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Flesherton Advance, 6 Jan 1921, p. 5

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January 6 1991 THE FLESHEKTON ADVANCE . , SAVINGS, Thrift, Independence all these are the out- come of the same impulse and attain tlie same objec- tive PROSPERITY. The Standard Bank of Canada can help you to attain it. 2 THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA F-tSHERTON BRANCH GCO. MITCHELL ANADIAN P/\CJF10 C. P. R. Time Table. leave Flesherton Station as Trains allows : Going South 7.52 a. ra. 4.27 p.m. The mails are Going North 12.05 p.m. 9.45p. m. osea at Flesherton as follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m.and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at iJ.40 o'clock. For morning train south mail close at 9 p. in. the previous evg. VICINITY CHIPS of Harris- pm and are \i>U- Mr. aud Mrs. Harry Quigg ton are visiting friends here. Mrs Brown Lf B.inhton is visiting her mother, Mrs. M. Thia'.letnwaite. Jack Lalimer cf Toronto spect a few days of the p*f week in town. Mr. Jack McCowell of Toronto spent the post week t H. LtGard's. Mis. Lonu of Ilono/wood is visirid< her daughter. Mrs. W. MilL-r. Mr. Herb Smith, wife and children, of Owen Sound, spowt New \Vir city with relativrs hero. An;l'C*n chuich, Service in Town Hall every Sunday Rev. G. Blackwell, p:stor. ML--. J-ime* S*rgnt and Mrs. O'Neill i'f St. Catharine* ing Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stewart. Miss Saroh \Vyatt went to Owen hospital list week to uud^iuJ an i perv ti u tor appenoicitis. Mr. Fied McTavish of Oshaw* spent Kew Year* with his wite and parents here. Mrs. Mary Ann Py, mother of the late Mirs (Dr.) Carter, died in Toronto OP December 20, aged 9* yean. Arteraeiia District Scatlet Chapter will meet in Clayton'* hall on Friday eveniau, Jan. U C. J. Bellamy, Scribe. Ceylon Farmer's Club is ordering a car of flour, feed and oatmeal. Members wishing to obtain any kindly send iu their order at once Roy Piper, Sec. Niss Nelson of Mono has been en- 15 1, '"i for the priumy roam in the public school and entered upon her duties on Tuesday The Methodist Sabbath School Anni- versary on tht> evening of New XMMI dy, was, like that of the Presbyterian Anniversary on Christina! 1 , u record breaker, recc'pti, counting tho Sunday collodion*, uii'Un!iiii! to over $135. The program w:is unusually good, the pieco of the evening living drams, 'The wootnx of Miss C'luadit," which was thoroughly enjoyed. The ivst <( the pro-omul w;s ills j,'->oil, and t'l i refresh- nu'iita up to 'ho usml xtiinlivd and l>k>iuiful. Pr. Fred Murray of 'IV run to assisted with a solo, The Murkdale StantUrd has been purchased by Messrs. Molutyro & Cnlun of the Dundnlk Herald. Wo understand those sentlemon purpose running both papers. Mr. C. W. Rulledi^e has piloted the destiny|of the Standard fi>r forty years and has dune it with both credit and pecuniary benefit to himself. He is now in tha enviable position to take life sy without the worries of sales Ux>> workmen's tax, paper and express 1-ilK water rates, Increased poitage and a host of other peats that A newspaper man. runs up against. Still, Brother Rut- ledge weathered all these and came out on top. The new hra took possession .on Saturday I i-i . The Adv,mc wel- comes them aa near>r nei^hbois *nd trusts that they will bf> auccoasful ill their venture. Mr. Colgtn will take the steering wlmel of tho Staudurd nnd Mr. Mclmyre will remain in DumUlk. RENEW NOW ! Roy McAulay, Charley Crossley, Dr. Fred Murray and wife, and Frank Phil- lips, Jack Carrington and Gordon White, all of Toiontn, spent New Years day with relatives hare. J, A. Morrison has soli his farm near Maxwell to hi* brother, Will, and u limy moving to the old Cullis farm near Yindeleur. which he has recently pur- chased. Mrs. George Paul left for her home in Aceroid, Saak., on Naw Years day. She had spent two months in Outario visiting Mrs. R. Bentham here and her mother. Mrs, Elijah Paul, Eugenia. Taken at A. McLean's sale, a pair of breeching strap* asd bucksaw. Tbe parly who took them is known and he will please leave at this office and save trouble 1 The price of the Toronto