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Flesherton Advance, 20 Jan 1921, p. 4

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January 20 1021 THE FIESHBKTON ADVANCE Helping the Farmer The Merchants Bank is of very practical assistance in helping the Farmer to obtain Tested Seed Grain to settle Harvest and Threshing' Expenses to pay off Hired Help to order the winter's supply of Coal to purchase Pure Bred Cattle m to realize on Grain Storage Tickets. Avail yourself of this complete Banking Service. TH MCRCHANTS BANK Hwd Office :MontreaU OF CANADA Established 1864. CEYLON & FLESHERTON BRANCHES C A NORSWORTHY, - - Manager. WE SELL FARM IMPLEMENTS WAGONS, HARROWS PLOWS SPECIAL PRICES IN New TulmlarJSnarples Separators JOHN HEARD, RLE ME NT QEN FLESHERTON. Flesherton Tri Shop- I have just placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Nickelware and Agateware for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipefitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Bros. Furnaces. D. WcKiLLOP CHRJ5TOE BLOCK F LESHERON A ONTARIO. 1 II ft H II |l i'Bi i* i : : i I 101 II f I put Feversham L.O.L LOL No 1085 held their annual meeting in their hall on Dec 22, 1H20, ihe Worh'pful Master, Bro licit (.'ODD, in the chair. There wai a good uttrnd- HHoe of mii.iber.", uf the Lodge. After the geouiHl ruu'ine of huiineaa wa disposed of the Wonhipful Master de- cided all otticea vacant, Bro S T Wilton, I > vi ii-' MiHter, waa requested to iu.- tliu chair HU! conduct the election and ii) of ( ftioerp, which ternce he ined with the following reults : Muster, Urn Clarrnco Alex' mider ; Di']uty Muster, Bro Wesley H -.a! v : Chaplain, A J Cunron ; Keo Sec, Bro <f tine* McKcozie , Kin Sec, BroS T Wilton ; Treasurer, Bro Wm 801111 ; Dir of Our, Bro John Elliott; 1 ii Lecturer, Bro Fa mince Moore ; 2n>< L 'diuvr, Bro IIirv,-y Perilar ; Commit t'emen, Bros David McMullen, Beit Conn. Ernest Browniidgt*, Y liolroyd, and John OtLewdl. Bros John Ellio't and A J Conrrm were appointed auditors and repmtei In- Ludge in good financial standing The retiring Recording Secretary, Bro TliOrn:m Conron, duntted his salary for thH year as Recording Secretary, to the True Blue Orphanage, f-jr which the Lodtru tendered him a hearty vote of thanks. After ihe Lodge was closed in duo ! -i m lliu officers and members xpeut a pleasant hour in speech making and |)Utnkini< <if lunch. Values That Are Truly Extraordinary SELL-WE MUST ENTIRE STOCK POSITIVELY TO BE CLEARED OUT IN JANUARY. NEVER SUCH BARGAINS IN FLESHERTON Everything selling at and below cost. Not goods picked up for sale purposes. It is our whole stock being sacrificed. Don't just say that's great. COME COMPARE. Men s Kitchener Railroad Signal Overalls $2.25 Men's Black Overalls 1.90 Boy's Overalls, sizes 26 to 32 i.50 All Wool Sweater Loats 6.50 Pullovers $3.00 V Neck Sweaters - 4.50 Ties 85c Socks, fancy, from 25 to 75c Men's rieavy Wool Socks, 50 and 0c IF YOU EVER HAD A CHANCE TO BUY RIGHT IT'S NOW Ann Bands Bcsf.on Garters Handkerchiefs, all colors Men's Work Shirts Men's Fancy Shirts 15 and 2c 30c 15 and L'Oc 85c to $2.00 $2.00 "THE ELDRIDGE SOLD BY W. A. ARMSTRONG KLK3HKUTON. ONT. SHINGLES Mi:i _M.