VeUl, No. 34 PROTON J C Wright visited with friends at Toronto. Mr Warling, of Holland Cen re, visited his daughter, Mra Sim Badjerow. Miss Hannah Roorne. Toronto, visited with her paren's here. Miss Gertie Lyons visited recently with friends in Flesherton. Mrs Surah Richardson And son, Roy, visited with her niece. Mrs. Badjerow. Mr Howard is visiting with his sister, Mis Jack Lockhart. Robt Acheson has installed a handsome Gerhard Hem! 201:111 piano iu his home. Mrs Jits McMillan is vi-iiciiig with her daughter, Mrs D.tve Bradley. Mies Winnie Wodehouse, Duudalk, visited with Mrs Mtddauah. Bobby Copelaiid ard baby brother are on the tick list, x Flesherton, Ont., February 3 1921 EUGENIA A public ii'.-i-i IIKI will In' held in the Orange Hall on Tuenday of next week. Feb 8, wheu th cniumuoity is asked to attend and meet the agents representing the different companies supplying memo- rials and hear the estimates given on the work to be t'oue here this comini; sum mer. It will he decided what is to be done, and other business in connection with the nii'ii.i : ii will be gone ahead with. Everyone come. A meeting was held in the Presbyterian church on Wednesday evening of la^t weak when a Young People's Society was organized . This ig to be a union Society aud the tirst meeting is to be hld in the Methodist church ilns Friday evening whea Mr Fowler will gpeik. Everybody should turnout, uM ami yuuni;,aud n:ake these meetings a real success. The friends and neighbors g.tve the Misses Cooper a wojd bee OB Saturday and a goadly number turned nut. Well < i i ih mi took alung his buzz and a nice lot of wond was i;utten U{>. Pearl &IcMster spent the week end with her friend, I'.-arl Latimer. Miss Etta !. iini'i wes home for the weekend from Dundalk. We are i{ld to see Mr. J. Parliament ftblp to be around again. Genld Lnrite xpent the week end it: Owen Sound visiting his grandmother. School Reports S 8 No 7, \ i :-'in > i Sr 4 Clifford Hinks, Alfred Hinkn. Jr 4 Joe Meads, Malcolm MacDonald Sr U Alice Muir, Mnbel Walters, Bob Pirslow, Ivnn Turner. Jr 3 Stew irs Muir. Sr 2 Maritaret Turner, Sadie Oliver. .Ir 2 Elizabeth llinks, Dick Parslow, Sadie Vause, Myrtle O'Strander, Doria Taylor. Pr Mary MacDonnld.Almeda Hinki, E B O'Strander, Walton Taylor. Average attendance 16. M. A. Richardson, Teacher The Taco Range A Range of pleasing and handsome appeaiaoce. The plain smooth castings are very easy indeed to keep clean. |Large perfect baking oven, smooth silvery nickel, large fuel saving tire box, clean dust proof warming closet, dual pipo dumper, ash pan door with slide, reservoir truk[enc)j8ed in cat) iri>n casing. The " Taco " will appeal to the most discriminating buyer as a leader in its clasa Don't content yourielf with tho knowledge of a " Taco " superior- ity you gain in reading about it bub make it a point to ee the value in this range with you<* own eyes. F. W. DUNCAN Hardware and Paints Phone 30 r 1 1 Fleherlon, Ontario PORT LAW Mrs. L Sheardown has returned home from Collingwood after a week spent at the bedside of her husband at the hos- piial, whose condition appears to be improved. We understand that Miss Gladys White has resigned her position with the T. Eaton firm and entered upon a course of training with the object of devoting her life to mission work. Harry Thompson has gone to Toronto to take i course at the technical school. The sympathy i.f tliis community goes out to Mrs. F. H. Thompson, lutely hertft '.>f her father, Mr John Brown of Flesherton" Deceased, who was born in County Cavan, Ireland, came to Canada when a y. mi- man and after residing a Kliort time in Cartvvriuht township, where he married Mis< Lydia M.