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Flesherton Advance, 3 Feb 1921, p. 2

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A short time ago the retail price of Red Rose Tea (Crimson Label) was re- duced 10 cents a pound. Whenever conditions permit, the price will again be reduced, but never to such an extent as to lower the quality. You will always find the quality of Red Rose Tea all you expect it to be the same good tea for over 25 years. T. H. ESTABROOKS CO., Ltd- St. John Toronto Winnipeg Montreal Calgary Edmonton Advice to Girls By Miss KosalinJ righJ /Let NlM Rosatlnd welcomes letters from JWIQ wo*nn avktag for advice on any subject An yoo have to do Is to aMreM yoar letter to MtSS BOSM.FND. 34 King W1MUM St.. Hamilton, Ont. Dear Rosalind: For several incmUiK I hare bowi reMlng yoar advtoe to girl*, and it certainly ia wonderful, tend I am sure it is a great beneCH to gjrte, but dear Rosalind I think tlmn- are womeu wto also need advice espet-fcUly hi this town. I faav-a be*n reeding your advice end cari'fitfVr wau-ttng for your let- ters in topes yon oan at least -'-' ai) mind ut :..>' There aro women in thti> to-wn who mak it a liablt to go from hoium tn house and gissip. The thing* thoy nay and make np are a dlsgroon to them. Kor inontbo ntror niiyttiln;.: 4 bat is soen. wild done I am tli" one they talk abonl. J*o*w rtjpre aire a iiinnb.T of those women I do not luiow, Aorao I vi-n don't Icnnw to ->. They aaid so many things about one poor girl (4ic simply had to l<r.ivo behoof and go t', *.:< They certainly nuvr *o tnn out only on WednesdJij or Satwrtoy nighta. Tfi'--'t nferhte em the one tho stores are npi-n nod are tbe only nights I aia allowed out. Bo pou *.* thoxe wom>n cannot nay tJin truth when Uji-y make ap "i< h Htorios aa Oiey do. I Bourn duy wM writo -'Ari- vice to Wotnei." 1 tope t'rotn fcOBuo advice from you. Hhxseroly, S1OWIK. P. 8. I not/Iced n Srl "s IflDter aignd TiOlet. Ph>a Bend mo her I know what, ft i to be aad perhaps vr- > ran difor one iantfcur pdy our ItOtw Trumk- ing yoo for tAl jroo trU (Jo for me. Dear Moutfto: Have I never flaid anything about for they are a otonn o* pooplo who are porUealWIr <*notlmre to every- body. Of coiirsn, Monit, Uro ore KOSV- sips aird goMBtpc, originally fho word had a good meaning, no that in why KM--.. iii is HometinKW jtifit friendly In- in tercet. The klrwl we do not tolerate 1 malicious meddling hi other ptopl<)' concern**. I wondor if I can roally help y<m, Monslo diwr. In the ftnrt plact! do not mlfrtako friendly Inturenl for the <rtbw kind; In tho second place*. If tt Is tho othec kind of gotteip. try not to pay any attrition to it. because it tlirives on in the third place, never, nerer, at any time or in any do or nay anything ttiat an unkind person oould une against you. Bo brave, generous, sweet nnd true to yonrneK and so oimme all the meters in ttie world. ROSAUIND. My Dear Miss Rosalind' Your answers with advice to girls 1 must say are splendid. If you would comply with my request I be very mudh pleased. I am Coo attractive to the opposite *TC. Oan you give me the cause. 1 mean the reason a girl In too at- tractive. Sometimes my would-be- mittor* have some bitter disputes over me. tt Is not because I am morn than particular with my toilet or anything but manners and gram- mar. I do not care for the boys any more than to be tsoeUble with all I and to have a good ohum when I R" ont. I nm sixteen years old. If you would supply me with some nd- of other disappointed or for- gh\ 1 buliovi,' I oould cheer op cons'derably. Vmin in bo- wlWermei*. ^^ OuUe: 1 *h;Ul b prntofiil if you can gl oil roincwemem out! hrtp to mnno of m>- roftdern, I know they will ap- tt, nnd if thy eond me eMf-addrnsHitl envelopen. I shal encVowe WKIT nu!i>e and ei-nd it on to Uin. My deor, tho roaeon some ?rtopl> aro more attractive than >*hers l -personality. \V5ia: it is, I know mrf, nor Ir.kvo I eror found any IMTROH xrb could explain. Some- I tliix* tt IB brsins. other times. tncMM of character, again, pp'.on- dkl worth, h-nt It is some- thing *n bo thankful for because It a Kfrl Buoh a blw<Bod privilege j to bo a h-elp nnd incplration to all I who come In contact with her. ROSALIND. D0JT Mi .