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Flesherton Advance, 20 Jan 1921, p. 1

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\ Vol4l, No. 32 Flestierton, Ont., January *! 1921 PROTON Mrs John McConnell visited with h.T parents, Mr and Mrs Jan Corbelt. Miss Delia Brooks is the guest of her sister, Mrs Da vie. We ar sjrry to report tsby Me- Kuchnie ill with pneumonia. Mr T McCue at.d Mr S Wright of Kincardine vifited the latler's brother, Mr J C Wright Mr Clarence Montgomery f Dundalk .spent the week end with his cousin, Mr Walter Wyvill. Miss Gertie Lyons is visiting friends in Flesherton. y MIKS Ella and Mr John Hempliill visited with Mrs Hates. While working in Carson's gravel pit a quantity of falling earth struck Mr Petej Conslty, breaking a bone between the tii" knee and ankle. We are itlad he escaped without more serious injury. Hockey playing is the order of the day. We, expect before the end of the season our boys will ba the champion players. PRICEVILLE We had a considerable nnow storm, accompanied by high wind on Sunday of this week. Mr Elmer W;itson, eldest son of Geo A Watson, brought home a bri-ie a few days airo, in the person of Miss II >.i<, of Egreruout. We wish the youii couple life turn- of happiness and success, and we miifht nay loiome yuof{ and elderly raen about town " go and do likewise." Snrae more Hydro Electric material has arrived in town and we expect the woikmen will soon arrive to complete the connections to give us lipht. Mr Watson, a son of Peter Wataou of Egremont, who has been in Mauitaba fur .1 number of years, came to the village a few days ago visiting his uncle, Geo A, and ather friends in the vicinity. Miss Olhe McLean has gone to Or- angeville to take a course iu the business college. Mms Ethel \V:tson is attending busi- ness college in Stratford. A nice little months' old sou uf Mr and Mrs Sterling Wbyte piwed awuy suddenly at their hodie in Toronto last week. U'j was sleeping quietly at one o'clock a.m. and before niurnuig lifu was gone. The child hod been troubled with sore eyes for tome time and inHuinmulioii extended from eyes to brain, luterm^ut took place in Priceville public Cemetery on Saturday afternoon of Last week. DR. F. C. NIXON Optometrist and Optical Specialist Hnrontario Street, near Third Street Collingwyod, k Ontario Appointments : Daily 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Evcniugs and Holidays arranged. Telephone 61 1- W. Box 1006 1 Jly 20 The Taco Range A Range of pleasing and handsome appeaiance. The plain smooth castings are very easy indeed to keep clean. [Large perfect baking oren, smooth silvery nickel, large fuel saving Kru box, clean dutt proof warming claset, dual pipe damper, a&h pan door with tlidt-, reservoir trnk enclosed in cas inn casing. The " Taco " will appeal to the moat discriminating buyer aa a leader in its class. Don't content yourielf with tho ' knowledge of a " Taco " Jsuperior- ity you gain in reading about it but make it a point to nee th value in this range with you- 1 own eyes. F. W. DUNCAN Hardware and Paints Phone 30 r 1 1 Flesherton, Ontario HOCKEY Flesherton woo their first garr.e of hockey in the Junior O H. A race, when they defeated Shelburue htre by 10 10 7 on Monday nighr before a Urge cro*d. Shelburne has .. .-.ratty fair bunch and gave the locals a goud IUD and made them travel at tup sr,f i all the way. It certainly WH A uood exhibition of hockey Silk and Matthews were the best for the visiting team, hut to pick the utars from the homo bunch would be unfair, as every ninn on the Flubherton line up played a star game. Tho t>ame WHS free from any rouf-h play, only penalties tor minor offences being handed out. The locals had the bettor of the first period, tut were apparently off iu tlieir aliootiiiK- Sbelburne scored three goali* to their two. The *econd period proved to be the undoing of Shelnurne and at the end uf this period lh score stood 10 to 5 in favor of Fleiiherton, The thiid period brought no material change in the scoie and the ; un,' ended with Flesher- ton izoiiiK strong and the score 10 to 7. Jack Herbert of Owun Sound was the referee and handled the game splendidly. THE TEAMS Flesliertou Goal, Jennett ; defence, MeTavish and Thompson ; centre, Cope- land : i"-;,! wing, Yorke ; left wing, Biird ; sub*. Black well, Kelly and Dow. Shelburne (, Clarid^u ; Defence, M . :n ws lint I'.i.iHii ; Centre, Silk; riijht winy, McGrath ; left, wing. K'lpttrick ; subs, Sandi-rson, While, Silk. Fleshuiton has three men signed up from* and three men from DunJalk, ana along will: the six inin-ii ti i in here have pretty nifty j'j'reji'itinii to ohoosB from. Thir next aiiif i* hi.