ami that any represen- tation.-; . win .'dlnis Uie name at the 0-iMulntim Hxpr'ss l'in-iviny with !;;i;-!i an :ul. rtaKlug WCTO unaiH'lior- Izod. A Powsr of Its Own. i>r. Thomas' Ko iTijic. Oil has a sulVMo power cf Us ov.'ii. All wtio havo H know this and ki'ep it by 'thom as tliie tuaat vaiMiaible avaiJliab>. Its ies 34-0 In- acd for many yeans it has been prized as the toad tug liniment for man a""' boast. Resembling an electric fan but op- erated through gears by n press it- self Is a device invented for koeplns printers' rollers cool In hot weather. Worms sap th *..!Tith and un- dermine ttvo vitality of rhiUlmi. Str.MMUlicn them by mnux MO'Oll'jr Oronrea' Worm B2xtrniiivatx>r 'to drive' out tiie pcirosi.f ')s. Minard's Liniment For Burnt, Etc. The annual salary ror fully certified teachers in (he eiemivlry 00110(118 In London U $800 Cor mea nd $760 (or womeo. N' to BLE On Face and Hands, Itched and Burned. Cuticura HealSi "My baby was only a month old when her face and hands started to get red end scaly. The eczsina started in the form of \vater blisters and itched and burned. She was so cross and fretful she could $ not deep. "Thio lasted nine months when I trisd Cuticura Soap and OinCuent, and I used three cakes of Soapv;ith two bones of Ointaier.t when she was hsaled." (Signed) Mrs. Oscar Pillon, Amheretburg, Ontario, May 7, 1918. Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Tal- cum ore all you need for ell toilet u 3es. Bathe with Soap, soothe with Ointment, duct with Talcum. Soap 25c, Ointment 25 tnd BOe. Sold throughout the Dominion. CanadianDepot: itu, Limited, St. Paal St.. Montreal. 'Cuticura Soap (hares without mug. IMPORTANCE OF THE MAPLE SUGAE CEOP. .MAI>> sugar and map:e syrup are two products wtiioh are capable of much greater development in Can- ada. There is a market or all that can ba produced, and maple products are legally protected to an unusual extent. Nature supplies the raw ma.teriaJ, in the sap of die maple tree, and as the run occurs at a Umo when ofher farm work is not pressing, much imre attentic-n might bo given to securing thla crop . The sap from th maple trees is one of nature's endow- ments to the Canadian farmer and one fnmi which a onsHerable ad- dition to his income may be secured witii little effort. The Publications Branch of the De- partment of Agriculture, Ot.i<twa, has issued a revised edition of the buJle- tin "The Map'-e Supir Industry ia C-inada." which will be seat on re- quest. STOSMY WEATHER HARD The stormy, blustery woathw whMi we havo duiritis February and M'?rc!h Is extremrty li'irJ on chl'.dren. (V>rwlit!ons nwke it ntM's.--.iry for tli" tnotlier to keep thorn in tii3 house. They uro often confined to ovqrtieat- ed. Wafl'.y ventila.!t>d rconts and catch ld^ which rack tlieir whole sysitem. To jrmird against this a box of Baby's 3\va Tablets should :bt kept in the iiouse and arc oeoaslona.1 dose given i!ie babgr to keoj> his stomach and bowels w-oo-ki'ng regularly. Tliis will not fall <o break up colds and keep the hetuMli of the baby in good cotidl- ldoi nlU tlie brighter days oome a!ong. The Tabirta are sold by medicine lwB <T by mull ait 25 cento a box from Thn I>r. WtlMams medicine Co., llrockviXe, Ont. Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia IS BRITAIN TIRED OF CANADA? We dcn't tiiink .w, but we are MHTC no man i>as nny dianca of cur;:i;; ns unltvs ho U-SOH Putnam's Corn Extir.irtrj-. It takes mit ixx>t, stom. uul bra.iejlv, euros pahtlcsey in ^4 ii>ur. a:ily Fultnaiii's, "5c at all J?a'.ers. Minard's Liniment For Dandruff. MIKer's W<pni Towdnrs act so wcui^Oily siom;":h and 1n- . :ii'al worms pass from ths t-.'i-lld :hiHJt brfr-s noticed awl wi'tfitut in- tonvenlence to the sufferer. They are !ri.:es and perfeot in nctk'n. and at a'l !!m.s wl' 1 bo found a 'UeaCiiliy ue.dlci:u\ BtreaigtlKnin;; the infantile MMii.ic-h and muintalninx it ia vigor- ous opfmtiloii, so (halt, bes'ide.s brfng a:i effective verniiifug*>, t'hey are 'ton-l- eal and healtii-sriving in their effects. Tliose Having Sick Animals SHOULD USE Ocod for a'll threat and cihest 'C:i^t .!, TKstem,pc~, Gaaxa^ Sprains, l!nni--e, Ccillt, Marg, Sp.iv.inSi Run- ning Somw, etc., etc. Should aCways bo in ths Bitable. SOLD n>VEUY- WHKUB. Virginia, has more \v.^^gtv^a^ldns women. 