OUR BOYS' AND GIRLS' CORNER By Aunt June featured Acnrdtaf to DM CoryriJU Act DEDICATED TO Evotv POT AND cuu m CAMAUA My Dear Boys and Girls: Mfrry Christmas, every one of you. I hope you had just the merriest, hap- piest, Jolliest Christmas time that has" ver been yet. That's the way Christmas should come to '-very true Helper. In one of the Christmas books I used to love years and years ago, end itl'.l love, a book written for boys and i'..r. -. there was a quotation written by a man who loved children. H|B na'ii > was Charles Klngslpy. Havo you heard about him? 1 hope If you have that you have read tho book he wrote calle-d "Water Babies." It is a very pretty story. Among (lie things that Char!es Klngslcy wrote was thegi.- four little lines: "Do the thing that's nearest, Though it's dull t whiles, Helping when you meet them. Lame dogs over allies." Tho same little book had in it some other lines of kindness. Now kind- ness and helpfulness go hand in hand. To be a really triu- i! -Ip-.-r oi;e must harp tin- spirit of kindness in one's ioart. This is Christmas time and i Every we'ek our membership "lists tc-". hn-w what a wonderful spirit I grow i nrger . This week wo have to ChTifit'.ia.s in ing* with it. KVIT. V - I welcome the following new members: one tiecm.n so much kinder and more t4ioughi fii! at this season of the year. The spirit of kindness is everywhere, but what a. pity it is if we iiu hat keep the sa.in: Christmas spirit all througii the yi -r. Why don't we do this? We can. The b?at way be can do it is to all be Helpers of one another. I am sure you would like to feel that you could to have one marc;. It is an old one and may be- well-known by some ol you. This Is a game to be played with paper and pencil. Kacli played must have a pencil and a slip of paper. Get a friend to place on a tray ten or twelve small articles. For example: an egg cup, a thimble, a spoon, a bull of wool, a clothes peg, a penholder, etc. The tray is then to be covered over with a piece of cloth ami all play- ers sit round with the tray in the cen- tre of the table. \Vhenallareseated, tin- irif-nd must lift up the cloth from the tray, and everyone is given nbor one minute or a minute and u half in w.'iich to look at the things on the tray. The tray is then covered over again and the players are given five nilnutfs In which to write down a list of all the articles they can remem- *V-T the most wins the game. always nuk:- every one you love just as happy and day in the year as they are at Christmas time, and this you can do. Keail what the little book said about kindnoss: KI'NDNKSS. "Wou'.d you like to be ab'.e to truth- fully say: 'I have done three hundred ami sixty-ilva kind actions and said tlireo hundred and stocly-Mwe kind words.' If you would try every day to do just one kind action for some- body and t-> tpcak Just OIK- kind word to K>mFon One every day will amount to three nundred and slxty- Hve st tlie end of the y, ar." The end of the year comes BOOH af- ti r ihri-i iius, doesn't it. nud that is the tim- w* start counting up the Note Aunt June's new address is: Box 516, Station F.. Toronto, Ont. OUR LETTER BOX. I am delighted tc Bee so many let- ters coming in from hoys and girls. .'ing Edna, Walton, Ontario. Marjorle Karrell. Mlssouln, Mon- tana. Margaret Mitchell. Jennie Miir.NVili. Walton, Out. Dear Aunt June: I have been wanting to join your club for some time HO I am now taking the pleasure and time to write you with my hlK kitten on my lap. He is b'.ack and white and we, suall make a great pet of him. I have a dog call- ed Barney. He Is very faithful and does his work well. I had a pet rab- bit for a year but I have not seen him for a long time. I am thirteen years old and I am trying my entrance this year. I take music lessons and I am Jack Homer Sat m a cornrr. Eating that famous p>. He sent for hi* And said with fond looks"; "Pray, make me some more bye and bye.' the United States but