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Flesherton Advance, 24 Feb 1921, p. 4

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February 24 IH' THE FIESHERTON ADVANCE Everyman's Problem "If I save the same amount during the next ten years of my life that I have saved during the past tan years, how much will I be worth?" What will be the answer in your own case ? Are you proud or ashamed of your Bank Account ? It is better to say "I'm glad I saved" than "I wish I ' bad". No man ever retired on the money he spent TH AVRCHANTS BANK Head Office: Montreal. OF CANADA Established 1864. FLESHERTON AND CEYLON BRANCHES, J. C SCOTT, , Manager, FARM IMPLEMENTS WAGONS, HARROWS PLOWS SPECIAL PRICES IN Xevv I'utmhir Snirples Separators JOHN HEARD, I M PLEMEN7 AGENT. FLESHERTON, Flesherton Tin Shop- just [)lacod on the sholves a full lino of Tinware, Nickclwarc an<l Ajjatewaro for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. Wj H 1 Kavetroiighing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. of all kinds promptly attended to. i I'ipcfitting, including pump Funiiiiies installed. * 4 Furnaces. work. Agent for Clare IJros. WcKItLOP CHRI5TOE BLOCK FLESHERTON & ONTARIO CEYLON The Uaubney family, who have spent several months here, loft Tuesday to return to K.'i-Uml, Bailing from Ht John. Thomas Cook of Kbord^le vUitvd al U Cook' tha tint of the week. F. Cuiliusnii in l iki n tl. cuotract 'o i.p nl luinbor for the Durhnm Furniture C i in the yard heto nd~luB touirs and men busy at the woik. Mrs McQuinn of nrar Rockljn is visitin;; her duusih'er here, MrH W. FjWCrtl, llO 18 ill. llin infant > of Mr and Mrs Roy Piper met with H p-iinfu'i nccident on Salurduy, when it foil, putting its teeth through the tide of its tongue. Dr McFaruloe of Priceville wis siinimoni'd and he found it necessary to put a stitc'i in. This g:vo wny nd at an early hour S inUny the doctor a H^sfn c.iileci ani the aiitcli aguin put in miu the lit'.le ona it doing us well us cm be expected. Herb Fisher of Toronto Bpent a coujjle of days with his wife born. Mm Nornun Archibald and two c'lil- dreimpent Inst wt-ek visiting tier parents a', llnnover. Mitti! Grant of Durham in vititing her sisier, Mri A. Bluir. Mrs Wm HUlnp of Eu^--nia ;s visiting her sihteis, the Misses J and Bella McKonzie. Mis F Colli'iRoii iiii'l two children left Siiir.l ,y 10 visit ftiends at Toronii-, London nd other paints . Mrs Seelry i.f Durham xisitcd her brothers, T. mid J. Chislelt, the pust week. Laat year was ao uafortunitv one in the uiHiter of accidentM for Flos Agri- o lit ural Society By retson of Al. Cjilina co'lidintf with a calf lule driving H race burst) on the track on fair day, arid Ftittaiiiing injuries, the society paid him in Bcttlinent of 1 1. suit, thu sum of $320. Then because Home seats collapsed in the rear of thu ha'l fair night, injuring a son of Georxe E'riek, another 8100 (lunrmgts was p.iid by the society. As a lesult i.f the trouble with Mr. Collins, nicin^ miy he dropped at th f. r tit-xt jear. Stoyner Sun. EAST MOUNTAIN Held Over List Week We extend one sympathy to Mr J.imta \'. i: of K i . ' i, wlio was bereft of h s wife on Tuesday i f lust week. The l.te Mi W . . i HAH an aunt of Mr Davu G JUDO of tlm p ace. Nat r i.