Star is now fo a year. When you Uke into consid- er* iuu the fact f .hat the white paper for one year costs $5,78 the price does cot eeiu so large. All other Toronto dailies are the same price. A njeetiuar of tbe Ceylon Farmers' Club will he held in Clayton's hall, Flesherton, Friday, Jan. 7th, at 8 p. m. A full attendance is requested to hear the delegates' report on annual convention Roy Piper, Sec. We have had wuidei fully fine, mild I weal her during the past week and more i robins have been seen in town. New | Years day gave us a genuine Ja&uury thiw with rain, which took wy h big chuuk of the scow but left enough fit good sleighing. Fred Mathewson will hold a credit auction tale of farm stock and imple- ments at lot 136. con. 1, S. E. T. A S. R , Arteoiesia, on Friday, January 1, 1921, at 1 o'clock p. in. D. McPtuil, auctioneer. NOTICE The annual meeting of Eis Grey Agricultural Society will be held in the Town Hall, Flesherton, on Saturday, January l.Vh, 1921, at I 30 p. m. o'clock. All members are requested to be pre.-</nt. Ladies weUjuie. W. A. llawken. Sec. Tbe Udies of the W I have arranged to play ithe Ionic Ma!e Quartette nJ Concert Co. in the high school auditor- ium on Monday evening Jan. 10. The company come highly reci-m mended ai.d present a program of great variety, f* 1 Mr. Joe Watson of Saugecu nesuly n. el his death on Christmas day when A Udder in his barn slipped, preaipitaiii:^ him to the tl - r. He struck ou the back of his head nud was rendered un- conscious, in which condi'ton he remain- ed for an hour aud a half br foie regain- ing consciousness. It w.i* an exceedni.-'y c'<>'o call . The Advance received i no:o List week t'rnoi Mr JiSL-ph I'Uckluni. who !: i i bceu in Forobt ' tor some joiu:j medical tn^t'Ueiit. ^* i L C'lulitim is very sli^ii >' Mrs. r>lickl)ui-ti, who is v i-h bueu ill wiih bronchitis, l-ut u ing. We ho(.o soon to hear Small Ads. TJ*y oryour coaic. Ail U>ur, tha Onmio wheat Kheaf Data Fot SaJe.- Mrs. W. B..yd, i, r Fletharton. !>> ma Good wood cook stove f r pale Apply to Lake Bowers, Flesbcrlon. Colt For Sale Driver, coming four years old, quiet and sound. Will be sold cheap. John Wrighr, IfleshertoD, Another car load XXX shingles juit in. Phone W. A, Armstrong for prices. Chopping Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays only Gr*ham Brus. Eu^enta Oetl9 For Sale at once Jersey cow due December 28, 3 other cows, 7 two year old steers. 1 two yeor old heifar, sett double drif ing harness, buggy pole, cheap cook stove, cheap cut'er, Fred Stuart, Flesherton. Phone 20. Two Black Silk Specials Black Paillette Silk, yard wide, rich lustrous black, good weights satisfactory wearing quality, regular $2.25, special $ 1 .79 per yard. Black Duchesse Silk, yard wide, highly finished, reliable color, heavy weight, drapes beautifully and makes up exceptionally well for all dress purposes, regular $2.75, special $2.19 per yard. Grocery Department Two Bulk Tea Specials Mr. W. H. Williamson, Priceville P. i )' O., is agent fur the Hirab-Davies Ferti- f lizers in this district. Fertilizers fur all I J j graiL-s and roots. Get pricis and literi ture from him before purchasing. If Tiken By Mistake Night of Dec. 25 at Jiuies FmJlay's sile, a Saskatchewan ouffilo robe. Leave at Advance imce or Markdale Standard uffiee within ten d:iys, as the p.i-rjki-i known. Lost About Dec. 22, a black and tin oitch h u:: i InforuMtioa as to her whereabuiits thankfully received by Chirles Stuart, Flesherton. BLACK An Indo - Ceylon Blend that draws well with good flavor. We have sold a large quantity of this iea with excellent results. GREEN An uncolored Japan that gives wonderful satisfaction to those who prefer the old fashioned Japan Teas. Black or Green, regular 5 5c. value, special 45c. per pound, or 3 pounds for $1.25. Take home a trial pound of either Tea today. You'll be pleased ! F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON - ONTARIO Ti?n tons good timo'hy hay for sale '. Mis W. J. Lever, Fioherion. BOAR for SERVICE Fertilizer I am agent for Gunn's Sur Purebred Tamworth Bo-w for service Oaiu Fertilizers, the best en ihe market, 'on let 167. S W T nod S E., Arleuiesia.. and in uow takiui< orders for delivery at .Teruis Sl.BO. Sows not returned will Flrtsherlou Station. Send in <<rders by mail or phone No. 21 r 23. \V. J. Meads, i Priceviile P. O. 1 apr be chtrmd Fed 13 as tliu*e iu pii!