February 34 1931 THE FLESHEKTOU ADVANCE Service ''"THIS bank aims to encourage * systematic saving. It also stands for distinct service no matter how large or how small your business. Our advice and counsel on financial matters is always at your service. THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA aa Cafttal. Sorplu and L'ndiridcd Profit* JS4M.53T.09. FUESHERTON BRANCH OCO. MITCHELL MAMACCM ANADIAN PAG I FIG C. P. R. Time Table. 1 rains leave Fleaherton Station as ollows : Going Scuth Going North 7.52 a. in. 12.05 D.UJ 4.2? p.m. 9.45p. m. The mails are oaen at Flesherton follows : For the north at 10.40 a.ro.and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 3.40 o'clock. For morning train s.>at!i mail clow at 9 p. m. the previous evg VICINITY CHIPS Dr. Murray aod little daughter pent a few dtyt of th* past w^ek in Toronto. Apprentice wanted to tba blacksmith inf. Apply to H. Wilson, Floherton W. S. Fairey ia fisitin-z with hi* brother in Toronto. Messrs. Dan nd Georxe McTav:sh aUanded a convention in Oshiwa on Tuesday. J. M Towell of Toronto spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. II. C ieQard. Mis* Mildred McOallum, of Orangevilte Business College, (pent the week end a t her li. iuo herer Adrertiaeta are a^ain reminded lh*t all changes for advertisements mus positively be in th'a cffioe not later than Monday noon. Bert Mage* of the 10th line nut with a p*inful accident one day Us' weel wUu ha hjJ on? 6;)g-r so badly crushe tkat it was cecessary to mpuUte it, We hire received an inlere:inK pio neer letter from Mr. James Stuart u Kimberlef, which will appear in ou column* next week. Hits Marae Sullivan, who has b*eu ' vititiug here for a linie, returned to he duties with the Bull Telephone Co. a Montreal on Saturday. Keep the date clear Mroh llth fo the Methodist Ladies' Aid corcert (play entitled " An afternoon t*> in a friendly Tillage." Full particulars later. Mr N. Wilton, of the Merchant Bank, who ha* spent the past fortnigh t his home in Walkerton, returned ti his dut if.- on Monday. Mr. W. H. Williamson, Prceville P O., is agent for the Harab-Dvies Fen liwrs in this district. Fertilizers for al grains and roots. Get pric*u and liter* tare from him before purchasing. If A junior hockey team from hei played a name with the Markaale junior n the tatter's rink OH Monday nivht aix were defeated by the score of 10 to 6 The game is said to have been a good lie. Oredit Auction Sle John Fawcetr Lot 6, Con. 1, Artemesia, will soil b; publio auotiou bia farm stock, imple menta. etc , on Monday, February 28th Usual tetins. D. McPhail, auctioneer The Vleshertou W. I. are putting on CCU;YI IH the link here on Monday Veb. -S, the proceed* to go in aid ot th. Memorial Fund. An immense list o ptiaes is effred and the afftir is etpected to b one of the beat carnivals ever he'd here. The business men o( the town bite come forward wi: ti a splendiA Ibt of donated prize.. See bills. Th* March meeting of the Women's Institute will be avid at Mrs O. Phillibs' m Wedntaday. March 9, at 8 SO. Sb jeota " Tke girl in the rural district," b; Mr* R. Best ; " Cheeno miking." by Mrs L. A. Fisher ; " How to simplify wwk in the home *nd gtrden," by Mr*. Hicklin*. Luich Oomtnitt*r-Mrs L A Fisher, Mrs On as \y, Mrs A Stewart, Mn D McTamh. H. Down vUitai with friaada Haathcot* and TSornbury arer J . Latin*? ef Toronto *p*nt th* week end with friends in t*wn. Dr Henry waa in Toronto the pait week on boainea*. All outstanding account* muit be paid or or arranged before March l>t and rain bags returned Patterson A Son. Anglican church, Service aa usual n Town H-.ii every Sunday at 7 p m. Rev. G. Blackwell, pastor, MM. Fred !McTaviab, who ha: been ri:.j here ainee laat Chriatmas, re- urned on Saturday to her home at MMTO. Mrs. Alex. McDonald and little daugh- ft of McA'eir are vUitiug the f ormet'a parents, Mr. and Mrs Frank Cairns, in D McTavish has disposed of bis livery business here to Messrs. l:<-rs and John Taweeit. Tbe change of ownership took place on Thuridty of laat w*ek. A credir auction sale of farm stock ad implement* will be held uo lac It), eon. 8, Osprey, oa Fr.day, March 4, 1021, the property of John Conn. S*e jills. W. Kaittinf, auctioneer. The married and siog'.e men will pUy nother game of hockey on the rijk this Thursday evening. Great interest is ;.tken in these games, which are hotly c 'Otered. Bveryliony cose. A credit auction sale of farm stock and implement* will be held on lot 3, eon 9, O-pr-y, on Feb 25lh, at 1 o'c'ock, 'h* jpeity of John J, Ottewell. S*e adrvr.isementin this issue and bill*. \V. Kaitting, auctioneer. Mr. Wm. Paton, lot 18, coo. 2 S.D.R. Art-ui.