- Uoealifld: I lv btf>n roailing your column for (tome time and have luwl a ot of from it and now I thourt)! 1 wonld br>thor you with 8oni( < ttibig tliat puzzler me: I mn'f "O why VioJo.t bv>mi't got nny frtondn. I am Biirv if hn likes ithowa her affoctlon to- he would surely have Monde, bur. however, I om eorry for Weil, Rnwilind, I am goVnR to ask my qtiHHtlon now: One evnn'.ng last wwk I suw a gfntlpman sitting nuross the room Crom me titaring so hard wo wi>ro both at u little house Both- ering-- ho stared at mo so miirli tliat I iift-ir n. tlnm changed my neat and *ftv I wa IntmduoMl to him he be- came rathor familiar and nuked mo .-. nirntb'T of qnostlor.s wliloh I railed 'mpnhlcnt and whon the i>voninR wss irvcr lio ii'kcd If he rould take m tonme. ?>*ow Soaallnd, do TOO 'think I rihmild havi aftowt^l bin to take me borne or not? And how will I act wttti him (be next time I see 'him? he ftemned very put out over it. Well, Rosalind, I hope you will be able to give me oome advice. I now remain with beet wishes for the New Tear to you and all who rejwl your column. HOPK. Dear Hope: It is always a girl's privilege to drop a-n acquaintance not pleasant. Your manner towarda this person Bhould be polite but extremely dis- tant. ROSALIND. Dear UusUind. I have been reading your advioe to yonug girls wbJch I must eay I am n-a-i httereeited in, I .mi a girl near twenty, 1 used to go with boys quite frequently, I got acquainted witli a young fellow from a distance, about my own age, I went with liim quite ,:i.<iy and we grew much attached to each atiier. We kept company regular, he waa a very nice boy, his homo wa about 40 miles from wbre hu KTU! when I met him, so he return- ed back U> hie own home; he prom- ised to write m, so just before ho left 1 saw him and lit* wasn't the name at all, I could not understand why he treated me eo indifferent. MO I looked fur word from blm for some time, but no word oaone, so I weat away on my holidays a-nd ofter wh*B I was away I would often think of this queer friend of mine, so I re- turned home, he had. been gone about seven or eight month--, and no word of him or where he wan. About Cho edgh.tlh month he returned un- expectedly and was as friendly a ever. You would never think of him returning so friendly after the wviy lie had acted. He wanted to keep company witli me again. He wrote to me and ome to eeo me occasion- ally. Would you kindly give me yoar advice In my cas, which will be greatly appreciated. LITB-B)YED SUSAN. Ofur Sunan : Just be nico and friendly when you s?o thin boy. Don't mnk any fusn over him and do not make nny ref- eronro to him not writing. Let things go along just n they aro and art as If you finite understood his long sil- ence. Ho will probably explain it Bo.m if you loavo him nlono. KOSAUND. > Lett-rat received from Irene K. K. H.. J. '/,, Ambition, T.3!.. Annie. Ixm'sonie I^id, Chicken, Tiny, Un- liairpy. Bunny. I'eggy, Kan, Ciinadiaji May. pTANDY, Span^y, Jack-a-Dandy, Loves plum cake and sugar candy, U Dotes on picnics with their lunches, Apples, olives, grapes in bunches, Un sut JO.B ou ircMsen. wk Jovt BOYS AND