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Flesherton Advance, 6 Jan 1921, p. 6

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OUR BOYS' AND GIRLS' CORNER By Aunt June Ubtand Aenrdbit to U Copyright Ad DEOICATKO TO EVERY EOT ANI> CUCL IN CANADA PLEDGE FOR HELPERS. "Do a little kindness to someone every day. Scatter rays of sunshine all along the way." I pledge myself in the service of ray King and Country to do my best in my dally work, wherever H may be, to toelp others wherever possible, and to endeavor in every way to make my- eelf a good citizen. Name. Age. Address Date My Dear Boys and Girls: How many of you have seen a rub- ber plant? There is a kind which many people have in their houses which grows to a good height and has broad green leaves. My little friend Jack was telling me about the one at big house and be asked whether I thought they would be able Is get real rubber from it, rubber that would make such things as a bounc- ing ball, or an eraser to nib out lead pencil marks. This made me think of a story 1 used to read when I went to school about some children who sked their father where India rubber came from, and this is what lie told them. The Story of India Rubber. "India rubber does not come from India only. If you were to take a v.-a!k in om of the forests of South America you would see groups of men going from tree to true cutting deep iranhi-8 in the Uark. As the gashes are cut cups are placed beneath. Pres- ently the tree begins to bleed (you know how our maple trees drop tho My In winter time?) The juic- which comes from these trees is milky white the (supper, wash the dishes, sweep the floor, milk three cows and do my home work. 1 have three brothers One of them goes to school and the other two do the work. STEULiA WILSON. By this time. Stella, you will have received your badge. I think such good helping deserves a badge. wonder which of all the How things you do like best of all. splendid to have three brothers! 1 should like to hear more about your school some day when you have time to write again. Dear Aunt June: I am going to tell you what I have and what I can do. I have a little grey rabbit. It will eat right out of my hand at any time. I go to school and am in the third book. I did not get to school for nearly two years because papa was sick so the work is a little hard, go errands for papa and mama and I can plow and saw up wood, or most any kind of farm work. I am thir- teen years old. I am putting in five cents' for a badge as I have not a stamp, truly, I must close now. Yours \V JULIE PREST. How you must love the pet rabbit. Willie! I would like to see it. wonder If you caught him yourself whether lie was always *ame. I love to hear about the pets. Perhaps you will draw a picture of your ratibit [or me one day. I am glad you are so handy on the farm, to be able to do almost any kind of work. You must b? a very useful Helper when you can plow. :he badge. 1 hope you will like Dear Aunt June: I wlsn to join your Club, but there was no pledge in the piper this week so I cannot sign it. 1 can do quite a 'ew things to help, such as wanning dishes, taking in wood, siting the ab!e and milk, if necessary. I l.ave a number of |>"ts but I tliink my favorite is a bis white and brown ollie doj?. In color and very sticky. When the cups underneath un- full the men col-,?' 1 ' ''." Kreat triemh lect them and the thick white juice N H "' r " ls M * ca( : ' nl ll "' 1! paured over large pieces of clay which arc shaped sdiiewhat like a bottle or a jar. To these the juice sticks and becomes firm. Tho men then set fire to a heap of palm trees which gives off a thick smoke. The Juico covered clay is placed in thi* sinok" unlil"it gradually becomes hard and changes in color from milky white to a duller rfiado. When the juice has become dry and stiff the clay Inside Is softened with water and scraped away leaving the lie Is the same agi; as I Next little speckled kitten. I call her Spitfire. Then have a cult called Jo '. lit" is two yrars old, and an awful nion- stei for Ills a;,'.