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Flesherton Advance, 3 Feb 1921, p. 7

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It is packed to please and serves its mission is used in millions of teapots daily. Send us a postal for a free sample. Please state the price you now pay and whether Black, Greener Mixed Address Salada, Toronto. 722 BUSH FRUITS AND THEIR CULTIVATION IN CANADA from laal week ) THE BLACKBERRY. . Ttie blackberry ia na^lTe of the Katem State., and in Canaiia it is found wild from Nora Scoria- west- ward aid northward to near the Manitoba boundary. The oommaroial culture of blaok- berriaa la Ontario and Quebec U oon- floed mainly to aoath western Outario. la ti L*k Huron u -; : where ihfro i a haTy fan of itnow, black- .beirrie* succeed rary well, but when unprottatf by this coTering in win- ter th7 are not satisfactory. They are grown with Tarylag decrees of .success in otfaer parta of thet> prov- inoea, the amount of protection they get ia winter usniUy govensing the results obtained. At Ottawa there is rarely a good orop of blackberries, as there ia not quite enough snow ad a rul to protet them well, a-nd the canes are injured. Blackberries do eiceptioaJly .well in British Colum- bia. ao4 also succeed in ports of the .M.ritinit Province*. Propagation. Tae Wackbe/ry 13 ona o? the Easiest froit to propagate. The suckers, which ar* produced in great numbers, may be used or if one wishes to propagate a variety even more rapidly than by sucker*. U may b increased f'oiu root outlines. The roots are cut up int3 pieces two or three inches long They m*y elJier be niide In the tail or in the spriap. ar.d then planted ia nursery rows about three inches deep or one eason, at the close of wiiith if the >>il is woH cultivated there will be good plants available. SoU, Planting and Culture. Ttoe b!acklrry rip^na its truils at a trying tiu.s of the year, UB in late Jaly cf August there U often hot. dry wuarhec. and If thorn is not a good supply of moisture in Uiu goil the fruii will dry mp. and what has promised a b : j; crop will result in only a few good krrl. In selecting a oU, therefore, .. ahould be chow in vraiab will ruUun uioUtOire weU. Aa the blft*kberry ia inclined to e r ow ..u in the fall, and on ti'.us acciwit Is mor* tcmder u:n-. tlia racpbeTry. soil akoold b* ohosen which aithcmgh rick i plan; food hae not an ex- cen* at mitrogen, which would be liafil to induce late gxowia. Henco bottom land should be avoided in moat ptottM. aa much la likely to be riob U mltrogea. One ot (be beat aolle tor btai-kber- : i < : a good u;>..i-.J oly luani. In suck coil th?rt> i.s likely to be sui- ficiMit plant food without an excess of aitrccen. ia.ikiii oonditious favor- able for U drelopmeat of the crop and '.-:. .a, ot tlie wood. The oil should weJl prepared as fur ajl oth.w bu*h f:'ui:.-<. nnd a good applica- tion of wl rotted barnyard uianurf to mom eolle will be found dosirabl. Spring l&ntio is uually prefer able. If planted eriy in the autumn tho youa p auu ure liable t> atari growth &nd :he new aboote to ba in- jared by th frost, hence if planted in the fall they should be ^-t Ian;. Strong one-yar-0id auc'iors are t'-'.e best to plan:. lilackborrias require a groat dal of space io derelop propwly a:\U to v > an cpp-Tiunity of cultivating and pickiag tun-u. The rows !lould not bt\ laea than eight feet part, with (tie pUinte about tkree feet