-N.illy, and together they c;nne to Artenwnia.aettlinn .n the east back line, where they hewed out ot uubroken forest a comfortable home, and in spite of the privations and hardships incident to p: in r life, many happy v,.. - were xpent. On this old hiinifMead eight of a fitinily were born hve sons and ihree 'Inuijhters, namely : George of Bradford, William of Stayner, \ .1 :.. Saskatoon, John J on the homestead. Mra Sanderson of Flesherton, Mrs J H Campaign (deceased), Mrs F H Th'.'Oipsiiu of Porll iw Itobtrt, who tiied when a you h. All the surviving members of the family excepting Andrew attended the funeral, also John and \Vm Carswell of I'.ilinersi.ui, uephews ; Mis Melville of Palmeriiton, niece ; Mra T Little and Miss Laura Little of Hanover, also niece*. VANDELEUR Ji s Ituchanan has returned Imina after speudit.g a cuu'jle of weeka with friends iu Toronto. Wni Alcox and wife, of Orange Valley, Visited over the week vud at Will Hutch- inaon's. Mrs Lundy Johnxton is home after a three weeks viait with her sister :it St. Marys. Mr and Mrs Will Buchanan entertain- ed tho young people of the Epworth League at their home on Wednesday eve- ning uf last week. Mr 1',-lhy wax pres- ent and gave a very interesting; address. Will Buchanan also gave an address mi "The Resources of Canada." The rest of the evening was t<pent in music and Mrs Dave Giaham and little daughter spent a few il.iv> at Kimberley. Mr Will Burrell unl wife, of >!,^- . visited with the latter's mother, Mrs H Cii'iioe, recently . Mr Katies and wife, of Ot nn;e Valley, visited with Mrs Davis Hiiti family rec-iiiriy. 1,1 i' r a number frem heie attundad the I V O me. ";ii' iu M.trkd.ilr on Thurndty of last week and all wore do- lighted with thu excellent adldrese4 ot Messrs J J Morrison, Chas McCurdy, II D Cnrruthers and Harry Shaw. Wm. Olauser and Oscar IvInninU are in ir n; in. ri for smallpox at Hanover. The Late Mrs. Burk In the death of Mrs. R. Y. Burk of Osprey township another uf the pioneer ladies of that township pnssed an ay. Mrs. Burk died it the residence of vVm. L. I!., 144 Kyolmmptou avenue, Toronto, on Wednesday, Jan. 19th, in her Sili'ii year. Her maiden nniue was Eliza Buchan. She wta tiorn in the pariih of Bucban, Scotland, aud came to this country with her parents in the early fifties. Shu married R Y. Burk of the township of Scarboro in 184t>, and they moved to Osprey in 1860. Mr. Burk died in 190l>. Mrs. Burk in survived by one brother, two sisters, eight SOIM and two daughters. Her brother, Robert, lives in Buffalo, and her sigterti are Mrs. Clarke of Winnipeg and Mrs Chamheis f Vancouver. The children are Mrs T A Heron of Netherhill, Sask, Mra Wni L B Hanilm of Toronto, Boyd and Charles of the township of Pickei ing, George R on the homestead in Osprey, Albert of Nome, Alaaks ; Herbert aod Nelson of Buffalo, Robert of Toronto, John Morton of St josepii'n island. The deceasbd lady was an Anglican. The funeral toi k p'ace at/ Sc Mary's church oemeU<ry. Maivell. Six of her SOIIM autud as pall bearers. Eight* uf her children were present at the lust nad ceremony. EAST MOUNTAIN Held Over Last Week The Missos Nettie and Cora Martin of Owen Sound spent a week with C Martin and family. Mrs D Genoa and daughter, Dorothy, spent a few days with Eugenia friends I uiii-.s Harbottle has been laid up with several boils. 1 11111111- ii.i-- certain'y hud ,i " swell " time. L ird Leverhulint* '>f England, who recently visited New York, thinis it England would aii. pi the shine plan i, the I'uite.l States she wouid soon pay ml her debt. H:>w ? By having prohibition. May Ontario oe totally dry next year. Lord Leverhulme i.s i n- nr relative of the Lever funilies at fle-ihertnn. Ai the ruin; of tin- meit tvr he g!ive i !;i:^ cisiii- for a soldiers' huMpital. The title Lord Hulme was bestowed upon him '')' King George, but h.- would not give up til" name Lever, so the title Lord Lever- hulme was ,iv, ! him. His aon attended university with the Prince <>f Wales and became one of his most intimate fri'-mls. SPRINGHILL .Limes Harrison, who lian been in Guelph, returned houie on M<uiddy. Frank Chard lost a very valuable yearling calf one day last week. Miss Llla, Stewnrt i-f Ow?n Si-inni called on .Mr ir.i Mrs Alf Harrison here recently. Miss SUHI- Chard has rt'turned after na i fortnight, with h-r eister -it R.iok Mills. Mr and Mis Jolin t'.trkiT LTIVC a fiarty to the yniin^' people mi Tl'.niiiiv night. A pleasaiit tune was spent in music and inea Will lluliMni of Toronto is visiting t Roht Best's. Mr and Mra Tom Orr. who hav loi D sitiii'.