my papa und mamma used to live in Canada. I went on a visit to <'anada this sum- mer with my grandpa ami grandma. I y ** na^- >.....u ,^w. .... . MI-.. (^ Hnndu Very much, I hsv? re 3d gong to try an exam this winter. I [some of the letters In the paper and do as much as I can to help my mother. Well I guess I will close and hope to receive a badge at once. I intend 10 write more letters to our corner and read the ones which are wrUt-\n by other boys and girls. EDNA. How lovely it must be to have so inany pets, Edna. I would like to see Dirni'y and th" cat. Letters about thine* we huve done and making new resoires. I am going to give you a _ pots always Interest me very much. poem about It next wuek, but this week Hi T < must be a poem for the tiny on.-s It Is called: 1XJLL.Y AND I. ifiinc p 'p.o think 1 am lonely, Thai piTlups 1 moi>c and blg'.\ Out lnu_t'l < ar^ <i'iil'. quite happy, Tog^lier my l>jlly and 1. Of rou. HI- we are always busy, Tlver a:o clothes to wash and dry. 1 a: sure /ou must Invo a busy and vvirh you success with this exams. Of course you should have a badge. I am vory glad tj welcome you and .-hall look for more letters. Manltou, Man. Dear Aunt June: I liave read Hie letters of thi; boys' and girls' for some time and I ihr,ui?iii I would like to write to your page. I am epc'.osini? a three-cent fr both like to look tu-at and tidy. ! stan.p anil wish to get a badga. I go to school every day and I am In j grado seven. I live on a firm five I miles fremi Manltou. Wll I wi'.l be ; f iltliful member of your club if you i will semi me a bidse. At night wlien 1 come home from school I havn to watch my little brother and sister, But we nwan to learn about farming, | wash the djhej nnd_ilo several other 60 there's work for Dolly and 1 Wo are learning to do some cooking, An-1 1 once made father a pie, llut ho thought we had better eat It, 4o we finlHhc'.t It. Dolly -Mid I. 80 we visit Hi- pig in her sty. And w.it-.h them doing the milking Tor wo love new milk, IXilly and I. (things. This Is all for this time, ; wishing yoiir club every success. I 1 8JD twelve years old. MARGAKKT 0. MITCHELL,. our work is done, we are j Vml nave 8ta rted you.- faithful holp- merry. And to dance together wo try. JlMt w 'Ind it not very easy, To b r4c :ful, Dolly and I. !n; well, Margaret, in btlplBf m.Uher o much. from yr>u. I am delighted to hear 1 havo been la Manitoba, Krgtfttrtd according to the Coff- I like them very much. We get tho Pontlnc paper so I read some of the letters. I would like to join your ' club. I would like to hear .from you as soon as possible. Da I have to . send anything to you before I join the | Miss Rosalind welcome, lettert from club. Good-bye for now. Advice to Girls By Miss Rosalind MA1UORIE PARREL,!* , 1*. S. Please excuse mistakes as I j urn just learning to write on dady's I typewriter. | Your letter, Marlorle, was very i young women asking for advice on any subject. All you have tc do Ir to address your letter to MISS ROSALIND. well don.; for a little girl wlrj is Just I 34 King wi n iam 8t .. Hamilton, Ont to use a typewriter. I am glad ycu like Canada. I urn sure , - our other readers will think it very . r)ear M , 9S Ro ,, llnd . ixciting t:> see a letter from some- i . oni' in Montana. Yes, yaa do have to i Seeing your letter to girls in the do one thing before you can rea.lly ! paper I want to ask your advice: I ' a badge. This Is a rule of th? club. havo bepn keeping comminy with a Write mo a letter telling me all about young man all summer, he Is a real (ho deeds <;f service that you do every gentleman and always acts as though not love any other. lie told me the Dear Aunt June: and be friends wiih him again, or will I treat him coldly as I see him often Okotoks, Alta. j an ,i st ill love him above all others? LILAS. Dut w re always busy and happy, And we haven't t!:o time to cry, Perhai , that U why wo are hippy, So three c^ -era for Dally and 1. A OA.MK TO i'LAY. Yon hit! H(.:i:e paws in your letter t but do not know the district In which live Perhaps you will write j again BOIHC day und I ! 