part iu th* rows, bat where th b:*ckhec-ry grows very vigorously four feet apan iu die row* i* mot oo much. The tlver- green variety Us planted sixteen or more feet apart in the rows. Th qu,ick*t way to plant w to op&B deep I'arrow* igb.l feet apart which oro* a iiht mark every tliroa foot. At iate**ectioa <' UIK ruw tbe plant i* set a little deeper Uiau i; was before aad the soil thrown against it aad w*U *r*M*d against the roots. Where die soil is well prepM-d, pUullas UIK..T be done very quickly by opeiing a hole wldi e pdB when the toil \ lightly marked both ways. If especially fine fruit & desired * good me.tb.od of planting U to set the pljiuts about eight feet apart each way amd k<ep in hUls. By th>9 metkod eultivatioTi may be main- tained both ways, md tlio plants hav- ing a better opportunity to develop will bear finer fruit. Good ultivation should be given the firt year to get tho plants well established and to procure a strong growth early 'in the Bieason. When Aa plants are eighteen int-Jiee to two feei in height ihey afcoi^d b pincJi- ed off to make them throw out iJ shoots and thu k>p them the bet- ter witliin bounds. All can^a ex- cept three or four of rhe strongest fdioaid be cut out. Th second year tiie new shoots made that -.? *. .. should be pinuhed bitk whea ibout two feet in hlht. amd aa cfaej> will not all be the same height at the same time, it is iieoesdary to go orr the plantation several .i.-- Ail suckers uboulu be destroyed. It is important BO do thia work in good time, as if done too iate the Laterals will grow too Uto and b injured by winter. During the seoond neawon five or six of the *tronsst oan should b left, and all the rest should be removed either during tho siimme" or in the aurnmn. This practice i then foKcweti every year, the canes wliich have home fruit being removed as 900 af*r fruitinjt a.i it is oonvenient ti> dj th work. Each spring the latoral-i should ba headed back considerably, tire length of lateral to be left depuudiox on the variety, as soma kinds set fruit further oat on laterals than others Until the trultln? iiabit of the var- ieties is knowa tha lat&rals sii')uid no: be headed b-^ck until the fiw?r buda sliow. The length of literal to idive af'ar pruning will vary con- siderably, but there should not be more than two feet left. If it ha~ no; be?n possible to pinch in su:n- mer. and co pinching is better than Iiai-h:p.j: io<> late, die bushes may be beaded back to three or four feet ia height in spring, and the laterals headeU in HA already described. The r>iiic>iin back in summed tends to k"f n the bushes lower tlinn the>y oti'erw .-e would be. and they are thus niore pratKtad in winter, but th-y may be still more protected by bending thom over and covering the tips with soil to hold them in |uue. although Uiis is very unpleaaaut work, und it toarce4y pays to .io it if blackberries are grown for sate. More protection is given if ttae cane* are covered wl 4 soil, straw or coarse inanur. In parta of Canada where the winters are mild ami low ba&hai> are not necessary, a trellis w p>ro<rided for supporting the canes Md makinc this trait easier to handle. The conservation of moisture la very imporant in growing black- berries, and a the fruit doas not : ipcn until late in the s>immr, cul- ttvatlcn will be later than fur most f r uiu. It will be usually round bast to continue cultivating un'.il the ber- rie* are almot ready to pick. A blackberry, when it is perfectly r-'pe. is one of the finest fruits, bu- 'i picked before it is rip>? is c;uite uc ^. for ui>. I'n'ort. nately. sum varletioa become black before U<?:. -.r are welt colored, the result be- ir, t-liat they reach the market in an unrip*? condition, and it is not to b wondered it that :host> wh.) rry them -.