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Flesherton Advance, 13 Jan 1921, p. 4

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January 13 1921 THE FIESHEftTOK ADVANCE Rural Service Department Special attention given to Farmers' problems. Use our Rural Exchange Service. If you have livestock, feed or seed grain to sell, or wish to purchase, list it on our Bulletin Board. Auction Sale Registers furnlihed rr of charge. Have you received one of our Farmer's Account Books? Have you b*en supplied with a "Breeding and Feeding Cbart"? Call in and tee UM- we are interred in your welfare. TH MCRCHANTS BANK Head Office: Montreal OF CANADA. Established 1 884. CEYLON & FLESHERTON BRANCHES C A NORSWORTHY, .... Mir. RURAL CO-OPERATION Growth of the Principle in Our Own Province. 123 WE SELL I FARM IMPLEMENTS WAGONS, HARROWS PLOWS SPECIAL PRICES IN New Tubular Stiurples Separators JOHN HEARD, IMPLEMENT AGENT FLESHERTON. Flesherton]JTrilSho| I liave just placed on the shelves a full line ot Tinware, Nickelware and Agateware for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipefitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. A^ent for Clare liros. Furnaces. D. WcKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERON j& ONTARIO, NOTI CE! Sweeping Reductions in the following : Men's Overcoats Men's Suits Sweaters Sweater Coats Underwear SPECIAL Five Rose Flour $6.00 a bag. WANTED A young married man to do general work. Free house. F. G. KARSTEDT, Flesherton, - Ontario L.Ive stork Sal.-* and Egg, Fruit nnd Wool Marketing Much Done Through Knrraera' Clubs The Local Government Aidt*. (Contributed by Ontario Department oi Agriculture. Toronto.) N the Qeld of Agricultural Co- operation in the Province of On- tario, the greatest advance dur- ing the year has been made In connection with the shipping of live stock. Five years ago there were practically no Live Stock Shipping Clubs. At the present time between, three and four hundred separate organizations (Including Farmers' Clubs) ship co-ope ratively. The ma- jority of these ship to the Live Stock Branch oi the United Farmers Co- operative Company, which handled about 30 per cent, of the stock going through the yardn. Present indica- tions point to the possibility, within the next few years of the larger pro- portion of the live stock of Ontario being shipped co-operatively. The second important development in the province is that in connection with Egg Marketing. The year pre- vious to this there were about fifty active Egg Circles in the province marketing eggs and poultry, to the value of about $120,000. The num- ber of Circles has Increase;! until there are now some sixty in oper- ation, and Farmers' Clubs as well as Egg Circles are now taking up this important work. The most notice- able development is in the grouping of Circles In various districts for the purpose of establishing candling and grading stations, and already sonic three districts are so organized, each consisting of a dozen or more local circles. The United Farmers Co- operative Company has recently opened a department for eggs and poultry and this fact will doubtless have the same effect as in connection with I,l-vc stock Shipping. A development in connection with Co-operative Marketing is the move- ment on loot during the year to com- bine under one central company the Manufacturing nnd marketing of the cheese from local cheese factories. This company has opened an auction market in Montreal with a successful and increasing business. The co-operative market ing of wool was continued last year through- the Ontario Sheep Breeders' Association as previously. The Canadian Co- operative Wool Growers, l.iMit-d. ni:iiki.Mcd a total of about 4,000.000 pounds, and of this amount Ontirlo supplied 775,000 pounds. It is esti- mated that Ontario's total production is about 2,. r >00,flOO pounds annually. TIIIIH, 31 per cont. of Ontario's wool was marketed co-operatively year. A large proportion of the co-oper- ative work in the province is cai ri. .1 a-, through>-,! lu-nl l.'