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Flesherton Advance, 23 Dec 1920, p. 4

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December 23 1920 THE FIESHERTON ADVANCE If s Safe in this Bank Money out of Bank may be spent unwisely, lost, stolen or destroyed. But money deposited in The Mer- , chants Bank is secure against extravagance, fire or theft. On pay-day, put all your money in a SaviiiKS Account and pay the necessary bilU by chc<iue. You will find more money stays in the Bankâ€" your aavinKS are earning interest^and t» the cancelled cheques are receipU for bills paid. Open a Savings Account today. TH€ MCRCHANTS BANK Head Office TMontreaU OF CANADA Established 1864* CEYLON & FLESHERTON BRANCHES C A NORSWORTIIY, .... Manager. SBB^^ WE SELL FARM IMfLEMEMTS Wx\GONS, HARROWS PLOWS SPECIAL PRICES IN New. liihular Sharpies Separators JOHN HEARD, MPLEMENT AGENT FLESHERTON. 1 mJS^JS:SgSS!SSi!S'.^Sm, Fleshnrton Tri Shop-^ I have just placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Nickelware and Agateware for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- I ings. I m Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipefitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Bros. Furnaces. 1 i D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON j@ ONTARIO. t i i t if is I Santa Claus is Here Again OiiCu >•^tin .SaiiU ('I .tiiN Iihm UnHnd nnd iihli»tjt-rl ninny of hii ChriHtui/«<4 Toys f ir hII Ili'-Ciirlf nnil B lys AIkd Niii>>. C«ndiHB, N«viil iJiimcos »n(l (jr»p'! Kriiit. Nul n,ily wbk Im ynod 111 till) Imys xnil i^irli hut ills i left H<iliio fiir I he "kliT peiiplu Kuch »« : Miinicuro l>ftt!< ScnfM and C^ips 'I'niyH HtUull Mild ('(Mllfl .Sl'tt» (ilnVi-H H«th TlWlils Miliiiiiy liruslie^ DiNlien VVniot Lengths ShiivinL' .S.tIS Piped Ci»HPnfolo RUaJS Stitioiieiy HHndkcrchiofn Ties Hfdriiiiin .Slippers HriiRn .iHrucnieia Waists Fi'll Hon** Pictures SweatiTS IJaby'H Toilet Setts Baby's SwRiiter Cuats GROCERY DEPARTMENT Our New Fruits, IVeln Hnd iNnta Iihvo just arrive 1 for your Christmas Bilking. Highest I rices paid for Live or Dressed Fowl. F. G. KARSTEDT, Flesherton, - Ontario FLESHERTON BAKERY The bread that satisfies people who are looking for a superior quality Bread. It is in every way superior to the ordinary loaf of breaaj* and we are most anxious that everyone should try a sample and prove or disapprove our assertions. A telephone call will bring a loaf to your door. g FRED PINDER, Flesherton | Artemesia Council .'Vrtenietin towimhip council niei on the K>lh iiiKt. with hII the nifniliorR praeent. C'ouiuiuniciitionii Kepoit of M. O. II,, Dr. Guy, report of Mr Hutcheler. Wnrd No. 3 ; report of Mr. ISuinutt, Ward No. 1 ; report of Mr MalhewHon. Ward No. 2 ; report of K. I'lantt, school attend- anc ) otHctr, wire ijucentotl. Cameron - liatchfler â€" Tlj»t tlin full- owing HnnuniH bo refunded, being for ili't; tax chrtiKed In error : Mrs Hoyce «4, R All-ii S-'. W A, Armstroni; $2, Wni Siiiiirt $2 â€" Coined. Caineriinâ€" IJiilcheler â€" Thnt the hc- oiiunts of the Hoeve and Clerk re Price ville hydro liylmv ob paid â€" the Rsere two iripH to I'riceville ?