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Flesherton Advance, 24 Feb 1921, p. 1

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V%Ul, Ne.37 Flestierton, Ont., February .J4 1921 VANDELEUR Last Week's Items Mr and Mr* Rob Kichardaon, of Flesh arron.tpent a day with the tatter's parents Mr and Mr* George Pritchard, recently Mr and lira AUx Caruso and babe, of Priceville, visited with Mr and Mrs S Gilbert, recently. Miss Lillian Buchanan is br me from Owen Sound for a lew days. Miss Dorothy Halberr, of Uarkaway. is vibinng with her sUier, Mrs FLtrry Baker. Mi-.s Cora Hutchiason, f Swinton Park, xpent the waek and with friends in this vicinity. Mrs Bowm&a and daughter. Mary, of Toronto, ar guests of Mrs Davis and family. Mri Gvorge Warliog and Me Sam Gil- bert reoeived the sad news on 1'riday of latt week of the death of thoir sitter, Mrs McQuaig; fTheualoa. The sympathy of tbe cummunity is eitended to the friends ia their btrsavament. Mr J I Crnham, who underwent an operation i W *IIUy llMpiUl, Torote, rcceutlf , in on a fair way to recovery. Mr George Douglas, of Fergus, ia re- newing old acquaintance in the diakriet. The Vandelnur Varmets' Club held thtir February mvetini; in the ball on Monday evening, February 7. The meet- ing was large '.y at teuded and considerable business was trauaactel. Mr W. A. Wber, the Clnb't member of the Shipp- ing Committee, gave an interesting account of the workings of the Committee up to the preitut, and their plans for the future. Mr Harry Shaw gave a splendid address. An interesting latter fmm Mr John Shannon wai also read. The coo- test, which in being conducted to obtain new members and subscriptions to the "San," is promising favoribly. Ic was decided to hold the aupper on Monday, February 21. This community was sadly (hocked on Tuesday of last week, when word waa received of the death of Mrs Ben Buchanan, of Toron'o, who pasaed away in the Gener*! Hospital early Tuesday moming, Keb 8tn, follow- ing an operation. Deceased, who was formerly Miss Clara Cunningham, of Cooksville, was well and favorably known in this neighborhood and much sympathy ii felt for the sorrowing haabad, to whom she was married fiva years ago. Those from here who at tended the funeral which took plteai in Toronto on Friday aftrnoon were Mr and Mrs Jos Buchanan and Lillian, Mr Wm Buchanan, Tillie and Sam. Notice to the Public After being <n the livery business for the past fifteen year, we have lately disposed of sauia to Mesir* John and Bert Fiwcett. Mr John Fawcett ban been a luccrssful firmer in thin township for thu pst fire yenra, while hix brother, Bert, has been in the West fur the pan thirteen yeara. While thoy havu Uken pnssesaion of sime, until m<ch time a they uec rightly settled telephoi e installed, ay telephone orders fur liver- ies received at our ottice wi!l be Ukeu cre of for them. We tko this opportu- nity of tli inking '.ho public for \v\s\. businwa in this line and we know that the livury in'orests will be well looked after from r.< v on while in the hnd of Fawcett Bros. We believe we citn now give more time and better service to the public in our garage business. McTAVISH & SON. Of Interest to Farmers F. T. Hill A Co., Limited, ire in the niatkut for a quantity of iprinR and wintorCwheat for their mill for \ resent tieiv iy. If you hive any to sell call phone 7, MarMale J20tf The Taco Range A Range of pleasing and handsome appetence. The plain smooth castings are very easy indeed to keep clean. (Large perfect baking oren, smooth silvery nickel. Urge fuel saving fire box, clean duit proof warming clscet. dual pipe dioiper, aah pan door with alide, reservoir trnk|encK>sed in caa iron casing. Th " Taco " will api>al to the most discriminating buyer as a leader in ita class. Ditn't content yourself with tho knowledge of a " T*co " superior- ity you gain in reading about it hot make it point to see th valne in this range with your own eyes. F. W. DUNCAN Hardware and Paints Phone 30 r 11 Fleaherton, Ontario PORT LAW Mr Lew 1.1 Sheardowa was brought home last week from Coliingwood hos- pital. Aithcu.'h not oat of danger hi-; conditioi is improved and encourages our hopes for his ulimte recovery. Mrs W R Simmoua, whe haa been quite stnously ill, U now improving. Sad indeed arc the circumstances tur- reanding the dea'.h of Mrs Wm McOjjay of Lh fourth line, Osprey, which took place on Friday last following an attack of eiMrlet fever. Deceased