-i'.iiers' Hubs, of whirli i lu-iv arc .onip twelve or (hi riven hi.mlivtl in the province. The grout majority or thrse are affllluled with the United Farmers' Co-operative Company, .vlilch acts as n wUolesalo Iion;u- for 'hesc clubs. The. amount of btusim- s r. uumcted by some of I ho clubs is inurkablc. There are, of coursi>, ,i .1 iiinber which do only part nf tlirir 'railing through (he central company; the wholesale businrsH, however, , iv ported in the annual statement of the central company, amounted to $8,500.000. This will no doubt show a substantial increase In the nrxt .Hi-Hi. -in. since the company has established a number of branch stores and additional separate de- partments at the head office. With the increase of business and TNE Flesherton Advance An independent nevipper published every Thursday at the office, Oollingwood Sneet, Klt-Mhertnii. Subscription price $1 50 per annum when paid in advance ; $2 00 when not eo paid. 2.00 to ("ni.'.eil States. Advertising rates on application. Circulation over 1100 1 weekly. W. H. THUKSTON, KDITOR Canadian OH Field* PROTON The Canadian preparing to drill Oilfields people arc i well two miles from FLESHERTON BAKERY IT'.S WOltTllY THK IJUKAt) WITH A PURPOSE. Yes, our Pure Food Uread has a worthy purpose. It brings health and strength .mil a meal time satisfaction to the folks who paitakeofit regular- ly. One slice calls for a loaf, one loaf forms the habit. Bread is your best food- -fat more of it. PHONE 3 FRED FINDER, Fleiherton the consequent larger financial tranR- | actions an increasing number of jrliibs have become incorporated 1111- | der the Co-operative Section of the I Ontario Companies Act. .During the i year there have been eighty incorpor- ations, either as Share or Non-share Co-operative Companies Where the club haa reached the ntage when it feels thai incorporation will bo bene- ttclal, usually Its business is on a fiilrly HUbntantinl basis and plvcs promise of being permanently siic- ct'.-isfiil. One such oigiinizatlon. for Instance, handling live Block, feeilH. grains and other commodllifM and [buying supplies, is (loins n business willed averages about f 1.000 a day. There are other organizations in I ho province which do noi actually curry on biiiiincss, but whose work Is one phase of co-opernlivo endeavor Siicli organizations n ro, Milk Pio- il news' Associations, Ornpo (irowers' A -in iai ions, Sugar UPCI. Crowera' Association, Tobacco (.towers' Asso- i:'.ll'in and othors nf liko nature which ondoavor lo utiuly inarkel con- ditions and advise their nu-iubprn as lo priccH. In some cnses the associa- tion confers directly wilh (ha I radi- us to l he price n lo bo paid tho KI-OW- i'i H. KccRiil development;; would imll- BSte Ilial out of thesu; orgunlzal ioim may grow commercial co-operalivn companies of producers, controlling the output of the members. A great deal of preliminary work has been done by tho Department (lining the year in connection with tho production of pure seed, more particularly of potato need in North- ern Ontario. This work is leading to the organization of commercial sued centres. The trend of Agricultural Co-oper- ation in the province during the last year or so is more In the direction of Co-operative Marketing than pre- viously. Farmers' Clubs are usually formed with the idea of combining the purchasing of supplies for Its members, and this lino of business is usually the first attempted by tho clubs. The amount of Co-operative Marketing business during the last year haa, however, exceeded the sup- ply business in the province and justifies our opinion as to the rela- tive Importance to the farmer of the Oo-oparatl'Ve Marketing of his pro- clunls and buying of his supplies. F. C. Hart, Co-operation and Markets Branch. Toronto. The New County Council A'temesin W. J. Mendt, Frrd Math- woon. tientinek Alex C McDonald, Hnhert Hunt. Cuaiatvortb S 11 Breese. Collingvood Emerson Brown, John W Lyson. Derby R S Mundie. DundttlL Qeorgo Stocks. Durham Win Culder. Egrcinont John McArlhur Kuphrasiu John T Miller. Fleahtrton Dimel McTaviiih. Glenelg Wm Weir. II.HL.U. i- Dr S C Leonard. HoUnd -Robert Howry. Keppel J A Pi-ingle. M'u k i il, A .l.