-. this condition do not wish to u?< blackberries ana In. It would bo i- rhe b?at interests of their business i. irult growers would pay more alien tlon to ihls matter, and ^r.'.v ship fru ! which will b*-4n goml co:icUtion when U r?ache the consumer. A blickbea-ry plantation is in full bearing the third season after p'ant '.og. and will csnticue profitable for a K)u time if w<ll oared for. but it La u.-i;i,<: > bett to renew th? planta- tion evry ._ ~ or ten years. (Continued next weekt. f ry , v.-i.y do a eoupl? marry with tii oaiplete aud ^-- -.. approval of all their friends aud relative* on boili Is of opinion tha.t Jok is ) jotxl Tor Jill- ox Ui*t Jill ha made a siui -.iilstakt* tn nKwrylng J-*ck. Not ven the dirtekiu of property cause* BO much d iawMusiiaa, in families as mtxl- diine in love aftatrs. Rarer atU are the ctisos whore op- pt>ai!ig a marriage ufcori'.piie-rie* Its iruirnoe* of breaklag oif the r.iiitch. There is ve-ry IKtut^ that disepproving tan <io to preve'.'.t. u tu;j,r- ', hawovor cogent und vaJid their reasons for ob>SM.-ting. Viol wit opposition is of aU course* tfto m-jtt iiupolltjc. Cientle dJscour- of a love affair sometimes - NOTE THESE FEATURES IHitn . KtroMuc (coal oil> Won- derful fuel saver. Thrott!c|-gov- ertwd. Hui't i.i inugocto. Simple fw^l fe*<i and mixer. Kosy start- inji. No cranking. Bit; surplus power over rutiiiK. 87 MADE IN OUILPH First to Drop to Pre-War Prices (Hson ihc Inrgeit selling engine in the Uritbh Em- pire has always led hi value. Now it Icudi ill tfimming nrices to Ciguntic proout-- tion of the new Gilson "Wiaard" line has nidile pos- sible .iiii.i !:, cuts in prices. Nothius like these val- i:. : i . been seen >iacc prv-wanUyit. /Vod thw uexv . I'-.r.c sets TMW staudurd ot pvrfertxuuice. eoouuiny und depcndabilit>'. Demonstrated FREE Eay Term* You g.-t manufacturers' price on this Gilson "Wizard " You get .1 free trial Devour lrm. if you want it. lou buy on easy terms or cash. Five-year guururi- tee K<? with every engine. But to get our present UMMH values, you must act quick. Prices can't l>e a cent lower They mav be higher. Aud demunJ ia pouriog in. Write at once for full (acts. QM.MN MFO. CO.. Ltct. JTtl York St., C.u.Iph off ems niiioii. Ridletii*. otp!oyd, ia a poinr. wapou Mach may b daaa by contriving . pout POD e a wedding, provided * be artfully contiettled, t' ,1- atfordhig opportunity for better ac- 4 .i.:.-ji.c- and ir-^h dit>iUn>iiaD- inent. IJut open oppoxiUon of any kind is more likely to >i-T>:'.t tt.s par- pose uud r.:nk e Che 'wo more dece<"- tuincd to wed. * * * Opposition is. however, nuich more effective with women than wirb men Tlie reaaun is obvious. It is only tb<^ exceptional woman who can afford to sett lit- r family at defiance upon tuiy subject of importance. The average woniin is accustomed from her youth up to tak.i their advice. Tli^ woman who marries in direct oppositien to the wishes of her kith and kin must, either be tremendously in love or tremendously self-willod. perhaps both It requires a far greater cTforr for a woman to