-. Sometimes when he Dines up to me in the fit-Id 1 will throw my an. is round his ni:cl: and he will lift up liis he, id and r;>i-o m away up high. Well 1 mint close r.'iw. With best wislu-s to the Club. Years livingly, MAKCAttKT FM'i.MlNU. Your letter, Margaret, is one of the interesting in our null bag this outer covering which Is then calle.d i week The picture wnlch you drew bottle rubber, and this is ready to be f 0l . mp O f t n( . riiineso woman I hove pill on my desk. It N good. Is the one In the corner a true portrait of your cister? 1 notice she has plenty away to be made Into all kinds of useful things suuti as rubber dolls, oles of shoes and balls." Many of you who go to school to- O f j ia | r . day will perhaps have learnt a groat w\\\ you look out for the pledge In deal more about ludia rubber. Since the, time that this was written rubber has been found useful in many other ways. I wonder who could give, the best and longest list of uses to which rubber Is pat. N:>xt time you have to write a story In school this would he an interesting story to' write about. Are you remembering the little birds? So far, no one has written Die any news of our friend Kobin Red- breast. We are getting near the time when everything will bo frozen up so hard that little feathered friends will need your help to find a meal. I)D not torKct them. I shall look out lor some bird news from country corners. Our Mail Box. Itiverview. Dear Aunt June: I would like to join your League. Please scntl inn <i badge. I am twelve our corner again and sign it to send with your next letter. You certainly have a number of pets, and I am sure you love every one of them and must be very luippy with them ull I shrmld like to see you especially with ihe collie and the kitten. 1 wonder If they ar> good friends. Tills is just th.-> kind of letter 1 love to g.H from my Helpers, with plenty i' news about the things you Ilkv best. 1'lease write again Home dny. Thanks For Badge. Dear Aunt June: I ivceivi'd my badge a Ions time ago and ihlnk It very pretty, uls.-i naw my lettrr in the paper, and intended writing again, but time has pone M> quickly. I did not realize how long It was since I last wrote. \Y<- have aad a little winter und 1 have hid a few sleigh rides, but the ground Is years old. I go to school every day. hare again, although sleighing and and when I come homo at hlght I get skating time will soon be hero and ai rr. so crcr3 9 Poor mother, htw backache, ^izzy hpa.l:r.-!ie. :url i. n.'-v- -u.', \vliiuli uro ull t>yail>- tonis </l \vc..)a.i's trouble. Most \y<.mt'i! i;c4;l"ft Ilieir lioall-h, r.nii for tlii.-J ncf;lc';t lli.y | sy t!u> penalty. Any woman \viei . *.!'!'.: tl usv.'iil find tli'i*. sho loses Hi'.-ls IV. It r tli::n N*'t;ii'p<-:in put it DK Sho will find th:vt np,'..<:Uvt ('.IPS not puy. A little- iittention t'> luiallh '.voiilil I 'righto. i up licr life i:tid i;:;'!u! iior \v<."rio;j ft'vvcr. ll" sho w;'vS Lcr ))ui!il>'..'-; .-!i.- lii.i'i th'it Dr. Tierce's I';\,\ viri'.c; J'lr.icnjjtion benefiti :t v?o0ian's whole eyBtera. It nut only acts upon the t'.'ntihloa nnd weak- i c ; p3culi,ir lo women, but is an all-around Vegi ti'liii' ,- i:ir 'nut lii'iii-fts the rntirt: body,' relieving norvon.-ii'V-:, slcepreasness, lie:u! adics, dizziiu>.s.s nnd a. run-down condition. Dr. Pierce put liia Favorite Proscription in the driiR stores in 1370. For fifty years it lias > stood the tost, ar.'l tliousan'Js upon thousand of women everywhere in Canada can testify that this non- alcoholic tonic mado thorn healthy and well. Send ten cents to Dr. Pierce'a Invalid*' Hotel, llniTalo, N. Y., for trial package of Favorite Prescription tablets. Talcum Is so soothing and cooling for baby's tender skin after a bath with Cuticura Soap. S ,. p ?-.r. OialntDlZSudSOc. Tilnm25c. Sold throughout IhcDominton. Canadian Depot: Lri""". Liiiit<J. 344 Si. Pial St., W.. Moatrul. .