GIRLS. Aunt June has been so terribly busy these last few days that she hasn't had a chance to write any- tii.'i ; for you this week. She has dozens of letters in her desk, and she will get at them just as aoon .is she can. Don't stop writ- ing to her, because she Is 0lad to hear fro.m you. Remember, he address in box 516, Station F., Toronto. She'll have an extra lot of letters and stories for you HARD, SOFT, Oil K^EEDING. No matter wlwt kind or where lo- tat^il, any corn IB promptly ourwd fcy IHitnam'w Corn RxtiracUir; hclriK pure- ly vegetable tt causes m> piln. Ouw- ;utx wlUi vory bottle of "Putm\m'," uo no other, 25c at all doalers. An Ohio inventor's four-lejrijedl t;iiul to In- Mtrnpppd to'vBcrnm bot- tles tr> prevent thoin upsottinK also can bo UHIH! to hold them in an in- n *x> drain. CONCRETE MANURE PIT **> .T SP5^ ^S I T \\ill surprise \nn to learn what the f;irnirr ran do witli Concrete an<l how easy it is to <!o il. With the aid of our book anyone r;m Iniild, or have litiilt, such money-saving improvements as water trough*, rulvrrts, foundations, fending iloors and root cellars. Throe hundred dollars a year loss from manure waste, is a conser- vative estimate- for the average farm tliat has never provided a proper Manure I'it. To avoid thin loss to conserve the manure, store this valuable fertilizer in Concrete. Full directions for building a I'it siicli as that pictured above, are given in our free. book. Such a I'it will pay for itself in fertilizer saved, in one season. Ash Jot ( mir;/,i I'tir'.laml Ccmtnl: the inform.'/ rdiaUi train/. II iau It ' ' WINTER HARD ON BABY The waited .IOD ui a hard cne on tlin baby. 'He to more or hxw oon- riiuid -to acuffy, boddf rnoma. It is ai) often stormy .tli&t th ' mother doos not &e: him oni dn the fresh aii- no oftan M aba should. He oatches old wti:ch nu>lr teto Itttie HVK tfm; his stnmach and bo\vel8 pat out of flraor ;inil h bocorae peevleih orui cros* To puc.rd ttgalnst thii the mother Aonhl keep a box of Baby's Own Tub'.etn in the house. They rf^juldM tin- rttuiiiiu^i ajjd bowc/s un<l b3<nak up colds Thy are oW by mtxli.-i . deakvr or Uy mat! at 25 cant* a boa from The Dr. Williams' Mt::lieine fa, Brockvlle. Ont. HOW I FIXED UP MY FARM 1 have had aomo exporiono* in fit- tine 'ip an office In the residence on 1117 farm. Tho room used is nunil and cheaply heated. Tery often a Hinall oil Move heats it whan the days re not vary ooM. I pnrchae<i one of the standard typewriters that was second hand und bad been ~bnllt up" for about half regular prh*.e. I have ueed it uiaovy yeare without cost for repairs. A it'll top deak watt purchased, also typewriter table. Tho desA is well provided with letter file, bookn, and I alao have tt (lime cabinet. I find a large deak cheque book to be very conveiuont. Having all drawani and i>(>- v.n in> .-< in inv daak labeled -.HP ni miioli time looking for things. The hu'.lKtina and farm papers oon- taJning valuable Information I alway.t filo. Anyone handy with tools oan make n g:xxl filing oablnnt for this pu>nx>ee from a large box by putting in ViwtltloiiH. Tlien label the pigeon holes with the different subjects and fllo the bulletins under the proper labels. If il . . u' -.- M.U > to figure a ration or to finU a catalogue may b. i .. I by going to tli w ftle. I find that tvpowrittea latters, with '8Cvrii)t>vo Intterheado do much to cruata a far.irnble impr<Hision on pro- l)t>otlvo buye.Ti of faoin produce with whom H i necessary to transact Mi " .. by mail. A MII --I lii'iiii'v of ,-t4ei-i nriciil tural bookii !ia. been very v&ltvable to nie. The oosi of my offie* equipmMit was about au follows: Saaood hand typewriter. 