December 23 I«20 THE FLESHEKTON A»VANCE •*»»' P' PROGRESS can only be assured by lookingahead and preparing for it. Farmers â€" by exercis- ing foresigbt in raising cattle, bogs and other readily sale- able products â€" can add to their worth. This Bank aids and encourages every kind of agricultural operation. ^ THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA FUESHERTON BRANCH ' GEO. MITCHELL - Manager ANADIAN Pacific C. p. R. Time Table. Trains leave Fleshercon Station an allows : Goin? Scath Going North 7..o2a. m. 12.05 d.ui. 4.27 p.m. 9Anp. m. The niiiils are osea at FleshertoQ as foUowa : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south mail close at 9 p. m. the previous evg. The Advance wishes its many readers a Merry Christmas and a Bright and Prosperous New Year. Mis3 M^bel Swift of Toronto is the guedt of Miss Edna Stuwart. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Stewart are spend- in<r \ week with friends in Harristou. Read the Waite cle'ininsj advertisement on our back page. M.-. Harvoy Perigee of Tjronto visited friends in town thi.s week. Anglican church, Fiesherton â€" Service in Town Hall every Sunday at 7 p.m. Everybody will be made welcome. The municipal councils met on Wed- nesday of last week and woand up th» 'finaDcial year's business. Mrs. H. C. Radley, who has spent the pasli summer at Shadowbtook Farm here, returned to Toronto last week, where she will remain for the wii. ;er. Bornâ€" On Monday, Dec. 6th, l'J20, at Windsor, Ont,, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. E. Irwin, nee Ziida Lawler, a daughtei â€" Leona Ruth. Mr, R, J . Sproule returned last week from Owen Sound hospital, where b« had been for about three raouths with â- broken hip boue. Mr. Fred Matlhewson has sold hU farm north of the village to Mr. Geois;e Littiejohns and will move into towo to the resilience which ho recently purch- ased in the noith ward. Miss Lilian Bunt, who h\n tauaht the junior room in eur public school for the past two years, has resigned and will teach next year in iSecord school, E*8t Toronto. Mr. John Boyd, who was called east from North Battleford by the death of his hroiher, will return to the West nex.1 week. .Mr. Boyd will not move his family froi» Markdalo this winter. The Presbyterian Sabbath .school otfie. ials are making extra preparations this year for an especially j^ood projtram at their anniversary on the evttning of Christmas day. Those of the inner circ'e say it will be eapeci;illy good ihis year, acd those who miss it may be s(>rry all their lives. Bills have been isiued giviat; a mere inklini; ef the good thioi^o. See the bills. A travelling company gave a drama in the town hall one evening Usli week entitled " Th» Wolfâ€" a drama of the â- Canadian northland." The show was nob a money maker for the W»lf, ouiy a few L»mba being present. It was only advertise! by a few lithographsd posters. The people here don't know anyihing about wolves, anyway, and care less. One's curiosity had not beon properly woiksd ap, and the Wolf departed with hia exohaquer depicted rather than augneated. Mrs. Frei MoTavish of Oshawa is visitinii relatives here. Born-Oo Saturday, Dec. 18, 1920, le Mr. and Mrs. Waller M. Poole, nee Lily Lawlrr, u daughterâ€" Euid Beroice. Vaodeleur Methodist Sunday school Chrifiimaa supper and concert will be held Thursday, Dec. 23. Sapper 25c. Ao excellent program in preparation. Ceylon U. F. O. shipped during the past y«»r 8210,747 worth of live stock, as compared with $197,000 the previous year. Dr. Burt, specialist in diseases of the eye, ear, nose and ihroac, will be at the Munsha* House Wed. Dec. 29. Eyes tested and glasses supplied, L. O. L. No. 509 will hold a Box Social in the Orange Hall, Orange Valley, on Wednesday, December 2yth. Admission : Gen'.s 2oc., ladies with boxes free. Everybody welcome. Mr. D. McKiUop wasin Owen Sound last week dischartjing the duty of jury- man. Dr. Ottewell