*V~Cuticur*> Soap ihave* without mug. I expect to have some Jolly times. I have finished the crochet yoke that 1 was doing for my cousin and it looks very nice. I help with the house work, but most of my time is taken up with my studies. The schools and churches have started practising 'or C-hristmas entertainments, so when I write again I will tell you iomething about them. I will close now, wishing Aunt June and all mem- iers of the Club a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year as this will >e my last letter before Christmas. I.AURA CLIFFORD. Thank you for your Christmas wlsli- ;e 'Laura. It is Just as well to get hem In early, it is not? I shall rav time to wish you a Imppy Christ- mas a little later. I see that you too i'ere looking for and wondering where ack Frost had gone, at the time you wrote this letter. I shall he delight- d to lu-ar all abnut the c-ntertain- nents at your school. Notice to New Members. All boys and girl* vhs are Help- rs and wish to jolu i.'.e league of >erv'ic- n::is: sent iu thd little pledge vhich will ! found on tills page itl^tlielr name and address and vrite a letter to Aunt June giving an ccount of their daily needs of s- v ice. that i-: tell all about what you o to In !]) oih -rs. YIJU.-S lovingly. AUNT ji:xi:. !:>x 51C, Stuion K.. Toronto. SNUFFS OUT A COLD IN A FEW MOMENTS Oatarrhozone Works Wonders. Clears the Nostrils, Stops Sneezing Heals the T"hroat Quickly. Lois of people used to let their colds "work off"- they suffered a whole lot, sneezed a round the house, till the whole family finally caught the infec- tion. Nowadays colds are cured by Ca- tarrhozonn before they really get a good start. This healing vapor, full of pure essences, gives instant relief. It fills thi 1 breathing organs with a soothing vapor that relieves Irritation at once. Ordinary colds are cured in ten minute.". Absolute- ly sure for Catarrh, and In tlirfoat trouble it works likei n charm. Ca- turrhozon:- is a permanent cure for bronchitis and throat trouble. Not an experiment -but a cure that's gu;irante"(l. (let "Catiirrh;>zono" to- day, mid bewure of substitutes. The dollar outfit is guaranteed, nnd small 5Uc; trial site 25c, at all dealers. MARKETS AT A GLANCi:. The feature of the week Is the re- duction in. id in pai'it prices. All lines of prepared pain's have been re- dured following Ihe declines In white le;id, turpentine a:ul linseed oil prices, und quotations ur back to the price of twelve months ao. Other clriirpos Include further de- clines on ingot mi'talc; copper, tin and lead are nil at lover levels. Black oil been reduced in price. Knsier prices aro noted on black shet'ts, solder and scrap nietaln. Some lines of cast goods, such as bench screws, grindstone fittings, stove, pipe dampers, etc., have been nclviinced In prico. Many lines of Christinas goods were scarce and stocks of English cutlery aro low. The trade is quieter though seasonable lines are In demand. Minard's Liniment For Distemper. HE GOT OFF ANOTHER. "I understand yon get off some very good things occasionally, " said the Hweet young thing at tl:e swell recep- tion. "Well, they say I do," replied the man with the monocle.'* "Mu*. it takes con.sidonUiltt time to do It." "You mean I am very hose?" "Not t xiicrly that, but you've ben :-liiiidiiiK on tin! train of my dret:.s for Id minute*." Minard's Liniment For Colds, Etc. TRIED AND NOT FOUND WANTING Sam, who rweta tlio boss' white pants- "Iliiss, ah jes* can't cleun dem pants lit' your'n. (Hosfc "Have you tried gasoline?" Sam -"Yes Sail!" I!osn "Well, try ammonia." S.un "1'se don tried 'em on, boss, and day fits mo fine." Soft corns are difficult to eradicate, but Hulltiway's Corn Cure will draw Turin out painlessly. Thomas Hardy, Ihe English novel- ist, has a habit of Invariably wear- Ing two walstcoata. Advice to Girls By MLu Rosalind according to I/I* rlght Act Miss Rosalind welcomes letters from young women asking for advice on any subject. All you have to da is to address your letter to MISS ROSALIND, 34 Kin.3 William St., Hamilton, Ont. Dear