v a sister of Mrs Wm Blakey, Mrs Jas Winters and Mr George Younj barn. Her huxband and three small children mourn the Iocs of a true and affectionate wife and mother. The home af Mr add Mrs F H Thump. SOB wan crowded on Friday evening laid, when it WM invaded by neighbors and friends, who came to spead a suclal evening and to say good bye before their removal to their new home in Cheslsy. In the cou:ie of tbe evening Mr and Mrs Thompson were presented with in appre- ciative address and a beautiful fumed oak couch and Miss Dorothy with gold bracelet. Mr Thompson on behalf of him, elf, wifo anJ daughter, eiprttced in grateful terms appreciation of ths kind- ness of their friends. Naturally, be flt keenly leaving the old home, he haviyg lived on the fame farm since childhoodr Music, qames, social chat and lunch made the evening an enjoyable une Intended for 1. 1--. Week Mrs. Lewis &hcardown U agin at Coliingwood at he bedside of her hus- band. Little Grace Jamii>sun has been so ill with pneumonia that her life was den- paired kf, but the is now aupaientiy in a fir wjy ( tecovery. V K.nleuf Hollaed Centie vis. ted lately with friecda h re Mr Crawford iod son of Alberta are \IM';J ._ with the former's uncle and aunt. Mr and Mrs W J I. ,-. The little daughter of Mr and Mrs Thomas Phillips has been critically ill with pnumouia. Nurse Moffat is in attendance. A happy event took place Wednesday of last eek. when Mina Millie White waa united in marriage to Mr Charles Priddel of Birigeros. A few evenings previous tbe bride's friends assembled at the home uf her grandparents, Mr aud Mrs Fraocis Shier, and showered her with a varie'y of useful articles. Mr Andrew Cirr. who is ona of uur o'dest reaidrnts, celebrated the 90tb anniversary of his b Khday on Tuesday of Ust week. Although suffering .' prei<>nt from a severe cold, hu general baalth ii remarkably good for a man of his yen*. Wiih th exception of hearing he isUiiui his faculties ur.inpatred. He still eujnys readirg aad takes a deep intercvt in public .-.ti iir. on which he postess fs quite a fund of infortn'iticn. He was 11 rn of Scottish parents in Norihumberinndgbirv, Eng.aud although he left tbe old land ith his parents at the ;;6 of eleven yesis. he sti'l hs a vivid recolleciion uf the scenes of hi linvhood. II' has lived uuder the reign of fiiur sovereigns. Wilfred McNal'y had a delicate opera- tion performed on Jtie of his eyes re- cen'ly for the removal of a growth Tho operation was ^cce.ssfnl. Mrs H Amott h\s returned from Hamilton after aome in n:h suy there Mr John Wilkinson ban purchased a farm near Duncan and will move theru in the near future. ROCK MILLS C 11 '!.'% of Luck LII>. S i>k. the past week with hia sister. Mis Croft. Mr iud Mrs C Monagban ard babe visited over the week end with John Porteou* and family. Annie Betts returned homo after a week's visit with friends in Owen Sound, Elwin Smith, wife and babe, are vUitiuc the former's pareuts here. Samuel Croft, wife and children, spent Sunday with relatives at Vaudeleur. Herb Betts and wife visited over Sunday with the lattec's parents near Uarkdale. Martin Phillip* and wife of Flesberton spent a day toe pait week with U Clark and family. Quite a number from h*re attended t he party at Mr Wilkmsno ' on Friday eight an<( report a good time. Walter Ruseell and wife attended the Husa.-ll Wilkinson wrdding Wodneiday of lat week. week Lioawe Inspector Heokett wan in town in connection with an old till that had been discovered to the cellar of tbe Hotel Bmpree*. It had apparently been used several years ago when the hotel wits under a previous le'-fo Mr. E. C, H .1U i.c). when he lifcime aware of it prese^oe on hta premiMM at once took steps to inform th a ithnritiea and have it reuiurrd Muatit F.ret Confederate. FEVERSHAM The concert given in the Orarge Hal! { by th young peopU of Feversham and j vicinity on Tuesday night !i -t was a | success. The hall was filled and the sum of forty dollar* was realized Misses Whe;ler and Priddle of Sing- hamfton spent the we^k end with Mis James Dv. .ds n in Feversham. Mr Ballam of Siskatoon, St>sk, is visitirgwiih his brother R'chard and Mr and Mrs Wes Fawcett. Mr Fachnift of Creemore visited with Mr and Mrs Whiteoak last week. Miss Cassie Dtvidson is spfndina the wintr-r with her parents and o' her frinds here. George Whiteoak has purchased the hotel property and will overhaul and repair it as soon as the weather will pel mit. Vr