- T. J. ST1N5UN. Prop For Service Oue?i>ure ortd Shorthorn Bull on lot 3(5, eon, 9, Artemesia. Terms. $1.50 for grades. Must be p.iic within 9 months from date of service. l9.Jan.9 -U. O.Tl-RNEF. WINTER TERM OPEN'S JANUARY 3rd .it t'::* Boar For Service Owen Soun J. O Firmers', l'jiiuv-<>, !?ii it:uud -'n 1 Prjpnrit..iy C.'Ures IndiviJuil I:i- ti> n Duly C.kiMiiim School null !': IV;- irtni-nt S >!T "f Pure br*d Ucgiatarea Yorkshire rioa .. for 8 orvic..-M'.xw,-lI J.ick ti'JyO^-o,, Every Giadua'e iu . Ct*l- lit 107. S W T. vfc S. K.. Ar-oni. . i !>.'- Jl.jtl So* ii- t rvturtud wi'.i he ,- v r'l.K.HlN':. b\ C, V, ' 0. 1. KLKMlNii. > r Mi"l till :\ HEAD OFFICE HAMILTON ESTABLISHED 1872 WE WISH YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR 10,4. IS iii'M.' in ] . T. J. STINS >N BANK OF HAMILTON UUSDAL,K;BRANCH-A. M. cahe, Manager SL3-BIMNCH PROTON -C. J. forster, Sub-Manager I h'lii, )m> : of iii'>r^ detinite improvement iu Mr. Ubck burn's condition. A Chi istiuas gift of an unusual kind cauie to William William:', B.A., who for ue-irly 30 years prior to hn resignation In 1901 WHS principal of ihe Collingwood Collegiate Institute. It was received by registered mail and is from " some of your old pupils who have grateful recol- lections of kindly guidance at the C.C.I who, desiring to make their appreciation taugible, enclose 91000 iu the h po that it will giva you a winter holiday iu the south." The letter is dated Toronto nd bears no marks whatsoever that give* him any idea of the donors. Not only the gift, bnk the spirit prompted it after so many years is fully aud deeply appreciated by Mr. Willmon, who, ac- coinpair'ei by Mrv Williams, houes to be able to comply with the request of the unknown donors. Now is the time to re- new your subscription to The Advance. Gents' Furnishings Tho Stiul! Sto-o with 1'i-; V iluo Winter is .-tpprt>aohiiii{ fs', Got n Hweuter ccst ihat l.nst.', Get an overcoat as well, Aud with a sc;irf you'll l.-ok swell. 1'iulofwi'tir that koops you warm, And socks to keep you from all harm ; lllovos anil mitts that won't freeze hard, You cau get them at LcG AUD S. and Pressing done notices. on shortest Agent* for rlobtorlin aiade-to mexsure Suits and Overcoats. H. J. LEGARD Whom youi -dollar learns to have mo IT cents. Flesherton, Ontario W. A. HAW KEN dealer for MENDELSSOHN PIANOS and PLAYER;PIANOS, PHONO- GRAPHS and RECORDS, and SHEET MUSIC. Call and see these high grade instruments Pboto Gallery and Music Stor FLESHERTON HMommmg Cargce's Grocery ~ '''" For your Chricm>s 'juy:iu wo lure .11 C. K O C E I Cheese 30c per Ib. iocs the followirig : 1 K U i. situ 3'V per Ib. Pa;es 200 per Ib. Currants 25j |>*r Ib. Canned Coru. Peas mid TJ nil.-e- '.'Oo per c.n . Corn t'l*o. 2 packages for 25c. I. mud: y Soap, lOc per bar. Toilet Soap 4 Lars for 25c , 3 bar* fur 2"<c. aud lie pet bar. c o N F t: c T i u x E a i \Ve have a Urge aud assorted display of chocolates at 40, 50 tut tiOo Ib. Bon Eoua m fancy bexes at 85c . iOc , "oc , $1.60 and S'J.OO pr bx. A complete l>ue of Tobacces, Cigartttes and Pipes. Highest prices paid for all kiuds of Produce. Phone ID your ordtr. We will deliver it to auy part of the village. W.E.CARGOE. Phone 30 J. FLESHERTON, ONT. CHRISTMAS GIFTS THA if ENDURE ? Rarely have we enjoyed the privilege of showing such a complete collection for the holiday trade and from our newly assembled displays holiday gifts may be selected to special ad- vantage now. Silverware Goldware Necklaces Portable Lamps Electrical Goods Ivory Toilet Ware Cut Glass Ladies' and Gents' Watches Victor Gr^fonola and Windsor Gramo- phones and Records. BOOTS & SHOES In Ladies' Wear we have Kid, Dongola, Gun Metal and Box Calf. For Men's Wear we have a nice assortment of Mahogany and some good lines in Black. Also very serviceable Work Boots. Repairing promptly attended to. W. A. ARMSTRONG, FLESHERTON, ONTARIO THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO

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