Rosalind: I am a young girl just came into' town and J have met recently a young man whom I admire very much, he does not come up to my standard, that Is, he doesn't seem to he in the social class that I am, would you con- tinue acquaintance? COUNTRY LASS. My Dear Girl: The only class distinctions recog- nized in Canada are breeding and brains. If the young man is intelli- gent and as well educated as his cir- cumstances and ambition permit; if he is well-bred enough to respect him- self and his friends you would bs foolish not to benefit by his friend- ship. ROSALIND. Dearest Rosalind: Seeing other girls seeking advice !rom you, 1 have also taken the ad- advantage. Is a young girl of seventeen too voung to go to dances with a select crowd, in company with a young man? Thanking you in advance for your ad- vice. JUST OUT. If the dances are properly chaper- oned, if the girl's mother approves of he boys and girls who make up the crowd and if the dances are not in a public dance hall, a seventeen-year- old girl Is not too young to join the party. KOSAL.INI). Rosalind, Dear: With others I am asking for your advice: Firstly- What is true love? Kvcry- ihinc is camouflaged? Secondly How ran >:iu tell when a buy loves you or when he is after your iiiom-y? WITS KNIV My D'-ar Girl: When it conies, yon will k:iow the gciiuinc article. i would not bother mn^Hinini! m>M'lt itliout it. 1: is r i h r an lucxpressable, indescribable 'it of thing. Sir I'uliy !'> ih" exi'iviso of ordin- .if, i'Vt'1-id.iy roiunioll sei'M'. ROSALIND. u .Tr lid. aiin.-l: \\V are three yuung girls ;md while out to a garden party last September \ve had our fortunes told, is It \\ Ne. to believp in them, as some of the thints have come true? Also, dear Rosalind, while out for a joyride or walk with a young man when i* the prr time to come In and also is it alright to accept invitations from young boys or should we have just one friend'.' WKE :!. Dear Girls: It may not be wise to believe In fortunes, but it is lots of fun espec- ially If the fortune told happens to In- the kind you would like to believe In. Ten or half past ten Is late enough for glris to be out on ordinary occas- ions. Young Rirl.s do not have "just one friend " They have a* many as pos- sible, both glr!/ and boys. Never arerpt an Invitation from a boy un- less your mother knows the boy and apprn-es of your going out with him. ROSALIND. Lrttcri received from Wondering, l.niwn Kyes. Mickey, Sunshine, .May, Libs 1'PKgy. Cutip, Mary, Perplexed One, Tootles which will bo answered in this cdlunin Just us soon as pos slble. ROSALIND. :',4 King William Street, Hamilton Drives Asthma Before !t. The smoke or vapor from Dr. J. D. Kel- );'-i Asthma Remedy gives asthma n i rhanc ID linger. It eradicates iho CIUSP. Our experience with the reliff-givitig remedy shown how ac- tual and positive is the succor It gives. H Is the result of long study and ex- periment and was not submitted to the public Mitll Its makers knew It would do 1U xork well. RO.IEP Al LAST PILES I wai'.t to help you If you are suffering from blei-riiiig, Itching, Blind or pro- trutlin;; 1'iies. I can tell you how. In yc'ir own hor.'.j anJ without anyone's .. i:iLto, yon can aj/yly tlie bust of all t;vi'nvi.ts. TREATED Af HOME I prornisa to send you a FREE trial of the. new Rbs,.i v piiou treatment, nnd re feiviit-'ca tr nn your own locality if you will but write and a^k. 1 assure you ot immediate roiiuf. Sund no u-.oii'-y, but tell otuera cf this otter. AiiJresa MRS. M. SUMMERS, BOX C. \\indsor. Ont. For thirteen years Rudolph Myers has hfcii tiulldlng a railroud near Jet- more, Kansas, without uny nsslstanc.e. Twelve miles of grading have linen completed, hut no rails have been laid. He. has paid for the property mils hy mile. Nifjhl and H flavt Clean, f Eyce. If they Tire, Iten, .-.. ^-ij^PJ J* Smart or Burn, if Sore, Vf,,... i-./rC Irritated, InQameJ jr YOUR LYtJGranul&'.ed.useMurine often. Soothes, Relrashes. Safe for Infant r Adult. At all Druggistoand Opticians. Writ* for Fret Bye Book. Hurt* l, itc<fc b, O*^ BANK OF MONTREAL ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING, HELD 6TH DECEMBER. 