i; r- Alexander visile) With her mat, Mrs Geirge Mye<e, in Flesherton, n Saturday last. Jami Bell of Coliingwood spent Sunday with Wes Fawcett. The Gospel Workers are holding revival meeting! in tha church on the 10th line west, and a number have been converted. Intended for Last Week Beautiful winter weather ati.J good sleighing. Ic is favoring the Durham Farniture Ca. in getting out their logs, which were bought from John Earle, to thfir mill at Rock Mills. Mi Warner, who has been teller m the Bank of Toronto here, has been movd to Kitchtner. Mr Padgeam, of Barrie, takes Mr Warner's place in the bank . A number of young poople from here took in the Valentine !',- at Sing- himpton last Friday evening and report a good time. Mr Alex McLean, of Souris, Man , is visiting with his fistsr, Mr- G Whiteoak. Mr Burton Ueni'emm hs returned from a few days viit wirh his un-:le in Meaford. Mr Jas Davidson hts bought ttie Kibbs property in this village from MrAithur Browortdgo, and will move onte the American side of th r ver this spring w understand. KIMBERLEY Mr. Jamas Magte, who recently sold hi< farm hare, his remevi-d with his f \m: Y i Uarkdale. Previous to their removal s<er sixty frirndi and neighbors sstmbled at their homn and prPaenUd Mr. sn4 Mrs. Ma|ee with a handsome cut gUss watsr it and mahoiiany -ervin j try. acd Miss Vera with a French ivory nnr,i:nr* ti The piesentiktion i c' -oipii(i r-y a very complimentary address tn tars* worthy people. Ja.*per Stmart ha* a lot i'f men engine.'!! cutting aad hauling lugs to the nii'l. A snmi^erable am< unt of -iokn-j-'< ;s prv!nt hem mos:ly measles and the school is dosed. Thotua H lio: s has moved to nil farm aear the village. It is proposed to reiu<>del ih hill hete this oi'iiunij Kuinmor and make of it i cammuuity hall. AUCTION SALE OF An Auction Sale of Km n> Stock, impto- nidius will held :<t Lot 3 Con. 9, Osprey -OS- Friday, February 25, 1921 HORSES A CATTLK Span --f purpo>e horses 11 and 12 yrs, goncral purpose nwre a^ed, cow 5 yrs du* June 10, dririu; mare nged, cow ii vrs sup- vii'il to be t-'ue June Ii, ei* 9 yrs due April 9, heifer rising 3 yrs due Miy 31, 'fiT 2 yis due April 10. heifer r>sin<{ 4 yrs frrow, 3 spring clve<, 15 sh p, ow due in May, cow rising 3, cow aud in Mity, pur.'brJ Shur'hi rn bull. IMPLEMENTS, Etc Frost A^Voud binder foot cut neatly new. M -H. disc drill just towed 1 crop, M -H. cultivator 13 tooth nearly new, Knwt A Wood plow no. 21 good H.S new, S furrow plow, wood rack, M. U. 13 bull iron harrows. Bain w*gon brtke attachment, l'.i: loggini: chain, hay rack, good buggy, set g<H>d heavy t, .un harness, cet single harnfM, aiiiity '>f grain and hay, churn large size, common table. Standard cream sep- arator no. 4 used 3 yrs, svt light harness, buggy, set light slixhs. cutter, neckyokrs doub'etrees, forks chains tnd numerous other articles. Sale to cunonence tt 1.00 o'clock sharp. TERMS-AH sums of $10 and under, caeh ; over tha- unvunt 11 months' credit will be givin on furuinhiag approved joint notes, ft per cent, off fur cash in lieu of notes. Everything tnuit be Hold without reserve w th owner is giving up farming. JOHKOTTEWKLLJr W. KAITTING. Proprietor. Auctioneer M. P Hurt. >n , collector of customs st Owen Sound, ha* resivned after 26 years' service. EUGENIA The public meeting, which was called list eek tnd was to have been held in the hall, wu held at the home of Mrs Large, when a very go id number turmd out to talk of er the itdviaibility of placing Ch order for our memorial. The result was that the next day the contract was drawn up and signed by (he commit' ee We expect to have tiie work complete on or abcut the 1st of June. Mr Borland, of ColliDgwood, being ttid contractor. There patead away at her hume in Eugenia on Monday, February 7<h, af'er a brief illness, Mrs Jag Walker, nee habelle Hyslop. Mrs. Walker wa<: cne of our moat highly respected citizens A life long member of tb.2 Presby- terian chuich, and although of a quiet disposition she was alwayi ready to do what she eould for the work of the church or in any good caue. The funeral, which was conducted hy her paator, Rev Fowler, was largely attended. Interment took plac in MarkdJe ceme- tery. Tne sympathy of the whnle com munity goes out to Mr Walktr in hi* tad bureavement. A number are laid up with cold at preseni. Win. Walker is under the dcctot's cat* at present wi:h an attatk cl pleurisy. Mrs Walker, too, is in very poor health at