-i>-k- "ii. Meafotd W H in..Th'.s IMunketl. Neus'iidt Hei.iy Boettn". Nii'inanby Chus Him, A h'ilsirer. O-prey, W L Taylor, Oeo W Ross. Proton- Gecrgn \V Wright. Harawak W J Ssundrra. Shallow Lake- W W Smith. St Vineviit F J Eilun. Sullivan H Karrnw. Sydenhatn J Currie, Gao A_Bothwell. Thornbuiy A H Bothwell. Nineteen out o( thu 33 memberii weiit in by i. rlitin it i..n Shelburne and hv opened an offioe in that village. In thuir maoifecto the; hand out some interacting information about the Fleiherton wll, from which w quote : " fhe work lo thii field comonnced in 1917 at Fleshertoo, where a tut well wa atartod and ia now at a point bor- dering <>n productiou of the product oil. Election day passed off in this village with (he utual atir at the polling places for bth tuwnhhipi. With live farmer* Ruch as Mr Uaorga Wright at the head of the Proton Council, and Mr W. Meads at the head of the Artemesia Council, if a should expect good township logiila- tion. Mr and Mrs Becker and little Jack, are visiting in Toronto. son, Mr Mu tiriie of Owen Sound spent an evening at the hooie of H. Oopeland. Mr aud Mrs Harold Thompson have bought a farm near Cbegley and are at present apeodiug a few days 'n that vicinity. Their friends at Proton wish them succeu in their venture The Company has taken from thii well , considerable quantity ef grease, ia oil vernacular te- uieu oil smut. ' Accord- ing to the beet expert evidence oil invariably fellows th appearance of thie gre48P, and the proof of ;his fact ii evident in Well Mo. 1. in tha,t oil hanj been blown from the top of the well by! The Woman's Day of prayer. Jan 7tb, an The oil blown over the et " ide b y "> Presbyterian church of top W..H fresh and hid not been exposed , Canada, was ob.erved by |the W M ft lo air. TliCompay are BOW waning i hore Mre Bade gave a beautiful talk for e vacuum pun.p whl.h hs been | on Consecration. The pastor, Rev . Mr ordered from the States, Dne being F*br, "as present and spoke helpful ! available in Canada. The next precee. ' alld couragin word-, to the Society, following vacuum, if that ii not success- Robert Carson has opened a barber Iful, is shooting with nitroglycerine. The; shop over Mr Wyrille's store and is pre- I glycerine is nlso vury difficult lo get pared for businfse. here in Canada, but it ia the intention of i Mr and Mrs J. C. Wright spent Sat- the Company to seonre it." A Faithful Wife Mrs. Oliver Moore of Port Elgin, whose husband has been serving seven months !n the vValkertcm jiil for the theft of a hone andbuzery was apparently no overcome with the spirit of louelinsis that on her arrival in Walkerton on Kaluidty lait the expressed desire to he with h-T husband, even if it wer in the damps of a priion eel), ami as the minions of the law here are simply over- urday in Flesherton. Mr and Mrs John Corbet L of Bethel visited the hitter's parents here. The annual meeting of the Presbyter- ian chureh hare is arranged to take place on Monday evening Jan. 17. Victoria Corners \V'm Srioson of Forest is visiting his brothem, Jamea and Albert, also bis ister, Mrs jamea Beat. their SHINGLES The Mises Lea ore with ihe milk of human kindness . brother. Robert Let. !in this resncir, Chiff Ferguson went' m . _, '., . - .. , , . v Mrs George Moore, who hi Ihrofuh tin- formally of placing th . , j u- iv u- ,ery ill with pneumonia, Nurse woman under arrest, and His Worship, I . n , ,, , . T ~ . T , ! f Dundallc being in attendance. Junes Tolt'.n, J