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Flesherton Advance, 6 Jan 1921, p. 1

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VoU), No. 30 Flesherton, On.t., January 6 1921 PROTON To- ike HM Over Lust Week Vibitors here over the holiday ware : Misses Cl.u i Millie and Mabel Bin me at their home ; Mi a K>vrrs and sou, Vicior, Mr? Burton unct bibe, Tommie, aua Mr -.<! MM DeUcorfrat T Wyvillc's ; Mr uiiU Alr.s Duncan WcN'oil nt Chas. Lyous ; Mr ur.d 31i-s J Eiiuy and Mrs \Vi!oD :. Mi- Cuualey's ; Mw Emily Acba.ii)!! .1 Mi.n 1 ai:d Mr Bruce E*do cf Toronto, at 'icir. respective homes. > Miss olurui VMlsuii roluine.i u> ronto Uh hut uiulher t.i spend In.;; jay wri-el:. MIM G.ilbraUh spent ths holi- day with h'-r mother, Airs HodgioB. Tile public rclv nl concert jiveii in the Oiangc hail on Thursday uighf" wus -i "decided success. The puyi!3 scijuitieil tiieajbelves very creditably and give maDy pleasim; numbers. The dialogue and tabliTiu by the youm; (> "p!e were taiici) iij'f :viiitecl . Thu- Pt--- :; i>rehestra give a number c f .-elections which muiul greatly in 'he even i; - c. riginmeni. Part of the proceecit are to bo :., r i>ou ui the Chin^so film-no fuird 411 Spelk':-!| ill out Chrisluris prfwuls, Mr a":d JIrs "r. '^h Copo!AuU were the hiippiesi coup!o Hi '.owu mi '.'hr itiiiiuiii)! f. ,- Santa Glaus k-f. ihi-m a. bl<y boy. Ti! Oiaiici'o'eu'ii cyster : u : )per wis a ve:y i>'c\"uii 1 ' aff.i '. A th si ulns supper vraa":r .1 by JTi ami lifti'i wii>.li p. itc,.' :r <\.--.i> II sill. Mr li J. W 01 ids ' :;L rh.iii- .)'. :i uiliircw in hi., UAUII' cspible maiiuer. >'is. ii. T! up oil. Mr Park, Slits E. Sitvocs^ Mi-- M:uj TJ Achcfii'it a; '1 1 tile Miss MIL' v ]. 'tis f'lvo ii i :_: 'lid inn K in 80i]gi and rKi'iiiiizR. Mi>si.-> >' . , Huiileyu'd Wauohobe sang si mo hum- oruus songs :a grod style .md 'he P;..:.'ii on-hcsun ifiterspeittd with excellent music. At t!)u annu'd meeting of LOL 244 tlio following were elected for the ensu- ini' ', nr : W M, E Stin.-on ; D M, J HuiiK-y ; QUcip, Ren Achet>on ; Kec Si c, I. Luckhait ; Fin Six 1 , .1 N ij-> n ;Tieas, ASh'.rsm. ; Out C, L\' ilnw ; 1 L-o, S Biii i mil ; -ml Li'C, H Stayffcii ; 1st <_'. . i. J Carv.'i) , 2ii'i C"in. R Eit* : 3id COM, R Stovers ; 4fh (Vm, W NV." ton ; .'jiti C">m, d isirup : AuJitur-i, R frOn M ,i.:.l K Sliuson. 1' V ..'!{' ii I - .\T uac-oi A ':it a a;i 11 id Toruuko. !r ,..-J ^Irs R. J.Q.-ilbrnH!). of ", ln9 demoastrjtad tint: tV* n :' 'I money in ruimia 1 itvv.-.>'e l. L:wi -ri"i' t u . '.' :i - ' a fluck i f llv v i- gumo, w'l.kli rit'-'i -=='f 03 ogg-. Threo o' L.'si wpii- dou'illc yulked nnd then-- fi.