1 me about i y:mr farm and what kind of animals j you have. I hope you will have a happy holiday. Miasoula, Montana. Dear Aunt June: last w !.'. but perhaps you wjuld like I am a girl 12 years old. I liv in A Woman Is As Old As She looks - , No woman wants to look old. Many in their effort to look youthful re- sort to the "beauty doctor." Their mistake is that they visit Uio wrong de- partment in tho drug store. Beauty depends upon health. Worry, sleepless nights, neadachesi, pains, disordeis and weaknesses o-f a distinctly fem- inine character in a short time bring the dull eye, the "crow's feet," the haggard look, drooping Bhouldera, and the faltering step. To retain the appearance of youth you must retain health. ;tcad of lotions, powders and paiuts, ask your druggist for Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrption. This famous medicine strikes at the very root of these enemiea of your youthful appearance. It makes you not only look younger but feel younger. It overcomes the weakness and builds you up. Your druggist can supply you with liquid or tablets; or send ten one-rent stamps to Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo. N. Y., and a trial pkg. of the tablets will be mailed to you. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription has been in use 60 years. This is what one woman says: BUHMIB AL**. "1 am glad to be able to recommend Dr. Pierce's Ftvorlte Prescription u I certainly think it IB plendid medicine. Ibive I down nd fickly for wwly two year.. I have ^t^*^J^? In.-; I have been reading the boys' and Dear Lilas: girls' corner and thought I would like j j thlnk j .!,! pust leave mattei . s i) join the Helpers' league of Ser- | as they are . You are too yolmg yet vice. I ga to school every day. and , to decide that you care more for this inlp some of the children and do , hov , nan Kny - olle pli . a You on , y many other things. I am trying to ln [ nk yol , do , f hc , llinks as much get some more boys and girls to Join ! of y()U as you do of ,,,,_ everything t, but thpy are waiting to see mo with | wlll turn , mt al , riKht . If ne doos ny badge and I am sure I will get not care for ynu as you (]() for him , t t. I am a girl guldr and have al- is better , hat ho tp) , yol , s() now You ready pledged myself to my country. can be gooll f rle nds anyway. Yours truly, JICNNIK MACNE1LL. Tho Kpl'.-ndid service done uy our Jlrl (ttiides Is BO well knowa Jennie that it is quite rufflcii'nt for me to see Ihat you nre a member of this or- ganization to know that you have won i iiadge of the Helpers' League of Service. I am glad you will try to ;et new members for our League and w.nild like to havu a Ouide letter one day tellln;; a'bout your jjfirtlcula.r rojp and what work you are doing. 'erhaps you would like to send in some regular news to our corner once a month. If you will do this I think t will interest many other girls to loin. Yours lovingly, AUNT JUNE. Minnrd's Liniment For Diphtheria. THE CANADIAN OHIRCPH/iC- TIC COLLEGE. Formerly of hamllton, has now tak- in up their quarters at 757 Dover- court Rd., Toronto. Thousands of citizens are filled with enthusiasm over the wonderful results accom- plished by some of their Junior stu- dents on patients suffering from all diseases and afflictions. Students are enrolling every day to become Specialist^ of Chiropractic, realising the superiority of Chiropractic com- pared with the other healing urts. 2 Minard's Llfiiment For Garget In Cows ROSALIND. Dear Madam: I have been reading your advice to sirls very carefully 'and think it is a splendid tiling for girls to get such helpful advlc", and wiiiild you please dvo me, your assistance in the follow- ing matter: I am a girl cf sixteen and do not mean any love affairs whatever. I am only asking for your advice, as my parents are constantly worrying me. about this question. I have been keeping company with a young man of eighteen for about three or four month!. There is something nbuut ihla young man I detest, in ether .v.irds he thinks himself too smart. Wh?n we come honn from shows, he will* want me to stand on the veran- dah viml talk with him. He will kiss mo often. I have told him not to, but all in vain. He is thinking too much about love, and I am too young yet to be thinking of It. There are two girls who live across the* road frcm him. 