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Flesherton Advance, 13 Jan 1921, p. 5

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J**nary 13 THE FLESHEKTON ABTAKCI SAVING. -The foundation of almost every successful business venture is built on Savings, The Standard Bank of Canada can be of great assist- ance in helping you to de- velop your business. ** THE STANDARD DANK OF CANADA | F4JESHERTON BRANCH >. MITCHELL MANAGER CANADIAN PACIFIC C. P. R. Time Table. Trains leave Fleshercon Station as ollows : Going South Going North 7.62 a. m. 12.05 p. in. 4.27 p.m. 9 - 45 P- m - The mails are osea at Flesherton at follow* : For the north at 10.40 a.m.and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south mail clow at 9 p. m. the previous evg. VICINITY CHIPS Mr. JFred Sproule of Winnipeg is vtiiting his father here. The inaugural rneetius of the munici- pal councils for 1921 was hld Monday. Anglican church, Service as us'iai in Town Hall every Sunday at 7 p m. Rev. G. Blackwell, pastor. ; Collections were taken up in the M-thodisr. Church on Sunday f.'r the Cbinesi) Famine Fund. Born In Toronto on Jau . tith, 1921, to Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Brown, (nee Lillie Thiatlethwaitft) a son. The annual meeting of Ospivy Tela- ptono Cu. will be held at Feversiiam on Wednesday of next week, Jan. 19. Mrs. John Bnecroft and daughter, Irene, of i.hven Sornd, visited with friends here last week. AiiruiL'Hi* District Scarlet Clnpter will meet in Clayton's hall on Friday eveniBK, Jan. 14 C. J. Bellamy, ^crihe. Our mailing list has been corrected up to Jan, 6. Observe your lubel and see if it IB right. Mr. Fred Graham of Copper Clifi WM a caller at. The Advance office ouo day last week. C-4. Curmiohael, M.L.A., will spak in the Methodist hall at Maxwell on Friday of this week, Jan. 15, at 2 p.m. Everybody invited. Died At Eugenia on Thursday, Dec. 30, 1920, Mrs. Qeorga.Graham, aged 73 years. The funeral took place on New Yean Day to Markdale cemetaiy. It u stated <m good authority, snys the Toronto Star, that shortly after S>r Adttm Beck returns Hon. I. B. Lucas will vtciie his scat on the Provincial Hydro Commission. Mr, Lucas was the representative of the former Cnaservn- tive Government on the Board and hid retirement husbeen expected. The louic Male Quartette gave an entertainment iu the auditorium of the high school Monday evening uauer tha auspicaa of the W. 1. These gentlemen put up a niee, clean, amusing and enter- taiuitig program The singing ws really excellent and the whole program was without an objeution-tble feature. The proceeds amounted to something over eighty dollars. Our new village council this year ought to do some good work. " A new broom sweeps clean and they should be able to leave a clean floor at the end of the year. There are a number of im- portant things to ba done, but iu our estimation one of the most important is to see chat our fire lighting apparatus is kept in a proper place and in order for Immediate action. A deputy fire marshal! WM in town last week and told The Advante that it was a crying shame that tie chemical engine which, he taid, would -extinguish quite a large fire, was not ikept in order. We knew that, of course, and there la absolutely no excuse for lTing it in a ualM condition as it has been left for years. Sinoe it was purchased there' have been gevoral tire, that could easily have been extinguished U it had been kept; in working order. RENBW NOW ! F. Mathewion's sale Friday, Jan. 91. Mr. J. R. Pattieon of Merriton ill visiting his son here. Mr. Harmon Bales left on Monday for Teeswater, where he has secured a position We are agenta for Gunn's Sure Qaln Fertilizer. See us before purchasing H. Down A Sons, Flesherton. Burn In Owen Sound ou Dec. 8, to Mr. and Mrs. Bllwyn Jamieson, a son- William Edward. While driving frmu Eugenia Monday morning Mr. Win Large's horse dropped dead on the rpud a mile east of this village, A credit sale of farm at oak and imple- ments will be held at