(!, the clerk for inepiuini; liyliiws iind legiinoriiiK the N4ine $8, and llio Kanie be charged to Pnci'ville hydio account ; and the clerk uIho be piud $12 for diawinc and rei>iH- tering deeds of road debentures â€" Curried Mathew.soiiâ€" Burnettâ€" Thut the foll- owing be p;iid, being telephone accounts of ihe Councilâ€" The Reevo ^h,J Burnett $1.50, A Ciiineroii Si, J F Mathewaim ^1 (io-ZCtrriud. Mathewson â€" Burnett â€" That John *V GiljHoii l.f refunded $2 for dog tax â€" Carried. Buiiieti- Mmhowd 111â€" TImt VV Ding- wall be refunded S14, being statute labor charged in error oti lots 35 and 36, I! S K. in 11)20 -Curried. Ciiineron â€" Bateheler â€" Thai Harmon (" R'ldley be refunded $7.60 of hi» stalute labor of 1920, being amount allowed fur building wire fence in 1919 â€" Caiiidd. Cameron Batcholerâ€" That tlie follow- ing amounts be refunded, being afstss- iiieiif on income in error, W J Thompson ?1'J ()5, .\R Cough 8:5.'J:iâ€" Carried. Ciiiiieron â€" Btttclieler â€" That H Corbelt be refunded 9-i. beini; amount of his slatuie labor chai ged and since performed â€"Carried. Burnett â€" Vl.ithewson â€" That the foll- owing acnoui.ts be paid- D McKillop, stove and pipeH, $X) 55 ; John Bellamy attending hall SI. 50, hydro half cost of liiililiiig hall S5, H Koester repaiting gtailer S'l.oO, (Jeo Cairni nheep valuer $2, W J. Love sheep valuer §10 â€" Carried . . liuriiettâ€" Mathew-on â€" That the foll- owini; gr;ivel accnuo's lor gravel ceriilitd by ov'.-isturH bo |iiiid : Burt Tiylor 87.20. John Cirsoii ?0;i0, VV J Alccx $1.50- Carried. Burnett â€" Batcheler â€" Tiiat Geoie;e Campbell b,i r. funded ?8 for slutute labor charged no having liuilt wire fence us perinitied by bylaw â€" Carried. Cameron â€" Mathewson â€" That (he re- put ;if Mr Baicbeler on woik in I)iv ;{ amounting to S3H7.ti5, be re oived ^nd he be paid 58.75 cominiasion on the fame â€" Carried. 1 Mathe*.soii â€" Bitchelerâ€" That the re- I port of Mr Ibiriutt on work in Div 1, allowing 8181) 80 experded, bo received and he he paid S19 comtuissioii on the I same â€" Carried. RiiMiell - Cameron- That I ha report of Mr. Maliii'wson on work in Div 2, •howing exjiended $71 30, be received, and b." tie pnid 67.10 romniitiSKm and $l> f(>r one and s half days overseeing Wiirkâ€" Cairied. Cuniernnâ€" Batchelerâ€" That the rpport of the Ileavo of work on Vslley Ilohd, ainoun'.ii.g to Sl(i2 50, be recolvea and he be paid S16.25 cominiasiou on the Hiimo â€"Carried. UatchHierâ€" Burnettâ€" That the report of nr Ouy, Medical Offlser of Health for l',)l!), ho received and ho be paid hi» salary us per bylaw, 850 -Carried. CHnieriin- Biitehol»r-That the rrpnrt of R I'liinti, School Altonrtance Oflieer for lOl'O, liH received and he bn pnid $12 iiiiiount clmrged in connection with the aaimâ€" Carried. Ctiiieroiiâ€" Batcl||lor -That the col- lic'iira nut hnvin;. Ii, fn aldo to complete the collection of fi-xes iit the liiiie limited by byluw for re urn of rolla, the time i.i hereby exltmded. mid uiuiiih imisl be ciiiiiplitid by nut