-i r :. ii lutt'ne. From ihu uthot :tty --ir'sth-y reared 39 goslins", which th.y sold recently fur an avumse i>f 4.71 euh, or H total of SH8J.GO fm ilia 9"i:k. This noesns a rctutu of Slll.ili ftoir. vdchof the lin.M- <M i , with nhich ! tboy sj*irl;oJ out last sprint;. Tho beiivi- e^t bifd in the lot they sold waitthc'l 151 J 1'is., nrid the lightest 11 Ibs. Ornngc- riile Banner. CEYLON Appreciating the main- courtesies extended to us in the past year. \v take this opportunity to thank our trienJs for their generous [support and wish them a very prosperous year in 1921. F. W. DUNCAN Hardware and Paints Phone 30 r 1 1 Flesherton, Ontario On Tuesday evening. Deo 21, instead of the usu i! prnyer meeting a social evaniug WHS held by the u rents, scholars and fr ends of the Sunday school and church, when a"goud program was giren c insisting of speeches, song's, duets and leoi:r,:i.iu3. At ihs cloiu of thiu part of the i.-'-o^r-im the chairman, T. Gilohrist, II n v. Ui,hm cu tho front when Eli .i Whulii^L.r read an address of appre- ciation uf sen-iscs randered by the rev. g-'iuli-uian journi; to thu par: of the viu-yant. He was pri-.suiiCBil with a uerii.iu liimi) C.M aud purse. The rev. made d very feeling aud tilting The m:i>t Meads Is Reeve Of Artemesia Twp. l The thri'e cnrnered ti])t iu Artemecia township resulted 'n the return of 'A'. J. Meadu as Reeve hy n suinll m:ij:>T!'v. The vote tiy diviHions will b y'veh in next i.-.-- u f. Tl'in us a .i i!e atond uf> iiiiin-v : Mi-iids ......................... 202 reply to this unexpected gift. weik Udies served a dainty lunch and a ecj"yul)le evmicy waa spent. Allie McMulleii is Ependiuu fortnight with her Hi.-ter in T'Tonw. Mary ninl Georgina' 3/cLjichlaD Hpent tbe p>>Bl vreck wirh Afarkdale frienus. J/is.i I'n.-.r.'i- of Oaledou ia visiting at if. Ki-rgmou's. Johu Wriuh:, wife and three clrildreo, wno have been visiting their brother F.^j, ruin.iieil i,. their haine at Wing- hua S;i m-di-n J/tlr-ii'i has returned to his loii. G'. Si!er4f Tuionto is vrsiiing her frien.1, I 'ilia .!/ M. A' il/itir spdnt tho past viing I-.u.- p ..-UK" iii Durham. J/r H.y.utt und wife t,f l\irnto tiw -v i .-i_d -it X. A-'.-iiibfii'i -. A. C.i' ly 'us DetuniuJ fruin if'' M II ;:il';L.l . Lev: L' 'lilts nud Ins m.uhcr iitli-uiUd tho f;ii;errl of J/re Cinif.s uuar Dur Jna m.d Douitliy .'/oLeud are visit- fii.-i-.d in Toronto. . Joints Afcjtfullen eulertauiej the Lie (* .\:J of Chalmers church. Fisher- ton, Tuesday afternoon, when n probtable an i i'j .y iliio afterno ill wn ftpen'. Wm btone antl wife of Detroit, are t;i.iL{ ihe former'n father and other fi-itnds. It is L'7 yetr.s sinoo he left these p-irts and he sees many chaogou. EAST MOUNTAIN Li 'i your wo tuolc-d in vain f.u the J:iuiuy th.iw, ! u thin your it. sur(>ri->t'd U-< nod cuino it!i i lio tir.^tday. Scln>ol re-oper.ed "" nui'v wiih F P.irii-r :-:it uf Eugoiiiii a:- iiu in ellrj(e. ' Mis Go-' Al'eii of Toronto, Pearl nd Auni') Alii-ii. 