1*0; typewrlUr desk, <15; j roll toy iln.k. |n My tiling cabrnet I made at i csah ooat. I aio own an amateur photography o4flt that j proved very uaefal. It costs about (J50. W. H. EVERY FARMER SHOULD KNOWABOUTCONGRcTE ALL KINDS OF INFORMATION OINTAINEO IN BOOK WHICH CAM BE SECURED FREE. Hh-ery fwrnsr in Canada, and tor tliat mat tor everyone who ia at all interes-ted in concrete work. t-houJri huve a oapy of the book, "What tho Farmer Can Do With Oonoret*.'' Till* its one of the mot complete nd inioreBting books on concrete work Chat bas come to our attantitvn. It ie cx^n^-iv-ely illu*tnw<Hl wiUi uboto- graptu of wxxrk done with oauoreta. and by the farmer eftpovtar.y aliouid li' trtvit'id imoet like a texl-bnok aud referrod to often. It ia surprising ccl of building culverts, mauure I>iu. baru foundaiioiui. feeding flours, root cllars tc can be eared in one year. Aad any former, with the a*l of a neighbor or a hired man. oan mix and ]:.inll xha conoreo hinifielf. A-. y - one who ia oontAJiniplatAng mir \j ioa- provamenta to hto turm efcould have ihi! book, and those wtio do B. >: intend immediately to do oJQytiiinLg alone that line wtll find until IT in- teresting reading in tte book. In einother oolnma ajipears im ad iurr'd by the Cau\d-a Company, nliich will gtodly Hie book, '\Vlun tke Farmer Oau Do Witli Conor0t," to aoyotye jiuar <wt^ed. wHhotit change. By tMUd&n ycMf name and H.I drum tx> ttie Caawiit t^eroent oompaay. 1000 Herald bolld- tng. Montril, you will recira one of thete book* by return mail. WOLFE LETTERS T03 DEAR FOR CANADA What Cause* Your Colds ? 60,000 FOR MISSIVES WRITTEN TO GENERAL MONCKTON CON- SIDERED EXORBITANT. Canada will not be competitor for fh letters of Camera! Wolte t> be of- fered for sale in London in Fobriuiry. Tt es>e letters and tlooumenU are in the p-rfUKhsh'ii of a Mr. Moncktan, a descendant of Genoral Monckton. one o< Wolfe'* brleadlera at the taking of Quebec. Th owner cal doouuMMits la . i. 1 1 the owner number of well-known London nd tea rooms. Donhty. Itomtnion Archivist. Uine ago exAuiin-wi the Wolfe and aougiit to obtain them for Oanada, bvt tna price aakad waa so exorbitant tht nogi>Uation.s oeis- <Hl. lir. MonckLou want* J260.0UO for dye letters written to hia dis- 1)r . '.;'.'. ttnnal t ( mir;,i : ./ . ;'.'. ..''j nttt't tkai j.wt ilcalfr* (ArOfUNMj i i ..i .'.< // your dtalcr sp?!y yo'J, writt uur luaml salti o/m. Canada Cement Company Limited 1000 HmN Bnildinj MonlnD MMfrtri OFFICES AT Tnuti VJInlprf CONCRETE IANI :.]!.' oatoh oold either because of exposure, iow vitality or naglect of lite bowela. Onoci b;xMue ooative, allow the ellmiuatlug I.',-.MH,, *> grow luggleh, :m.l <> 'l.t will find the eatire aystea. Mnt tJio won-Ht ooW Is arable in one night. lon't n a. atroog onKhlirtie it wily nvakes tutitters worw. Jnirt take one or two Dr. Hamilton'*' MUn before rattrlne. WWle you aloop, thta wonderful nwxllcino wortea ttorofrh th* ayntem ftnd coniplotely tiorriwi away the ooid. IJy Htiniuliat.inK the bowela and kld- in-\ . it eiiflurtvi luvUthy Hrn4natlon, w.i IKV.I up the ulugRlati orgQ8 and glvt nature u ohance. Next morning you wake up with a frc\eh brisk feaUng. Color has' Im- proved, appetite ta ahaxp, cold haa dis- appeared. Nothing Blmpler, notliing half <> as Dr. Itemllton'e Pills, not only destroy the oold hut ton* and regulate Uve whole aystem. In rlveumatkini, gout ami kindred Ills, the action and ofteot of Bff. Ilam- Uton's ruiH 4s Just the Hanve ae with the e.imp'.e oold. Prevent siokneaa by keeping I>r. Hamilton's' Pills on hand, Ka per box or five boxee for $1, at all deal- ers., and refuse a enbatitute. Minard's Liniment For Dltm|)r. of pure:-y Amor4oan interest and a number of Amerlc-aug -..:-,, as- Bochvted with Mr. !