Maxwell on Satur- day next, Jan. 15, the property of John Evans. Win Kaitting auctioneer. It- 41. Slokes of S'amford township killed an eight months old pig which weighed 578 pounds and was in prime condition. The Annnal Meeting of the Flesherton Public Library will be held ia the Library at 7 00 o'clock, on Friday evening, Jan. 14' h. Everyone interested will please a trend. Taken at A. McLean's sale, a pair of breeching strapa and bucksaw. The party who took them is known and he will please leave at this office and save trouble* Among the recant holiday visitors on tha Durham Road i jrn Joseph Oliver and wife, William Oliver, wife and son, and Robert Oliver, all of Toronto, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos, Oliver. Fred Matbewson will hold a ctedit auction sale of farm stock and imple- ments at lot 136, con. 1, S. 1. T. & S. R , Artemesia, on Friday, January 21, 1921, at 1 o'clock p. m. D. McPhail, auctioneer. Mr, and Mrs. A. M. Gilchrist announce the engagement of their daughtar, Clara May, to Mr. George Edgar Pa'terson, only son of Mr and the late Mrs. George Patterson, of Pricoville, Ontario. The marriage will take place the latter part f January. NOTICE The annual meeting of East Grey Agricultural Society will be held in the Town Hall, Klesherton, on Saturday, January 15ih, 1921, a I 30 p. m. o'clock. All members are requested to be present. Ladies welcome. W. A. 3awlcen, Sec. The hockey clubs are having difficulty in getting ioa this winter on which to play. The junior hockey team here were to havo played at Shelburne on Wednesday of lfst week but the game was culled off. An Intermediate gume in Owen Sound Friday night was also called off Shelburne is to play here on the 17th, and let us hope tliit the strug- gle to _'<'! ice. will be more successful by that time. , J. E. Richards, a well known ex merchant of Duudalk, died vnry suddenly in Toronto on Friday laKt. While driv- ing his car lie fell dead or. tho ,.' m m ; wheel. A ganrleman named Wilsou, who'wai with him, utoppod thu car. .Yn- Uichurds at one timo lived in Fleshorton with IKS parents. Then he became a Hle8iuan with W. J. McFarland of Markdale, afterwards keeping store for a short limn at Rocklyn. From there he moved to Dundalk, where h* did a large general store business. He married a Miss Dean of Dundalk who survives him together with two children. The do ceased gentleman was 57 years of age. Card Of Thanks To the Electors of Artemesia. Ladies [and Gentlemen, I desira to express my gratitude for the handsome way in which you supported me at the recent election, and to promise that I will endeavor to be worthy of the trust | you have reposed in me. It will bo my steadfast effort to faithfully discharge the dutie* devolving upon me as Reeve of ArtenoeaU Township. Yours Respectfully, W. J. MEADS Small Ads. MISCELLANBOUS Try FeveMhaaj Paatry flour, UM tact o*jeur o0*k. All OuWrio wheat Bheaf Oats For S*le.-Mre. VV. Bnyd, Flesherlon. Good wood cook atove for sale Apply to Luke Bowers, Flechirion. Colt For Sale Driver, coming four years old, quiet and sound. Will be sold cheap. John Wright, Fleaherton, Chopping Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays only Graham Bros. Eugenia Ootlfl Mr. W. H. Williamson, Priceville P, O., is agent for the Harab-Davias Fern- lizers in this district, Fertilizers for all grains and roots. Get priors and litera- ture from him before purchasing. If Ten tons good timothy hay for sale- Mrs W. J. Lever, Flcsherlon. Fertilizer I am agent for Gunn's Sur Gain Fertilizers, the best on the market, and am now taking orders for delivery st Flusherton Station. (Send in orders by mail or phone No. 21 r 23. W. J. Meads, Priceviile P. O. 1 apr Two Black Silk Specials Black Paillette Silk, yard wide, rich lustrous black, good weights, satisfactory wearing quality, regular $2.25, special $1.79 per yard. Black Duchesse Silk, yard wide, highly finished, reliable color, heavy weight, drapes beautifully and makes up exceptionally well for all