later iIimii the 'J'Jml liny of D.ceniber, l'J2(). but n.itlili.g beieiii sliiill the lubiliiy of s.iid collec tors or their suieties. The liflitve vHCHted the chair when il o f illiiwing lesoliiiioii w^i put and liuiiiil Uii-inimouitly : Cameron Batchelei--Tlial tholliaiikH lit this Couiiiil urn hereby tendered lh« Reeve, Mr T 11 MoKeii/ie, for Iha courioouN and inipxrtial injiniuu in which hi' Inis piesitied iivur the business of this Township fur the yetr now clo-nni.', his cloie atleiitinn to his duties under what were at times trying clrcnmstaiiceH and necu.-Oiitating great personal sacriticeH, li.N ta-en a pleasing feature of the year'a woik, and we join in winlilng him health an I |.roKpeiity and a cnntiiiuance in I lu> high e.i-teeiii of the renideuts of the mn- iiicipaiiiy Carried, Tlie Council Hdjonrned. For Service Onetpuie on <l Hhoi thorn (tiill hh lot 36, con, 1), .Vrtnniesia. Terms $1.50 fnt giMlBB. Must be piii' wilhiii 02 mouthii (rom date of serviee. ' re.Jan.y -U. O.TURNEI-. THE Flesherton Advance An independent newapaper published every Thursday at the ofhee, CalliDgwood Stioe), Kltsherlon. Subscription price 91 50 per annum whan paid in advance ; 8200 when not so paid. 82.00 to United Slates. AdverfciaiDg rates on application. Circulation over 1100 weekly. W. II. THUKSTON, Editob The Late R. N. Henderson j Robert Newton Henderson, eldest son 1 of the late J. W. Handereon, died at his | late residence, 7H Wiiraaw avenue, '• Winnipejf, on Thursday, Dec. 0, iifter a I hhort illness . He i« durvived by his' tiereavi'd wife, one daughter (Mrs. Leslie i Stall'ord of Detroit), his aaed mother, ] Mrs J. W. Ueuderson ; and one sioier, j MrsJ.E. Hansford of NV'innipeg, and' one brother, EH. Ilenderson, Hamilton, j The Ute Mr Henderson went tj Winni- peg in the spring of 1904 and soon I afterwards was appointed to a position | in the office of Osier, Uimmond <% j Nantoii, with whnni he rcinaiiicd until { the'inieof lii.s di.ith thi.s inonlh. Mr. ' Uendei'aon w«s born a little over 5U years airo near Flesherton. After bpenHing a few years hero he went to Toronto with / his pirents, who reniovej to thai ci'y ; nearly forty years ago. His timt wife I wan Miss Flora Hariiden ot Briiihton, ' who died on the !Hh of December, 1014. A year later Mr Henderson married a Mrs Boxeiidale of Camlni'igeshire, Eng., who survivas her late husband. Six months ago Newton Hend^r-son and Mrs He.ideison visited Fbisherton and spent a few week.s among their many friends and relativcH m thia vicinity. The fun- eral took place from his late reoidence in Winnipeg to Elmwood cemetery on the loth iiihiaiil and was largely attended. | Rev. Oeorne H. Dickson, minibter of the Community chuich, c:)nducled services j at the house and gravetside. The Urge | number of handsome floral tributes gave ! silent testimony to the respect in which 1 the deceased was held by his in.iny j friends. Ainons; these were i.oticed i tiowors fro.Ti 8'irro*iiig wife, his ilauuhter I mother and sister. Sir Augustus Nanion, . Mr. Harry Ford, the olHce stair of Osier, ' H-iiniiioiid & Nantoii, men at the coal yard, Mr S. B. Sykes of Tironto, Capt- ' and iMrs t'rossley Greenwood, Mr and! .Mrs S. Hawkins, Mr und Mrs H. F. Moulden, and Col. and Mrs Hui«h Osier' of Winnipeg. i Term Report Flesherton H. S. Standiner 1â€"75 per cent, and over, honouri). 