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Flesherton Advance, 30 Dec 1920, p. 5

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Deoemb«r SO 1929 HB FLKSHJ A» V ANCl ' ! â- P I EARN TO SA VE.- Every man, woman "^ and child can Save. Every one should save. Every ambitions person does save. The Savings Department of the Standard Bank of Canada affords every facility for aid- i'jg yovi to save. 291 THE STANIARD BANK OF CANADA FLESHERTON BRANCH RENEW NOW ! tbi* GEO. MITCHELL Manasch ANADIAN Pil\OIFIO -C. p. R. Time Table. 1 rains leave Flesbercon Station as oUowa : Going South Going North 7.62 a. m. 12.05 p.m. 4.27 p.m. ^l^P- ""• The mails are osea at Fleaherton as follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m.and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south mail close at 9- p. m. tlie previous evg. VICINITY CHIPS An icicle fell on an Owen Sound man' breaking! his nose and cutting his scalp. Mr. and Mrs. Harper of Toronto spent Christoja* wiih the latter's p^r- ente, Mr, ani Mrs. John Bellamy. Anglican church, Fieshertonâ€" Service in Town Hall every Sunday at 7 p m. Everybody will be m'ldo \velcome. Artemesia District Scarlet Chapter will meet in Clayton's hall on Friday evening, Jan. 14â€" C. J. Bellamy, Scribe. Ceylon Farmer's Clul) is ordering a car of flour, feed and oatiueal. ^Member* wishing to obtain auy kindly send iu their order at once--R"y Piper, Sec. Mrs. VV, A. Arirstrnng left on Tuesdiy for California where she will spend the winter. She was accompanied by her Son, W«8. A horse belonKing to T. B Rcid of Shelburi.B ran away, «nd falling struck its heal \a huch a way as to Cduse it-s death. When will horses and autos Uarn that it is d.vBgerous to run awayi Box social and dance under auspices of Glenelg Centre Athletic Club, to be held in the township h.%11, Glenelg, Fri- day, Dec. 31. First class nvusic, good floor, round and square dances. Admis- sion 35c, ladies with boxes free. A syridicjle of business men of "the Iowa ha^e purchased the Boyd rink in town and it is now beiiiK prepared for the winter skating. A committee will manage the rink. Oossardâ€" Heronâ€" At Cabri,_^ Sask., on Dec. 15, by Rev. Mr. Pedlar, itfiss Ualen Qail Gssuard and Mr. Joseph HaroD, The young people will reside at Cabri, Fiesherton Methodist Sunday school entertainment wi;l be held on New Tears nigtit. Tea will be served at six o'clock. The program will commence at 8 o'clock. A spi-ci-il feature will bo a eantata entitled The Wooing of Miss Canada. Admission 35c. CUristnus day was beautiful with sunshine all day, but snappy cold and ju.'t eniMiiih snow for the best cf sleiijh- ing â€" an ideal day for Christmas. Sieigh- ing parties were plentiful and everybody appeared to thoroughly enjoy them- selves. Aiuonsj the Christmas viiitors in tiwn wn noticed the following : Kalph Bel. fry, Ida Fisher, Harry LeGard, George Mitchell, Lily and Ben White, Rene Cari^ii, Shirley Murray, Jim Staflord, T. Chatd, Frank VanDuaen, Mis^ M.Taylor all of Toronto ; Wes Armstrong, Uo- bours ; Mr. and Mrs. N Loader, London; Gordon MoKinnon, North Bay ; Charles McTavish and family ard Mr. and Mrs Fred MoTavisb, Oshaw* ; Miss Adda Wright, Nobleton ; Lulu Mitchell, Sault St* Marie ; Clara Duooto, Grand Valley; Ray Belfry, Guelph : Frank Thurston and Bnba Trimble, Stratford ; Elijah Bentham. Hamilton ; Mrs. Goldborough, Trnquoia Falls ; Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wilson and chiMren,- Durham ; Alineda LfGard, Clarooce Fisher and Mr and Mra Kennedy, and M; and Mrs Harvey QritKo, Toronto. Tuesday gava ua the first tiate season of genuine Canadian winter. A flood of correspondence came In oo TuesdaX, much. of which we find it iffl* posaibla to get into type. Cult For Saleâ€" Driver, coming four years old, quiet and sound. Will be sold cheap. John Wright, FIssherton, Mr- W. C. White has purchised the Bjyd granary at the station and is on the market to purchase all kinds of graic. Uighest market prices paid. The Advance neglacted last week to thank theladi<:a cf the Women's Institute for their annual gift of a lovely big fat goose. But then we had not dissected it â€" we have now and can vouch for ita excelieat qualities. No goose ever had a mors winning manner â€" after it was dead. Th.e W. I. will meet in the high school on Wednesday, January 5th, at 2.30p. m. Thereport of the Provincial Convention will be