'He takes them out lo shows quite often, and then comes to Origin of "Emerald Isle." Ireland was flr.n termed "the ICmer- ild fele" in a poem called "Erin," by Dr. Drennan, who lived in the latter half of the eighteenth '.vntury. It Te8tifi for !'ve!f Dr. Thomas' Eclectrlc Oil needs no testimonial of its powers other than Itself. Who- V,T tries it f >r oough or colds, for cuts r contusions, for sprains or burns, for paina In the limbs or body, well know that tfa medicine proves Itself and needs no guarantee. This shows why this Oil U In peneral se. *^s^^'1H^;^rt*si,-, II 1 } InRashOnFaceAndLimfes. Cuticura Heals. "I had been doubled with etzenui on my face which took the form of a rash. Latr- it broke out on iry limbs and they itched very much, causing me to scratch them ui.ti! they were bleeding. The rash would often keep me -.wake at night. " I tried some remedies, which failed, and then thought I would try Cutici.ra Soap and Ointment. It was not long till the rash began to disappear, anil I used *hree cakes of Soap and four boxes of Ointment, which healed mz." (Signed; W. M. Hymr.s, Paris, Ont., Sept. 12, 1919. Cuticura Soap to cleanse, Cuticura Ointment to soothe and heal. Soup 2Sc. Ointment 25 and SOc. Sold throughout the Dominion. CanadianUrpot: Lvm.n.. Limited, St. Paul St., Montreal. iMfCuticura Soap .hv. a without mu. me and tells mo al! about it. I get so tired listening to him telling me. My parents think a great deal of this young man and they tell me to still k?ep company with him, and I don't want to. I have known him since 1 was four or five years old. There is another young nran of nineteen I know quits well, and think him to be a very nice young man indeed. He is clean about his talk, and also Is sensible. The other night he was go- ing to tafte his sister and her hus- band and me to a show, but when we got to the theatre, it was full, SD in- stead, we went for a car ride. He asked me if I would trust him to take me to a place which is twelve miles from here. I said I did not know, and he said I could trust him. My parents do not know this young man as well as I do, and they think I should not chum with him. Now, dear Rosalind I do not mean that I want to love him. but I think he is such a thoughtful boy, and I only -want to chum with him, which I think is not more than right, as I am too young to '.ove a fellow in any way My par- ents are always telling me to chum with tnis other boy. I do not care for him. They think so much of him, they think I should too. but I can't. So dear Rosalind, please give me your advice, as I will value ft highly. 8UN8HIKB. Dear Sunshine: I shall have to call you Sunshine III. for there are two others already who claim that name. Indeed my dear, you are far, far too young to think about boys, except as chums and playmates. I am sure your mother does not seriously consider letting you keep company with young men. If you te!l her how disgusting this boy's manner is, I fpp| positive she will b? as angry about it as you are: Girls cannot bo too careful about choosing hoy friends; and about keep- ing themsolves sweet and free for the Prince charming who will come when they are old enough to recognize him. Do not go out with boys your mother dees not know; and when you go for a ride, take her with you. ROSALIND. Dear Rosalind: I received your letter containing "Violet's" address. Thanks. I have just finished writing to her, and now 1 am s;-nditiK you a few lines. A short time after I wrote to you your column failed to appear in our paper, and so I missed the ex- planation of the delay of your a% swer. I do wish that your column wuld appear in our piper again. Do you know why it doesn't? I would love to hive a fow more correspon- dents in Ontario. Would you mind asking the readers of your column if a few would write to me. Of course, do not word it as I have. Yours sincerely. MICKEY. Dear Mickey: 1 couldn't say it a bit bcttar than you di>! We are awfully glad to hear f r om you again. 