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Flesherton Advance, 20 Jan 1921, p. 5

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January 20 J921 TH FLESHEKTeN ADVANCE SUCCESS and Inde- pendence. Do not depend on what you earn but on what you save. The Standard Bank of Can- ada can very materially assist you to win success and secure independence. THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA RCESMERTON BRANCH GCO. MITCHELL MANAOOI ANADIAN P/XCIFIO C. P. R. Time Table. Trains leave Fleshertoo Station as allows : Going South Going North 7.52 a. m. 12.05 o.m. 4.27 p.m. 9.45p. m. The mails are osea at Fleaherton aa follows : For the north at 10.40 a.ui.and t p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at S.40 o'clock. For morning train south mail close at 9 p. . the previous evg. VICINITY CHIPS The rink has had good ice during the past week and was well patronized Mr. George R chardson of Toronto was in town '.hie week. There will be skating after the hockey match on Thursdiy ntRht until 11.00 o'clock . Analicao church. Service as u.uai in Town Hurl every Sunday at 7 p.m. Rev. G. Blackwell, pastor. We won on Monday. We'll win OB Thursday. Come out and see at 7.30, January 20th. Kimberley held a successful pouliry show last week. \Ve aied to et the list of prize winners lutiine for this issue but did not succeed. Oweu Sound and Flecherton play a championship uame of hockey on the rink here on Thursday night. Gsme called at " 30 sharp. Skating after the match. The Advance had a pleasant call on Monday from Mssrs. Mark Lear, Vernon Claridge and Mr. Kilpatrick of Shel- buruf, who were up with the hockey lean We were pleased to see the boys. Did At 111 Dovercourt Road, Tor- onto, on Thuisday, January 13, 1921, Arthur Daniel, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Sterling White, aged 6 months. The remains were interred at Price- Title. The engagement is announced ot Len Maud, daughter of Mrs. Lena M. Bnyd, and the late Wm. J. Boyd, of Flesher- ton, lo Mr. J. Charles Cfossley, son of Mr. aiid Mrs. W. P. Crossley, Flesher ton, the marriage lo take place the last wek of January. About 74 Fleshcrton young people attended a hockey match in Markdale one evening last week, when' Wiartoii was beaten by the players of our bister Tillage to the tune of 3 to 2. It was an excellent exhibition of hockey The return game was played in Wiitrton on Friday nit-lit. w 'iu things were reversed, Wiiirton wintiinit*b'y a score ot' 7 to 5. Ther w quite a little bread war- on last week between some of our merchants and the Fleshertoo baker. As a couae- queoce the people got their staff of life for a few hours st 17cen:s for a large loaf but this Elysian state of affairs only lasted for a few hours, then the yice jumped back to 24 cents, where i) re- mains at the present time. After a lenulhy illness Mrs. I. B. Lucas died in Toronto on Saturday lust, where she had been uudergoing treat- ment for anaemia. The deceased lady was a daughter of the late M. K. Rich- ardson of Fleahi-rt'iii and was born here. Dr B. K. Richardson of Toronto is a rather, and th listers are Mrs. (Dr.) Webster and Miss Maud Richardson f Toronto, and Mrs. Frank Tait of Grand Valley. There ara two ton*, I.B. Lucas Jr., now attending university in Toronto *d Kendall, who hat hern attending university in England, mid an ex-office* f the Royal Flying Corps. The futxral took place Ht Markdale on Mouday after- HKXEW NOW ! F. Mathewion's iale Friday, Jan. 21. Skates sharpened at the Fleshertoo Garage H. Down & Sons. Highett market price paid [for oats Phone or call J R Pattison, Fleaherton, We are aganU forGiron's Sure Gain Fertilizer. See us before purchasing H. Down & Sons, Fleiherton. Mr. Fred Sprodle returned to his home in Winnipeg on Saturday laat after spending a fortnight with his father here. Mr. Gordon McKinnon, who has spent the past month with hi* mother here, left for Guelph on Monday, where he has charge of a cable splicing eaog with the Bell Telephone Co. Taken at A. McLean's sale, a pair of breeching straps aod bucksaw. The party who tnok them is known and he will please leave at this office and save