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Flesherton Advance, 6 Jan 1921, p. 8

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January 6 THE ELESHERTGN A D V AM 6 BUSINESSCARDS SOCIETIES NCR ARTHl'H I.OD0 B ."VoT 'iwiTA.V^fk A U, meta in tht Arm ronu's Bloot Vlhrton, every Friday on OT hfjfnrf the (Ull 11:01 i . A. ->. Man'. W. U B. O. Holland, Socretary. Notice of Application For Divorce DENTISTRY DM ft, C MliKRAV L. O. 8 . aeutil surgeon h'Suorcriiduino of Toronto Uuivrity and H v i;ollfit! o( OnutcJ SurKfxiun of Onterio. Qv!d(nlEiuiiteredlor tw;th extraction filet atrMideiice. Toronto Street. Klenrtou . MEDICAL W. .J. Henry, M! U., cru'luiiteof Faeultji of Medioito, Toronto ITn ivoinity. Office Dr. i-ltt)e' )tc reticence, Flcuborton. JP OTTKWBbL VeteriDM-y Burgeon jratlntte ol Outttio Veterlnkry Collega reoidouce second door south weBtlon .ry street. TLIa street rani outii Prmhvtfrin Chnrob. LEGAL UCAB, & hFNKY llsrrlstari. wollcUcrs, I- 1 eio. L B. Lucf, K. C. : \V. n. Henry. II. A. <J(T.oc, Merkrtiif I.-ICA* Jtlock, ,1'bone t'A. tnucb ofllcfB t Unnilalk "d Durbar. WK1GHT, A- TT.LVOltn.ParriHtor, Hollo!, ie. OlBcu. Ornv v Druco Klack, Owen Bonn;!. 6;in><!r'l llnk .Tieiiber- ton.(8turdayB). W.H. Wright. W. 1'. Ji. BUSINESS CARDS \VTM. KAITTINO, tcetmai Aueticnecr '01 " h oo'.mties of llrey and Bliucoe. P*rm an I block tales a H|WM!ialty. Tcrmx went* for d*!etrnay be made At tb Advano* office, fir Crnlral tolrrl'orie often ffvoraham or by ad>irM!Q we at Fov.i Urj. Ont. DMcPHAU. t/loenB*! Auction** for Hi Co-anty of Grey. Terms mo1?rat p and ,1aMn of sale* cau he made at TliK Aj>v^ncn NOTICE is hereby given that HORBKT IRWIN, of tho Cityjof Windsor, in the County of I'/jsox, )! the Provinoii of U.itavio, SaleHtnan, will apply tu the ParliHtnent of Canada, xt tho next Susninn thereof, for a liill of Divoroe from hi) wife, MAKY MARTHA Hi i: M:TI- IKWIN, of the Vitiate of Flekherton, in the Coun i y of (5,-y, in thn Province of Ontario, on the ground of Adultery. DATED at the City of Windsor, in the Coualy of Essex, Province of Outurir, this Itt d-iy of November, A. D. 1'J^O. Frederick C, Kerby, 211 Davis Build ing, Windsor, Ontsrio.^ the Applicant. For tSale Tho property 'kno'JM ' the Ashdown residdnce at Ceylon, an eight roomed dwuilinu, iood cellir, stable, etc ; about an acre of laud ; would iiu':- n ..' ! home fur a retired ueotlerran. For onus and further particulars apply to -W. J. BELLAMY, Fleshort'.n Se|.2H20 Boar tor Service The underlined Ims a thorouijliorod Yorkshire Buarfor .service on lot 11, con. . Term* 81.60. KREDSI'OFFAKD Within fuw weoks i\w lurijait teles- i cipe ever erected will hi? pUced in posi- '.. . m r , , T-. . tuiti in \ unc )'Jer, by HID Dominion //y/ t, VkuoUXVl, Osprey Council Ueprey Council held the final meeting of the year in the Orange ha 1 ), Maxwell, on Deo. 15. The tumbcrt> were all j present, the Reeve presiding- After icoufirming the minutes of the last meet iiif; tlie following buiine&a v.-'is diop;>sid of: Henderson Arnott That Win S eley lie r 'ill ili.' bum of $G fcr spring t:olun in In c: u on the 20th uiduioad. Henderson Kail ting That Willinu j Hodgaon be refunded $20 of Ms taxes j on account of work lio performed in tliat bent list winter. Arnot.t- Hoea Tlut D E Seeley be paid $46.85 for till' used by the townbhip And $53.10 fur other tile 011 hsind to be nipiilied the township- The following other accounts were ! onli'ied t<; b paid Jt>hn ^Yinlcrs 4.50, I services M aheap, valuator ; J McGiade 10, Bheop injured by d<'gs ; J A Ken a. | ban $11 25, postage and tx ou claques I and notes ; ii W Keruxhun ?l.