- the former's prvnt, he re- turned IU I i l-.'i i. i Mr and Mrs Ami's Doupe < f New Liaki'.ud are viaaiUji the former's sister, Mrs :; in Beit. Mrs Porter Beard visited her mother in the valley recently. '. . r;>- in. I William Brown called oo their brother. John Brown, ml attended the fjueritl of their father iu If'leshertoii n Tuesday. W'ill Brown has moved Inn family to the residence of Mrs S Irwn. Old Durham Road Georuo Williiinunn has been under flu- Doctor s care. We hope to su you out i_.ini. (ieor^e. i'i' a namber fioni here attended the funeral of Jennie , J lines. PriceviHe. Mi*s Martha Wntsou, Pr'ceille, spent thu iek end at her uncle's "ii (he South Line. John McKcchtiie and wife called tu see Mis M ir^nci Currie, who is ill. The Boyce Bros, are busy hulliiii; sweet clover around the six covncis. Archie Curne visited his wift in Ilun- ilton last week. Wo ar sorry that Mrt. Currie is not improving. Mrs. Aicliie McKmn m, while viditiug fliends in Toronto, dud suddenly Tues- day M .:;. The remains were brouttht to her home. South Line, and er inter- red in Kvergresu Cemetery Friday nftornonn. Toronto Line, North George Manning of Brussels is v his sisters, Mr* J. A. Liver aid Mrs F Mathewson Deputy Reeve Malhewson attended S unity Council in Owen Sund thu past. week. L'lliau Lover returned to her school at Mooretie Id after HII enforced idleness of two weal s, her school having been closed on abcount of measles. Alex Muir of Flint, Mich., is visiting hi* > Hi-i-., Mrs Wm Burnett, Among those who attended Ihe U.F.O meeting iu Markdale, addressed by Sec J J Morrison ami Chas McCurdy, I were Messrs Chaa Stewart. T Sltd, W i Buinett, J A Lever. Fred Brown and Wm Davis and wife. Mrs Ja<i Lever and daughter and Mra 8 Henry of Markdale spent tbe weekend | ab J A Lever's. Roy Lever, who has spent tho past year in the State", visited hissister, Mrs Fred Brown. FEVERSHAM Tiio annual meeting of the Osprey Farmers' Milling Company, Limited, WAS held in ihe Orangx Hall, Feversham, on Tuesday, Jan 18, 1921. Considering tbut there wa a dividend of five dollars pt'r.-haiv CD be pud ai this meeting, there W.IH a very MH ill attendance of share- holders present. This company is in good financial circumstances and has so far proved a urand .succ-as. The old "tb'cers were all leelecteil, namely, Direetoi.s. G \V Ross, F D Spotfurd and Geurue Thumsrn : Auditors, A J f.inn'.n :-.nd K S McGir ; Sec Treasurer, W O Al later. Tne unnual uiei'lii:-; t the O.-prry Telephone sj.-'.i-m held in the Oi ui^e II n!, F.', on \Vi-d.. Jan li). Aithnu^ti there was IH> <iivideud tn in: paid .>t this meeting, still there \v i> a full hall. Huuh Fenwick acft-d as i-'ii'riirin and ThnniHH W, Conron as Si-cralary (if ihv im-etini!. The auditors' report showed a delicit. The systc-m l;.v bweli giving a cheap sbrvii:t>, therefore fur year or so ihey wi.l ha>r ti si, |. blither The old board t , IIIIMI~SIHIU-IS declined reelectiuu The nomination* for anew Board were numerous, but all withdrew except four, which necessit'ited a vote Ijeinp taken. The chairman ap- pointed John Tyson aud A J Conron i scrutineers ind the ballots heiug counted they declared S*m.i >1 Mullin, Garnelt Majee and Herbert Nell the new Board f ConiiniKMolier*. v\ e w sh them every success, and if they Jo their work 'is well as the old Buaid who resinned, there should be no fault to tiad. The auditors lor the year l'.'-l are A J Ci<uron mid K S Muliirr. The annual meeting of the Dimict L <>L of Osprey was held in the lot'g< room 'if N'o 1085, FenrshHin, Tuesday, Jan 11. Although (he day >.