-M an? il .V. n to $5,50 per vul il will | ay In liny now tin pnci-H will bptdVMUtd to .V7~> in Frt'iiu-uy 8 ."') on Mny Isr, We hnvo on Imud abiul '.'4r,,,tO XXX B. (,'. Orders boikiH now. ft'. A, Aninnonj;, plu-nea 1:1 H-ni -S, Kli'shorton. NOTI CE! Sweeping Reductions in the following : Men's Overcoats Men's Suits Sweaters Sweater Coats Underwear SPECIAL Five Rose Flour $6.00 a bag. WANTED A young "married man to do general work. Free house. . . .t,;' **!> ,**> :* F. G. KARSTEDT, Flesherton, - Ontario Annual Meeting Tho annual meeting of Inprcy Ajjri- ciii: in i, Si .-.", will be held in the Oftbft Hull, I' . i-r .'in.i. on Saturday, Jan. -^iiil, I'.i'JI, lit:: o'clock p.m., fur tin 1 imrpiiMt of receiving the tinanciu .itli'uiriit of lOl'O, election of otticersjunci any other I USIIUHH that iny come before the m. in.:' W. H. (}iiy t Pnii. J, A. K. null in. S, <. NOMINATION Township of Artemesia A meeting of the Electors of the Townkhip of Ari> uiftri H i ll be held nt ' IHI Town liitll, on Mnii, I iv. the 24th day uf,lnmmry, 1H21, at 1 o'clock, for the I mi ...-. nf iii.niiimtini! one Councillor far the u.l lownchip If more : m the I n. . uv M'I'III>I-I .in. M .u,:n ,i.-.| nnd * i pull is i.-f|.n. ,-.!, the polls will I,H opened II" tll*1 NtUt'PHl pollllit; hll It-dlVIHiolIN <>D M .nil-tv. ilu' .'Mi' dy "' J -i, ii n v I'.I'JI, li.iui ! .Id 11 in li> ."i 00 p.m. foi' the itli'oiinn 1. 1 NHIII (,'ouno'li. r. Ditinl .lnnu.kiy 1H. IHL'I. W. J HKLLAMY Notice to Creditors FLESHERTON BAKERY IT'S WORTH Y--THK MUKAD WITH A I'lfUPOSE. Yes, our Pure Food Broad has a worthy purpose It brings health and strength and a inua.1 time satia faction to the folks who partake of it. regular- ly. One slice calls for a loaf, one loaf forms the habit. Bread is your best foodeat more of it. PHONE s FRED FINDER, Flesherton In I lie mutter of the Kstntix.f Willinin .|.M.|I!I I! yd. l*tn i if tho VillHL'it of I 1 ' l".||p|lini, III the I'miii'V *nf IJil'V, (..'ill If-lillli l\ .I'CI'HS.-il, Ni'l I.-.' is lieieliv tMU'ii. |iuisiniiit lo Si.<] Mi nf tlu- TriiRti'ex Ac 1 , It S, (). I!U. Ch'.|.. tai. tliKt nil f.T.-ditoi-H nd i.iln-iM hii'ii-u .-Innis . r ili-ni-UKlH aumiis' the i Ntn'11 nf ill,. S'tid Willinin .Ins. fli 11 vV'f, whn died fin nr lout. the i?inl Uv "f l).'0c!nin,.| A. I)., 1!>'_'0, nt >li.- I'ity 0f Toronto, ure rt-ijuired, nn or tiefiirt- tho 1st tiny fit Kohrtinry, 11)21, lo seiul >iy ptiMt, prii)mid, o r flelivtir to l.i:.-t it H"nry, SiilicitnrH for the Adiiiinis'rKtrix fiftlui eslHtooflhe xaiil cloiMecl, thir (.'hrixtiun niiineRuiid NiiriiHineK, nddrttHHeN and (1 Hi'i'i|iti"n, tho full purticuUrs in "iiiu- ;. of their claim!), H mnteinent of thi'ir HCOnuntN, and Hi-- natutnof tho Hi'CuritieH, if nny, held l>y' them. And tikko M 1. 1 ico i (mi after ouch l.isi ili. i. the s.-ini AdiiiiniHtrmrix Will If) illhil I ililllit the nsii'lv ;)f the s.ud doeeaiod among tho |irt.iuH . mil l.-il thereto, hnvinit reeaid only to the rl.-uiiii of which they hall then h.