1920. The 103rd Annual Gcnei-al Meeting of the Shareholders of the Bank of Montreal was held OR Monday, De- cember 6th, at the Bank's Headquar- ters. The President, Sir Vincent Meredith. Bart., occupied the chair, and presented the annual report of the Directors. Before moving the adoption of the report, Sir Vincent Meredith gave a comprehensive review of the econo- mic situation. During the year, he said, an overwhelming demand far credit had taxed resources to the utmost. It -had been difficult to make men who had grown accustom- ed to high prices recognize the fact that economic conditions, which no artificial means can altar, alone are the cause of price decline. "The de- mand for intervention through Gov- ernment control is still insistent in Home quarters,'* he said. "Canada alone cannot control world-wide con- ditions, and it is idle to turn to the Government for relief from falling prices. This applies to wheat as well as to other commodities." Summing up, he said: "The situa- tion In Canada at present, as I view it, Is that while there does not ap- pear to be any cause for apprehen- sion, there is every reason for the exercise of the utmost measure of caution. Canada cannot disassociate herself from world conditiona. and world conditions are not satisfactory. On this continent the two years' sup- ervening upon the Armistice have been marked by unexampled trade activity and prosperity, a circum- stance common to the conclusion of great wars, but the reaction has set in and may not yet be in full play. Happily, Canada is well but- :ressed on many sides, and the exer- cise of prudence and sagacity should enable her to meet the shock of fall- ng prices, rettricted credits and de- 'lated currency, without serious im- pairment of her commercial and fi- nancial vitality." Expancion of Business in Canad. The Gt-neral Manager, Sir Fred- erick Williams Taylor, in reviewing the operations of the Bunk during the year, said the payment of a bonus of 20 per cent, to the shareholders wis not the outcome of higher rates of interest on current loans in Ct'a:rida .but a reflection of t!;e increase in cur- rent loans and of high interest rates on call loans in New York, thv volume of which was governed by the Bank's requirement-; in liquid reserves. One anomaly which attracted attention w.i< that with credit r-"<!rii-i:or.s as acute ht-r-.' as it across the lin?. the p.'lc'j .f money was materially low:- in tiie Itouiinlon. This condi- tion, ho said. v. as r<K-'rded as a tri- bute 10 Cuiiadu'v good banking .-ys- tem. Dealing with th? growth of the Pank's <>p.<:-.uit>ng. he said: "It is noteworthy that the greatest expan- sion of the Hank during the past few years has been In oOr own country. This is revealed in our greatly in- reused loans nnd deposits in Canada and in the number of branches open- ed during the period. Rranches Ixuns Deposits in In Canada in Canada Canada $U'l!. HV.yOO $16S.57.000 173 M J4'>,725.000 358.878.000 302 Tho annual report was unanimously adopted and the retiring directors were, re-electtd. The shareholders guve approval to the motion by Lord huessy to increase the number of directors from 16 to 18 nnd to the two new positions on the Board were e!ected Sir homer Gouln und General Sir Arthur Currie. At a subsequent meeting of Direc- tors, Sir Vincent Meredith. II:; r; . was re-elected president, and Sir Charles Gordon. G.RK, was re-elected vu*e- pre"sident. RIDDLES Robinson's Book of Modem Conundrums. The best riddle book in the world. More tlian one thousand up-to-date riddlea. Over 50,000 copies sold in Can- ada. Bend postpaid tor 12 cents iu stamps. George J. McLeod, Limited, 266 King St West, Toronto, Ont. ISSUE NO. 53. 