trouble- Owing to tha fact that the Artemesia Council came short one member at the recent election, nominations to fill the vacancy will be held on Monday next, January 24, and if necessary in election will take place on January 31. Fred Mathewson will hold a credit auction sale of farm stock and imple- ments at lot 136. con. 1, S. E. T. it S. R , Artemesia, an Friday, January 21, 1921, at 1 o'clock p.m. D. McPhail, auctioneer. At a meeting of the Library Board last Friday evening it was decided to request the village council to take over the library and make it into a public institu- tion in accordance with the powers given by the new Provincial Libraries Act. This would make it open to everybody. The new board, which will negotiate the taking over of the library is composed of the followieg citizens : Geo. Mitchell, C. Richardson, Miss Holmes, A. Hawken and Mr. Havilacd. The death of oae of Grey county's ex- reeves occurred in Toronto recently in the person of Joseph McArd.'e, who was at one time Reeve of Proton township, and was one of the oldest residents of the southern part of the county. He was 90 years of age and came to Proton with his wife in 1901 from Port Hope, and spent the remainder of his life there with the exception of the past three years, when he lived with a son in Turonto. He wan at various times township clerk, assessor and reeve, and in the earlier .< .> - carried mail ftooi Priceville through Proton. The Presbyterian Guilds of Markdale, Priceulie aud Fieshurtou have formed a debating s> ciety and representatives were present at the mansB here on Fridny eveuiug last to arrange a schedule. The i'r-t debate will be in Markdxle on Feb. 7, when Priceville will visit the former place. Markdale and Flesherton have their tirst debate here on Tuesday, Feb. 22. Kov. Fowler of Fleehertnn IB Presi- dent aiid Mrs. Fred Karstedt of PricH- ville Secretary of the society. The M> Live Stock Shipping Association will hold their annual meet- ing at Markdale on Thursday, Jan. 27, at 2 p.n. All members uf the Committee are requested to be present. All farmers invited. In the evening at 8 o'clock a public meeting will be held in the Arm ourtfs which will be addressed by J.J. Morrison, Sec UFO Cooperative Co, Mr Charles McCurdy, Toronto UFO Live Stock Commissioner, K D Carruth- ers, shipper, aod others. Cainemn Highland Band will furnish uintic. Ev- erybody welcome, especially th ladies No admission charged. Small Ads. MISCELLANEOUS Lost In Flesh i> trim, on Thursday, Jan 13, a pouch containing a small i<im of money. Finder please leave at this office. Reduced prices on all suits and suitings H. Alexander, Fevmharo. 20 1-21 Try FeiB*hsun Pastry Plour, rjw best or y<7ur cook. All Ontwto wheat Good wood cook stove for sale Apply to Luke Bowers. Flesherton. Colt For Sale Driver, coming four years old, quiet and sound. Will be sold cheap. John Wright, Fleshercon, Chopping Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays only Graham Bros. Eugenta Octl9 Mr. W. H. Williamson, Priceville P. O., is agent for the Harab-Davies Ferti- lizers in this district. Fertilizers for all grains and roots. Get prices and litera- ture from him before purchasing. If Ten tons good timothy hay for sale Mrs W. J. Lever, Flesherton. j Fertilizer I am agent forGunn's Sur Gain Fertilizers, the best on the market, and tn now takini; orders for delivery *t Flesherton Station. Send in orders by mail or phone No. 21 r 23. W. J. Meads, Priceville P. O. 1 apr A beautiful white swan was captured recently, at Mildtnay. The bird was noticed by ooroe lad* and after a short chase it wn captured. Ib hid been injured in the wing, presumably by gun- shot, and as a result is not very lively. It is receiving gnod care io the hope that that it may fully recover. Herrgott Bros . who have 'he swan in their cure, say it is quite tame, and in iy have recently escaped from captivity. It m a lovely bird aud weigh* about 15 Ibs. Gents* Furnishings The Small Store w,th Big Values DISCOUNT on all Hobberlic Tailoring during JANUAEY Cleaning aod Pressing done on shortest notices. Agents for Hobforlin made-to-measure Suits and Overcoats. H. J. LEGARD