1 envy the folks who are going to get your nice, bright, newsy letters. Who'll be first' ROSALIND. A SilLE IN EVEfiY DOS: OWN TAB.L-r Baby's Own Tablets are a regular Joy BivcT to the little ones they never fail to make the cross baby happy. When baby is cross and fret- ful the mother may be sure some- thing is the matter for it is not baby's nature to ba cross unless be 'i ailing. Mothers, it your biby : cross; if he cries a great d;'?.l anc needs your constant attention day and night, give him a dose of li'.by's Own Tablets. They are a. mi'.l bui thorough laxative which will < . :'.lckly regulate llu bowels and stomach and thus relieve constipation and indiges- tion, colds and simple fevers anJ and make baby happy there surely is a smile in every, doss of the Tab lets. Liaby'i Own Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. Send for liit of invention* wanted by Manufacturers. Fortunes have been made fro..t simple idem. "Patent Protection" booklet and "Proof of Conception" on request HAROLD C. SHfPMAN ft CO, PATZNT ATTORNEYS a* H-HIUt CMAHfMIM OTTAWA. CA**B& INVENTIONS ISSUE NO. I, 1<)21 HELP WANTED FEMALE " '~*~**~*'^* f *- r *- r *-'*J r *S^**^*S*S***-r^-^^^+** r-irtn* LADIBS WANTS!) TO DO PLAIN OH light sewing at home, whole or spare time; good pay; work sent any dis- tance; charges paid. Send stamp for particulars. National Mfg Co Montreal. HELP WANTED MALE West, MISCELLANEOUS HENS WANTED ALIVE. 23 CENTS a pound, 5 pounds each or PUPPIES FOR SALE HOW yours for Christmas I have some rare good cncs for sale coming three months old. bred from - j R n a 'r rt :? stock P* J. Blake. Almonte. Ont. 53 h r Order. D m!n!on Money GOLD BOUGHT ALSO DIAMONDS, SILVER. PLATI- "um and watches; we are the larg- f*t buyers in Canada, and pay the highest prices; send parcels by reg Istercd mail; cash by retarn. (^n- T , S ra " 84 Victoria St, Toronto. Main 6158. 4 RIDDLES Robinson's Book of Modem Conundrum*. The best rlddla book in the world. More than one thousand up-to-date riddles Over 50,000 copies sold in Can- ada. Send postpaid for 13 cents in stamps. George J McLeod, Limited. 266 King st West, Toronto, Ont. MONEY TO LOAN Loans made on farms, first, second mortages. Mortgages purchased. REYNOLDS. 77 Victoria St., Toronto. 52 NO WASTED TEARS FOR HIM. Mother Poor boy, how did you hurt your finger so? I little Son With a hammer. Mother When? Little Son A good while ago. Mother I didn't hear you cry. Little Son I thought you were out. Minard's Liniment For Gelds. E r A CLEAN SEND-AWAY. A country farmer lad was writing a letter to a city friend. Having no other envelope than a very dirty one that he had carried in his pocket for quite a while, he used it but an- nexed at the end of his letter: "P. S. Pleaso excuse the enve- lope. U was clean when it left my hands." Mlnard's Liniment For Distemper. Next to iron and steel, the produc- tion ot brass castings and bra*! pro- ducts is one of the largest ot the metal Industrie!. HONK. "Who was it that wrote the line: 'A II* tie learning is a dangerous" thlni asked the Old Fogy. | "Must have been some man who ! was trying to ruu an automobile for the first time," r*p"ed the Grouch. Look's Cotwn Root Compound -<* "/a, rdto'iZa repvlatiitf tt'dicint. Bold in than do- r ow ol ! t t cnglh No. JL|1| No. 8. $3: No. 8. IA pot Vox. 8ci<I by all druyrl.to, or KB) t! paid on rcftnpt of .B T* COON - .