(j'j, for J sunups; Dundalk Hoiuld $1.75." >o t I advi-rtising ; l?;ink cf Toronto 73, lor I ex| ensus cullucliug uxo.i ; Municipal World o.(i7, Hupp'ii-a io Cleik ; Apri i cultural Society 40, yi-a'ly urant ; It A mutt ?o, winter ma 1 through farm Aib, rlKo8H ?80 04, drawing steel and cement and use of mixer on bridge on 20 h sideroul ; Biines & David $11)8 12, s'cul for 0th sidcrciud bridge; Albert K..JUS ?227, woik on diniu No 2 ; Sni.dy DouglMti, winter rid through field ; Mrs D McMillan $1087, Ktlw $8.12, D Armour 810. Sydut-y 7, .lair...* Mimic 6'li.lU, .1, .1 .1; mil;- u 1!).25, H Hutci.ii.Mm 4.25, W L Ty h lor SIT., J;m:is Mums f7 75, \V C Mo- Cjtcheon 88 87, E Mi' U-r s?2.u'i, J Krlt-$tf,.'7, \VTyl..r $12.i!7, Jmos Priddlo $'J 12, h.'Cfu'its t'e'i ui:ut! ; \Vrn 8 IiikMtT $4, school Httrii^u i: ull'cer I f M lU.'O ; John Lc,- $"<i. f .1- work (lone ; mi ilrikin nn !) h i UK '.'Hil ; M Krrtmi i H v i. (',, ge hall liU'i I JHIIX -a t'pi'i-is &6. rtfuijil .sUtut..' Ulior i |ii'ifuiiii,'il in uror ; lUv A Mill*. rifuml lalli'.n to] ;,'n u.i ;nx on lut* 13 ulirt 1-1, Petrl trtrt, Fevrshaia j ;< I' \.|l JH, statute Ui or pi-ifoiuiecl in trr,.| ; A Porttrm ?10, i-efui.d statute lib n- chgd. in Hunilotsoti R.ns That, the Coun!y 'l'i .-I-.UI-IT lie iiiHtrueioil to erase from hi* books nil nTiMi'-i f.f Ux.-i execptii]./ s;:. Cf giltINd agaitut loU 43, 44, 45, cur. 3 S 1) H. Bjl.iw N. ('.S3, In -n|..ii.> deputy re'un.i.itf !' i , *n ! poll c!nrk, HII,! t, I Dancing at your o\m home any time with the best dance music and without expense if you have a Victrola W. A. ARMSTRONG ' DEALFR FLESHERTON ONT appoint, eleottuci i. t|>iirud I!.\l*w li'Uilio : (i:il i. ,1 the :.;. i.t' : /crH U number ism ; l!<-CD fi'f he diuin.' i:'-_M, mi. in r . Jll(W4,tu |..v f..i- I'.'J'i, .i- ii.-.i, tin- r of Mnu'.i >inil |> . -. il . KiiMting Arnott T!iat tin- mi inbi rs | of 1 1. 11 Ci.unvil and I' . , .:cl. i. nive 8 ! fi.r l VT.I il K IV 8ir.cill inci tiri; i.n Th > following d x ! -xei wciv lufmidrd owini; In lifi^s h.tvin;; iJied siixi at Mi moiit Joseph Harlitv C2, .Jol.n Ruatty | 8-, \\iii 1't o!o CJ. Ainli-i-w 1'allinter f-2, 1 8*tnu1 Oaborne |4, trwin Moni^on ft Tlic to>vi tliiji i, i ,,,,, pi\Kont.d tl:e tin u.L'ul s'liteiiiun' f.-r the ourrent yrur. Kiiittii .(- Arim't I'd il t!i,! 1 8lu i- ..,-n! ID rrceivoj fiotn tbe i ! ndiipied iinil iluit (lit! Cl.ik hive I'l.iO , ci>|>ifB I.IMI'I .1 fur diitribolion, 11. W. Keniiihan, Cleik. I Try us for your next /job printing. MR. CAR OWNER Now is the time to give your Battery Careful attention. Bring itjjin and leave it with us for the winter. If it is not right we willmake it right. If it is r ight wekeep itso, Satisfaction guaranteed. Give us a trial. H. DOWN & SONS, Dealers Depositing Money "V^OUR money is the result of successful effort the effort, perhaps, of years. You do an important thing when you de- posit your money in a Bank, and you express high confidence in the Bank. The people of Canada busi- ness men, city workers, farmers and others