2 â€" fiO to 74 per cent., clear pass. 3â€"40 to 59 per cent., pasa in the subject, FMRM 1 Arithmet;c--1, P Latimer, 2 W Martin, R J Turner, .'( E Sprott, K Moore, P Dow and K L*rgo equal, E Walters, F Mathewson, Cljoucks, A Dow. Aluebraâ€" 1 P Latimer, F Mathewson, M Hacking, .\ Dow and E Sprott and W Martin e<iu>il, E Watters, K Large, P Dow, A Pedlar, 2 R J Turner, O Fisher, K Moore, C Loucks. Geo)/raphyâ€" 1 E Sprott, A Pedlar, K Large, 2 A D iw and P Latimsr and E Wafers equal, P Dow, R J Turner, E Moore. W Martio, 3 O Fisher and F Mathewson tqual, C Luucks, M Hacking. Spelling â€" 1 E Sprott, P Latimer, K Lart;e, W Martiu, A Pedlar, P Dow, C Lioucks, 2 A Dow and O Fisher equal, E Moore, E VVatters, 3 M Hacking and F Mathewaon fqoal, R J Turner. Scienceâ€" 1 E Sprott, E Walters, 2 P Latimer, 3 A Pedlar, W ;;Martin, M Hacking and F Mathewson equal, E Moore, K Largs, A Dow, R J Turner. Latin â€" 1 E Sprott, P Latimer, A Bow, W Martin, 2 E Watters, F Mathewaon, 3 E Moore. Art â€" M Hacking and E Moore equ»l, P Dow, 2 A Dow, K Laige. F Mathew- son and E Sp'Ott and R J Turner equal, /3 F Latimer and C Loaoks equal, A ' Pedlar, W Martin. K Watieri, O Fisher. French -1 M Hacking, W Martin, A I Dow, £ Sprctt. £ Watters, K Large, 2 P Latimer, F Mathewson, A Pedlar, E Moore, C Loucks. I FORM 3 Algebraâ€" 1 A Murphy, 2 A Buchanan, 's Ludlow, 3 A Parslow, V Moore. Qeometery â€" 2 A Buchaaan, 3 A Mur- phy, M Acheson, A Parslow and S Ludlowequal, V Moore, K Orr. I Chemistry â€" 1 A Buchanan and S Lud- low equal, 2 A Murphy and A Parslow equal, V Moore, 3 M G Acheson, J Dow I aua K Orr equal, G Large. ' Physiicsâ€" 2 A Murphy, A Buchanan, '3 G Large, MG Acheson, V Moore, A Parslow, J Dow and S Ludlow and A Stephen eiiual, K Orr, J Karstedt, Latinâ€" 1 A Murphy, 2 E Ferris, 3 J Dow, V Moore and A Parslow equaL Frenchâ€" 1 A Parslow, 2 E Ferris, 3 A Buchanan, J Karstedt, M G Acheson. Jarefnlly Corrected Esoh Week Bntter 44 to 46 F^gs e 65 '.a 65 Wheat 1 50 to 1 50 Peas 1 25 to 1 23 Oats 35 to 35 Barley 75 to 75 Potatoes 1 10 to 1 10 jb ic^dic»^»»»-; |r_'j:j?;^jrjc^^^jg^ "Who sows no seed, no harvest reaps" The BEST CHRISTMAS GIFT â€" An Independent Future A small monthly payment, or a lump sum, paid in advance, will assure to young and old a Canadian Government Annuity of from $50 to $5,000 n year for life payable monthly or quarterly. May be purchased on a single life, or on two lives jointly. Employers may purchase for their employees. Apply to you.- postmaster, or write, postage tree, to S. T. Bastedo, Superintendent of Annuities, Ottawa, for new booklet and other information required. Mention age last birthday and sex. I* I â- ^4ii$."ciiw^>:f-4i0;-4--i-*->^;-*'^' C'ft c^ tjj^ v'f* of*c^ ^ w.'ipCji* wj^ NOMINA TION TOSVN.SIIIP OF AIITK.MESIA .