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Flesherton Advance, 23 Dec 1920, p. 8

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qpPPmpi^ DaMMWr 23 l*m THE li;X.E.8.M£dt JlfiN A i> V A2( (<; £ mmm^imBm ne t 1/ iCHRISTMAS Is almost here and you need your suit cleaned and pressed. We have the most up-to-date plant North of Toronto and several years of expert e\perience to guarantee your satisfaction Our Pressing Machine turns out 4 suits an hour. We pay the express one way, or better still if in town leave your suit and have it pressed while you wait. We have the only private pressing parlor in town. Here is the guarantee we put behind every order â€" " If we cannot satisfy you, we make no charge." WAITE THE CLEANERS 302-308 10th ST. EAST OWEN SOUND, - ONTARIO Dancing at your own home any time with the best dance music emd without expense if you have a Victrola W. A. ARMSTRONG DEALER FLESHERTON ON i |pHSIT^?^W|^^^ NOTICE / For Service U«meinl)or tlio OIJ Rellnlile Hini'M-; Sewing MHchitie. Y..u c»n »'uy on! <^'ne iuim Ijcod Shortliorii bull on Lot cruis to »uit yru at » very rnpsoDhb-et 28 und ^!', ConcaHnion 8. ArtemeaU prict". 10 y«»r yiiBrniitiM-. HUGH KNOTT, AKeot, MarkHat«,(iii i. j Terniaâ€" Jl.nO for tfi-ade« if paid inside of 9 moiillis â€" if not $2. Pure hr*rU JCVCO. loct, ItOBKUT OHBOKNE. BUSINESSCARDS Societies PKINOK AKTIIUK IXJDGK, No. !IS3,A.K.4 ^ A U, iiiuetii '.u the Masonic liall. Arm a-rouK'ii Hlock Kiistiertou, every t'ridav ou or beforo C'a full lUOOD, A. ri. Muir. W. M H. O. HoltaiKl. BecraUry. j Dkntistry DiB. C MURkAY Li. O. K , dantU Borgeou I lituot crftiluKto of 'I'orouit> IJuiVMrttirv •4tj.« H ya Colloee of l)«iital HnrROODa ot Outarlo, ' Q M adDiidiulatered (or teeth extraction I ittoe at rwideuce. Toronto Street. Fleetierton. Medical Tf^r W. J. Heury, M! II., graluatoof F»oalt\ ^^ of Mecliciiio, I'urouto U'liveiaity. OfBuo â€" Ur. ijHtle'a latu rubiduucc, Fleebertou. 1 F OTTBWBLL ' Veterinary Rargeon >ra'ttiat« of Ontario Votprlnary Colleen eRiderico â€" eavuiid door Houtb weBt>n v-iiry street. ThU street rana outlj 'roBbvteriao Obnroh. Legal 1 0CA8, A HENKY-liarrlstors. rtolicltorn, j ^ oic-I. H. buciiB, K. C. : W. P. Houry, ' B. A. UUJOKH, Markdalo LaeiS Hlock, il'boue I V!A. oaiicb olUces at Dundalk and Durlia i . RT UIGIIT, & TIXKOHD, Harrlntur, Bolicl. '' toiK, *c. OlllccB, (irey Ic llriica Hlock, Owen Koiinrl. Standaid Hank :k."Flci'li.'i-- ton, (Saturdays). W. U, Wrigbt, W. P. Telford Jr. Business Cards nrM. KAITTINO, Iceimod AaotloueBr fni '' the counxiea of <irey and Siriico*^. -Krm and KVock sales a Hpecialty, Tornis ooduratu. patisfactiou puarauteod. Arraii;,f- jit'utn for datHB may bb uiado at tbe AdvH/ico >tllee, or ("antral tolftphon*) oftico Fevorahaii] ir byaddraKHlnt: me at Kovei bam, Ont. r\ MoPllAIl', LicpHHod Atictlonnn for tli l^- County of Grey. Tormfl moderate ai- fiHtiB aciion Koarautt'ed. The arranpemo t and ilatos of sales can bo niaHn at ThK ArvAnc '*lftce. HctjidiMicx autl i'.o., ('oylun. Tolopliono CyuUL'Ctiou. Doc. 'j 7 Farm For Sale Lot loo and loC, con. 2, W.T. AS.K. Arteniesiii, conluinini; iilnMit 110 acreH, over 90 acres clraied, t;ijo(i Imildint;* email oidiaid, wtll watucd .\|)p!y to HOD, STEWAUT, 3.124. . Proton II. U Notice of Application For Divorce Xll'l'lCE IS horeliy (;ivin that itoPKI-.T Ikwin, ot tho (^iiy^of Wind.sdi, in tlii) County of Kssex, in the Province of Ontaii<i, Siili'Mnan, will apply to the P^rlomieMt of Caiiadi, mI ilio next Ses.sion lliiio if, for' a I'.ili iif|D. voice fnini liiH wift. Maky Mautiia lU'ltSKrr- Ikwix, of the ViiUue of Flehherlun, in the C'liiiiy of G t'V, in the Province of Ontario, on the ground of Adnltery. DATED itl the City of NVindsor, in the County of E-si'.x, Piovjncu of Oiitnrif , this 1st day of November, A. U. 1920. KrHdcnck {', Kcriiy, 211 D.ivi.s Huild- ing, Winilsm, Ontario, *!5olioitor for the Appliciint. For Sale Tlui (iropi ity "kno-AM as tho Axbdown rcsidiinco ill Ciylon, an eij^Iit roomtil dwullini,', uood collm, Kiablu, vie ; about an aero of land ; would niaUc a (;"od home for ii retired u'entleu-iiii. For urr.iM and Further parlicuIarN apply lo â€" VV. .1. BELLAMY, FleHherton Sep2«20 Boar For Service Kegiaterad Cliester VVhitn h-.)L< for service ntllock Mills. The ifarher won tirst at Chica<,'o Fair. Terms ?! 