* tine the attendance was lint up the usual. SI.HH.' uf the l.nlges in (he disliict were not represented. The W Bto S T \\ ill. M win iu the chair tod after the :IMI il business was disposed of (he W M requested the P D M, Bro \V L Taylor, tu cimducc the election and in-tall.ttion of oth'cern, which resulted - follows : District Mailer, Bro .losepli A'lison ; Deputy District. Maoter. Bro B/.vi Netf; Chaplain. Bro Rev W J Holmes ; Hec Sec, Bro A J (' m :i ; Fin Sec, Bro Win McKiuiiiin ; Treasurer, Bro W L Taylor; Dir of Cor, Bro J M -K i ; L' clurer*, Bros .John Elliott and Thos Counm. PRICEVILLE The Priceville I" K () 'Jlub has ordered a car of Hour and fued for the uu ot its meitil.uis. The annual meeting of thu A^f -u. .i Society wns held on Jan. 18. li u - tors' lopurt shu*ed .1 lialiiuce on i ' S3l>7 07, hut with liabilities of abou- file. Tli.- new Koard intend ii'.'i^ ini.-in cer tain lit- piutiiients and making tli- (air uioru atcraciive lor both exhibitor- and r-pect itois. The usual rule hs been to hol.l the fair the tirst Thursday and b'riday 111 October. The Board tor l!)L'l is a* follows : Prasideut, John L'nuiflt; 1st Vu-e, L McArthur ; 2nd Vicr. Dun Campbell : Diiectors, KobetD K . M Molutyrc, W Uainn^e, H II McLean, W Burnett. C A McLean. W K Meads, T N rii. . and Rev C S Jones. On account of the funeral of tl u late James i'Vria of Sa!em i onmeyaMmi, the service in thu Methodist church hi.- was wiUnlrawu here Sunday week. Another delay in the- electric lighting of our town will be cnut-ud by leaving tha trunsform.'rs out in the damp weather nil fa!l and winter, and now they are objected to unless ihey are sent to headquarters and tested. MAIL CONTRACT SKALHD TENDKUH addrowd t.. Uic PttfttBMtal Ciennral wM be waeive \ nt, <)twa until mum on Friday, the -Itli uf March, 1931, for the conveyance of His Mj*ty' M .nX. on a prupuxed C'ontraut fur four yari, ix limeH per week <in the route KUUKNtA a R. No. 1, viaKeveraham from the 1st ot April, next. Printed notic conUining further infornia- tio an tn conditions of pro|Ki8<Hl cuntraat may be seen and blank formn of Tander may b^ "btuinwl at the HUM Offo of BlUMoii, KevarHhani and at the office of h Post (,>fficu Inspector, Toronto. A. SUTHERLAND. POM ()!Hce In|Hctor Punt C.'Kce Inspector's Office, Toronto, January L'lut, 1921. FINE JE WE LERY Bates BurialCo. Come in and see our fine large slock of Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, etc, aud when you have seen them } on will be sure to buy. Watcb re- pairing a specialty . A full line n Photographic snpp lies Inc!ud:up developing powders, priniiug frames, dark lanterns, al sizes of kodacks and ti'n..-. IBUS1NESS AS USUAL Funeral Directors and Embaimers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Road, Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddock*, President. Manager ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES W. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler, FLESHERTON, - Yorkshires, Tamworths Young Stock For Sale For Breeding Purposes Phone or write-GEO. W. KOS ONT OspreyTel. system Maxwell P.O. House of Quality We are out to sh )w the people the bottom ot the market. We handle wrapped ' Canada" Bread from Toronto. We have a complete Stock of New Fruits and Fresh Chocolates, mixtures and pack- ages, all kinds of Nuts. OUR .TERMS ARE CASH AND TRADE -NO CREDIT. FEED Oats, Barley, Peas, Wheat, Oat and Barley Chop, and Oat Chop, Ontario Bran and Shorts, and Low Grade Flour. J. R. PATTISON & SON, Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flcshcrton, - Ontario ^ .:;--- . . .^. .- _ .- -^r Watch This Space NEXT WEEK! W. L. WRIGHT,! Corner Store, Flesherton Increase Vonr Etrning Power by takiuit a .! Hi r -r iu the ELLIOTT Youge and Charles Streets, Toronto One of tho last two student!) to accept poftitions commenced at $22.50 per week and the other over $100 per mouth. Write for College Circular. Enter any time. W. J. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL Flesherton Parlors We Aim to Give Bntto LAUNDRY Btekrt cloaca night, delivery FMaty er OIKANING and DYBKNG- * M geudi for Parker's- D'ye Waits- Cloihe I C 1ewned and djrfid. ft(ho-< rejuvenated T FlSttW- -PHOPR1ETOB