dress purposes, regular $2.75, special $2.19 per yard. Grocery Department Two Bulk Tea Specials Lost Oil Monday, January, 3rd, |be- toween Markdale and Flesherton, a toy's No. 10 skate and (boot for rlglic foot. Please leave at this office. F'ir Sale -Good Hulstein cow just freshened ; also three good collie pupi Roy Thistlothwaite, Proton Station. Lost On Sunday night, between the Methodut church and VV. Stewart's, a baiter. Please leave at this office. For Sale Solid Oak Hosier Kitchen Cabinet fur $35 ; also H Record Cabinet for 910. Apply to Mrs. John Dand, Fevemrmm. For Sale Set second hand lei|{h, almost, new, at right price H Down, Fleuliartuu. BLACK An Indo - Ceylon Blend that draws well with good flavor. We have sold a large quantity of this Tea with excellent results. GREEN An uncolored Japan that gives wonderful satisfaction to those who prefer the old fashioned Japan Teas. Black or Green, regular 5 5c. value, special 45c. per pound, or 3 pounds for $1.25. Take home a trial pound of either Tea today. You'll be pleased ! F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO _ BOAR for SERVICE Purebrnd Tamworth BOAT for service | on lot 167, S W T and S E., Artemeaia.. I Terms $1.50. Sows not returned will be charged suuie an those in pig. Feb 15 T-. J . STINSQN, Prop ESTABLISHED 1S71* Colt for sale, coming three years old Wilson McMulleu, Ceylon. Bllilllf! oVefully Corrected Each Week Bntter. . . , 38 to 40 Rggs 05u>0 65 Wheat 1 50 to 1 50 Pes 1 25 to 1 25 Oats 35 to ;ir> Barley 75 to 75 Potatoes 1 10 to 1 10 WINTER TERM OPENS JANUARY 3rd at the Owen Sound, Out. Farmers', Business, Shorthand nd Preparatory Courses Individual Instruc- ticni l)nly Canadian School with Practi- cal Departmtnt Siaff of Specialists. Every Graduate in a position. Catal- ogue Free. 0. A. FLEMING, F.'C, A., Principal 0. I). FLEMING, Secretary. Menlionthis p:tpor when writinij) iSiiie ,HEAD OFFICE . _ HAMILTON WE WISH YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS, AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR BANK OF HAMILTON DUND1LK*BRANCH-A. M. C.trlliew, Manager SUB-B8ANCH PROTON -C. J. Forster, Sub-Manager W. A. HAWKEN dealer for MENDELSSDHN PIANOS and PLAYERJPIANOS, PHONO- GRAPHS and RECORDS, and SHEET MUSIC. Call and see these high grade instruments Hawketi'3 Photo Gallery and Music Stor FLESHERTON Gents' Furnishings The Small Store with Big Values S3? DISCOUNT on all HobberliD Tailoring 1 during JANUARY Cleaning and Pressing done on shortest notices. Agents for Hobberlin made-to measure Suits and Overooatn. J. LEGARD dollar learns to have coots. FteshertoH, Ontario Where your dollar learns to have more coots. Wedding Gifts, Presentations, Etc. Our stock ot useful, fancy and ornamental goods will help you solve your problem where the above is needed, MUSIC We have it in abundance in all its varieties. Out- line of Gramophones' Victrolas, etc., and Records cannot fail to please" the most fastidious. Sheet Music and Mouth Organs. SEWING MACHINES Our line includes the world famous and aristocrat of Sewing Machines the White. Watches and Clocks Repaired, Eyes tested^ and glasses fitted. Cargce s Grocery Why come out in the cold and Btormy winter weathpr for your Groceries when a phone call will have them deliverer at your door. Wa can guarantee you prompt service. If you are thinking of planting any shrubs, fruit trees or small fruit bushes you will do well to give us a call. We have lecur* ed the Agency for the Stuns & Wellington Fonihill Nurseries. A complete line of Tobioces, Ciga*tte and Pipes. Highlit prices paid for all liindi of Pr\duoe. W. E. CARGOE. Phone 30 J. FLESHERTON, 9ftt. r W. A. ARMSTRONG. Phones 13 and 28. FlesKertou, Otvt. BOOTS & SHOES In Ladies' Wear we have Kid, Dongola, Gun Metal and Box Calf. For Men's Wear we have a nice assortment of Mahogany and some good lines in Black. Also very serviceable Work Boots. Repairing promptly attended to, THOS. CLAYTON FLESMBRTON, - ONTARIO

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