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Flesherton Advance, 3 Feb 1921, p. 4

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February 3 1921 THE FI EftHEBTON ADVANCE Let the Bank Help You The Merchants Bank is a successful Bank because it helps its customers to achieve success. Some of the most prosperous Farmers in this community have won their way with the helpful assistance and sound advice of this Bank. They realize that The Merchants Bank is IK ready to advise its customers on all financial matters. TH MRCHANTS BANK Head Office : Montreal. OF CANADA Established 1 884. CEYLON & FLESHERTON BRANCHES C A NORSWORTHY, .... Manager. WE SELL FARM IMPLEMENTS WAGONS, HARROWS PLOWS SPECIAL PRICES IN New Tubular Sharpies Separators JOHN HEARD, IM PLEMENT AGENT. FLESHERTON. Flesherton Tn Sho I have just placed on the shelves a full line ot Tinware, Nickelware and Agateware for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. Eavetrooghiog, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipefitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Bros. Furnaces. ! i V i JM $1 [ I .<' D. iHcKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON & ONTARIO. II 1 THE Flesherton Advance An irnli-j i-nilmt, newtpuar pulilinhed every Thursday at tho ottiee, CollingwcKid Street, Flt-ahertiin. Subscription price SI ii'l per annum when paiit in niivanct) ; $2.00 when not so paid. $2.00 to Unitad StnteH. .\ tUvil.iMUL' rates on application. Circulation ovur 11<)0 weekly. W. H. THUKSTON, EKITOH Black Johnston Cupid Ins been veiy busy lately with bia golden ho<r and arrow, of which one result was the marriage nf Mr Robert Ellwood Black, of Duudalk. to Miss Elda Jchnaton, of Toronto on Wednesday last at the home W G Thomas, in town, uncle of the groom. Ilev F O Fuwlur per- formed the cereni-iny. The bride looked very sweet and qirl ish attired in a gown of navy blue sxtin wiih over dress of Georgette The friends from n distance were Mr and Mis K.. lint and Husaell I '.lack. The young couple, went to their home near Dundalk on the Saturday evening train. We wish Mr and Mrs Black a very happy voyage thtough lif. Crossley Boyd A ijuiet WBd-iipg look place on Wed , Jmuaiy 2o'h, at Klesherton, when Lena Maud, elder d<tut{hter of Mi - I. :, . M. Boyd and the lat^ VV J Boyd, was united in marriage to Charles J Crossley, of Toronto. Rev C Belfry conducted the ceieniony. Tho bride, who was uimtlended, wae given away by her brother, Kendall Boyri, nnd looked very pretty in H gown of navy taffe'n wi-h chenille trimming, wearing tho i>rnoiii' i-ift, n rope of pearl*, and carried ophelia roses. Little Miny Laura Boyd made a pretty tl-'wvr airl in white crepe do-cliine with tullo snub nnd carried in hor bnaket piuk and white carnations The i- .|,n / iiuitHc wjg played by Hfgin- aid Boyd, younger brother of the bride. An ,-i the wedding breakfast Mr. and Mrs. Crossley left for their home, in Toronto, tho brute tinvellinn in a UtfeU dnss, Hudson seal cott and gold lure hat with se tl ir.iniiiiii '. BUY FLANNELETTES AT ALHOST HALF PRICE Great Towelling Sale A MI ii M!>- of Linen, Uninii, Hath, Cotton, Tea and Holler Towollingi, old .ill- vultK-H, n A price .'J"ic Unbleached Cotton (Jnoil 5Cc;. ('(iliiui in rxlrn heM^y <|Unli'y, ";-cial charing pricu IJ'.lc Flannelettes (;,.! (|i"iv Qu>liiy Sltipid Kliiiiiii'iftte :t:< nnil .'M inchi'M <<, regular 4')c. vnhn-, new priu,. 