-.-u, w.'l hold an extensive tue iiv) -ale of farm stock and implement* on Wednesday, Feb. 23. See lira bills and advertisement for particulars. D. MrPbail, auctioneer. Mr. Walter Simmons, Mr. and Mrs. John MeKee and Messrs George and Albert BUckburn motored to Stayner laat week an i attended (he funernl of lha latters' cousin Mr. Wm. Thoa. B icklmrn, a grocer there, who died, aged 54 years. The nurried ar.d single oien had another hockey spasm en the nuk here Thursday night of last weak. This game ws a hu nuier and resulted in a tie, although ten miuute*' overtime wan played. Ore cian had hia scalp laid open for a couple of inches and all the players came ou? of the fny with bruis> more or less severo. The sc*re stood 3 to 3, when everybody decided to have the concluded in our next. ' Small Ads. For Sale One good Mmey Harrie Binder, C foot cut, in g<od repair ; a!ao one new p!i form can via binder. Will be sold cheap. Apply to John J Heads, Lot 31, Con. 1, 8. DR. Artemesia Phon 21 r 3-1. Now is the tin<e to chooa* ih* wll Dpr lot th t: rocn. I have juar receiv- ed try booka of smnpleanf wall papers, oilcloth, wall coTering*, burlaps, etc., and am now ready to ul>e your order. H. Carrington, painter Flesharton, Out. and decorator, { Far Sale Galvanized water tanlt, 3x3xlJ feet, reinforced with acgla steel. ; Will be sold at a bargain. Son*, Flesharton. B. Down 4 Standing Hardwood for S*le Will sell; acre lo'a i.i the Villey W A Armstrong, i Wg are open for ihe purchase t.t lath and shingle limber to work up next summer ulso b*lm of gilead, spruce and pop'ar. nothing leu thin five inches t ;. ;>2 ic.-hea long E Sacvent, Ceyloa. New s New Prices FOR SALE -Two purebred Shorthorn! >] bull, fifteen months old. J. I. Graham, ^ I LOST .Click itii tin hound pup < n Tnursday, Frh. 10. Finder please tot if Geo. Fiaher, Fieatiertoo. Reduced piicei ou all suua and suitings H. Alexander, Fev^r,hm *1 1-21 Tiy Fei>rh.n P or jour co-'k. AH try Flour, rh= OiKsrio whenc This week we place on sale the first instal- ment of our new Spring purchases. New Prints, Galateas, Shirtings, Rock fast Drills, Ginghams, Voiles, Lawns, Flannelette Blankets, Flannelettes, etc., etc. These are all priced to sell at prices based on to-day's val- ues and will be found very attractive to the shopper who wishes to be busy at the usual Spring sewing. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO Chopping Tues'ijjs, Thursday* aud Stur(i*yi < nly Gr*hvu Bros. Eugenu Ocil9 Good white ceujr puts for sale, cue or uncut. B SiU-g-jn', Ceylon. For Sale Duthun cu. 7 yers old, due to freshen Mi.-.h 7. Af-p'y t j J T i'uker, Protuu. Clt For Stle Tr.omuijhbhhrirti Here fjrd spring el', 10 ummh* old G Hurcbiuson, CliuiberUy. FOR SALE Scutch oolite pup for sale to d working ttraia Hrold K\rstcd', F re and wind inturtuce in the btst companies ftr tarrr. ami t.iwn property | W. O. Fa*ceit, a^ent, C^ySon Uneofihe Ow.'ii Sound pipers an uounces in it a Second agricultural r \-re- Sfutitive is likely to be appointed for Gr*y c uuty, owing to the long distance* it is necessary foe the ana rep-etienU- tive to travel. Just so. Bu* why n I *ppint a representative in every town and viiltge in :he county i Thi* wou'd gtve each ropreseutative still leas ground to covr aud practically no ti tie would be l..st in travel. The only prevsntivtive would te the additional oost,*( court*, aud as the county payj Uilf the .~iUiy somebody might object to the additional outlay. Still.what with taxation of various kind* and the good road problem on hand, people have no duubt been educated up tu a point of subnm.-ivo hands up ai.d deliver, when a little oioie might not aaise th*.r ire very much more than it U raised now. Fcrtilzer I m agent forGunn's Su-- Gain Fertilizers, the Nsr on ihe nisrk.^, and am now tnkmit orders for delivery *t Fl-shertoii Stati"n. !-nd in orders by nni: .