present. A. Hoy la busy getting his hcuse moved over from the 10th *a<\ purposes putting it on hia lot here, acrj** from tie school, which when finished will aud considerable toward the improvement af the village. One evening litat week a numlwr c.f the Eugenia and eighth line friends met at tho home of Mr and Mis Garnet Magee in honor of Pta Jcsiah Parlia- ment ar.d patented niia with nn appre- ciative address and a Well tilled purse cs a token nf our esteem and gratitude and great appreciation of h: heruiim. Pro Pr>i:nidnt was much snrprised when asked to t.ike his place under the arch nicely decorated with flags. He made a sh.Tt reply of thaaks, after v\, c h the crowd SSL.{ " He'saj >l!y go> ' tallow," and the evening was pen: in t . UPS and dancing. A dainty lunch wa berved. A number from here a'tended the priy at the power house on Wednesday evening last, and all rnport a go J time Our boy* art very enthusiast;.- :h8 e times over hockey, and although they hive very little practice put up a very good gams. The Young People's Society is bring well attended. They hate deeded to withdraw their m<-ctinjr* until aferihe revivalt are over. Revival services are being cuiKuc'-ed by Mr Patterson in the Metliodi- ureb here and a t;.>o<tly number turn.-o .-.i Sunday evening. There will be -. tl .i C ' 6'ich night the coming week it 7 4.\ Charles Bolaod and wife of Van.l leur visited their aunt. Mrs.Munr,aw. i .ring thu p is- week. A goodly iiumler from Eugenia nt tend- ed the play at Vnndeleur on V ndiy even : nx. The ladies nf VandeKur have great talout andh.ive s>>me very <> characters among their i.umbtv. The concert was good. The Eugvnia < n h s- tri helped out w.tb the fore pir. if the pn grain. Sealed Tenders The undersigned will receive I 1 -.-.! renders for operm ipg tho switch ! rr.H, furnishing of room, lisjlit. heat, etc, for the Osptey Telephone System at Fever- shim. Form df agreement may bo M'on at the ofticj i-f the Sccrernry at ny tim.v A'l tenders to K) in the himds of the Secretary Iy 12 o'clock, noon, on Satur- day, March 1!). 1921. The lowest or any tender not Dece*s*rily accepted. TdOS. W. CONRON. S c. B x 27. Fevershara. Out. G. A. WATSON & SONS - Priceville - Lumber, Shingle*, Planing Matching & Housefinith O ders Ukin (or Poors. Sash and all Houmi Fmsh. ^-ineh match Oak or Maple Flooriog. I'se athe famous Fiber Bosrd on walls, it is ^ inch thick and wind proof. Car of B.C. XXX Shiaglei on hand at $6 50 per square Leave your order as prices are advancing. Let us figure on yi.ur next job, it will coat you nothing JUST ARRIVED Bates BurialCo. .BUSINESS AS USUAL Big Ben Alarm Clocks Funeral Directors and " ' Embalmer At last we have received PllOne Hillcrest 26^ a supply of these well- 124 Avenue Road, known alarms. Toronto, Ont. r MOTOR EQUIPMENT Get yours now while they j w Baleg> R Mtidd9ck , t last- President. Manager PRICE $6.00 ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES Yorkshires, Tamworths Young Stock For Sake W. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler, F>r Brc . dil , g phone or wri:,: <JE<>. W. HOS FLESHERTON, ONT OsprejTel. system MaxwH P. > Farewell Sale We are about to sell out and wish to reduce our stock. Discount of 10 percent, for cash on all orders over $ 1 .00 including : Groceries (except Flour,^ugar and Bread) Confectionery, Tobacco, Salt and Calf Meal. We wish to thank the citizens of Flesherton and surrounding district for their liberal patronage in the past year. J. R. PATTISON & SON, Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton, - Ontario Prices Down We have cut down our prices in accord- ance with the buying price at the present time, running from 10 to 20 per cent. -i. We have not space here to quote prices, ^ * but just drop in and we will be pleased [ to show you the goods, also the difference n prce. W. L. WRIGHT, Corner Store, Flesherton \< KASTER TERM OPENS MARCH 20 Build for Success by attending Yonge and Charles Streets, Toronto This School enjoys a great reputttio* for superior work and for placing graduates qui:kly in good positione. Op'n all y-'ir. Enter any time, Clrculurs free . W. J. ELLIOTT, PBWCJPAI FlesJnerton Tensorfal Parlors We Ann to Qtve Bbttra S*t*Bf. M. n l.AVNLUiV- Basket okes M. -...? night, delivery FUMV ev OLEAN1MQ aud DTWNC5- v. ., agents for Pfttkr' aQtft Wotfcs ' ' cleaned and dyt>d. fwr.Va< re-uwi .| T nsn^v- -PROPRIETY

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