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Flesherton Advance, 13 Jan 1921, p. 1

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A Vol4l, Ne.3l R/eslnerton, Ont., January t.3th 1921 i W. J. MEADS Reeve of Artuiesiii, who defeated T. K. McKenzie and A. Carnernn in * three cornered contest at the recent municipal election. ROCK MILLS Mr and Mrs Charles Uolley and daughter, Eva, of Lucky Lake,, Tinted the pits' week with the former's sis! rr here, Mra Sam Croft. We are sorry to report Geo Johnston sufFerioG; with a very sore eye, but houn for a ipeedy recovery. Fraulc and Herb Butts attended the Irwin-Fitch wedding near Markdale. Lewis Pedlar is spending it few weeks in Toronto and taking treatment while there, Mrs S. Phillips returned to Turoi'to After spending buuto weeks wiih her brother, R. Clark, and other rriend.i The Rock Mills Laiies Aid will hold their January meeting at the borne of Mrs Robert Cruft on Tuesday, I8th. Miss Susie Chard poot a few dvs recently with her liiter, Mrs George Jobnitun. MraudMrsNed Croft vi>ited with the lutlor's parents at Feversham. School opened last week with Miss Cameron of Singhanptoa in charge Mra Croft and children visited recently with raUtives at Vdndeleur. MM Robert Fisher of FleHhertmi is spending; a few daya with her daughter, Mrs C. McKechnie. NOMINATION Township of Artemesia A meeting of thu Kleciors of the Township i i Artemesia il! lie held at Ihe TOWD 11 II on Monday, the L'lili dy of January, 1921. at 1 o'clock, for the purpose of nominating one Councillor fir ih.< aaid township. If mine than the uecetsary number are nominated and a poll is required, the polls will be opened in the several tpcllini< sub-divisions on Monday, the 3rd dny of January, 1021, 00 . m. ' to 5 00 p ni . for thu e'ectioii of said Councillor. Duted January 13, 1920. W. J. BELLAMY. Cletk. The Taco Range A Range of pleasing and handsome appeaiance. The plain smooth castings are very easy indeed to keep clean. (Large perfect baking uven, smooth silvery nickel, large fuel saving tire box, clean iiu-t proof warming cUset, dual pipe damper, aah pan door with tlide, teaervoir truk enclosed in cas iron casing. Th " Taco " will appeal to ihe ni'-st discriminating buyer as a leader in its class. D.m'L content yourself with tho knowledge of a " Ttoo "(snperi r- ity you gain iu reading about it but make it point to see the value in this range with your own eyer F. W. DUNCAN Hardware and Paints Phone 30 r 11 Fksherton, Ontario 8th Line, Osprey Harry Burk has returned to Owen Sout-d coliege after spending his holidays at his home here. We are glad to leport that Mra John Ottewell is able to be out again after a serious attack uf tonnilUis. Our teacher, Miss Acheson has re- turned to her duties after spending the holidays at her home. Mr and Mrs Bentley havo gone on a tiip to Buffalo and other points. Mr nnd Mrx James Porteoua have gone to Toronto, where the latter will be under the doctor's care. We hope she w.ll soon be abla to return home. We are happy to report that Miss Mae ii'Min.-? is able to be out again after an attack of la grippe. PRICEVILLE The people in general are enjoying the winter weather, hut the roads are (ctlioi; rather bare of enow. The Directors of the Fall Fair are hoping to see a gocd attendance at the Annual Meeting on January 18tb, as the Board his <\ nice balaote n hand and to arrange fur the best poeaible show next fall. At the annual school meeting Mr John McKtch-iie was elected trustee fur the next three years. The Inspector's report showed that both of our teachers were doing excellent wurk in the school. Ti e ratepayers [carried a motion electing (he Chairman of the School Board as a dele- to the School Trustee Convention in Toronto. Mr J Jones aud wifo from YVcbte n auada tre visiting for a while at the letter's old home, Hugh McKmnon at d i HIM y. South Line. D Mclin.ei uf Toronto has been spend- in; a few (Uys with friundaand neighbors in Priceville aiid Glenelg Township. We had two ministers from Toronto last Sunday representing the Lord's D'ty Alliance* but instead of holding services in both churches, the congregations arranged the *eek previous to held a union service in the Presbyterian Church and there WAS a good attendance, especi- ally at the murtiing service. VANDELEUR Mr. Win, Buchanan is spending a few daya in Toronto. Mr.i L Johston is vising her Bister, Mrs Ueady, at St Marys. Mr and Mrs J. I, Urahim havo gone to Toronto where the former will take treatment in \V. '.'. -v\ hospital. Mr and Mra D. A. Giahain and babe spent the work end with fiiends at Kimbcriey. Y.iuiluloui K.i n is i' uii held ili-.. January iiieetinu on VVodned.