-r ptior.e So. '21 r 23. W. J. Heads, Pnceiile P. O. 1 apr ESTABLISHED Instead 01 carrying the proceeds from Grain Tickets, Sale of Cattle, Produce, etc., in your pocket. deposit ihtm in the Bank of Hamilton, where they will be safe . Yon can tlin issue cheques to par accounts, acd jonr pass a complete actions. book will afford ELDRIDGE HAMILTON M Dependable Sewing Machines at Moderate Prico- SOLD BY W. A. ARMSTRONG FLESHERTON, OM. Wood an-l Pasture LoU for Sale Lots' 3'j, 38 and 3l>, Uth con., Areiuesia, nd ; lot 7, llth con., O"proy, ICO icres each.; good bird and S"ft wo. d nd well wt- ' ered ; will make uood gnva Urm.s when ood U off Apply W A Ai matron-. A Close Call The following item from the Bruce Herald and Times ot Walkerton refers to a Fleahorton boy, son of Mrs Andrew McAulay of thia place : On returning home from Ctrgill. on Wdnesdy afternoon of last wtk Mr. John McAuley of the Bell Telephone mail", found his wife lying unconscious ou the door. A doctor, who was hurriedly dtntnoned, succeeded with much diffi- culty in relieving the lady. It seems that Mrs McAuley haJ partakrn of -. m ctnned salmon the previous nixht, acd although she wasn't feeling the best when Mr M McAuley left Wednesday moinini;, nothing of a seriuun natuie was feared Shortly after his departure, how**rr, she became delirious, and before help *ould be summoned she collapsed ti> the door. As ouly two very young children ar in the hnie, the unfortunate wi<aun laid for drveral hour* in a pruttrate condition and it was only after the arrival of her husband that aid was secured The physician in attendance has diagnosed her trouble- as ptomaine poisoning, brought about by the eating of the sal mon. Al hough in a serious condition after th* mishap, she i* now on the mend nut, considering the nature of the mil Jy would seem to have had a close call . IIE1IIIHS Two Cows Fu>r Sale One due Feb. 1, the other M-ch 6 Apply Harry Pttoo, bUshertnn. CareJully Bntter F p Winter \\ boat I il Corrected Each Week . 38 tj 40 . . 39 to 35 93 10 1 '.'0 For Sile 100 acres, lot 7, Gsprvy W. J. M'lrnsun. YOU CAX BEGIN AN\ THE Spring Wheat 1 70 to 1 70 (VU 50 to nO Barley 75 to So : Peas 1 60 to 1 To DAY AT Buekwheai 90 U. 90 , Potatoes 75 fo 80 ( Apples 4 00 to 4 00 j -' ' ' Because Owen Sound, Oat. you ut Unghc individually. re Shorthand. Firmer s Preparatory Courses. Cstalouue Free. C. A. FLEMING. F. C. A.. Principal O. D. FLEMING. Secretary. I Mention this paper whtn writing) j Ul 20 DR. F. C. NIXON Optometrist and Optical Specialist Hnrou'ario Street, Dear Tire Sirei nd | Collingwood, Ontario Appointment* : Daily 9 a. in. to 5 p. m. Evenings and Holiday* arranged. I Telephone Gil- W. Box 1066 ' In Memoriam la loving memory ef our dear wife mother, Susan K. Pedlar, who pa away three years ago today, Feb. 1918. The G 'd who gave has taken . To heaven our treasure has gone ; A'though our hearts be broken, T y will, oh God, m Joro. Her lovi<~s Hu*band nd and 19, Wedding Gifts, Presentations, Etc, Our stock ot useful, fancy and ornamental goods will help you solve your problem where the above is needed. MUSIC We have it in abundance in all its varieties. Our line of Gramophones' Victrolas, etc., and Records canuot tail to please the most fastidious. Sheet Music aud Mouth Organs. SEWING MACHINES Our line includes the world famous and aristocrat of Sewing Machines the White. Watches and Clocks Repaired. Eyes tested and glasses fitted. Cargoe's Grocery Why come out in the cold and ttoray winter wea'.hi r for your Groceries when a phone call will have ihtrn deliverec at your door. We can guarantee you prompt If you are thinking of plaating xny shrubs, frnit trees or imall fru:t bushes you will do well to give u* a call. We have secur- ed the Ajency for th* Stone & Wellington Foaihill Nurseries. A complete line of Tobaccos, Cigarettes sad Pipes. Highest prices paid fur all kinds of Produce. W. E. CARGOE. Phoae 30 J. FLESHERTON. ONT. ;;;;;;;;; j; ;;;;;;;; i ;;;;;; tu ; W. A. ARMSTRONG. Phone* 13 and 28. Flesherton, Out. BOOTS & SHOES In Ladies' Wear we have Kid, Dongola, Gun Metal and Box Calf. For Men's Wear we have a nic assortment of Mahogany and some good lines in Black. Also very serviceable Work Boots. Repairing promptly attended to. THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO :i!????HH?::; H^ttn??