was also at the new city in the capacity of witness in )he case of Stinaon vs Piper. Box social and dance under auspices of Glenelg Centre Athletic Club, to be h«ld in the township hall, Glenelg, Fri- day, Dec. 31. First class music, good ttour, round and square dances. Admis siou 35c, ladies with boxes free. A box s.icial will be held in Irish Lake behool Dec. 28. An excellent program will be rendered consisting of vocal and iii8trumen;al music, Hii^hland dancinii, recitations, dialogue?, etc. Admission 25o, ladies with boxes free. Mr. Archie McLean of town, who bus sold his property to Mr. Inkater, will hold a credit auction sale of implementj and household furniture on Tuesday afternoon next at his residence. He in moving to the state of Ohio. See bills. D. McPhail, auctioneer. The publishers of the Youth's Com- panion will, aa alwayu at this season, present to every subscriber whose sub- scription ($2.50) ia paid for 1921 a Cilendar for the new year The tablets are printed in red and olive green, and besides giving the days of the current montn in bold legible type, give the Calendar of the preceding and succeeding month in similar type in the margin. It is a rich and practical piece of work. Nominations for municipal officers will be held on Monday of next week. Under the new act passed at the last session of th« Legislature any man or woman over 21 years of age can serve a^ Councillor. Here is a chance for some f the ambitious ladies of the town to exercise their prerogative- Who will be the first to ^reak the ice > The Advance man will act as nominator for the woman or girl who applies. Aw, coiue (lu, girls. The remains of the late George Walter wore brought from Cluny, Alberta, last week and interred in Walters FhI s cemetery Sunday afternoon. Death was due to pleurisy and deceased was only ill a week. Mr. Walter moved from Flesh erton to Alberta in the spring of 1914. .M one liuie he ran the gristmill at Prlceville. He leaves his wife, two son^ and one daughter. The remain.s were accompanied east by Mr. Wm. Walters, CO members of the family findmg it possible to come down. The deceased geutlemau was 58 years of age. SSC! Group 11, Jr. O.H.A. Representatives from ihe diffuraot teams in Group No. 11, Junior O. H. A , oiet in Owen Sound on Friday last and arranged the following schedule for the comfng season : January 4â€" Owen So„nd at Durham January 5â€" Flenherton at Shelburno January 10 â€" Shelburne at Owen Sound January 10â€" Durham at Fiesherton January 13â€" Fiesherton at Durham January 14â€" Owen .-jound at Shelnurne January 17â€" Durham at Owen Sound January 17â€" Shelburno at Fiesherton January 20â€" Shelburne at Durham January 20â€" Owen Sound at Fiesherton January 24â€" Fleshercon at Owen Sound January 26â€" Durham at Shelburne Referees â€" Owen Sound, J Herbert, R n Cochrane ; Shelburne, C A Farrell, Dundalk ; Durham, I McLauchlan and R Saunders ; Fiesherton, H H Mercer, Markdale. Small Ads. MISCELLANEOUS Try Feyersha.n Pastry Flour, the best or your cemk. .All Ontario wheac Another car load XXX shingles ju^t in. Phone >V. .\, Armstrong for prices. Chopping Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays onlyâ€" Graham Bros. Eugenta Octl9 Colt For Sale â€" Driver, coming four years old, ([uiet and sound. Will be sold chsip. John Wright, Fleshercon, For Sa'e at once â€" Jersey cow due D^ceaiber 28, 3 other cows, 7 two year old steers. 1 two year old heifer, sett TorOIltO LinC, NOFtll double driving harness, buggy pole, cheap i cook stove, cheap cut'er, Fred Stuart, Fiesherton. Phone 29. KIMBERLEY Good sleighing and very nice roads It ia nice to have the snow for Chris! mas to let Santa Glaus get around. Nice f Jr fox hunting, too. One very nearly got away witn Jap Stuart Monday. Fowl seem to be ecarce for Christmas this year. Mr. VVi;i Walters of Albert* called tn friends hf ro this week. The e'ection spirit has wakened up. Rev Veales preached an excellent ser- mon Sundny evening. Vernon and Elva Bishop of Toronto are home for the holidays- Gents' Furnishings The Small Store with Big Values Winter is approaching fas'. Get a sweater coat that Usts. Get an overcoat as well, .