given by Mrs Phillips and a paper by Mrs Albert Stewart on â- ' Tasty Supper Disher "' â- \naitcrs wel- come. ^ Will the members and adherents of Chalmers Presbyterian churob, Fiesher- ton, kindly take notiae that next Sabbath will be the last Sunday in the 1920 financial year. Those m arrears kindly ake notice, as the financial report will bi made out next weekâ€" G. A. MoTavish Secretary Treasurer. Rev. Mr, Belfry informs The Advance iha*. ha °aw a robin in town on Wednes- day of last; weeic. He examined it ' 'ojely from close quarters and knows it nai> a robin without a feather missing. This must be an awful crack for The Globe, which thinks it has a mortgage on the discovery of robins in winter. Then the leaves have not all yet fallen fiom the fruit trees. What does ail this evi- dence of a tropical climate mean? The Presbyterian Sabbath School entertainment on Christmas evening was the most successful in the history of he school. The church was crowded to the doors and the pmceeds amcunted to f 120 without Sunday collections. The usual excellent lea wau given in the basement and a good program in the auditorium. The church has been newly fitted with electric fixtures, which were used for the first time on this occaaicn, although not yet qutie completed. This church is prospering greatly under the of Rev. Mi. Fowler. .At a recent U. F. O. Convention in Toronto some of the speakers dwelt on the iniquity of the " subsidized press " and inst.'inced the huge sums that some of the big papers had cost the country for advertisinij. This [was called suh- sidizing. It is nice to anticipate a L". F. O. rfgims in Wntario without any coat to the country for advertising, Kut a glance at the Farmer's Sun is liablt< to dispel any such hope. It gets all the Ontario Government advertising going. Of course it is entitled to it, but then so were the other papers entitled to advor tisicc; without having auch work stigma- tized by the offensive term of subsidy. Callofl some of those speakers of yours, Mr. Drury. There is too much glass in their domicile. Small Ku mSCKLLANBOUS Try FevaoBh».D Pastjy Flour, the Wt or your eook, All Ontsrio wiieKt Another ear load XXX sbioG;Ies just in. Phone W. .\, Atmstrong for prices. Chopping Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays only â€" Graham Bros. Eugenta OetlO For SmIb at once â€" Jersey cow due December 28, 3 other cows, 7 two year old steera. 1 two yaar old heifer, sett double driving harness, buggy pole, cheap cook stove, cheap cut'ar, Fred Stuart, Flesherlsn. Phone 29. Mr. W. H. Williamson, Priceville P. O., is agent for the Harab-Davies Ferti- lizers in this district, Fertilizers for all grains aid routs. Getpricts and litera- ture from him before purchasing. If Taken By Mistakeâ€" Night of Dec. 2^ at Jamrs Findlay's sale, a Sask«t.chawan buffalo robe. Leave at Advance iflioe or Markdale Standard ><flice within ten days, as the party is known. Lost â€" About Dec. 22, a black and tan bitch h' und Information as tu her whereabiiuts thankfully reoeived by â€" Charles Stuart, Fle.xherton. Ten tons (^ood timothy hay for sale â€" Mis W. J. Lever, Flcshsrioo. A Seasonable Message To Our Customers We take this opportunity of expressing to you our deep appreciation of the very cordial relationship which has existed between us in the past. Accept our gieetings and warmest regards for the New Year. Fertil'zer â€" I am agent for Gunii's Sur Gain Fertilizers, the best on the market, and am now takint; orders for delivery at Fiesherton Station. Send in ')rders by mail or phono No. 21 r 23. W. J. Meads, Priceville P. 0. 1 apr ^^^^^ ^^^^^"^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ While harnessing a horso at Henry's Jas. Stephens, living near Tilsonburg, ,. ^ ui /-t . , \.v;ii;.â„¢ n ^ ' . ' livery stable, Georgetown, William K had a cet coon which he destroyed he- ~, i • i j _ .i.„.;j, ,t lU. ^ â- ' I Thompson waa kicked on :he side ot the F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON - ONTARIO AC^> ^; ! g!!