-ivn hd notion, and thm the said Adminia- t.'ni\ will not ho (indie for the cxid HSNoU >r ny part thereof to nny poriton "I p.trHOTlB ol whosil rllllii: in. tiro Khali not lii vi' li.-i n ri'ci'i hy thorn at the tune of Huch dintrihutinn. I TCAS A HENRY, s.ilicitori for .the AdiuiniAirtktiix Dated at Mrh dale this 7th dy of JH imry A. D. 1U21. Atlantic Wool Underwear 1.60 Fleece Lined Underwear 90c Combination Wool Underwear 350 to $4.00 Neck 8crfs 1. 00 to 2.65 Felt liats - 3 00 Men's WinttM 1 Caps !.50 Kaincoats from $10.00 to $2."). GO Horsehide Mitts Work Gloves Kid Gloves, lined Dressed Kid Wool Gloves Leather Belts Police Braces Linen Collars Negligee Soft Collars 100 1.60 2.00 1.25 35 and 50o 50 and 75c 20c 30c Boys' Kibbed Worsted Hose, double heel and toe. 40 to 90c Pant and Coat Hangers lOc , or 3 for 23c All Hobberlin Tailoring reduced 33 ]-3 per cent, during January. Everything must be sold as the owner is quitting business. Come in and look us over. H. J. LEGARD, GENTS' FURNISHINGS. FLESHERTON, ONTARIO In Memoriam Tl ueiiian In 1. '.in- in in. ry of my cii'ir, Oscar 1) Tiueman, who ilupiiricd MUM life Januaiy '.'0, 1920. Oft. 1 iliink nl you dejr Oscar, Ami my heart IH fraught with pun. Ah. tin- r.irili would bun liiMvi-ri Could 1 but hmr >nur voice I.-.HO. JUKI ore year ityci you left me, \lnw I n, ms your loving fce, Hut you loft HIM to i n mi ' . r None on earth 0*11 (ill your '!-. His loviiiu wife. Sdie. BELLAHY'S GROCERY Headquarters for Al Groceries, Flour and Fruits Of Interest to Farmers K. T. Hill A Co , Limited, ar, in th market fur H q'wn'ily of *|>iii>u nod wintnr wheat for their mill for present ! de'i*ry. If y> h*v any to sell cll phone 7, !M .1 kill 1 . .1 iL'iin BOAR for SERVICE Pure'irod T mi wni-i h Bonr for service ; .n lot ii;v . s w T a<i s !: , A, i,-,,,,.v. ,. I I'.'i !!- -81.50. Sows not rttkurned will . ... . ii ni'ril -..inn 1 i II.HI- m |iie. Fol. 15 -T. .1. STINSOS. Prop APPLES UrreninttH, Spie* and OnUrioa i y tho i..ii n-1, li.i-^ or basket. FLOUH Crt-am of the Went, Good as Gold, Pastry Klour. BHANnd SHORTS Made by the Shelburne Mill.i ROLLED OATS We have just received a nhipment of choice CRANBEUUIES We h IVH now some line Crauberries Get your supply at onca. ONIONS Scamth Onions and Cooking Onioni all good stock. WE ARE AGENTS FOR FINDER'S BREAD. BELLAMY'S Fle 'o h r 01 " Chevrolet Investment Your purchase of an automobile should be regarded an an investment. The investment should be safe and sound. It should yield you a gratifying return on your money. The Chevrolet " Four-Ninety " Touring CaJ fulfils these requirements. It has a reputation for long and continuous service, for ease of operation and riding comfort. It lives up to its reputation because it is mechanically dependable every particular. Its saving of fuel and tires is an especial source of satisfaction. The completeness of its equipment is another. Every hour of the day or night it is ready to pay back in efficient transportation for every dollar of its cost. The latest model " Four-Ninety " is now ready for your inspection. D, McTAVlSH & SON, CHEVROLET DEALERS, FLESHERTON, ONT.

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