-re on ThursJ.iy next. J-m. 'JO, t 7 :;r p.m., when they play the fast < in- ' i AI-II Sound team. The lioys have a unud ' ,111, play ijcod clean hockey and ,:-. \.- pairoiuge. Come and see llie v I: !'; trim the city. Artemesia Council The newly elected Council of Arlcmosm for 1!)21. met at~*the Town Hall, on Monduy, January 10, li)21, there beu><i present : W j Meads, Reeve ; J F Mathewsnu, Deputy Reeve ; and John Buruett and John A HngArlh, Council I 'i - After each uf <:H'! members Irul sobscnbed iviiii iu%Jo thu dechiriiUoii of otHco tlu'y took their seats. The tnmuti's of last si-ssion were read. Communications were rc.'id us follows : Thtt rleik, account fur election expenses, 883. 2f> ; W H Thurston, account for printinu tux bills and financial stati'rnunt, $42 39 ; Sick Children's Hospital, patting for grunt. ByliWK 1, to nppomt assessor ; 2, to appoint auditors ; .'!, to appoint sheep valuers ; 4, to appoint high school trus- tees ; 5, to appoint, looiil board of health ; 6, to appoint school attendance nlhcer wer introduced and all papsud, except No G. A D McLeod, assessor ; Win Buchanan and Geo Cnirnc, auditors ; M L Mclntyre, (Jeo Warlmir, R Plintt, J -hn Campbell, S Podlar, W J Love, V Wright and Jos Watson, sheep valut rs ; High School Trustees, Isauc Smith for Flesherton and H Shaw for Markdnle ; Board of llealch, G II Cairns, im-mber itud K Pbintt, sanitary ingpfctor ; JTo C, to appoint school a'temlmce officer was laid over. The following accounts were ordered to be pnie : Elec ion expenses, 883.25 ; W H Thurston, 942.39 ; Wilfred Magee, sheep injured, $5 , J Burnett, re Prilch- aril's biiilee, J Carfcon, gravel, $4.70. The Clerk was in utructerl to order copies of the Municipal World fur the Council. Hogarth Burnett That as a vacancy has occurred in the Council owinu to not sufficient numbers nominated, it is here- by ordered that a new Domination be held 'it the town hall on Monday, the 24th mat, at 1.00 o'clock p. m., and should a poll be required the election nil ill take place in the several polling divisions on the 31st int from 9 a.m. to !>[. m. for Ihe election of said mem- b T, and the Clerk give the proper notices.-- Canied. Burnett Mathewson That this Council meet on the first Saturday of each iir .nth during 'he balance of thu year (xcspt the month of December) at I the hour of 1.30 p. in. Carried. Council adjourned. Try us for your next job printing. A Flesherton Pioneer The following article appeared in the Globe of recent date and deals with an old pioneer of Flesherton, Mr. Thorpe Wrieht, who resided here for many years and who is at present Jiving in West ToroLtn : January sunshine mellowed the wrink- Ir- in the face so strongly delineated with character, as Mr. Thorpe Wright sat on the porch of his home at :j57 Pacilic avenue and chnited. Mr. vViight who celebrated his 80th birthday Jan. S, is living lii.s twilight day* in the home he has known twenty yeans his daughter, Amelia, his devotud companion. Enjoying good health and remarkably Keen *-itted, Mr. Wriyht is actively interested in the alfairs of the Junction. Seldom :. .'s he miss his morning stroll to Musscm's hook store in quest of his beloved Globe, tie is found legularly in attendance twice each Sunday at, High P.irk Methodist church, uud acorns the c'limney corner generally allotted to a. man of his years. " I've been up in Grey county on a visit and travelled all around b'lehherl on in an automobile, driven by a girl a^ that. Some change from the days when I was a buy clearing bui-h up there and driving a yoke of oxen over thosu trulls,' 1 remarked Mr. Wrigh', his blue eyes twinkling. Then, as if his reniinit-cent mood had been touched by ;i magic i-pring, tho pioneer drifted back in im-inory to the i-arly d.iy* mid the story of hiis parents in grai ion into Canada, recalling events and dates with astounding lucidity. It WAS in the spiinuof 18IS2 that thu pitrents of Mr. Wr'^ht ami a Imby three month* old sailed fr mi Dublin for <,'n"- ber. Tha vessel Hebron carried .'541 p isM-ngers hut no doctor. Choluia r-ruku ut during t In- nix weeks' voyage, mid 41 victims died nd were buried ut aea. Mi. Wright's father wan u tailor by