1920 HELP WANTED FEMALE LADIES 'wANTHri i TO DOrJJ OR light sewing at home, whole or spare tliafi; good pay; work sent any dis- tance; charges paid. Send stamp for particulars. National Mfg. Co.. Montreal. HELP WANTED MALE TO $12 PER DAY Auto Tractor Mechanics. Vulcan- izing. $3 to $12 per day. Men wanted to fill present demand for automobile mechanics, driving, trac- tor operation, tire vulcanizing, oiy- acetylene welding, storage battery electrical work. Practical training. Only a few weeks required. Day and night classes. Write tree catalogue. Big wages. Steady employment. Hemphill's Auto and Gas Tractor Schools, 163 King Street West, Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS PUPPIES FOR SAUE HOW ABOUT a nice registered Airedale pup for that boy of yours for Christmas. I have soms rare goad ones for sale coming three months old, bred from, the best imported stock procurable. F. J. Blake, Almonte, Ont. 63. IMMORTALITY CERTAIN-S\\^D- enborg's great work on "Heaven and Hell," and a real world beyond. Over 400 pages, only 25c prepaid. H~Law 4S6 Euclid Ave., Toronto. 46-51 BE A REGISTERED NURSE THE Cooper Hospital of Camdeu, N.J., of- fers a three (3) years' training Theoretical and Practical) to young women who wish to enter the nursing profession. A high school education is required. This course admits young women to one of tha many positions demanding the train- ed nurse of to-day. For further par- ticulars write: The Superinten- dent of Nurses. Cooper Hospital. Campden, N. J. KNITTING YARNS LOVELY COL- ors. pure wool, but very moderate- prices. Sample shades free Georgetown Wollen Mills, George- town, Ontario. TOE SAFE WAY TO SEND MONEY is by Dominion Express Money Order. Minanl's Liniment Co., Limited. Have lined MINAHU'S UMMk.NT 'or Croup; found nothing equal to It. CIIAS. E. SHARP, . N.H.. Sept. 1st, 1905. NEEDLESS ALARM. "Are you the pIombwT" asked Mrs. N'earme. "Yes, ma'am. I'm th> plumber, right enough." "Well." she replied. "I just want to caution you to exen-ise care when do- ing your work. All my floor.* are highly polished and in perfect condi- tion." "Oh, don'! \vorry bout A me slippin,' lady. I've got nails in nip ^h^^<!" Minard's Linir.-snt For Garget In Cows PHOSPHOD1NE. <'"'' f-'f;'sA ?:"f| '' r "' s 3 " (l ' "'.igorates l!ie whale .u* '.'.:.'in. ma!'i new Blood ' Vi-.!<. I'scil fnr tlervau: . (: i'. r-,-i.v;.;-.J i.rainV.'r. r), DHpoatftftCy, /.r.<* i/ Lnc'i-.v. i'-itpi!atioit of Ihe //iM;.', Falling fl-ir.'jri. Frt > ST jxrlxix.!. for J5 Sold t:y ail (IrugcUts, or maile.i in plain j)kc on rCi.Tipt of prii.iv Hfw^. 1 !/;.-'! mu:/'j frce.rM WOOD MEtlOiNi CO..TCitOKTO.OMT. Mr. G:iodart--Ah- you've heard her, then? She certainly baa the gift of song. Miss Cliellus Well. I hope that's what it is. 1 should hate to think she paid anything for It. THE EASIEST WAY. Patient -You told me to put my tongue, out. doctor, but you have not looked at it- Doctor No. ma'am. I merely want- ed time to write your prescription. y?ar Standard f Tda: od am] Painful Mcnj ;ruatin Ber.Ic-d Tin j -u-ki -e only nil DrujrtUtl or o.rvct I v I.'ail Pri-e KM*) Knickerlockcr Kenwly (>,. 71 E. I 4.-U St fercolo. Cai.jda. LUCKY. Mr. Henpeck Man was made to :nourn. M^ Bacheboy Ah! But sometimes he manages to remain single! & ^liiiibs* wo Ttfi V ^* vJt ' " ' S f IL ^t-^t/ '"" " * "'hi!!!* 1 ! 1 "!. " cuss " T ~" ...... """ * ' '> tiMio iiu ;' <."" \" '"v j" " !-'"t" < u. ki - a *M>I nus i>. h.. , .,1 ,h, cumtMI. 01 hunt* THE Ccttoa Uooi A anfc, reliaWsrefntiattff tn<(/trie. Bold in tl-rw de- erws o[ ttrcnolh N' . 1, $1; No. 2. S3; No. 3. $1 prr bni. SoM hy nil dn^ i. , or?iLt rrvyuiu on ft-cc-iiit of price. Ftcj (.nmpLkt. Adorucr THE COOK MEDICINE CO, TORONTO. OKI. (Fw:j I THE REAL TRUTH. Expert says It costs more to travel than formerly. He might add, truth- fully, that It also costs more to stay at home. -.'ho KALLkDAY COMF>AXV, L.m.' tOUONTO .. ..._..,. f CANADA * A HOT ONE. Irate Mistress What! Do you ?M1 yourself e lady's maid? Maid Not at present, madam! Minard's Liniment For Diphtheria. There are J9 railroads In the United States that are less than 100 miles la length. . Ul

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