forsake father, mother, aiatere. and brothers iy the man whom aiie !ove than that whicli the man makas iu similar circumianc6i=. rfho may iove him ail the better because she winks ihe-m to bini and fully itvUHid to dis- ttcir advice, bar when it to lha pinch her hear' f.iiU her. Most men. on tlie other hand, are eagar to brt.ak a lanes with anyone in defence of the woman (or whom they care ^upugh to marry. The better the mair. she more willing fa* is for the combat. Moreover, cbe vanity of man bids h-ini rely on his own judgment. The man who is in love.- or fancies him- self in lora. witli a -woman believes Uiat lie knows her thoroujrtiy He resents outside dvia or information. His aelf-e&teem ia enlisted in de- fanes of hjj own opinion und he de- clines to belceve anything to tur dis- credit. Indeed, he will quarrel with h4 b*t friends if Hjat Criend shall atten::>: ever so kindly t> discourage his marrige with the woman of his uhok*. E. M.. in Tie London Dailv Mail. CURE YOUR COLD t : WITHOUT MEDICINE * j Just Breaths Its Balsamic Vaoor Does the Rest r - a t.tay s?rm ill.:.: s.'Js ;; ami - - d : .-- O.MU die quick', v ; } rrhoione is used, simply b<-. the vapor of t'atarrii''::o!i ir.staiuly destroys tlie serui tH:u ki-cp-i Uie cdd uliv<?. Kvcry uretith you ir-.iw tl:. e ir.hi'.ler fill* th- wii.ili- bri*i -i^u- w:'h pure piuey e<enc^s th.i: steps colds :it th:r very be- gioain? You experience a "'..-i.-'^;" .-.. i<( rvlif' at or.i-i' svi-mess. nose aad throat. Uve head is cleared, nr.d every tra.ce of CJld orr catarrh is cured. <'atArrlioioa*e is so sure, 90 pleasant, such a eafe. remedy Cor winter Ills tha; you can't afford to o without it. Get tie dollar outfit. :t lasts two months and is Kitaiun- teed tr> cure: email size 5oc: trial size 26c. ali dealers or The t'atarrh- o2on i "<>.. Kingston. Canada. CONG TMe^ t_A3T. One of the most effective vcriui- on the uiarkel is Slillvr'-s \Vorm Powdivrs. They will not ouiy clnar ihw stomach aad bowels of wonus. but will prove a very uervicenblf medicine lor chUdreu ia rogulatini? the i;ii>ji- ;htt 6y^te>iu and UKUut!xinin i' ia u h.althy condition. Thrre is '..otliins in their ciupoltivn Chat will injure tie ui.ii iloliovte sloii'.Ai-h when di- rections arc followed, and ihey caa be given to children in the Su'.y assurance tl:at Ui-ey will utterly I'-'sirov a' w^rias. Mirard's Linimtnt l-or Diphtheria. Distrust auil knowledge of his own profession, caused an Australian law- yer :.) include u clause in his will, itatiug that If any of his beuer'.olar- ies. for aoiv reas<.>u whatsoever, cou- tested hU will. tha.t person's share was to be paid to a aertain charity, and no lawyers were to make uny money out of hia will. A Prim* Dreeeing for Wounds. In cme taoiorias and wortetiops acid is kept for ue iu wounds and cuVs natainid by the workmen. Fur better U> kevp on hand u bottke of IJr,, Ttiojiv.i*' Bclec- trio Oil. It la just as ouk-k in uctlou siad doee not Bear the> ekin or burn <iio Lesson V. January 30. JESUS GREETED AS KIN.G. Lesaon Matt. 21: 1-46. Printed Text Matt. 21 : 1-16. Golden Text. 