P., in thi pose of ' public comfurier, gavj the wee wifie a New Year's gift of eight daya in the loc.l i Joae ^ h 8tin8nn nd I'o j n 1 . for vigmucy, which corrasponded to iniini lu'd term of her huabanu"* incarceration. On Sitjirdjiy next the f.u'lifiil pair will walk outof the bastil Shini{len are down to f,."iO per Hjnare I'ni it will pay to Imy now HS prices will | || )e he Advanced to 95.70 in Febiuary and 0.50 on May 1-r. We huve on bund -ibout 245,000 XXX B. C. Orders j,, )K , ther% thug 8eltlnir anc , limple to | The ladiea of tbe W M S met for their liookeu now. W. A, AiinatronK, phUMC 13 and 2H. Fle.-hcrton visiting i been Earle's She is now doing nicely. Lockhart visi ed a few days in Toronto last week. School opened on Monuay of last w.-uk with Miss Perdue uf Chatswortli as tha new teacher. Notice to Creditors , some more pretentious folks of " playing firs', meeting at the house of Mrs James the gune "even in adversity Bruce ' Lockhart. The next meeting will be Ht- mid and Tunes. | held at Mrs W. Acheson's Jan. 25th. In the matter of the Kstute of \Villiani , Ji'Npph B'-yil, Kte of the VI||HK of] [' i-hlitTt'Mi, in tin- County *f (Jroy, , Cattle-buyer, cjtCfani'il. Notice id heieliv given, purfiinnt In > , ;.<; i.f Ui.. TniHt.'Cn Ac-, K S. O. IIM-I, ('hup. I'.'l. tlmt nil urcditcrn and: (ithern Im'-inu' I'huus IT ilt'iuaurtN aaniust thu >-<!>. i ili' -i.l Wtlliiiin Jdsi'ph Ifnjil, who died on ur nlinoi thu 'Jii'l Uv of D.ceml.ei A.D , 1H20, nt lh City I of Toronto, uro rt'i|iiirt<d, on or heforn i the 1ft dy of Kplirimy. lllL'l, to ptnl by post, prepaid, or deliver to I.IH-..A I l"i i \ s.,'i. ' ,r, for the Adiiiinintratrix of tlio ette of the said dt-cvMned, (heir' Christian naini's and sunmrms, nlli ,'.-., j 'a! <lrt>criptionK, the full particulars in ! writirj;, of their claimH, a siatninent of j thoii' mur . nnd thd tmturcof the ; -i-iiiit . if any, held by them. And lake notice that after nuch last ' mentioned dale the said Administratrix i will proceed to diBtribote the usselp of i In- aa'd ili-ri- i-i .1 among the p-irtius ntiili'l thereto having regaid only to,' thf claiini of which they aliall then hnv< j hd not ic. and that the naid AJuiinix- { tratrix will not ho liable for the paid aHuets or any part thereof to any person | or IIITMIIIM of whose clnim notice shall mil have been received by them at the ' time of siu-li distribution. LUCAS * riKNRY, Solicitors for the Adiiuiiisiratiix. ! Dated nt MarbHale this 7th day of January A. D. 1921. BELLAHY'S GROCERY Headquarters for Al Groceries, Flour and Fruits APPLES Orteningx, Spies and OnUrios by the barrel, bag (ir baiko!. F LOC 11 <,,.:,, of (be Weat, Good as Gold, Pantry Klour. BRAN nd SHORTS Made by the Shelburno Mills ROLLED OATS We have just received a fihipment of uhuice < U'.m i! . CUANDE1UUES We li'iVH now some line Cranberries Got your supply at once. ONIONS Spuiish Onions and Cooking Onions all good stock, WE ABE AGENTS FOR FINDER'S BREAD. Telephone No. 37 BELLAMY'S Flesherton, Ont. T f * Chevrolet Investment Your purchase of an automobile should be regarded an an investment. The investment should be safe and sound. It should yield you a gratifying return on your money. The Chevrolet " Four-Ninety " Touring Ca* fulfils these requirements. It has a reoutation for lone and continuous service, for ease of reputation for long and continuous service, for operation and riding comfort. It lives up to its reputation because it is mechanically dependable every particular. Its saving of fuel and tires is an especial source of satisfaction. The completeness of its equipment is another. Every hour of the day or night it is ready to pay back in efficient transportation for every dollar of its cost. The latest model " Four-Ninety " is now ready for your inspection. D, McTAVlSH & SON, CHEVROLET DEALERS, - FLESHERTON, ONT.

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