-iy evening of last wnek, nd cunsidernble tusiuuas was transacted. The to the provincial convention in Toronto, Me*8is Alt Dunlop aud \V. U. Graham cave splendid reports and expressed them selves as being greatly pleased will the enthusiasm and general success of tha' great gathering. It was decided to havo a contest to get subscriptions for the Farmers Sun -nul also now tuembers fur the Club, aud captains wero pickul mid sides chosen. Artemesia Election Statement of Polling - f the Township of Artemesia, January 3rd, 1921, fur the office of Reeve. Division Cameron Meads McKenzie 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4 7 5 1 53 5 24 19 10 in 94 38 20 81 262 Majority for Meads 19. 23 35 47 15 22 8 35 58 243 PORT LAW The Evangelistic Services at Mount Zion Church commenced on Sunday last under the leadership of Evangelist Patter- sun, and juduing frum the inteteii muni- fetted successful results are anticipated. The meeticga will continue nights, Satur. days i .'-!> t.-ii, for <tt ! n.-i two weeks. Mrs McKenze received he> sad newa last #eek of the midden death of her cousin, Mr Juhn S Robertson of TuMnto. Alviu .M K-MI.: went down and att<?i,d- ed the funeral, which took place at bis old hum ' in Oiono. Dnceased riaited frienda in this p.irt mi different occasions. Mis* M .. .'I ' ilsun of H(<neywuod ipeut dome ili> liusl week .it hciue. EUGENIA A meeting uf the VV I and Memorial Committed will he held .it the home of Mrs Large on Thurnday of this wetk. All interested u. the memorial are re- quested to vi> II,:. as it is to be decided as to the advisability uf ordering the monument at oi.ce ur leaving it until later. The Annual Meeting of the Presbyter- ian Church was held iu the Church on Wednesday evening. Officers were elected and the different reports rend. The Chuich is in u"-.l btamling a,id \e steadily progressing under Mr Foxier, and great interest in being titktn iu the different brunches uf the work. The boy's club will meet in the base- meiit of the C.iurch un Fiiday evening Don't forget ta bring alonn a new member boys. Mr Hobt Gorley hns been under the doctor's care during iho pas': week. We hnpe to huarof his recovery soon. B-irn To Mr and Mrs Lewis Gcnoe, ou Sunduy, January 2, a daughter. Mr and Mrs A lli'y, iicc>>mpaiiii'd by Ur J Parliament, vi*itud friend:* iu MeiifurU rucoiitly. Mi Ji'si.-ih Pitrlitmeiit i visitini> Mrs Jau..b Pariiiinent, having just lutumed recently from ovi-ifeus. Jisiah went overseas with ilia li;s'. coniin?ent and hits Noen loi) service, tie bus lived with his uncle, Mr Jacob Parliameir, here, since a -in ,',i lad itnd was as one of (heir own. We are i^lad tu we'cvuno him back Advance is a Belter Name An Ontario newspaper suggcals the advisability o{ nil papers whose names art The Times changing to pome other title. Within tho last few mouths the Hamilton Times, Toronto Tiinefl, Brock- villa Timer, Peterboro Times, and Owen Suuni Times have oeafctd publication or hive been absorbed by their competitors, That's nothing I.U-.T. The Times ara always changing, says Durham Chronicle. Mr Munshuv losi afaiihTul i>ld horse this week fi-um heart f liluro. W are j{l id to wclc >:ne Mra Williams aud family bitck to our h: village. MissNcais visiting her uunt, Mrs Smith, in Owen Souud this wecu. Now is the time to re- new your subscription to The Advance. DR. F. C. NIXON Optometrist and Optical Specialist Hnrontario Street, near Third Strac Colling wood )4 Ontrio Appointment* : Daily 9 a. m. to 5 p. ni. Eveniuga and Holidays arranged. Telephone 611-W. Box 1006 1 Jly 20 SPRING HILL Mr and Mrs Mark Stewart visited in Toronto. Mr and Hrs Thomas Orr spent l/he holiduys wich their pirent? liRr. Mies Florence Koa, who eas been vieitinitat her home, returned to her duties here. Claude Akius lost i valuable horse oa Wednesday last. B4JS3 Susie Chaid spent a few rt*ys with her sister, Mrs Geo Johtaon, of Roc* Mills. Xirues Harrison is takinu a two week's ouuraa in Guelpli. Mr and Mrs H irold E.lis, and Mrs SV T Ellin and eon, Elmer, of Kiruherley, spent Sundiy with Mr and Mrs Robert Chard. Lictlo Beryl McEnchnie is viitiui< her aunt, Mrs <';'.,-, Beet. Frewing of Toronto .- -;. i. i ing a few eayu with Alex Best. Louis Hill haaxnld his f.