'Blessed in he that cometh in the name of the Lord'' (.Matt. Jl: 9). Histo-ical Setting. Tinw . A. D. 30. Place Jeru- salem. The Lesson Text. 1 And when they drew nigh unto J^-usalem. and came unto Bethphage. unto the mount of Olives, rhen Jesus sent two disciyles. '2 saying uata them. Go into the village tiia: is over agaiast you. and >!uvay > shall find an ass tied, and a colt with her: loose them, and bring them unto I'.ie. 3 And if any one say aught unto you. ye sha!', say. The Lord hatn need of them: aiul straightway he will send them. 4 Now tills is come to pass, that it might be tulflUed which was spofeen through the proohet, saying. ~ Tell ye the daughter of Zion. Behold, thy King cometh unto thee. Meek, and riding upon an ass. And upon a colt the toe.1 of aa ass. And the*disciples went, and did evea as Jesus appointed them, and brought the ass, and the colt, and put on them their garments; an<< he sat thereon. 8 And the most pa-t cf the mul- titude spread their garments in the way; and others cut branches from the tress, aad spread them in the ONION SANK MAKES SOLID PROGRESS FIFTY-SIXTH STATEMENT REVEALS VERY STRONC CASH POSITION BUILT UP DURING PAST YEAR TOTAL ASSETS INCREASED $80.- 000.000 SINCE 1916 SAVINGS DEPOSITS AGAIN SHOW MARKED INCREASE QUICK ASSETS TO LIABILITIES INCREASED FROM 47.23 PER CENT. TO 64.35 PER CENT. THERE ARE NOW 393 BRANCHES AND AGENCIES. 9 And the mu.tiLudes that went before him. ;::id taat followed, cried say in,'. Hoeanua to the son of David: IU> -. ,1 is he tits' comotli in the nani" of ;JB Lord: Hosanna in the highest. 10 And when hj was come into Jerusalem all ui,' city was stirred. .-iv::: L ' \Vhj ii this? \id '.he multitudes Thi* i orcp'a?:. Jesus. ;ro:u Nazareth ilee. t<?raple c: Gud. and cjs: out ail them ' . sold and bough: in the temple, and <.;.;' ihe tables of the money-c':ar-,vrs. and tlie seats of '!ie;n tha: sold the doves: 13 and he i*a:Ui un: > th-.i::. I' is .vrittM. My h.-j-" ituCl be oal> ! LI :'.i)ii<t- of prajr^r: but ye make i: a ieu i robbers. 14 And the blind . r.d the lame to hirn iu th? temple; and he healed tiieni. lo But wheu thtf chief pri?8Ui and rhe scribe* suw UIP wonderful thinjr* that he did. and the children that were crying !:i the temple rnd s.\Tinst. Hosanna to the son of Bivld: they were moved with indignation, lt aud said unto him. ^H^nre-i' liou what Uies* 1 are saying 1 AIK! Jes>us taith unto them. Yea: did ye never read. Out of uioutUe* of babes aud sucklings taou hast perfected Toere m no butter proof of the con- fidence of the peopie in a banking in- stitution than lo bee tbe saving* de- posits In chat intitutk>n grow Crom year year. The 56fJi Annual Re- port of the Union Bank of Canada, covering tnia jeer ended November JO. 1920 gfcowB a very eattef act airy in- rr;i.-- in Saving's Deposits, despite '-he many demands aud eoils that have been upon the peoples sa.vings during the post yar Savings Deposits now stand at $SC.Ti0.4?4 as compared with *84.37.70 m 1M and jW.H-i.Mu in 1*16. Tlijp Reserve Fend ha* b?en in- creased by j4i.Ki.Ouo. and now totals $6,0(XKOOU. The total assets of Lh bank now amoiuu to Jl(J9.2C5.44o. the.-* 1 figu-;-*<; r-presEtirt an increase of J<M>.000.(K)0 since IBlrj. The uifth-uh period of dnaUon through which ;h> country hn*s be=*n passing luu presented many difficult problems u> our backing iCalituiiuiLS. but it is gratifying to note chat die Cuion Bank > now iu. a ->:*-: liquid poetTJoa cliac st ttaji been at asy rime in itc history. The 1920 b ilanc*; sheet kidiuutes tb&t tie policy of the e.'ric-ia'r. of i .! bank baa baen co build up a trtici; cut-Li position, aad in thin tiiey have bea Ku<*p<a: Ljquid and aj*h nnftt'ta on Nuvsaaber CO. 19fc'> uitad $)i2.J03.