'iTitiicri :;o>r Du.idnlk, nud Al HA Hmn')i'i,stoiip, tenoher nl Silhruey, spent ttit! holidays t th-ir re.spectivo humcti hero. Wni U lineo hm reiuruod homo fter spendiui' Chriaim.ii at Gait. Chs Mnitin, wifu und b:ibe, Aryl^, spent Cluiatmiu with T Lever and family at K!. s'lerton. Your corrusppii.ii-nt oxpi-esses sym- pathy to the Giulmni f-tmily of Engeuiii in their sad bereavement. Win it 11 'i;.i-l,. and wife of Duncan spout Ohrinluias with frifnde here. Vintor F<,rd m unr.sing a sore ai i)i these days, lmviu>< hi-oken . l)one in his writ. Hope he i hett<jr scon. , orb G&noe hns returned hmae ufter afeudiii); a few d;iys iu Toronto. Cameron ................. 81 M-jonly for Jfrfadti 19 VANDELEUR I^ii<t~\Veeli's Items Mr :uvl Mrs Wm Biiclian.,i spent Chris: r.ius vilh fneiid j iu Toruu'o. Mrs Diiriii na of P.iialt-y uent. a fe* diiys with hei' mother, Mrs Dvr.s. Mr :iu 1 Mrs Burroll spimt Chrifitmra with tlie lilt r'< nioiiiir, .Mis R Ucnoe. Mr Rvi Hu*-j!iii;-on -'pending A few d.-iys with frioucis in T.-I . Mi- Geo Duuhai.HU i u hmno fr-nu the Gui-!| !i 0. A. C. f..r the Iioli-.lays. Mi -ml Mis 13, r! GilSier: of Maikiia'e s;:c .1 l'!.iis ;n i.s with Geo Wmliiij; und family. < ' .",!.. i : fV ,-iml dii;;n'-erare i w;t!i the fo'rmei'> in--;: .,-, Mra-XC nu. Lillian U.ich.. .: ;': 'MI < > -i i l!i.: h ilidnys. Mr -..- ' ' ; w ,id l:v.-l .- i-'u i:..i P. -v K->b Pii'.ci j .'riout) oin-Pition on h I., . :. I eat iu6 ., The Vnui.ku. Stnuuy <c,< ,,l had a very \m,ivpr>,iiy en Thin \ <>f lutt wefK. ilj.. i . (ram confuted ot diiloctiu.-, mu'-ie, n...;: aua mil or llu. t.'l.i-.M niiii ; .-. il -'i a'! .ii'.!, tj-li-,; li'.-'e c,i treats. Start the New Year Right There is a li.nato di> the right thing, and the man wlio doss the right thing is always oousoioua of bnvinij douo his duty. V Years is a pood time to start, so before you renew your subscription to auy paper think n moment of the Farm- e/.s Sun .'ind whut it inunni to yoursolf and the farmers of this province. Tho piper is owned by t!u furmei-H and pub- lished solely in their interest. No other pper donates its eniiro eiioijty to ihe fikruiers' ctuso. When sending in ynur Ijbscriptinn, get your noi'xhbor to sub- ; 9irib ( >, then you will both be doing the right think- at the n^ht time. Think of the prioo, 104 iaue for oaly 11.50. I T.iaro is n > other paper jusb like tiio 8a i. The Ksrmoi'H Sun, Toronto. DR. F. C. NIXON Optometrist and Optical Speciaiitt Uaroniario Street, nunr Third Sliet Collingwood, t OutHriii Appoint-ments : Daily 9 a. m. to 5 p. rn Kvenings aud Holidays arranged . Telephone Git W. Bux 1006 1 Jly 20 Tins Week's Items Corn Huichinseii 'f i>-iiuo.i lurk ?pen'. the hulid.iys w th frn nde hero. Mr J >hnston ntid dau^litei- 'f Shun were l!iu guc-M .<f J I CiMhhin and family one day lust not-k. Cine- H.i:'.t-y of Sink is visiiii.K friends i.-i th N nui^hU.iihuod. Hazel Cu'.iiUiL'hHin uf Toronto spent i r".vd')s .u ii .}u.i Uu ! And fii'inly . Jean \Vr r hi ui li.uivi!,. pci.C tho liolidnys with lierptienta h-.-ie. Frnn< R'>id '.i^it.l^ irieiids in Toronto recently. hi* few D.-e John \V ').:, ji-., has rotiirn.d tv bou ..... i iho We-,' .if'-i.