^ : :iy^'^^ir.SSQ;:i i^^ cause it was killing his chickens. He was summooed before a magistrate, 5ned | 132 and the skin confiscated, h,f cause ha i had not paid a royalty (o lbs Provincial I Government. ' I head and almost instantly killed. WIKTER TERM OPENS JANUAHT! Srd at the For Service j {^^^^^^l^^^^0 Onejpure Dred Shorthorn Bull on lot . f^Jn //y4//^^/^J(2A,'/p//i6'f^^^^ i 36, con, 9, Artemesia. Terms 51.50 for ' 'â- '"^X ^ grades. Must be paid withia 9^ mouths , Owen Sound, Ont. { from date cf lervice. I Farmers', Business, Shorthand »"cd J l9.Jaii.9 â€" R. U.TURNER. j Preparatory Coursesâ€" Individual Instruo- . . jtiun â€" Only Canadian School with Practi- , cal Department Staff of Speci.»list3. | Every Giaduale in a position. Cutal- Pure bted Ue'^i-storea York.shire Boi \ ^ ^g ji^ree. ' for aervicii â€" Maxwell Jack 62903 â€" on â-  I lot lt)7. S W. T. & S. R., ArMMiitsia. C. A. FLEMING, F. C. A., Piiu.ipar Term^Sl.nO. Sows nntruturiied will be ' G.D.FLEMING, Secr3tary. ESTASUSHED 1872 .HEAD OFFICE HAMILTON WE WISH YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS ^ AND A HAPPY NEW YEAk Boar For Service charged same as those in pig. 10,4.10 T. J. STINSON Men'ionthiak paper when nritirg') BANK QF HAMILTON DUNDlLKilBRANCH- SIB-BS4.NCH PROT©N- -.4. M. Carthew,'^ Manager -C. J. Forster.Sub-.HaiMiSar In an action brought by Mr. Wai. Robertson agiinst the township of Huron for $787 for the loss by drowning of 19 pigs and 2 calves and the destroying of some feed on the 11th of March last through tha water over-running the plaintiff's land and getting iuto his barn aa the result of a drain on the roadway clogging up with tnow, ana wh'ch aff-iir was argued before Judge Klein at the Nop Jury Sittings here on Tuesday and Wednesday of (his week. Judgment was given the plaintiff for the full amount of his claim with costs Tho result uf this case would show that the onus of I kee[«ing the drains open is on the muni- cipality, and that they are liable for whatever damage any neglect iu this matter may occasion. â€" Bruce Herald and Times. Gents' Furnishings The Small Store with Big Values Winter is approaching fas*, ^ Get a sweater coat that lasij. Get an overcoat as well, .\ud with a scarf you'll look a swell. I'nderwear that keeps you warm. And socks to keetf you from all harm : Gloves andmit's that won't freez.) hard. You aan get them at LeGAKDS. Cleaning and Pressing dona on shortest notices. Agenda for Hobberlin made-to measure Suita and Uverooats. H. J. LEGARD Where your dollar learns to have more cents. THE XMAS GIFT THAT IS NOT FORGOTTEN RED STAR WASHER Lightens the Load of Every Wash-Day Here is the sensible gift you are looking forâ€" sensible because it lightens the house work, aad can be used the year round. It will be appreciated by wife or mother every -wash day for the rest of her life. FLESHERTON Cargce's Grocery â€" v MSK-SOOMC-SMOMWOCK- XWXWMK-M CHRISTMAS GIFTS I For your Christmas buying we hava at reduced prices the following GROCERIES Cheese 30c per lb. Raisins 30c per lb. Dates 20e par lb. Curranta 25c yar lb. Canned Cera, Peas and Tonatoes 2Qa per can. Corn Flakai, 2 packagaa for 25c. ^ Laaadry Saap, lOc per bar. - ''' Toilet Soap 4 bars for 2&e , 3 bara for S.~<c . and 16c |k' '>'ar. C N F E C T I t) N E a i' We have a large and assarted diaplay of chooalataa at 40, 60 aati SOe lb. Bon Bons in fancy beies at 35c., sOc , 75c , $1.00 an4 92.90 par baz. A complete line of Tobacces, Cigarettes and Pipes. HigtMst prices paid for all liiada of P«sdao«. Phone io your or^r. VTe will delivw it to any pari of t>fae village. Phane 30 J. FLESHERTON, ONf. THAT ENDURE ? f "a" I â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ V a: â-  • â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ Rarely have we enjoyed the privilege ol' showing such a complete collection for the holiday trade â€" and from our newly assembled displays holiday gifts may be selected to special ad- vantage now. Silverw^are Goldware Necklaces Portable Lamps Electrical Goods Ivory Toilet Ware Cut Glass Ladies* and Gents' Watches Victor Gr^fonola and Windsor Gramo- phones and Records. W. A. ARMSTRONG, FLESHERTON, ONTARIO KT. '2S7S* •â- â€¢â€¢â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢a«aa«aB'a*a«aaaaaB«««a«*«a«*a««*«at«aa«*> «*A* * 1 * * 1* JA.^ • BOOTS & SHOES I In Ladies' Wear we have Kid, Dongola, Gun Metal and Box Calf. For Men's Wear we have a nice assortment of Mahogany and some good lines in Black. Also very serviceable Work Boots. Repairing promptly attended to. THOS. CLAYTON â- S FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO Fiesherton, Ontario [ >K*«-»M«-»««-M««»«««»»«« l?HmS5iHrmS?5?f^mHn»S^F^::ff!:H»f::::m?^ ^ " L I J-^

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