Where yuur dollar learns to have more cnt. Flesherton, Ontario F'>r Sale Good Holstein cow just freshened ; also three good collie pups Roy Thistlethwraite, Proton Station. Two Black Silk Specials ! Black Paillette Silk, yard wide, rich lustrous black, good weights satisfactory wearing quality, regular $2.25, special $1.79 per yard Black Duchesse Silk, yard wide, highly finished, reliable color heavy weight, drapes beautifully and makes up exceptionally wel for all dress purposes, regular $2.75, special $2.19 per yard. rocery Department ^ Two Bulk Tea Specials BLACK An Indo - Ceylon Blend that draws well with good flavor. We have sold a large quantity of this Tea with excellent results. w GREEN An uncolored Japan that gives wonderful satisfaction tp those ho prefer the old fashioned Japan Teas. Black or Green, regular 55c. value, special 45c. per pound, or 3 pounds for $1.25. Take home a trial pound of either Tea today. You'll be pleased ! F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO Lost On Sunday nighr, between the Methodist church and W. Stewart's, a i baiter. Please leave at this office. Twenty-five Medais, First Prizes and ( For Sale-Solid Oak Hosier Kitcbea u 'P lou " 8 {rou> lh world ' s Cabinet for S35 ; also a Record Cabinet chicHijo World's for f 10. Apply :o Mrs. John Dand, Feversham. . exhibitions including the Worlds rUir, I London-Toronto | For SiUe Set second hand sleighs, almost new, it right price H Down, i Flesherton. Exhibition is the record uf the Colt for sale, coming three years old ' Wilson McMullen, Ceylon. IlflillFIS carefully Corrected Each Week Bmter. 38 to 40 Ktjss 65 -M 65 1 Wheat 1 50 to 1 50 : Peas 1 25 to 1 25 ! Outs 35 to 35 : B*rley .0 75 to 75 ' Potatoes 1 10 to 1 10 Owen Sound, Onr. No other School in Canada holds any > award whatever from these leading ! exhibitions and this in an evidence or] undi.-puied superiority of the S. B. C. wuti in open competition. The Best 18 | Cheapest. Businet>i>, Snortiund, ! ,. .. i er's ma Preparatory Courses. Eater any clsy. Citaloi-us Free. C A. FLEMING, F. C A., Principal G. D. FLEMISG, Secratary. Meutionlhis paper when writing) Boar For Service Poland China Bor For Service Lot ' 39, con. 4. Arteniesin. 2 jnn WALLACE FISHER, Prop. HEAD OFFICE HAMILTON ESTABLISHED 1872 WE WISH YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR ' BANK OF HAMILTON DUNDALKJBRA.NCH-A. M. Carihew. Manager SIB-BKlMCH PROTON-C. J. Forster, Sub-Manager W. A. HAWKEN dealer for MENDELSSOHN PIANOS and PLAYER1PIANOS, PHONO- GRAPHS and RECORDS, and SHEET MUSIC. Call and see these high grade instruments . .j Hawken's Photo Gallery and Music Stor FLESHERTON ?>5^^^^-^-t-^5sra Wedding Gifts, Presentations, Etc. Our stock ot useful, fancy and ornamental goo<ls will help you solve your problem where the above is needed, MUSIC We have it in abundance in all its varieties. Our line of Gramophones' Victrolas, etc., and Records cannot fail to please the most fastidious. Sheet Music and Mouth Organs. SEWING MACHINES Our line includes the world famous and aristocrat of Sewing Machines the White. Watches and Clocks Repaired. Eyes tested and glasses fitted. Cargce's Grocery \Vhy come out in the cold and stormy winter weather for your Groceries when a phone call will have them dtliverec at your door. We ctn guarantiee yu prompt If you are thinking of any ghrub*, fruit tree* or small t'ru '. bushes you will do well to give us a call. Wo have secur- ed the Agency for th Stone & Wellington Fooilull Nurseries. A complete line of Tebacces, Cigarettes and Pipes. t prices paii for all bods of PnrJnoe. W. E. CARGOE. Phone 30 J. FLESHERTON, OMT. I nj i^i ,' !??! */ ', ::::' ' * . . * 4. * ^ ... A ' , W. A. ARMSTRONG. Phones 13 and 28. Pleshertoti, Ont. 4 , * CT * 4* ^ * ,- ] g :..:: i 4 ******* ** MV***** ?******* ***4* **< BOOT5 & SHOES In Ladies* Wear we have Kid, Dongola, Gun Metal and Box Calf. For Men's Wear we have a nice assortment of Mahogany and some good lines in Black. Also very serviceable Work Boots. Repairing promptly attended to. '::: K)|i.l P' rtt! H THOS. CLAYTON FLESHBRTON, - 0NTARJ

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