-inn to Jijncs Kerri* of Thornhury. Miss StelU Orr spout- the holidays with her parouts here. The Annual School Meeting last week JS better aitende I thn usual. Mr Jjhn Parker WHO elected trustee for a third period and IIP, with Claude Akins and Georgu Blackburn cmibtilute our iJuird of Education. Claude Akirs it* tary-Treamrer, nud Hubert lidbt caretaker. Robert CJmrd will supply the woud aud Aified Harrison the cedar. Born A'. Cadilhic, Sask., on December Jlt, 1920, to Mr and Mr George Orr, a daughter. To the Electors of Artemesia Ladies and Gentlemen, I beg to thunk all those who supported me at the recent election. This expiessii n of your uiuh;iKuti confidence in me is, I agFure you, fully appreciated. Although the choice now rests with another 1 have no resets for having sp.'iit many of the best years of my life in the service of my native township, and the < -nBcious- neos that the service has . . . : impar* dally and faithfully rendered, au<j that the finances and business Kunem'.ly of the municipa.ity is in n -: olns shnpe for tuy (accessor is, to me, a satisfaction inhiiil .-ly greater than success rt the poll*. My hope and trust is ilint old Artemesia will go on i <i pio-p i- imd advance morally and nmti ria ly i Mich . way that each will foul {.roud to b- numbered aipoiin her citizens. Sn.ciTely yours, -T. R. McKENXlli U R 3, Flesherton, Jan 10, 121 Burglars at Meaford MiMtfur<', J.ID. 7 Some tun 1.15 1 night or early this morn MK tho fol nviiig Ijusiness places her were enter- (I l>y burglars : Stephen Bros ' drug -'ore, 9100 w;to Ukun f 0111 the sifc; L A. McCarroll & Co , diuagiers, alvmr 820 takun from cssh register ; K. E .Main, dry g'li.ds merchants, about $6') finin cash register ; A. Hulstrop's furniture store, where a sledge hammer usi-d in an eS> rt to open tho safe ; Hu'cb.ird & Company's hardware Ktnro w.i uUo visaed, but. tho robrcrs wore amiin unsuccessful. The leiln hammer ueil at Holstrop's was stolen from * locul lilacks.nith shop. So far no e'.no lua heen discovered. "THE ELDRIDGE" Dependable Sewing Machines at Moderate Prices. SOLD BY W. A. ARMSTRONG FLESUERTON, ONT. Farm For Sale Lai 34, CoU. 4, Art . ni.-s;.-i, 100 nC'C-', 85 acrrs cleared, well fi-ncud, and in a u mil v.iU' of cultivaliiui. Apply to R. I). ViELDKUM 1F1> 9 Lipton Avo, To-onto Annual Meeting The annual uicetinj; nf L).-prey Agri- oultural Suciety will bd held in the Orange Hall, Feverahitiii, on Saturdny, Jan. 2ind, 1921, at 3 o'clock p.m., for the purpose of receiving tho linancial ti.niii ni. uf 1920, uleotiun of ullicersand any other busineos that may come befor* the meeting. W. H Quy.Preji. J. A. Kernnnau.Si'c. NOTICE Romernber the Old KJmb'o Sin tr Sewing Machine. Yuu can buy on t 'i in* to suit you al a very reasonabl ' price. 10 year guarantee. HUGH KNOTT, Agent, MarMale, Unr, FINE JE WE LERY Bates BurialCo. Cooie in and see our fine large stock of Jewelry, Watclies, Clocks, etc, and when you have seen them jun will be sure to buy. Watch re- pairing a specialty. A full line 3 Photographic supplies Includiug developing powders, printing frames, dark lanterns, all sizes of kodacks and films. BUSINESS AS USUAL Funeral Directors and Ernbalmer* Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Road, Toronto, OnL MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, President. Manager ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES Yorksh j res> M ths i W A ARMSTRONG Y<mn * Stock F r Salc Hit A. AK1V!51KU>J For Breeding Purposes Jeweler, ' phono Qr wl . ito _ G EO. W. UOS FLESHERTON, ONT OspreyTel. syatc-m Maxwell P. . Hou*e of Quality We are out to show the people the bottom of the market. We handle wrapped ' Canada " Bread from Toronto. We have a complete Stock of New Fruits and Fresh Chocolates, mixtures and pack- ages, all kinds of Nuts. OURJERMS ARE CASH AND TRADE NO CREDIT. FEEDOats, Barley, Peas, Wheat, Oat and Barley Chop, and Oat Chop, Ontario Bran and Shorts, and Low Grade Flour. J. R. PATTISON & SON, Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flcshcrton, - Ontario gia^aaK^.T.Tl-^TJ _J ^.. * : . ' : Killed Monday Morning HIGH PRICES We put Bread down to 20c. per large loaf. 75c. Tea to 50c. per pound. St. Lawrence Sugar to $1 1 .90 per 1QO Ib. And one thousa nd other articles dropped which I haven't space here to mention. Just drop in and take a look at our goods. Everything new and up-to-date. W. L. WRIGHT, Corner Store, Fle&herton V ^ SI Increase our E*miiig Power by taking ' a course in the ELLIOTT Youge and Charles Streets, Toronto One of the last two students to nccept positions cuminenced at 922.50 per wauk and tho ot her over tLOG per mouth. Writ* for College Circulnr. Eater any time. W. J. ELLIOTT, JJUNCIW. Tonsorial Parlors We Aim to Give Entire LAUNDRY Basket) close* night, delivery Knn*y ev CLEANING aud DYEING- We M agents for Parker' Dye Works Clofch^ cleaned and dyod. feather:* 'rcjuveniited T FISHER - -PBOP81ETOB

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