for Sixty-five Years have shown their confidence in The Bank of Toronto by depos- iting their money wiih us. Our growth is the result of this confidence in our Bank and of the willing and capable service given by our officers. Your banking connection is invited. Branches Feversham and Markdale 48 KIMBERLEY ThnNc ili ins were hold (,vi'i week KniKi'L Irviin o( WindhOi viciled fi>r n c i.ip'r rf d.iy.s wiili his ;. ncnts. .Mr anil M'h Grahurp and Mi-n Milluvi.i MoMil't-ii i.f Toiniil" iirt; ho'i- dayin^ with ihoir s's'i is, Mn H U UniiHiinnd and Sirs J A Stownri. Mr and Vi . Art SMI! -i.l mul Imbe rf Dunditlk motored up to .losoph Corn- ; li M' for ChrtotaUM dinner. Mr ^uJ Mis .Manst'll Cook, Wallers Fulls, aro visiiiog tbu lultei'ii mother,' Mrs Feiuuaon. \Vho KnyH Knnberloy yui'ng people! CAII'D j{wt up n concert. Our Sunday schoc.l Christum' tree and concert was: certainly a howling success. Anyone! who wasn't kt it certainly misled the time of their lives. Maudo Plosvcs, who liaH bacn teaching at BintddV, H home for the holidayr, alao li.'n i Bmriit, fioin Kui<or.ia. Mr mid MTH Victor KIliK from Collinc- wool me holidaying wiih the former'x part'iiis. Mr nnd Mrn Robert Chard spent the wok end with Mr and Mrs W Kli*. Mrs Jiiiiios Lawrence aiul daughter, Kiln, are spendiiiK a couple of wrokn at Powtukn. We Have a Complete Line of griffitli This is a Sampson with Chain Chin Draw, It prevents halter pulling, as the chain gripji the jaw very tightly when pulled. It is guaranteed by the makers to hold any horse and will be repaired or replaced free of charge if broken within one year from the time you buy it. The chain may be bought separately and attached to any old halters you may have which am worn out at this point. It Is easily attached. Price, 30c. Come la and see these halters nnd our other lines of goods. Price $3.00 O. W. PHILLIPS, Flesherton 8 I tin mi Stafford . Mild his I inn to It EUGENIA The annunl meeting of Eugenia Pres- byterian \V M S was held in the church , on Bee. Iti, when the following officer! were elected for 1021 Mrs Thos McKop, ' President ; Mrs A Cameron, Vice Prea. ; , M 188 Muriel Ciimilhcrs, Treas ; Mrs R 1 Purvi", B;le Secretary ; Mrs A Cnmeron j Secretary ; Mrs Alex Currutherf, Stran- ' gere Secretary. The annual meeting oi Eugenia l'iea- by tor inn Ladits Aid waa huld Dec. 16, wlii'n the following otlicera were elected for the year 1021 Mrs Alex Carruthers, ' President ; Mrs John Oompbell, Vico President ; Mrs Robert Purvis, Treas. ; ' Mrs Francis Genoe, Secretary ; Visiting O.mimittee Mrs H William", Mrs A : Smith, Mrs A. C*:nerop, Mrs A, Oar- nil hers. Oarefnlly Corrected Kncl> Week Bntter . . 40 to 42 Rgga 65 toO 66 SATISFIED ! THAT Is what over 10CJ useis say about 1900 Gravityjwasbers supplied by S. HEMPHILL, Agent For 1900 Gravity washers and wringers lectiic and ga&oliue washers . ALSO for McCormiek Hinders. Mowers, Hay Rakea, II*y Loaders, Drills, Cultivator, Flows, Skeel Stalls, Barrows, Gasoline Engines, Brsntford double eearcd and autn oiled airmotor Wind MU1, Bea'ty Hay Carriers, Hay Forks, Slings, Manure Carriers, Wat Bowlo, Water Tnkn, Pump and Piping. SOMETHING NEW IN BUZZ SAWS One third more wood out with some power whao tittd with my patent. S. HEMPHILL Agent, Ceylon. Ont.

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