- -p-n i;ii4 d<ty with f;ienil in ini.s vicinity. At the iiiiniiiil soli.iol meeting en 29lh, Fred BuliUil -i elvo'^.l ttustoe niiu Go > Slni:un)U auditor. S Gilbnrt wi3 given ihe contract fur ^arc-tnkint; and lid biikei f.r !-ii|'|'lj -ing ills wood. A number f.-om hrrx iitif.iuled th.> fu'u-rnl of the laie Mrs Gen Gruliiini uf i on S.-i'uid'iy lajt. NOTICE R.ini mber th DM R.-lub'e Si'i^. r Sewing M:ii-!iino. You em huy on t.'im to suit y- u at a very rensoaabl ' priCK. 10 year nil ti antt-e. BUGH liNorr, Agent,', Out, McTavish Still Reeve A keeu contest' in this vi!I.iga fur Uieveahip and councillors resulted in the old council boiu^tarnuJ dmvn '.o a mill, allliouuh the reav8hip ruuiaiix* as formerly. MoTrtviMh i-, 1L- B V" D7 a mj >riiy .'f u-n, the I'uurcH beiua 01 for MsT^visli, .viivi ."1 foi i'.sh -I Thn lirst f Mir names on tlm ful owing list r-u- l>ri~u the Fle<h.'itoii counc:l!uis fur llfcJl: W.-.ltou iy Phillips ii'i C. W. B : lUuiy ul C.r; > 4:5 W. S e-vnrt 42 Id/nry 41 P.lUm ^0 D jncaii 24 E. IM'-uny 23 PORT LAW Mount Xiuii Oliui oh will a Hunts uf v.tni;'!i.:.o -<:rvxt-* m-x' Sunday. Tliey have been fi.r'iiu i- r ,;i S.-CUrltlU U.V I'llU-l-iO:: .il T .1 lllu, very acuuplai>ly cniuiut-t-Vi .1,,. \ lorvicsu !n SUM. r. i!.' . .'. i.-n speiLer ml dm riiimiiiiii ry i* Im forvrirl >tu- will be uiMMili^ nuii eve-ill';; m V. .Su> dty.iud i: UK .tiiiii uuriut; -i , . t. iu.U-liniiu'y. Sat 'r. .lays i^ic-. Jami-M CiuiiaVM mil daughter, ' re vi^iti: ; t'riui ! ace..'. . . : IP, - -a . :' Geo M.' >! .loti-r. I! the ^aii^-.-'iy i ," '.. i >uii! way ho ft!. Ilia h . -l : .. . H-i 19 d Wll Hlld :'! iir>pe that is.- wi. MI .:i i . Li'i'iftii McKeiicioc -:!tii.;i,-- :.i iinpruVH and ii QUIT xble t s-.t u;. i, n l >;u e:ich ay. The in:mil t-oho'il nine! in Ii-.: w. i'k w is tiitti r :ittotid.'il ih:ui usu.kl. A'.'., it Blielibuui was thn. tutsteo .'pp -in: ed, and be, with K !Ii:rn!i "....I Uib.-i: Fii-hur o nsf.tu H our bouil >!' v..l ;0iti m Junes 1' ill ir la seoi.-t iry t:. ^iror and Tttum&s Brown oaretaker ^; Nubnt haii_bi:eii r.j-1'ii^s^eJ for til -'11 ^ UTIll . i pas! ROCK MILLS Cecil Siu'diuni ib \^ ii's f..n ily iu *p Slay Iiiiii.ii. ; n i i .1 XM . 'ii Ivn 1 1 1:1 n: \Vii.t tiy . L week, with C Xf well and n -. .i Ii H'li'y unJ ifu f V i, i Mir visited :'. h ilie f.'imei'-i Mtt v, M:~ ft-am Croft. Kdiviu Sinilli, wife aii.l t.nb.'. i visaed ,-it the t'uiiiier's pnren'.i, . nm here. A. ?, lit :iiL- iiiuu aiuuiul liri.' i.avo ciuniiieueeil liuui'ii^ lunibt-r for tl i- l)ur- ham furniture C <. .1 i, I'.irk re u:ii d Ust week to his Ilillllv' 111 t )>Vl-ll .SuUllll. Wo are gl'.d t-i rrpirt Mi> \\'ni Hawkins iniproviin u.cely liter > IOUK ttfmM. K r.nin r .:.i. ivifo and (Juii({htor, M.iy, of .V;i.\.fill ; Misa fc'uieiM'ii of Wlntby ; Mra:l .Mis Eiij;nr I'eti* uf Otpiey; 1'earl, Ftedaml Alhel t Slo.ldard of .\l:.rkd.ile ; Juhn Harxiave, ife and son, l'"ied ; C Newcil. and T Gilliland, liugeni. .