\ meeting of ilie Klectc-s of the Town- 1 ship ot .'Vrteiiieaia will bo held ;it the Town Hall, Klexheiton, 111 Monday, the 27th dny of Dot'ember, 19'2'k), at one 1 o'clock p. 111., foi- the [.urpoMe of nomin- ' iitiiii; candiJiite-. for IIih nliiccs of Keevi". i Deputy Reeve iind Councillors for 1921. | Itiiioiethan the required number of I oanilijntes are noininaied for any par. ' ticuhir > llice anil n poll is required, pulls j will be 1 [lenad on Monday, 3rd Jenuiry, ; 1921, as follow;; : . Polling Division No. 1, Orange Hall,' Oraima Valley ; Polling Division No. ti, 1 Township Hall, ; Polling; Division No. .'!, Orntigi" Hall, Pioton ; Polling Division No. -t, ( )rain;« Hall,; Cii.ylon ; Pollinii Division No 5, Waismi's Hall, I'riooville ; Polling Division No. 1 G, Forehter's Hall, VandMleiir ; Polling Division No. 7, Orange Hall, Kuueiiia ; , Pulling Division No. 8, Schocil House, ' Port Liiw, from 9 00 a. in. to 5 00 p. ui., .' fill- the election of Ma^inbers of the ! Council. ( W. J. BELLAMY. Dated Dec. 13, 1!)20. Clerk. BELLAHY'S GROCERY Wi.^h their many friends and customers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. XMAS. WINES These iiiB full firtvoied and mel- low bur unfermented, including I Poit, Blackberry and Ginger. ORANGES New Naval Orinues, nil sizes, the best California product. GliAl'E FRUIT & LEMONS All exceptionally tine line of the above fruit that will be sure 10 plesse. NUTS and CANDIES Almonds, Wiilmits, Peanuts, Mixed Candy, Chocolates and Creams in bulk for tlie Xiuas. Tree. GRAPES F''inest Malagas and Red Em- perors. A real treat for young and old. Willard'a Fork-dipt Chocolate! A box of these excellent 'Jhocolates makes a nice Christiinis Gift. All prices fiom 45c. to §3 00. CRANBERRIES A choice shipment of these berries just arrived. ICE CREAM BRICKS WilUrd's Ice Cream Bricks make a swell dish. Put up in containers that will carry. GROCERIES Our lines of Groceries tra e.xcellent and all sold under a positive guatantee. For Dried Frui's such as Raisin", Curran s, Figs, etc., try us. FLOUR Cream of the West for bread and Monarch and F'eversham for pastry SPECIALâ€" VERY BEST ONIONS, PER 100 LB. S3 50. Telephone No. 37 BELLAMY'S Flesherton, Ont. JIre Â¥ou Interested In Hii Eutomobile? If $o TtiUc a pencil und jiapcr and jot. <U)wn the features you really want in an Autoinoliilo. Iiu'Iu'Ip I'diiitort, Kndurance, Fx-nnoniy, Apjiearance, (\)nvonit»nce, F.quipment^ all the (\sseiitials a car must have to sati.-<fy you. J>iiiig this list with you and use it to judge the merits of the Chevrolet " Four* Minety " Touring Car. Wo ask nothing more than your own opinion baseil on your own requirements. Wo will do no more than answer your questions. It is because of the ability of the Chevrolet to meet tests like this that we are back of It. It is built to conform to the studied needs and tastes ot particular motorists. When you have inspecte;' it you will sec how well it fulfills its purpose and Why, D, McTAVlSH & SON, CHEVROLET DEALERS, - FLESHERTON, ONT. ,>'' I * I ^ .1 .' -j â- 'â- ^^'JijitM^:-' ^

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