\nd with u scarf you'll look a swell. Underwear that keeps you warm. And socks to keep you from all harm ; Gloves and mitis that won't freeze hard, You can get them at LkGAKDS. Cleaning and Pressing done on shortest notices. Agenda for Hobborlin made-to measure Suits and Overcoats. H. J. LEGARD Where your dollar learns to h»Te more cents. Fiesherton, Ontario WINTER TERM OPENS JANUARI 3rd at the Owen Sound Ont. Farmers', Business, Shorthand and Preparatory Courses â€" Individual Instruc- tion â€" Only Canadian School with Practi- cal Departmtnt Staff of Specialists. Every Graduate in a position. Catal- ogue Free. C. A. FLE.MINO. F. C. A., Principal G. D. FLEMING, Secretary. Mentionlhis paper when writing) Mr and Mrs Harvey Pengo and family ; of Toronto are visiting the former's sister, Mrs Albert Stewart. Mr F-i-ed Mathcwson has sold his farm to Mr Geo Littlejohn. Mrs J A McFadden of Burketon and Mrs Robt McFadden of Mono Centre visited tl'eir couein, Mrs T Sled. Mrs Will Brewarl visited her sister in Markdile recently. Mr Robt Swanton visited Toioato friends and attended the U. F, 0. Con- vention there. Mrs Wm Davis, sr., left last week for Toronto, where she will spend the wintet months. i Season's greetings to The Advanc, â- Staff and Readers. ESTABTJ[SHED 1872 gB3B I Bill fi ,HEAD OFFICE HAMILTON WE WISH YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR BANK OF HAMILTON DUNDALK;BRANCH-A. M. Carthew,! Manager SUl-BRANCH PROTON -C. J. Fwster.iSub-Manager THE XMAS GIFT THAT IS NOT FORGOTTEN SEE IT .VT OUR STORE RED STAR WASHER Lightens the Load of Every Wash-Day Here is the sensible gift you are looking forâ€" sensible because it lightens the house work, and can be used the year round. It will be appreciated by wife or mother every wash day for the rest of her life. F. W. DUNCAN, FLESHERTON CHRISTMAS GIFTS THAT ENDURE Rarely have we enjoyed the privilege of showing such a complete collection for the holiday trade â€" and from our nev/ly assembled displays holiday gifts may be selected to special ad- vantage now. Silverware Goldware Necklaces Portable Lamps Electrical Goods Ivory Toilet Ware Cut Glass Ladies' and Gents' Watches Victor Gr^fonola and Windsor Gramo- phones and Records. W. A. ARMSTRONG, FLESHERTON, ONTARIO Our Christmas Message To Our Customers We take this opportunity of expressing to you our deep appreciation of the very cordial relationship which has existed between us in the past. Accept our Christmas gieetings and warmest regards for the New Year. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON - ONTARIO Cargte's Grocery for your Christmas buying we have at reduced prices the following : â€" • GROCERIES Cheese 3Cc per lb. Raisins 30c per lb. Dates 20c per lb. Currants 25c per lb. Csnaed Corn. Peas and Tonnatoes 20o per can. Corn Flake*, 2 packigss for 25c. Lanadry Soap, 10c per bar. Toilet Soap 4 bars for 25c , 3 bara for 2.^>c. and IBo per bar. C (J N F E C T I () N E R i' We have a large and asserted display uf chocolatea at 40, 5Q and 60o lb. Boa Bous in fancy bexee at S5c., &0c., 75u , $1.0U and $2.00 pu box. .\ complete line of Tobaccos, Cigarettes and Pipes. Highest prices paid for all liinda of FEoduce. Phone iu yoar order. We will deliver il< to any part of the village. W. E. CARCOE. Phone 30 J. FLESHERTON. ONT. .1 ••••ITT??************************ ••••••••••••••••a«»« «••»••• •nw«W«|ft»»»**«» BOOT5 & SHOES 3::: In Ladies' Wear we have Kid, Dongola, Gun Metal and Box Calf. For Men's Wear we have a nice assortment of Mahogany and some good lines in Black. Also very serviceable Work Boots. Repairing promptly attended to. 311 THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO »a^«•»»«-^K<»^>»^^^Mc«<««Mlfl!M H:^