50. dc 5 19 â€" L SMITH Prop. MR. CAR OWNER Now is the time to give your Battery Careful attention. Bring it^in and leave it with us for the winter. If it is not right we will make it right. If it is^right we keep it so. Satisfaction guaranteed. Give us a trial. H. DOWN & SONS, Dealers A Horse Case Can a horse juniu over hia front feet with thi> bind U^t I This may teem like a HJIIy conundrum, and yet that is what the plaintifi in the action uf Stiiison vx. Pipsr claimed n horMu the dufandant Hold tried to do. The case was heiid before Jud^ii Sutherland here laat Tuubday at tho Court of the (jeneral SeiHioDH of the Peace. The defendant sold the plaiulilT a hurae last February. The plaintiff conteniiud that there was a warranty at' ".lied to tho sale to the effect that the horse was souiid. He said that he had not dtiveii It two miles before it bevaii to go lame. When asked by counsel for the defence what was the matter with it exactly, he sai<l he could not say as he was not a Vfleriimy but that it «eeined to want to jump over its front lefjs with ilH hibd oues. lu fact i^ attempted this impoasiblo feat a great many times. Just what the result of its attemfits weie, and whetlur it eier succeeded or not he did nut say. We presume, however, that it did not. Mr. Henry of Lucas I'i'. Henry, Markdale, appeaaed for the planititr, and Mr. V;. ir. Wrii/hl of 0*en Sound for ihe defendant. Verdict was yiven in favor of the plaintiff for 8100. The case I isted from Tuisday at 2 o'clock until Wednesday aftornooii at 4 o'clock, when Judi/e Sutherland concluded his address 'o the jury. Twer.ty witnegsts were called durin<; the trial, and the coils of the casu would probably amount to more than the iiniouiit of the verdictâ€" O. S, Sun Time*. EAST MOUNTAIN L'hrisinias is coming Si) IS New Years, loo, Als'o dear old S.uita With joy for all of yi'U. Mrand.MrsEd Hillock of Mixwell, Mr .laiiiieson and liauohter, Mis.s Kaiii, and Miss Lily Campbell of Eugenia visited at I). (Jenoe'i Clover ilireshiou is ihe order of tho diiy in our locality. \Va are pleased to sCe the str.iliii^ fsou of Victor Ford airain in our neighliorhood School closes this week for Christ mas holidays. Miss Parliament, teacher, intends holdiim a concert in the after- noon previouii to cloiiot'. Carrol Mumberrtoiiii and Huah .'^mith iveht 111 Toronlo last wet^k as (lele^ateH to the li F O convention hell tliire. Wo wish the Eiitor and readers of Tile Advance a nimy Christmas. DURHAM A c*'-e WHS tried here last week bvfoie Police Msflstrate Liidlaw, flowing out f. nil alleiied assault ni ide by Mr Frid \ob!o of E^reinont against .Mr Kchvin •lohiiNoii, an ii:,'ed gi.'iiileinan of the stmu township. The original trouble wan over S"mB of Nohhi's pius trespassing 0M,)ohn- son's (iroperty, Thougli no blows were stiuck, MaL'istralo Laidlaw deemed that an njl'ense had been commit t^il ami fiiitd ilii! df.fendant §10 and costs, mall atiout $23. / A team of hor.