225,000 LOXKIA' PKOl'LK Send 10( for our big friendship magu /.'me. You'll he. glail you diil Tlicusands waiting to corrcs pond with you. Lansier Agency, Bathurst, N.B., Dept. C. N. MONEY TO LOAN Loans made on farms, first, second mortage*, purchased. REYNOLDS, 77 Vtotwla 8t., Toronto. ISSUE r\o. 7. AUTOMOBILE PAETS. Ing Company. 179 Queen street west, Toronto, will supply used parts for any make of car at reason- able prices. Also engines of every make. Telephone Adelaide 4169. T PERSONAL. CANADIAN MATRIMONIAL PAPER. Big issue. Descriptions, names, ad- dresses 25c. B. McCreery, Pub- lisher, Chatham, Ontario. 7 KELP WANTED MALE. WK WAXT 200 MORE MEN AT once to fill positions in early spring at $125 to $200 per month operat- ing gas tractors, driving motor trucks and cars, selling tractors, cars and farm power machinery, or as auto tractor mechancia ia city and country garages. Only a few weeks raquired to leaj-n thete trades In the day or evening class- es at the Hemphill Government chartered Motor SSchool m every large city of Canada. Start now aoid you will be ready for spring rush. Call at near- est braach for free catalogue. Visitors always welcome. Hemp- nill Motor Schools, 209 Pacific Avenue. Wimupeg. Branches at 163 King Street West, Toronto Re- gina, Saskatoon, Edmonton, "Cal- gfcry, and Vancouver. 3* ARTICLES WANTED. PAISLEY SHAWL WANTElT~~IV good condition. Write Mrs*. McC&nn, 19* Jainescn Ave, Toronto, tf. FARMS WANTED. DO YOU WANT TO SElLL A COK- ner off your farm, about five acres' Must have treea and good oree.k and be on good stone road, in vicinity erf Toroiwa, Hamilton, Milton Oak- v o, Bwwnpton. Pickering, Osaawa U'litbj-. \Vr;te Advertiser, 34 M:ig \\ illiam St., HanU.ton. givlug exao: location, full porticufaito and price. SALESMAN WANTED^ GRAMOrHONK MANWACTUREH wants agents. Sample gramophone and records at factory price. Cata- logue free. Voice-O-Phono Co 1 Adelaide Street Bast, Toronto. 8 ME.V IN VILLAGES" AND~CO UN- try We know you want to earn more money; so do we; let us work together; people In your neighbor- hood want to make money they can do it by joining in our com- pany; we ov,\n large completed mill and hundred ceres a'.ongsidi Cen- tral Ontario Railway, without a dot. lir against it; we need additional money in our business, which they e,l provide; we want you to tell them about this opportunity and well pay you well; take pen or pen- cil right now and write us asking all about this; It will pay you Molybdenites. Wellington Street East. Toronto. 9 HERE IS AN OPPORTUNITY FOR an energetic man to be Indepen- dent and free from the worry of un- employment, representing & strong HMW) and Accident Company Lib eral policies, good commissions and opportunity for advancement to no- tion, of District Manager. A F Sto'z. Manager. Merchaato ualty Company, R oya j Uaak Toronto. POULTRY WANTED AND TOE SALE. I WILL PAY YOU 23 CENTS ~* pound f;>r Mve a?ns, a::iy size; duck's -o cents; roosters ig cents. I my express within 300 miles of Toronto Crates lio.ned free. Eigeis wi.mtd A bfrf. Lewis. 066 Dundus Wo>t' Twroato. - ?7.00 Per Day Profi*. OlTIi HEN'S PAY A PROFIT OF IJ^.OO) each over and above feed bills. (50" hens will pay you a profit of ($7.00) per day. A Cock orel of our strains will pay you many times over in extra eggs from your pullets next fall and winter. Our stock wius -first place In tho Sas- katchewan Laying Contest and second place ia the Canadian Laying Con- tv st. Write for beautifully Illus- trated catalogue. It's free L. R. Guild, Box S. Rockwood, Ont _ _ _ U. MEDICAL. KIT.. STINSOX'S HOME TRE\T- mcnt for epilepsy. Twenty years' success. Thousands of testi- monials. No caso should bo con- Eidcred hopeless. Free booklet. \Ym. Stlnson Remedy Co. of Can- ada.. 2011 Yonge street, Toronto. 27 MIS CELL AI7SOUS LA1UKS \VA.NTETJ~TO IK) I-L.UN ,i!u! light si-whvs at tonie; \vhole w spare time; good pay; v,\a-k setit r.ny dlstcvnce; ohargfes .piidi. Send s-Ump tor pa.-tlcu:urs. National Maaui'f act tiring Co.. Mwi'tToU. 10 \Y.\NTKD GIltLS OF GOOD KDU- catlon to tinaln a nurses ia V\- l, St. Oatoarinie*. 10 IT IS ALWAYS SAFE TO~SBND A Domjnfco Kxpress Money Five costs th-ree KMITTINO YARNS LOVELV TOLr ITS, pure wool, but very moderate prices. Sample shades free. Georgetown "vVollen Mills, George- town. Ontario. 11 WE WILL SPIN WOOL INTO Y VRN or bluu'keta. Address Oeorf> w:> WooUea Mills, Out. U Parts tww ** (or >> '-

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