trade and had won some reputation ae . maker of 'spt and gowns for students of Trinity College, Dublin. Because of Jus trade he was called upon to aew up in blanke'i Hi'- bodies of (he cholera victims. Tha wife also fell ill and the oapuun, who hud been bleeding bin patients, insisted ii i ii ii bleeding Mis. Wriuht. Bur, the tailor being familiar with the disease in Ireland, seized hit* formidable hlie'U* and fought nil' i Ii" captain, his own treatment of sU'MimiL! hastening the unnmn's re* covery. She was the only cholera viciiru of the vessel to recover. The care of the infant, wns thrust upon thu tailor, and h solved the food problem by prepming a mixture of powdered biscuit, sugar .no *alt'r, upon which ilm baby ihrivad for three weeks. Tho vessel arrived at 'Quebec in i|iiurantini* with one Kick man 01. board. Hu wan craftily hidden. An a n ".-! ,11,-oc.- an i- ;.n! inic of cholera bio!.e out iu Queoi*c. ihousandH dying and being carried !o the Plain* of Abra- ham, where thu bodies were buried in irenchis Mr. 'v\ lulu . mother fell ill w.tli bruin fever ."oon alter lauding fn Quebec, n:id her beautiful auburn hair wlrch fell below her kneen, and had solicit til an offer of ti vi- guinea* in Dub- lin, was si'crihoed. Ton weeks nfler landing in Quebec tho mother recovered in heiilll 1 and tho Wrights journeyed on to Lanark, Out., lirre they iiwde their tirst C>uudiuii to ma destination in Grey county folka thought we were travelling tinker* and came running from the farnm with their tinware for us to mend. It WHS in the settlement of Grey Co. that afterwards bccauie the village of Flesherton that Mr Wright experienced (euuine pioneering, Th oxen were permitted H three- d^yo' test before being net to the task of logging. Then the men sot forth or? a forty mile trip to Newell's Mills for provision*, returning with one cow, five barrels of-timir at;d potato seed . In the fall the pioneeis were able to procure their Hour from Durham u seventeen :ri\e trip through the woods. Mr Wiight, then a lad of sixteen, thought nothing of the trump. Hf would ni'iku i he trip onu day, spend- ing thu night at the null sleeping on the Hour, and bukinu cakes fr.nn ilm Hour providi'il by the miller for hi patrons. Flour .-inti water were mixed and FINE JE WE LERY Bates BurialCo. home. Mrs. Wii^lit liecauic the Dtothcf of 12 children and lived to rear 11 to mid manhood. In Itt.'jO the Wrights moved to Grey onunty, the I'.iiln-i and one son h.ivini' tnkun up governinont land the priiceding year, and prepaiud a Ii-g cabin homa for the family " That innriiing is as clear to me tod A as it WHS i but May titnt) seventy years ago Some folks would have counted it hmdahip. Wo didn't. We hud a go.,rl time, tine weather and plenty to eat," declines Mr. Wright. " It tuok us two weeks making the trip with a yoke of oxen and a wagou that n hati tixed up with a covering like gipsy van. We stowed the family, father, mother and the eight children, as well a tho bouae- hold goods, in the wagon. Wu stopped sometums nt, hotels to eat, and often made our meals over c*mp Urea by the wayside. We took the host fiom Liruck- ville to Toronto, iir.d kept the Sabbath by resting io Toronto from Saturday ni_;hl till Mouday noon. Toronln wasn't much like it IB now not more than 30,000 people and we drovn through what is now Dundaa street, nothing in re than a wauon truck through ilm bush then. In Toronto we bought up supplies ud hung our tinware on the outside of b'ikfd nn Hour scoop hehl over box stovt 8 " fc'ni five year.s, until the settlement built a mill of ita own, we walked l>n. iron for tluiir. carrying hmneOO pound ll on our hacks. Let me ttiii you ihe bread wa sweet"' chuckled Air \\ light. Thp first school iu tlie ft Clement was held in the hume of the teachur, Mr Citmphel!, who .->oliciled 849 i;i ut>scrip- 1 1 .i . outside his (iovi-rnnient JI..HI. for salary. There was a little hand Df Church nf England people who wished a preacher and sent a request to Owen Sound. A clergyman arrived and pieuch- oil two sermons, but refused to cnme .14-1111 unless the people paM him 40. Thm sum could not be rainvd and the Church of England hucautu .Meihodists. Mr. 'Vright reuaila vividly the " Bee " thai erected the iiu-elitig house at luio- iii",nn-. When dinner was cnlled nobody said tn him " Come along, sonny " <:id the bunhfo. ness of ihe boy kept him in the buh until tho wnml choppns lelurn- !. Without complaint In- resumed hi.