&ti8 being ;uai t.. 54.95 P>T o*-ur of di* bum! liabilities Lc ;lu? public ae compared with the race of 47. 158 pur -VIK c- ll Two new tendings s_ppcr in tha fttJUtm(ai Chin year wtikrh ware In- cluded in 1?!!* under "Vurrent Luaas uada." On" of these "De- mand Lrecs in Canada ot-urpil br Criin' :,:: B I r'.1J - :. 765.47 h.'Ws p. tilt bak hajb ue*r. rendering v .isviuiu services to atiaist- j ing !tot marketing . crop j The oilier n.>w hidiiw is "Loans o MR. SHAW, The General Manager of the Union Bank of Cania-. '.- 'ose fifty-sixth annual abatement sh9vs very strong position. Governments and amount* to l7-84o.lW.39. These items when totalled witfc "<'Uirr*iit Loans aad Discounts to C-uuxda." titow |88.23U.T16.7 or 1.96 pe otsat. incrwi**> over 1919. Th* I/Titon pmtfr now h-is 38i* bmni-M-- -i;i.-h cover tie mtizo Do- mini' . . . ir A P ' - ' RIV* biakia service WH-OC.! t-> none. 1 ;o its brand)--* fci **-' ink >p":. w<i oUir- in V- \Vl-.j is tii-.s?" 1.1:^-- p.-.'L>..' / from vtiir.'' Phariseee. Vtrse 11. ' - ' --)! they ur. t^cly .Ieu*' iutr:. ..-:ples knew His caaracter. Verses 12. 1C. Oa Sun'i,:y j..-us entered the temple and saw the abuses Uiere. la ihr e?ening He retar^od u> Bethany On Monday Me entered the temple aad cleared it. Verse 15. Tii^ scribes rejected divine authority without In- oalvy He wi not like vhe:- u \:f the Messiah. He had vxiked retnguitioa _ \vi:hou: ap- t.i Uie Sanbedrin. . \%. The approa: of an 111- noceat cUi.d "ii the perfection of praise." OF ENG;;ES GILSON'S 1 ARE FIRST FIT, M TO COME DOWN TO PRE-WAR PRICES. H3W Tl ff DUPING WINTER ' .v that there Ts a dow^v. ia prioee of neariy al cjmuk,a,:u - ft Ms mtxrtvt'ine to learn tha: the :.,.-m ere are &m<uur the first to bene':;. and that the brvaX in prices te in n i-.<;::i- modity that should be on every torm One of Ui eeeeatiale t. r iwod tdxmtt.> is a gcutoUna or koroeeuo en- gine. Every taxme.r either h;i- or wished he hi-, and i^ arraaR.nt: to <a: oce ae SOC:L as pcaaiMe, or a- ta the money Comments Verse 1. Our Uird hid arrived in Bethany cu Kriday Mvenin.e. anil a - the close of tie Sabbath (Saturday i !^e was anointed by Mary. On Sun- day rr.orniSg ile left Bethany for j ieras'luin. L'e'hpoage is a village i b?tw -fii tht's> IWD c::is. The two 11.- .. f wt:> James aud John. Vor L> -1. Jesus' purpose was ut- terly de:uocr.-' .V.H bein? th" plritnal l*ad r. He is sympalheti- ae vrr.l :ul man. Vo"- o. lyrist anticipated tha: :hc owner of the animal might ask for explanations. Probably th" Ver u 4. This not done for the ;>urpj-:j of fulfi.liug prophecy, but when done it ilid fuiflU prophecy. Vers? 5. Toe quotation is from 7 9: 9. The Jews regarded the passage as pointing to tae Messiah vJohii 12: 14-16;. Verse t>. Thfc detail of tihe find- iiiK of the cvlt are givn by Mark iM-U'k 11: l-9. Verse 7. Splendid and gorgeous trappings were thrown upon ajiinui ; ridden by Eastern mon.ircha. The col: here mentioned wjs covered with Ui garniauto of the plain people. Verses 8. Probably som in the amUitu<!o du5 not take part. Verse 9. The word Hoscnu.i" had come to be t!u> formal exy v slon of congratulation. V<-re 10. Porsoually .Tesus wa ; itrown in tl'9 city. TVie qutioii. Llmmnt For Grtlt In Cows Protect the child from the rxvages of worms by ulns M.