-, .>(:! of K! j-lnT'ijii w* a caller in our lucility one J.iy lst woult. (Jun-y Mague, wife lud family, of the Stli Imo, \i -.11. -,!, visited with L'. 1 .'-M o au.l finnly. C. Martin, wife :nrl babe, Argyle, Huent a day week with friendx near film 1, . . i . ,, . and children a few . i) - with hur |m. :.:-, .Mr and Mrs Saycrt, uer Feyersliam. Mrs D. Goli .e haw haj a severe atiack ,f mid. Specials for Week of Feb. 14 to 21 FURS ! FURS ! FURS ! Ij'idin*' [ilnck Fox M't of Fur* ........... It^ulnr $.'15 fur 8l>0 l.i in- N .t 'ii ,1 \\ ,.li . . i of Ktirs ......... I:, "o .1 $30 for $20 I-adioM I'.iinian L'inib H.r of Furs .......... !.', -u n 50 f , $.io AUc mid Muffn and .HtotfH Kiilil rtl. Rinliirerl Pricew COM FORTERS ! COM FORTERS ! A l.rii"' \--oi t iiirnl <>l Ait Sntpcn Ci.n:f(irlerf , c f cvi ry hlmilc, in 'i.ivl uni mill laij^e mn.'H'i"K '" [irui- f:om J.'l 2~> In {Ti Ml FLANNELETTE BLANKETS !'! ,1.11. I i II itnkutu will) |i nk a'i'l blue li.irdnrH in Inr^e (jiinrti-r size ............ Hen ^H 50 for (i 00 ti in ulemi " " F. G. KARSTEDT, Flesherton, - Ontario PROTON Held Uver List Week Mn IJU.IM .I..KM! and sun, Corbettou, worn llio nut.'-ta of Mrs Qeori<e lilakely. Itniu^hton and ne;i!iHW, Arthur tou, viaileJ ' 11. Copal md'n. nlr and MIH JaniCH Uurtoii, wiili their littl POM, i I' i....i... M.I'...II|, . Utler'i ptrviiin, Mi nrnl MrT. Wy villa. Mm K ll.ici^ii n visittd at thu hi>oio of H. Nichol. M \ r ..:;.- nf Guel|ih IB the L u i of hei 1 daii){hter, Mrs Cude, ll'iy and Wm UiclHrduon of Cliis w..ilh xisitcit their CbU-in, Mrn Sam MAIL CONTRACT .SKALKD TEXDKHH ddrw-d to the rc'-itruinaUr Uenwal will br Mceive I at Ottawa until noon on Friday, the 1st of April, 1021, for the conveyance of Hi Mujfctty'ii Mails, on a proponed Contract for four yeurn, six time* per week on the route FLESH RUTON K. R. No. 3 from the 1st of July, 1921. next _ Printed notices containing further informa- tion an to conditions of pro|>uiuxl contract may bo een and bluuk furnw of Tender nrny b OMalMd at the POM Offic** of FleJierton and at the oflicj of t!ie Post Office Iniiiectur Toroutn. A. SfTHERLAND. I'ot Otftcf Inspector Post OUce Inspector's Office, Toronto, February ,18th, 1921. SATISFIED ! ' \ ' ' ' !J. THAT Is what over IOC users say about 1900 Gravity washers supplied by S. HEMPHILL, Agent o r 1 ftOO Gravity washers and wringers rilectiic and gasoline power washers . ALSO for McCormick Binders. Mowers, H.iy Rakaa, Hay Loaders, Drill*, Cultivator, Plow*, Steel Stalls, Harrows, Gasoline Engines, Brantfnrd doub'e . u, ,i and auto oiled airmotor Wind [UN, BeaU Hav Carriers, Hy Forks, Slings, Manure Carriers, Water