'JOo. per ynr'l. Flannelettes Very hen' ipielily of SVIiim I' 1 : iiiii.-i.'i u only :i!lc. Prints A wniiileifiil linn of hulil mill ilirk prin< H, ri-j,' 'Aw , xale prim t!Su. Heavy 85c. Ticking for 50c. A KOOI! lie ivy II'IMI HIM) wliiln xinpn Tu-kiiitf I hat WHN nnlil' fi.rmcrly a' Hfii! n vutl, tpuMat lull. '.Ull flOu w M w iw iffl IK n . IB m an m m m n w in m F. G. KARSTEDT, Flesherton, - Ontario Patterson -Gilchrist Tim home nf Mr. mid Mr*. A mini* wns tliu MCUIIO (<f n pretty wed- diii!{ i>n Weiini'Mliiy. .Un. L't>. when their Hfcuiiil .1 ni_;liii i. Clan* May, became tin- wife of Mr. (.i,-. irtfrt K lj;r Patterson, sou of Mr. mid tho l,i|o Mrs. (leo. Patterson nf IVic-'ville, tliti Kev. Mr. Kuxvkr ullimiiii.!. The lirule, who wan mven away liy lur Intht-r, took hr pUce lii-H'ile tin- urn 'in uinler an arch nf pink and while HiiVHinors, from winch .Minpemled n horaeohne mid Iwlls. Mi ,. Kill in Slew- act pluyu'l [, iliungriu tveililmi,' innrch. Tlit< liritlo Innkeil rim .urn' in a ^own of ivory bin. I embroidered OtMflBMMMtifl ami ijeoi-." ' crepe, hor brilal v*il h-iny . i i !! w illi * .string I'f |- ".< ami c- m \ in,; H i-..i i ! hou<)uut of nwoe.1 peat ami i u n ii i. Hi'. I IUMI- tlio .i.'iniiu of tlin ri>|fi<<lur MrH. Fowler .sang veiy aarout'y, " Oil I'nmu.v) MB." After th> utiiemiiny about 45 guvKta rutiied u> tha ii". room, where a dainty wedilug iliuner w Htirvuil . Thti room WAN litntefully decorated with pink and white. ni i . iii'i-i . and white !-K .. \ i n .1 ti ,in. a .ii-,1 iiii-i- went : Mr and Mrs (>>. P>>ttur unit MrH S Olayliui-n, Mono Mil:-. MrH Anily Kurd, Oitkvillr. The. y.ninu couple, were thu rei'ipitmtH of many nii-lir nnd In- in ii ul pri'Nunts. Tim Kioom'-* nift to thu In MI- WAA an opomini e.pu nnd to the .'i" un-.i n ,'.! tironrh Tim ni'w'y v> nlileil couple left mi llm afiurnoon uain mm I I,...M'I , of cuiifeili nnd unnd i ,|II-H to visit in Toronto and ,-i',i-A !,. ,, . i h !'i; ! u n.-ili-d in . i. u 1 auit of u iw liluu trioiitini> n ' hit to inul eh. l)>i t'ifir iiilurn they will on tluiir I ii 111 ii" r I'r COVillf. Values That Are Truly Extraordinary SELL-WE MUST ENTIRE STOCK POSITIVELY TO BE CLEARED OUT IN JANUARY. NEVER SUCH BARGAINS IN FLESHERTON Everything selling at and below cost. Not goods picked up for sale purposes. It is our whole stock being sacrificed. Dont just say that's great. COME COMPARE. Men's Kitchen Railroad Overalls Men's Black Overalls Boy's Overalls, sixes 26 to 32 All Wool Sweater Coats Signal J.9Q i.50 0.50 Pullovers $3.00 V Neck Sweaters - 4.50 Ties Soc Socks, fancy, from 25 to 75c Men's ileavy Wool Socks, 50 and IF YOU EVER HAD A CHANCE TO BUY RIGHT IT'S NOW Ann Bands Bcst.on Garters Handkerchiefs, all colors Men's Work Shirts Men's Fancy Shirts 10 and 2 30c i 5 and '20c 85c to $2.00 $2.00 / Atlantic Wool Underwear 1.00 Kleece Lined Underwear 90c Combination Wool Underwear :J50 to $4.00 Neck Scrtrfs 1.00 to 2. 65 Felt l.'ats 3 00 Men's Winter Caps - ".50 Knincoats from $10.00 to $:!.