>ther It-raves' 'V --ni 1i*'rt~'TT' t '" t ' 1 T It is T vtwr\- dwil fBiqv. j,d TBT of HIM? hare , i. a Prevent Falling Hair With Cuticura Shampoos The first thing to do ir. restoring dry, thin and falling hair is to get rid of dandruff, itching and irritation of the scalp. Rub Cuticura Ointment into the scalp, especially spots of dandruff and itching. Next morning shampoo with Cuticura Soap aixi hat water. SaUc. Jiim..i 25 nJ 5-". Ttkm25r. Sold hrouxhout the Dominio.). Canaiimn Depot : lautii 144 St. fed Si.. W.. Hiiitinl. lulicura Soap he without o>u. MANV TROUBLES MKY BE AVOID- ED IF THE BLOOD IS KEPT PURE. Do no* let your Hictxi gf Ui*a winier hVv prop'e whu IMV u lQ- towATtt* iiaat^nia. or b-x.llti*s- winUr is a irytas *fla-u Uick of ex*-n>*\ iucii t>f fresJi and a more n.iriolU liet ajx? uiii>>n}c ;!:- rliiing 'liat c-otubine to lower th ' tc-ni? of th body oad xvaii<a tiu- blood. A-; BbOD i: in- !>'- vho ft'ed ftvlinx. !uiX <; i.[>ix.<i:<> oi;d short- M ;X !v.iih rim: .ir^ w.uninj? y:npu>:is of ttin blood. tAkt- a short course of tTwi'.iuent wiUi H" \Vi> ivijiis' '^v..-\ S'i'.i;. i\> :: 't w.ii: tii- otxor has i-r-.;.;:-.-iy >f! yuur cl .-. IU four " " :uil ><.;: eyt-s IUTV duL. 1: - 1C rr Uli-i.ii!:; of tile blool i:i ti> vtirlif ; ..- - than (.:<.- .": - i :-i -h ca^- x of \J- S. N! Dridg. X. B.. .:i- own f:;p^riv-T!c'i' %-. PinJc Pills, a.nd af.f- liking boxes I fell 'jki r. ni"* man." You c.ui !TV'I-U>' Dr. \ViUUnm' Piuk Kills throuffb aiy dtuhT in melii'in; or they will be ivat you by a; 50 cents a box or six boxm for $2.60 by tvrrUii? iiir-.-i; tx> Tke Or. M.'dii-: :-,.<.-.. Hnx-kviiit*. Oat. Dr \ -": -m my of Uuelpb. whicj umkiis th :;-ju oao the ku-gest aalee record in tie British Empire ami therefore muet give iiifujiitiiii iu the eiuni.-;::i.; of :-aja:rs ^vto it. ooa aanafhed en- fnn. prio<. It Is the ttrel -^in-- .-.i-.-.paajr to d.-op U pre-ww prices. Th^s is a site;) ia tlve riht md o:'. t - d appeal u- rs ..nd cii:fra w-ao are :ha purchase of a gasoline or '.; r i-omp.iny has kt'-pt up II - liigh r Ota, .-' and depend: V..tty. It i:i"es free d.^iojut--'. . pnsincs to ho - .L .mil il - - ->aii any inforuia- i t:<-:i nei-=*^u-y t faxmere .ad < taat unyo;\ > oon- ' tern;-... ii.-^ of uai e- :s.:ion at ouco. it ' would br .1 JO J id*a to writo ne-w iu ' York S::->:t. Guelpli. iuid tusk tlieiu tJ send you i:n'rrnmld;:i .ibout ta^ir en- It will (five y- u a li-> on y.xir n.'quiror.'.en s and ijlnoe y<^' "'..der ; m> i^bligiuivu to purvddee. 6evirai Aa Km?.isli cloi-k i- r.t : '.virli ur itton f"r ;;'io;it l.i> i'i ho.irs with < :-.!,> i-fll drv battery. - . ^^JtltfOJMl ONE GALLON OF ZCT i^l f\ B ^* lll^ B* S ^al I s 1 IMDB 8 V 3 ^^ & V I M A ulakes 10O Gail~ns of Di %enolMM:i U n-:t only the best disinftc:an: d/> :; a-.l' it is also tae m OK ecotioniual. v v For ilisi:a;-< :ing ycur ptabli't, ht-n hcr.sts rr hog pens, ; p.vrt ;'i-n'.\vu:n to 100 pjvrts wa;er is the proper dilution. This Guaranty poos with every ounce 1 1 Mrri.'Vum "It Zen- oleu:u is !'.c-i all you think it ought t.i be. y^u have your istom-y back. No tetters. No talk. Just money back." This guaranty is your protection. A ^ * * S i at tfl3 O. A. C.. Guelph, and at the Dominion mental Ktoxrn, Ottawa use and endorse Zemvleum: livesXuK'k axd poultry raisers ail over it; tarmers iu every country use it. It is Uve be<t disinfectaat you can buy. For sale by all d-ruggur.^, f!our and feed merchants and by hardware dealers every whs*--or vr-rito direct. ZENOLEUM PRODUCTS CO. HAMILTON, ONT. * 5 V V * 1f 1 M 5 .

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