Bowls, Water Tanks, Pump and Piping. SOMETHING NEW IN BUZZ SAWS One third more wood cut with Buine pewer when luted with my patent. S. HEMPHILL Agent, Ceyloa, Ont. Farm For Sale Lot 1, con. 5. AI- rii.i- ii, 2i imlrsfroni' Pricevillu and 4 mile* from Ueyion, con- 1 taining 100 acres, b.,ut 90 acre* cleared i and in ifi.ud stute .f cultivation, aboutj 22 acrrs in swtet clovir and 10 acres' h-tnlwoixi l.usli Knniny and comlort- Mc hoii-o with iiuod rellar ; also driving nlied and bsrn O'JAO."> mi st'.ne foundu- tion. Water ins.iiu and ou', aU.i y.-od *prinx* for walei in,' purposes. Thw i the old Patterton tunu i,d will b.i hold ut once. Apply (o -D. MuTAVlSn. Flfsherlon. Ont. ' Boar For Service Poland Cliiun Uuar For Sei vice Lot 39. cnn. 4, Arlerr.esia. 2 . WALLACE FISHKK. Prop. NOTICE It- member the Old Reliable Se*in s < Machine. You cn huy on ti i in to mil /ou t 14 vrry iesor:al)lel priOf. lOyrar KUirante-. HUGH KNOTT, Agent, Markdalt*. Our, W. A. HAWKEN dealer for MENDELSSOHN PIANOS and PLAYER PIANOS, PHONO- GRAPHS and RECORDS, and SHEET MUSIC. Call and see these high grade instruments /MffifflA AT WKf; kj;i'a Photo Gallery and Music Stor FLESHERTON For Service .O /if (Hire !,r.-Al Sin'illi'iiii I till , ,, [_,, 28 and 29, Cuncesstun S, Arteincsia. Term* gl 50 for LTndes if puiil in<>xle of 1> iiKiitlie - if not $2. Puro buJa lo.CO. loot . KOHKUT OSBOUNE j Ih .M . . H.-.i .k.iit Dundulk I 1 1., n tiiHter, Mm Dune*. I Duiulnlk Midget hockey t. 'im paid our I anri>eura a tiKit un St'urdiy uftcrnoon, .til uflur u cloBfi gitne won ih.. m^ttcll by ono, the sc'iro Icing 3 4. I'u -, i ; in-!-.- WUH qui'.u thertur |.i iv.-i ,ili,.u., ! ll ih. i t.iijN did woll. FLESHERTON BAKERY IT'S WORTHY THK HltKAD WITH A PURPOSE. Yes, our Pure Food l^rcul has a worthy purpose. It brings health and HI length and a meal time *tiffaotion to the folks who partake of it regular- ly. One slice cills lor a loaf, ono loaf forms Uie habit. Bread ia your best food cat more of it. PHON'K S FRED FINDER, Flesherton \Viinirt, i jnhnHtiiii pny i!i tl hn in i'ns- ttUH'od "i Ii rhu pi- ':. s, iiiBii,) under Ilie (.'.. , i i: .i u Sv-t. ,n il, IH i :. h 1 A' tliH pr. -Mi'nt nitH uf |'r.i.M."n (iabriel will bi loundinl his triinipxt In-:.. i.. id'-. HyHti'in in liiucn C,,unty is tiniahud. If tlii'i'i- is not a butter rlmwkitf thm ooining it will lie in order to xurnp ovi'iyihii'K mxl vvuryliody rt!-p<'ii.sil>:o lor ii,. t .1 ',!.. , \Viiti-tim Kolio. !Siiiico,> C..unly Council 1m? Hpp linttvH It di'plllOtilill to ' HI ll|... , II... l'|,.i III ! il O'JVeinincnt IISKIIIK tlmt act inn bu (ttkfii i,,. inn I loWSflnf ili ' N..1I i n ..ii! i River 10 priivulo ili .'inri,;.'. for a large unit of excellent, lind from Ant(ua northward, from 12,000 to 2A.OOO uoroa would be benefited Dredgi'iK of the rnpidH brlow I'M.'HI il.