>. CO Hor.sehide Mitts 60c Work Gloves 1 00 Kid Gloves, lined I.ttO Dressed Kid 2.00 Wool Gloves I/J5 Leather Belts - 35 and 50c Police Braces 50 and 75c Linen Collars - 20c .N egligee Sol t Collars 30c Boys' Hibbed Worsted Hose, doable heel and toe. 40 to 90o Pant and Coat Hangers ICc , or 5 for 2;>c All Hobberlin Tailoring reduced 33 1-3 per cent, during January. Everything must be sold as the owner is quitting business. Come in and look us over. H . J . L E G A R D, GENTS' FURNISHINGS. FLESHERTON, ONTARIO NOTICE U--im-mber the Old Reliable Sinic r , Sewin,; Maolnne. You enn buy on j 1. 1 nn to r>uit at a very reasonable ' price. 10 year uuarantuo. Ml tilt KNOTT, Ai.iit. M u' i' (lur. For Service Om> pure. I n-.l Sturthotn bull on l.o 28 and 25), Concussion S. Artenititiia. Teriiin ?t .">*) for k-raden if paid iiisWo of !) in in: Ii- -if not (<->. 1'uro U.l f ".I ". RJBKll O3UOKSH. FLESHERTON BAKERY IT'S WORTHY Til K 1UIKAI< ^WITil A I'Uh'POSE. Yes, our Pure Kooil Mroatl lias a worthy purpose It brings hoalth and strength and a meal time satisfaction to tho folks who pnitako of it regular- ly. One slice calls for a loaf, ono loaf forms tho habit.. Broad is your boat food cat more of it. PHONIi S FRED FINDER, Flesherton Card Of Thanks Mr Hint ntrM GoOfM II. Iliuk lU'K-ire t D (lunik llii'ii imtiv kin. I fiii'i'il* unit neujhl'..!-" tor til. -ir kinilnei'K in iiMNixtini' them in llit'ir li'iiilito i p i I liei-riivein>.|ic DR. F. C. NIXON Optometritt and Optical Speciali*t Ilnroniano Street, ncmr Third Sirnet II,. x KM, I, Appoint inentM : l>aily ' i in- to 5 p. m. !>:> .'nil,-, and llolidikyi T,'l, v h,.n i.l I \\ 1 .lly'JO 111 NIP Oarolully Correoled Booh Week Butter ... ............. 38 to 40 Kuua ...... ... ........ tW V 05 Winter Wheat .......... I 90 lo 1 WO Sprii^ Wht ............ 1 70 to 1 70 Oat* ................ 60 to 60 Barley .................. 7 to 86 I'enh .................. 1 60 to 1 76 Huokwhoat, ............. 90t>0 1'iilHtucH ................. 76 '<> 80 Apple. ................. 4 00to4 00 Of Interest to Farmers P. T. Hill <& Co , Limited, ar>< ia the market fur n i|nntit.y of prin){ and winlor wheat for their milll for ; r.-M-nt delivery. Pf you Ii >\ any rn Fell call phone 7, Mbrkdaln Ja^Otf BOAR for SERVICE Tamworth Bmr fur S.TVK-H | n lot lf>7 . S W T S K , Ai t*m*ia.. Te.rniH $1.50 s,.s nut returned will . !: ir--.-' I HKine IK tliiMn in pi(. Fob 15 T. J. ST1NSON, Prop L BELLAHY'S GROCERY Headquarters for Al Groceries, Flour and Fruits nsH S*lt tint Kre>h Kish, inoluiiiiii; Trout, Saliiuiii and 1 1 ,M i :i ... Tiy our Sin.'ki'd Iliuu i,. HUNBV Kim: I 1 ; si ('lover Hooey lit u .in t 10 Ib. pail*. DRY FlU'ITS Currants, Rtittinn, hi^s iul l>it<'-. All ijnod quality. A fall line of i". to plvase. FLO I U ly using i' i- mi of the Went f >r hril. Kevershaui I* i-try nutkes the of I'attry. .DUIM1LK. Auk us about tho prtptrattoo. A good sub*t.tutd for mi Ik. CEREALS * * Rolled OaU. Wbett. Corn Flakea, Shredded Wheat, Wheat KerueK etc. WILLARD'S CHOCOLATES T< Brtr BELLAMY'S **%** I CHEVROLET I of Experience' ButUHiun in Canuuu CHEVROLET PRICES Toniprary prices on Chevrolet Cars while War Tax is cancelled : Four-Ninety Touring $1050 .t Baby Grand Touring $17;>0 " Rondster 1035 " ' Koadster 1720 " Coupe ItHH) " " Geupe 2720 Sedan 1820 " " Sedan 2720 " Truck Io3o " " Truck 1795 P. O. B. FLESHERTON These prices will only prevail on cars in stock and are subject to any fntnre "War Tax if nt purchased prior to same being imposed. D, McTAVlSH & SON, CHEVROLET DEALERS, - FLESHERTON, ONT.

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