>>ghty in tie at- tempt U> eacnre tha collection, agree- inR ttoat the cost ahould bd divided and the document* allocated to the conntry In which they wore of the g-rwtw Interest. Theso associitee refUMd to consider tho worbltant value placed on the colleotlons. One of tfc* moat impreating ducuments, w*iioh refers to the conduct o? affairs Ln QuMibao, If Wolte'i army waa guc- cewful, l,i not an orlgina:, but only a eopy of the original now in the Do- minion aehivee. As the documents will be offered eubject to reserve bids, ajid the price placed upon them fe eo great, Canada will not ba rep- rtison-ted at the oame. Minard"s LlnfTnsnt For Cclda, Etc. / Glarelesa automobile headlights in- vented by an Illinois man project tJiclr rays through cannon shaped s.eevea bntween the front wheels and fender aprons of cars. OOLD BOUGHT. ALSO DIAMONDS. 81L.VBR, PLATI- ninn and watch-M; we are tha larg- est buyers in Canada, and pay the higfceat pi-toe*, send pavcela by reg- istered niaii; i- .*i hv return. Can- ate Raftntnc Oo., fti, Vtotorla St.. Toronto. ;aain M(8. 4 $8 TO $12 PER DAY Auto Tractor Mechanics, Vulcan- izing. 18 to $J2 Per day. Men wanted to fill present demand for automobile mechanics, driving, trac- tor operation, tire vulcanizing, oxy- acetylene welding, storage battery electrical work. Practical training Only a few weeks required. Day and Jight classes. Writs free catalogue, wig wages. Steady employment Hemphlll's Auto and Gas Tractor Schoois. 163 King Street West. Toronto: ISSUE, Ma 4. 1921 HEARING DEVICES. THE LITTLE GEM fc AK . .,.__ Smallest electrical hearing device Invented. Awarded Gold iledal at International Exposition. We have varioas types to suit every degree of daafMM. our auto ear mas- sage w nsed to stop head notees. Write (or booklet which explains everything. cm Ha, ffune Co * Canada. 416-18 Dept. -U", R Trie Hdg., Toronto. Ont. 4 AUTOMOBILE PAETO. P*s tor any of Adelaide 4161 "7 PERSONAL. 2ft***" > B. Moo^r'pBi; h*bar. Chattam. OotnrtcT^' - HELP WANTED. POULTRY WANTED AND FOR SALE. N ' AND S1L- Cocker-Ms. -- , Juno&to*. 4 HENS WANTED AUVH. >, CK\T<: Pound i pound. <* o5r r^. Albart r*%{ \VVs:. Toronto. 4 ' c ROOK ROOK OOOKHaHLfi A '..vl.,.. ~*_., , *-^ * 'train at $o ti-ioji \v i. Milton. West, 4 BUSINESS CHANCES. ~~*~ - ^^, FITS -STIN80.VS HOMB TRKAT- nieut for epilepsy. Ti rear.,' .ucoeag. Tooa*ands <vf ' :ulu,. 3611 (1 n Roiaedy of atreet, Toronto. 27 MISCELLANEOUS $7.00 Per Day Profit. f*C /A\ _ *V/T 1 (J5.00) each over and above Di'U. (600 hens will pay vou H profit of ($7.00) per day. A Dock- e--ci a oar grains will pay you ^^ tlinos over in extra eggs from vou> PUII0U next fall and winter "our stock wins firn place in tie Sas- katchewan Laying Contest atd sacond Placo iu tiie (\anadian Laying Con- test Write for beautifully illus- trated catalogue. It's free L. R. Guild, Box S, Rockwood, Ont. t.f. KNITTING YARNS UJVBLy QOlr ors, pure wool, but very modeate prices. Sample shades fre. Georgetown Wollen Mills. George- town, Ontario. DOMINION EXPRBS3 MONEY OR- ders are on sale iu five thousand of- fice4 Uiroughout Canada. MONEY TO LOAN * Loans made ou farms, first. REYNOLDS. 77 Victoria St., Toronto. S $10 to at Home in Yom Spare^Time Increase your Income at home In your spare time. You can earu 110 to |5D each week writing show cards at home or qualify for i position paying a good salary each week. No canvassing or soliciting. We teach you how and ^upply you steady work. Write to- day for full particulars. National Show Card School Limited, Room 43. 44 Adelaide St., W.. Toronto. Canada. j

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