«es that had been stolen fioin him early this fall wer'i located by .Mr C 11 Liwrence at Collinawood, and were broui;ht lionio by him last week . The horses had been borrowed from Mr Lawrence by Matt Grainxer, a loci character f(,r the i;»sl live or nix years, ostensibly to i;o lo Kenilworth, where Grainger wa« lo secure employinoDt in the B'lx fields. Instead of going to Kenilworth, Grainier went to Owen Sound, and subaeiiueiitly to CollinKwoud where he traded the team off to a farmer near there, Grainner has not ytl been apprehended, but if caueht will certainly bo pro«ecuied,â€" Chronicle Try us for your next job printing. DUNDALK ^ W. J. Ku»fl«ll has sold his gara|;e proparty and businesa on Main street to John C. iVlcMillen & Snn of Bethel, who take pojieasioa in * few days. H. U. (ialUgher, ftuperlniendent to the Provincial Highway from Dundalk to the Durham Road, has eighteen teaott drawing gravel from the Moore pit to that portion of the roadway north frooa Bowler's corner. - Tiie three yearling beef cattle shipped from Dundalk by James McPherson it Sobs last week to the Toronto Fat Stock Show were sold there and averaged 1200 ahead. The yearling steer, Uub White, weighing 1280 pounda, took, 5th prize in a class of 27. Hector, another yeazling •taar, was in sixth place. He weighed 1190youiidH. The third yearling uteer the largest of the bunch, named Phoenix went 1430 pounds, and sold for 92'..'0.1O. â€" Herild. Boar tor Service The undersigned has a thorough.iged Yorkshire Boarfor service on lot 11, cod. 8, Osprey. Ter ma 11.61). FRED SP€>FFAIU) ARE YOU ON ^ â-  -THE HYDRO LINE " If so, why not equip your home with electrical appli- ances this Xmas ? We have a full stock of â€" Klectric liauues Send Us Your " Washing Machines " Vacuum Sweeper " Heaters Inquiries By Mail " Irons " Toasters or Phone Grill. " Healing Pads ^ " Reading & Floor Lamps We In fact everything of an electrical nature made. , We invite your inquiries and will pay phone charges where order is given for any of our Guarantee Satisfaction goods. W. J. McLINDEN ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR & SU PPLIES 1 9 76 2nd Ave. E. OWEN SOUND Phone 337 V â- HHB We Have a Complete Line of friM guaranteed jfaltevs This is a Sampson with Chain Chin Draw. It prevents halter pulling, as the chain grips the jaw very tightly when pulled. It is guaranteed by the makers to hold any horse and will be repaired or replaced free of charge if broken within one year from the time you buy it. The chain may be bouqht separately and attached to any old halters you may have which are worn out at this point. It ia easily attached. Price, 30c. Come in and see these halters and our BBiftTtsW-" aiH^Jr D • tf'O AA other lines ol soods. ^\m ' FrlCe^J. UU F O. W. PHILLIPS, Flesherton W. A. HAWKEN â€" dealer for â€" MENDELSSOHN PIANOS and PLAYER PIANOS, PHONO- GRAPHS and RECORDS, and SHEET MUSIC. Call iiiul see these high grade instruments AT Havkdii'.-i Photo Gallery audj ;Mu8ie 8tor FLESHERTON Bull For Service Pure hred Shorthorn Bull of the Village Family^for tmrvice on lot 10, coa. 10, Osprey. feiuis S2 50 for urades, %h for pure breds. Jnly 15 â€" Mort. Sayera, Prop. BOAR for SERVICE Purebred Tam worth Bo%r for service- on lot 167. S W T and S E., Artemesuv.. Termsâ€" Jl. 50. Sows not returned will- be charged same as those in pig. Feb 15 -T.J. STINSON, Prop. SATISFIED ! THAT Is'what over lOCj useis say about 1 900 Gravityjwaskhers supplied by S. HEMPHILL, Agent For 1900 Gravity washers and wringers dtectiic and gasoHue power washers . ALSO for McCorwiok Binders. Mowers, Hay Rakes, Hay Loaders, Drills, Cultivator, Plow*, 9te«l Stalls, Harrows, Oaanline Engines, Brnnliord double seared «nd autn oiled airaotor Wind Mills, Beatty Hay Carriers, Hay Forks, Sliogs, Manare Carriers, Watei Bowls, Water Tanks, Pump and Piping. SOMETHING NEW IN BUZZ-SAWS One third mure wood cut with same power whso titled with my patant. S. HEMPHILL Agent, Ceylon, Ont. , I ,1 I- 1 ! S 1 'V ^0dSm^^^^^ili: Ji,.X. i^V*f;'

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