-. it ic thi-ught, would lower tlm rivor auHiciitnlly to afford relief. When ihia i|ueaiion waii undur eonmderatioii Minni yenra ago the cost was mitiiuated lit 100,000. Farm For Sale Lot loi, 2nd rnne Runt, T. & S. R. Ai IIMII. M i. oontaininx 100 orcn ; K"od buildings and woll walerrd ; atone fouiul. at ion under good harn, with ailo ; HIII til oiolianl. Thin i* n v.'"" ' '"'" Ifl niilen I frniii Klc-ilio.tun, and n bargain for i'me i Lody for ijuiok Nili 1 . PoMSHlOfl yivcn I'M ! i t M nrli Apply in Juhn Ueecr.'ft, I 1 It,, '.'.,.1 Ave , Mi't , Owen s mud, or | John IVdlarr, KU'thorton. BOAR for SERVICE Pvabrnd Xuawonh l!or for service mi lot 10V. S \V T .tud 8 K , Arteiuseia,. Terms $1.60. Suws uut returned will ho chiri>i-d SMIIO those ill pis'. Fob IS T. J. STINSOUT, Prop For Service Pure hted Ut^mterea Y'>rl sliin- Ho* for Hi-rvicu Maxwnll .Iwk il.DOS on lot 1(17, S W T. & S. 11., Ar'enie.*. Term* $1.60 Sns iMtreturntid will be charged KHIIIU i i ii --r in i.i_; 10,4.111 T. J. STIN30N tarm For Sale Lot i)4. Con. 4, Ai ' .-in. -i i. 100 :i.- i-, 85 tor cle*ri'd. woll foncfd, Hiid in a Kjnd Hlittu i.f cultivation Apply to R. t). MELDItUM iFtb 9 L'pt.'ii Avi-, Toronto BELLAHY'S GROCERY Headquarters for Al Groceries, Flour and Fruits FISH Silt ind Fresh Kioli, including Trout. Siliijiw and Herring. Tiy our Smoked 1 1 .- _ HONEY Class Clover Uoney in f> And 1U Ib. [,:\i\s. DRY Fill* ITS Corn ; '.; . . 'i-. I- _- ii Dites. All >". GROCERIES A full line of Groceries i;usrnteed to plese . FLOL'R Great saucf^ction is obtained l>y using i 1 IMMI of tha Weat for bread. Fcrartban Pastry makes the bear ofPattry. . D1UMIIK Ask us ivbout the preparation. A good substitute for milk. CEREALS Rolled 0\tR. Wheat, Corn Flakes, Shredded >Vhet, Wheat Kernel*, etc. WILLARD'S CHOCOLATES Telephone DC" I I A MV'C Flehrton, No. 37 JDE-LiLi/\lVl I O Ont. SAMSON TRACTOR It ia not too early for planning i i'u . You ara at the paitioir of the wayn. Next 10*1011, will it be the old -fashioned, labor- i 'U- aiulm>iif>roUucllu< methods agtiu or powt-r fartuiux with SAMSON the tractor that does every f*rm power jb, in- cluding belt work, faster, cheap- er and better loan nuy other 8uroe of farm power? It h the greatest eingle factor in the futur prosperity of Can- ada. Tii,- power farming idea is fturculing from onn end of tha country to the other. The SAMSON TRACTOR is the greatest instrument in the development of power farming. SVe do nuue than sell Tractors we render service. When you become a Power Farmer with a Samioo one of M ic your right hand man, ready at your o*ll to supply upare part* at prices fixed by the Company. W keep ur repa-r ahop fully equipped fot prompt rKoien.t lervios. You know th sicnifioaacs of inch close attention to your ruiuiMtneuts in huiy timM. DJ not, fail to see the SAMSON. We will l,lft!ly explain every f.'kture and yMlrf com* to your farm nntl demonstrate SAMSON Superiority for every kind of power farming work. D. McTAVlSH & SON, CHEVROLET DEALERS, - FLESHERTON, ONT.

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