-ipttil Now Year's day wi'h T 1'. a- i:,,i lauiily. Geonje an.l Lew Xovrell of Durham visited the past eek with their hrt'ther huro. ^N o ro sorry to report Mn W Russell on t.V.o sick list, but hope fur n *pi t dy rfiooviry . Tiii Belts h .s bought a farm from Sam fedlar o.i the CoUingnrnnd jrivsl. .Tuhu HartiiMve, wife and son, visited rooenlly with the fomi.u's brother at Warehnm. "THE ELDRIDGE" Dependable Sewing Machines ai Moderate Prices. SOLD BY W. A. ARMSTRONG FLESHEllTON. ONT. FINE JEWELERY Bates BurialCo. in and <*<,? nar fine. laio of Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, etc, antl when you have seen them jun' will be sure to buy. Watch re-' paiiing a sptciiilty. A full !ine T F'lotographic snp[;lic.s Incltiil'.iv.r developing powclei'Bi printiag frames, dark lar.teius, all sizes of kodacks and ibo *S USUAL Funeral Directors and Elmbalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Road, Toronto, Ont. MOTOR 'EQUIPMENT J. W. Batea, R. Maddocks, President Manager ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES Yorkshires , amwart hs Youngf Stock For Sale For Breeding Purpose* W. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler, ^.^ Qf wl . ilt _ GEO . W. KOS FIE5FER1CN, - ONT '> FeyTel. M-s-tna : . L'. O Houe of Quality We are out to si ow the people the bottom* o the market. We handle wranped ' Canada'* Bread Iron Toronto. We have a complete Stock of New Fruits and Fresh Chocolates, mixtures and pack- ages, all kinds of Nuts. OUR .TERMS ARE CASH AND TRADE NO CREDIT/ FEED Oats, Barley, Peas, Wheat, Oat and Barley Chop, and Oat Chop, Ontario Bran and Shorts, and Low Grade Flour. J. R. PATT1SQN & SON, Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectioner Ficsherton, - Ontario :j Durham elected its Council li.s v. i r by acclamation, inoluc'ni^ tlie Reeve. Thomas Allen is t'.io nen nityor and Calder is once more reeve. Tbu latter has hcpu Keeve for the padfc eight yoHis and sif]niKed his intention to retire at the cod of the present term. For Service One pure brd Shurthum bull >n L'i 28 and 20, Concsinti S. Artomcsia. Terms SI. 50 for Crudes if pmd iusidc of 9 m ntha - tf sot Si. Pure bn-di $3.00. ROBERT OSBOKNK We wish to express our thanks to our many friends and custom- ers for the generous patronage extended to us during the past season and wish them a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. W. L. WRIGHT, Corner Store, Flesherton Voiir Eii-niiig Ponor by takiux n course in the Youge an3 Charlon Streets, Toronto Ono of tlii' last two students to acoept pneitiona ooiinnonoe.(l at S'J'J 50 per waok and the other over $100 per muith.' Writo for College Cireu'ar. Enter any time. \v. .1. ELLIQTT. PSINUM-AL Fleshierton ^f L - Tonsorial Parlors We Aim to Otve Entire Satofaoticn LAUNDRY Basket closes Momday night, delivery Knotty ev CLEANING and DYEING- vVcw 1 agents for Parker's Dye Works- Cloths' 7 ; j cleaned &ud dyed, feathers rejuvenated rv f>

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