-. chopping and walked tin- t iu miles home that evening. " A pretty tough experience fora hoy, but it ilidn'i tutu me against, mueiiiig |il,n-.'- in gunsnil," lauithed Mr. Wriylit. For six' y yearn I'va serve'' on tho Trustee Board uf the MethodiM .,IM n. ' Mr. Wright's father's trade as tailor greiuly apprecialud, as he vi-ited the SHitlement homes and fitted out i-ntire families. In those early dnys , itln-r was ijurchitKbit in large i|iiantilies und the Havellinu shoemukur visited oacb Inmily in turn, i , '10.1:11. n". until tho housi hold was completely sl-od. In 1858 Mr. Wrilu mnrried Kli/,i Jiim^h of Ltnark iiiul made a hoin- on the farm adjoining his father's html. Always ili- pinin'er has bctui a stain, uh prohibitionibt', and he struck > smu: in his firsr barn raising. It ws tho - in to provide H gniii-rous amount it ' tor a burn r.iisiiijjr. Mi. \Vri({hf (\" iiiiiki) this provision mid tha iifgimutii ru-,1 il a pro'est. threnieninv to o. --i-ii. Mr. V/riyht stood by his guns ; thn barn wan raised anil without the i...unl ntunu'ant. In I'.WO Mr. Wright moveJ to To onto engaginit in the wholesale wood bn>i>ie9 mm! .1 few months BLO, wlu-n he tu iied. In 1!)0 Mr. and Mrs. Wright ci-li l.nited their golden weddmu. Mis. \Vriuht Jied iu !'JK). Mr. Wright lives nnich in ihu nicinrry and glory of his p nnei r d;iys. " I c> unt it no hurclship 'o liavi- been a piuiiei'i-. Experiniico tuachcB in there is no hard thing if you don't thin i so, 1 ' is ihe piiini-ui's philosophy. " I've never sampled eithet liquor or tobaccc. I'm pioud to Hny I hawri't a [mm of HI: itche ami can eat tlirue Kquari! mealH a day. I've been a reader uf The Globo over ty ynrs The Weekly Globe up in Grey Coutry and The Daily since I c to Toronto never niifsc-d n issue, ' Come in and see our ijne large stock of Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, etc, and when you. have seer them }uii will be sure to buy. Watch re- pairing u sptcialty. A full line n Photographic supplies Including developing powders- printing frames, dark lanterns, al sizes of koilacks and ii!m6. ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES W. A. ARMSTRONG- Jeweler, FLESHERTON, ;BUSINESS AS USUAL Funeral Directors and Embalm er* Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Road, Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, President. Manager Yorkshires, Tamworths Young Stock For Sale For Breeding Purposes Phone or write GEO. \V. KOS ONT OspreyTel. system Maxwell P. House of Quality We are out to she w the people the bottom of <:he market. We handle wrapped ' Canada" Bread from Toronto. " We have a complete Stock of New Fruits and Fresh Chocolates, mixtures and pack- ages, all kinds of Nuts. OURJERMS ARE CASH AND TRADE NO CREDIT. FEED Oats, Barley, Peas, Wheat, Oat and Barley Chop, and Oat Chop, Ontario Bran and Shorts, and Low Grade Flour. J. R. PATTISON & SON, Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton, - Ontario i t i.j wagon. All the way the road VANDELEUR Miss J Sinclair of <.)wen Smind v the gmwt. of Mr Wm Buchanan -un' family recently. Mr III Graham made : business trip ti Listowel last week. The Epwiirlh Leiigue had a socia i-vu.iiii; on Thursday of last week at tin houiH of Mrs Davi* and family. A verj interesting addrenti WM gi%un t'V Mr W R Buchanan on " Resources of Canada. Music and gauies occupied the remaicde f the evening, atter which a dainty lunch was served. Mr Wm Biichanan, i., hn leturned h'ime after H|>euding some tune with friends in Toronto. Klled Monday Morning HIGH PRICES We put Bread down to 20c. per large loaf. 75c. Tea to 50c. per pound. St. Lawrence Sugar to $1 1.90 per 1QO Ib. And one thousand other articles dropped which I haven't space here to mention. Just drop in and take a look at our goods. Everything new and up-to-date. W. L. WRIGHT, Corner Store, Flesherton Increase Your Emiing Power by taking A course in tho Youge and Charles Streets, Toronto One of the lant two students to accept positions commenced nt, $22 50 per wei-k and the ulher over S100 per month. Write for College Circulor. Enter any time. W. J. ELLIOTT, Piu.:ciPAt Tonsorial Parlors We Aim to Give Battre Satisfaction LAUNDRY Basket closes Monday night, delivery Ki-mny ev CLEANING and DYEING- We vt agents for Parker'* Dye Works Clothe] cleaned nnd dyed. t\"' liors , i ejuvonated T FISIIBK- -PROPRIETOR

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